Black Bottom Stomp (Jelly Roll Morton) JALC Score

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Black Bottom Stomp ComposnD ny FERDINAND "Jutty Rou.” Moxrox {As RECORDED BY JseLLY ROLL Morton’s RED Hor PEPPERS, 1926 FULL SCORE Co-msopvcen av Jazz ax LIncous Cen, ‘HE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION'S NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AMERICAN HISTORY, AND "THE Musie DIVISION, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Jezz €2} sonora wae Niel fd Hy Tha ae de pul bye pep te New Oa) adh New Onan Nal Hat Pa Black Bottom Stomp (erie “ely Ral” Moro) ‘As arcospsn y Jetty Rol MoRtoy’s ep Hor PEpvens, 1926 laser BOs B Gere Bs Trumpet) Trombone Pane Banjo Seng Bass Drums rind Reding ‘Recorded by Jl Roll Marc's Red He Peppers Ome Siean sine), Gonrge Michal come, st Or rombone, Jon Lindsay (bs), Joby S ye nj) Acew Hise (iu) and Moron (pir, ede). Recorded Sepeember 15, 1926. Matec number 36239-2, Fe ied a Vor 2022, Comput dsc tess inca hse Jelly Rell Morn lense The Pa ith of Hs, Greta Hi, ad Cael is Cpls Vw Reon Gl RCAC Das Jace (ASV Living Bn Me Joly Lard Rio). ‘Blak Bao Stop ilo iced on tessa i Jar of th 1920 Gra His RCATBMG) ad ‘the Shami Calan of Clas Je Sibi Crain ‘rancrpin nd msc preparson: Don Vappie Mase eine Chock nee Tereor John Edward Hasse “Thaske to Gayle Hasewoedl ofthe New Ores fst [Neioel Hoi Pak nd the mere the New Orla Jizz Conunision. Jazzat Lincoln Center ‘Wynton Malis, Arise Ditecoe Reb Gitzn, xen Poder & Dict 140 W. 65th Smee, New York, NY 10025-6569 2121855399 un Lincoln Centr the works ages ne fr. afar eganiaion commited 0 pomaing che Spprciton od undead ez hough pee Fermance, elation and prexeatin. With ene ohn, the wrk-enowned Lino Cater Jum Ores and aie of ditingusbed gts, Jeena Lincoln Center laren sances tit “Seincly Americana frm By pti + welch ‘of pogame fr aicces of al ages. These inlce ence, tonal ematical our, rs ln programs, aera, ree a chet sorshops, residences, endings, puso, le Vision boss, « Peabody Award-winning weekly ‘ao prog, an anu! gh shal jr a com ion an eal and a an ietr aad. Jess Lincoln Cntr wl cute ad podace mo ‘han 400 proemancs, eds events, and Trends dig 1999-2000 saan Smithsonian institution National Museum of American History ‘Smithsonian Jez Masterwoeks Ones David N Baker, Arai and Masel Dict James Zimmerman, Exc Dita Kensih Kinser, Paice 14 ae Coseation Ave, NW ‘Washington, DC 20360-0616 20216559164 ‘The Smithsonian Isc, dhe words lage ‘museum, eduatian, and racic comple, compris 16 maeums, the National Zn, ar sch fl (es ad sts 30 millon istry Ia 1971, the ‘Smeionian erable «presence in i thats own ro bccne oe of te wat nt crore jizz programs. The Naina Muscom of Ametcin iso tlds maje collins oe memoria, tics, al rl tre, ows snchas Din Gillespie umpet an the 200,000- fuze Dae Eingeon achive. The museum eden iz band he Smitha Jur Mastervorls Oi, ‘der Misi aed Arti Dice David N. Bake, {erly and internacional cont bie ‘Sena pogams, andi heatd on che Js Siti Publicist. The Smtr mounts exhib Sons ae evlingexbiione on pos and pode Instone eordings, video progr, becky mie lvoe, website, and doce poco “The Sih ao underakes ret poesia ina fle ellos fir esearch in ang. Lbrary of Congress ‘Moi Divison Jon Newsom, Chit Ise and Independence Ave, SE ‘Washington, DC 20540-4710 202707 5503 Ia ie itor ole dopey fr al copyright sor, he bry of Cong anual te lest Caleta deeunents nao 0 alee ons af manips and printed msc ete fo copy, te Libary of Congas ha sd eo ings inal foemas cating the enol soy ‘lly Ral Maron mate te Libary Since he, leh acquired an exten chive commercial iss swell as unique bons nd adi cord ing, which ave been angmeted by recorings of performances spond by the Libra. ts te chines include manuscripts, photograph, ete: ‘spondence, li, videotapes, ol histor, ad aed dcument of many leading us compone, ranger and perme ‘Ta copright © 1999 Smichaion lstieton ae Jnerae Linea Cater Pain in USA, by Jou Ewan Hasse To the soy of Ameren music, New Oven hit long had abled eprint place of, Althagh New Ores wa not the oly place whe rt jx was performed the ity unigue e fg- ‘eaphia, sore, cull ad musa ream stances combed give rar thi ew tye ‘music In cones vo mote American ce, New (Orleans ao eco edi heros bck he, and Alva Americas, Frech-Aretin, Lai “Ames eal of ive ie by side, creing Countess opportuni: mac necange From dhe Begining jars ms ye of music ind lfc dancing, nd New Ones Erased doses of ‘nce allrEconomy Hal, Masonic ll he Tin Real Café where young ppl kero dance 0 the emerging ale New Orta ce msi eve syle of plying thr wove spate ‘melodies no 8 ounteroine—ascund of 0p ‘blishent ae impeviaton The mseians ed lus, gs, mart, pop anes, igi Mascans were more urate ead in the [Nach and West and by 1907, some players had take the sacent New Oren js sod on the rea, By the te 1910s, x sam of cane leving the ity, myo thm par fee gre ‘Alcan: American ign fc the Sou othe [Nan Gasser epporunty beckoned the Orga Dini Jane Band (ODYB), Jelly Roll Moro, and Tus Armstrong, meng cet, Chicago and chen ‘0 New York City, where the pperaniie e pe Seeming and reoring were te aureus then a [New Orleans In he 1920 eeged in fall, Slower as dacing jazz msi ec agely pope Jaranmong young people oni, od co tes ected de mai in conden quay od ‘asian, Although ce sl fhe ODIB, Moron nd ‘Amsrng woul be inden by devioenenss ‘egg tm Chicago ad New Vr, te fxatve influence of New Ose weal rina pr of heiemasc mys, In cogiion othe impor of uw Are cule and the ceri of New Ore che evelopment of ee in 19 the United Sates Cengre authori the Natl Pak Service 10 ‘eabl the New Odean Js Natal Hira Pk. The Pak, and ies anociaed New Ores Jaze Commision, af deeeping tours, exhibitions, oe ‘imal programs and vito les tag, when comple, wil pee nthe mip Lois “Aeesteong Puke nner se of Estar ain, honoring thee New Osea ones of juz isan ecounging sign chart mai ding 2 pete place of value in Amen cate, Fae eae Caner ioe re tio eer Tea Gas Oe gad Performance Notes By CtUce IsRABLS [NB In ode to simpli che potion and rdace he narbe fy 2 he page he onan i ‘thee publics ie allows ll quae nts te tobe played shor uns ty te ules sun of snaked wth long action ight cere ‘mos fen played wich rile. “This mus epesets dy of wok ha proves the foadtion for ale. Aay sea je musician needs eerience playing ns rm sortie Period in American mic Tes pal for youne ‘musicians beri playing jae wsing reper fom Ia ess comple ses. Mort der sane stare with Cane Base material fom the Kaa ity ‘eto, wee everyne play moro the sae thing ate sme ie, But evenly the difales And Saber of independ paying ta lx on ‘he coe hind, o Eling conpuntal esd, onthe ote and he development of yh se ‘on indendence expe by te Bill Eran Ti must beaded This pee provides a ond ec ing poi. “These ratcripcons have been ace frm cording, {om the "pe em that ack the dai nge 10 which outers hae become arcuconed with ose ‘ecent eclogite ode reondings ae ‘ons of fil musa ncterstes and hen ald whatever jamie aaaces might elven the per In music of his stl, che imped nembles ic erin chats thd be ine ‘aie, a ote can be changed in ote _ve spot eo she pefrmance. In gener, he trumps patsy ee mead fee compesion nd mas be played pea they ae. The rine wih ts gheone “srw pace s ‘nian its hyn and amon evr Tose fs, however, te eat cose of oe, pats, ymumic,enmances and exits uj change _xcontng tthe ate ad chil aemplstments ‘(he individ player. The wombove pars, whieh sre lagely enbelied banat ines a ai ‘ai bi “spon” elas tothe “all of he ‘rump pat, epg he ining of enc and sess and the solos ard ot and i ba moni oes ge in place, Bat gun, here can be some xb abou how ti rol is aie aco ing tothe ncn fhe player. Anion Kad (Ory charters “slippery romney wll sagen many secede de. Al ees angst han ashore quire ot aie mace al color. Pech being, wba, aeyramic ‘Shaping al sve co give bum and sper ike indecson 0 te mii. Fr ema crea merous occurences of dered arta eighth ove figures in wich she benny of he dred ques oe is sng cent frat he ar ‘on fan ight ot, the et he ote pljed much mare sly, while il aici te Sow and breath neil he aval of he next igh te which i agun played with song ace Pay toe acecion to the vais pth bends ad las Cb eheaeneaecy nosed bt aan tape ee ofthese of some fhe emerble asa ele the sali, Juz compositions mn his pecod az fal of breaks td oe spine devices tat alien tee ye ‘mic chance These st be erfomed with meu ‘eget wi ofthe mic aie cough che moments when the aye Son steps and sol istumene caries the mane ‘um. eis equally sel cha he ety the tad oth sect apps xl in ie wich ro thing oc dvgging of erpo, Tie amas cf coucing han of interac the ple ad ving ‘ha pole norm and cert every muses impale sod melodie nce, Sucre improvisation ie to superimgneton the pale ofthe musi grows cutotie ln hiss, with ie the "hr” impo ese: ete yee seta mst be kep sero vod ‘cee Thee fen enh harmonic noraion inthe echer pars hae the paso pt an be kee rinimal during the ensembles; ha way terme compunyingeche sss ois on slo usages ‘entre, More modem pct high chord woe ings abore Gabor nile ) ad highly sycepated bythe placement are out of pace ths ae (On the other han, reendes lodding cn the beat fan lg become more Ging than useful 50 same ‘made gound mast be found tha takes hance ‘he plana abil eo exes dynamic nunc eyed sat heard ia the recall Limited eecodings Usiog simple whole ae an ne ies aed 00 fhe wc lading tendencies ef the svete ad ‘ids is god den. Juse bese te ano pare ha Chord notation de se ma tha he piano mse Play whenever there ae chord symbols or eae al of the chord cones ede be inde. Anplifcation shold be uneasy 0 ech 2 ot inane in ths asi. May of enrol ince 2 sea staring made forthe pcs of developing pe ‘ona slo syle onthe para the ew perorer of ism Performing Jelly Roll Merton Marton employed thee andfuprt ac fom the bass for is jin compsions, contin the stain poplin by Seo Joplin and abe tine cron The movement berween tone provides port for youn ud exe hanges Beyer wha evident ia these coding, (tess sharpie to asame tat a coding by he tsigia rene of ny ene proves pereancnt ‘eiiion a every eco ond pefrmance oF thar matic I would be els 0 ignoe the kn in eho recodings, but it mould be uly lh 0 assume, or exampl, he prs interpreter since “Jchi,ce gt in fo whom Binns wor, ave aed nothing to mare ent pecormances of Bras win music) Sere dels worth noting che hy on ms ley quel during the low-rexie caine lad the notated sng line inthe pao seompanimene sages wef way to get amy rm hos, ad co ‘ete use ey the piano pars tho inter fering with he slot phnsing. The percusive “sap bas foe during the bajo slo cam she by packing the ng away fm de Bger- ued withthe sind finger ering the ng ‘tour eo the Fingeronrd and he lapping the ‘ings and fingerboard a he proc art oer gain forthe ex othe etn is ote bers (om odor chan isto eneate) Ghoer aes waa apa oot hc te on Ges He cal ne ei di ear ‘tenes Wotan Cay eg Jelly Roll Morton ny Janes Davoceey Jelly Rell Moan theft get apa, ‘ommpoe sangre, Inada, and singe—In ‘He wa tor in 1850 in New Oren, whet tine, ‘spel, ary and oer and msc suing ensemble musi popular musi ope ‘i, and other ae musi were alia the ae. AL induced bs juin general —ehich wat deeap- ing t Maron grew up-and Meo’ own mie While sil erage ld working a pane in New Orleans night ie, Maron as exe fom the fily home fot et hae would es sap tng indaeaceo hi er ‘oun, while woking ta advil, pais, and pel sick. He made Ler Angele is eau io 1917 and hen moved 9 Chico in 1923, ‘This was a mamenrous choice, nitaving hispid of greet ne and peep Fra a Chicago bas of ‘opencions, he mcoded «pet dete many ‘rly casi recrtingsinlaing cat of Blk Bern Simp. Asis reer sald welch of hie masc was pblsed in diosa posal het mus, piano slo or rere mus and erties sldve. Reva publishing were soppored byhis uring ‘Ache end o 1927, with Chica yay ah cen ‘ec fz acivity psig, Maton moved 9 New ‘YerkCiy Jus thee wo dain by Merton's cherished New Ores stylistic paacpe iad ten ia Chi, and ir msc found leo. 1930, ache Gree Depression hie the canty hae, Mors, ike ete Vicor jz coding rin ne iscontact, though the abe cosine sing Morn’ recrdings wet 1934 when they ord the Inst hie mates Foran er 1930, Morton contin to am sl iving, baa the Depresion dep, be had Some ere bse reve i le seemed more Sa more dated and making living became ey Biel foci, In 1935 he moved to Wisingtn, DC, where he reel played ia and manage salve ighe ‘lu. Though his cer was enderng, in 1938 te male a lebrted sets of cdg othe iby of Congres nervewe by floes Alan Lames er amos ine hours of eoling, Maron ld hi Sor and how i mas nerwonen with the develop ‘men ofa, He nla hi vw oui, ad aye some of dhe nose beaufort he ad ‘er eared, demons i ability «maser tnprorae evi his ue, He suede to ame oxen by aking eordngs gin playing in publ, nd gee- {ing sme of i msc pled. Some ois exer recedings were ow rei cai. Baby ths time be was quite sic em sth, eb, tnd eae of ving been stab: Washing, Partly tobe in climate bese fr is eh, be rove co Los Angels ia November 1940, His bath ‘ones co wosea, he lad very i, done his plan fr further reconting opting came (0 fation He ded chee Jy 10, 194 Black Bottom Stomp by Jantes Davocny Black Bs Soni an url js pict ce bine he heme sd-avane echniqe iia a ‘disal misc withthe je weld common eth ‘of renting malady snd harmonic pater which ‘improve Origvaly puis in 1925 8 Quo Spade, a= iy the sae music was reprint in 1925 web he ew le Blk Bat St. ‘Tere might wel bea purely muscles fr be ew ttle, which sees ott the pices a Seve pac fhe yt the Black Bese opal dance spe of he ariel —in te last two mess 95 sem. 96; atthe end of Mero’ increible pane ‘elon. 113 aed 116; he ar fr be accnpci- mene thoughout the crt a 117-136 athe cdf the un sol,m. 139 an 156; and a the ed ofthe fine of wo eremble chose, 175 and 176 cooling the prance, Onsen ocsnas Mtn dl he published ve sons ois pines in econ sent He dd tht re his fie sion fo Victron) ling his ayes which pars he mane played at writen end fn which places eo impanae (On this paoamcs, ial fhe nic up oh key ‘change to Ela, 57, the bad italy ein fom the published mai. The mics of, ght neue ierodton in Blac nj then three writen (ne improvised) vats of = ‘een meses ch, he ef file, bgine ‘ing in m5, he cond fox commer—twe fares ‘res pit answered by il rele egonig a 1.2, and the thie or tnt, being iam. 37 ‘Then our-measure modalioneanin beginning int, 53 ince the oe key o Ee maja the ew sein~ehe pr fhe ie contains Improving 37 ‘Ac he aloe new sin begining in 57, ‘Mora fas the ome ply the writen mo But told be other mabe ofthe Fe ine he ar ine and tambon) spies. Then thee te ingens sole for lie, puao, cone, nud banj, before the ewo wonder ene hones (haved he pa ‘Monon quite aeflly coca sper and dan: icin fis tse meoringr The cine sala beginning sn. 77 inthe rized rangement Bate Sin sa lowsegier gine y ine Thi eper and characer wee imporaaew Moron, but be hs (Omer Simeon, oe his varie lini and same ing in tly the muse writen, ‘Wahi dhe New Ovens seo which Mores test ecodings ae among the very inex examples thers grt dad of endo out how singe ‘hold be done An inperant pincipleconcers te (ieee rer nd factions, and hence slaing se, of he vats irene is ar hat the com eis ad clined, dough bot spec he comes lead, ate plying enciely deen pera ines ‘Wheshe fn that ton o fom Mata ie ‘on, he a wo ensemble chores a pariclly tel shaped bing the perfomance ran exciting ‘he wich iene of emny inthe scr ‘hog sme very able changes: _~ ee G2. ee “See a aaa Dene pe nde ty ay ae yeas, Zoe me Sete ‘ioas orca pate ts Chinen Bok dt eg ‘formed ay Ral Mato CONDUCTOR Ea ti Arreola ares a Pps conn Sevens BLACK BOTTOM STOMP ‘By FERDINAND “JELLY ROLL” MORTON a ‘Eley CHUCK ISRAELS Black Bottom Stomp Compose ny Fenpinanp “Jetty Rout” MoxToN {As RECORDED By ‘Jetty Rox Morton's RED Hor PEPPERS, 1926 Bb Clarinet Bb Cornet Bh Trumpe i Toate i Piano : Bajo Buse Dons

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