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TAZEWELL COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 101 South Capitol Street 5 Pekin. Ik 61554 Robert M. Huston, Sheriff Se mskeet eee aon site April 23, 2018 Dear MELISSA JELTSEN: Office on 04/23/18 is ire under Section ‘Your request dated 04/23/18 and received by the Tazewell County Sheri hereby granted in part, Some portion(s) of the record(s) are exempt from di 7(1\(b) of the Ilinois Freedom of Information Act, 5 ILCS 140/7, because: Lo When a request ix made to inspect or copy a public record that contains information that is exempt from disclosure under this Seetion, but also contains information that is not exempt from disclosure, the public body may elect to redact the information that is exempt. The public body shall make the remaining information available for inspection and copying. Subject to this requirement, the following shall be exempt from inspection and copying: private information, unless disclosure ts required by another provision of this Act, a State or federal law or a court order If you believe this interpretation of the law is incorrect, you may, in accordance with Section 9 of the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, 5 ILCS 140/9, seek review of this decision by the Public Access Counselor, Sarah Pratt, Office of the Attorney General, 500 South 2nd Street, Springfield, IL, 62706, FAX: 217-782-1346, email: publicaccess‘) or, alternatively, you may seek judicial review of this decision by filing a lawsuit on the Tenth Judicial Circuit Court of Tazewell ‘County pursuant to §11 of the Act. Since: THERESA FARDEL FOIA Officer aaa INCIDENTINVESTIGATION fear 4 Sa 16-0071 ewell Cunnty Sheriff's Off REPORT Bite] + low WsP72016 01:30 Es _ Tas : © Reon ice We Pawevaee ORR GI k bh. Wes ing Lot Business | __ M02 0527/2016 01:30 Bri 1 ern ity iad NPT suicide Autenpr He Prearnss = Y | Lone . » [pf eiiemaaar ee a i a ~ aE * oy ciate TT Rete a Si iy Reni No Porvieting 7 [type INDIVIIUAL. Tne | er Sea Fa aT isa ar Tat ae SRG | Sa ae | vf va [sooner Sine Toten beh see eect eee 1d aye _ aos Tove Tae 1 ga args ————~ a see as Pe RT CINCISNATE ToWNsHEE Wwe pe Sos Ye Tate vi CODES Zo Veain chem WF, WO Onn Gohan Pog SOS o Lyme NDIvibuaL tin eae | See se i ARI : Tat pi] HORT SRP Tiny is [OR Reiwkine. ene Vi? TsO B i id Ta TE 1 _ Wy Cranes ine — 8 [Shee INDIA inj YX [nc Pine Oa, Ps aay guar eT SEY een Sa Na 0 UR LREINKINGS JUDITH Mt Sine |r ' Footie vant i pi Te Pe b ' ' Ea NCES Ta THe DIETS ToRne 2 vad To Cae oped Daiagea? Vanataed” 2" Wooarcnd O> Sanat TS Bor POM eae ot nad Sa) I Otis Atanas, Rid (INV INE ; eee Sepentior ~~“Chowhen, Fae Sens] Conant Span Fas ieee = ns ; a asa1e20i6] . ee 7 Seay Carey Incident Report Additional Name List Fiazewell County Sheriffs Oifree Additional Name ate Cee Vien oF Dawe a at AM Camel! DOB Age Hace Sor DOP 7 HOPPER. MARI PR Arne mee Easplesad me Mobi Fasewell Caunty Sheriff's Ofice eS time [stam] Guana vom Forged ye Measure INCIDENT/NVESTIGATION REPORT ral e-Danagel! Vaallina) A Resmweed Go Sven > Union IBBERY Hastn, Wankativi KEDAOR, J PRs Pae 3 REPORTING OFFICER NARRATIVE oGR 16.0719 Bac Te Repaid Fri 0572722016 01:30 Favell Conny Shorif's Office via SOCIETY SUICIDE ATTEMPT BY ELE: ‘king lot in Morton where On 15/26/2016 at approximately 22:38 hes, | (Deputy Mancha) responded to the CVS pi Rob from Tazewood ERS was evaluating a male, Rob ndvised me the male, Travis J, Reinking, was delusional and believed the fimous entertainer, Taylor Swift, was harassing him via stalking and hacking, his phone. Travis believed everyone including his own family and the police tare involved. Rob said Travis’ mother, Judith” Reinking, father, Jeffrey Reinking, and grandmother, Mavilyn Hopper, were worried about Travis so they called ERS, Judith, Jeffrey and Marilyn were all present in the parking Jot. They sted Travis has been having these delusions siace August 2014 towards polive and does not recognize police authority RMS retuned with a eaution Sie for Travis, Travis is hosti ‘Travis also possesses several firearms, Rob continued speaking to Travis, Travis stated he did not want to hurt Taylor Swifl of anyone else, he only wanted the harassment to stop. Rob attempted to get Travis to go with him (0 be evaluated at Methodist Mospital. Travis was luneooporative and stated he dic not want to get help this late at night, Travis state! he believed he had autism ‘Travis said he was tired and wanted! to go home. Travis entered his vebicle and drove olf As soon as Travis drove away, Rob and Travis’ family advised Travis made comments about killing himselfearlier in the day, They alsa advised he owns and had access to many frrearms at his residence. Travis retumed to the ser 10 respond. pparicing fot. I reynested w Morton a Travis farther explained how Taylor Swift was harassing him. Travis stated a few weeks ago Taylor hacked bis Nellfix aecount and fold him to meet er at the Dairy Queen in Morton, When ‘avis arrived, Taylor was across the siteel yelling at him before she took off running, Vuavis chased her in an attempt to get her to stop harassing him. Vaylor climbed up the side ofa building and Yravis followed, However, when he veached the rooftop, Taylor was Travis stated he was telling the truth and he had proof'on his phone since it was hacked. However, Tavis would not show us his phone, Morton Officer Cabell and | attempted to got Travis 10 go with Rob to Methodist but he remained uncooperative, Travis said lhe was tired and attempted to Heave again, Travis was advised he was wot free to leave, Travis slated we were violating his constitutional rights by not allowing hint to leave because he did nat de aaything illegal. We explained wo Travis he was not free (@ Jenve because he was in protective custody due to the suicidal comments he sacle carer We were speiiking to Travis nex! 1o Rob's ERS velhicte. Travis grabbed his car keys and ook several sleps foward his vehieie, Officer Cabell and I stepped in Iront of Travis. Travis stopped and backed! up against Rob's vehicle Sravis asked Officer Cabell for his name ane avis used his phone to video record ian with the lash on, Office: to lower his phone or turn the Nash off while reconting hectuse the flash was blinding, Cabell instru Reporting eer WAN Uk, Re aR REPORTING OFFICER NARRATIVE Tacewell Couny Sheriff's Office SOCuErY 16.097 19 Bax Fave Repo Fri 05/27/2016 01:30 HI TEMPY BY FIREARMS ‘THE INFORMATION BELOW 16 CONMDENIIAL- FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PRSON Travis was still insistent he was not leaving to be evaluated. Depty Hibbert, Morton Sergeant Ham, Deputy Kedzior and Deyuty Ham arrived on scene, Travis was advised he did wot have a choice and was poing to go for evaltation Travis slated he would go to Methodist but it was against is will, avis got into Rob's car and he transported ‘Tvavis to Methodist as Officer Cabell followed, Jeffrey drove Travis? vehicle to his house so it did not sit in the CVS parking at Teporing Offic MAMET RICTRDI wamaaaie Hise Page s Incident Report Suspect List Tazewell Cony Sheriffs Office 16-007 19 Time ant Fa Ny [aera os REINKING, TRAPIS usisistesieintnasana| arenes Fae TPT ae Ta a le aaa awe “Sane Mik Rept Sop TP SRST = TST aa ao [ein Tape an cor I sine’ [iver how Seu 19 Payal Ch Pages INCIDENT/INVESTIGATION ise Tine Ripon ossta/3007 1143 200068 That Rin Seca QUT edd Bei 21/8 Sempron, Tre 6162077 Meds Bri Crinnnad Drespass Ta Read Peoperty Seoway 9 SOCIETY PURIIC me Ta Fis, ME tates [ROT aw | WA baronet Tiss Ps Trapt Nana ISPs = Gone (een a Reining [Recian Name | Wamay ToOiant fsensnte ane Pe oa Paar ashy] Wesel Saws [May ToOstenie benches Ro ae Teed evar Tawa Te Damaged Vantaa ‘Reson fay th! Joi) Dedheli, ike elena Waa Tora INCIDENT/INVESTIGATION REPORT Tremans Police Deportinent ws 1700068 Tae T= Rone 2=Bomed 3 Comvsi/ Forged = Danagsts Viwilid 9 = Rosowered as) Fs = Uno Assisting Ome ‘Sespea Hie Bis Mattes WARRATIVE REPORTING OFFICER NARRATIVE, [oan ae Tate Time Reported) On the ubove date and Gime was contacted by Dispatch to respond to the ‘Tremont Park Dist, Pood at lames Si. | met with the pool dineetar who fold mie that @ man in his 20°s barged into the pool wearing a pink wonnans house cont, ‘The subject dove into the poo! and then took of his howse coat and was swimnring in just his Underwire, He was tole (0 get ou of the poo} by Lifeguards. ‘The mafe started yelling nt the lifeguards and trying to get then to fight with hin. T was tokl that the mate had gotten out of the pool and was yelling at the fileguards, yelling that he was a man, | was told that he then showed his genitals saying he was a nian, ‘The man ater identified is Travis Reinking Premost Police Department vim Gittewse Ee Nast CRIMINAL TRESPASS TO REAL PROPERTY 1 JNHORMATION BLOW 18 CONNDENTIAL FOR UBEBY AUIDIORIZED PERSONNEL Afier this incident a the poo! | was contacted by an employee of J&L Crane Co on Baer Rd. The employes tol me that he brut @ yelling match with Travis, as ‘Travis lives in an apartment at Jéed Crane. ‘The employee told me that ‘avis was wearing & pink womans house coat and had a AR-15 rifle in his hand whieh fe put inte the trunk of his blue Mitsubishi and tefl the business. ‘This would of been right before the poo! incident. Appearently the rifle stayed in the trunk of the vehicle during the incident at ihe poo! as no one reported anything about a weapon of any sort. No one ail the poo! wanted fo press charges for anything that happened at the poo! so a report was not immediately ‘This is an informational report showing the siate of mind of Travis Reinking. written, Pape? Incident Report Suspect List Tremont Police Departament We Tom ise Malan Riva ae REINKING, TRAVIS [Fasaas Aizen Ba TERS RS [REG in Sean May Tacos war tay nbog es Reported Seep Ties ae To ha wr Wea Tipe ce Tiara | ort eg Trav a Page 4 2 goq0o00 into oc 1559S Buvr Ru, Ye Tie kon Suspicion That Person Committed An Offense INCIDENT/INVESTIGATION REPORT Trai Balding Other Kapa Tole reg SS £7-00862 [TET Tan Reps ‘00g 6/2017, 1 LSD I 102 OG 1G02017 L137 Fh Towa NN GSLLI2017 11:57. Fri 72S IIS 5/102. Eveseeeee a Enis TT Yanan IE Tan [eee pf ine TT Weania Ta ra a ea Ta Finns Nae Ta is MRIS [Vian ff TTR ta | ea Ns | Ry vive Von Teo het Teese fe ° 7 Tan Te J) Pra wiser : i TOR rnone Te Ta Te : Tas vir SORTS Ve wrt Sani VE Va) Oar ey an) A Rapa aw Tera a o De Rpivintn iy i T [oue [Rane Win, Fa Yay Siva “ied Sex] Retatonhip | REAGAN Seas [Ma] 1 [ Taaincines vines one TSR ont 1 ie i Trane Taine ava 7 ae TAR Tie * Die : a “tie Sage ageeeae aaeaeE ¥ Feito [ane Cat, Fit, Midioy [Vietina off OO [Race [Seaf Relationship | Resident Stalag] Miliary — Ae Crime Ta Offender [ranch a ae - : Tin i a ie RET "ON Resor in Ou | vat Scud isn) [Ras Reamer ——————— TE PR ‘aT T= Nove = The T= Connon Pope a= Day Vanna” So Recmeed Wo Sia Fo Roker Fo Toe > t i GihcerO Dain, Remy Tees DY oy Tien Senn] opti phair rs Tae pan rel | detscnnitine gesrgany7|<* ae Paar Tied She aaa eRe TOS INCIDENT/INVESTIGATION REPORT nell County Sheriffs Office Case 17-0862 ¢ 2 Mean 3 Camere / Foes 4 Damas Vann 8 Recovered > Rcbaad Salon A Uso DAVIS, R BROWN. Suspect Hate / Was Moved WaWRATOVT REPORTING OFFICER NARRATIVE Bor 100862 fucewell Couns ian | Gites Eeaaeeaeaeeteed ite Te Rep ROCKE, GALEN 1 SUSPICION THAT PERSON COMMITTED AN Bet O6AO2DDIT 11:37 misine On FE NDNA VOR OSE RY ADTTIORY JU was advised by Capt, Calton that | necded fo meet with a subject at Premont pd tet. 10 a mole that Jeft J and J éranes on Bacr a, in Tremont with a se rife and ina pink dress, The male then had went to the Frement pool and {00k off the dress, junyped in the pool, was yelling at people also had exposed himself 1/0 went up o paand spoke to and he advise! me that he works af J and. eranes and the owners son, Travis 1 Reinking ilives inside the shop ubove the offices. tated around 11:30 this morning Travis eame ‘out ina pink dress holding the s° rife and yetled at him and another eo-workes,— Travis was yelling’ is this wat you ticking want ciated that Travis threw the rifle in the rank of his car and sped away. HO then met with Capt Catton and Chief Dosiwelt atong with Dep.Brown and went out to the Buer rd wdavess. 1 then called Travis cell number twice to come out ie speck to us in which he did. ‘Travis was searched sinee he had a \weapon earlier in the day. ‘Travis didnt have any’ weapons om him avis sated that he did take the gum with lin earlier but it was buck bi his apt and he had a valid foid card, Travis hhas some menial problems and | asked him if he would fike ta spenk to ERS but he stated he didi want to, ‘Travis had aleeadty spoke fo them before an! been in the hospital J then contacted Jett Reinking al cell number! sAvho was ont of state ane advised him of what was going on, Jet stated that white back he took 3 ries andl a hwnd gun away and locked them up when Travis was having problems, Jel? wanted to move out of state 50 he gave them back t him and ‘Travis was gone for nine months and hhns moved back, Jef? stated he enlled his daaghter ‘who was going to stop by the shop and talk to Travis, Aarrived and we advised her wha had happened today and she stated she was fine hy herself and she would talk to Travis and sev if she could store the weapons forse keeping, Chiet Dodwell was going to the pool fo take a report on his part of what happened al the pool this morning, 4 called buck JeiT Reinking and advised hin of what happened andl when he gets back home he might want to lock the puns back up until Pravis gots mental help which he stated he would All officors cleared the seene since —}vas there ta speak with Travis. Repostiny Often Py Tina sy Rae INCIDENT/INVESTIGATION Fuzewell Comm REPORT 5 [oar © iseatonatinc Fmt Df llinals Rowe Yin Bae Rel Vreanomt H. GS eae © [Uy] crostini X |) i Osher Disorderly Conduct = os ST ' sen nes a M : _ PP ezine erecta? Ta ate Seer aa i Tay i Sey [yeaa TTT ean Fear pane mo] Teivieine 7 [ye NDVI TAL Taha | Skanes Ni at, a day Peis ARIS | Rew Tan va [socier ci Tosi } Le ies zt & [me nai amas Tia ae it = ae Penne tier TWiT aa » fee i ag ear 4 eo penmtaia Sao ee Py) eri ae RT| ro ay cal vice) [tne Iupivtbiia or [ics Name, Pt, MEG) ek ITTY RT] Re | ATE v | vi soc Gime | Tend! [seit te 1 - ae & Pie aes Toms apa naa os Tre TE RGB sae WR hie Te oa Tae Te CODES. V Visin (Sense V2, Vi)_O = One Gah an sain R= Repo en Ta an Se) co [ave ikpIvIDUAL. Injury: lecde Tame aa Fos a [Fish ait Wr Tae Se acne | RATES Sans [AT |S | REINKING, ine i ciend franchisees he Harta Seeteaeeeeaia brah ip haiet NOTRS rane [aaa Tabs Fe 1 _ _ tay ao : Fein wif TT Tees TNS | Ren Seas |— ° cre Toone franc v 7 ae pe ‘yi Tron Phase » a Pras ae Ta Danegeu Vandatiad So Teeweeed Ge Ssad F Satan Bo Ta Sei! Nuter, Tay, Ree, - a Serr ‘iol, Revd 19 ay Tae Pores Sarena INCIDENT/INVESTIGATION REPORT Tuseweti County Shorts Office ? wana} EG Bae 2 Thawed I Comet Forged 4 Damaged Vanlind So Reonatad So Seoed To Staka a= Uakeowe ton [saul eonnniy — Piyge Menane Supcted"be LINTON, KEDZION” ‘Sipest Tate is Motion REPORTING OFFICER NARRATIVE SEK Auzewell Conny Sherif's Office 1.01287 Visa | Giese Te in eparad CHET Dru 02402017 16:47 On 08/24/17, al approximately 1641 hours, Deputy Linton and 1, Sergeant Tarby, made contact with Travis Reinking and iis finer, Jeffvey Reinking at Ji Cranes, 13535 Baer Rd, Tremont is State Police FOI Revocation paper. Tavis proviced me with his Mlinoiy State nition | gave ‘Travis a copy of the II FOLD card, ‘Travis ussisted us in retrieving all his weapons and avn The following weapons were logged: One Kimber 9mm Handgun; One Bushmaster AR-15; One CZ-USA 22 cal rifle: One Remington 710, and mise ammo. ‘The weapons and ammo were recorded on the ISP Disposition Record. AM weapons and ammo were relensed tp Jefliey Reinking which holds a valid FOI card. JeiTiey was advised that he needed to keep the ‘weapons secure and away from Travis, Jefirey stated he would comply. The FOID card is being sent back Lo ISP, No luther action is being taken. Hof Report Rupanting Oftver TARDY. Ras Pineal sae incident Report Suspect List Tazewell County Sheriffs Office RAINING, TRAVIS Nine Toot Fon Moy ja Team Tia ar Basin Aaa eae a ST eS Sane Mins, Wats, ov ater dining Ramee parted Srapred Dita ape Ape Ca aa ST) Weaji he | Rane Ae foes ce nf Taye Veit OS Physic Ce Incident Report Related Property List Tue vell County Sheviff's Office I] Fopa Dasa par Nise Sai faba] Lenser procaney2 | amo 5 = a ie Tan |__ te 1 i : a Locally Saw you NCE oan Recovered | uxaaroor7 Cr i eee Reinking, Travis Notes weupan tansfered ta Leiey Retuking Prapy Dea be Mite Tate cry ARMS RIFLE _| nusiiasa z ee Fan bare iat as c : _ 1.000) Locally Sie ae TCT ia on Recovered osra2017 Rie as Fs ay na Tiss Tree Te Reinking, Travis Nores vrenpon releaved to Jeffrey Retnning 3] evans Daca Tae ra Gare FIREARMS REPLI a ea czasz2czi | 0022 tes Sand i ini Yaa t ie s0.o0| nano] ‘Locally ear i NF ae aN Recovered onreann7 | Toa ast Fst, Mido) or Ree Heinking, Travis ; Moiws vweupon release to Jeffrey Reinking Powe Beco wir ro om 7 E 2. 6 : saul stool tac Sat aa oa Recovored osr24aui7 ane dan Ft, MT) aw Ta Pier Heinking, Teas spon released to Jefttes Reinking ‘unaa0l 2 > Incident Report Related Property List Tusewel! County Sheriffs Office _ F ee nutipte bases of various anima released to deffvgy Rebntings ILLINOIS STATE POLICE rowan! 3 CO2SS” FIREARM DISPOSION RECORD ‘Nan AND ADDRESS OF PaRSON FMEA "TuansFeRMED TO {OVIDE HOIDE G FFUL amie ig am HANOI SUAVE PORES fener covones wai 029 spe ani rearnss io hak passion ental in A oo esos | oom ate Una my coyond conta ry vir tha asia he sate of in Lev ties of, ody aft BJB4fBOV7. ANOIS STATE POLICE Oe ofthe Director July 29, 2013 Binion Dear Law Enforcement Offical On July 9, 2013, Public Act 98-063; encompassing the Firearm Concealed Carry Act as well as changes to the Firearm Owner's identification (FOID) Act, went into effect. Revisions to the FOID Act (430 CS 65/9.5) include requiring individuals whose FOID card is revoked to surrender his or her FOID card to local law enforcement within 48 hours of receiving the revocation notification. The revoked Individual must also complete o Firearm Disposition Record form provided by the illinols State Police {USP}. The focal law enforcement agency fs required to collect the revoked FOID card and forward the card and a copy of the completed Firearm Disposition Record ta the ISP Firearms Services Bureau, if a evoked person is also a sponsor of a minor, the minor's FOID cad will alse be revoked and should be collected and returned to the ISP. If an individual fails to comply with the requirements of this section within the Act, the sheriff or law enforcement agency may petition the court for a warrant to search for and selze the FOID card and firearms in the revoked individual's possession. A violation of this section constitutes 9 Class A misdemeanor 430 ILCS 65/9.5(f) also requires ail individuals whose FOID card had previously been revoked and who have not retumed their FOID card to the ilinois State Police to receive notification of these new requirements within thirty days of the effective date, By August 1, 2013, previously revoked FOID card holders will be receiving notification and instructions to meet this new standard. A copy of the Firearm Disposition Record form Is attached for your reference. In addition, the form and information concerning the revocation process will be available to the public on the Mlinois State Police website at wwnw.isp.state.ilaus, Revoked FOID cards and completed Firearm Disposition Record forms should be mailed to: illinois State Police Firearms Services Bureau ATTN: ENFORCEMENT 801 South Seventh Street, Ste. 400-M Springfield, ilinols 62703 Thank you for your assistance in ensuring firearms are safely secured and out of the hands of revoked persons, Please contact Ms, Debbie Claypool at 217.782.3700, if you have any additional ‘questions, Resnatstil Hiram Grau Birector Enclosures 80} South Suwon Sirvet * Site HAD Spring, 1. 62703.2487 168 (vuiee) «1 ARM) 28HII2 ROD} Hiram Gras

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