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G.Produksi SAP2000 v16.0.

0 - License #

20 December 2017

License #3010*1T6WMLWBM5CF2M2

SAP2000 Analysis Report

Prepared by


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G.Produksi SAP2000 v16.0.0 - License #

20 December 2017

12 Desember 2017

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G.Produksi SAP2000 v16.0.0 - License #

20 December 2017

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20 December 2017

Table: Area Section Properties, Part 1 of 4

Table: Area Section Properties, Part 1 of 4
Section Material MatAngle AreaType Type DrillDOF Thickness BendThick Arc
Degrees m m Degrees
ATAP BJ37 0.000 Shell Membrane Yes 1.000E-10 1.000E-10
DINDING BJ37 0.000 Shell Membrane Yes 1.000E-10 1.000E-10

Table: Area Section Properties, Part 2 of 4

Table: Area Section Properties, Part 2 of 4
Section InComp CoordSys Color TotalWt TotalMass F11Mod F22Mod
KN KN-s2/m

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ATAP Green 1.080E-05 1.080E-06 1.000000 1.000000
DINDING Green 0.000 0.00 1.000000 1.000000

Table: Area Section Properties, Part 3 of 4

Table: Area Section Properties, Part 3 of 4
Section F12Mod M11Mod M22Mod M12Mod V13Mod V23Mod MMod WMod

ATAP 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000

DINDING 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000

Table: Area Section Properties, Part 4 of 4

Table: Area Section Properties, Part 4 of 4
Section GUID Notes

ATAP Added 25/10/2014 22:56:58

DINDING Added 25/10/2014 21:54:42

Table: Area Section Property Design Parameters

Table: Area Section Property Design
Section RebarMat RebarOpt

ATAP None Default

DINDING None Default

Table: Auto Combination Option Data 01 - General

Table: Auto Combination
Option Data 01 - General
DesignType AutoGen

Steel No
Coldformed No
Aluminum Yes

Table: Auto Combination Option Data 02 - User Data

Table: Auto Combination Option Data 02 - User Data
DesignType LSType LCName

Aluminum Strength SW
Aluminum Strength MODAL
Aluminum Strength SDL
Aluminum Strength LL_HUJAN
Aluminum Strength LL_PEKERJA
Aluminum Strength WIND Y+
Aluminum Strength WIND Y-
Aluminum Strength GEMPA
Aluminum Strength WIND X+
Aluminum Strength WIND X-

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Aluminum Deflection SW
Aluminum Deflection SDL
Aluminum Deflection LL_HUJAN
Aluminum Deflection LL_PEKERJA

Table: Combination Definitions, Part 1 of 3

Table: Combination Definitions, Part 1 of 3
ComboName ComboType AutoDesign CaseType CaseName ScaleFactor SteelDesign

LL_ROOF Envelope No Linear Static LL_HUJAN 0.625000 None

LL_ROOF Linear Static LL_PEKERJA 1.000000
COMB1 Linear Add No Linear Static SW 1.400000 Strength
COMB1 Linear Static SDL 1.400000
COMB2 Linear Add No Linear Static SW 1.200000 Strength
COMB2 Linear Static SDL 1.200000
COMB2 Response Combo LL_ROOF 1.600000
WIND Envelope No Linear Static WIND Y- 1.000000 None
WIND Linear Static WIND Y+ 1.000000
WIND Linear Static WIND X- 1.000000
WIND Linear Static WIND X+ 1.000000
COMB3 Linear Add No Linear Static SW 1.200000 Strength
COMB3 Linear Static SDL 1.200000
COMB3 Response Combo LL_ROOF 0.500000
COMB3 Response Combo WIND 1.300000
COMB4 Linear Add No Linear Static SW 1.200000 Strength
COMB4 Linear Static SDL 1.200000
COMB4 Response Combo LL_ROOF 1.000000
COMB4 Response Spectrum GEMPA 1.000000
COMB5 Linear Add No Linear Static SW 0.900000 Strength
COMB5 Linear Static SDL 0.900000
COMB5 Response Spectrum GEMPA 1.000000
COMB6 Linear Add No Response Combo LL_ROOF 1.000000 None
COMB6 Linear Static SDL 1.000000
COMB6 Linear Static SW 1.000000
COMB7 Linear Add No Response Combo LL_ROOF 1.000000 None
COMB7 Linear Static SDL 1.000000
COMB7 Linear Static SW 1.000000
COMB7 Response Spectrum GEMPA 1.000000
COMB_MAX Envelope No Response Combo COMB1 1.000000 None
COMB_MAX Response Combo COMB2 1.000000
COMB_MAX Response Combo COMB3 1.000000
COMB_MAX Response Combo COMB4 1.000000
COMB_MAX Response Combo COMB5 1.000000

Table: Combination Definitions, Part 2 of 3

Table: Combination Definitions, Part 2 of 3
ComboName CaseName ConcDesign AlumDesign ColdDesign GUID


COMB1 SW None None Strength
COMB2 SW None None Strength

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WIND WIND Y- None None None
COMB3 SW None None Strength
COMB4 SW None None Strength
COMB5 SW None None Strength
COMB6 LL_ROOF None None None
COMB7 LL_ROOF None None None
COMB_MAX COMB1 None None None

Table: Combination Definitions, Part 3 of 3

Table: Combination Definitions, Part 3 of 3
ComboName CaseName Notes


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Table: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 1 of 7

Table: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 1 of 7
SectionName Material Shape t3 t2 tf tw
m m m m
B 20x35 K-250 Rectangular 0.350000 0.200000
B15x25 K-250 Rectangular 0.250000 0.150000
C125x50x20 BJ33 Cold Formed C 0.125000 0.050000 0.003200
FSEC1 BJ33 Cold Formed C 0.125000 0.050000 0.003200
FSEC2 BJ37 Double Channel 0.125000 0.120000 0.003200 0.003200
IKATAN ANGIN BJTD Pipe 0.016000 0.008000
IWF100X100 BJ37 I/Wide Flange 0.100000 0.100000 0.008000 0.006000
IWF100x50 BJ37 I/Wide Flange 0.100000 0.050000 0.007000 0.005000
IWF125X125 BJ37 I/Wide Flange 0.125000 0.125000 0.009000 0.006500
IWF150X100 BJ37 I/Wide Flange 0.150000 0.100000 0.009000 0.006000
IWF150X150 BJ37 I/Wide Flange 0.150000 0.150000 0.010000 0.007000
IWF150X75 BJ37 I/Wide Flange 0.150000 0.075000 0.007000 0.005000
IWF200X100/1 BJ37 I/Wide Flange 0.198000 0.099000 0.007000 0.004500
IWF200X100/2 BJ37 I/Wide Flange 0.200000 0.100000 0.008000 0.005500
IWF250X125/1 BJ37 I/Wide Flange 0.248000 0.124000 0.008000 0.005000
IWF250X125/2 BJ37 I/Wide Flange 0.250000 0.125000 0.009000 0.006000
IWF300X150/1 BJ37 I/Wide Flange 0.298000 0.149000 0.008000 0.005500
IWF300X150/2 BJ37 I/Wide Flange 0.300000 0.150000 0.009000 0.006500
IWF350X175/1 BJ37 I/Wide Flange 0.346000 0.174000 0.009000 0.006000
IWF350X175/2 BJ37 I/Wide Flange 0.350000 0.175000 0.011000 0.007000
IWF400X200/1 BJ37 I/Wide Flange 0.396000 0.199000 0.011000 0.007000
IWF400X200/2 BJ37 I/Wide Flange 0.400000 0.200000 0.013000 0.008000
IWF450X200 BJ37 I/Wide Flange 0.450000 0.200000 0.014000 0.009000
IWF500X200 BJ37 I/Wide Flange 0.500000 0.200000 0.016000 0.010000
IWF600X200 BJ37 I/Wide Flange 0.600000 0.200000 0.017000 0.011000
IWF600X300 BJ37 I/Wide Flange 0.588000 0.300000 0.020000 0.012000
IWF700X300 BJ37 I/Wide Flange 0.700000 0.300000 0.024000 0.013000
IWF800X300 BJ37 I/Wide Flange 0.800000 0.300000 0.026000 0.014000
k25x35 K-250 Rectangular 0.250000 0.350000
QUEEN-WF300x150 BJ37 SD Section
U100x50 BJ37 Channel 0.100000 0.050000 0.007500 0.005000
U75x40 BJ37 Channel 0.070000 0.040000 0.007500 0.005000
VOTE100x50 Nonprismatic
VOTE150x75 Nonprismatic
VOTE200x100 Nonprismatic
WF100x50V BJ37 SD Section
WF150x75V BJ37 SD Section

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WF200x100V BJ37 SD Section

Table: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 2 of 7

Table: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 2 of 7
SectionName t2b tfb dis Radius LipDepth Area TorsConst
m m m m m m2 m4
B 20x35 0.070000 0.000600
B15x25 0.037500 0.000176
C125x50x20 0.000000 0.020000 0.000798 2.725E-09
FSEC1 0.000000 0.020000 0.000798 2.725E-09
FSEC2 0.020000 0.001399 4.643E-09
IKATAN ANGIN 0.000201 6.434E-09
IWF100X100 0.100000 0.008000 0.002190 4.076E-08
IWF100x50 0.050000 0.007000 0.001130 1.388E-08
IWF125X125 0.125000 0.009000 0.003031 7.137E-08
IWF150X100 0.100000 0.009000 0.002684 5.861E-08
IWF150X150 0.150000 0.010000 0.004014 1.160E-07
IWF150X75 0.075000 0.007000 0.001785 2.311E-08
IWF200X100/1 0.099000 0.007000 0.002318 2.844E-08
IWF200X100/2 0.100000 0.008000 0.002716 4.478E-08
IWF250X125/1 0.124000 0.008000 0.003268 5.233E-08
IWF250X125/2 0.125000 0.009000 0.003766 7.810E-08
IWF300X150/1 0.149000 0.008000 0.004080 6.694E-08
IWF300X150/2 0.150000 0.009000 0.004678 9.954E-08
IWF350X175/1 0.174000 0.009000 0.005268 1.088E-07
IWF350X175/2 0.175000 0.011000 0.006314 1.940E-07
IWF400X200/1 0.199000 0.011000 0.007216 2.206E-07
IWF400X200/2 0.200000 0.013000 0.008410 3.590E-07
IWF450X200 0.200000 0.014000 0.009680 4.718E-07
IWF500X200 0.200000 0.016000 0.011420 7.075E-07
IWF600X200 0.200000 0.017000 0.013440 9.137E-07
IWF600X300 0.300000 0.020000 0.019250 1.927E-06
IWF700X300 0.300000 0.024000 0.023550 3.260E-06
IWF800X300 0.300000 0.026000 0.026740 4.223E-06
k25x35 0.087500 0.001020
QUEEN-WF300x150 0.006778 1.482E-07
U100x50 0.001175 1.614E-08
U75x40 0.000875 1.208E-08
WF100x50V 0.001695 2.268E-08
WF150x75V 0.002595 3.451E-08
WF200x100V 0.004118 7.107E-08

Table: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 3 of 7

Table: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 3 of 7
SectionName I33 I22 I23 AS2 AS3 S33 S22
m4 m4 m4 m2 m2 m3 m3
B 20x35 0.000715 0.000233 0.000000 0.058333 0.058333 0.004083 0.002333
B15x25 0.000195 0.000070 0.000000 0.031250 0.031250 0.001563 0.000938
C125x50x20 1.878E-06 2.769E-07 0.000000 0.000380 0.000279 0.000030 8.398E-06
FSEC1 1.878E-06 2.769E-07 0.000000 0.000380 0.000279 0.000030 8.398E-06

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FSEC2 3.264E-06 1.020E-06 0.000000 0.000800 0.000640 0.000052 0.000017
IKATAN ANGIN 3.217E-09 3.217E-09 0.000000 0.000151 0.000151 4.021E-07 4.021E-07
IWF100X100 3.830E-06 1.340E-06 0.000000 0.001333 0.000552 0.000077 0.000027
IWF100x50 1.781E-06 1.467E-07 0.000000 0.000500 0.000583 0.000036 5.869E-06
IWF125X125 8.470E-06 2.930E-06 0.000000 0.001875 0.000754 0.000136 0.000047
IWF150X100 0.000010 1.510E-06 0.000000 0.001500 0.000846 0.000136 0.000030
IWF150X150 0.000016 5.630E-06 0.000000 0.002500 0.000980 0.000219 0.000075
IWF150X75 6.860E-06 4.950E-07 0.000000 0.000875 0.000715 0.000091 0.000013
IWF200X100/1 0.000016 1.140E-06 0.000000 0.001155 0.000860 0.000160 0.000023
IWF200X100/2 0.000018 1.340E-06 0.000000 0.001333 0.001056 0.000184 0.000027
IWF250X125/1 0.000035 2.550E-06 0.000000 0.001653 0.001200 0.000285 0.000041
IWF250X125/2 0.000041 2.940E-06 0.000000 0.001875 0.001446 0.000324 0.000047
IWF300X150/1 0.000063 4.420E-06 0.000000 0.001987 0.001595 0.000424 0.000059
IWF300X150/2 0.000072 5.080E-06 0.000000 0.002250 0.001892 0.000481 0.000068
IWF350X175/1 0.000111 7.920E-06 0.000000 0.002610 0.002022 0.000642 0.000091
IWF350X175/2 0.000136 9.840E-06 0.000000 0.003208 0.002373 0.000777 0.000112
IWF400X200/1 0.000200 0.000015 0.000000 0.003648 0.002695 0.001010 0.000146
IWF400X200/2 0.000237 0.000017 0.000000 0.004333 0.003096 0.001185 0.000174
IWF450X200 0.000335 0.000019 0.000000 0.004667 0.003924 0.001489 0.000187
IWF500X200 0.000478 0.000021 0.000000 0.005333 0.004840 0.001912 0.000214
IWF600X200 0.000776 0.000023 0.000000 0.005667 0.006413 0.002587 0.000228
IWF600X300 0.001180 0.000090 0.000000 0.010000 0.006816 0.004014 0.000601
IWF700X300 0.002010 0.000108 0.000000 0.012000 0.008788 0.005743 0.000720
IWF800X300 0.002920 0.000117 0.000000 0.013000 0.010836 0.007300 0.000780
k25x35 0.000456 0.000893 0.000000 0.072917 0.072917 0.003646 0.005104
QUEEN-WF300x150 0.000072 0.000030 0.000000 0.003068 0.002303 0.000479 0.000261
U100x50 1.864E-06 2.945E-07 0.000000 0.000500 0.000750 0.000037 8.886E-06
U75x40 6.581E-07 1.383E-07 0.000000 0.000350 0.000600 0.000019 5.424E-06
WF100x50V 4.749E-06 2.201E-07 0.000000 0.000762 0.001057 0.000060 8.804E-06
WF150x75V 0.000017 7.404E-07 0.000000 0.001129 0.001495 0.000142 0.000020
WF200x100V 0.000046 2.639E-06 0.000000 0.001647 0.002467 0.000287 0.000042

Table: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 4 of 7

Table: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 4 of 7
SectionName Z33 Z22 R33 R22 EccV2 ConcCol ConcBeam
m3 m3 m m m
B 20x35 0.006125 0.003500 0.101036 0.057735 No Yes
B15x25 0.002344 0.001406 0.072169 0.043301 No Yes
C125x50x20 0.000030 8.398E-06 0.048508 0.018625 No No
FSEC1 0.000030 8.398E-06 0.048508 0.018625 No No
FSEC2 0.000061 0.000031 0.048301 0.027003 No No
IKATAN ANGIN 6.827E-07 6.827E-07 0.004000 0.004000 No No
IWF100X100 0.000084 0.000041 0.041819 0.024736 No No
IWF100x50 0.000042 9.288E-06 0.039705 0.011395 No No
IWF125X125 0.000149 0.000071 0.052863 0.031091 No No
IWF150X100 0.000150 0.000046 0.061647 0.023719 No No
IWF150X150 0.000240 0.000114 0.063919 0.037451 No No
IWF150X75 0.000098 0.000021 0.061993 0.016653 No No
IWF200X100/1 0.000170 0.000035 0.082560 0.022177 No No
IWF200X100/2 0.000200 0.000041 0.082308 0.022212 No No
IWF250X125/1 0.000305 0.000063 0.104078 0.027934 No No
IWF250X125/2 0.000352 0.000072 0.103702 0.027940 No No

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IWF300X150/1 0.000455 0.000091 0.124460 0.032914 No No
IWF300X150/2 0.000522 0.000104 0.124147 0.032954 No No
IWF350X175/1 0.000689 0.000139 0.145157 0.038774 No No
IWF350X175/2 0.000841 0.000172 0.146763 0.039477 No No
IWF400X200/1 0.001088 0.000222 0.166482 0.044827 No No
IWF400X200/2 0.001286 0.000266 0.167871 0.045486 No No
IWF450X200 0.001621 0.000289 0.186031 0.043952 No No
IWF500X200 0.002096 0.000332 0.204588 0.043289 No No
IWF600X200 0.002863 0.000357 0.240288 0.041188 No No
IWF600X300 0.004309 0.000920 0.247586 0.068452 No No
IWF700X300 0.006249 0.001108 0.292148 0.067720 No No
IWF800X300 0.007995 0.001207 0.330454 0.066147 No No
k25x35 0.005469 0.007656 0.072169 0.101036 Yes No
QUEEN-WF300x150 0.000574 0.000360 0.102963 0.066173 No No
U100x50 0.000044 0.000016 0.039826 0.015831 0.033730 No No
U75x40 0.000023 9.552E-06 0.027424 0.012573 0.027582 No No
WF100x50V 0.000076 0.000014 0.052934 0.011395 No No
WF150x75V 0.000176 0.000031 0.080593 0.016891 No No
WF200x100V 0.000358 0.000073 0.105887 0.025316 No No

Table: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 5 of 7

Table: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 5 of 7
SectionName Color TotalWt TotalMass FromFile AMod A2Mod A3Mod
KN KN-s2/m
B 20x35 White 314.160 31.42 No 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
B15x25 White 35.100 3.51 No 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
C125x50x20 Gray8Dark 66.172 6.75 No 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
FSEC1 White 0.000 0.00 No 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
FSEC2 Blue 7.248 0.72 No 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IKATAN ANGIN White 0.000 0.00 No 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IWF100X100 White 0.000 0.00 Yes 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IWF100x50 White 0.000 0.00 No 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IWF125X125 Gray8Dark 0.000 0.00 Yes 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IWF150X100 Green 0.000 0.00 Yes 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IWF150X150 Cyan 0.000 0.00 Yes 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IWF150X75 Blue 18.496 1.85 Yes 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IWF200X100/1 Red 0.000 0.00 Yes 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IWF200X100/2 Magenta 53.335 5.33 Yes 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IWF250X125/1 Yellow 0.000 0.00 Yes 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IWF250X125/2 White 42.571 4.26 Yes 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IWF300X150/1 Gray8Dark 0.000 0.00 Yes 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IWF300X150/2 Blue 0.000 0.00 Yes 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IWF350X175/1 Green 0.000 0.00 Yes 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IWF350X175/2 Cyan 0.000 0.00 Yes 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IWF400X200/1 Red 0.000 0.00 Yes 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IWF400X200/2 Magenta 0.000 0.00 Yes 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IWF450X200 Yellow 0.000 0.00 Yes 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IWF500X200 White 0.000 0.00 Yes 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IWF600X200 Gray8Dark 0.000 0.00 Yes 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IWF600X300 Blue 0.000 0.00 Yes 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IWF700X300 Green 0.000 0.00 Yes 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IWF800X300 Yellow 0.000 0.00 Yes 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000

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k25x35 White 0.000 0.00 No 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
QUEEN-WF300x150 White 0.000 0.00 No 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
U100x50 Magenta 0.000 0.00 No 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
U75x40 White 0.000 0.00 No 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
VOTE100x50 Blue
VOTE150x75 Blue
VOTE200x100 Gray8Dark
WF100x50V Gray8Dark 0.000 0.00 No 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
WF150x75V White 0.000 0.00 No 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
WF200x100V White 0.000 0.00 No 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000

Table: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 6 of 7

Table: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 6 of 7
SectionName JMod I2Mod I3Mod MMod WMod SectInFile

B 20x35 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000

B15x25 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
C125x50x20 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
FSEC1 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
FSEC2 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IKATAN ANGIN 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IWF100X100 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 IWF100X100
IWF100x50 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
IWF125X125 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 IWF125X125
IWF150X100 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 IWF150X100
IWF150X150 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 IWF150X150
IWF150X75 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 IWF150X75
IWF200X100/1 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 IWF200X100/1
IWF200X100/2 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 IWF200X100/2
IWF250X125/1 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 IWF250X125/1
IWF250X125/2 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 IWF250X125/2
IWF300X150/1 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 IWF300X150/1
IWF300X150/2 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 IWF300X150/2
IWF350X175/1 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 IWF350X175/1
IWF350X175/2 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 IWF350X175/2
IWF400X200/1 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 IWF400X200/1
IWF400X200/2 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 IWF400X200/2
IWF450X200 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 IWF450X200
IWF500X200 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 IWF500X200
IWF600X200 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 IWF600X200
IWF600X300 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 IWF600X300
IWF700X300 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 IWF700X300
IWF800X300 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 IWF800X300
k25x35 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
QUEEN-WF300x150 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
U100x50 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
U75x40 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
WF100x50V 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
WF150x75V 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
WF200x100V 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000

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Table: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 7 of 7
Table: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 7 of 7
SectionName FileName GUID Notes

B 20x35 Added 12/18/2017 9:32:36 AM

B15x25 Added 12/19/2017 8:32:32 PM
C125x50x20 Added 03/11/2014 22:45:12
FSEC1 Added 12/18/2017 8:34:29 PM
FSEC2 Added 12/18/2017 8:34:34 PM
IKATAN ANGIN Added 26/10/2014 2:07:53
IWF100X100 d:\tabel wf\ Imported 25/10/2014 21:15:51 from
IWF100x50 Added 03/11/2014 11:15:43
IWF125X125 d:\tabel wf\ Imported 25/10/2014 21:15:51 from
IWF150X100 d:\tabel wf\ Imported 25/10/2014 21:15:51 from
IWF150X150 d:\tabel wf\ Imported 25/10/2014 21:15:51 from
IWF150X75 d:\tabel wf\ Imported 25/10/2014 21:15:51 from
IWF200X100/1 d:\tabel wf\ Imported 25/10/2014 21:15:51 from
IWF200X100/2 d:\tabel wf\ Imported 25/10/2014 21:15:51 from
IWF250X125/1 d:\tabel wf\ Imported 25/10/2014 21:15:51 from
IWF250X125/2 d:\tabel wf\ Imported 25/10/2014 21:15:51 from
IWF300X150/1 d:\tabel wf\ Imported 25/10/2014 21:15:51 from
IWF300X150/2 d:\tabel wf\ Imported 25/10/2014 21:15:51 from
IWF350X175/1 d:\tabel wf\ Imported 25/10/2014 21:15:51 from
IWF350X175/2 d:\tabel wf\ Imported 25/10/2014 21:15:51 from
IWF400X200/1 d:\tabel wf\ Imported 25/10/2014 21:15:51 from
IWF400X200/2 d:\tabel wf\ Imported 25/10/2014 21:15:51 from
IWF450X200 d:\tabel wf\ Imported 25/10/2014 21:15:51 from
IWF500X200 d:\tabel wf\ Imported 25/10/2014 21:15:51 from
IWF600X200 d:\tabel wf\ Imported 25/10/2014 21:15:51 from
IWF600X300 d:\tabel wf\ Imported 25/10/2014 21:15:51 from
IWF700X300 d:\tabel wf\ Imported 25/10/2014 21:15:51 from
IWF800X300 d:\tabel wf\ Imported 25/10/2014 21:15:51 from
k25x35 Added 12/18/2017 9:28:36 AM
QUEEN-WF300x150 Added 26/10/2014 16:03:30
U100x50 Added 25/10/2014 21:16:03
U75x40 Added 28/10/2014 11:15:58
VOTE100x50 Added 26/10/2014 15:20:47
VOTE150x75 Added 26/10/2014 15:45:51

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VOTE200x100 Added 26/10/2014 16:24:03
WF100x50V Added 26/10/2014 15:18:21
WF150x75V Added 26/10/2014 15:43:50
WF200x100V Added 26/10/2014 16:22:00

Table: Frame Section Properties 02 - Concrete Column, Part 1 of 2

Table: Frame Section Properties 02 - Concrete Column, Part 1 of 2
SectionNam RebarMatL RebarMatC ReinfConfig LatReinf Cover NumBars3D NumBars2D BarSizeL
e ir ir
k25x35 BJTD BJTD Rectangular Ties 0.040000 3 3 #9

Table: Frame Section Properties 02 - Concrete Column, Part 2 of 2

Table: Frame Section Properties 02 - Concrete Column, Part 2 of 2
SectionNam BarSizeC SpacingC NumCBars2 NumCBars3 ReinfType
k25x35 #4 0.150000 3 3 Design

Table: Frame Section Properties 03 - Concrete Beam

Table: Frame Section Properties 03 - Concrete Beam
SectionNam RebarMatL RebarMatC TopCover BotCover TopLeftArea TopRghtAre BotLeftArea BotRghtAre
e a a
m m m2 m2 m2 m2
B 20x35 BJTD BJTD 0.025000 0.025000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
B15x25 BJTD BJTD 0.025000 0.025000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

Table: Frame Section Properties 05 - Nonprismatic, Part 1 of 2

Table: Frame Section Properties 05 - Nonprismatic, Part 1 of 2
SectionName NumSegme SegmentNu StartSect EndSect LengthType AbsLength
nts m
VOTE100x50 3 1 WF100x50V IWF100x50 Absolute 0.50000
VOTE100x50 3 2 IWF100x50 IWF100x50 Variable
VOTE100x50 3 3 IWF100x50 WF100x50V Absolute 0.50000
VOTE150x75 1 1 WF150x75V IWF150X75 Variable
VOTE200x100 3 1 WF200x100V IWF200X100/2 Absolute 1.00000
VOTE200x100 3 2 IWF200X100/2 IWF200X100/2 Variable
VOTE200x100 3 3 IWF200X100/2 WF200x100V Absolute 1.00000

Table: Frame Section Properties 05 - Nonprismatic, Part 2 of 2

Table: Frame Section Properties 05 - Nonprismatic, Part 2 of 2
SectionName VarLength EI33Var EI22Var

VOTE100x50 Linear Linear

VOTE100x50 1.0000 Linear Linear
VOTE100x50 Linear Linear
VOTE150x75 1.0000 Linear Linear

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VOTE200x100 Linear Linear
VOTE200x100 1.0000 Linear Linear
VOTE200x100 Linear Linear

Table: Load Pattern Definitions

Table: Load Pattern Definitions
LoadPat DesignType SelfWtMult AutoLoad GUID Notes

SW DEAD 1.000000
SDL DEAD 0.000000
LL_HUJAN LIVE 0.000000
LL LIVE 0.000000
WIND Y+ WIND 0.000000 None
WIND Y- WIND 0.000000 None
WIND X+ WIND 0.000000 None
WIND X- WIND 0.000000 None

Table: Material Properties 01 - General

Table: Material Properties 01 - General
Material Type SymType TempDepen Color GUID Notes

BJ33 ColdFormed Isotropic No White ASTM A653 SQ Grade 50 added

03/11/2014 22:45:12
BJ37 Steel Isotropic No Green ASTM A992 Fy=50 ksi added
25/10/2014 21:00:08
BJTD Rebar Uniaxial No Blue ASTM A706 added 25/10/2014
K-250 Concrete Isotropic No Cyan Normalweight f'c = 4 ksi added
25/10/2014 21:00:08

Table: Material Properties 02 - Basic Mechanical Properties

Table: Material Properties 02 - Basic Mechanical Properties
Material UnitWeight UnitMass E1 G12 U12 A1
KN/m3 KN-s2/m4 KN/m2 KN/m2 1/C
BJ33 7.8500E+01 8.0048E+00 200000000.0 76923076.92 0.300000 1.1700E-05
BJ37 7.8500E+01 7.8500E+00 200000000.0 76923076.92 0.300000 1.1700E-05
BJTD 7.8500E+01 7.8500E+00 200000000.0 1.1700E-05
K-250 2.4000E+01 2.4000E+00 21409518.91 8920632.88 0.200000 9.9000E-06

Table: Material Properties 03a - Steel Data, Part 1 of 2

Table: Material Properties 03a - Steel Data, Part 1 of 2
Material Fy Fu EffFy EffFu SSCurveOpt SSHysType SHard SMax
KN/m2 KN/m2 KN/m2 KN/m2
BJ37 382459.36 390000.00 382459.36 390000.00 Simple Kinematic 0.015000 0.110000

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Table: Material Properties 03a - Steel Data, Part 2 of 2
Table: Material Properties 03a - Steel
Data, Part 2 of 2
Material SRup FinalSlope

BJ37 0.170000 -0.100000

Table: Material Properties 03b - Concrete Data, Part 1 of 2

Table: Material Properties 03b - Concrete Data, Part 1 of 2
Material Fc LtWtConc SSCurveOpt SSHysType SFc SCap FinalSlope FAngle
KN/m2 Degrees
K-250 20750.00 No Mander Takeda 0.002550 0.003000 -0.100000 0.000

Table: Material Properties 03b - Concrete Data, Part 2 of 2

Table: Material Properties
03b - Concrete Data, Part 2
of 2
Material DAngle
K-250 0.000

Table: Material Properties 03d - Cold Formed Data

Table: Material Properties 03d - Cold Formed Data
Material Fy Fu SSHysType
KN/m2 KN/m2
BJ33 240000.00 370000.00 Kinematic

Table: Material Properties 03e - Rebar Data, Part 1 of 2

Table: Material Properties 03e - Rebar Data, Part 1 of 2
Material Fy Fu EffFy EffFu SSCurveOpt SSHysType SHard SCap
KN/m2 KN/m2 KN/m2 KN/m2
BJTD 400000.00 550000.00 400000.00 550000.00 Simple Kinematic 0.011000 0.110000

Table: Material Properties 03e - Rebar Data, Part 2 of 2

Table: Material Properties 03e - Rebar
Data, Part 2 of 2
Material FinalSlope UseCTDef

BJTD -0.100000 No

Table: Material Properties 04 - User Stress-Strain Curves

Table: Material Properties 04 - User Stress-Strain Curves
Material Point Strain Stress PointID
BJ33 1 -0.082800 0.00

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BJ33 2 -0.070800 -240000.00 -E
BJ33 3 -0.056640 -312000.00 -D
BJ33 4 -0.035400 -312000.00 -C
BJ33 5 -0.014160 -240000.00
BJ33 6 -0.001200 -240000.00 -B
BJ33 7 0.000000 0.00 A
BJ33 8 0.001200 240000.00 B
BJ33 9 0.014160 240000.00
BJ33 10 0.035400 312000.00 C
BJ33 11 0.056640 312000.00 D
BJ33 12 0.070800 240000.00 E
BJ33 13 0.082800 0.00

Table: Material Properties 06 - Damping Parameters

Table: Material Properties 06 - Damping Parameters
Material ModalRatio VisMass VisStiff HysMass HysStiff
1/Sec Sec 1/Sec2
BJ33 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000
BJ37 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000
BJTD 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000
K-250 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000

Table: Section Designer Properties 01 - General, Part 1 of 5

Table: Section Designer Properties 01 - General, Part 1 of 5
SectionName DesignType DsgnOrChc BaseMat IncludeVStr nTotalShp nIWideFlng

QUEEN-WF300x150 General Steel Check BJ37 No 2 1

WF100x50V General Steel Check BJ37 No 2 1
WF150x75V General Steel Check BJ37 No 2 1
WF200x100V General Steel Check BJ37 No 2 1

Table: Section Designer Properties 01 - General, Part 2 of 5

Table: Section Designer Properties 01 - General, Part 2 of 5
SectionName nChannel nTee nAngle nDblAngle nBoxTube nPipe nPlate

QUEEN-WF300x150 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
WF100x50V 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
WF150x75V 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
WF200x100V 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

Table: Section Designer Properties 01 - General, Part 3 of 5

Table: Section Designer Properties 01 - General, Part 3 of 5
SectionName nSolidRect nSolidCirc nSolidSeg nSolidSect nPolygon nReinfSing nReinfLine

QUEEN-WF300x150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
WF100x50V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
WF150x75V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
WF200x100V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Table: Section Designer Properties 01 - General, Part 4 of 5

Table: Section Designer Properties 01 - General, Part 4 of 5
SectionName nReinfRect nReinfCirc nRefLine nRefCirc nCaltransSq nCaltransCr nCaltransHx

QUEEN-WF300x150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
WF100x50V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
WF150x75V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
WF200x100V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table: Section Designer Properties 01 - General, Part 5 of 5

Table: Section Designer
Properties 01 - General, Part 5 of 5
SectionName nCaltransOc

QUEEN-WF300x150 0
WF100x50V 0
WF150x75V 0
WF200x100V 0

Table: Section Designer Properties 04 - Shape I/Wide Flange, Part 1 of 3

Table: Section Designer Properties 04 - Shape I/Wide Flange, Part 1 of 3
SectionName ShapeName ShapeType ShapeMat ZOrder FillColor XCenter
QUEEN-WF300x150 ISectoin1 User Defined BJ37 1 4210752 0.000000
WF100x50V ISectoin1 User Defined BJ37 1 4210752 0.000000
WF150x75V ISectoin1 User Defined BJ37 1 4210752 0.000000
WF200x100V ISectoin1 User Defined BJ37 1 4210752 0.000000

Table: Section Designer Properties 04 - Shape I/Wide Flange, Part 2 of 3

Table: Section Designer Properties 04 - Shape I/Wide Flange, Part 2 of 3
SectionName ShapeName YCenter Height TopWidth TopThick WebThick BotWidth
m m m m m m
QUEEN-WF300x150 ISectoin1 0.000000 0.300000 0.150000 0.009000 0.006500 0.150000
WF100x50V ISectoin1 0.000000 0.100000 0.050000 0.007000 0.005000 0.050000
WF150x75V ISectoin1 0.000000 0.150000 0.075000 0.007000 0.005000 0.075000
WF200x100V ISectoin1 0.000000 0.200000 0.100000 0.008000 0.005500 0.125000

Table: Section Designer Properties 04 - Shape I/Wide Flange, Part 3 of 3

Table: Section Designer Properties 04 - Shape I/Wide Flange, Part 3 of 3
SectionName ShapeName BotThick Rotation Reinforcing RebarMat ConcCover
m Degrees
QUEEN-WF300x150 ISectoin1 0.009000 0.000 No
WF100x50V ISectoin1 0.007000 0.000 No
WF150x75V ISectoin1 0.007000 0.000 No
WF200x100V ISectoin1 0.008000 0.000 No

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Table: Section Designer Properties 06 - Shape Tee, Part 1 of 3
Table: Section Designer Properties 06 - Shape Tee, Part 1 of 3
SectionName ShapeName ShapeType ShapeMat Zorder FillColor XCenter
QUEEN-WF300x150 TSection3 User Defined BJ37 2 4210752 -0.075000
WF100x50V TSection2 User Defined BJ37 2 4210752 0.000000
WF150x75V TSection2 User Defined BJ37 2 4210752 0.000000
WF200x100V TSection2 User Defined BJ37 2 4210752 0.000000

Table: Section Designer Properties 06 - Shape Tee, Part 2 of 3

Table: Section Designer Properties 06 - Shape Tee, Part 2 of 3
SectionName ShapeName YCenter Height Width FlngThick WebThick Rotation
m m m m m Degrees
QUEEN-WF300x150 TSection3 0.000000 0.150000 0.150000 0.009000 0.006500 90.000
WF100x50V TSection2 -0.075000 0.050000 0.050000 0.007000 0.005000 180.000
WF150x75V TSection2 -0.112500 0.075000 0.075000 0.007000 0.005000 180.000
WF200x100V TSection2 -0.150000 0.100000 0.100000 0.008000 0.005500 180.000

Table: Section Designer Properties 06 - Shape Tee, Part 3 of 3

Table: Section Designer Properties 06 - Shape Tee, Part 3 of 3
SectionName ShapeName Reinforcing RebarMat ConcCover

QUEEN-WF300x150 TSection3 No
WF100x50V TSection2 No
WF150x75V TSection2 No
WF200x100V TSection2 No

Table: Section Designer Properties 30 - Fiber General, Part 1 of 2

Table: Section Designer Properties 30 - Fiber General, Part 1 of 2
SectionName NumFibersD2 NumFibersD3 CoordSys GridAngle LumpRebar FiberPMM

QUEEN-WF300x150 3 3 Cartesian 0 No No
WF100x50V 3 3 Cartesian 0 No No
WF150x75V 3 3 Cartesian 0 No No
WF200x100V 3 3 Cartesian 0 No No

Table: Section Designer Properties 30 - Fiber General, Part 2 of 2

Table: Section Designer
Properties 30 - Fiber General, Part
2 of 2
SectionName FiberMC

QUEEN-WF300x150 No
WF100x50V No
WF150x75V No
WF200x100V No

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Table: Steel Design 1 - Summary Data - AISC-LRFD99, Part 1 of 2
Table: Steel Design 1 - Summary Data - AISC-LRFD99, Part 1 of 2
Frame DesignSect DesignType Status Ratio RatioType

2 IWF200X100/2 Brace No Messages 0.511126 PMM

3 IWF250X125/2 Column See WarnMsg 0.548168 PMM
4 IWF250X125/2 Column See WarnMsg 0.488668 PMM
7 IWF200X100/2 Brace Overstressed 0.978899 PMM
8 IWF200X100/2 Brace Overstressed 1.007261 PMM
9 IWF250X125/2 Column Overstressed and 1.089413 PMM
See WarnMsg
10 IWF250X125/2 Column Overstressed and 1.051380 PMM
See WarnMsg
13 IWF200X100/2 Brace Overstressed 0.970808 PMM
14 IWF200X100/2 Brace Overstressed 1.002523 PMM
15 IWF250X125/2 Column Overstressed and 1.120111 PMM
See WarnMsg
16 IWF250X125/2 Column Overstressed and 1.051428 PMM
See WarnMsg
19 IWF200X100/2 Brace Overstressed 0.955034 PMM
20 IWF200X100/2 Brace Overstressed 0.986085 PMM
21 IWF250X125/2 Column Overstressed and 1.103467 PMM
See WarnMsg
22 IWF250X125/2 Column Overstressed and 1.036947 PMM
See WarnMsg
25 IWF200X100/2 Brace No Messages 0.947421 PMM
26 IWF200X100/2 Brace Overstressed 0.979111 PMM
27 IWF250X125/2 Column Overstressed and 1.097742 PMM
See WarnMsg
28 IWF250X125/2 Column Overstressed and 1.031859 PMM
See WarnMsg
31 IWF200X100/2 Brace No Messages 0.947214 PMM
32 IWF200X100/2 Brace Overstressed 0.979111 PMM
33 IWF250X125/2 Column Overstressed and 1.098133 PMM
See WarnMsg
34 IWF250X125/2 Column Overstressed and 1.032361 PMM
See WarnMsg
37 IWF200X100/2 Brace No Messages 0.947214 PMM
38 IWF200X100/2 Brace Overstressed 0.979111 PMM
39 IWF250X125/2 Column Overstressed and 1.098133 PMM
See WarnMsg
40 IWF250X125/2 Column Overstressed and 1.032361 PMM
See WarnMsg
43 IWF200X100/2 Brace No Messages 0.947421 PMM
44 IWF200X100/2 Brace Overstressed 0.979111 PMM
45 IWF250X125/2 Column Overstressed and 1.097742 PMM
See WarnMsg
46 IWF250X125/2 Column Overstressed and 1.031859 PMM
See WarnMsg
49 IWF200X100/2 Brace Overstressed 0.955034 PMM
50 IWF200X100/2 Brace Overstressed 0.986085 PMM
51 IWF250X125/2 Column Overstressed and 1.103467 PMM
See WarnMsg
52 IWF250X125/2 Column Overstressed and 1.036947 PMM
See WarnMsg
55 IWF200X100/2 Brace Overstressed 0.970808 PMM
56 IWF200X100/2 Brace Overstressed 1.002523 PMM
57 IWF250X125/2 Column Overstressed and 1.120111 PMM
See WarnMsg

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58 IWF250X125/2 Column Overstressed and 1.051428 PMM
See WarnMsg
61 IWF200X100/2 Brace Overstressed 0.978899 PMM
62 IWF200X100/2 Brace Overstressed 1.007261 PMM
63 IWF250X125/2 Column Overstressed and 1.089413 PMM
See WarnMsg
64 IWF250X125/2 Column Overstressed and 1.051380 PMM
See WarnMsg
68 IWF200X100/2 Brace No Messages 0.511126 PMM
69 IWF250X125/2 Column See WarnMsg 0.548168 PMM
70 IWF250X125/2 Column See WarnMsg 0.488668 PMM
73 IWF150X75 Beam See WarnMsg 0.141506 PMM
74 IWF150X75 Beam See WarnMsg 0.094655 PMM
75 IWF150X75 Beam See WarnMsg 0.096174 PMM
76 IWF150X75 Beam See WarnMsg 0.094117 PMM
77 IWF150X75 Beam See WarnMsg 0.093477 PMM
78 IWF150X75 Beam See WarnMsg 0.092794 PMM
79 IWF150X75 Beam See WarnMsg 0.093477 PMM
80 IWF150X75 Beam See WarnMsg 0.094117 PMM
81 IWF150X75 Beam See WarnMsg 0.096174 PMM
82 IWF150X75 Beam See WarnMsg 0.094655 PMM
83 IWF150X75 Beam See WarnMsg 0.141506 PMM
84 IWF150X75 Beam See WarnMsg 0.141505 PMM
85 IWF150X75 Beam See WarnMsg 0.094658 PMM
86 IWF150X75 Beam See WarnMsg 0.096174 PMM
87 IWF150X75 Beam See WarnMsg 0.094117 PMM
88 IWF150X75 Beam See WarnMsg 0.093477 PMM
89 IWF150X75 Beam See WarnMsg 0.092795 PMM
90 IWF150X75 Beam See WarnMsg 0.093477 PMM
91 IWF150X75 Beam See WarnMsg 0.094117 PMM
92 IWF150X75 Beam See WarnMsg 0.096174 PMM
93 IWF150X75 Beam See WarnMsg 0.094658 PMM
94 IWF150X75 Beam See WarnMsg 0.141505 PMM
106 IWF200X100/2 Brace No Messages 0.517788 PMM
130 IWF200X100/2 Brace No Messages 0.517788 PMM
330 FSEC2 Beam See WarnMsg 0.452385 PMM
331 FSEC2 Beam See WarnMsg 0.383749 PMM
332 FSEC2 Beam See WarnMsg 0.179320 PMM
333 FSEC2 Beam See WarnMsg 0.160606 PMM
334 FSEC2 Beam See WarnMsg 0.163247 PMM
335 FSEC2 Beam See WarnMsg 0.163932 PMM
336 FSEC2 Beam See WarnMsg 0.163247 PMM
337 FSEC2 Beam See WarnMsg 0.160606 PMM
338 FSEC2 Beam See WarnMsg 0.179320 PMM
339 FSEC2 Beam See WarnMsg 0.383749 PMM
340 FSEC2 Beam See WarnMsg 0.452385 PMM

Table: Steel Design 1 - Summary Data - AISC-LRFD99, Part 2 of 2

Table: Steel Design 1 - Summary Data - AISC-LRFD99, Part 2 of 2
Frame Combo Location ErrMsg WarnMsg
2 COMB3 10.42322 No Messages No Messages
3 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
4 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)

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7 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages No Messages
8 COMB3 10.42322 No Messages No Messages
9 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
10 COMB3 6.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
13 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages No Messages
14 COMB3 10.42322 No Messages No Messages
15 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
16 COMB3 6.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
19 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages No Messages
20 COMB3 10.42322 No Messages No Messages
21 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
22 COMB3 6.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
25 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages No Messages
26 COMB3 10.42322 No Messages No Messages
27 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
28 COMB3 6.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
31 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages No Messages
32 COMB3 10.42322 No Messages No Messages
33 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
34 COMB3 6.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
37 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages No Messages
38 COMB3 10.42322 No Messages No Messages
39 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
40 COMB3 6.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
43 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages No Messages
44 COMB3 10.42322 No Messages No Messages
45 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
46 COMB3 6.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
49 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages No Messages
50 COMB3 10.42322 No Messages No Messages
51 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
52 COMB3 6.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
55 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages No Messages
56 COMB3 10.42322 No Messages No Messages
57 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
58 COMB3 6.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
61 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages No Messages
62 COMB3 10.42322 No Messages No Messages
63 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
64 COMB3 6.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)

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68 COMB3 10.42322 No Messages No Messages
69 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
70 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
73 COMB4 1.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3); kl/r > 5.87*Sqr(E/fy) (AISC
SEISMIC I 13.2a)
74 COMB4 0.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3); kl/r > 5.87*Sqr(E/fy) (AISC
SEISMIC I 13.2a)
75 COMB4 6.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3); kl/r > 5.87*Sqr(E/fy) (AISC
SEISMIC I 13.2a)
76 COMB4 0.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3); kl/r > 5.87*Sqr(E/fy) (AISC
SEISMIC I 13.2a)
77 COMB4 6.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3); kl/r > 5.87*Sqr(E/fy) (AISC
SEISMIC I 13.2a)
78 COMB4 6.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3); kl/r > 5.87*Sqr(E/fy) (AISC
SEISMIC I 13.2a)
79 COMB4 0.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3); kl/r > 5.87*Sqr(E/fy) (AISC
SEISMIC I 13.2a)
80 COMB4 6.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3); kl/r > 5.87*Sqr(E/fy) (AISC
SEISMIC I 13.2a)
81 COMB4 0.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3); kl/r > 5.87*Sqr(E/fy) (AISC
SEISMIC I 13.2a)
82 COMB4 6.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3); kl/r > 5.87*Sqr(E/fy) (AISC
SEISMIC I 13.2a)
83 COMB4 5.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3); kl/r > 5.87*Sqr(E/fy) (AISC
SEISMIC I 13.2a)
84 COMB4 1.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3); kl/r > 5.87*Sqr(E/fy) (AISC
SEISMIC I 13.2a)
85 COMB4 0.00000 No Messages kl/r > 5.87*Sqr(E/fy) (AISC SEISMIC
I 13.2a)
86 COMB4 6.00000 No Messages kl/r > 5.87*Sqr(E/fy) (AISC SEISMIC
I 13.2a)
87 COMB4 0.00000 No Messages kl/r > 5.87*Sqr(E/fy) (AISC SEISMIC
I 13.2a)
88 COMB4 6.00000 No Messages kl/r > 5.87*Sqr(E/fy) (AISC SEISMIC
I 13.2a)
89 COMB4 0.00000 No Messages kl/r > 5.87*Sqr(E/fy) (AISC SEISMIC
I 13.2a)
90 COMB4 0.00000 No Messages kl/r > 5.87*Sqr(E/fy) (AISC SEISMIC
I 13.2a)
91 COMB4 6.00000 No Messages kl/r > 5.87*Sqr(E/fy) (AISC SEISMIC
I 13.2a)
92 COMB4 0.00000 No Messages kl/r > 5.87*Sqr(E/fy) (AISC SEISMIC
I 13.2a)
93 COMB4 6.00000 No Messages kl/r > 5.87*Sqr(E/fy) (AISC SEISMIC
I 13.2a)
94 COMB4 5.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3); kl/r > 5.87*Sqr(E/fy) (AISC
SEISMIC I 13.2a)

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G.Produksi SAP2000 v16.0.0 - License #

20 December 2017
106 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages No Messages
130 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages No Messages
330 COMB3 3.50000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
331 COMB3 2.50000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
332 COMB3 6.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
333 COMB3 3.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
334 COMB3 3.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
335 COMB3 3.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
336 COMB3 3.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
337 COMB3 3.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
338 COMB3 0.00000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
339 COMB3 3.50000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)
340 COMB3 2.50000 No Messages kl/r > 200 (LRFD B7, LRFD SAM 4,
HSS 2.3)

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