Test 3

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co m JEEMain Mo del Paper

Sequences and Series - 1 - 30 min t est in Sequences and Series

Time allowed: 30 min Marks: 60

General Instructio ns

The quest ion paper consist s of 1 part s. Each quest ion of each part is compulsory.
MAT H: (15 questio ns) Quest ions 1 t o 15 are of 4 mark(s) each
Links t o individual answers on clay6.com have also been provided.

MAT H (15 x 4 mark = 60 marks)

1) Det ermine order and degree (if defined) of different ial equat ion

y′′′ + 2y′′ + y′ = 0

2) In a series -9,-6,-3--------- find t he number of t erms n t o get a sum Sn = 66.

3) If t he 7t h t erm of an AP is 23 and t he 12t h t erm is 38,find t he first t erm 'a' and common
difference 'd'.

4) Find t he sum of t he series 1,7/5,13/25,19/25-------- ∞.

5) Given t hat four posit ive numbers are in HP, which of t he following is t rue.

6) Among 5 numbers -a,b,c,d and e t he relat ionships are : a,b,c are in AP b,c,d are in GP and
c,d,e are in HP Find b,c,d if a=2 and e18

7) In a GP,t he first t erm is 312 12 ,t he common rat io is 12 .Find t he sum of t he series t o ∞

t erms

1 1 1 1
8) Find t he sum of t he following series 1+ 2
+ 4
+ 8
+ 16

9) Find t he sum of t he GP 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 64. . . . upt o n t erms

10) Find t he 10t h t erm of t he AP -3, -1, 1, 3, ....

11) Find t he sum of t he following series : 12 + 22 + 32 + 42 +. . . . +202

12) Det ermine order and degree (if defined) of different ial equat ion

ds 4 d2 s
( ) + 3s 2 = 0
dt dt
13) Det ermine order and degree (if defined) of different ial equat ion

d4 y
+ sin(y′′′ ) = 0
dx 4

14) Det ermine order and degree (if defined) of different ial equat ion

y′ + 5y = 0

15) Det ermine order and degree (if defined) of different ial equat ion

(y′′′ )2 + (y′′ )3 + (y′ )4 + y5 = 0

Answer key
Q No. Correct Answer Full answer
1 order3, degree1 View
2 11 View
3 a = 5, d = 3 View
4 25 View
5 ad > bc View
6 4,6,9 View
7 625 View
8 2 View
9 2n − 1 View
10 15 View
11 2870 View
12 order 2, degree 1 View
13 Order4,degree not defined View
14 order1, degree1 View
15 order3, degree 2 View

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