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Conclusion Questions

Based on what you learned in PBS, what are three foods that would be considered good
energy sources? Explain your choices.
Beef-has a lot of saturated fats
Bacon-has a lot of saturated fats
Fish-has a lot of saturated fats
And practically all meats.
Saturated fats are concentrated in hydrogen bonds. These individual covalent bonds release a
lot of energy when broken.
Name three specific body processes that require energy in the form of ATP.
Muscle contractions, Nerve impulses, and active transport in the cell membrane
You hear someone mention the molecule “AMP”. Based on what you learned about the
structure of ATP and the way in which energy is released, what do you think AMP stands
for and how do you think it would be created?
The ‘M’ stands for the number of phosphates associated with the compound. It stands for
Adenosine Monophosphate. It often exists in a cyclic form with the phosphate bonded to the
nucleoside at two points.
Explain how the recycling of ATP helped save Mauro Prosperi. Why is the ability to
recycle this molecule an advantage?
He had no new sources to obtain ATP from, so his body has to recycle in order to have energy.
His body’s daily processes requires high amounts of energy and without ATP, Mauro Prosperi,
would have died.
Based on what you have read in this activity, explain the role food, water and oxygen
play in the creation of ATP or the release of energy from this molecule
Food provides the macromolecules that contain energy (glucose, proteins, and lipids). Water
provides the ability of performing hydrolysis and breaking different chemical bonds. Oxygen
allows cellular respiration to occur. Oxygen is the final electron acceptor that maintains the flow
of electrons in a gradient that is necessary for oxidative phosphorylation. Oxidative
phosphorylation is a cellular respiration mechanism that produces the most ATP.

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