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TLED 430

TPACK Template Mobile Applications Assignment

Mobile Application for Creating Mobile Application for Collaborating

Subject Mathematics
Grade Level Sixth Grade Fifth Grade

Learning Objective 6.15 The student will 5.16 The student will
a) describe mean as balance point; and a) describe mean, median, and mode as measures of
b) decide which measure of center is appropriate for center;
a given purpose. b) describe mean as fair share;
c) find the mean, median, mode, and range of a set of

data; and
d) describe the range of a set of data as a measure of
Activity The teacher will refresh the information that the The objective of this lesson is to introduce the
students learned in 5th grade SOL 5.16 including the concept of mean, median, mode, and range and how
definition of the mean, median, mode, and range of to compute each for a given data set. The teacher
a given data set. The teacher will also teach the will use my previous lesson plan from the IWB
students how to decide which measure of center or assignment to teacher the lesson. The quick
measure of variation is the most appropriate for a summary includes using the SMART Notebook
given data set. The students will complete the lesson to show the students how to compute each
computations of several given data sets at their of these values and to guide the students through
desks or on the IWB. Once the lesson is complete, their Guided Learning process. Once the lesson has
the students will use their classroom set iPads to concluded, the students move to group work, in
create a set of flash cards that they can use to study groups of four, using their classroom set iPads. Using
for their SOL exam at the end of the course. Quizlet the application called Mindomo the students will
allows the students to take a fill in the blank quiz, create a presentation showing what they have
play a matching game, play a trivia game, study their learned during the lesson. The students will each
flashcards, or take a test on the flashcards that they take a different measure of center or the range and

have populated. During times where the students elaborate on what it is. They will also offer at least
have completed their classwork and need something three data sets and the steps to compute their given
to do, they will be able to use their Quizlet measure of center or the measure of variation
TLED 430

application to study. (range). The group will have the remainder of the
class session plus one additional class period to
complete their presentation. All groups will be
graded as a project grade and the group whose turn
it is to present their group project will give the
presentation to the class as a group during the last
ten minutes of the second-class period. (Each class
presentation effort will be presented by a different
rotating group each week. There will be one group
presentation per week.)

Technology Quizlet Mindomo


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