Feasibility Study For A Tramway Network in Khartoum (The Sudan)

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Feasibility study for a tramway network in Khartoum (The Sudan)

Danish Road Forum 2009

a member of the group

ETC_Present_DRF_TRAM_KRT_20091202.ppt 2 December 2009
The project

Client: The Republic of The Sudan Khartoum State Ministry of

Physical Planning
and Public Utilities

Duration: November 2007 till February 2009


Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 2
The project location

Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 3
Greater Khartoum area figures
Area: 22,142 km2

Inhabitants: 1993: 2.9 million

2008: 8.3 million

Confluence: Blue Nile + White Nile

= Great Nile to the north

Three parts: Khartoum

Khartoum-North or Bahri
Tuti island

Bridges: 7
4 over Blue Nile
2 over White Nile
1 over Great Nile

Vehicles: registered about 350,000

Public transport: 109 bus & minibus lines


Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 4
Tramway history in Khartoum & Omdurman

1904 – steam tramway in Khartoum: line length - 3.6 km; gauge – 600 mm
1906 – steam tramway in Omdurman
1912 – steam tramway network of 21 km length connecting Khartoum & Omdurman
1925 – electrification
1962 – closure and disassembling

Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 5
Basic data
 Geographical situation characterised by three relatively
independent cities (Khartoum, Omdurman, Khartoum-
North/Bahri), caused by the three different creeks of the
river Nile, with the respective own outlining of the city
 Recent number of inhabitants in the Khartoum Having in mind the traffic and transport
Metropolitan area: about 8,5 million; number still rapidly potential of the Khartoum Metropolitan area
growing the development of a high-capacity public
 Surface area: 22,142 km2 transport system is of utmost importance
 Distances between the centres of the three cities: The development strategy shall
between 5 km and 15 km
have in mind
 Regional and local public transport by busses and mini-
busses as well as motor-rickshaws (tuc-tuc) short-term advantages
 Bus terminals at the periphery of the city centres as well as the
 No rail-bound public transport system long-term goal-oriented
 Inner-city public transport by bus lines and mini-bus lines development
 Connection function of the network development also Because of its extension the Khartoum
makes a contribution to bundle traffic. Metropolitan area in the future needs a multi-
 The importance of the connection function decreases and level public transport system with a
of the development function increases with the hierarchical structure of the different transport
implementation of new parts of the target network defined. means
With the permanent increase of the development function
the direct traffic & transportation effect of a single change
in / amendment to the network decreases.
Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group
ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 6
2. Network in stages / Integration of transport modes
Basic data
Map of Greater Khartoum
In the foreground is the
Connection function for the
cities in the Metropolitan area
among themselves:
• The highest flow of traffic is
120,000 between Khartoum and
Omdurman as well as between
Khartoum and Bahri – This is
already considered for the
Omdurman Bahri beginning of the network
development. It secures for the
tramway a high traffic value.
Development function inside
the cities:
• Dense populated areas with
high transport demand potential
• Points of interest: Metropolitan
290,000 260,000 area centre, city centres, railway
stations, bus terminal stations,
shopping, special purpose
Use of existing infrastructure
(bridges, railway lines,
workshops & depots) for the
benefit of an early start of
Khartoum operation of parts of the
Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group
ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 7
2. Network in stages / Integration of transport modes
Basic data
Project 1 "Alsunut"
City Development Projects Best quality connection by: tram
Project 2 "Sunt Forest"
Best quality connection by: tram
Project 3 "White Nile – Khartoum Paradise"
Best quality connection by: tram
Project 4 "Blue Nile Beach"
Best quality connection by: tram
Project 5 "East of Khartoum Fair"
Best quality connection by: tram

7 Project 6 "New Khartoum City"

Best quality connection by: urban railway

Project 7 "West Nile Beach - Omdurman"

9 Best quality connection by: tram
4 11
1 Project 8 "Khartoum New International Airport"
5 Best quality connection by: urban railway (airport
3 10
2 link)

Project 9 "Development of Tuti Island"

Best quality connection by: tram
Project 10 "Reconstruction of Khartoum Airport"
Best quality connection by: tram
8 6 Project 11 "Nile One"
Best quality connection by: tram

Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 8
Basic data
Traffic situation

 Location at the confluence of

the White Nile and the Blue 1 Salvation Bridge

Nile creates three separate

traffic districts divided by the 2 Old White Nile Bridge
river creeks
 Bridges over the Nile river Omdurman Bahri 3 Shambat Bridge

significantly determine the

directions & flow of traffic in 4 Blue Nile Bridge

the metropolitan area 3

 Traffic Count Survey’s results 5 Burri Bridge

in 2002 gave similar high

dimensions of traffic impact 6 Al Manshia Bridge

for the five Nile bridges 2 7 4 5

included 8 7 Al Mak Nimir Bridge
8 Tuti Bridge (in constr.)


Existing Nile bridges

Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 9
Basic data
 Main roads network inside the metropolitan
area has high traffic impact (especially in Roads / streets network
Khartoum Centre and Omdurman Centre)
 High impact of pedestrian traffic, especially in
Khartoum Centre and Omdurman Centre
 The radial road connections
- from Khartoum southwards,
- from Omdurman northwards, westwards and
- from Khartoum North – Bahri northwards and
have been widened to multi-lane roads and
asphalted with sub-base, drainage and edge
 The connecting roads between the radial roads
are asphalted but do not have sub-base,
drainage or edge construction. Most of the
streets in the residential areas are unpaved
 The construction of an outer city ring has
begun. The creation of an inner ring is in the
planning phase

Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 10
Basic data

 Public Transport consists of

busses, mini-busses and
motor-rickshaws tooc-toocs
only – a high-capacity rail-
bound system (which would
by appropriate for a
metropolitan area of that
dimension and population
number) is not existing
 From Beginning 2008 no
regional bus entrance to city
centre allowed
 Planned Minibus Circle Lines
public transport system in the
City Centre
 Planned interchange
possibilities for passengers
(buses, minibuses, tram,
railway) at Main Railway
Station and Minibus Central
Station City Centre situation (proposed status)

Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 11
Basic data
Map of Greater Khartoum
Traffic volumes

(in passengers per

average peak-hour
at a working day)





Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 12
Evaluation of variants

To find out the best variant for the tram system a Tram Khartoum Project

independent benchmarking of all the chosen variants Evaluation matrix

was necessary. In order to reach that, an evaluation Criterion Rating

Variant 0
Variant 1
"Circle Line"
Variant 2
"New Bridge"
Variant 3

matrix was generated.

traffic-based aspects
Development of areas 3 oo o ooo oo
Independent alignment 1 oo o oo ooo
Connection to bus network 3 oo oo oo ooo

This matrix includes a number of different aspects. Connection to railway

Traffic relations without transfer

These aspects do not interact. sub-total 9 18 12 23 24

city structure based aspects

Coverage of city centre 4 oo ooo oo o
Impacts to cityscape 2 oo o oo ooo
Traffic calming for city centre 2 oo ooo oo oo
The matrix was divided into four main chapters / Touristic attractiveness 1 oo ooo oo oo

criteria families: constructural aspects

sub-total 9 18 23 18 16

 traffic based aspects Percentage of separate track

Frequency of level crossings
Frequency of engineering works

 city structure based aspects Required modification of city centre

Required modific. of ex. Infrastructure

 constructural aspects and sub-total 9 14 16 17 19

operational aspects
 operational aspects Operational Concepts
Location of Maintenance facilities
Percentage of single track 2 o o o o
Average operational speed 3 oo o oo ooo

sub-total 9 16 10 16 23
Due to the fact, that each criteria family has the same
Overall rating 66 61 74 82

importance, value was set on the balance of the

accessible rating. o ... ooo: 1 to 3 points for each criterion
o … poor
oo … good
ooo … excellent

Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 13
Evaluation of variants

After benchmarking the chosen variants it became clear, that under the defined
preconditions the preferred variant will be

 Variant 3 “Backbone”

The explicit gap between the preferred and all the other variants offers this clear decision.

All the further activities concentrate on this variant 3 “Backbone”.

Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 14
Preferred variant – start of network development
Track Length: 23 km; First
Line Length: 25 km Connections

Line 1:
Khartoum –
Blue Nile Bridge -

Line 2:
Omdurman -
Salvation Br. -
Khartoum –


 Fast Starting of the


 Familiarizing with
the Tram (for both
customers and

Network in stages –  Generating of

Stage 1 “Inauguration” revenue

Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 15
Network development
Track Length: 86 km;
Line Length: 92 km

Network in stages –
Stage 2 “Extension”

Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 16
Network development
Track Length: 158 km;
Line Length: 185 km

Network in stages –
Stage 3 “Completion”

Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 17
Network development
Stage Time needed

 1st stage “Inauguration”  1st stage

Establishing connections of utmost
importance according to traffic analysis 2 … 5 Years

 2nd stage “Expansion”  2nd stage

Extending the connecting function of the
tramway in the three cities
Inauguration of the first sub-urban railway link 5 … 20 Years
to Khartoum New International Airport

 3rd stage “Completion”  3rd stage

Completing the area development by cross-
area tramway lines; > 20 Years
Developing sub-urban railway lines for linking
Khartoum with the surrounding region

Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 18
Sequential put-into-operation
Phase 1
A tram network with a length of more than
20km can not be built and inaugurated in just
one moment.

There have to be several different inauguration Phase 2

steps, which can be constructed and
inaugurated after each other.

To do so, the best part of the network for

starting has to be chosen. Several facts are
 Short construction time
 Establishing of a strongly needed Phase 3
 Connection to the maintenance area
 Substitution of other existing traffic to show
the advantages of the new system
 Fast generation of revenue

Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 19
Infrastructure planning - examples
Planned tramway
Gauge = 1,435 mm

Huria Bridge Present railway

Gauge = 1,090 mm

Station at

Station at
Huria Bridge elevated
track Track at

Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 20
Infrastructure planning - examples

Possible solutions for

Salvation Bridge over
the White Nile
connecting Khartoum
and Omdurman

Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 21
Infrastructure planning - Bridges

Regarding to the main project requirements (specifically minimisation of investment costs and integration into the
existing spatial structure of the city) it is planned to use the existing bridges. Besides this, it is recommendable to
start the consideration of the construction of new bridges.

The intended replacement of two existing bridges is urgently recommended for operational reasons and for the
intended traffic volume of the tram network. To build these bridges immediately would, however, take a long time
and have a relatively high investment cost compared to the overall project cost.

The following detailed description shows that the two bridges could be built and put into operation at almost any
time independently of each other and almost independent of the rest of the network development.

Salvation Bridge

Blue Nile Bridge

Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 22
Environmental investigation
Through the introduction of the tram, the existing bus transport will become partly unnecessary and the
share of bus transport in the overall public transport will fall, especially in the city centres. This
correspondingly sinks the pollution of the air by nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide and respirable dust.

The operation of tramway systems compared to bus systems provides significant advantages regarding the
emission of air pollutants. While the bus traffic accompanies with the usual motorised vehicle conditioned air
pollutant emissions, in particular from nitrogen oxides or the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, the operation of
trams is practically emission-free on site due to the electric propulsion.

The carbon dioxide equivalent as the benchmark for the emission of greenhouse gases for electricity generation
by hydro-power stations is about 10 g CO2 per kWh. Because there are no additional emissions, this value is
equivalent to tramway operation.
In contrast to this, the carbon dioxide equivalent for the usage of diesel fuel in the bus system amounts to 90 g
CO2 per kWh.
Beside the carbon dioxide further pollutant classes have been incorporated into the investigation. As usual in
Europe, also the nitrogen oxides NOX (different oxides of the nitrogen) as well as the respirable (micro) dust load
have been examined.
Total annual reduction in emissions
Carbon dioxide Nitrogen oxide Respirable dust

16,220 t 230 t 26.7 t

Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 23
Vehicle strategy

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Vehicle strategy – special requirements

Dust exposure – outstanding events Dust storm

from the
29 April


Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 25
4. Associated topics
Tramway operation – basic conditions

Operating days per week Saturday to Thursday

Friday could be a rest day. The final decision shall be made
by the respective Sudanese authorities.

Daily Operating time 6 am – 11 pm

Headway 10 minutes

Travel time Line 1 – Hilla-Bahri: 32 min.

Line 1 – Bahri-Hilla: 30 min.
Line 2 – Omdurman-KRT Airport: 53 min.
Line 2 – KRT Airport-Omdurman: 50 min.
Line 12 – University-Cube Corner: 18 min.
Line 12 – Cube Corner-University: 19 min.
Line 2E – Omdurman-Abu Saed: 20 min.
Line 2E – Abu Saed-Omdurman: 23 min.

- daily: 7,250 tram-km, 12,540 vehicle-km, 63,000 seat-km
- yearly: 2.26 m tram-km, 3.91 m vehicle-km, 196 m seat-km

Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 26
Costs estimation – Investment costs
Investment Costs

Track & Accompanying infrastructure 78.067 m €

Civil works 14.850 m €

Technical systems 65.407 m €

Maintenance facilities 33.250 m €

Other infrastructure costs 8.600 m €

Infrastructure investment costs 200.174 m €

Rolling stock* investment costs

* refurbished used vehicles
110.880 m €
Capital Costs 10.500 m €
Total Investment Costs 521.728 m €
Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group
ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 27
Organization of project realization

complexity Knowledge transfer

Operating Company
assisted by:

Supply & Construction

Supervision Company  Organisation & Structures
assisted by:  Training of Staff
 Operational Exploitation

Planning Unit Supply of equipment and

 Feasibility Study construction / erecting work by
 Preliminary Design Subcontractors
 Final Design

Start Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 28
The future

Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 29
The future

Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 30
The future

Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

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The future

Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 32
Thank you very much for your attention!


ETC Transport Consultants GmbH

Mr. Gunter Greif
Senior Consultant
Mobility Consultancy
Tel. +49 30 / 254 65 - 376

Feasibility Study – TRAM Khartoum network a member of the group

ETC Transport Consultants GmbH /Fax +49 30 / 254 65 – 376 / - 103 e-mail: gunter.greif@etc-consult.de web: www.etc-consult.de Page 33

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