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What Are Student Profiles?

Central’s Student Profiles system is a way for 3rd Year BA Acting, and MA Acting, MA Acting for
Screen and Music Theatre students to showcase themselves. When your student profile is
completed you will have a webpage CV in this section of the Central website:

Your webpage CV is also used to automatically generate a printable PDF. Most of Central’s Acting
courses print these PDFs for display at public productions and to circulate to agents, we therefore
recommend that you check the spelling and accuracy of your credits very carefully! You may also
wish to discuss the contents of your profile with your course leader before uploading it.

Requesting YOUR Student Profile Account

We recommend that you only use desktop PCs or Macs to set up and manage your profile.

Register for an account here:

Enter a Username. This should be the same as your Central email address, i.e. firstname.lastname
Please do not use your student ID number for this.

Now enter your Central email address in the “Email Address” box and press Create New Account.
Your email address is Please do not try to use your student ID
number as your email address, this will not work.

Your request for an account will now be dealt with by our Webmaster. For security reasons your
account needs to be manually verified. Verifications can only be completed within normal working
hours (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm).

When your account has been verified you will receive an email notification. This email will include
instructions on logging in for the first time and creating a password.

Once you’ve created a password go to “My Profile” in the grey menu at the top to start creating your
profile (see instructions over).

Logging InTo and Using The System

Navigate to and enter your username and password.

You can now select either “Edit User Account”, which allows you to change your account details
(such as your password), or “Student Dashboard”, which allows you to create or edit your profile.

To log out, select “Log Out” in the top (grey) menu.

To return to your profile whilst in the CMS, select “My Profile” in the top (grey) menu.

Passwords and Problems with the System

To Change Your Password

Once you have logged-in, select “Edit User Account”.

Enter your existing password in the “Current Password” box. Then enter your new password in the
“Password” and “Confirm Password” boxes, and press “Save”.

If You Have Forgotten Your Password

Please ensure you are logged out of the CMS.

Navigate to and follow the prompts. You will receive an email
with a one-time login, and then you will be able to select a new password and login to your account.

Having Problems?

If you have problems with the system email giving full details of the issue.
We will try to fix the problem as soon as possible.

Guide to Completing Your Profile

To create your profile, login to the system as per the above instructions and then go to “Student

To edit your existing profile, once in “Student Dashboard” press “Edit”.

Press “Save” at any time to save your work.

Page Title Enter your name (first name and surname) - you should use your stage
name here. Don’t worry about entering your qualifications here, that’s just
for staff!


Spotlight ID If you have one, enter your Spotlight ID number (i.e. 1111-2222-3333, not
the full http:// URL). When your profile is live on the Central website your
ID number will automatically link to your profile on the Spotlight website.

Telephone Enter the name and telephone number of your Course Leader, the Industry
Liaison Officer or your Agent, i.e.
c/o Nick Moseley, Course Leader: 020 7449 1595
c/o John Doe, Industry Liaison Officer: 020 7449 1649
c/o or Jane Agent, Actors Management: 020 7777 7777
Please do not enter your personal telephone number here.

Website The address of your website (i.e. If you don’t have a
website just leave this blank.


First name Enter your first name. This can be your stage name if you use one. Please
ensure this is consistent with the name you entered in the Page Title box

Surname Enter your surname. This can be your stage name if you use one. Please
ensure this is consistent with the name you entered in the Page Title box

Primary Image You should upload a 10 x 8 headshot here. To do this, press “Browse”. Then
find the image on your computer by selecting “Choose File”, then press
“Upload”. Once the photo has been uploaded press “Next” and “Next”
again. Then type your full name (or stage name) in the “Alt Text” and
“Caption” boxes and press “Save”. You will now be returned to the profiles
screen, where you should press “Attach” to add your headshot to your
profile. You can then continue to edit your profile.

IMAGE DIMENSIONS: Your headshot should not be larger than 6MB, and
should be in png, gif, or jpg / jpeg format. We suggest you re-size your
headshot to 1000 pixels high by 800 pixels wide, and save it at 72dpi before
uploading it here.

You can remove or replace your headshot at any time. First press
“Remove” to delete the old headshot, then upload your new headshot as

If you don’t have access to Photoshop but need to resize/crop your images

1. If the headshots / production shots you were sent came in a zip folder, you’ll need to right
click and extract all before you can use them.
2. Go to
3. Open image from computer & select image
4. Right at the top of the webpage you should see options File – Edit – Image… etc. Select
‘Image’, then ‘Image size’
5. Making sure that ‘constrain properties’ is checked, change the width to the desired
dimensions (e.g. headshots to 1000 px), and the height will automatically change, keeping
the aspect ratio the same. Click OK.
6. Go to File > Save
7. Save your images at anywhere from 85-100 quality (it’ll tell you how big the resulting file will
be in that ‘save as’ window).

Email Please enter your contact email address. We recommend using your
Central email address here.

Height Enter your height.

Eyes Enter your eye colour.

Hair Enter your hair colour.

Voice Enter your vocal type (i.e. Soprano). You can also enter your range here
Training Collection

In this area you can enter the details of any degrees or training courses that you have completed or
are currently undertaking.

Make sure that you start with the most recent so that it’s at the top of the list when your profile is

Once you have entered the details for each degree/course press the “Add Another Item” button to
add another degree/course.

Use the “Remove” button to delete a degree/course.

You can re-order your training collection by drag and drop: click and hold on the icon next to the
degree/course you wish to move, drag it to its new position, then release it.

Year Started The year you started the degree/course (i.e. 2014).

Year Ended The year you completed or are due to complete the degree/course (i.e.

Institution The institution you studied at or are studying at (i.e. The Royal Central
School of Speech and Drama).

Course/Qualification The title of the course (i.e. MA Acting for Screen)

Current Production Please select the Central production you are currently or soon to be in from
the drop-down list.

Course Collection

Please do not edit this section. Your course and year of graduation will already be entered.

Productions at Central

Please enter the details of productions you have appeared in whilst at Central.

Once you have entered the details for one production press the “Add Another Item” button to add

Use the “Remove” button to delete a production.

You can re-order your productions by drag and drop: click and hold on the icon next to the
degree/course you wish to move, drag it to its new position, then release it the hold.

Production Year The year of the production (i.e. 2017).

Role/Character The name of the role/character you played (i.e. Hamlet).

Production Select the name of the production from the drop-down list. If the
production does not appear in this list, please enter the name of the
production in the Production (Manual) box.

Director Enter the name of the Director.

Experience Collection

Please enter the details of your other external professional productions in the same way that you did
for Productions at Central, above.
In this section of your profile you can choose to create sub-headings to allow you to group together
your TV credits, Film credits, Radio credits, Theatre credits, etc. Enter your sub-heading in the Sub-
heading box or leave it blank if you don’t need one. Please only enter general terms in the sub-
heading box such as Theatre, TV, Film, Radio or Workshop. (For an example of how another student
has made use of the Sub Heading feature see

Awards & Memberships collections

Add in any relevant awards (e.g. BAFTA: Best Actor in a Foreign Language Film) and Memberships
(e.g. Equity)


Please list your accents with a comma after each, i.e. “Estuary English (native), RP, Heightened RP,
MLE, General American, West Country, Manchester, Liverpool.”


As per accents.


Please list your skills with a comma after each, i.e. “BASSC Stage Combat Level One, Athletics
(County Level), Netball (County Level), Swimming (Proficient), Tennis (Proficient), Singing (Soprano),
Ballet (Basic), Gymnastics (Basic), Piano (Basic).”


You can upload up to 6 images here, which will be displayed on a scrollable carousel. They can be
anything relevant to what you do, from alternative headshots to production images or film stills. The
process for uploading images is the same as for your headshot.

Please note: Your images should not be larger than 5MB, and should be in png, gif, jpg or jpeg
format. The minimum size for your image should be 597 (width) x 336 (height) pixels.


Despite the heading title, you can paste the URL of your YouTube or Vimeo video in the box. To add
more, click Add Another Item. Try and stick to around three videos or it will make your profile look
too long and messy.

If your video displays as a URL after publishing, this is probably due to privacy settings on the video.
For Youtube, the video should be published as either public or unlisted (not private), and for Vimeo,
you should edit the privacy settings on the video so that ‘anyone can watch’.


Paste the URL of your Soundcloud audio file in the box, again making sure that the track is publicly
accessible. To add more, click Add Another Item. It is recommended that you do not add more than
three Soundcloud files.

Revision log message

If you want to tell the Webmaster anything about your changes, whether it’s a question about what
you’ve done or some sort of witty observation, you can add this in the ‘revision log message’.
So, What Happens Now?
When you have completed and saved your profile your changes will not automatically appear on the
website. Instead, your revisions will go through an approvals process.

Approval of Your Changes

Approval of your new or amended online profile content should take less than 1 working day, and
you will receive an email confirming that it has been approved.

Updating your profile to display during public productions and showcases

Several weeks before the opening night of your production, or the date of your showcase, you will
receive an email from Shaun Northover asking you to update your profile and provide him with
headshots. Please do this by the deadline stated in Shaun’s email.

Once that deadline is past, Shaun will review and print the profiles, and display them before the
production/showcase opens.

Once you have an agent:

Your agent may prefer that your CV on display at Central publication productions is prepared by
them, or shows their logo. Please let Shaun know if this is the case – you will then need to send
Shaun and electronic copy of this CV to print and display these.

Preparing Headshots

The size of your main headshots must be the industry standard 8x10, but you can display other
smaller sizes in addition to this, if you so wish. You should arrange for a selection of black & white,
and colour headshots to be printed. The quantity you get printed is up to you, but we’d usually
display 20 for each student during a production. If you’d like any further advice in regards to
headshots, please consult with your Course Leaders.

Before submitting headshots to Shaun, please ensure that you label the back of each headshot as

Course Name
C/O Course Leader’s Name
Course Leader’s Telephone Number

You can contact Chris White, Digital Development Manager on or 0207 449
1504 / x2540 (internal) for any web profile questions, and Shaun Northover, DEA Administrator on or 0207 559 3997 / x2311 (internal) for any print profile questions.

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