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Steroid pulse therapies in dermatology

Gaurang Gupta, Ambuj Jain, Naveen Kikkeri Narayanasetty

Steroids pulse therapies are used in inflammatory and autoimmune conditions as they are cumulatively less toxic. Pulse therapy is
the administration of supra therapeutic administration of steroids in intermittent manner. This form of therapy has given excellent
treatment response with very few side-effects. Various modifications of steroid pulse therapies have been tried in pemphigus, alopecia,
vitiligo etc., successfully.
Key Words: Dexamethasone-cyclophosphamide pulse therapy, pulse therapy, steroid

Introduction hydrocortisone. It’s biological half-life is 12-36 h, potency

1.25 times compared with prednisolone.[7]
Pulse therapy means the administration of large
(suprapharmacologic) doses of drugs in an intermittent
manner to enhance the therapeutic effects and
reduce the side-effects.[1] The first reported use of Methylprednisolone is administered at a dose of
pulse administration of corticosteroids is attributed to 20-30 mg/kg (500-1000 mg/m 2) per pulse up to a
Kountz and Cohn who used it to prevent renal graft maximum dose of 1 g.[8]
rejection in 1973.[2] It was later used for treatment of
lupus nephritis in 1976 and in steroid resistant nephritic Dexamethasone Pulse Therapy
syndrome.[3] In India, Pasricha and Srivastava introduced It is a fluoridated glucocorticoid, is a long acting agent
dexamethasone-cyclophosphamide pulse (DCP) therapy half-life of 36-72 h. It is 6.7 times more potent than
for the pemphigus group of disorders in 1981.[4] prednisolone, has negligible mineralocorticoid effect
with almost no sodium retaining tendency and a small
Definition equipotent volume.[9]
“Pulse therapy refers to discontinuous intravenous (IV)
infusion of high doses of the medication, arbitrarily Dosage
defined as treatment with more than 250 mg prednisone Dexamethasone is administered at a dose of 4-5 mg/kg
or its equivalent per day, for one or more days.[5]” (100-200 mg) per pulse.[8]

Various modifications and modes are in use. Most Administration of Pulse Therapy
commonly used corticosteroids in pulse therapies are Initially, the duration of infusion was 10-20 min. However,
methylprednisolone and dexamethasone.[6] rapid infusions are known to be associated with a higher
risk of hemodynamic abnormalities, now-a-days the
Methylprednisolone Pulse Therapy corticosteroid preparation is dissolved in 150-200 ml of
Methylprednisolone is an intermediate acting, potent, 5% dextrose and infused IV, slowly over 2-3 h.[8,10]
anti-inflammatory agent with a low tendency to
induce sodium and water retention compared with Advantage of Corticosteroid as a Pulse Therapy
1. An immediate profound anti-inflammatory effect is
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achieved and the toxicities seen with conventional
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Department of Dermatology, SDM Medical College, Sattur, Dharwad,
Karnataka, India
Address of correspondence: Dr. Gaurang Gupta, Department of
DOI: Dermatology, OPD No. 10, SDM Medical College, Sattur,
10.4103/0975-9727.135756 Dharwad - 580 009, Karnataka, India.

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Gupta, et al.: Pulse therapy

high dose oral therapy are low. Faster clinical Laboratory Monitoring
recovery from symptoms than with oral therapy, the
Before Starting the Therapy
clinical improvement is seen to last about 3 weeks
after one pulse. As a routine, it is mandatory to admit every patient
2. No prolonged suppressive effect on the hypothalamic- enrolled for pulse therapy. Hemogram, serum electrolytes,
pituitary axis.[8-10] renal and liver function tests, blood sugar (including
hemoglobin A1c), urine microscopic examination, chest
Mechanism of Action X-ray, electrocardiogram and pregnancy test are some
of the preliminary laboratory tests to be done at the first
Glucocorticoids exert a variety of immunosuppressive,
visit. Blood sugar, serum electrolytes, urine microscopic
anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. They mediate
examination, body weight and blood pressure should be
their actions through genomic and non-genomic
monitored at baseline and at each visit of the patient.[14]
methods.[7] Buttgereit et al. have postulated 3 “modules”
of glucocorticoid effect on cells resulting from different
During and Following Therapy
1. Low concentrations mediate effects via genomic Careful record of heart rate, respiratory rate and blood
events. pressure every 15-30 min should be maintained. If an
2. Medium concentrations bind to cell surface receptors, arrhythmia is suspected, the infusion is discontinued; an
which activate cross membrane signal transmission electro cardiogram and blood levels of sodium, potassium,
for genomic and non-genomic intracellular events. calcium and magnesium are obtained and abnormalities
3. At very large concentrations steroids dissolve in are rectified. Careful screening for occurrence or
the cell membrane resulting in greater membrane exacerbation of infections should be done. Estimate blood
stability and reduced non-genomic cell function. levels of sugar and electrolytes every other day.[13]

Overall, effects of corticosteroid pulses appear to include Contraindication in Pulse Therapy

down regulation of activation of immune cells and pro- 1. Systemic infections, fungal sepsis, uncontrolled
inflammatory cytokine production. These effects are hypertension and hypersensitivity to the steroid
qualitatively similar to those seen with anti-tumor necrosis preparation.[13]
factor-alpha therapy.[12] 2. Absolutely contraindicated in pregnant, lactating and
unmarried patients.[14]
Uses of Corticosteroid Pulse Therapy
The dermatological disorders in which corticosteroid Adverse Effects
pulse therapy has been advocated are:[13] The most significant serious effects in children are:
1. Pemphigus vulgaris. 1. Increased blood pressure in already hypertensive
2. Bullous dermatitis herpetiformis. children during and after the infusion.
3. Severe psoriasis. 2. S e i z u r e s , p a r t i c u l a r l y i n s y s t e m i c l u p u s
4. Alopecia totalis. erythematosus, which may be related to rapid flux
in electrolytes.
Infrequently used in the therapy of: 3. Anaphylactic shock after even one prior infusion,
1. Severe Steven-Johnson syndrome (SJS). usually associated with the succinate ester of
2. Pyoderma gangrenosum. methylprednisolone.[15]
3. Vitiligo with rapidly progressive disease.
4. Exfoliative dermatitis. Common side-effects are:
1. Abnormal behavior, mood alteration, hyperactivity,
Others:[14] psychosis, disorientation, sleep disturbances are
1. Autoimmune blistering disorder. common acute adverse effects, being seen in about
2. Systemic sclerosis. 10% patients.[16]
3. Systemic lupus erythematosus. 2. Hyperglycemia, hypokalemia and infections. Higher
4. Dermatomyositis. cumulative doses of methylprednisolone (>5 g)
5. Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN). confer a higher risk of infection.[17]
6. Lichen planus.
7. Alopecia areata. Side-effects peculiar to pulse therapy include:
8. Sarcoidosis. 1. Hiccups.[18]
9. Systemic vasculitis. 2. Facial flushing.[19]

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Gupta, et al.: Pulse therapy

3. Diarrhea, are withdrawn, the patient is considered to have entered

4. Weakness, phase II.[26]
5. Generalized swelling and weight gain,
6. Joint and muscle pains.[20] 2nd phase
7. Arrhythmias and shock. Phase of remission while on therapy. DCP schedule is
given for duration of 9 months.
Mini Pulse Corticosteroid Therapy
Oral betamethasone has been given at a dose of 10 mg 3rd phase
once weekly; 10 mg of betamethasone is spilt in two Monthly pulses are terminated and oral cyclophosphamide
equal doses on two consecutive days a week. It is used is continued for duration of 9 month.
in following skin disease with variable success:[14]
1. Vitiligo. 4th phase
2. Lichen planus. Treatment is stopped and patients are followed-up for
3. Alopecia areata. next 10 years.

Prednisolone Pulse Therapy Modifications of DCP Therapy

1. Few studies show significant improvement with oral There are following modifications of DCP therapy
prednisolone pulse therapy in alopecia areata. It is
given 200 mg once weekly.[21] Dexamethasone Azathioprine Pulse Therapy
2. 100 mg IV prednisolone pulse therapy on three Cyclophosphamide is known to cause oligo/azoospermia
consecutive days at 1 month intervals in alopecia and amenorrhea. For unmarried patients who have not
areata.[22] completed their family, cyclophosphamide was replaced
by 50 mg of azathioprine daily during the first three
Topical Corticosteroid Pulse Therapy phases.[26]
Topical corticosteroid pulse therapy comprises of
intermittent use of superpotent corticosteroids. Prolonged Dexamethasone Methotrexate Pulse Therapy
continuous therapy with such agents in patients with Cyclophosphamide was replaced by 7.5 mg of
psoriasis results in certain side-effects e.g., telangiectasis,
methotrexate weekly given orally, during the first three
cutaneous atrophy, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)
phases of pulse therapy.[26]
axis suppression and tachyphylaxis, whereas intermittent
therapy may achieve beneficial effects for maintenance
DCP Therapy in Children
of remissions with an advantage of diminishing the side-
effects and total cost of medication. DCP therapy can be given to patients of all ages but the
doses have to be reduced to half for children below the
Clobetasol propionate (0.05%), weekly topical treatment age of 12 years.[24]
with three consecutive applications at 12 h intervals is
used mainly in psoriasis.[23] DCP Therapy in Systemic Diseases
Diabetic patients need to be given 10 units of soluble
DCP Therapy insulin for every 500 ml bottle of 5% dextrose dissolved
DCP Therapy is Divided into four Phases in the same drip. In addition, patient’s regular treatment
for diabetes mellitus is continued. Similarly patients
1st phase
having concomitant diseases such as hypertension and
Dexamethasone 100 mg in 5% dextrose as a slow IV
tuberculosis must receive the respective medication.[14]
infusion over 2 h for three consecutive days along with
If there is serious infection the pulse may be delayed
cyclophosphamide 500 mg infusion on one of the days
for a week or two until the infection is under control.[13]
is instituted.[24] DCPs are repeated every 28 days until no
new lesions appear between pulses. Cyclophosphamide
50 mg/day is given orally on the remaining days. During
this phase, the patient may develop recurrences in Steroid as an intermittent pulse therapy is much safer
between the DCPs and conventional doses of oral than daily administration. HPA axis suppression is one
corticosteroids can be given to achieve quicker clinical of the serious side-effects of long-term steroid therapy.
recovery.[25] After the skin and mucous membrane lesions It can be easily avoid by steroid pulse therapy. Now-a-
have subsided completely and the additional medications days this mode of therapy is very frequently in use in

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Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.
effects of pulse corticosteroid and tumor necrosis factor alpha

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