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Critical Literacy Project (Abbreviated) Lesson Plans

ECE 4410 Spring 2018

Women in the Judicial Branch of Government

Quick Lesson Plan Template

Introduction/Hook Identify the Language Function

Activate prior To activate prior knowledge, the teacher will Explain

knowledge and have a brief discussion about the Judicial
emphasize teaching Branch of Government. The teacher will have
point a mini-lesson about women in the Supreme
Teaching/Modeling Language Supports
(I DO) Model the Language
The teacher will read aloud a text from the Function
Teach ONE skill, article Women and the United States Supreme Anchor Chart with
strategy, method, Court and model how to answer an open- Definitions or Sentence Stems
ended response questions using the RACE
etc. during this time  Syntax activity
strategy. The teacher will highlight the
importance of using the information in a text  Vocabulary activity
to explain reasoning.  Graphic organizer
 Other

Active Language Supports

Involvement/Guided  Model the Language
or Collaborative The teacher will read aloud “Margaret Brent: Function
Practice (WE DO) A Colonial Woman in The Courts” from the  Anchor Chart with
article Women and the United States Supreme Definitions or Sentence
Give all the students Court. The teacher will then pose a question Stems
and have students guide her through
a quick opportunity  Syntax activity
answering the question using the RACE
to try out the new
strategy while prompting them.  Vocabulary activity
skill or strategy. Graphic organizer
Prompt and  Other
Question to scaffold
student. Students
can practice and
then turn and talk
with their partner.
Independent Anchor Chart with
Practice (YOU DO) Definitions or Sentence
The students will then read “Belva Stems
Opportunity for Lockwood: Supreme Court Trailblazer” from  Syntax support
students to practice the same article. The students will work  Vocabulary support
independently to answer how Belva overcame
what they have Graphic organizer
learned with a TEXT her obstacle to become one of the first woman
 Discourse support
or WRITING lawyers using a graphic organizer.
 Other

The teacher will have a recap about the
Review the teaching women in the Supreme Court and have
point and have students share their writing.
students share.
Explain the
importance of this

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