Introduction Bimini Rejuvenation Center (BRC) 46 K-III Model Town, Lahore, Pakistan. Mobile: 0332-4563834

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Introduction Bimini Rejuvenation Center (BRC)

46 K-III Model Town, Lahore, Pakistan.

Mobile: 0332- 4563834

According to Nobelist Dr. Otto Warburg (Nobel Prize for Medicine 1931), the sole primary
cause of cancer is inadequate oxygenation of cells. Once they fall below the 60% level, they
become anaerobic and start using decaying glucose as their primary source of energy. These
cells may not obey the normal catabolic (self destruction) signals and perhaps that encourages
them to jump the growth boundary.

The inventory of this process insists that it simply makes the body so healthy by super enriching
the blood and lymph that the patients own natural defenses do the job on the cancer cells.

We can measure the amount of oxygen in a person’s blood by using an SPO 2 meter.
Unfortunately, the devices on the market at this time measure only up to 100% saturation. Our
experience is that women can saturate to about 135% and men to 128%. The effects on the
venous blood are most apparent, as the patient is usually pain free in the first to third.

Mission (Determined to Rehabilitate the Humanity)

BRC is dedicated to educate & service the Humanity about healthy lifestyle and hidden
treasures of healing process by natural ways. Our mission is to provide best means of Natural
Health Resources to heal the Humanity at large, as Human body is capable to cure itself
against any disease.

Therapeutic Effect

Oxygen is both a probiotic and an antibiotic. It is good for aerobic cells and bad for anaerobic
cells. It provides the body with plenty of oxygen for its needs in making energy through the
Creb’s cycle. {Adenosine Troposphere (ATP), molecule found in all living organisms that
is the main immediate source of usable energy for the activities of the cells. ATP is built
up by the metabolism of foodstuffs in the cell in special compartments called
mitochondria. Because the energy-exchanging function of ATP and the catalytic (work-
boosting) function of enzymes are intimately connected, ATP is characterized as a
coenzyme. The adenosine part of the molecule is made up of adenine, a nitrogen-
containing compound (also one of the principal components of the gene), and ribose, a
five-carbon sugar. Three phosphate units (triphosphate), each made up of one
phosphorus atom and four oxygen atoms are attached to the ribose. The two bonds
between the three phosphate groups are high-energy bonds, that is, they are relatively
weak and yield their energy readily when split by enzymes. With the release of the end
phosphate group, 7 kilocalories (7 calories, in common usage) of energy become
available for work, and the ATP molecule becomes ADP (adenosine diphosphate). Most
of the energy-consuming reactions in cells are powered by the conversion of ATP to
ADP; they include the transmission of nerve signals, the movement of muscles, the
synthesis of protein, and cell division. Usually, ADP quickly regains the third phosphate
unit through the action of cytochrome, a protein that builds it up by using food energy. In
vertebrate muscle and brain cells, excess ATP can join with creatine to provide a
reserve energy store.

The release of two phosphate groups from ATP by the enzyme adenyl cyclase forms
AMP (adenosine monophosphate), a nucleotide component of nucleic acids, the
material of DNA; this enzyme is important in many of the body's reactions. The
American biochemist Earl Sutherland, Jr., won the 1971 Nobel Prize in physiology or
medicine for work showing that one form of AMP called cyclic AMP, created by the
action of the enzyme adenyl cyclase, is instrumental in the activities of many hormones,
including epinephrine and ACTH}. It’s the best germicide we known so far. We chlorinate
our water in order to provide the oxygen in the water to kill the germs. (Unfortunately, excessive
chlorine contributes a lot of health problems including poor arterial health, etc.).

Introduction Bimini Rejuvenation Center (BRC)

Bimini Rejuvenation Center (BRC) is located at 46 K-III Model Town, Lahore Pakistan is the
Rehabilitation of Chronic Diseases &Palliative Therapy for Cancer patients, a great hope for NO
OPTION PATIENTS to get relief by using Bimni Liquid Prana (LP) Technologies. BRC is
supported by World Organization of Natural Medicine, Water4Health Research & Development,
Liquid Prana, Institute of Integrative Medicine and Community Rehabilitation Foundation. Using
BRC Rehabilitation protocols, patients require the following in addition to ongoing treatment:
 Drinking water that has been treated by LP electrolysis machine. The amount that each
person drinks daily is based on the severity of diseases, body mass & activity level.
 Bathe in the treated water frequently. The number, the length of each bath, and the
frequency of bathing depends upon the nature of the illness of the patient. For example,
critically ill patients should bathe as often as three times per day for about an hour for
each bath.
 Balance Nutrition and ongoing treatment.

A great beauty of our system, there are no contraindications. It has no side effects.

Some of the conditions that greatly benefit from Liquid Prana system are:

1. Burns. This is probably the best burn therapy in the world. In most instances, if the
patient is submersed soon enough and long enough, there is no burn scarring, and this
obviates the need for skin grafts in many cases.
2. Wound healing; works extraordinarily fast. The water is germ free due to the oxygen,
which also destroys germs on and in the wounds. Wounds tend to heal much faster and
with less pain (requiring less or no pain medication).
3. Arthritis/Rheumatism and similar illness respond very quickly to the therapy offered by
bathing in this water. It’s not unusual to see a patient pain free in just a week or two.
Much range of motion is restored in some cases in first week.
4. Herpetic infections including shingles. This is a very painful and dangerous disease.
The pain is often gone the first day of bathing in the water and the lesions are often gone
in first week.
5. Many people report that it growth and quality of the hair and skin in cancer patients.
6. Psoriasis and eczema improve very quickly.
7. Skin cancers are respond in 2 - 4 weeks with frequent baths (three per day).
8. Other cancers usually respond within two months with three baths for 60 minute baths
per day. Sarcomas often respond within nine to ten weeks.
9. People with insomnia respond within fisrt week.
10. Chronic and acute fatigue patients can get benefit from bathing in first month.
11. Lupus is usually considered incurable. In two weeks patient can get significant relief.
12. Diabetic patients with hard to heal wounds benefit enormously from this system. It is
useful in preventing amputations in severe necrotic tissues.
13. AIDS patients get relief from all miseries with first month, our data is very encouraging.

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