JQB.2014.06 - Calculation of Electromagnetic Forces On Electrical Equipment Busbars by Finite Element Method

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Doan Thanh Bao – Huynh Duc Hoan

In the early 1900s, the French physicist Ampère showed that two parallel wires
carrying electric currents attract each other if the currents are in the same direction
and repel if the currents are in opposite directions. Thus, the busbar in the electrical
conductivity of the electrical current running through also withstands the effects of
this force.
When a current is placed in a magnetic field, the electric current is affected by
magnetic force which depends on the shape of the power line and its position in the
magnetic field. The force is determined by the Lorentz formula and direction is
determined by the left-hand [1]. In addition, Maxwell’s equations which take into
account the content of the law of Biot-Savart-Laplace are applied to calculate the
magnetic induction caused by a current element [2].
Besides using Maxwell’s equations, we can use modern methods to study the
design calculations [3]. In this paper, the finite element method (FEM) is used to
compute the electromagnetic force between two busbars carrying currents in the
circuit of electrical conductivity.
Based on vector Umov method - Poynting to calculate the electromagnetic force
[1], the current flow in the busbars is placed in a magnetic field with a mutual force
which is proportional to the magnitude of the electric current and the magnetic field
intensity. Where the elements described in Fig 1, the electromagnetic force is
calculated by the formula/ the result is:
dF = [ dIdy �B ] (1)
so the continuous analogue to the equation is
dI = Jdxdz = Edxdz (2)
B =  .H (3)
Where current density in the busbar is J = E , σ is Electrical conductivity and
E is Electric field intensity.
Due to (1), (2) and (3), we have the following equation
dF = [  Edxdydz  ( H )] (4)

Fig 1. The busbar in a magnetic Fig 2. x-axis of the busbar

It can be inferred from elements vector that electromagnetic force which is
perpendicular to the E and H has the same direction with x- axis.
Suppose the electromagnetic force can be expressed as a complex number so we
dF = Re[  Edxdydz  ( H )] = dV Re[ E.H * ] (5)
Where dV is volume to consider
Then, we can also write this electromagnetic force as follows,
dF = dVS r (6)
Finally, we have the following formula for the electromagnetic force:
F1 = = S r (7)
Dimensions of the same force energy flow, dimensions S coincide with the
lower energy density and with the way of the electromagnetic force, a function of
position. If that wire cross section coincides with the E and H plane, the force will be
exerted on surface area dy.dz represented in Fig.2:
dF F dV
dp = = 1 = F1dx (8)
dy.dz dydz
The total pressure exerted on the surface of conductors becomes
x x
p =  Fdx =   S r dx (9)
0 0

* Comments:
The electromagnetic force on the busbars carrying the current is calculated by
means of the U-P vector methods, including Biot-Savart-Laplace Law of magnetic
induction caused by an electric current element to compute the magnetic flux density.
To calculate the electromagnetic, we can use analytical methods which require
complex numerical calculations but we achieve just some desired results. Instead of
using these ones, we can use softwares with the FEM, one of which is Maxwell,
convenient and efficient software. Therefore, in this paper, Maxwell software is used
to calculate the electromagnetic force acting on the busbars conductivity in the
electrical devices.
3.1. Parametric Adaptive Analysis [4] [5]
1) Parametric Model Generation – creating the geometry, boundaries and
2) Analysis Setup – defining solution setup and frequency sweeps

3) Solve Loop - the solution process is fully automated

4) Results – creating 2D reports and field plots
To understand how these processes co-exist, examine the illustration shown below
(Shown specifically for a Magnetostatic setup)

Fig 3: Overall setup process

3.2. Description
This problem will be solved in two parts using the 2D Eddy Current and 3D
Eddy Current solvers. The model consists of two rectangular copper busbars size
5x10mm placed by a center-center spacing of 16mm. The excitation frequency is

Fig 4. Two busbars model in Maxwell 2D Fig 5. Two busbars model in Maxwell 3D

3.3. Input data

- Setup the Design Model: 2D & 3D
- Set Geometry Mode: Cartesian, XY and Eddy.
- The model consists of two rectangular copper busburs: Left busbar, right busbar
the same size 5x10mm, spaced 40mm and the length 50mm.
- Assign the Boundaries
- The Excitations: frequency is 50Hz
+ Left busbar: 5A at 0 degrees
+ Right busbar: - 5A at 60 degrees
- Assign the Parameters: Force
- Solve the Problem
- View the Results

Fig 6: Meshing of the two busbars model Fig.7: The magnitude and direction of the
in Maxwell 2D magnetic flux density B of the busbar left in
Maxwell 2D models offer three analysis of instantaneous force methods acting on
the two busbars stimulation between the DC and AC components, as follows:
Case 1: Results from software
Using the export function from the results model (Results > Solution Data), we
get the magnitude of the force results in the following table:
Table 1: the magnitude of the force DC and AC
Parameters F(x) Mag F(x) Phase F(y) Mag F(y) Phase Mag F
Force DC -9.283E-06 0 -9.642E-09 0 9.283E-06
Force AC 3.729E-05 -104.39 9.661E-09 177.31 3.729E-05
Case 2: The Lorentz force method
The Lorentz force formula [1]:
2  J  B dV (10)
FAC = J  B dV (11)
FINST = FDC  FAC (12)
Use the calculator function on software we setup the formula (10) (11) (12). In
which the components of: Average DC (FDC), AC (FAC) and instantaneous components of
the Lorentz (FINST).
Force is calculated according to the formula and display the results as Fig 8.
Force Maxwell2DDesign1 Force Maxwell2DDesign1
0.000038 Curve Info max 0.00003 Curve Info max
Force_DC Force_inst
Setup1 : LastAdaptive -9.2574E-006 Setup1 : LastAdaptive 2.7917E-005
0.000025 Freq='50Hz' 0.00002 Freq='50Hz'
Force_AC Force_MST
Setup1 : LastAdaptive 3.7175E-005 Setup1 : LastAdaptive 2.7788E-005
Freq='50Hz' 0.00001
0.000012 Freq='50Hz'
Setup1 : LastAdaptive 2.7917E-005
Freq='50Hz' 0.00000
Force (N)

-0.000038 -0.00004

-0.000050 -0.00005
0.00 60.00 120.00 180.00 240.00 300.00 360.00 0.00 60.00 120.00 180.00 240.00 300.00 360.00
Phase [deg] Phase [deg]

Fig 8: The DC, AC and instantaneous Fig 9: FINST and FMST overlap components
components (INST) of the Lorentz force of the Maxwell method
Case 3: The maxwell stress Tensor force method
The maxwell stress Tensor force formula [2]
FMST =   B.n .H  0.5 B.H .n.dV (13)
Use the calculator function on software we setup the formula the Maxwell (13)
and shows the result Maxwell: FMST and FINST (case 2) to make comparison between
two this result as Fig 9.
* Results and discussion of 2D model:
Magnetic flux density B (T) vector on the left busbar: magnitude B = 2.436E-04
(T) and the corkscrew rules of vector B have the same clockwise because of the
current I entering way.
From Fig 8 for a period the excitations current 3600 is instantaneous force
components oscillating with the frequency twice the frequency of the power supply.
Through the results of the force DC, AC and DC+AC (Table 1; Fig 8), we see
three ways of calculating but we reach the same analysis results, the magnitude of the
force DC: -9.2574E-06(N); force AC: 3.7175E-05(N) and phase 1040.
Fig 9: instantaneous components of the Lorentz force method (FINST: 2,7917E-
05) and The maxwell stress Tensor force method (FMST: 2,7788E-05) is near equal.
Fig 10. Meshing of the two busbars model Fig 11. The magnitude and direction of the
in Maxwell 3D magnetic flux density B of the busbar left
in 3D
From Maxwell 3D models it offers three analysis of instantaneous force
methods acting on the two busbars stimulation between the DC and AC components,
as follows:
Table 2: The magnitude of the force DC and AC
Parameters F(x) F(y) F(z)
F(x) Mag F(y) Mag F(z) Mag Mag F
(N) Phase Phase Phase
Force DC 1.193E-09 0 -4.648E-07 0 1.132E-09 4.649E-07
Force AC 9.109E-10 62.66 1.865E-06 -104.42 1.136E-09 -0.498 1.865E-06
- Use the calculator function on software we setup the formula (10) (11) (12) and to
display the results instantaneous components force as Fig 12.
Force Maxwell3DDesign1
2.00E-006 Curve Info max
Setup1 : LastAdaptive -4.6819E-007
1.50E-006 Freq='50Hz'
1.00E-006 Setup1 : LastAdaptive 1.8595E-006
5.00E-007 Setup1 : LastAdaptive 1.3913E-006
Force (N)





0.00 60.00 120.00 180.00 240.00 300.00 360.00
Phase [deg]

Fig 12: The DC, AC and instantaneous components (INST) of the Lorentz force
* Results and discussion of 3D model:
Magnetic flux density B(T) vector on the left busbar Fig 11: magnitude B =
2.5072E-04 (T) and the corkscrew rules of vector B have the same clockwise because
of the current I entering way.
From Fig 12 for a period the excitations current 360 0 is instantaneous force
components oscillating with the frequency twice the frequency of the power supply.
Through the results of the force DC, AC and DC+AC (Table 2; Fig 12), we see
three ways of calculating but we reach the same analysis results, the magnitude of the
force DC: -4.6819E-07 (N); force AC: 1.8595E-06 (N) and phase 1040.
For calculating the forces acting on the busbar carrying the current, if we use
analytical methods, we will have only one result with the magnitude of the force.
However, if FEM with the Maxwell software are used which besides the results of
the magnitude force, we also get the results of the vector quantities such as magnetic
flux density B, the magnetic field vector H, ...
Magnetic flux density vector B(T) on the left busbar: 2D model: B = 2.436E-04
(T); 3D model: B = 2.507E-04 (T). We can see the magnitude B two 2D & 3D model
results are approximately equal, the dimensional vector B have the same clockwise
direction, the 3D model we see dimensional vector B perpendicular to the busbar
evenly distributed over all length of the busbar and that the direction of the
The results instantaneous components force: 2D model: FINST = 2,7917E-05
(N) ; 3D model: FINST = 1,3913E-06 (N). This difference is due to lead length in 2D
model is 1 m longer see 3D model view is 50mm. So, The 3D model is a more
accurate 2D model for the researching of electromagnetic.
Doan Thanh Bao – Huynh Duc Hoan
This paper uses the finite element method with Maxwell software 2D & 3D to
analyze and calculate the electromagnetic force acting on the two busbars of
electrical equipment. We determine the instantaneous force acting on busbars consists
of two components (DC) and alternating current (AC) with the frequency twice the
excitation power frequency. Since then, we presents three methods of analysis force
vectors : results, Lorentz and Maxwell.
Đoàn Thanh Bảo – Huỳnh Đức Hoàn
Bài báo đã sử dụng phương pháp phần tử hữu hạn với phần mềm Maxwell 2D
&3D để phân tích, tính toán lực điện từ tác dụng lên hai thanh dẫn của thiết bị điện.
Xác định lực tác dụng tức thời lên thanh dẫn gồm hai thành phần một chiều (DC) và
xoay chiều (AC) với tần số dao động gấp hai tần số nguồn điện kích thích. Từ đó,
trình bày 3 phương pháp phân tích vectơ lực: xuất kết quả, Lorentz và Maxwell.

[1]. Markus Zahn (2005), Electromagnetic Field Theory, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare, pp 313 ÷ 486.
[2]. Phạm Văn Chới, Bùi Tín Hữu, Nguyễn Tiến Tôn (2002), Khí cụ điện; Nhà xuất
bản Khoa học và Kỹ thuật – Hà Nội.
[3]. Đặng Văn Đào, Lê Văn Doanh (2001), Các phương pháp hiện đại trong nghiên
cứu tính toán thiết kế kỹ thuật điện; Nhà xuất bản Khoa học và Kỹ thuật – Hà
[4]. Pittsburgh, PA USA, 2009, Ansoft Maxwell 2D&3D V12 User Guide.
[5]. Dragoljub LAKIĆ, Mićo GAĆANOVIĆ, (2005) Calculation of magnetic flux
density using maxwell 3d version 10

* Bản thảo đã chỉnh sửa; ngày gửi: 08/09/2014

* Address:
Đoàn Thanh Bảo – Khoa kỹ thuật & Công nghệ - Trường ĐH Quy Nhơn;
Mobile: 0982 379 279 - Email: dtbao@ftt.edu.vn

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