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LESSON OBSERVATION REPORT: TEACHING/LEARNING SITUATION | Developed Utilizing CEP Teacher Candidate Quality Standards Rubric Long form Descriptions include criteria up to proficient for an in-service teacher Teacher Candidate's Name Observer =Hivin Date_.3~14- Observation # What is/are the learning target(s) for the day? %@) Lesson plan avoable and rellets appro ‘jective, Colorado Academic Standars, and sasoaseant resus. (0) mpleretstssons that conne: pectic trerring objectives to curiulum and align to dtc’ plen. (©) Demonstrates knowledge of vertical and hoizonta aigimen of the (rade or subject rea. 1 (E) Scatflds questions, conoeps, and sits based ‘1 sequance of leering, uses instructional tmalralsthat are accurate and appropriate fr the lessen being taught, encourages and provides ‘portunities for stents lo make cannectons to or learning, (©) Implemonts conton-basod instructional srategies that align to earring objective, uses rulilo models and delivery methods to expain ‘sancepts, and applies questioning techniques to sippon inguy. (P) Antcpates misconceptions and aderesses those ‘rng instruction, faites exloration of ideas that ‘ow students to ask questions and construct new rearing. "© (| Connscs lessons 1 Key concepis and heres within other content areas, has knowacge of howto Vv Supper teary and eras races in cote (0) Employs netructinal strategies that inchude Heracy, numeracy, and language development a ‘27088 content aréas, makes reating and content. ‘spectc language accessible to students. {P) Makes intrdscininery conectons exsict, v Irtagratesiteracy sis across content ares, ond inlogyatos mahernatcal precios across content 7 ie qouid. Fave the shdoit Suelo ‘Growth AreasiNext Stops: Revised 8.6.7 a _ Learning SE (E) Acknowiedges the influence of race, (E) Maintains safely of students and fevironment, a nurturing and caring relationship with each aludent, clear ‘expectations for student behavior, and procedures and routines to que Instruction ara transitions. (0) Facitates accountabifty to school and ass procedures and routines, consistently teinforces expectations. {P) Makes maximum use of time by ‘overlooking inconsequential behavior reinforcing positive behavior, and Implementing purposeful pacing and efficient ansiions, ‘ethnicity, gender, religion, sociaeconomics and ‘ther aspects of cuture on student perspectives, creates an environment where ‘dvorsty fs used to further student loarring. {O) Establishes processes resulting ina sense ‘of community among students, effective inleractions among students, and incorporates Instruction that reflects diverse backgrounds, experiences, and different points of vie () Delivers lessons to ensure students’ backgrounds and knowledge are considered, capitalizes on diversty as an asset in the ciasstoom, uses matotials and lessons that ‘counteract stereotypes and acknowledges the contributions of all cutures. (€) Recognizes that students have a varily of {earning needs and interests, addresses individual student needs by adapting the ‘environment, and collaborates with specialiats \who can support the learning needs of students {D) Implements @ varity of inclusion, intervention, or enrichment practicas to address unique learning needs and interests, implements recommendations of specialists ‘and calleagues to address student needs, and jencourages the values and contributions of students regardless of backgrounds or bites, (P) Initiates collaboration with colleagues to understand and respond to student learning ‘needs, provides challenging opportunities and ‘support for students to sof-select tasks that accelerate their learning, and integrates sof- ‘advocacy skill into instruction. (@) Establishes an environment that is inving to amis andlor significant aduts and respectil relationships wih students, thol famies, andor significant adults. (0) Uses a varaty of methods to inliate arnmunication with Familes andlor significant ‘adults inthe school and communty. {P) Cootdinates communication betwoon ‘amiles andor clleagues who provide student services, recognizes obstacles to family and community participation and sooks solutions to ‘overcome ther. Revised 8.6.17 ‘Areas of Celebration: aa oben Ida haming Hilo megan) Tr iol ponent clean 4fptta ind "& Plan and Deliver Effective {E) Domonstratos krowiedge ofthe ‘roretatednoss of students inllactal, socal, end emotional development (0) Engages students in developmentally appcopcae loarning. {P) implements knowledge gained from colleagues with expertise in chi and Stolescent development to mprave the quality afinstruction. {© Determines students’ current skillovels ‘and uses that information to plan insiruction, solocts assessment strategies aligned to the leaming objectives, monitors student tearning inrelaton to the objectives, sheres feedback ‘on student progress with families andlor significant aduts (0) Uses assessment reauits to guide realtime adjustments to instruction, evaluates and ‘documents student performance based on multiple measures, provides timely feedback to ‘students that is acadomically focused, ‘frequent, and high quality {(P) Provides opportunities that encourage ‘students to take academic risks based on ‘assessment results, toaches students to use feedback to improve learning {E) Employs strategies and procedures to ‘ensure studants have equitable access to avaiable technology, assesses avaliable {echnology to use with instruction. (0) Uses available tachnology to faciitate cassroom instruction, develop studenis” ‘knowledge and skils, models responsble and cbhical use of technoiogy and applications. (P) Integrates available technology to enhance creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, use of information, communication, and eolaboration. ale neat Tatar) eel a (Rhyd) | Revised 86.17 {Seis and communicates student ‘oppoctations ata level that challenges sudenis, understands the importance of developing critical thinking and problem- oving ski. (0) Demonstrates knowiedge of processes needed to support student in acquiring ertical thinking skis and problem-solving skis, uses wait time equitably to inte student responses. (P) Teaches students crical thinking and problem-solving skis that are discline- ‘aapropriate, (©) Has a clear purpose for student tallaboration, (0) Provides opportunites for students to patticipate using various roles and modes of ‘communication, adusts team composition based on learning abjectives and student needs. {(P) Holis students accountable for werk ‘product and collaboration processes, promotes ‘student leadership and teamwork sil T(E) Provides clear directions to guide student learning and behiavir, actively listens to students. (0) Modes a variety of methods for ‘communication with all students, establishes, Ceesaroom precios to support effective communication : (P) Teaches students to articulate thoughts and idegs clearly and effectively ‘reas of Celebration: Leary cet Dhl Revised 26.17 =aiwel FEEDBACK © npmenis performance feedback from supervisor andlor colleagues to improve practice, actively engages in professional leaming focused on meeting professional goals, (0) Engages in professional eaming based on alignment with Colorado ‘Academic Standards, school and district initiatives, current research, and student needs. (P) Applies knowledge and sills learned through professional learning o improve student outcomes, devolops and follows a professional tearing plan aligned to goals. b._(€) Has a postive attitude toward change. (0) Adapts to the changing demands of {he classroom environment, maintains a positive, productive, and respectful | relationship with colleagues. (P) Intites collaborative actiites with colleagues to navigate change while | ‘maintaining a focus on student learning, contribute to school and distct improvement planning, reece or ; : why Aes Apart - Vee a Se Growth Areas/Next Stops: ‘(© Paricpaies in school aches expected of allteachers, supports schoo! goals and intitives, (0) Contributes to school commitees and teams, My {(P) Seoks opportunities to lead professional learning activities, actively participates in 4 school decision-making processes. Revised 86.17 BL Maas conden aly of set ecords by law, Joyo evica behav, vein ena, nd fair treatment and respect for an P) Helps students understand the importance ethical behavior as an individual and “TED alonmsd avturtioo foo o Shook uiolowent— Vial dow Soe | Growth Aegilod Steps Crtinuw volurtionmroy See ol Heb Latniney (th pik.) re Utne? ab ov abe) | TET poe weve longa Lg 3-1-6 | | Revised 8.6.17

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