Landrum Recommendation

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‘Ann Arbor Public Schools Community High School ‘Marel Tuzinsky, Dean Rebecca Westrate, Assistant Dean 401 North Division Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 Phone -{734) 994-2025 Fax - (734) 994.0042 ‘www. April 16, 2018 Yo Whom It May Concer: I really could not recommend Emily Konkel more emphatically. I have had the pleasure of being Emily” cooperating teacher while she pursued her undergraduate degree and teaching certificate. She has capabl taught two sections of Spanish 2 and two sections of Spanish 3 during her tenure with me. Throughout her assignment, Emily took on the responsibilities of lesson planning, curriculum development, bookkeeping. sessment and instruction. She was consistently well prepared and approached each day with a positive attitude. She will make an excellent teacher. [could rarely beat Emily in to work in the morning. Even on the days we didn’t first one in the building. Throughout a difficult Mic! the first elas, she was the winter, Emily reliably made it to schoo! early every day. It is just a small illustration of her dedication and professionalism, She knew about and accounted for every fire drill, stall’ meeting and testing schedule before | had to tell her, in fact, she was often the one reminding me about schedule interruptions in the upcoming weeks. Emily already demonstrates the professional competence ofa veteran teacher. Emily is observant and a resourceful problem-solver. On hi computers, picked up papers to pass out and graded quizzes without my having to ask her to do anything. P've never had a student teacher so easily anticipate the needs of the classroom and aet to meet them without prompting. She is intuitive in identifying and proactive in resolving problems. st day in the classroom she returned all of the Like so much of what she does. ion are also exemplary. She efficiently organized units and adjusted learning targets for her students. She is flexible both in planning and on her feet in the room, Timing is always an issue and Emily was able to adjust for miscalculations on the spot, using a planned “back pocket’ idea if there was more time than we needed. Her good judgment and quick analysis make her agile and adaptable in the face of unexpected circumstances have every confidence that these, among her other qualities, will make Emily Konkel a great teacher. She is dedicated, ereative, responsible and patient. Please contact me for any further reference or recommendation, Laurel Landrum Spanish Teacher. Community High School (734) 330-8642,

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