Cross-Departmental Dialogues For The Success of English-Taught Programs: TESOL 2018 Handout

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“Cross-Departmental Dialogues for Sustainable Success of English-Taught Programs”

Vanessa Armand, Amanda Tomanek, Brandon Imamura

Wednesday, March 28, 2018, 11:30 am - 12:15 pm
E253a (Lakeside)
Key Terms, Acronyms, and Literature: ● Key literature:
○ Bradford, A. (2016). Toward a typology of
implementation challenges facing English-
● Acronyms: medium instruction in higher education:
○ AL: Academic Literacy Evidence from Japan. Journal of Studies in
○ ELF: English as a Lingua Franca International Education, 20(4), 339-356.
○ EMI: English-Medium Instruction
○ ETP: English-Taught Program ○ Brown, H. (2016). English-medium instruction
in Japan: Discussing implications for language
teaching. In P. Clements, A. Krause, & H.
● Stakeholders:
Brown (Eds.), Focus on the learner. Tokyo:
○ S1: AL teachers of W2 (writing) course
■ S1a: the researchers
○ S2: English Language Program ○ Brown, H. (2017). Why and why now?
administrators Understanding the rapid rise of English-
○ S3: Other AL faculty: W1 (pre-requisite medium instruction in higher education in
writing), R (analytical reading), & S Japan. Journal of International Studies and
(public speaking) Regional Development, 8, 1-16.
○ S4: ETP content faculty
○ S5: University administration ○ Dearden, J. (2014). English as a medium of
instruction - a growing global phenomenon.
London, UK: British Council. Retrieved from:
● University Hierarchy

○ Toh, G. (2013). Where realities confront ideals:

the personal, professional, philosophical and
political in the teaching of academic English in
a Japanese setting. Policy Futures in Education,
11(5), 589-605.

○ Toh, G. (2016). Extrapolating from an inquiry

into curricular issues concerning the adoption
of English as medium of instruction in a
Japanese university situation. Latin American
● Bradford’s (2016) Typology:
Journal of Content and Language Integrated
Learning, 9 (1), 210-235.
4 Categories of doi:10.5294/laclil.2016.9.1.9
Challenges for EMI in
Lin Cu Contact info:
Japanese Universities
gui ltur Vanessa Armand:
(Bradford, 2016, p. 352) Amanda Tomanek:
stic al Brandon Imamura:

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