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EPR 2003

Criteria for Speaking Activity

Title of Activity: Dramatization

Purpose: - To develop confidence

- To provide integrated skills practice
- Develop social skills of interaction and turn taking
Grade \ level Grade 4

Context: Speaking (Sounds)

Integration with Listening is integrated with speaking

other Skill area:

Model Yes

Students will:
Instructions: 1. Be divided into groups
2. Receive different items (wooden drum, bell)
3. Interact with classmates while producing sounds
4. Discuss the different sounds heard
Justification: This activity is one where students need to be divided into groups. When
students work with other classmates, they develop confidence in themselves
because they can get help from others. This activity also provides an
opportunity for more than one skill development, because in its duration, both
speaking and listening are practiced. Students also interact with their
classmates while taking turns to produce different sounds.

Reference Brewster, J. (2004). The Primary English Teacher's Guide.

Students name: Aisha Ali Alowais ID: H00353712

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