Teacher: Katie Mcclendon Date: March 8, 2018 School: Woodman Roberts Elementary Grade Level: Kinder Content Area: Math Title: Place Value

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CEP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Katie McClendon Date: March 8, 2018

School: Woodman Roberts Elementary Grade Level: Kinder

Content Area: Math Title: Place Value

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson:

1.a.iii. Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20.
1.b.i. Apply the relationship between numbers and quantities and connect counting to cardinality.
2.c. Compose and decompose numbers 11–19 to gain foundations for place value using objects and drawings.

Understandings: (Big Ideas)

Understand place value through the teens and how to compose and decompose numbers through the

Inquiry Questions:

1. What happens when two quantities are combined?

2. What happens when a set of objects is separated into different sets?

Evidence Outcomes: (Learning Targets)

Every student will be able to:

Accurately be able to decompose and compose numbers through the teens in order to understand place
value through the use of illustrations if needed.

List of Assessments: (Write the number of the learning target associated with each assessment)

Tens/ Ones board manipulation

Decomposing/ Composing Teens Worksheet (Place Value)

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CEP Lesson Plan Form

Planned Lesson Activities

Name and Purpose of Lesson

Should be a creative title for you and the students to Math Groups- Place Value
associate with the activity. Think of the purpose as
the mini-rationale for what you are trying to
accomplish through this lesson.
Approx. Time and Materials
How long do you expect the activity to last and what 15 minutes per group
materials will you need?
Anticipatory Set
The “hook” to grab students’ attention. These are
actions and statements by the teacher to relate the Get student excited about math through the use of manipulatives, patterns and previous
experiences of the students to the objectives of the knowledge.
lesson, To put students into a receptive frame of
 To focus student attention on the lesson.
 To create an organizing framework for the
ideas, principles, or information that is to
follow (advanced organizers)
An anticipatory set is used any time a different
activity or new concept is to be introduced.
Procedures Teacher and Student Actions
(Include a play-by-play account of what students and
teacher will do from the minute they arrive to the GROUP 1 (LOW)
minute they leave your classroom. Indicate the *Warm up
length of each segment of the lesson. List actual -Verbally have students talk through and answer questions on Number Bonds
Indicate whether each is: (Just teacher with the board filling in number bond circles)
-teacher input Looking for patterns and mastery of numbers through 10
-questioning strategies -Students will compose and decompose numbers up to 19 using the tens/ones board

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CEP Lesson Plan Form

-guided/unguided: - Teacher writing number on their board, then verbally asking how many tens and ones
-whole-class practice
-group practice Looking for understanding of place value and recognizing that there is 1 ten and x
-individual practice amount of ones in teen numbers
-check for understanding
-other *Instruction
-Teacher demonstrates and walks through step by step how to compose and decompose
numbers through the teens, specifying how many tens and ones the given number has

Do 2-3 problems together then allow the students to finish worksheet on their own,
giving one to one instruction for those who need in add further clarifying when needed

-When/if student finished worksheet and it is completed with a mastery level, teacher will
give them practice addition and subtraction problems

*Warm- up
-Students will quickly complete number bonds board

Looking patterns and mastery of numbers through 15

- Teacher will show number on tens/ones board with manipulatives then students will
write the number on board, verbally asking how many tens and ones- numbers up to 20

-Teacher demonstrates and walks through step by step how to compose and decompose
numbers through the teens, specifying how many tens and ones the given number has

Do 1-2 problems together then allow the students to finish worksheet on their own,
giving one to one instruction for those who need in add further clarifying when needed

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CEP Lesson Plan Form

-When/if student finished worksheet and it is completed with a mastery level, teacher will
give them practice place value worksheet

*Warm- Up
-Verbally have students talk through and answer questions on Number Bonds

(Just teacher with the board filling in number bond circles)

Looking for patterns of 10 and mastery of numbers through 30

-Teacher demonstrates and walks through step by step how to compose and decompose
numbers through the teens, specifying how many tens and ones the given number has

-Teacher goes over more/less board using 100s chart

-Students complete Composing/ Decomposing teens worksheet:

Does 1 problem together then allow the students to finish worksheet on their own, giving
one to one instruction for those who need in add further clarifying when needed

-Students complete more/less worksheet

Does 1 problem together then allow the students to finish worksheet on their own, giving
one to one instruction for those who need in add further clarifying when needed

-When/if student finished worksheets and it is completed with a mastery level, teacher
will give them practice problems depending on skill level

How will you know if students met the learning
targets? Write a description of what you were

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CEP Lesson Plan Form

looking for in each assessment. Tens/ Ones board manipulation

Decomposing/ Composing Teens Worksheet (Place Value)

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