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Public Money & Management

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Resource Accounting and Budgeting: Principles,

Concepts and Practice—The MoD Case

Angela Gillibrand & Brian Hilton

To cite this article: Angela Gillibrand & Brian Hilton (1998) Resource Accounting and
Budgeting: Principles, Concepts and Practice—The MoD Case, Public Money
& Management, 18:2, 21-28
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Resource Accounting and

Budgeting: Principles, Concepts
and Practice—The MoD Case
Angela Gillibrand and Brian Hilton
In 1998/99 resource accounting will be trialed in the final group of
departments to which it is to apply. Prominent among these will be the Ministry
of Defence (MoD). The huge size of the MoD’s asset base, and the difficulty of
assessing much of its value, raises problems which will not have to be faced by
July 2016

other government departments.

Traditional government accounts focused on To run their operation, the War Office and the Angela Gillibrand and
cash. Many central government departments Admiralty issued them with cash budgets. Brian Hilton are in the
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simply process cash, for example grants or Commanders acted as they saw fit. Within School of Defence
social security payments. In such cases broad regulations and directions they were Management, Cranfield
resource accounting and budgeting will produce empowered with a high degree of local University, RMCS
few changes. The Ministry of Defence (MoD) is autonomy. The 1866 Act ended this. However, Shrivenham.
different. It deploys extremely expensive assets, in 1917 the War Office revived it with an
to produce a result which is tangible in concept, experiment in what we now call RAB. This ran
but mercurial in practice, ‘fighting power’. This on until 1927. Significantly decentralized
has conceptual, material and moral empowerment is a fundamental of current
components. British military doctrine. It is called ‘mission
Experience suggests that the material is command’. This expects military commanders
vital to success in war; the conceptual in the to act locally without specific direction
campaign and the moral in battle. The moral consistent with their superior commander’s
encapsulates the beliefs that drive one on overall concept of an operation.
despite extreme adversity—victory comes from
convincing the enemy that one has a greater Principles Deployed by RAB:
will to prevail. Incentive Structures as a Guiding
The structure-conduct-performance Principle
paradigm leads us to expect that new structures The principles developed in this section provide
will engender new behaviour. Resource a framework to assist structured thinking about
Accounting and Budgeting (RAB) has this public sector accruals accounting and
intention. In the MoD, military behaviour is budgeting. They provide a means to test the
fundamental to value for money (VFM). consistency of a particular system with stated
MoD’s huge and complex asset base policy and the base theory underpinning it. The
means that RAB will be significant to it. For the discussion of each ends with a definition of the
same reasons, implementing RAB will be more principle involved.
difficult and problematic than elsewhere. There The focus of current public sector reform is
will need to be a high degree of congruence value for money (VFM) generated by local
between the accounting principles adopted and empowerment. Empowerment does not
the system of budgetary authority and necessarily entail devolved power. Power
accountability constructed. This article remains with Parliament, but authority is given
discusses a set of principles that should to those locally responsible for delivery.
underlie RAB. These aid understanding of the One way of distinguishing between power
possible impact of alternative budgetary and empowerment is to see them in terms of
structures on military performance. the distinction between ‘outcomes’ and
Devolved authority and budgets are not new ‘outputs’. The political process has ‘power’ to
to the military. For centuries, the basis of specify the outcome desired. On the other hand,
command in the British Army and the Royal the ‘empowered’ public servant determines the
Navy was budgetary authority. The current outputs that will deliver those outcomes. A
centralized systems did not commence until public servant will be held to account for the
after the Exchequer and Audit Act 1866. Before judgement exercised. Resource accounts,
this, regiments and ships were manned, coupled with local budgetary authority, provide
equipped and deployed by their commanders. an acceptable and achievable

means of separating power and empowerment. sustain an asset depends crucially on the length of
The executive has to account to the proprietor’s the lease. With a very long lease, for example 99
representatives for the resources deployed. years, the incentives are close to those of a
This leads to: freeholder. The short-term holder of usus fructus
rights has an incentive to extract the maximum
Principle 1—Sustained Auditable Propriety (SAP): possible return from an asset, independent of the
RAB should maximize the propriety sustained in impact of that on value. With a one-year lease,
spending public money there is virtually no interest in asset husbandry. To
be consistent with the first principle, and staff
Empowerment generally means decentralization, development, civil service tenure is deliberately
but of what? Decentralization (see Hilton, 1983) brief in any post. When devolving authority it is
has three dimensions (the three Is): then difficult to bring those with it to account. The
new accounts need to counteract any tendency to
•Intents. extract use value at the expense of opportunities
•Incentives. to support asset values. A financial concept, i.e.
•Information. net present value, used as an accountability
criterion, would encourage good asset husbandry.
These respectively cover the subordination of It treats value as the same as the net benefit
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power, authority and responsibility. The first yielded in an asset’s lifetime rather than its utility at
principle limits the extent of their use. an instant.
Current public sector reforms see VFM enhanced
by devolving authority, not the power for directing Principle 3—Net Present Value (NPV): RAB should
expenditure. In the literature on property rights, the encourage those with delegated authority to
latter entails usus abusus rights, i.e. the right to use, optimally trade-off the values extracted, sustained
abuse and alienate an asset (Furubotn and Pejovich, and realizable from assets
1979). Asset controllers are then freeholders. They
have a vested interest in sustaining assets with a This principle produces limited ‘closure’. The
view to their later resale value. In addition, others, values on which it depends, i.e. future costs and
who feel they can use the same asset better, can buy disposal values, are problematic. The principle’s
it at a price bettering the financial position of the power to bring decision-makers to account is
current owner. If such a sale is not advantageous, thus weak. By limiting the user’s disposal of
then the new owner is at financial risk. This is the assets, the impact of high-powered market
basis of ‘high powered’ market incentive (Williamson, incentives is constrained. On the other hand,
1991). It also provides the moral justification for free responsibility has been devolved within limits to
enterprise. One forgoes such incentives with public ensure delivery of proprietorially specified ends.
ownership. This impedes the transfer of assets from In devolving authority, and applying the NPV
those using them badly to those using them well. principle, decision-makers are empowered to
Decision-makers are not at financial risk. redirect resources. This is to deliver pre-
specified outcomes, sustain assets and initiate
Current public sector reform intends to their replacement. Devolving authority provides
maximize the use of usus abusus rights for assets some high-powered market incentives but
deployed for the public good. This justifies constrains ultimate purposes, investment and
contracting out, outsourcing, market testing and disposal. The use of low-powered hierarchical
the Private Finance Initiative (PFI). By such incentives is then inevitable. Thus
means society gains from high-powered market empowerment through the delegation of
incentives. RAB must therefore maximize the authority, does not connote the acquisition of
opportunities evident for public service delivery power. It does provide incentives and
using market incentives. This leads to the capabilities not accessible with responsibility
second principle: Market-led delivery. alone. With the latter, one is aware of cost; but
does not control it. With delegated authority and
Principle 2—Market-Led Delivery (MLD): The span of sufficient time in a post, or a peer context, one
accountability and financial control chosen for distinct can create market-like constructions putting
accounting entities should highlight opportunities to decision-makers under market-like pressure. To
access and use ‘high-powered’ market incentives and maximize VFM, a balance is needed between
effect control by budgetary not regulatory means market and hierarchical incentives. This leads to
the fourth principle: ex ante empowerment.
Authority empowers decision-makers to direct the
use of assets to the achievement of pre-specified
ends. It does not give them the power for Principle 4—Ex ante Empowerment (EAE): RAB
unfettered acquisition, disposal or reassignment. should delegate ex ante authority and underpin it
This is what empowerment means. This level of with systems ensuring sustained long term personal
control yields usus fructus rights, i.e. access to the accountability
fruits of use, the rights of a leaseholder. The
degree to which a leaseholder has an incentive to We define responsibility as restricting decision-

Table 1. Principles to guide RAB.

Principle number and name Short name Definition

1 Sustained auditable propriety (SAP) The accounts should maximize the

propriety sustained in spending
public money.
2 Market-led delivery (MLD) The span of accountability and financial
control chosen for distinct accounting
entities should highlight opportunities to
access and use the high-powered
incentives provided by markets.
3 Net present value (NPV) Accounting and financial systems should
encourage those with delegated authority
to optimally trade-off the values
extracted, sustained and realized from
their assets.
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4 Ex ante empowerment (EAE) Ex ante authority should be delegated

and underpinned by accounting and
financial systems supporting accountable
personal control.
5 Ex post accountability (EPA) With hierarchical responsibility the
accounting, not planning, system should
drive structure and incentive to ensure
auditable ex post personal performance.
makers to using information to direct assets in a well-directed use of available incentives.
pre-specified way to pre-specified ends. In the
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literature, this is a usus right. The decision- Principle 5—Ex post Personal Accountability
maker is merely an asset’s tenant. There is no (EPA): With hierarchical responsibility the
power to specify intent and none of the built-in accounting, not planning, system should drive
incentives of authority. Direct monitoring of such structure and incentive to ensure personal
‘tenant’/management responsibilities is the only performance is auditable ex post (see table 1)
way to ensure that a proprietor’s assets are
used as intended. Limiting actors to We thus have five principles guiding RAB:
responsibility is to accept low powered
hierarchical incentives. The relationship •Sustained auditable propriety (SAP.
between cause and effect, and consequently •Market led delivery (MLD).
reward and punishment, is uncertain. Without a •Net present value (NPV).
clear link between these it is difficult to contract •Ex ante empowerment (EAE).
for market delivery. •Ex post accountability (EPA).
The commercial response to this is to
empower managers within a tight time frame.
They have to contract ex ante for an agreed level The MoD Asset Base: Size and
of commercial performance and are held tightly Complexity
to account for delivery ex post. The bureaucracy The MoD asset base is such that capital charges
emphasizes ex ante commitment coupled with and depreciation are likely to be at least as much
tough ex post audit of probity but not value as the current cash procurement budget. The
delivered. This has made it seem inefficient. assessment of these values is problematic (Hilton
This has led to current interest in ‘re-inventing and Gillibrand, 1996). The private sector only
government as a business’ (Hilton, 1994). sustains assets delivering returns as good as
Decentralizing responsibility with no evident those obtainable elsewhere. Cash flow must cover
personal authority or power, nor ex post VFM the costs of acquiring, maintaining and disposing.
accountability, provides valuable disinterested An office building let at £20,000 p.a., when the
objectivity in public servants. They then cope yield required is 7%, reflects a value of £285,714
well with the regular changes in political (cash flow/required yield).
direction inevitable in democracy. Citizens Valuations are then adjusted to reflect
demand decision-making attitudes consistent factors such as tenant quality. In the public
with SAP and so despite current reforms, the sector this method can be used directly. A city-
delivery of some services will remain by centre building may have a value computable
bureaucratic hierarchy. For these we need an by such means. The MLD principle then
accounting system supporting a suggests that it be accounted for as a business

or even run as one under the PFI. However, expendable in war. Military training can
MoD buildings are often specific in use. Offices counteract such effects. It does so for military
may have a nuclear shelter attached or be manpower. However the requirement to do so
dispersed to the countryside. needs to be recognized.
In local authority accounting, the first kind of Thus MoD has to be very careful to whom it
asset, i.e. a sellable one, is treated as a capital gives budgetary accountability for equipment. This
outlay and the second as an other long-term outlay. is fundamental to defence VFM. It is far beyond
In defence things are even more difficult. the experience of traditional accounting and
Consider valuing a tank. One could envisage budgetary practice. MoD has to develop its own
military assets as protecting an income stream distinct criteria beyond Accounting Standards
and so are analogous to a security system or Board (ASB) rules and commercial practice. These
insurance policy. In theory, one could then value criteria apply to categorizing, valuing and
them using the NPV principle. But even allocating budgetary responsibility for assets.
commercial estimates of future income streams
are so uncertain that accountants despair and The RAB Budgetary Structure, the MoD
use adjusted historic cost. and Incentives—An Example
This, too, has problems for MoD. The The policy behind the introduction of RAB is to
procurement market is not free. Historically based provide better public sector incentives. It is the
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attributions of cost are unreliable. An estimate budgetary regime that creates incentives, not the
could use the total cost of resources invested in an accounting one, MoD already runs a decentralized
asset’s design, production and support. But these cash budgetary regime. It has approximately 13
costs are not always clear. If they are, they may be Top Level Budgets (TLBs), each with an annual
non-attributable or simply not recorded. Even then, cash budget. Under RAB these will become
a weapon will have a value above or below this, resource budgets. Assets supplied free may be
derived from its ability to perform against a badly used or abused. If managers have to
prospective enemy. Two approaches then exist. account for full cost they might use fewer assets
One could take a subjective view of a weapon’s more carefully. The NPV principle supports good
military potential as a percentage above or below husbandry. In central government no incentive
that achievable by the prospective opposing exists for asset users to preserve or sustain them.
weapon, i.e. apply the EAE principle. The Although RAB should change this, accounting
determination of this should be by the individual alone will not.
accountable for delivery in battle. However he is Under RAB those responsible for deciding on
partial. Applying the SAP principle, such a required military capability will have to meet its full
judgement would need to be checked by someone cost. They might then reconsider their actions.
else qualified by experience to do so. A second Mechanisms already exist ensuring economy.
method would attempt to find some measurable However, the regulatory bureaucracy used is not
characteristics of the asset correlated with value— consistent with the Army’s system of empowerment,
for instance, age. This could be used to depreciate ‘mission command’. In action, this empowers
or appreciate value proportionately. commanders to use their discretion within clear limits.
In the case of weapons systems, the cost of The EAE principle also does so. However, ‘mission
the MoD’s original investment is the only command’ also brings commanders to account ex post
practicable baseline for value. The handling of for their consistency with the aim of their superior
subsequent value changes due to wear and command. This is in line with the EPA principle. The
tear, refurbishment, retrofits, etc. remains RAB budgetary regime should ensure consistency
debatable, as will the impact of counters to the with this.
threat it imposes (see Hildebrandt, 1992). Table 2 attempts to show how the difference
Valuation also depends on a view of when the between cash accounts and resource accounts
asset will be displaced or replaced. If we wish to would affect various budget holders and their view
generate the ‘right’ incentives, the EAE principle of a replacement decision for a tank. In addition
suggests those accountable for service delivery the table emphasizes the importance of the
should be those held to account for an asset’s visibility of the total output cost in making such a
value and cost. This implies delegation to those decision. This is summarized in the right-hand
making operational decisions. column beneath its subdivided components. Row
MoD must also take account of the changes 1 reflects the current system of cash budgeting.
that occur in the nature of some assets when Spares support, for example for transmissions,
moving from peace to war. Then some items requires £290,000 in cash. The Quarter Master
change from assets to consumables, for example General’s (QMG’s) budget pays for this. The tank
ammunition and missiles. A carelessly costs £10,000 per year for fuel and spares and the
implemented system of budgetary allocation could operator, Land Command, carries the budget for
have a perverse impact on military effectiveness this. The Procurement Executive paid £2,000,000
and by the EAE principle the ‘use value’ of military for this tank historically. This is already written off
assets. Being incentivized in peace to sustain a (indicated by [square brackets]). Land Command
weapon’s value as an asset for deterrence may may, or may not, choose to pass its cash cost on
undermine an individual’s capacity to treat it as to the

Table 2. Illustration of RAB applied to military hardware (tank).

Budget or Old tank New tank
type PE costs QMG Land PE costs QMG Land costs
costs cost costs

1 Cash [2,000,000] 290,000 10,000 3,050,000 45,000 5,000

2 Cash 300,000 3,100,000

Capital Depreciation Capital Depreciation

charge* charge*

3 Local
resource 120,000 200,000 290,000 10,000 183,000 305,000 45,000 5,000
of California, San Diego] at 11:55 25 July 2016

4 Outputs
resource 620,000 538,000

5 Local
resource 120,000 200,000 250,000 8,000 180,000 300,000 40,000 4,500

6 Output
resource 578,000 524,500

PE = the Procurement Executive who buy the MoD’s material and equipment. QMG = Quarter Master General: the
Army’s manager of the material of war. Land = UK Land Forces: the supplier of military output. Each of these is what
MoD calls a Top Level Budget.
*Capital charges are at 6% on capital employed.
Divisional Commander, a Higher Level Budget military capability that that capability is being
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(HLB). dissipated by retaining the old weapon system.

A new tank would be cheaper to operate, One would expect them to push hard for
costing QMG £45,000 and Land Command replacement. They have a clear accounting
£5,000. However the purchase would require case, although an economic case based on the
the Procurement Executive (PE) to spend net present value of future cash outflows may
£3,050,000 in cash. So, under the current not exist.
system of cash budgeting, obvious savings from Resource budgeting (row 5) needs to mirror
replacement are foregone. the resource accounts so as to facilitate planning
Immediately below (row 2) all costs are and sensible comparison with the actual spend.
included in the TLB of Land Command. This Not only is it clear that replacement is worthwhile,
provides the final output cost of military capability. it is also fundable. The budget provided the full
Incentives stay the same. The front line is merely resources to fund output and indicates when
made aware of the costs it imposes on QMG and assets should be replaced.
the MoD for spares. A decision by Land Command In row 6, maintenance and asset use cost
to train tank drivers to save on transmissions lie with the operational commander who is
would have a real cash cost, in travel and accountable for final output from supplied fully-
subsistence and an opportunity cost in the loss of costed inputs. It is worth noting that this process
a driver for a time. Transmissions are ‘free’ from narrows the gap between the VFM from
stock in a cash-based system. replacement and retention.
In row 3, we have moved over to resource
accounting. It is now very clear to the MoD that Questions Raised by the Above
it is cheaper to buy new tanks. However, if they Example
cannot find the cash or fund the new tank, they We now consider a number of questions that arise
might not be able to buy them despite the from trying to implement RAB in the MoD. The first
apparent clarity of the case for replacement. is how attritional assets should be expensed: in
If all costs are accounted for at one place (row the year of acquisition or when charged out to the
4), it is now clear to those accountable for delivering end user? This issue is vital to MoD’s VFM

interests. Consider ammunition: in war, it is clearly In war, the full cost of replacing destroyed
consumable and an expense; however, in peace it equipment is generally expensed. What was an
is equally clearly a stock deterring an enemy from asset is now a consumable. RAB needs to support
attack. In peace, there is thus a case for placing all this transition from peace to war. Accounting can
ammunition on the balance sheet as a fixed asset help. However, the right incentives require budgets
representing war reserve. One would then only matching the decision-making hierarchy.
expense it when issued to combat units. Finally, if the change in value was due to an
Ammunition kept in the central stock will have a increase in the military effectiveness of a
sell-by date varying by type. The sell-by date could prospective enemy then the value of the asset
be a basis for depreciation. The cost of needs writing down. If charged to the budget
maintaining that stock would be this depreciation holder’s revenue the resulting disincentive
plus storage, overhead and management costs. would amplify any decline in fighting power. In
Fully depreciated ammunition issued prior to such circumstances, by the EAE principle, the
disposal would then have little ‘use cost’, but charge should stay on the balance sheet. The
significant accumulated holding costs and very charge is outwith the commander’s control and
high disposal costs, given its toxicity. A strong so it is inappropriate to hold him to account. His
incentive then exists to fire it off. balance sheet then signals the decline in his
The second question addresses the MoD’s military capability. His superiors then have to
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incentive problems at the strategic level. How act. They could either lower their expectations
should asset losses, real or potential, and/or of him or take corrective action themselves.
decisions on write-offs be handled to ensure Generally, the decisions to acquire or dispose
‘proper’ incentives? Large write-offs need of equipment are central ones if the incentives
financing. Real adjustments in the expenditure generated are to be correct. The write-off should
accounts, balance sheet or borrowing are needed. be taken as a charge on the MoD’s consolidated
How this is set up to attain the right operational accounts. This would require financing. It could
incentives will be of vital importance to the MoD. also lead to early replacement. Provided
Equipment values can be lost through depreciation is a real resource charge, and not
cancellation, warfare or the appearance of an notional, accumulated depreciation allowances
effective enemy counter. Acquisitions can be could help finance the write-off. RAB would then
cancelled. The UK has the new Upholder Class provide both the need and means to replace
submarines surplus to requirements. These cost technically redundant military assets. However, if a
£800M to procure. It is important to remember change in the military effectiveness of an asset
that defence production is generally one-off. was due to bad treatment then the charge, and the
Replacement is usually not possible from an finance, should theoretically fall on the budget
existing production line or stock. holder. Both the EAE and NPV principle require
Under the proposed system of accounts, a this. This communicates a strong message on
cancelled programme such as this would be on asset abuse. However, it would not be acceptable
the balance sheet as work in progress valued at to sustain such a decline in military effectiveness.
cost. This could be a significant part of MoD’s It would then make sense to follow the Royal
annual budget. A private sector company could Navy’s tradition. Court martial the man in
choose its accounting treatment. Limits to command, replace him and take the charge to the
power and authority constrain the MoD. It could central accounts. This neatly restores the
not choose what actions to take, for example a symmetry of accountability and incentives.
charge to the expenditure accounts, financing There could be a similar problem in the
the write-off, allow the assets to pass into the opposite direction. This could create the need
hands of others to use better, i.e. the equivalent for revaluation. This would produce a
of bankruptcy. The Secretary of Defence would ‘revaluation surplus’. If the result was that only
have to place his preferred option before the value of the asset changed, with no impact
Parliament. This could be politically difficult. on revenue, then our accounting principles
Cancelling a defence programme under RAB would suggest that the change be recorded as a
will require a new kind of planning. Bankruptcy is balance sheet transaction only.
hardly an option, an election could be. Politicians If some of the surplus was sellable, then a
are therefore likely to approach this problem with realizable gain would occur. This would need to be
circumspection. The view might be taken that the shown in the consolidated trading account. Under
political costs of a write-off were so high that the terms of the MLD principle, the accounts of the
cancellation was not a realistic option. principal responsible trading agency within the
Programmes or facilities could then be MoD, would indicate the surplus. The problem
sustained for political, democratic reasons, despite would then be to stop such funds being used to
being militarily indefensible. Depreciation and finance extra spending over that appropriated.
capital charges would not then reflect real value to Carrying the MLD principle to the limit would
a budget-holder. This could be a disincentive obviate the problem. The agency should be an
adverse to morale. This compounds the initial loss independent trading company. Market realizable
in military value. The asset should perhaps be gains and losses would then have occurred in a
written-off centrally not at the operational level. private sector
organization. If they had occurred within the circumvent annuality in the sort term by putting
MoD, then the Treasury might adopt the local its military capability at risk by running down
authorities’ approach. The windfalls would stay stocks.
on the balance sheet. They would not be
transferable to the revenue account without Retention versus Replacement
explicit stakeholder, Treasury or Parliamentary The current system creates incentives for the
permission. In such circumstances, asset Government to defer the replacement of military
revaluation could have no obvious impact on equipment and stock. The tank example
behaviour. This compounds the argument for illustrated how this is contrary to the outcome
MLD. desired by a post-holder under EAE or NPV.
Depreciation and capital charges would,
however, vary with the associated revaluation/ Stock and Annuality
devaluation, reflecting the nature and tenor of In the face of short-term budgetary pressure, it has
the business, and replacement policy. By the been easy for the MoD to maintain activity levels
EAE principle, the intention is to indicate the and procurement. It did this by consuming stock.
cost in use of assets. Without this no standard The cost of this can be high in the long term. The
of comparison would exist as a basis for whole tank fleet in Germany had to be
deciding on the benefit derivable from using one cannibalized to provide sufficient spares to support
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asset as compared to another. Under the local the Gulf War. This was a direct result of stock
authority model, the depreciation would appear consumption in the 1970s and 1980s.
as a loan redemption payment in the revenue The current cash budgeting system is thus
account. However, the equivalence between financially inefficient for the military,
depreciation and principal repayments is not departmental finances, the taxpayer, MoD
one-to-one. The asset may be more valuable suppliers and even the security of the nation.
than the loan, or the loan period may not reflect For MoD VFM, RAB needs to charge assets
the life of the asset. The financing of the capital out in a manner that balances the rationality of
expenditure could differ from revenue. replacement and the incentives for annual
A market-based alternative would be to take budgetary economy.
the asset off the balance sheet. One could use the Models do exist incorporating the NPV
PFI and/or lease. This leaves windfall gains and principle for equipment disposal and the
losses with the lessor. Given the MoD’s risks, it is maintenance of stock. They weight the cost of
unlikely that the MLD principle could lead to all maintaining an asset and its cost of replacement. If
risks being absorbed by the private sector. the full cost of ownership were borne by military
However many of the risks, if inappropriate for the end-user, then the benefits of better housekeeping
MoD itself or the PFI, could by the converse of the could be quickly realized. RAB provides incentives
EAE principle be taken on as leases. The Public to ensure assets are kept in better condition for
Works Loan Board could provide the necessary longer. On the other hand, if a military asset had a
finance supervised by the Treasury. The supplier use value at the end of its predicted life, then
or the financier would then have retained keeping it might make sense.
ownership. The MoD would merely pay rent. But What should depreciation be in such
this carries its own problems. Without attributing circumstances? What is the correct use value of a
the full cost of ownership to the MoD the fully written down asset? MLD would suggest, and
incentives to avoid damage decrease. This would EAE would encourage, the straight line
require higher rental charges as the lessor would depreciation rate to continue. This would provide
need to incorporate incentives to good accumulated savings for the user. In effect this
housekeeping. Alternatively, a higher attrition rate ‘use’ appreciation should legitimately be credited
could have the effect of encouraging perceived to a revaluation reserve reflecting the earlier error
obsolescence, allowing more frequent in underestimating the asset’s lifetime. A credit
renegotiation of leasing terms. This happens in could then accumulate under MoD control. This
commercial leasing. would provide an incentive to good asset care.
From this, the question arises: ‘Is it in the However, unless such balances could be held to
Government’s interest to take MoD funding off the MoD’s account within the operating provisions of
balance sheet?’ In the short term, there could be a the Consolidated Fund, this would be in breach of
one-off benefit to the PSBR from the MoD’s budget. the extant Exchequer and Audit Act 1866. If
We have to consider two points. First, whether one Parliament accepts the budgeting provisions of
wants to fund an item on or off the balance sheet. RAB it needs to make a clear decision. Should
Second, once acquired, how should one account for these provisions be retained or not? Cash flow of
its use and replacement. As we have seen, the new this type would create a stock of finance that could
resource budgets eliminate the distortions to erode annuality.
decision-making endemic in a cash system. From the This, of course, assumes that, under the
taxpayer’s perspective the two worst of these are: budgetary dimension of RAB, the Treasury
The retention versus replacement decision for MoD transfers full costs in cash to departments’
equipment; the capacity of MoD to use material budgets. It is not clear that this is intended. If not,
stocks to one would have the silly anomaly that MoD’s cash

budget could increase significantly if it transferred key issues are how to finance activity and produce
delivery to an external lower cost supplier. the incentives that RAB intends to support. It is
However, if such discretion were possible, it would clear that having more of MoD’s activities in the
be necessary by the SAP principle for an annual market and making MoD employees more
review of MoD continued maintenance versus personally accountable for the results of their
replacement costs. This would need to be reported decisions could enhance defence VFM. For this to
to the Treasury and the Public Accounts be effective reward and punishment has to be
Committee. It would be necessary to stop units consistent with best private sector practice. Until
keeping ineffective items going simply to build up recently, this has never been contemplated for civil
discretionary reserves. This would be at the servants. Interestingly, it is already standard
expense of VFM. Exhausted military capability or practice for the military. The process of mission
non-battle worthy assets would be retained. command ensures this.
Finessing of annuality by such means has been It is also clear that the congruence of
implicit practice until now, through the judicious accounts, financing, organizational design and
management of stock. RAB would make such managerial control are fundamental to the
actions explicit. success of the changes contemplated. ■
A highly pertinent question here is would any
treasury, private or public, allow such a result? Is References
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 11:55 25 July 2016

the Treasury the country’s banker or central Accounting Standards Board (1971), Statement of
treasury? Which one of these two models is Standard Accounting Practice No. 2.
appropriate is one of the most important questions Anand, P. (1994), A taxonomy of public sector
RAB has to answer in the new few years. performance auditing in the OECD. Paper read at
OECD PUMA meeting.
Furubotn, E. G. and Pejovich, S. (1979), The Economics
Conclusion of Property Rights (Bellinger, Cambridge, MA).
This article has raised issues on capitalizing and Hildebrandt, G. H. (1992), The Capital Valuation of Military
expensing public expenditure. The Treasury’s Equipment—Conceptual and Measurement Issues
Green Paper (Cmnd 2626, 1994) and subsequent (Rand Paper, R/3212).
White Paper (Cmnd 2929, 1995) on Resource Hilton, B. J. (1983), Information, Inference and
Accounting and Budgeting have set out the Decision: A Dynamical Analysis of the Decentralisation
framework for the work that is now going on in Versus Centralisation Issue (PhD Thesis, Edinburgh
departments. Public discussion to date has not University).
raised all the issues needed to inform this work. Hilton, B. J. (1994), Propriety versus Efficiency: Is a
We have worked at them from a MoD perspective. Trade-Off Inevitable? Issues and Evidence (RMCS,
There they differ significantly in magnitude, scale, Shrivenham).
motivational consequences, distribution of Hilton, B. J. and Cowton, C. (1996), The army
authority and asset type from elsewhere. accounting experiment 1919–1927. Paper read at
We have explained what we believe are the European History of Accounting Association
principles that should apply to RAB. These were Conference.
submitted in a slightly different form in evidence Hilton, B. J. and Gillibrand, A. (1996), Valuing the MoD’s
to the Treasury, in response to the Green Paper asset base. Estates Gazette, Issue 9625, p. 131.
(Cmnd 2626). Williamson, O. (1991), Comparative economic
Some novel ideas emerge from using these organisation: the analysis of discrete structural
principles, particularly for generating appropriate alternatives. Administrative Science Quarterly, 36, pp.
incentives out of a RAB budgetary regime. The 269–296.

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