Star Matabis (Xanthosoma Batatas Biscuit) Grup 3

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Star Matabis ( Xanthosoma Batatas Biscuit)

Grup 3
Reisse Indah S. 161710101018

Istriani 161710101039

Fuji kurniawati 161710101045

Dia Ayu Cahya P. 161710101089

A. Introduction

Colocasia esculenta is the plants from spicies of tuber. Colacasia esculenta

also knowed is Taro.Taro included in taro yarms (araceae). This plant has the
characteristic height of 1 m or more. This plant comes from the southeast asia
region. Taro can be found in Indonesia in almost all the islands and scattered from
the shore to the mountains. Taro has several types: bogor taro, taro silk, taro
shapes, glutinous taro. Bogor taro also called glutinous tale. The leaves are dark
green and have a reddish leave shape like a heart. Taro silk has light green leaves
and fluffy, like silk. taro bentul has a purple colour more than taro silk. bentul taro
tuber sizes is larger and light colored yellowesh. Other types of taro that is not
consumed is sente taro and bolang taro because it feels uncomfortable and itchy.
Sente taro has a large trunk and broadleaf so wedely used for ornamental or
decorative plant. While bolang taro have itching and mottlesd trunk spots.

B. Content

Colocasia esculenta is a crop that includes the type of bulb. These plants
belonging to the family Araceae, classified as seed plants (spermatophyte), with a
seed in the closed (angiosperms) and dashed one (Monocotyledonae). Colocasia
esculenta better known as Taro (Koswara, 2013).

Kingdom : Plantae

Division : Spermatophyta
Subdivisi : Angiospermae

Class : Monocotyledonae

Ordo : Arales

Family : Araceae

Genus : Colocasia

Species : Colocasia esculenta

Taro comes from India and America, which later spread to China, Japan,
Indonesia, and several islands in the Pacific Ocean. Good area for this crop is
planted in an area that has an altitude of 0-2740 m above sea level, with a
temperature of 21-270C, and high rainfall. A section which can be harvested taro
is a tuber with harvesting age range from 6-8 months marked mongering and
yellowing leaves.

Taro generally thrives in tropical countries. Foodstuffs have contributed to

food security in the country and also has potential as food for export to generate a
profit. Taro can be presented in the form of fresh, can be done in the form of frozen
tubers or bulbs cans, and can be processed into flour. In addition taro can also be
used as drugs. Talas is a plant whose tuber contains a lot of water. These bulbs
consist of tubers of primary and secondary tuber. The second thing that
distinguishes these bulbs are the primary tuber is the parent bulb has a secondary
form with a length of 30 cm and a diameter of 15 cm, while the secondary tuber is
a tuber that grows around the primary tubers with a very small size.

Talas has a variety of forms depending on the environment in which it grows

and varieties, ranging from cone shape, rounded, elliptical, halter, elongated, flat,
faced many, and bunches (chinelo, et all,2015). Generally a taro tuber shape
commonly found in Indonesia is a conical shape, cylindrical, elliptical, to form a flat
bulb and faced many are never found in Indonesia to date. Colocasia esculenta
consists of 3 types. has a shape and size that is almost the same and the only
colors that distinguish each but the type of plants belonging to the genus
Xanthosoma which has a size larger plant and tubers smaller than the taro.
Xanthosoma genus consists of Belitung purse and a black purse (Nurbaya,et
al.2013). Factors that affect many populations of each type because many farmers
cultivate plants as byproducts that can add value to the economy. The many types
of taro plants yarns in an area influenced by environmental factors (growing
requirements) and the factor of human activity. The diversity in the genus
Colocasia esculenta and Xanthosoma show that in leaf form, shape and color of
the tuber flesh cormel have low diversity values or relative uniform.

One type genus Xanthosoma sagitifolium namely black purse is a type of

taro yarns are widely found in India. Xanthosoma sagitifollium known as tannia or
new cocoyam. Attachment of the petiole is at the point of notch which divides the
lamina into two lobes and is called hastate or sagittate leaf. Leaves are generally
dark green with white fleshed edible cormels. The main corm is thick to globose
and surrounded by 5-10 lateral cormels. It is cultivated pantropically for edible
tubers and cormels and is considered as a complex polymorphic species. Two
variants from different localities were collected under cocoyam type for study.
Assamese vernacular names are ‘dohi kochu and radha kochu.(Sulistyowati,et al.

Taro contains a high carbohydrate, protein, various vitamins (vitamin A,

vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin K, and vitamin E), minerals, and low in fat. The
carbohydrate content on taro has a strategic role. Taro has a high economic value
because most of the plant could be used for human consumption. Taro plant is
producing carbohydrates potentially as a substitute for rice (Kafah,2013).
Additionally taro contains many chemical compounds that can be produced from
the process of secondary metabolites such as alkaloids, glycosides, Magnesium,
essential oils, resins, fats, crude fiber, phosphorus, calcium, iron, thiamine,
riboflavin, niacin, and organic acids Consuming 104 grams of taro offers 0294 mg
of Vitamin B6,protein content (1,68-4,98%), crude fiber (1,42-4,56%), 27,52 g of
Carbohydrate (21,17%), 0179 mg of Copper, 0398 mg of Manganese, 2:48 mg of
vitamin E and 615 mg of Potassium. Moreover, many of Amino acids Tryptophan
0.024 g, 0.072 g of Threonine, Isoleucine of 0.056 g, 0.115 g of Leucine and 0:07
g of Lysine are Also found in 104 grams of taro (Oluwaseun, et all,2015).The
chemical composition varies depending on several factors, such as variety, age
and level of maturity of the tubers.
Climate and soil fertility factors also contribute to the differences in the
chemical composition of tubers of taro. Values over taro tubers is easy of starch to
digest. This is caused by the size of the starch granules are quite small and the
starch contains amylose in considerable amounts (20-25%). In addition, taro is also
free of gluten, the processed food from diet taro can be used for individuals who
have an allergy to gluten. Taro tubers contain starch that can be ingested as much
as 18.2%, sucrose and reducing to 1.42%, and 23.7% carbohydrate. Prior to
cultivate taro into the product, the first thing to note is the reduction of potassium
oxalate in taro. Potassium oxalate can cause a sense of itchy and irritation of the
skin. Taro has a lot of benefits in health and food sector. In the health sector taro
can be utilized as a drug prevention of cancer, reduce symptoms of Rheumatoid
Arthritis, Blood pressure and heart health, immune system health, as a cure
cramps, can facilitate digestion, boosts vision, help maintain dental health, can
reduce diabetes, Prevent bone loss, and skin health. While in the field of food, taro
can be utilized as a staple food, or instead of rice, a vegetable, and can be
processed into flour.

Xanthosoma sagitifolium (purse black) has the basic shape of leaves,

sagitate, leaf surface prect-APEC down, the outline of the leaf wavy, color of the
leaves dark green, the outline of violet leaves, the branching pattern of the leaf
stalk small, color leaf veins of purple, the color of the petiole purple, violet leaf
midrib reddish color, medium waxy layer of leaves and stalks branching color
purple leaves. Xanthosoma has komus conical shape, rounded and flesh color
komus halter with white and pink that produce primary products such kormel
(Ratnawati, et al.2013)

This purse has a relatively high nutrient content. Every 100 grams of tubers
purse can produce 145 kcal of energy; 1.2 grams protein; 0.4 grams of fat; 34.2
grams carbohydrate; 26 milligrams of calcium; 54 grams of phosphorus; 1.4
milligrams of Fe; 0.1 milligrams of vitamin B1; 2 milligrams of vitamin C; 63.1 grams
of water and 1 gram of ash. Besides these bulbs also contain bioactive compounds
and phenols such as diosgenin which, when processed into flour content of
diogenin which originally amounted 8,3x10-4 mg / 100g material can be increased
to 0.02 mg / 100g of material. Spirostanol saponin diosgenin is widely used as raw
material for the manufacturing industry and has the effect of steroid drugs that can
suppress the absorption also increases skresi cholesterol. Diosgenin has other
properties that antioxidant properties, inhibits the growth of cancer cells and may
prevent the onset of aging. While the proactive phenolic compounds can be used
as an antioxidant.

Xanthosoma sagitifolium can be processed into flour so it can be used as

raw materials to make a variety of processed foods. Flour Xanthosoma sagitifolium
have refined starch granules that can lessen damage to food products
(Okpala et al, 2013). Xanthosoma sagitifolium flour has a protein content
comparable (7-9%), cassava flour has a protein content of less than 6%, while the
cassava flour protein content of less than 3%, in addition to flour Xanthosoma
sagitifolium also contains a high carbohydrate, fat content low, contain fiber and
ash content. (Alozie et al, 2015).

Sufficient nutrient content in flour sagitifolium Xanthosoma can be used to

create a biscuit that can be consumed by children, adolescents, adults, and elderly
people by using the technique of fortification. Fortofikasi techniques aimed at
making biscuit contains not only macro-nutrients, but also can contain a variety of
micronutrients. Making Star Matabis done by additional material in the form of flour
Ipomoea batatas which it contains nutrients such as: 114 kcal of energy; 0.1 grams
of fat; 0 milligrams cholesterol; 73 milligrams; 448 milligrams of potassium; 27
grams carbohydrate; 4 grams fiber; 6 grams sugar; 2.1 protein; 377% vitamin A;
4% of calcium; 5% of vitamin C; 4% iron; 15% 8% vitamin B6 and magnesium. By
comparison Xanthosoma sagitifolium flour and flour Ipomea batatas 2: 1. Star
Matabis also coupled with a general common materials maker such as milk, eggs,
margarine, and others.

With Star Matabis produced is expected to improve the functionality and

marketability of flour and flour Xanthosoma sagitifolium Ipomea batatas. Not only
that Star Mtabis can also be expected to be the staple food alternative that does
not ahanya consumed as a snack alone. Star Matabis expected to fulfill the
nutritional value needed by the community.


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