George Washington Lesson Plan

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UNLV/Department of Teaching & Learning

Elementary Lesson Plan Template

UNLV Student: Stephanie Blair PSMT Name: Ms. Bennett

Lesson Plan Title: President Washington Lesson Plan Topic: George Washington
Date: 2/20/18 Estimated Time: 25 Minutes
Grade Level: 1 School Site: Wynn Elementary

1. State Standard(s):
 RI.1.2: Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text
 W.1.5: With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions and
suggestions from peers, and add details to strengthen writing as needed

2. Teaching Model(s):
 Read Aloud
 Group Discussion
 Critical thinking and writing

3. Objective(s):
 SWBT retell key details and identify the main topic
 SWBT Respond to questions and add details in writing about a topic

4. Materials and Technology Resources

 Young George Washington a Toll First-Start Biography
 George Washington bubble worksheet
 Elmo or other smart sharing device

5. Instructional Procedures:
 Motivation/Engagement
o TW ask students to share what they know about presidents
o TW ask students if they know who George Washington is
o TW ask introduce the story Young George Washington
o TW ask students to discuss what they see on the cover & read the title together
 Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences
o TW read Young George Washington
o TW check for understanding throughout the reading
o TW introduce the worksheet & explain that we will fill it out together using the
o SW go back to their desk with their worksheet
o TW ask students to share with their table a few things they learned about George
o TW ask for volunteer to share something they learned about George Washington
o TW write the idea in one of the bubbles, as long as it is a true statement
o SW write the same sentence on their sheet
o TW do this same thing for the remaining bubbles until the sheet is filled
 Closure
o SW read their sentences to their shoulder partner
 Extension
o Students may write their own sentences if they feel they have enough information
to do so

6. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:

 For students struggling with writing, provide them with elementary level lined paper
 For students struggling with hearing, have them sit closer to the teacher

7. Assessments and Evaluation of Learning:

 Formative
o Teacher Observation
o Participation
o Sharing with table partners
 Summative
o Completion of the assignment and filled out completely

8. Homework Assignment:
 None for this lesson

9. Reflection
 Strengths
 Concerns
 Insights

Rubric Template for Meeting NEPF Standards:

NEPF Standards Level for this Level for this Level for this Level for this
lesson lesson lesson lesson
1 2 3 4
STANDARD 1 Teacher Teacher Teacher fully
New Learning is inadequately adequately activates all
Teacher activates
Connected to activates most activates most students’ initial
no, or almost no
Prior Learning students’ initial students’ initial understandings
students’ initial
and Experience: understanding understandings through the use
using limited by using at least of multiple
methods. two methods. methods.
STANDARD 2 Teacher provides Teacher provides
Teacher provides Teacher provides
Learning Tasks no, or almost no tasks at a
tasks at an tasks as the
have High tasks at an generally
appropriate level appropriate level
Cognitive appropriate level appropriate level
of challenge for of challenge for
Demand for of challenge for of challenge for
few students. every student.
Diverse Learners: any students. most students.
STANDARD 3 Teacher
Teacher Teacher Teacher
Students Engage adequately
structures no, or inadequately effectively
in Meaning- structures
almost no structures structures
Making through opportunities for
opportunities for opportunities for opportunities for
Discourse and most students to
any students to some or most all students to use
Other Strategies: use more than
use students to use varied
one type of
representations representations; representations
that engage only somewhat that successfully
that generally
student’s engage student engage student
engages student
thinking. thinking. thinking.
STANDARD 4 Most students in
No, or almost no, Most students in
Students Engage the class can only All students in the
students can the class can
in Metacognitive vaguely explain- class can fully
explain- what the generally explain-
Activity to what the explain- what the
intended learning what the learning
Increase intended learning learning goals are,
goals are, why goals are, why
Understanding goals are, why why they are
they are learning they are learning
of and they are learning learning it, and
it, and what it, and what
Responsibility it, and what what successful
successful successful
for Their Own successful performance
performance performance
Learning: performance looks like.
looks like. looks like.
looks like.
STANDARD 5 Teacher aligns no, Teacher Teacher Teacher fully
Assessment is or almost no, inadequately adequately aligns aligns assessment
Integrated into assessment aligns assessment assessment opportunities
Instruction: opportunities opportunities opportunities with clearly
with any learning with learning with specified specified learning
goals and goals and learning goals and goals and
performance performance performance performance
criteria. criteria. criteria. criteria.
Final Overall
Total Score: 18 6 12

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