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Asia Pacific Journal of Research ISSN (Print) : 2320-5504

Vol: I. Issue XXXVIII, April 2016 ISSN (Online) : 2347-4793

Women Empowerment in the Selected Letters of Dr. Jose P. Rizal

Ma. Christine May C. Ruiz, Mary Claire N. Baco, Marie Angelique O. Ornopia, Joanna Lou Marie R.
Abas, Jimmybeb C. Albeos, Richard B. Fernandez, Dr. Glenn G. Pajares

University of San Jose-Recoletos, Cebu, Philippines

ABSTRACT:  There are few known studies focusing on the assertion that Dr. Jose P. Rizal is a prominent advocate of women empowerment
as manifested in his writings. This paper is therefore, a new contribution to the existing pieces of literature on Rizal’s life and works. With this
objective, this study looks into Rizal’s writings (selected letters) and discovers his advocacy for women empowerment as implicated by his ideas
that are found in them. The study found out through descriptive textual analysis that the he selected letters of Dr. Jose P. Rizal clearly indicate
the protection and promotion of the welfare of women by establishing and affirming the strength of a female which is not only attributed to her
ideal remarkable physique but that of her strength in character and inner capabilities. Thus, women should be educated, be given the opportunity
to grow, develop and be entrusted with a crucial role in orienting and taking care of the family. Hence, Rizal in his writings advocated for women
empowerment. This study recommends the replication of the nature of this research to assess Rizal’s other works particularly his other letters
and poems if it convey or represent Rizal’s advocacy for women empowerment.

Keywords:  Women empowerment, Jose Rizal’s Selected Letters, Jose Rizal, Womanhood

INTRODUCTION are not permitted to pass their lives in their style (Hayat,
This study presents that Dr. Jose P. Rizal is an advocate
Probably attributed to their biological and emotional
of women empowerment. It is imperative to note that the
characteristics, women’s undeniable natures of posting
study shows how advanced Rizal is as he was already
able to see and write about women that circumstantially less resistance particularly to abuses have made them the
or indirectly foretell the future including the concept and victims. Therefore, it is imperative to provide women
realities of womanhood as depicted in his selected letters. more in law to compensate for their deficiencies in the
This study is an affirmation of him being a genius and a real world. It is also reasonable to equip them with legal
prophet (declared by his biographer) as he is ahead of his weapons for the protection and promotion of their welfare
time. It should be noted primarily that there have been in the guise of women empowerment. There has been an
few studies on Rizal speaking on women empowerment. active movement to fight for the rights of women and a
Therefore, this study will be a new contribution to the movement that aims to empower women. According to
existing works of literature on Rizal’s life and works that Educational International- ASEAN Women’s Network,
makes the study become much relevant and timely. one of the purposes of the women’s right movement is to
The empowerment of women has become one of the motivate women to have a position in the society. Having
most important concerns of the 21st century not only a position, women might have an avenue to utilize their
at a national level but also at the international level. strength and capabilities. As stated in Article II Section
According to the United Nations Development Program XIV of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, “The state rec-
(UNDP), human rights are not the only reason why it is ognizes the role of women in nation-building, and shall
essential to empower women, but also because they are a ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women
pathway to achieving the Millennium Development Goals and men” (de Leon, 2011). One instance of a movement
and sustainable development. It is one of the indicated in contemporary is the “HeForShe”, a United Nations
targets of the Millennium Development Goals in which campaigned aimed at engaging men to promote gender
all UN member states agreed to achieve by the year 2015 equality (Padayhag, 2015). Even men were encouraged to
(Millenium Development Goal, 2000). The objective of promote women empowerment to stop the cycle of vio-
this study is to show that Dr. Jose P. Rizal is a champion lence committed against women.
of women empowerment through his selected letters Dr. Jose P. Rizal’s concept of womanhood through his
especially his letter to the Young women of Malolos. The selected letters is the basis of the analysis of the study-
researchers believe that for centuries, women are deprived because his interpretations on women are profoundly
of their fundamental rights not just in our society but in relevant especially for Filipino women in understand-
other companies as well. Instances are: they were not ing themselves. Dr. Jose P. Rizal’s concepts would give
allowed to own property, they had no right to vote, they an inspiration to women on how to be an ideal and

160   Women Empowerment in the Selected Letters of Dr. Jose P. Rizal

empowered women. In addition, this study sees the rel- In contemporary, feminist theory is one of the major
evance of involving Jose Rizal’s ideas and concept of sociological theories because it analyzes the status of
womanhood for he is not just a national hero but has now women and men in the society in which the primary
become an international border-crossing public intellec- purpose is to use that knowledge to help women rise
tual (San Juan, 1997). In order to fully understand and especially that there is a history of women’s oppression
recognize him, the reader must know as well his views (Crossman, 2015).
especially towards women. His concept of womanhood
is an excellent model of an empowered woman and an
empowered Filipina. METHODOLOGY
This study is significant because only a few kinds
Textual analysis is employed in the study as it helps the
of research and articles are written about feminity and
researchers understand the deeper meaning of Rizal’s
women empowerment about Jose Rizal. Therefore, it
works precisely his letters that emphasize how women
adds to the existing literature about Rizal, particularly
possess characters that would certainly lift the nation
his concept of woman. Furthermore, this highlighted
from sociological misery. This method would be a great
woman because it serves as a basis and a credible source
help for not all reader are oriented with the history of the
of inspiration for Filipino women to be empowered. It is
significant for the readers, students, scholars and every
In addition, textual analysis is a data gathering pro-
Filipino citizen to know the life of Dr. Jose P. Rizal in
cess for the researchers and readers to understand the
order to learn on how to admire him because to admire
ways of those people who have different cultures make
him is to follow his examples even more.
sense of who they are, and how they are suited to the
place where they belong (Bainbridge, 2008). In this
study, the researchers would analyze Rizal’s insights on
women empowerment from various aspects to present
This paper uses feminism for it would be a great help in a clear manifestation of how he appreciated women’s
analyzing Rizal’s concept of womanhood and because strength especially the Filipino women through his letters
this theory views and values women’s status and works to friends and family members. Each literary piece that
aiming to achieve equality for women. is presented will be explained by the researchers for the
Since the 21st century is much concerned on women reader to understand.
empowerment, feminism is a tool that the researcher used The letters being analyze in this study are purposely
to support the idea of having a female-dominated era. One selected (like his letter entitled “To the Young Women
of the reasons why women are given much importance of Malolos and letters to his family members) because
today because in our history, we are male dominated not all of his letters contain Rizal’s idea of womanhood.
(Brock, 2007) and, it is time that women would be much There are existing studies using Rizal’s poems, novels,
appreciated. According to Judith Evans, feminism means and other works but only a few analyzes his letters. So,
that women seek the same privileges and opportunities this study would contribute to the kinds of literature
that the society gives for men and ask for a distinctive regarding Rizal’s life and works. The letters of Rizal that
value of womanhood against patriarchal denigration are selected possess the idea of women empowerment
(Evans, 1995). that will be a model for women.
Wendy Kolmar and Frances Bartkowski in their
Feminist Theory book compiled the various concept of
feminism from different authors: Rosalind Delmar defined RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
feminism as an active desire to change women’s position
This section of the study demonstrates the different shreds
in society. Linked to this is the view that feminism is a
of evidence that Rizal is an advocate of women empower-
social movement for change in the situation of women. Its
ment taken from his selected letters.
privileged form is taken to be the political movement, the
self-organization of a women’s politics (Delmar, 2005).
Rizal’s view on the differences between Filipino and
According to a feminist philosopher, Maria Lugones,
Foreign women
feminism is a demand that the woman’s voice be heard
and be given attention. This idea has been made not just There are several letters written by Rizal that would sup-
to increase the chances that actual accounts of women’s plement the objective of the study that is to show how Rizal
lives will be given but also because the expression is advocates women empowerment. One of Dr. Jose Rizal’s
among the symbol of a self-determining individual or legacies to Filipino women is embodied in his prominent
community. The demand that the woman’s voice be heard essay entitled, “To the Young Women of Malolos,” dated
also invites some further direction in the exploration of Feb. 22, 1889 in Europe where he addresses all kinds of
women’s lives. (Lugones, 2005). women – young women, mothers, wives, the unmarried, Vol: I. Issue XXXVIII, April 2016


etc. Through this letter, Rizal expresses his empower- choices about the kinds of lives they dream to lead. So,
ing thoughts that would able to inspire them to make a these another part of Rizal’s letter proved that he is an
change, get involved in the development of the society advocate of women empowerment.
and become empowered. The important points contained In connection with education, Dr. Jose P. Rizal wrote a
in this letter that also shows evidence that women were letter to his sister (Miss Soledad Rizal Mercado) while he
empowered are as follows: was in Brussels dated June 6, 1890 that will also manifest
how our national hero believed that education is very rel-
“The Filipino woman no longer bows her head and bends evant. Rizal in his letter said: “I am pleased to know that
her knees; her hope in the future is revived; gone is the you are dedicating yourself to teaching because I believe
mother who helps to keep her daughter in the dark, who that in that profession you will be obliged to improve
educates her in self-contempt and moral annihilation yourself more and more. Try to be a model of virtue and
(Jose Rizal Political and Historical Writings, 2011). good traits, in as much as the one who teaches ought to
be better than the persons who need to learn virtues”
Rizal mentioned in the letter that Filipino woman (Purino, 2014).
is not anymore inferior as they no longer allow anyone
to degrade them. With that, Rizal is indeed into women Rizal’s Appreciation of Filipino Women’s Capabilities
empowerment as he showed in his letter the revitaliza-
tion of Filipino woman’s hope in the future. Rizal even In this part wherein Rizal appreciated Filipino Women’s
emphasizes the value of education in which educating Capabilities, it discusses how Rizal was impressed with
women is an act of empowering them. women’s capabilities in all aspect of life. He also empha-
The letter (To the Young Women of Malolos) fur- sized that women have a substantial role not just within
ther explained, “Important indeed are the duties that the family but also in the society as a whole. The writ-
women must fulfill in order to relieve the country of her ings of Rizal accumulated by the researchers stated below
sufferings, but they are not beyond the strength and char- indeed prove that Rizal is a genuine promoter of women
acter of the Filipino women to perform(Gonzales, 1997). empowerment.
Everybody knows the power and the prudence of the In Rizal’s letter addressed to Mr. Leandro Lopez (a
women in the Philippines. Hence they bind them, chain Calamba friend) about the girls of Calamba and his
them, weaken their spirit, so sure are they that so long impression of Spanish women dated December 30, 1882,
as the mother are a slave, all her children can also be in Madrid. He wrote:
enslaved. This is the reason for the enslavement of Asia;
the women of Asia are ignorant and oppressed. Europe “Many are pretty, with lovely eyes, nose, mouth, complex-
and America are powerful because their women are free ion, the shape of the face, etc. However, they lack what
and educated, their mind is lucid, and their character in Spanish is called “expresión” (expression). They lack
is strong. The Filipino women possess more virtue than gentleness and coolness, the sweet look, and others. There
those of other countries (2011). are many beautiful young ladies born there. Sometimes
In this part of his letter that is found in the sixth para- they have 6 to 7 suitors each, so much preferred are those
graph, Rizal pointed out that a woman is crucial in the born and raised there. Very, very different are the women
society as her duties could contribute to the nation’s there from the women here.
development. European and American women are free (Jose Rizal Miscellaneous Correspondence, 2011).
and educated but according to Rizal, Filipino women
possess more virtue than them (Jose Rizal Political and Based on Rizal’s observation, Spanish women may
Historical Writings, 2011). The struggle of women during have a beautiful face but they lack expression that Filipino
the Spanish era would somehow support this thought of women possess. When the researcher says “expression,”
Rizal that Filipino women possess more virtue. Women that means it is the act of transforming ideas into words.
before were deprived of their rights and freedom of their One example that can be raised is when a group of twenty
lands. This misfortune pushed them to fight and to end the women of Malolos petitioned to the Governor-General
cruelty of Spaniards. Women in Europe and America, in for permission to open a night school so they could learn
general, may also experience trouble, but the determina- Spanish; however, the governor-general turn down this
tion that Filipino women flaunted are something that is request after one friar objected. To sustain their agitation
worth our history. to build the school, they again presented a petition ask-
Also, Rizal emphasizes that for Filipino women to ing that they should be allowed to open the school (Cruz,
escape from enslavement, it is a must to gain educa- 2005). Luckily, their wish was then granted and because
tion because education is one of the most vital areas of of such bravery, these actions of the women in Malolos
empowerment for women. It also helps reduce discrimi- can one of the best instances of women empowerment
nation to women because being educated gives women because they were able to express themselves so they can
much greater power and enable them to make genuine gain their rights to learn. Vol: I. Issue XXXVIII, April 2016

162   Women Empowerment in the Selected Letters of Dr. Jose P. Rizal

Moreover, the young women nevertheless defied the action; respect for God. Filipino mothers should be glad
objection, continued to seek approval, and finally suc- and honored, like Spartan mothers, to offer their sons in
ceeded. This action was unheard of in the Philippines at defense of their country. (Cruz, 2005)
that time and news reached many people including those In another paragraph of his letter (To the Young Women
who were abroad. Thus, Rizal wrote to them to extol their of Malolos) he said:
bravery and encouraged them to continue their desire to
educate themselves and fight for their right. This action is “The women of Sparta should serve you an example
an example of advocacy in the 19th century (Dirige,2015). in raising children for the service of the state. When a
In one of Rizal’s letters to his mother and the other mother handed the shield to her son as he was marching
members of his family while heading to Cuba, he wrote: to battle, she said nothing to him but this: “return with it
or on it”, which means come back victorious or dead. It is
“Sisters, I entrust you to take care. Look after and love our because it is customary with the routed warrior to throw
parents as they would wish your children later to take care, away his shield, while the dead soldier was carried home
serve, and love you in your old age. Live united and forgive on his shield.
each other’s asperities and little defects which are natural (Viana, 2011).
thorns of life because it is a great displeasure for the par-
ents to see that their children do not live in harmony. Later, Here, Dr. Jose Rizal admonishes women to be like the
when our parents are dead, we will miss them and will mother or the women of Sparta, who have a crucial role
repent for not having served them while they were living.” in influencing their children. A mother or a woman could
(Lorenzo, 2000). affect a child even to the extent of giving up a child’s life
for a cause. Rizal’s actions were the combinations of all
Rizal entrusted his sisters during the time that he is teachings that he had from his mother. According to the
away from his family to take care of his parents. For these books that narrated his life, Rizal’s first teacher is no other
parents of them was the reason Rizal grew up well and than his mother. The aspect of the teaching of Rizal’s
was able to study abroad. Entrusting the women in the mother brought a great influenced to him, and that is the
family means that women can best handle things at home, real role of a mother to a child. The teachings of Rizal’s
and the good things people learn at home would contrib- mother were even anchored on the teachings of Christ
ute to the development of the society. according to the Bible.
Moreover, women play a significant role in the establish-
Rizal on the role of a mother ment of a family and in taking care of it, raising children
and bringing them up. Wives and mothers are urged to be
Rizal points out the enormous function of a mother in
“workers at home,” meaning they are called to be manag-
shaping her children to be a productive and competitive
ers of the household. Their home and their children are
person. Showing the qualities that Filipino parents need
their top priority, in contrast to the world’s emphasis today
to possess, Rizal is greatly concerned with the welfare of
on careers and full-time jobs for women outside the home.
the Filipino children and the homes where they grew up.
Mothers should take care of their children, provide their
Rizal stated in his letter (To the Young Women of
kids with their needs, shower love on their children, cor-
Malolos) found in the sixth paragraph of Gregorio Zaide’s
rect and discipline their children when they are wrong, and
book, the qualities of an ideal mother:
carefully watch the behavior of their children. It is the duty
of a mother to teach their children morals and the ways
“It is the mothers who handle the present servitude of our
of God. Mothers are called to be teachers, not just about
compatriots, owing to the unlimited trustfulness of their
education but also of discipline. Motherhood is not an easy
loving hearts, to their ardent desire to elevate their sons.
job, and it is a life-long responsibility. Therefore, the role
Maturity is the fruit of infancy and infant is formed on the
of a mother plays a significant part in shaping a person’s
lap of its mother.”
personality and values. Rizal emphasized in some part of
(Zaide, 1957).
his letters that a mother is an excellent source of knowl-
edge in the area of values and morals in life.
According to Rizal, it is the mother’s responsibility for
the present servitude of our compatriots. So motherhood
is a tough job because partly, a mother contributed to the
attitude of a person through what she teaches and how she
disciplines her child. A mother’s role does not limit only In another section of his letter (To the Young Women of
in giving life to an individual, but she molds them and Malolos), Rizal also advises young men to choose a wife
prepares them for the cruel world. with certain qualities. He said:
Rizal stressed the need for mothers to educate their
children on the following value: love for honor; sincere “When she [Filipino Maiden] is married, she must
and firm character; bright; mind; clear conduct; noble aid her husband, inspire him with courage, share his Vol: I. Issue XXXVIII, April 2016


perils, refrain from causing him worry and sweetness his Rizal stressed out that a person who will not study will
moments of afflictions, always remembering that there is inevitably become pitiful and weak like the girl he saw
grief that a brave heart cannot hear, and there is no inher- on the street. Therefore, he urged his siblings to embrace
itance than that of infancy and slavery.” (Alba-Ramirez education to gain knowledge and have a greater future
& Ramirez, 1997) because if they will fail to do so, they would probably be
the same as the pale, sick and pitiful girl Rizal cited as
For Rizal, a wife has to set the standards of behavior for example in his letter. Education is very relevant in mak-
men around her. There are three basic things a wife must ing women powerful. One evidence that the International
instill in the mind of her husband; activity and industry, Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), World Bank,
noble behavior, and worthy sentiments. Rizal from his let- and United Nations showed in their numerous studies and
ter (To the Young Women of Malolos) regarding Filipino reports is that a better educated women contribute more
wife directly telling young men that in choosing their life- especially in economic aspect (Kerbo, 2006).
time partner, they should not consider physical beauty nor
the sweetness of disposition of a woman but rather give
priority to firmness or character and lofty ideas (Cruz, CONCLUSION
2005). These characteristics of a female which Rizal
Studying the life, works and writings of Dr. Jose P. Rizal
would want young men to choose is very relevant, for a
is very significant because it talks about relevant and
wife has a significant role in creating harmony to the fam-
timeless issues of the present time. Being the national
ily, and it begins with her real influence over her husband.
hero, his life serves as an inspiration to the people which
Apart from his view on how a wife should be, Rizal
is worthy of emulation. Motivating Filipinos of all gener-
as a romantic man with a history of different women
ations to support and give due attention in his advocacies
also has an ideal woman. Dr. Ofelia Dirige in her speech
particularly feminism and women empowerment.
about Rizal’s Ideal Woman, “Rizal’s ideal of Filipina
Women empowerment is all about giving women
womanhood encompassed three characteristics: beauty
opportunity to develop, to grow and to contribute to
and charm, modesty, and intelligence. These traits also
development through education. Dr. Jose P. Rizal did not
correspond to a healthy body, good moral character, and
speak of the beauty of women alone, and he emphasized
well-disciplined intellect”. It is substantial to be aware of
on the formation of character and education of women in
Rizal’s ideals of women because these ideals are excellent
his writings. In some part of his letters, he set the Spartan
in developing one’s self-esteem, encourage women to be
mother as an example to be the model of the women of
empowered, and it can contribute to the development of
Malolos in raising their children. He as well emphasized
the community then. These ideals could also be the guide
that Filipino wife should aid and inspire her husband
to an excellent womanhood” (Dirige).
with courage. This thought alone could create better and
The book entitled “Essay on Women” by Mary John
respectful men in the society. His thinking about the bind-
Mananzan is also helpful in understanding Dr. Jose P.
ing, chaining and weakening of the spirit of the women
Rizal’s thought about Filipino wife. The essay states
in the Philippines emphasizes that these women have
that “a married woman accepts entirely and gener-
power and prudence that the cruel Spaniards were afraid
ally performs with excellent fidelity, and carries the
of. His trust to his sisters to take care of their parents
fulfillment of her duties as wife even to the extent of
would also mean that women can best handle things at
self-sacrifice if necessary (Mananzan, 1987).” This idea
home which are the first step in contributing to the soci-
indeed emphasized the critical role of an empowered
ety through applying the knowledge they learned at home.
married woman.
Therefore, Jose Rizal is an advocate of women empower-
Another letter that Rizal wrote intended to his family
ment. His writings precisely the selected letters that talk
member when he was in Madrid dated October 10, 1882,
about the strength, power, substantial role and capabili-
which is a kind of reminder and a bit of advice to his sis-
ties of women are primary sources of insights on women
ters to study to be empowered. Rizal said in his letter, “I
also embrace my sisters, entreating Pangoy and Trining
to study and write, especially the last one, for here I see
very pitiful examples. One afternoon I saw a girl of about
15 or 16 years, pale, sick, sad, ragged, lying down in the
hollow of a wall on a dark street, begging for alms. She This study recommends that there shall be more produc-
was so weak, so thin, and so sick, that she couldn’t speak, tions of research using Rizal’s literary writings specifically
and she only extended an emaciated hand. She must have from his letters, poems and other essays that show current
been gorgeous judging by her big and languid eyes. It was issues not just domestically but also internationally that
cold, and she was shivering. As I had no money with me, promotes ways to achieve a better world. It also recom-
I couldn’t give her anything(Rizal’s Letter to his family mends that readers specially women will absorb in her
members, 2011). mind and heart the very necessary thoughts that this study Vol: I. Issue XXXVIII, April 2016

164   Women Empowerment in the Selected Letters of Dr. Jose P. Rizal

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