Severe Plastic Deformation

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Overview Nanostructured Materials

Producing Bulk Ultrafine-Grained

Materials by Severe Plastic
Ruslan Z. Valiev, Yuri Estrin, Zenji Horita, Terence G. Langdon, Michael J. Zehetbauer,
and Yuntian T. Zhu

This overview highlights very recent In practice, the presence of a large frac- The principles of SPD processing
achievements and new trends in one of tion of high-angle grain boundaries is are demonstrated in such techniques as
the most active and developing fields in important in order to achieve advanced high-pressure torsion (HPT), twist extru-
modern materials science: the produc- and unique properties.4 sion (TE), and multi-directional forging
tion of bulk ultrafine-grained (UFG) Processing by SPD refers to vari- (MDF), where the initial dimensions of
materials using severe plastic deforma- ous experimental procedures of metal the samples are reasonably retained.
tion (SPD). The article also summarizes forming that may be used to impose However, SPD processing excludes more
the chronology of early work in SPD pro- very high strains on materials leading to conventional forming operations such
cessing and presents clear and definitive exceptional grain refinement. A unique as uniaxial tension and compression,
descriptions of the terminology currently feature of SPD processing is that the high unidirectional extrusion, rolling, or draw-
in use in this research area. Special strain is imposed without any significant ing even if these procedures include the
attention is given to the principles of change in the overall dimensions of imposition of fairly severe strains. The
the various SPD processing techniques the workpiece. Another feature is that application of SPD processing permits
as well as the major structural features the shape is retained by using special the relatively easy fabrication of bulk
and unique properties of bulk UFG tool geometries that prevent free flow UFG materials having typically more
materials that underlie their prospects of the material and thereby produce a than ~1,000 grains in any direction within
for widespread practical utilization. significant hydrostatic pressure. The the sample volume. Ultrafine-grained
presence of this hydrostatic pressure is materials produced in this way have
essential for achieving high strains and submicrometer grain structures and are
Interest in the processing of bulk introducing the high densities of lattice generally designated nanoSPD materi-
ultrafine-grained materials through the defects necessary for exceptional grain als.
application of severe plastic deformation refinement. Numerous techniques for SPD pro-
has grown significantly over the last cessing are now available. The major
decade.1–3 However, this research has methods already established for the
developed so rapidly in recent years that fabrication of UFG materials are HPT,
the meanings of the terminology within TE, MDF, equal-channel angular press-
this subsection of materials science have ing (ECAP), accumulative roll-bonding
remained poorly defined. It is appropri- (ARB), cyclic extrusion and compression
ate, therefore, to take this opportunity to (CEC), and repetitive corrugation and
first formally define two terms widely straightening (RCS). The principles of
used within the field: ultrafine-grained these various processes are outlined in
(UFG) materials and severe plastic this paper, as well as the major structural
deformation (SPD). features and unique properties of bulk
With reference to the characteristics of UFG materials, the areas of current inter-
polycrystalline materials, UFG materials est, and new trends within this research
may be defined as polycrystals having field. See the sidebar on page 34 for
very small grains with average grain details on the terminology used in SPD
sizes less than ~1 μm. Thus, the grain processing.
sizes of UFG materials lie within the
submicrometer (100–1,000 nm) and
nanometer (less than 100 nm) ranges. For
bulk UFG materials, there are additional Equal-Channel Angular Pressing
requirements of fairly homogeneous and Equal-channel angular pressing10
reasonably equiaxed microstructures, Figure 1. The principle of ECAP. is at present the most developed SPD
with a majority of the grain boundaries processing technique. As illustrated in
having high angles of misorientation. Figure 1, a rod-shaped billet is pressed

2006 April • JOM 33

through a die constrained within a chan- ing ultimately to a UFG structure. In
High-Pressure Torsion
nel which is bent at an abrupt angle. A practice, different slip systems may be
shear strain is introduced when the billet introduced by rotating the billet about High-pressure torsion refers to pro-
passes through the point of intersection its longitudinal axis between each pass12 cessing in which the sample, generally
of the two parts of the channel. Since and this leads to four basic processing in the form of a thin disk, is subjected to
the cross-sectional dimensions of the routes: there is no rotation of the billet torsional straining under a high hydro-
billet remain unchanged, the pressings in route A, rotations by 90° in alternate static pressure: the principle of HPT is
may be repeated to attain exceptionally directions or the same direction in routes illustrated schematically in Figure 2a.14
high strains. The equivalent strain, ε, BA and BC, respectively, and rotations by The disk is located within a cavity, a
introduced in ECAP is determined by 180° in route C.13 When using a die with hydrostatic pressure is applied, and
a relationship incorporating the angle a channel angle of Φ = 90°, route BC is plastic torsional straining is achieved by
between the two parts of the channel, Φ, generally the most expeditious way to rotation of one of the anvils. In order to
and the angle representing the outer arc develop a UFG structure consisting of achieve pressures higher than 2 GPa, it
of curvature where the two parts of the homogeneous and equiaxed grains with is generally preferable to use a modified
channel intersect, Ψ. The relationship is grain boundaries having high angles of geometry with the cavities placed in each
given by:11 misorientation. of the two anvils, as shown in Figure
There have also been numerous recent 2b.15,16 If there is no outward flow of mate-
ε =(N/√3)[2cot{(Φ/2)+(Ψ/2)}
modifications of conventional ECAP that rial, the disk thickness remains constant
+Ψcosec{(Φ/2)+(Ψ/2)}] (1)
are designed to yield more efficient grain and the true torsional strain, γ, is given by
where N is the number of passes through refinement including the incorporation γ = (r/h)ϕ, where r is the distance from
the die. of a back-pressure, the development of the center of the disk, ϕ is the torsional
During repetitive pressings, the shear continuous processing by ECAP, and angle in radians, and h is the sample
strain is accumulated in the billet, lead- others. thickness. An alternative relationship is
also available if there is some outward
HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF THE TERMINOLOGY USED flow of material between the two anvils
IN SPD PROCESSING and a corresponding reduction in the
The early publications dealing with the production of bulk ultrafine-grained (UFG) value of h.14 For comparison with other
materials by severe plastic deformation (SPD) processing appeared in the western litera- SPD methods, the true equivalent strain,
ture in the early 1990s, although there were also several contemporaneous publications ε, can be calculated using the relation ε =
appearing in Russian journals. At that early stage, the main interest was devoted primar- (1/a) γ, where the coefficient a takes either
ily to examining the unusual microstructures and properties of these materials rather than the values from a plastic flow criterion
the precise significance of the SPD processing. The first paper in this area5 received rela-
tively little attention but a later report,6 which provided clear evidence for UFG structure (where a = 2 for Tresca and a = √3 for
formation by SPD, became a classic publication and is currently listed with more than von Mises) or from the Taylor theory for
300 separate citations. This early paper attempted also to identify similarities and differ- polycrystals (where a = 1.65 for texture-
ences between the grain boundaries in SPD-produced UFG materials and in the conven- free face-centered cubic [fcc] metals and
tional nanocrystalline solids fabricated by consolidation procedures such as inert gas decreases slightly to lower values during
condensation. At that time, the terminology in use was “intensive plastic deformation.”
The term “severe plastic deformation” was first introduced in a short paper describing continued deformation). The relatively
the deformation of an Al-4% Cu-0.5% Zr alloy using high-pressure torsion,7 but the term small disks used in conventional HPT
became widely recognized in the field when it was subsequently used in an overview are attractive for products such as small
describing the structure and properties of UFG metals processed through SPD.8 This lat- bulk nanomagnets with enhanced soft
ter paper also received very extensive attention and is now listed with more than 400 cita- and hard magnetic properties, arterial
The samples produced in this way were reasonably defined as bulk samples because stents, and devices for microelectrome-
typically they had 1,000 or more grains in any direction. An important consideration was chanical system applications. There have
also the creation of a homogeneous UFG microstructure throughout the bulk sample so also been recent attempts to extend HPT
that the processed solids consisted of reasonably equiaxed grains separated by predomi- to include the processing of larger bulk
nantly high-angle grain boundaries. Initially, these structures were designated “submi- samples.17
crometer-grained structures” since the grain sizes were typically on the order of a few
hundreds of nanometers but later x-ray studies revealed domain sizes on the order of Accumulative Roll-Bonding
~40–50 nm associated with localized distortions of the crystalline lattice and substruc-
ture. This led to the introduction of the term “bulk nanostructured materials.”9 The technique of accumulative roll-
The formal definitions used for these various terms are as follows: bonding makes use of a conventional
• Processing by SPD deformation: Any method of metal forming under an extensive rolling facility. As illustrated in Figure
hydrostatic pressure that may be used to impose a very high strain on a bulk solid
without the introduction of any significant change in the overall dimensions of the 3,18 a sheet is rolled so that the thickness
sample and having the ability to produce exceptional grain refinement. is reduced to one-half of the thickness in
• Bulk UFG materials: Bulk materials having fairly homogeneous and equiaxed mi- a pre-rolled condition. The rolled sheet is
crostructures with average grain sizes less than ~1 μm and with a majority of bound- then cut into two halves that are stacked
aries having large angles of misorientation. together. To achieve good bonding during
Through the use of processing by SPD, it is possible to produce bulk nanostructured
materials with internal domains, dislocation cells, or other structural features within the the rolling operation, the two contact
grains having dimensions less than 100 nm. faces are degreased and wire-brushed
before placing them in contact and the

34 JOM • April 2006

chambers provide compression so that,
during one cycle, the material is pushed
to first experience compression, then
Anvil extrusion, and finally compression again.
The true strain produced in one cycle is
calculated as Δε = 4 ln (do/dm). In the
second cycle, the extrusion direction is
reversed, leading to the same sequence of
deformation modes. The process can be

repeated N times by pushing the sample
back and forth to give an accumulated
true strain of (NΔε). With a diameter
ratio of typically dm/do ≈ 0.9, the strain
Support imposed on the material in one cycle is
Δε ≈ 0.4. Accumulated true strains of up
a b to 90 have been reported23 with sample
Figure 2. The principle of HPT: (a) tool with a sample located within a dimensions of about 25 mm in length
cavity in the support anvil and (b) tool with cavities in both anvils.
and 10 mm in diameter. The deformation
speed is as low as ~0.2 mm/s in order
stacked sheets are then rolled again to temperatures and the specific loads on to limit heating of the specimen to <5
one-half thickness. Thus, a series of tooling are relatively low. The choice K. Although the strains reached with
rolling, cutting, brushing, and stacking of the appropriate temperature-strain this method are much higher than those
operations are repeated so that ultimately rate regimes of deformation leads to the with any unidirectional SPD technique,
a large strain is accumulated in the sheet. desired grain refinement. The operation the microstructure and/or mechanical
It is possible to heat the sheet when roll- is usually realized over the temperature properties are similar because of the
ing but at a temperature where there is no interval of 0.1–0.5 Tm, where Tm is the extra annihilation of dislocations due to
recrystallization. For the ARB process, absolute melting temperature, and it is the cyclic character of the straining.24
the equivalent strain after N cycles, εN, useful for producing large-sized billets
Repetitive Corrugation and
is given by εN = 0.80N.18 with nanocrystalline structures.22
In practice, the UFG structure pro-
Cyclic Extrusion and
duced by ARB is not three-dimensionally Repetitive corrugation and straight-
equiaxed but rather there is a pancake- ening was introduced recently and the
like structure which is elongated in the Cyclic extrusion and compression principle is illustrated in Figure 6.25 In
lateral direction. This microstructural (also sometimes called “hourglass a repetitive two-step process, the work-
feature is the same irrespective of the pressing”) is performed by pushing a piece is initially deformed to a corrugated
types of metals and alloys. The ARB sample from one cylindrical chamber of shape and then straightened between two
process may be applied for the production diameter do to another with equal dimen- flat platens using a processing cycle that
of metal-matrix composites by sheathing sions through a die with diameter dm may be repeated many times. The RCS
mixed powders and subjecting them to which is markedly smaller than do;23 the facility illustrated in Figure 6 subjects
a roll-bonding process.19 principle is illustrated in Figure 5. Thus, the workpiece to both bending and
the processing induces extrusion and the shear, which promotes grain refinement.
Multi-Directional Forging
Multi-directional forging was applied
for the first time in the first half of the
➞ ➞
Surface Treatment Cutting
1990s for the formation of UFG struc- ➞
tures in bulk billets.20,21 The process of ➞
MDF is usually associated with dynamic Degreasing

recrystallization in single-phase metals/ Wire-Brushing

alloys. Roll-Bonding
The principle of MDF is illustrated in
Figure 4 and it assumes multiple repeats
of free-forging operations including set- Stacking Heating ➞

ting and pulling with changes of the axes

of the applied load. The homogeneity 2 ➞ 1

of the strain produced by MDF is lower ➞

than in ECAP and HPT. However, the
method can be used to obtain a nano-
structured state in rather brittle materials
Figure 3. The principle of ARB.18
because processing starts at elevated

2006 April • JOM 35

Processing by RCS was used to produce not circular geometries, are possible
nanostructures in a copper sample with an with this technique. In practice, and by
average initial grain size of 760 μm.25,26 analogy to HPT, the plastic strain is not
A similar procedure was used later for uniform across the cross section but the
grain refinement of aluminum.27 plastic strain increases with the distance
An advantage of RCS is that it can from the axis so that the more distant
be adapted easily to current industrial regions have a finer grain size. This
rolling facilities. It is not difficult to microstructural heterogeneity leads to
machine a series of corrugating teeth inhomogeneous mechanical properties
into the rollers of a conventional rolling with the cross-sectional center having
mill, thus enabling the RCS process, and the lowest strength. It is anticipated that
this has the potential of producing nano- the microstructural homogeneity may
structured materials in a continuous and improve with increasing numbers of TE
economical way.28 The RCS technique is passes.
currently in the early stages and further See the sidebar on page 37 for back-
research is needed to develop the process ground on the development of nanoSPD
to a mature SPD technique for producing in materials science.
nanostructured materials. One critical
issue is the need to design equipment
MAIN STRUCTURAL Figure 5. The principle of CEC.
and processing schedules for improving
microstructural homogeneity.
Twist Extrusion
The average grain size achieved in pure grain boundaries with a high density of
The use of TE for grain refinement was metals using various SPD techniques extrinsic (as opposed to geometrically
introduced in 200429 and the principles usually lies in the range of ~150–300 necessary) dislocations and vacan-
are illustrated in Figure 7. During TE, a nm but in alloys it may be significantly cies,26,34 high lattice distortions, and
workpiece is pushed through an extrusion smaller.9 For example, using HPT with possibly, changes in the local phase
die whose cross section maintains its the intermetallic Ni3Al produced a grain composition.9,35
shape and size while it is twisted through size of 60 nm and in TiNi alloys process- The genesis of UFG structures pro-
a designated angle around its longitudinal ing by HPT led to total amorphization.32,33 duced by SPD techniques is not yet fully
axis. As a result, the workpiece regains At the same time, the structural features understood. While some authors relate
its shape and size after each TE pass and of SPD-processed metals are quite com- them to in-situ recrystallization,36 others
thus it is possible to repetitively process plex and they are characterized not only place the origin in the formation or frag-
a sample for excellent grain refinement. by the formation of ultrafine grains but mentation of a dislocation cell structure
A variety of cross-sectional shapes, but also by the presence of non-equilibrium whose size scale decreases as the stress
rises during SPD processing.37–39 The
accumulation of the misorientation
between neighboring dislocation cells
occurs in parallel with the decrease of the
average cell size and leads to a gradual
transformation of the dislocation cell
structure. In particular, predominantly
a b c polarized dipole walls yield a new refined
grain structure in which polarized tilt
walls are prevalent, causing high angles
of misorientation between the grains.38,39
According to this view, the smallest grain
size achievable by SPD cannot be smaller
than the length scale of the precursor
d e f structure and thus of the dislocation cell
size, which has an order of magnitude of
some hundreds of nanometers. Recently,
Figure 4. The principle of MDF: it was found that HPT processing of elec-
(a), (b), and (c) show setting trodeposited nickel induced the growth
and pulling along the first axis, of grains to a final size close to the lower
(d), (e), and (f) show setting
and pulling along the second grain size limit for HPT refinement of
axis, and (g), (h), and (i) show coarse-grained nickel, suggesting that
setting and pulling along the there exists a final grain size determined
g h i
third axis.20
by the processing parameters rather than

36 JOM • April 2006

Although most efforts to date have
been directed toward improving the
mechanical properties of structural
materials processed by SPD, there is
also recent evidence for other interesting
developments. A general observation is
that the increase in grain boundary area
introduced by SPD can lead to enhance-
ments in various kinetic properties of
metallic materials. For example, it was
found that the kinetics of plasma nitriding
of several steels is accelerated by pre-
treatment by HPT.50 Similarly, but more
importantly in view of potential applica-
tions with environmental considerations,
it was shown that the kinetics of hydrogen
Figure 6. The principle of
absorption/desorption in magnesium
alloy ZK60 are accelerated by ECAP
processing and by a combination of
by the total imposed strain.40 Neverthe- which provides an opportunity for the ECAP and high-energy ball milling.51
less, a consistent model explaining the rapid superplastic forming of complex- These findings suggest interesting new
formation of nanosized grains by SPD shaped parts for use in the transportation avenues for SPD applications target-
processing is yet to be developed. and consumer product industries.49 ing the development of new functional
The most important feature of SPD
processing is that it leads to exceptional
grain refinement and thereby provides an
opportunity to significantly enhance the THE DEVELOPMENT OF NanoSPD AS AN IMPORTANT
properties of materials as well as to attain AREA OF MATERIALS SCIENCE
novel and/or unique properties. One In principle at least, severe plastic deformation (SPD) processing has a long history,
such unique property is the unexpected dating back to the metalworking of ancient China.30 In modern terms, the first significant
combination of high strength and high evaluation of the principles of SPD processing lies in the classic early experiments
ductility which was observed for the first by Bridgman in the United States31 where, as in modern processing, high hydrostatic
pressures were effectively combined with concurrent straining. For current practitioners
time in UFG copper and titanium41 and of SPD processing, the most important early contribution is the work of Segal and co-
later demonstrated for a range of metals workers in Minsk10 where the technique of equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP)
and alloys processed by SPD.4,42–44 At the was first introduced in a form that is essentially identical to the procedure now used in
same time, these studies revealed that the many laboratories around the world. The interest in SPD processing was subsequently
unique combination of high strength and stimulated by the recognition that it may be used to produce exceptional grain refinement
in bulk solids and thus it is a processing tool for achieving unusual and beneficial
high ductility is conditioned by subtle properties.6,8
structural features of UFG materials As a consequence of this early work, there was a general recognition in the 1990s that
such as the non-equilibrium state of SPD processing was becoming an important research area having a significant potential
the grain boundaries, the availability for use in a wide range of industrial applications. Accordingly, this led to the organizing
of a bimodal grain distribution, or the of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Investigations and Applications of
Severe Plastic Deformation, held in Moscow, Russia, in August 1999.1 Subsequently,
presence of nanoparticles of second a second meeting titled Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation was held in
phases. These results lead to the emer- Vienna, Austria, in December 2002.2 At that time, an International NanoSPD Steering
gence of new deformation mechanisms Committee was established to regulate these meetings and to provide assistance for
in nanostructured solids including the associated activities within the broad field of SPD. This committee was formed with
occurrence of grain boundary sliding at Ruslan Z. Valiev, a professor at Ufa State Aviation Technical University, as the chairman
and with five additional members who constitute the co-authors of this paper. Shortly
low temperatures45 and the generation after its foundation, the committee established a website to bring together all interested
of partial dislocations and twinning.46 participants in the SPD field and to provide broad information on new developments,
The specific processing of SPD and the publications in the field, forthcoming meetings, and a general listing of key personnel.
associated simultaneous improvement of This website can be accessed at
both strength and ductility is probably Recently, the third conference in the series, designated NanoSPD3, was held in
Fukuoka, Japan, in September 2005.3 This conference aimed not only to evaluate
responsible also for the marked enhance- new properties through SPD processing but also to bring new ideas for its practical
ment of fatigue strength and fracture applications. The next international conference in the series, NanoSPD4, will be held
toughness in these materials.47 Another on 17–22 August, 2008, in Goslar, Germany, under the chairmanship of Yuri Estrin, a
extraordinary property of UFG materi- professor at Clausthal University of Technology. Full details of this meeting are available
als is their ability to exhibit superplastic on the official website:
ductility at exceptionally high strain
rates and unusually low temperatures,9,48

2006 April • JOM 37

tions in the mechanical properties along
their lengths of not more than ±5%. An
important additional consideration was
that the rate of material utilization was
more than 65%. These results provide a
clear demonstration of the great poten-
tial inherent in using a combination of
SPD processing and thermomechanical
treatments for the commercial produc-
Figure 7. The principle tion of semi-products from titanium for
of TE.29 The illustration medical applications. It is anticipated
shows the shapes of that similar approaches may be used also
a workpiece before
entering a TE die, to fabricate UFG materials for a range
inside the die, and of other applications as, for example,
after exiting the die in weight-sensitive products such as
where the workpiece
is deformed by twisting high-performance mountain bicycles
within the TE die. and automotive components.59
Scaling to larger billet sizes is equally
feasible in SPD processing. A recent
materials. enhancement of the properties of mate- investigation evaluated the effect of up-
It should be emphasized that the rials will remain the basic task of SPD scaling on the mechanical properties,
complex structure of SPD-processed processing into at least the near future. microstructure, and hot-workability of
materials may also result in multifunc- New opportunities are provided by recent an Al-6061 alloy from a laboratory scale
tional properties. For example, the nano- findings in the nanoSPD area such as with a diameter of 12.5 mm to an indus-
structured TiNi alloy demonstrates an SPD-induced phase transformations55–57 trial scale with a diameter of 100 mm.65
extraordinary combination of very high and SPD-induced vacancy generation,58 This latter investigation and all earlier
mechanical and functional properties both of which may lead to the formation studies have consistently confirmed the
including superelasticity and a shape- of novel nanostructures and properties. feasibility of up-scaling ECAP process-
memory effect.52 Such a combination in At the present, the SPD techniques ing for the fabrication of large-scale
the TiNi alloy is in stark contrast to its are starting to emerge from laboratory- components. Alternatively, down-scal-
conventional coarse-grained counterpart. scale research and to gain increasing ing of the SPD processing techniques
Another example is SPD-processed appreciation and understanding for the may open up interesting new directions
magnetic materials such as Fe-Co.53 potential commercial applications of in the fabrication of micro-mechanical
Not only does the nanometer grain size various UFG materials.54,59–62 This evo- devices. A recent report described the
induce advanced mechanical properties lution is revealed in several ways. First, first results of ECAP processing using
but it leads also to enhanced soft mag- both pure metals and commercial alloys millimeter-scale dies66 and another SPD-
netic properties due to an interaction are currently under extensive research like process, so-called solid-state infiltra-
of magnetic moments across the grain and the latter have a great potential for tion, was also proposed where there was a
boundaries in these materials. Thus, the special applications. Second, growing penetration of solid aluminum in a porous
engineering of multifunctional materials attention is being directed within the steel preform under a high imposed pres-
is rapidly becoming a new direction in SPD community to the development sure.67 Although these techniques are in
the science of SPD nanomaterials. of economically feasible continuous their infancy, the general philosophy and
production methods for the processing the basic features of SPD processing are
of UFG metals and alloys.61–63 As an clearly also applicable in this domain.
example, two different processing routes,
Markets for bulk nanostructured including ECAP, were used recently for
materials appear to exist in every product the systematic fabrication of long rods Preparation of this paper was sup-
sector where superior mechanical prop- from nanostructured titanium materials ported by the International Science and
erties (in particular, high strength, good for medical applications.61 Specifically, Technology Center (Moscow) under the
strength-to-weight ratio, and excellent using a combination of ECAP and ther- New Independent States-Industrial Part-
fatigue life) are critical. Formal market momechanical treatments with a com- nering Program project LANL-T2-0199
analyses have identified a wide range of mercial-purity titanium, it was possible and the Russian Federation for Basic
potential applications for nanometals in to achieve a yield stress of 1,100 MPa Research (RZV), by the DFG under
various industries including aerospace, and ultimate tensile strength of 1,230 project ES 74/12-1 (YE), by a grant-
transportation, medical devices, sports MPa together with a reasonable elon- in-aid for scientific research from the
products, food and chemical processing, gation to failure of ~14%.64 Using this Ministry of Education, Science, Sports
electronics, and conventional defense.54 procedure, titanium rods were fabricated and Culture of Japan (ZH), by the U.S.
Therefore, it is reasonable to antici- with diameters of 6.5 mm and lengths Army Research Office under Grant
pate that nanostructuring aimed at an of more than 800 mm and with varia- No. W911NF-05-1-0046 (TGL), by the

38 JOM • April 2006

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