ME5608 Term Paper Assignments ('17)

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ME5608 Term Paper Assignment

(2017) by Fuh/Kumar
18 September 2017

For the term papers, select and write on one of the following topics:

(1) Metal-based additive manufacturing (AM) or 3D Printing (3DP): Materials and Processes,
powder-based or laser deposition (fusion) based
(2) Applications of 3DP to bioengineering and/or biomedical engineering, e.g. printing of skin,
tissue or organ, drug or its delivery etc.
(3) Applications of 3DP to micro (/nano) fabrication
(4) ELID grinding of hard and brittle materials
(5) Chemical-mechanical machining processes
(6) Quality issues in abrasive machining
(7) A computational model for non-conventional machining processes, such as EDM, LBM,
USM, with reference to the following aspects:
a. understanding of the process physics;
b. determination of wear characteristics of the cutting or shaping tool;
c. analysis/design of the shaping tool.
(8) Application of EDM and/or USM in CNC or CAM fabrication of complex cavities, such as
die and mould
(9) Application of LBM in complex sheet metal cutting by a CNC control of a laser beam.
For (8) & (9), the machined part can be for a component (such as an aircraft part) or tooling
(such as die and moulds), or bioengineering or biomedical product (such as prostheses), or
(10) Development/application of in-process or online measurement or monitoring system in
non-conventional manufacturing processes, such as 3DP, EDM, LBM, and abrasive machining,
etc. Describe the system, the specific application and comment on the method or technique in
terms of efficiency, effectiveness, accuracy, and possible alternatives.
(11) 3DP for Food Processing and Printing or 3D Food Printer
(12) 3D BioPrinting or BioPrinter: Systems & Applications

(13) Composite Printing for Aerospace or Automotive Applications
(14) Large-format 3D Printing
(15) Electronic Printing for flexible circuitry
(16) Ceramic Printing (powder-based or liquid based)
(17) Self-proposed (subject to approval)

For each topic, you are to give an introduction, literature review, methods, limitations, a specific
case study if any and a conclusion. Each topic is limited to 3 takers for each topic unless specially

The specific case study concerns a reported application, such as from a magazine, a journal or the
web – it is not expected to be a case study done by you. This reported application can be from
any industry, such as aerospace, oil & gas, off-shore marine, die & mould, bioengineering, etc.
Describe or comment on the difficulties encountered, productivity or efficiency attained (if any)
such as shortened time to produce the part at lower cost etc., and other advantages such as
improved quality.

You may use any materials from either literatures or internet web sites.

Length limit: No more than 25 pages in the main report for each topic. Additional materials,
such as more pictures of the same part made and supporting documents can be put in Appendix.

Font size limit: 12 (Times Roman)

Spacing limit: 1.5 Spacing

Submission deadline: 4 November, 5pm via IVLE Workbin under assigned Folder (e.g
submission folder both Word/PDF and PPT)

Submit the PDF or MS-Word file to the Student Submission Folder of the ME5608 IVLE
Workbin under "submissions17" folder with the file named using your full name and appended
by TP (e.g., Wang WenweiTP.pdf or Wang WenweiTP.doc).

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