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Khrisan Grant Dream Job 1/26/18

My dream job is to become an Early Childhood Development Program Specialist with

Save the Children, a non-profit organization believes every child deserves a future. “In the U.S.

and around the world, we give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and

protection from harm. We do whatever it takes for children – every day and in times of crisis –

transforming their lives and the future we share” (Save the Children, n.d.). The Early Childhood

Program Specialist is the on-the-ground Save the Children staff member providing training,

technical assistance, and management support to program partners to ensure quality program

implementation and results for children. Save the Children programming is focused on children

and families for the prenatal through age ten (P-10) continuum of child development and

education. Early Childhood Program Specialists focus on prenatal through age five and school-

age Program Specialists focus on elementary school-age children. Under the supervision of the

State Director/Deputy Program Director and working as a member of the state team and in

collaboration with the national program team, the Program Specialist oversees and supports

program implementation, monitoring, and evaluation at assigned partner sites. Specific duties

and responsibilities are outlined below (Save the Childern, n.d.).

The education required for this job is a High School Diploma or equivalent but a

Bachelor’s Degree plus is preferred. The position is not something that can generally be taught in

school so I believe a minimum of a high school education is enough. However, with a degree

preferred, I am encouraged to attend school to further my education in different classes that will

later help me. At the moment, I am taking psychology, and this will help me in dealing with kids

that have gone through abusive homes and traumatic experiences. A future class that I plan to

take is child development psychology which can have a more positive influence on student

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Khrisan Grant Dream Job 1/26/18

learning if I have a stronger grasp of the cognitive, psychological, physical, social, and other

factors that guide students' development (Week, 2018).

The salary of an Early Childhood Development Program Specialist can be as high as

$42K (GlassDoor, n.d.). I will manage this money very carefully and responsibly. Because my

goal is to receive enough scholarships to cover school costs, I will have no student loans. I strive

to put more money away then the amount of my car payments when I pay so I can later buy my

dream car in cash. My living arrangements will be in an apartment in my early years after

graduation with extra savings on the side for a house one day. I will make sure to treat myself

regularly however I will have no need for a party regularly but perhaps when I reach a milestone

in my life and/or career.

1. Birthday Bash- $3,000

2. Monthly car payment- $500

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Khrisan Grant Dream Job 1/26/18

GlassDoor. (n.d.). Early Childhood Specialist Salaries. Retrieved from Glass Door:,26.htm

Save the Childern. (n.d.). Program Specialist, Early Childhood Development. Retrieved from Save the

Save the Children. (n.d.). Save the Children. Retrieved from Save the Children:

Week, E. (2018, January 29). NCATE Revising Standards on Child-Development Preparation. Retrieved
from LexisNexis:

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