Elementary Education Program Danielson Framework Lesson Plan Template

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Elementary Education Program


Teacher Candidate: Amanda Cordero Subject/Grade/Program Type: Math/1st Grade/ Eureka

Date:1/22/2018 Title of the Lesson: Measurement
Lesson Essential Question: Topic or Big Idea:
Unit Essential Question:
Introductory/Acquisition Lesson Extending Thinking Lesson Assessment Lesson

Focus Students’ Student Learning Outcome(s):

Content Outcome:
The length measurement of an object is the number of same-size length units that
span it with no gaps or overlaps.

Performance Outcome
Students will be able to:
lay multiple copies of a shorter object (the length unit) end to end.
use a shorter object to express the length of a longer object.

Content Standard(s):
1.MD.A.2. Express the length of an object as a whole number of length units, by laying
multiple copies of a shorter object (the length unit) end to end; understand that the length
measurement of an object is the number of same-size length units that span it with no
gaps or overlaps.

1.OA.C.6. Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction
within 10. Use strategies such as counting on; making ten (e.g., 8 + 6 = 8+ 2 + 4 = 10 + 4 =

Common Core Relevance/Rationale:

The out comes of this lesson are important for real life usage because students will need to
have the ability to measure object to determine their length and ability to fit. Students will
also need the ability to do simple math in the real world. Basic knowledge will help
students have understanding for simple skills.
Language Statement of Language Objective:
Students will be responsible to explain their thought process if unable to write them. The
student will also show by verbally explaining their steps that they are understanding the
concepts being practiced.

Writing: students will be required to write down their thought process and their answers
in order to receive full credit for the assignments given. Visually seeing their thought
process will allow the teacher to see if they are able to translate their thought process on
to paper.
Elementary Education Program

Students will be asked to analyze problems and see any number words and numerical
numbers. They will be able to identify any key words in the problem whether they have
the ability to do it independently or with prompting.

Model of Co- Statement of Adult Roles:

Cooperating teacher will be around to assist with other students, she will be working with
a student or two to move them along for the application problem and problem set. She
will be there to guide me if needed but to also help keep the students on track.

Anticipatory Set Do Now / Warm-up:

Students will participate in whole group instruction with the general education students.
At the end of the concept development of the new lesson, the students will move to a
seperate table and will work on material at their academic level and or on classroom
activities with one on one support.

The students will be asked what incentive they would like to work to earn and then they
will be given a Math Activity Sheet where they will be able to practice their “owned” math
Developmental Teacher Directed Activities:
Students will be working one on one with me on their application problems and their
problem set. The students will be practicing the new concepts being taught at their
academic level and speed. Work will be modified to their ability but include challenges for
them to have further thinking.

Students will be working on the last problem set and application problem they left off at
the following day ranging from lesson 21-lesson 23.

Students will be asked to “Butter” (highlight) any numbers or number words that they see
in their problem set. From there if they are unable to read, we will read the problem
together. Students will be asked what they are expected to do and how they should go
about it. Prompting will be given if the student is struggling to translate the information.
Teacher Guided Teacher-Monitored Activities:
Students will be doing individual math activity sheets that focus on their skills, they will be
monitored to make sure they use the proper skills and demonstrate their understanding.

Math activities rang from addition, subtraction and counting. These activities will be
geared towards goals stated in their IEPS for Mathematics that relate to the lesson being

*** See Modification at the bottom for goals****

Elementary Education Program

Zyquane and Jackson will be working on this activity first.

Independent Practice Activities, Refinement, and Extension:

Students will be independently working on a math Activity Sheet from the kindergarten
Eureka Math book. This activity will be focusing on skills already owned by the students.

The students will be working on a activity sheet that requires them to practice counting
and practice counting and know the numerical sign for that value.

Anayiah and Damien will be working on this activity first.

Assessment/ ✱Formative Assessment: ✱Closure Activities: ✱Summative Assessment:


Kindergarten Eureka Math Application n/a Eureka Math Problem Set

eureka Math Problem.
activity sheet
Math Activity Sheet

Eureka Math
● Problem Set
● Application Problem

Math Manipulatives

Dry Erasers and Markers

Access for All:

Students will be given manipulatives that aid to sensory and hands on to help with
memory. Having the ability to work with different manipulatives will allow the brain to
remember the concepts differently to better retain the information.

All activities are geared towards the students learning ability.

All students will be WORKING TO EARN during the math period. They will choose their
incentive at the beginning of the math period and will be working their way through the
lesson to receive that incentive. They must receive 3 smiley faces by the end of their work.

Students will be receiving Math Activity Sheets from the Eureka Kindergarten Math
modules. These activities will be focusing on skills that they already own. This allows them
to practice these skills but also have the ability to demonstrate fluency in a content in

Elementary Education Program

Goal: 80% accuracy with addition upto 10

● Aniyah will be focusing on addition problems and counting. Anyiah focuses well
but needs some redirection and help identifying problems and strategies. She has
a communication disorder and requires help with reading and understanding
Goal: 80% accuracy with addition and subtraction upto 10.
● Damien will be focusing on addition and subtraction. He will be practicing his take
away and adding strategies.
Goal: 80% accuracy with counting by 10’s
● Jackson has trouble keeping focus. He academically has the ability to keep up but
due to his lack of focus he struggles to complete tasks. Jackson will be redirected
as needed and work will be modified to his attention during the lesson.
Goal: counting by 10’s using manipulatives.
● Zyquane benefits from manipulatives. He has difficulties staying focused and will
benefit from modified work based on his attention span but will be focusing on
skills of counting by 10’s and addition problems.

Reflection: 1. In general, how successful was the lesson? Did the students learn what you
intended for them to learn? How do you know?
I found that the lesson could have been more successful that it was. I found that the
students were able to identify information and move along with mathematical steps that
have been practiced. I was able to identify that the students were retaining the
information being taught because i was able to let some students (aniyah and damen)
complete the problem set application alone.
2. if you were able to bring samples of student work. what do those samples reveal
about those students’ levels of engagement and understanding?
If I were able to bring student work, the samples would reveal that the students doing the
Kindergarten Eureka Math activities are able to complete them on their own with minor
prompting. The 1st grade Eureka math problems need prompting and guiding but
eventually the student is able to do them on their own.
3. comment on your classroom procedures, student conduct, and your use of
physical space. To what extent did these contribute to student learning?
Anyiah, Damien, Jackson and Zyquane joined myself and Ms. Evans in a side table they
each had their personal space and were given a task. I ordered the way each student
finished sections of their math by having each student start on something different but i
started Aniyah and Damien first on their application problems and problem set. I chose to
work with them first knowing that they would have the ability to work to earn that way my
focus would be on Zyquane and Jackson who need extra support and redirection during
4. did you depart from your plan? If so, how, and why?
I did eventually depart from my plan with Zyquane and Jackson. Both students had
difficulties focusing and keeping on task. I decided to just complete the application
problem with them as their final work to earn. I also did not feel that zyquane earned his
incentive so rather him receiving his play-doh, I had him have some think time to reflect on
his behavior during math ( throwing tools, not respecting the learning area of his fellow
Elementary Education Program

5. Comment on different aspects of your instructional delivery (eg. Activities,
grouping of students, materials, and resources). To what extent were they
Each student was given a Math Activity Sheet that was geared towards a goal stated in
their IEP. The students were able to complete the assignments and were pushed to
participate in higher level thinking.
6. If you had a chance to teach this lesson again to the same group of students,
what would you do differently?
If I had a chance to do the lesson all over again i feel that I would have chosen to give
Damien and Aniyah more time to work on activities independently to see if they have the
ability to execute an activity on their own with little to no prompting. Doing this, I feel that
it would have allotted more time for me to work with Zyquane and Jackson. Another think
i would have done differently would have been to have better time management with the
students. By utilizing the 30 mins given to successfully get to each student with giving them
ample time to receive their work to earn.

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