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Mentor College Teacher Assessment Report First observation – B.

Ed Teaching Practice

Year3 Semester 1

Name of the student: Maryam ID#: H00296869

Abdulla Rashed Bin Kashh Alshemeili
Name of the School: PYP Grade:
Grade level: 2 Date of the observations: 15th
March 2018
Unit / lesson title: Time hour and Number of students: 20
half hour
Competency Area E G S M US

A- Commitment to the Profession *

B- Planning for Learning *
C- Managing Learning *
D- Implementing Learning *
E- Assessment *
F- Reflection on Practice *
E=Excellent G=Good S= Satisfactory M=Marginal US= Unsatisfactory
Strengths of the lesson:
 Start with an interesting song. However, it better if you tell the students what they
have to focus on or ask them the question before you show the song. ( can you guess
what is the lesson title).
 You are well prepared for the lesson, however, you could plan more active role for the
students such as showing their work on board, discus their decisions and work in pairs.
 Good that you include the worksheets of the lesson with the lesson plan.
 Good that you ask the students to raise their hand when you ask a question.

Areas for development:

 Can you show why half equal to 30 minutes or half pass. Its will help students retain the
information more than remembering it.
 You did not show the students that to the hour the minutes are zero until the end with
the assessment for the medium level group.
 On the clock activity, give instructions before you give the students the tools.
 In the lesson plan, you need to put the right parts of the lesson in the right phases (
engage, core and assessments).
 What is the difference between worksheet2 and 3? Both they have to write the time.
 What about the the hand is in the middle it between two hours like 2 and 3 ?

Students reflection on the feedback ( submit after 2 days form the day of the
observation- Wednesday 14th March 2018)

I have told the students that the clock has 60 minutes and the half mean 30 minutes, so they
can directly know that the half of the 60 is 30 and its half. In the song I want the students to
focus on all video and predict my questions and also, I told them that I will tell them questions
about the video. In the clocks activities I told the students what they supposed to do after I
give them the clocks. The difference between the worksheet 2 and 3 that the first one focus on
telling the hour, but the second worksheet tell the hour and the half hour. I mention that the if
the hand in the middle between two numbers that they have to take the number before when
one student did a mistake about this. I corrected the assessment for them to check their
understanding that most of the students understand the lesson. Next time, I will improve my
lesson plan that I have the correct place for the activities and I will give the students more
chances to talk and have a discussion about the lesson. Also, I will give them more explanations
about the lesson. I think my lesson was good with different activities for each level and let the
students use the material (clock) that they will understand the lesson better when they use
something related to the lesson. Also, I asked the students many questions and when they make
the time, I ask them why and how many minutes to check their understanding.
Mentor College Teacher Assessment Report Second observation – B.Ed Teaching

Year3 Semester 1

Name of the student: Maryam ID#: H00296869

Abdulla Rashed Bin Kashh
Name of the School: PYP Grade:
Grade level: 2 Date of the observations: 15th March
Unit / lesson title: Number of students:
Competency Area E G S M US

A- Commitment to the Profession *

B- Planning for Learning *
C- Managing Learning *
D- Implementing Learning *
E- Assessment *
F- Reflection on Practice *
E=Excellent G=Good S= Satisfactory M=Marginal US= Unsatisfactory
Strengths of the lesson:
 Strat with a game and you asked them to find the right time.
 Great pairing work, however, instructions can be improved by giving the instructions all
as one unit.
 Good that you discus the answers in the pairing work.
 Good visuals for the quarters.
 The activity with making clocks was good, however, you can improve it by filling some
numbers to guide the students because if they start with the wrong number or the
wrong place it will be hard for the student to fix it.
 Using the plate clock to show time.
You did great Maryam I am proud of you dear  I am sure that you
will be a great Math teacher.
Areas for development:
 The group who did the hour and half during the paring work, you could tell them what
they have to do and you will come back to them to check. ( you did, but you didn’t tell
 The way you explained quarter was a bit confusing. You explained the 30 minutes the go
back to quarter the 15 minutes. However, you followed with questions to check the
students’ knowledge.
 Plates = planets.
 Do you think the sts know why they did the clock plates?

Students reflection on the feedback: ( submit after 2 days form the day of the
observation – Monday 19th March 2018)

I found an interesting game about the last lesson that I did (hour and half), and I
decided to include it in my lesson to make a review and its very good game that they
have to listen to the time and choose the correct clock that describe the time. Next, I
make a pair game to review also and check the students understanding of the last
lesson. I think if the students have a visual thing that related to the lesson is very
good idea to make the students remember the basic information that I want them to
know in this lesson. When I explained the quarter that they will have two kinds of the
quarter I began with the whole clock (60 minutes), then I cut it to two parts and tell
them we have two half (30 minutes), and lastly we got four quarters. After that, I let
the students to count the minutes in both quarters to let them know how we got the
number of the minutes in each quarter. In addition, I made a mistake when I explain
the activity when they have to create the clock that I said “planets” instead of
“plates”. Moreover, I think the students know why they do the clock activity because in
the end of the class, I asked them about what they have learned from this activity,
they told me that they write the numbers and know the minutes of each number and
the important thing that they know the place of quarter to and quarter past in the
clock. I think the lesson was very good because the students were engaged with all
activities and did it well. I need to improve the core part to explain more and also time
the activities to finish the whole lesson on the time.

Mentor College Teacher signature : Alya Alzaabi

Date: 15th April 2018

Final grade

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