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UHM 2018, Vol. 45, No.


Case Report
Hemiplegia and bilateral globus pallidus infarcts
after carbon monoxide poisoning: case report
Douglas G. Sward, MD 1; Travis W. Austin, MD, MA 2
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Maryland School

of Medicine, Division of Hyperbaric Medicine, Program in Trauma, University of Maryland

Medical Center, Baltimore, Maryland U.S.
2 Emergency Medicine Physician, Palliative Care Fellow, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center,

Lebanon, New Hampshire U.S.



ABSTRACT In the course of her initial evaluation, blood gas

analysis revealed the woman’s carboxyhemoglobin level
The vast clinical manifestations of carbon monoxide (CO)
to be 7%, and her troponin concentration was elevated
poisoning can involve the neurological, neuropsychological and
cardiac systems as well as others. In this case report, we to 3.5 ng/ml. Chart review showed no prior history
describe our management of a 64-year-old woman exposed to CO of smoking, stroke or neurologic deficit. Computed
in her apartment. Her presentation was unusual in that she had tomography (CT) of her head showed bilateral globus
symmetric globus pallidus lesions, no evidence of thrombosis, pallidus hypodensities. She had a decreased level of
but the lateralizing neurologic manifestation of severe hemiplegia. consciousness and persistent right-sided hemiparesis.
She was intubated for airway protection and then
transferred to a tertiary care center with hyperbaric
oxygen resources.
INTRODUCTION On arrival at that facility, the patient had a Glasgow
Carbon monoxide (CO) is known to affect the central Coma Scale score of 3T. Neurologic examination gave
nervous system. Bilateral globus pallidus lesions, al- equivocal results due to sedation for mechanical ventila-
though not pathognomonic, are considered a classic tion, except for a positive Babinski sign in the right leg
presentation. The patient described in this report dem- (left leg was normal). Her carboxyhemoglobin level
onstrated dramatic lateralizing neurologic signs in had fallen to 2.1%. Initial laboratory values are presented
the setting of symmetric globus pallidus lesions. in Table 1. An electrocardiogram showed normal sinus
rhythm. Blood and urine toxin screens were negative.
CASE REPORT A repeat CT scan of her head again demonstrated
A 64-year-old woman was found unresponsive at her hypodensities bilaterally in the globus pallidus (Figure
apartment following an evacuation in response to a 1). CT of her cervical spine was unremarkable.
carbon monoxide alarm. Paramedics reported that Arrangements were made for hyperbaric oxygen
she had vomited and had right-sided hemiparesis. The therapy. The patient received three treatments within
patient’s position when found was not documented. 24 hours. In accordance with our institutional proto-
The ambient CO level was 130 ppm. Transcutaneous col, she received an initial hyperbaric oxygen treatment
pulse CO-oximetry levels were not obtained. As there at 2.8 atmospheres absolute (ATA) for 46 minutes.
were no direct witnesses, it was uncertain how long The following day, she underwent two hyperbaric
she had been unresponsive prior to being found. A oxygen sessions at 2.0 ATA for 90 minutes each. Dur-
non-rebreather mask was placed on the patient before ing all three sessions, she was mechanically venti-
transport to a community hospital. lated with pressure control mode.


KEYWORDS: carbon monoxide poisoning; neurologic manifestations; globus pallidus lesions; hemiplegia

Copyright © 2018 Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society, Inc. 95


the neck images, atheromatous disease was noted in
Table 1. Patient’s initial
the carotid bulbs, with approximately 20% occlusion
laboratory values
on the left side and 15% occlusion on the right side.
sodium 151 mEq/L All of the images that were obtained, including the
potassium 3.5 mEq/L initial outside images, were read by our staff trauma
chloride 116 mEq/L radiologists. An electroencephalogram showed no sei-
bicarbonate 25 mEq/L zure activity. Transthoracic electrocardiography showed
BUN 32 mm/dL normal left and right ventricular function.
creatinine 1.02 mg/dL
We consulted the neurology service, which recom-
glucose 120 mg/dL
mended supportive care. They observed that the right
WBC 12.5 K/mcL
Hgb 8.9 g/dL hemiparesis was profound, especially so early in the
HCT 28.0% clinical course. In addition, they postulated that it was
platelets 209 K/mm3 possible that the patient had an initial loss of conscious-
calcium 1.12 mg/dL ness from the CO insult, followed by thrombosis and
magnesium 2.3 mg/dL embolization. They also considered that a spontaneous
phosphorus 3.7 mg/dL cerebral vascular insult might have made the patient
lactate 1.4 mmol/L
unable to leave the premises when the CO detectors
INR 1.3
were sounding.
PT 16.0 sec
APTT 29 sec The patient continued to improve slowly throughout
fibrinogen 410 mg/dl her hospitalization. She was extubated on the fifth day
total protein 6.5 g/dL and experienced no respiratory distress. Although she
albumin 3.2 g/dL had persistent delayed speech, she was able to com-
total bilirubin 0.3 mg/dL municate with head nods. Her neurologic examination
alkaline phosphatase 60 U/L had improved significantly prior to discharge although
AST 92 units/L
she did not return to independent living. The patient
ALT 38 U/L
continued to have a moderate right arm wrist drop.
anion gap 11
osmolality 312 MoM/kg She showed a left-sided preference. She had a delay in
troponin 1.56 ng/ml swallowing function, but that was improving without
CPK 3593 units/L any indication of aspiration. However, a percutane-
ABG 7.38/40/346 * ous endoscopic gastrostomy tube was inserted prior
tox screen negative + to discharge to help her meet nutritional goals. On

* 100% FiO2 w/PEEP 10 Day 20, she was discharged to a rehabilitation facility.
+ acetaminophen, aspirin, EtOH, The patient spent several weeks on the brain injury
benzodiazepines, barbiturates, TCA unit of a rehabilitation facility, where she made little
progress. She remained intermittently drowsy with mod-
erate dysarthria and was essentially aphasic. She could
take thin liquids by mouth. Her right arm remained
After the initial hyperbaric oxygen treatment, she splinted because of right hand edema, and she had bilat-
grimaced in response to sternal rub but did not follow eral lower extremity edema. Follow-up CT scans of her
commands. In response to pain, she withdrew with brain demonstrated the expected evolution of bilateral
her legs and left arm but had no movement of her globus pallidus lesions. She was transferred to a long-
right arm. She responded to painful stimuli of her term care facility and has since been lost to follow-up.
right arm by moving her left arm. She continued to
have an upgoing right-sided Babinski sign. DISCUSSION
Magnetic resonance imaging and angiography of her Hemiplegia has a broad differential diagnosis that
head and neck showed bilateral globus pallidus infarc- includes vascular, neoplastic, paraneoplastic, infectious,
tions without evidence of thrombus (Figure 2). On inflammatory, demyelinating, metabolic, and traumatic

96 Sward DG, Austin TA


processes [1]. Careful consideration of stroke mimics

and chameleons is critical [2,3]. Structurally,
lesions may localize to cerebral white matter,
internal capsule, or brainstem [4].
Bilateral globus pallidus lesions are a well-
known result of CO poisoning, but they can also
be caused by a number of other insults, including
cellular respiratory toxins, hypoglycemia, hyper-
glycemia, hypoxia, and shock [5]. CO can also
injure many other areas of the central nervous
system, including the cerebral white matter [6,7].
The natural history of these lesions remains
unclear [8].
CO toxicity affects multiple pathways through
asphyxia, cellular respiration, direct toxic effects
and possibly excess sympathetic activation [9,10].
Delayed neurologic sequelae are also well-known
complications of acute CO poisoning [11], gen-
erally described as deficits in cognition, mood,
memory, and sometimes motor dysfunction [12].
Unfortunately, they can occur even in patients
FIGURe 1. Non-contrast head CT scan obtained shortly after transfer,
treated with normobaric oxygen [13]. Weaver and
demonstrating bilateral hypodensities in the globus pallidus (arrows).
associates documented a decrease in the risk of
delayed neurologic sequelae in pa-
ients with symptomatic CO toxicity
treated with three sessions of
hyperbaric oxygen within 24 hours
after presentation [14].]
Radiographically, CO poisoning
can induce abnormal findings on
MRI, quantitative MRI, and single-
photon emission computed tomo-
graphy (SPECT) [11,15]. The classic
finding is bilateral basal ganglia in-
farction [16-22]. For example, one-
fourth of the 129 patients studied by
Choi and colleagues [22] had bilateral
globus pallidus lesions, as did all
seven of the patients evaluated with
MRI by Kim and associates [18].
However, the prevalence of such
lesions might be lower than reports
indicate [8]; other CNS insults could
be more common. In a prospective
FIGURe 2. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, obtained within study of 73 patients with acute CO
24 hours after admission, demonstrating bilateral globus pallidus infarctions poisoning, Parkinson found only one
(arrows) without evidence of thrombus. (1.4%) with globus pallidus lesions

Sward DG, Austin TA 97


and nine (12%) with white matter hypodensities [23]. similar fashion. Franchini and colleagues [37] per-
The connection that has been made between bilateral formed a systematic literature review of the association
globus pallidus lesions and CO poisoning might between air pollutants, including CO, but were unable
have been fostered by the selection bias of some to reach definitive conclusions because of the hetero-
studies. Studies reporting higher rates of globus pallidus geneity of the data. However, a similar review by Tang
lesions involved patients with prolonged down-times and associates suggested that air pollution is not a
or extended periods of unconsciousness. Several reports risk factor for venous thrombosis [38]. Based on these
were based on only two patients [17,21]. In a literature various reports, we infer that any relationship between
review published in 2014, Beppu described a shift in CO poisoning and thrombosis is tentative at best.
focus to cerebral white matter injury [6]. Additionally, Our case is interesting because of the manifestation
the differential diagnosis of bilateral basal ganglia of severe hemiplegia in the presence of bilateral infarcts
infarction is wide, encompassing many cellular respir- despite the absence of thrombosis. MRA of the brain
ation toxins, ethyl alcohol, trauma, cardiovascular performed reasonably soon after the initial insult
disease, and overdose with a variety of substances [24]. showed no evidence of thrombosis. We were not able to
For example, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine find any alternative cause for the bilateral basal ganglia
(MDMA), manganese, cocaine, opiates and cyanide have infarcts except the presence of CO. We acknowledge
all been implicated in bilateral globus pallidus that alternative etiologies may have played a primary role
lesions [25,26]. or at least been additive. For example, uneven ischemia
In our clinical experience, lateralizing neurologic in watershed distributions in the setting of CO exposure
deficits are not a common presentation of acute CO and/or hypotension could have caused both symmetric
poisoning. Typical neurologic symptoms are headache, globus pallidus lesions and focal neurologic deficits.
dizziness, depressed mental status, and diffuse weak- Similarly, an intracerebral thrombosis could have
ness [12,27]. Review of the literature found a single case resolved prior to MRA imaging or simply have been
report describing hemiplegia in the setting of CO missed. We note that the initial carboxyhemoglobin
poisoning and congenitally abnormal arteries [28]. Lin level might have been lower than expected given the
and co-workers reported on long-term cerebral vascular severity of illness due to the delay in measuring it dur-
risk after CO poisoning in a retrospective case control ing transfer from the scene and the urgency of other
study [29]. Their conclusion that CO poisoning is clinical interventions. Lastly and importantly, we can-
associated with increased risk of ischemic stroke was not discount the possibility that a peripheral compres-
challenged in a persuasive letter to the editor written sive neuropathy could have played a role if the patient
by Hampson and Weaver [30]. had been lying on the floor for an indeterminate
CO has been postulated to be pro-thrombotic [31-33], amount of time prior to evacuation from the scene.
as discussed in several case reports [34-36], population- However, her ongoing aphasia, gaze preference and
based studies [37-39], and laboratory studies [40-42]. abnormal lower extremity reflexes support a central
Senthilkumaran and colleagues [43] expanded on the rather than a peripheral cause of her symptoms.
possible mechanisms of thrombosis that Ryoo and n
associates had postulated [34]. Teodoro and Geraldes
described a patient who had simultaneous acute
thrombosis and cerebral infarction after being injured Acknowledgment
by the explosion of a gas water heater [35]. Ahmad and The manuscript was copy-edited by Linda J. Kesselring,
Sharma found no thrombosis in the cerebral vasculature MS, ELS, the technical editor/writer in the Department
of Emergency Medicine at the University of Maryland
of a patient who had attempted suicide by inhaling
School of Medicine.
charcoal smoke in an enclosed area [36]. The study by
Chung’s group [39] was based on the same dataset as The authors declare that no conflicts in interest exist
Lin’s study [29], so their reports have been critiqued in with this submission.

98 Sward DG, Austin TA




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