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Facilitator :
M.W. Ludema

By Group 1 :
Nanda Perdana Putra D151170190
Adam Kustiadi Nugraha D151170200
Nur’aini D151170260
Davin Christian Hartono D151170300

1.2 PROCESSING........................................................ 4
INVENTORIES............................................................. 6
SYSTEM ...................................................................... 6
Right Product .............................................................................. 6
Right Place ................................................................................. 6
Right Price .................................................................................. 7
Right Customer ........................................................................... 7
Right Condition ........................................................................... 7
Right Time .................................................................................. 7
Right Quantity ............................................................................ 8
LOGISTICS PIPELINE ................................................. 8
BUSINESS-LOGISTICS PROCESSES ............................. 9
COMPANY ................................................................... 9
1.8 OUTSOURCED..................................................... 11

2.1 GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUES ......................... 12
2.2 CLUSTER ISSUES ................................................ 13
2.3 STRATEGY AND ACTIVITY MAP .......................... 17
2.4 ORGANIZATION ................................................. 19
2.5 SCOR-MAPPING ................................................. 22
2.6 LEAN VS AGILE ISSUES ...................................... 25
REDUCTION .............................................................. 28
2.8 SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESSING ISSUES ................. 30
2.9 POSSIBILITIES FOR PARTNERSHIP ................... 32

3.1 REALITY WORKSHEET ........................................ 33
Reality: Domain of the game ....................................................... 33
REALity: System/Problem ............................................................ 33
Reality: Factors .......................................................................... 34
Reality: Relationship ................................................................... 34
3.2 MEANING WORKSHEET ...................................... 36
Meaning: Purpose ....................................................................... 36
Meaning: Strategy ...................................................................... 36
Meaning: Operations ................................................................... 37
Meaning: Context ....................................................................... 37
3.3 PLAY WORKSHEET ............................................. 38
Play: Genre ............................................................................... 38
Play: Gameplay .......................................................................... 39
Play: Gameworld ........................................................................ 40
Play: Technology ........................................................................ 41
Play: Manual .............................................................................. 42
3.4 DESCRIPTION OF THE GAME .............................. 43
Meat is one of the animal origin food that has a high source of
protein. Beef is one of the food commodities which ACTS against the
community nutrition improvement, particularly animal protein which
is needed by humans. The increasing population and the
improvement in standard of living of the population in Indonesia led
to the demand for increasing nutritional fulfillment, especially high
protein food demand. Demand for beef in Indonesia from year to
year. It is influenced by the increase of population and increase of
knowledge of the importance of the consumption of animal protein.
This increase can be seen with an increase in the number of beef
that's cut, i.e. 1 324 154 tail in the year 2010 be 1 519 178 tail in
2011 to meet the demand of beef (BPS 2015).
In the modern era, food is a crucial commodity for
consumers, as it has a direct impact on their health . The food
supply chain is more complicated than the manufacturing and other
conventional supply chains, owing to the perishable nature of food
The logistics chain of the process of producing beef has a very
important role, so the improvement of quality management system
on the logistics chain is very important. The core functions of a
supply chain are 1) responsiveness to consumer needs and 2)
transformation of goods in form and location to deliver them
efficiently to consumers. Chains differ from the traditional
marketing channel in the degree to which firms cooperate with each
other. The aim of this study. This study aims to find out the
visualization of logistic chain activity and overall analysis of logistics
management system in the production process of beef.


Elders is one of Australia which was founded in 1839. Elders

have a reputation and a long track record as a reliable business
advisors, suppliers, and agents for major manufacturers from
Australia over the past 170 years. PT Elders started to go to
Indonesia in 1990. PT Indonesia Elders is part company from PT
Elders Trading in livestock namely feedlot and RPH. PT Indonesia
Elders began operating in 2000 in the field of fattening cattle
imports from Australia in Lampung Province while RPH housed in
Bogor Agricultural University, Dramaga-West Java.
The following flow chart is one simple visualization logistic
chain of Beef in PT. Elders Indnesia located at Bogor Agricultural
University, Dramaga, Bogor, West Java.

Feedlot PT. Elders Retailer(s) Consumer

Picture 1. Logistic Chain of Beef in PT. Elders Indonesia

PT Elders Indonesia headed by a Manager and has five

divisions, namely the Finance/Human Resource Development,
Production, Quality Control or Quality Assurance, Maintenance, and
Purchase/Warehouse. Organizational structure can be seen in annex
1. The working day is divided into two kinds of working days. Odd
days IE Monday, Wednesday, and Friday is the day cutting (killing),
while the even-numbered days IE Monday, Wednesday, and
Saturday is the day of boning. Work time starts at 07:30 pm and
finishes at 16:00 GMT, with twice the break during the working day,
namely at 09:30 to 10:00 and from 12:00 to 13:00. Actors who
play a role in running management in PT. Elders Indonesia can be
seen in the organizational structure below :


Finance / Production Quality Warehouse Maintenance

HRD / Sanitation Control / Purchase

Sanitation /
Delivery / Purchase Security

Picture 2. The Organigraphs of PT. Elders Indonesia

The production process in PT elders is as follows
Unloading Cattle




Slaughtering & expenditure of blood

Skinning & tail cutting

Chest cleavage and disposal offal

Carcass cutting and weighing

Washing of carcass and stamp





Transport & Distribution

Picture 3. Process of Beef cutting in PT. Elders

The separation of flesh and bone is called the deboning. This
process is the process of cutting a carcass that has been dilayukan
into pieces of meat. Deboning the carcass is made after reaching a
temperature of 10 ° C and the required room temperature is 16 ° c.
Deboning process consists of three stages, namely, boning, cutting,
and trimming.
Boning is a phase separation of meat with bones. Cutting is
the stage of cutting parts of the meat in accordance with comersil
and the process of cutting the bone is performed with the bone saw.
The last process of deboning is trimming, this process is the process
of cleansing the fat that clings to the meat and the meat is still
attached to the bone.

Meat that has been cut are put in plastic vaccum by using the
vaccum pack machine to make the meat in a vacuum (pressmeat).
Yanti et al. (2008) said that packing meat is very important in
preventing or reducing damage by microorganisms and physical
disorders. Wrapping with plastic can preventing bacterial
contamination from air and human hands. The next stage of meat
dipped into a shrink tank that contains water with temperature 80 oC
- 90oC for one second for plastic wrapping meat is more adhesive
and to detect plastic leakage wrapping. Then the meat is packed
with cardboard, then weighed with digital scales and labeled. The
final stages, cardboard tied with using stripping band machine.

Products that has been packaged in cardboard then pushed
with the help of conveyor to be stored in a container / cold storage
with temperature less than 10oC. This treatment aims to keep the
meat fresh and not damaged. The meat will be removed from cold
storage if it wants to be delivered to the consumer.


Distribution of commercial pieces that have been put into
container when PT Elders will be marketed to supermarkets.
Delivery is done once every day from Monday to Saturday. For
cutting-up results such as heads, legs, offal, and leather are sold to
regular customers who daily take to slaughter house.


The location of inventrories have to representated the

company needed effectivly. The inventory need to hold cycle stocks
and safety stocks. When the company plan to build the inventories,
the company need to consider the time, seasonal stocks,
anticipatory stocksm marketing, manufacturing, and finance. Design
important to make a big inventories in broad area or make a big
inventories in small area and also design how the product come-in
and come-out from the inventories. The company also need to
consider the time, the distance, the infrastructure, the regulation,
and the capacity so the inventory function will effective.


A company which offer livestock products must be able to
convince consumers that their products are products that include
aspects of safe and intact healthy. The Elders Company has proven
that the product and the whole process has met the Halal quality
standard and has a veterinary control number.

Generally based on Permentan No. 10/2013, the technical
requirements are must be fulfilled by slaughter house is location,
supporting facilities, basic construction, building design and
equipment should be able to facilitate the implementation of
production meat and carcass good and prevent contamination. This
matter it is important to ensure the food of animal origin, especially
beef from Elders Company fulfills the principle of ASUH. Evaluation
of facility conformance shows that The Elders Company is
categorized according to the conformity value of 293. The Slaughter
House Facility complete and adequate become the main criterion of
process of cutting cow accordingly halal cutting standards and GSP.
The location of Elders Company is located far from residential areas,
so it is low risk polluting the environment. Cow slaughterhouses
have facilities handling of solid and liquid waste and fenced
separately. Spatial designed specifically for dirty and clean areas,
postmortem and lighting checks the good one.

Pricing is very essential and all products and services. They
must have an appropriate price value in order to track the company
income and expenses. A good system for storing and updating the
right prices ensures success in Logistic Management System.

Every LMS Provider must know their target market to identify
the right customers. If they have more chances of gaining leads and
customers that will most likely to avail them.

Every product or goods that are to be entrusted by the
customers to LMS providers must be stored and delivered with the
right condition. This is where the specifications must be referred to
in order to place it on required facilities to maintain its quality. Meat
from RPH is labeled on plastic and cardboard indicating that the
meat is halal. How to get the label halal is to evaluate the entire
production chain in the cutting halal. The evaluation is conducted by
an authorized watchdog organization, which is acting as a control
and certification body (Bonne and Verbeke 2008). In Indonesia
there are two stages in determining the halal of a product. First, is a
halal certification conducted by LPPOM MUI. Then proceed halal
lebelisasi process which is the authority of BPOM.
The re-check was done by the veterinarian before the
cardboard was closed and tied up by examining whole meat, no
defects or bruises, packaging vacuum not leaking, label suitability
with items and physical contamination. If available clumsiness then
the item will be rejected for rework, if it is appropriate item is
pushed by conveyor to storage space (aging) at -5oC. It aims to
keep the meat fresh and undamaged. According to Cetin et al.
(2010) improper cooling and storage processes may result meat
contaminated with microbiology.

Meat distribution is done every Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday. Results follow-up cuts such as heads, legs, offal and
leather are sold to customers still comes every day cuts, ie
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Meat is distributed with a box-
temperature -1oC car. Means of transportation which can safeguard
the meat is not contaminated with materials that are haram so as

not to degrade its quality. In line with Harsajo and Irawati (2011)
that the system of transport and distribution of meat from
slaughterhouses to where processing takes an important role in the
application of quality assurance. According to Murdhiati (2007)
transportation is an important point in the chain provision of food of
origin of livestock, whether transportation from farm to RPH or from
RPH to the consumer. Meat is a good medium for growth of
pathogenic microbes so that cooling facilities are required at the
time transportation. Refrigerated transport can suppress microbial
breeding so the numbers do not reach dangerous levels.

Knowing and specifying the right quantity is also one of the
key in a successful Logistic Management System. Service must be
careful in sending the right amount or quantity of goods to be



The main uses of pipelines are oil and gas together with the
utilities of water and sewage. They can also be used for a few other
types of product such as pulverised coal in oil. The advantage of
pipelines is moving large quantities over long distances. The
pipelines are the cheapest way of moving liquids, particularly oil and
gas over long distances. The disadvantages of pipelines are being
slow, inflexible, and only carying large volumes of certain types of
fluid. Some products like oil and coal can be combined distribute to
the customer by pipeline. This transport system is marginally
cheaper than the current arrangement, but needs more capital

Table 1. The scoring perfomance of pipeline transport

Parameters Pipeline
Cost 2
Speed 5
Flexibility 5
Volume/ Weight limits 2
Accessibility 5
*)1 being the best performance and 5 being the worst


In business-logistics processes, there are inbound, production,

and outbound site. Inbound site will supply the raw material to the
processing product company. Raw material is the material, parts,
and components that have been delivered to organization, but are
not yet being used. Raw material will distribute to manufacturer or
production site. Production site will process the raw material to be a
product. Work in process is materials that have started, but not yet
finished their journey though the production process. From the
production site, the product will distribute to the outbound site.
Outbound site will process the product to be finished products.
Finished products are products that have finished the process and
are waiting to be shipped out to customers. Outbound site like
retailers, middleman,

Inbound Production Outbound Customer

FEEDLOT Slaughter house Food processing company

Picture 4. The business logistic process


The company have demand management, order-fulfillment

process, and customer service. Two types of demand management
are supply-demand misalignment and collaborative planning,
forecasting, and replenishment.

Supply-demand misalignment Collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment

Picture 5. The demand management of the company response

Company will calculate their demand and supply which mean
they know when to produce more or less depend on the market
demand. When company produce the product and launch to the
market, market will react to buy, hold, or leave. The hold or leave
customer will make over supply the product and so many more the
buy customer will make over demand. If there is complain about
the product like bug or production failure, the product will return or
cancellations to buy. So, the company need to response any respon
from the market untill the company find out true end customer
` Order fulfillment process of the company will know the
customer receive the order completely. This is really important to
know because the company will know how well their producet
satisfied and retained the customer.

Order Order Order Order

placement processing preparation shipment

= Principal product flows

= Principal information flows

Picture 6. The order fulfillment process of the company respon

Elements of customer service are time, dependability, cycle

time, safe delivery, correct orders, communications, adn
convenience. Performance measuters by orders received on time,
orfers received complete, orders received damage free, orders filled
accurately, and orders billed accurately. Customer service will
handle complain and know market respon so company can improve
their production accurately and make the inovation based on that.
PT. Elders Indonesia have implied the scheme response if the
customer have something problem with beef product by use the call
center to custumer service that printed in the label of product.
Another response can sent by email to the customer care of PT.
Elders Indonesia.

Picture 7. The customer service of the company response

Outsourcing is the contracting out of a business function to an
external supplier, involving the transfer of people, processes and
assets. This contracting out can be undertaken at either an on-
shore or off-shore location, and to one (single sourced) or more
(multi-sourced) outsourcing partners. Company have a dynamic
market so outsourcing can bring regulatory and financial
complexity, with legislation around services frequently changing and
the tax implications of shifting sourcing strategies providing
considerable complexity.

Globalization is changing the way the international firms used
to deal with their supply chain networks. This is happening because
companies are actively seeking to compete and gain market share.
Global companies nowadays manage multiple supply chains, not
only to deliver goods on time, but to meet diverse customer and
supplier wants related with pricing and packaging. Personalizing the
offerings for various customer clusters is necessary to address these
That visibility is particularly important in a time when most
products have become commoditized. Gone are the days when
pricing, features, and brand recognition were enough to set a
business apart from its competitors. Differentiation in the global
marketplace has as much to do with what happens in the supply
chain as it does with product innovation. When the market dampens
the payback for higher prices, businesses must instead meet their
profitability goals by redesigning and enhancing their supply chains,
and then use those improved operations to deliver value-added
services to more sophisticated customers. Increasingly, logistics
leaders are charged with delivering legacy products while also
supporting the development, production, and transport of new
Many businesses tend to apply outdated processes and
technologies to global supply chain operations. Many times,
available systems are not compatible with the modern demands.
Lack of understanding of current situations and contemporary
supply chain can be disastrous. It can result in a rise in costs and
decreased efficiency. With the expansion of logistics, the ability to
quickly estimate the cost and service implications must increase.
With an optimized global supply chain, an enterprise can address
many of the pressures reported in the PWC study. Such a system
 Reduced Costs − Companies accessing information relating to
suppliers make better procurement decisions. Online supplier
and buyer community management can reduce supplier sourcing
and procurement costs.
 Increased Transparency – A global business needs a single
point of access for supplier information as well as buyer-supplier

communities. International supply chain operators can locate
reliable suppliers regardless of location preferences with a global
approach and transparent policy.
 Lower Risk − An optimized supply chain lets the supplier meet
financial, legal, safety, quality, and environmental regulations.
As the regulations differ widely, flexibility becomes the key to
risk management.
 Support Legacy & New Products − Contemporary global
supply chains require a billing partner and a supplier settlement
platform. The platform needs to take care of taxation, invoicing
and other crucial functions. It must encompass multiple fluid
business-models to let the company reach international markets.


Clusters are geographic concentrations of interconnected
companies and institutions in a particular field. Clusters encompass
an array of linked industries and other entities important to
competition. They include, for example, suppliers of specialized
inputs such as components, machinery, and services, and providers
of specialized infrastructure. Clusters also often extend downstream
to channels and customers and laterally to manufacturers of
complementary products and to companies in industries related by
skills, technologies, or common inputs. Finally, many clusters
include governmental and other institutions – such as universities,
standards-setting agencies, think tanks, vocational training
providers, and trade associations – that pro- vide specialized
training, education, information, research, and technical support.
For example PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk., was
established based on Deed No 59, passed before Notary Djojo
Muljadi, S.H., on January 18, 1971, under the name of PT Java
Pelletizing Factory, Ltd., that produced copra pellets commercially.
The Company’s business started in 1975 with its poultry feed
business, followed by its poultry breeding business in 1982.
In order to strengthen its capital structure, the Company
listed its shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (formerly Jakarta
Stock Exchange and Surabaya Stock Exchange) in 1989. A year
later, the Company adopted a new name PT Japfa Comfeed
Indonesia Tbk., after acquiring four poultry feed companies.
In 1992, the Company exercised a strategic integration by
acquiring a poultry breeding and processing company (PT
Multibreeder Adirama Indonesia (MBAI) and PT Ciomas Adisatwa),

as well as a shrimp farming and processing company (PT Suri Tani
Pemuka). In 1994, MBAI listed its shares on the Jakarta Stock
Exchange and Surabaya Stock Exchange.
The Company’s business lines becaome more complete and
integrated in December 2007, after MBAI acquired PT Hidon, a
company engaging in poultry breeding and hatchery. On January
15, 2008 the Company acquired PT Santosa Agrindo, the largest
company in Southeast Asia, engaging in the beef fattening.
Effective December 1, 2009, the Company merged with PT
Multi Agro Persada, Tbk (MAP), a company engaged in poultry feed
distribution and production. And effective January 1, 2011, the
Company’s two entities namely PT Multiphala Agrinusa (MAG) and
PT Bintang Terang Gemilang (BTG), engaged in the poultry feed
production, merged with the Company.
The Company has increasingly focused on agribusiness by
increasing its production capacity with the development of the
poultry feed unit in Grobogan (Central Java) and Purwakarta (West
Java), poultry breeding production facility in Grati (East Java) and
Pontianak (West Kalimantan) and egg hatchery facilities in
Sukabumi (West Java) and Kediri (East Java), and acquisition of
companies engaged in commercial farms to increase production
capacity of broilers.
As part of its strategic focus in agribusiness, on July 1, 2012,
the Company merged with the Company’s subsidiary PT Mulibreeder
Adirama Indonesia Tbk. (MBAI), and PT Multiphala Adiputra (MPA)
and PT Hidon, subsidiaries of MBAI. The Company also issued senior
notes in US$ that will be due in 2018 amounting to US$225 million.
In March 2013, the Company conducted a stock split with a ratio of
1:5 (one to five). In addition, the Company then acquired cattle
breeding farms, namely Riveren and Inverway Station in Australia.
PT Japfa Comfeed clustering system can be good
example. It include animal feedmills, breedang farms & hatcheries,
slaughter house, animal feed company, abbatoir, beef cattle feedlot,
aquaculture company, animal vaccine factory, transportation
service, and general Trading (Picture 8).

Fish Farming
and Processing

Animal Vaccine Factory Breeding Farms

Beef Cattle Feedlot

Breeding Farm

Beef Cattle Feedlot

Central Hatcheries

Animal Feedmills
Fish and Eel Farm

Food Processing

Picture 8. PT Japfa Comfeed Mapping Cluster

In the food and agricultural supply chain, reliable and
effective transport systems for supplying food to consumers are
essential. Because, in the food distribution system of local food
producers, logistics is fragmented and inefficient compromising the
sustainability of localized systems and this requires improvement.
Comparing the outputs of the route analysis for the two
scenarios, uncoordinated and coordinated collection of products,
coordination reduced number of routes, distance, and time. The
maximum improvements were for number of routes, for driving
distance and for time. All together, coordinating product transport
from farms to Central reduced the number of routes, driving
distance and total time. Previous studies carried out on agricultural
goods transport indicated that route optimization can reduce
transport distance, time, number of deliveries, number of routes
and Green Gas Emissions (Gebresenbet and Ljungberg 2001,
Ljungberg, 2006).
In the present study it was noticed that producers of local
food run mostly their own vehicles and about half of the vehicle
capacity is unutilized. Taking into consideration these facts
mentioned above, the proposed network integration indicates
towards positive environmental impact by: (i) Reducing number of
vehicles to be deployed for produce collection and distribution to
customers; (ii) Increasing the utilization level of vehicle loading
capacity; (iii) Reducing travel distance, time and fuel by following
optimized routes.
For the case of local food, the consumers know who the
producers of each produce they purchase are. The network
integration also helps to increase the quality of local food produces
through improving its traceability. For example, Engelseth (2009)
indicated that a “bottom-up” and technically anchored approach
could provide direction in developing food supply and product
traceability in academia and business practice.
Modern competition depends in productivity, not on access to
inputs or the scale of individual enterprise. This is the reason why
cluster is important. Productivity rests on how companies compete,
not on the particular fields they compete in, Companies can be
highly productive in any industry such as agriculture. If they employ
such sophisticated methods, use advanced technology, and offer
unique products and service. All industries can employ advanced
technology, all industries can be knowledge intensive. Cluster

method allow each member to benefit as if it had greater scale or as
if it had joined with others without sacrificing is flexibility.
Strategy is the creation of a unique and valuable position,
involving a different set of activities. If there were only one ideal
position, there would be no need for strategy. Companies would
face a simple imperative – win the race to discover and preempt it.
The essence of strategic positioning is to choose activities that are
different from rivals’. If the same set of activities were best to
produce all varieties, meet all needs, and access all customers,
companies could easily shift among them and operational
effectiveness would determine performance
PT Japfa Comfeed based in Indonesia, also has a clear
strategic positioning. PT Japfa targets is buyers who want good
quality product at low cost. What turns this marketing concept into
a strategic positioning is the tailored set of activities that make it
work. PT Japfa has chosen to perform activities differently from its
The Company always maintains and improve the quality of
animal feed as well maintaining the availability of goods content.
Companies are trying to maximize marketing by marketing one kind
brand alone is BENEFEED and not adding new brand products. The
company creates an image in mind the consumers that their
product is superior to the brand name other feed. Quality control of
feed products is not only concerning the proof of the standard
quality is done on every raw material received for storage or use in
factory, but also involves monitoring that are careful of material
quality changes during storage before use and during processing.
Feed prices are influenced by value rupiah exchange rate
against the dollar, policy government, and adjusting to the costs
company operations. The company charges the same price on all
agents regardless of where the food is it will be transported. The
selling price will be different from agent to final consumer where the
price is set by the agents taking into account transportation costs
and the value of earnings desired by agents. Nevertheless, the
company remains control the price at the agent so the agents do
not casually mock feed prices in the area. The company also
delivers ease of payment system to the customer. When the agents
pay in kind cash then the company gives discounts at 3%, and
when payment is made on credit then given a period of time
approximately 7 days to 13 days from time taking. Similarly

implementation payment can transfer to the Bank appointed or
coming directly to the company.
The location of the company is on the toll road which support
marketing activities because be on the safe and smooth
transportation trasportation making it easier to transport products
to agents. Company implements policy for do not distribute the feed
directly to agent, but it is the agent who takes the lead to the
company. Thus the cost distribution of such feed to arrive the goal
area is fully borne by agents. Similarly for taking feed is only
devoted to the agents who have been appointed or who have been
registered and recognized by the company, apart from the listed
agent is then the company will not serve. Similarly within product
distribution, the company only serves agents that have established
cooperation, para large breeders with business scale above 50,000
tail and company partnered with PT.JCI. Apart from these three
groups, then the company will not serve.
The company's position is currently growth and already have
consumers with fixed segments. for strategy of Public Relations, the
company applied the occurrence individual relationships with agents
to support its business activities. One of the undertaking is by
visiting the realm of agents to build relationships and good
communication, give a gift on holidays like giving parcel, shirt shirts
and banners bearing the company logo.
Strategic positions emerge from three distinct sources, which
are not mutually exclusive and often overlap. First, positioning can
be based on producing a subset of an industry’s products or
services. I call this variety-based positioning because it is based on
the choice of product or service varieties rather than customer
segments. Variety-based positioning makes economic sense when a
company can best produce particular products or services using
distinctive sets of activities.
A second basis for positioning is that of serving most or all the
needs of a particular group of customers. I call this needs-based
positioning, which comes closer to traditional thinking about
targeting a segment of customers. It arises when there are groups
of customers with differing needs, and when a tailored set of
activities can serve those needs best. Some groups of customers
are more price sensitive than others, demand different product
features, and need varying amounts of information, support, and

It is intuitive for most managers to conceive of their business
in terms of the customers’ needs they are meeting. But a critical
element of needs- based positioning is not at all intuitive and is
often overlooked. Differences in needs will not translate into
meaningful positions unless the best set of activities to satisfy them
also differs. If that were not the case, every competitor could meet
those same needs, and there would be nothing unique or valuable
about the positioning.
Positioning is not only about carving out a niche. A position
emerging from any of the sources can be broad or narrow. A
focused competitor, such as Ikea, targets the special needs of a
subset of customers and designs its activities accordingly. Focused
competitors thrive on groups of customers who are overserved (and
hence overpriced) by more broadly targeted competitors, or
underserved (and hence underpriced). A broadly targeted
competitor - for example, Vanguard or Delta Air Lines – serves a
wide array of customers, performing a set of activities designed to
meet their common needs. It ignores or meets only partially the
more idiosyncratic needs of particular customer groups.

Create company
image their group

Good Brand new

High animal
population Quality technology
one kind
of brand

Have fixed The quality Good

segmented of feed is communicati
market good on with local

Picture 9. Mapping Activity PT JAPFA COMFEED

For type of Organigraph. PT JAPFA have set-type formation in
central. And then web- set formation in every company group. The
set typr is from a management perspective, a set has managers at

the top of the set. These managers do not get involved in the actual
business process, but rather supervise from a distance. In a web
structure, the company has several “nodes” that all communicate
with each other, without going through a central coordinator. Webs
allow for “open-ended communication and continuous movement of
people and ideas.” There is no single manager for a web. Rather, all
individuals may act in a management capacity. “Managers have to
be everywhere.” Management structure may be loose or undefined.

Picture 10. Company Structure PT JAPFA Comfeed

The solutions to Global Supply Chain Challenges. As
companies look to amplify growth and expand quickly into
promising new markets, they will have to take a hard look at what
their current supply chains are capable of, and whether those
capabilities are enough to support global competition. Many will find
that in order to support existing and future business objectives,
companies must reconsider their management processes and
implement best practices in favor of more flexible practices.

To know the performance of supply chain from PT Japfa
Comfeed, a measurement approach method of Supply Chain
Operation Reference (SCOR) is needed. SCOR is able to map parts
of the supply chain in a company. The first step of SCOR is to create
a framework of supply chain flow of PT Japfa Comfeed which
consists of material flow, money flow, and information flow from
upstream to downstream. The flow of supply chain PT Japfa
Comfeed can be seen in Figure below.

From the picture above can be seen that the flow of
information occurs when consumers issued a purchase order letter
to PT Japfa Comfeed received by the marketing department, then
the marketing department to confirm to the procurement of raw
material inventory company. Then the flow of information on the
procurement to order raw materials and supporting materials on the
supplier. Not only the flow of information that is in material order
activity, but there is a financial flow and material return flow. In
addition, there is a material flow at the time of raw material and
supporting material from the suppliers has been accepted by the
company. After the raw materials from suppliers to the company,
checks on the raw material which includes the suitability of the
ordered quantity, the type of raw materials, the timeliness of
delivery, and checking the quality of raw materials received by the
Quality Assurance (QA). Products that do not pass the quality test
will be entered into the warehouse temporary storage. As for
products that pass the quality test will proceed to the packaging
process. Once packaged, the product is sent to the customer by the
marketing in accordance with the quantity and type of product.
The next step after knowing the flow
of supply chain, then the analysis
based on five perspectives. Which is
plan, source, make, deliver and
return. Once known the company's
supply chain activity, then the next is
classify these activities to lead to the
perspective of the supply chain used.
Classification of the PT Japfa
Comfeed supply chain activity can be
seen in Figure beside.
From the picture above the perspective that should be the
attention usually is the perspective of make. on the perspective of

make, PT Japfa makes raw materials into finished goods by
considering several things. SCOR process model for S-make divided
into three, that is sM1 Make-to Stock in warehouse to anticipate to
anticipate the lack of storage, sM2 Make to-Order based on direct
demand from consumers with exact amount, and sM3 Engineer-to
Order based on market share analysis. In PT Japfa Comfeed
activities schedule until waste disposal well managed and organized.
For source perspective, the example are the parties who become
suppliers of raw materials source of making nuggets, such as
chicken meat supply, spices, etc. For the perspective of make within
the framework of supply chain PT Japfa Comfeed is the production
process of turning chicken raw materials into nuggets. For deliver
and return perspective in supply chain framework is delivery activity
from supplier to customer. By measuring supply chain performance
using Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) method, it can be
known the key performance indicator.
Looking from the market in Indonesia about the product of PT
Japfa, the demand for nugget products by consumers is fluctuating
and seasonal. Recommendations that can be given is that the
company always has a stock of raw materials in the form of chicken
meat, so that the state of stocked out does not occur, so the
company can meet consumer demand despite fluctuations. SCOR
system need to be implemented in all branches, because SCOR
model is suitable for supply chain performance evaluation, it is also
a practical decision support tool for the environmental assessment
of qualitative factors and competing decision alternatives along the

Lean production at PT Japfa has four principles:
1. Minimize waste, this has been done by the company, for example
in the nugget industry, nugget that does not pass the quality control
will be collected to be made into animal feed, but if the quality is
still good will be sold at low price to employees
2. Trying to make perfect quality from the first chance (perfect first-
time quality). for example is when PT Japfa implement good
management, every nugget making process is done by advanced
machine and zero waste with minimum error, quality control was
done to guarantee the perfect quality of product
3. Flexible production line. for example is PT Japfa in production
process following market demand, nugget production is made
through survey of consumer's taste and likes form
4. Continuous improvement. PT Japfa periodically conducts market
surveys and internal audits to improve itself, so that the company
can grow better
Agility in the supply chain can be achieved by integrating
organization, human resources, and by utilizing flexible technology
and organizational structures to support high-skilled,
knowledgeable, and motivated human resources. The figure below
will show the linkage of factors for success and agile manufacturing

To achieve agile condition in PT Japfa, company must have
the competitive basics of speed, flexibility and innovation processes.
Quality can be achieved through the integration of resources and
practices supported by information-rich environments. In agile
manufacturing is known some core concepts are:
1. Core competence management
This core competence is in the form of products and labor and is
known in two different levels of interconnected individuals and
companies. Competencies at the individual level include new
employee PT Japfa trained for 3 months to improve skills,
knowledge, attitude and expertise. this activity is a mandatory
program of PT Japfa to its employees. Older employees are also
developed and updated through routine education and training
programs once a year
2. Knowledge driven enterprise
The existence of knowledge and information is a key factor in
business, where business success depends on its ability to translate
collective knowledge and skills. This form of knowledge is real in the
form of the ability of employees in production management that is
formed from individual experience.

Japfa already apply this concept. At Japfa Lean and Agile
analysis can be seen from the table below :
Categories Lean Strategy Agile Strategy
Objectivity Frozenfood production Speed in introducing new
system has been products, flexibility of
processed with organization and quality of
sophisticated machine product
so the cost is low with
high quality
Supply Minimum supplies along Maintain inventory of

the supply chain warehouse frozenfood to
anticipate unpredictable
market needs
Lead time Shortening the lead Reduces aggressive lead
time as long as it does times
not increase the cost
Manufacture Keep the utilization Manage excess buffers to
average high in every ensure materials or
production process. components are available
Production follow by for processing. Computer
order rather than control for manufacturing
forecast process,
The fulfillment of consumer demand must be done effectively
and efficiently with the implementation of supply chain
management. Lean and agile concepts become concepts that apply
to supply chain strategy and are proven to be widely applied in
Japfa. In terms of quality there is a striking difference between
mass production and Lean production. In mass production quality
control means an acceptable level of quality. This means, on some
level, slight defects are allowed. In Lean production zero defect
rate, because if the defective component is sent to the next work
station, the production will stop.
In development of PT Japfa, to achieve the agility conditions
in the supply chain, top management engagement is essential to
achieving effective supply and logistics. Supplier relationships and
interactions between suppliers should be flexible in terms of
delivering products and services and in responding to the existing
business environment.
Lean and agile indicators can be established by analyzing the
flow of frozenfood in Japfa company supply chain. Establishment of
indicators based on requirements reflecting the substance of the

decision. In the supply chain system are defined three actors as the
main decision makers, which is slaughterhouse, manufacture
chicken nugget factories, and distributors or retailers. Japfa
company are expected to be able to analyze based on lean and agile
Process is defined as one or more tasks that transform a set
of inputs into a specified set of outputs (goods or services) for
another person. Process mapping is the detailed mapping of the real
process. There are four steps to the process activity mapping:
1. Study of the flow of processes
2. Identification of waste
3..Consideration of whether the process can be rearranged in a
more efficient sequence
4..Consideration of a better flow pattern, involving different flow
layout or transport routing
Waste reduction is the important issues in the company.
Prevention act with process activity mapping is needed to carried
out to identify the process flow and non value adding activities.
Let's take an example on nugget production at Japfa Comfeed
Company, according to a study finding facts after the study of
analysis the seven wastes are found
Table waste percentage of waste production PT Japfa
No. Type of Waste Percentage Percentage
1 Overproduction 9.375%
2 Waiting 15.625%
3 Transport 15.625%
4 Inappropriate Processing 18.75%
5 UnnecessaryInventory 6.25%
6 Unnecessary Motion 9.375%
7 Defects 25%

Image above is the sample of waste on chicken nugget line.
The three primary metrics is daily waste percentage, amount
of waste being created in zoned areas on the line, and the
composition of waste in these areas. For eliminating waste from
each area of the chicken nugget production line based on the
identified root causes. Potential savings were calculated for each
solution element along with a corresponding difficulty of
implementation based on potential savings and difficulty level
Benefits of reducing waste product from nugget production is
saving cost, conserves energy and resources, preventing pollution
involved in the growing, manufacturing, transporting, and selling
frozenfood. By controlling the production of waste then the
company will be able to increase profits by transferring waste into
products that can be sold. Even now japfa is developing to process
the nugget that is lowgrade to be processed into animal feed, so
waste can be utilized.
Process activity mapping of waste reduction can be used
effectively in any kind of sectors because it is world class
identification tool. If we see from the above conclusions it is a good
thing because we can plan the necessary strategies, however to be
noted that there is a significant cost to complete any required

changes for increased througout against take time will pay back for


Supply Chain processing involve the network of organizations
through upstream and downstream linkages in the different
processes and activities that produce value in the form of products
and services in the hands of the ultimate consumer. There are some
issues in supply chain process, when you want to improve service,
the cost goes up. When you want to cut cost, service suffers. It's
like a seesaw, the best way you can do is to try to balance both
Let’s take an example poultry bussines in Indonesia,
especially poultry farms on the village. The growing number of
Indonesian population each year causes an increase in the level of
food consumption, especially chicken meat, so that the production
of broiler chicken continues to increase from year to year and make
the poultry industry as an attractive market. The main problem
poultry farm in Indonesia is still maintain with traditional operation,
especially on the village which is the central of the poultry farm
industry. Lack of technology to integrate supply chain process
become a weakness in developing supply chain processes in rural
areas, this is become a big problem because it is exploited by a
handful of elite midleman to take advantage on the supply chain
process becomes longer than it should be. As a result, poultry
products in the consumer market become expensive.
Poultry farm supply chain process in Indonesia still a big issue
till this time, the main problem is the government is unable to
eliminate the middle man because this system has been going on
for decades. The number of residents becomes a problem, because
if the middleman is removed and banned, it will increase the

number of unemployed in Indonesia. what the government can do
right now is to manage the supply chain management wich is
coordination of production, inventory, location, and transportation
among the participants in a supply chain to achieve the best mix of
responsiveness and efficiency for the market being served.
In PT Japfa, the important component to efficient process of
the supply chain and reduce the issues is networking, information,
and relationship. Network is required in product sales to controls
various activities within supply chain process. A generic supply
chain structure is as simple as supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler
and retailer. by integrating some of these components networking ,
then the problem maybe can be solved.

From the picture above can be seen about Integration in

supply chain process Next problem solving for supply chain
processing issues is information must flow. Another important
attribute of supply chain process management is the flow of
information and finance. If the information flow or information
sharing transparently, each player in the same supply chain must
not make speculation which can be disadvantage.

From the picture above can be seen about shared information.

When information is shared from retailer down to supplier, everyone

doesn't have to keep stock that much or the actors can strategize.
The result is the chicken nugget product cost is lower for everyone.


The possibilities for partnerships give the business more
competitive edge, reach a new market, give access to additional
resources products/services, grow the customer base , and
strengthen weaker aspects. When two or more individuals come
together to form a business partnership, it is advisable to have a
correctly drafted partnership agreement carefully detailing the
terms of the business relationship. PT Japfa make a partnerships
with the farmers of the people who live in the village by providing
chicks, feed, and production equipment for broiler chickens
production in rural area. After one or two month the chicken raised
and reach enough weight to be harvested, then the farmer sells the
broiler chicken to PT.Japfa Comfeed Companies with profit sharing
system. With this system breeders who don’t have enough money
will be helped, and also companies obtain benefit by saving
employee costs.
To bring innovations to the market, companies almost always
need partnerships. Partnerships can offer scalability, productivity,
and open up new markets. However, partnerships are not easy to
establish and manage. Trust is the cornerstone of a partnership.
Trust must be earned, so prior collaboration between the partners
would be the best starting point. In addition to the self-evident
trust, there are three common elements that are required for a
successful partnership.
The required for a successfull partnership
No. Requirement
1 Compelling but realistic vision of that can achieve together.
2 Both partners must gain business benefits.
3 Open sharing of information, or intimacy.

Currently, the condition of partnerships between PT Japfa
Comfeed Companies and the breeder farmer unfortunately not
good. That’s because there are many cases that the farmer was
fooled by the company because if the chicken production does not
reach the target, then there is no help from the company against
the loss of breeders
Partnerships are fundamentally equal relationships. In the
case between Japfa and the the breeders there is a few risk factor
for the programs when their partnership agreement becomes bad
because one side feels exploited. The recommendations is once
contracts are signed between the breders and the company , there
should be flexibility for a period of maintenance. The company
should have to help the breeders to maintenance the perform of
chicken to reach the target.




Slaughter house management about fresh beef business

The system as briefly described in the case description shows
certain specifications, maybe sub-optimal states, maybe some
dilemmas. Try to define the problem with regard to the case as
precise as possible. Use the following questions:
 What is the problem to be dealt with?
 To what (other) domain(s) does this problem relate to?
 Why would a game be suitable for this problem?

-This program will related to adding the value of the product in
supply chain management, especially in transforming from a bad
quality to be a good quality of beef.
-This game is suitable for the problem, because this game
describe a process and problem solve which is similar with
-This game is suitable for the problem, because this game
describe a process and problem solve which is similar with supply
chain management system, that contain process a system,
indeed problem solving. In the journey to finish the line
(described as supply chain system) there are several problem or
situation that will be an advantages or disadvantages. Based on
that similar model, we think that this game is suitable to the
supply chain system.

Factors are “objects,” people, organizations, artifacts, or
phenomena, that play a role in the case. A distinction should be
made between critical factors and environmental factors. The critical
factors are the most important factors, at least for the system at
hand and how it is defined. Environmental factors are usually
external factors, the ones that do influence the system or problem,
but who are certainly not the focal point. Try to answer the
following questions (apply methods that you know from your study
 Who or what is involved with the problem?
 What are the critical and what are the environmental factors?
-Who’s involved:
1. Chief of slaughter house
2. Slaughterman
3. Farmer/suppliers
4. Retailer
5. Goverment
6. Customer
7. Transportation company
-Issues: Quality (Safety, Healthy, Whole, Halal (religion)),
stocks, market price
Critical factors : Hygiene, Animal Welfare, Supply, Time and
Right Temperature, Halal
Factors are not isolated objects. They relate in certain ways to each
other. factors
In what way haveneeds
is what beingtoissued for fresh beef
be considered whenbusiness
relationships.” Some factors are simply an input of the model that
are: Animal Welfare
influence the factors inside an “imaginary box” (think of it like a
Organization, Public Policy

system boundary) – a box drawn around the critical and other
relevant factors – and others concern an output. The latter is what
the model produces. Try to draw a diagram to make the
relationships clear.
 How do the factors relate to each other?
 What concerns an input, what is included in the “imaginary box,”
 what are the outputs?

Picture 11. Relationship Diagram



This is the intention for designing a game. It needs to have some

sort of function aside from entertaining players and this relates to
the type of values that need to be derived from the game playing
experience. Values can be related to one or more of the following:
intended learning outcome, decision process, or (improved)
understanding of the system. Values help to specify the purpose of
the game into concrete, measurable objectives, such as a time
taken for decision making process, number of equipment failures in
operations, or grades in a knowledge test. Use the following
questions to do this:
 What value(s) does the game need to bring forth beyond the
context of the game itself?
 What is the purpose of the game?
 What concrete, measurable objectives can be specified based on
the purpose?

- Value of this game is the player will understanding of the system of

slaughter house include the issues and how to solve its.
- Purpose of the game is to indtroduce slaughter house business and
commite to make the best quality of beef.
- The objectives are the player find out all of the issues in slaughter
house business and solve the problem so the company can make the
best quality of beef.


For reaching the purpose described above, a plan of action needs to

be thought of to related the purpose of the game to the real world
in the best possible way. Strategies can relate to existing games or
other artifacts, which embody some philosophy to create value (“we
are going to do it like them”) and/or to theories from one of the
disciplines that are affiliated with the meaning of the game.
 How can the purpose of the game be achieved in the best
possible way?
 What frameworks, theories, established game examples or other
notions help in developing an approach to reach the purpose?

- The players are following the storyline to find out the issues then
choose the right answer or make the right decision to solve the
problem. The players will learn the slaughter house business, how to
manage it, and the objectives will achieved in the end.
- Good supply chain manangement will make the best quality of
product which mean there is always need to do the best standard in
every chain.


For implementing the strategy above, the plan needs to be

translated to concrete mechanisms that achieve the value. These
mechanisms are called “operations.” An operation can emerge on
the basis of the interaction of game elements or it is a fixed element
that helps establish the value, such as making sure that a scenario
is never completely the same. This increases the possibility to
replay scenarios and this is beneficial for players to keep on
 How can the higher-level plan of action be translated to concrete
operations? (topdown approach)?
 What specific mechanisms can possibly establish the value(s)
and in what way will this happen? (bottom-up approach)
- The player are following the main purpose of the game which
mean the player need to know how to make the best quality of
beef. The players are trained to make a decision in every
situation based on the gold standard.
- The player know the supply chain of the slaughter house in
every single problem so the player could solve every problems
or issues to make the great thing (the best quality of beef)


The use of a game takes place in a certain setting and this setting is
influential for achieving the purpose. Additionally, the context can
also be harnessed to derive even more value from playing the
game. Therefore, in considering the context, we have to look into –
amongst possibly other influential issues – the target group that is
going to play the game as well as the deployment of the game.
 For whom is the game intended?
 Where, when, and how will the target group play the game?

 What other elements surrounding the game can be used to reach
the purpose (e.g., website, books, or a field trip)?

- For the supply chain or logistic student which will need to know
the slaughter house supply chain system.
- The target group will play the game in the class. They can do by
their ownself or in a group to discuss the topic of the game. The
right time is when the class start talking about cluster in supply
- Books (about slaughter house and supply chain) and field trip to
the slaughter house



A genre describes the game world and setting of your game.

Examples are rhythm games, shooter games, strategy games,
adventure games, or puzzles.
 What genre do you choose?
 Think of a title for your game!

Title of the game : OUR BEEF (see Picture)

Genre : Quiz game

Picture 12. The title of the game “OUR BEEF”

Play: Goal

A goal is an explicit or implicit statement at the beginning of the

game that explains what the player needs to do. It defines the sort
of in-game objectives, like saving the princess or planet earth that
players need to achieve to reach the desired end-state. In thinking
about this, it is also useful to consider the type of genre(s) to which

the game belongs, as they largely determine what sort of goal(s)
the game has. To define the goal consider the following questions:
 What is or are the goals IN the game?
 How does the player know when this goal or these goals are
 How can this game be reached?

- Goals :
1. Create the best quality of beef
2. Players know how to be slaughter house manager
3. Players know the issues in slaughter process
4. Player know the standars in slaughter house business
- The player need to complete the mission in each level to unlock
the next level to reach the last level. In every level, the player
will get improvement about slaughter house business like the
problem, the issues, what should they do and dont, and the best
- The player have to finish every task in each level and get some
point to unlock the next level. There are 6 levels in this game.
When they complete the last level they win.


Consists of a combination of the challenges players face, the actions

that are available to them, the way they execute these actions, and
the rules that connect all of these previous elements. The rules, for
example, tell what the consequences are of executing an action.
 What challenges does the game offer?
 What actions can players perform to overcome these?
 What are the rules of the game?

- The challenges of this game are find out the issues in slaughter
house business, make improvement in our slaughterd house to
make the best quality of beef, and manage our company to get
good manufacturing practices.
- The players can take action to be a dedicated person to make
the best quality of beef, the players trained to make a great
decision to solve the problem or issues based on the gold
standar in slaughter house business.
- The rules of the game are complete the mission by choose the
right answer in every level to get the points and unlock the next
level; the player only have 30-120 second to answer every
question in each level. When the players complete the last level,
they will win. But if the players choose the wrong question and
cannot complete the level so they have to try again in the same
level. (see Picture)
Picture 13. The multiple choices questions (left) and the analytical
questions (right) should choose and give the right answer


Playing a game takes place in a fictional play space called the

gameworld. Such a gameworld can be looked at from a physical,
temporal, environmental, emotional, and ethical dimension. In
thinking about these dimensions, elements, like graphics, audio,
and text, have to be considered. It is further incredibly important to
look into the coherence of the gameworld: every part has to be
made explicit and connected to other parts. To see the linkages, it
helps to draw a diagram. You can do this along following questions:

 Where and when does the game take place?

 What is the look & feel of the game?
 What is the story?
 What happens in the game and how does it possibly end?
 What other types of aesthetics play a role?
 How does everything fit together?

- Place : Slaughter house
Time : Work Time
- The game look like the quiz game that will make the players
have to choose the right answer in time. This is a fiction game
but related to the reality condition in slaughter house business
- The story is we are hired to be a slaughter house manager
which have to improve our company to make the best quality of
beef. We confronted with the worse and dirty hygine personal
issue, the banned company from public/customer, and manager
the supply and demand. We are struggled but nothing last
forever we can change the future so we complete every level to
reach our goal.(see Picture 12.)
- We confronted with so many issues and problems so we have to
improve our company to make the best quality of beef. In every
level have their own issue and when we choose the right answer
we solve the problem. The game will end when we complete the
last level, it is mean we can solve all the problems.
- There are graphics, audio, and text in the game
- Every level are connected and linked about the quality of beef

Picture 14. The rules of the game (left) and the issues in the game (right)


In designing and facilitating a game, technologies (e.g., game

engines, hardware, material, network) are used. These technologies
make a lot possible but also have their restrictions in what can be
accomplished. For designing a game, it is for this reason necessary
to carefully consider what to employ.
 What technologies are used for the game and how are they
 What are the affordances and limitations of these technologies?

- Technology : Microsoft powerpoint so we need PC/
The player should run the application to play the game (see Picture)
- This game are less paper, can run in every pc/laptop/smartphone,
suitable play by
everyone. This game still lack of bug like developer can’t run the time.

Picture 15. The game can be run in microsoft powerpoint


When a game has to be played without facilitator, or facilitated by

someone else than the game designer, a clear manual is needed.
For developing the manual, think of following aspects:
 What is the story of your game (in 1-3 sentences)?
 What is the winning condition of the game?
 What are the rules of the game?
 How is the game played (in rounds, alone, with others (how
 Which actions are required and allowed? Which are not?

Picture 16. The completed level in the game to reach the goal

-We are hired to be a slaughter house manager. We have so
many job to improve our company and we have one main goal
that is to make the best quality of beef. We confronted with so
many issues like hygiene personal, banned from customer, and to
simplify the supply chain which are too many middlemans. (see
Picture 14.)
-The player complete every mission in each level to earn some
points and unlock the next level. The player who can complete
the last level will be a winner.
-The rules are :
- The players choose the right answer to reach the best score
and pass the level
- The players will earn some point when they complete the
- The next level will unlock only if we have enough point
- There is time when we answer the question
-The game have 6 levels which can play alone or with others. The
players choose the right answer to earn the highest point.
-The players allowed :
- To discuss in group when they play together
- To play again the same level when they want to earn the
highest points
-The players not allowed :
- To run the next slide without answer the question in every
- To cheating
- To skip the level


Our beef is the simply game like quiz based on leveling game. The
game only focus on the right choices which mean when the player
choose the right choice so the will get the higher point, they
complete the mission (level), they unlock the next level, and they
solve every problem in each level. The storyline of this game is the
player is hired to be a slaughter house manager. The players have
so many job to improve our company and we have one main goal
that is to make the best quality of beef. The player confronted with

so many issues like hygiene personal, banned from customer, and
to simplify the supply chain which are too many middlemans.
How to play this game? The player choose the level then choose the
right answer. This game can play alone or in group. There are 6
level on the game which have issues in each level to solve. To
complete the level, the player only have to choose the right choice
and get the highest point to earn some points and to unlock the the
next level. There is a reward and bonus on the games which will
contribute to achieved the game purpose.


 Add more actors based on issues in slaughter house

 Add more difficult study case about slaughter house problem
 Make the complexity of the game which related to supply chain
 Add the differentiate of with middleman and without the
middleman in goverment point of view
 Fix the bug like fix the timer.


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