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Rez Gioz P.

Apego January 23, 2014

Patient’s name: Antonieto, Buron

Name of Classification of Mechanism of Indication Contraindications Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities

Drug Drug Action
Generic Therapeutic: Inhibits  Treatment of  Contraindicated with  CNS: Headache,  History: Allergy
Name:  Adenosine di platelet
patients at risk allergy to clopidogrel, dizziness, weakness, to clopidogrel,
clopidogrel aggregation
phosphate (A for ischemic active pathological syncope, flushing pregnancy,
Trade by blocking
Name: DP) receptor ADP events—history bleeding such as  CV: Hypertension, lactation, bleeding
 Plavix antagonist receptors on of MI, ischemic peptic ulcer or edema disorders, recent
 Antiplatelet platelets, stroke, peripheral intracranial  Dermatologic: Rash, p surgery, hepatic
Availability: artery disease hemorrhage, lactation. ruritus impairment, peptic
clumping of
Tablets—  Pregnancy  GI: Nausea, GI ulcer
platelets.  Treatment of  Use cautiously with
75 mg
Category B patients with bleeding disorders, distress, constipation,  Provide small,
acute coronary recent surgery, hepatic diarrhea, GI bleed frequent meals if GI
syndrome impairment,  Other: Increased upset occurs (not as
pregnancy. bleeding risk common as with
 Provide comfort
measures and
arrange for
analgesics if
headache occurs.
 Take daily as
prescribed. May be
taken with meals.
 may experience
these side effects:
Dizziness, light-
headedness (this
may pass as you
adjust to the drug);
headache (lie down
in a cool
environment and
rest; OTC
preparations may
help); nausea,
gastric distress (eat
frequent small
meals); prolonged
bleeding (alert
doctors, dentists of
this drug use).
 Report skin rash,
chest pain, fainting,
severe headache,
abnormal bleeding.

Chief complaint: Right cerebral tumor left sided weakness

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