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The National Examination

Examination Entry Confirmation Board in Occupational

Safety and Health
Valid only on examination date(s)
shown below Dominus Way
Meridian Business Park
Leicester LE19 1QW

telephone 0116 263 4700

fax 0116 282 4000
Mr R Krishnan
Vayyanam P O Ayoor

NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety

Student number: 00426405

First name/s (Given name): Rahul
Surname (Family name): Krishnan
Full name: Rahul Krishnan*

Course provider: 872 - HSEI

Examination venue: 5551 - Hotel Abad Plaza - Cochin, India

Examination regulations and guidance

1 Check with your course provider in good time to ensure that you know exactly where each unit examination is being held
and to confirm the start time for each unit examination. Please liaise with your course provider regarding the
arrangements for the practical application unit.
2 You should keep this examination entry confirmation in a safe place and ensure that you bring it with you to each of the unit
examinations for which you are registered.
3 You must display this confirmation prominently on your desk throughout the examination/s.
4 You must not mark this confirmation in any way before or during the examination/s, except to sign below in the presence of
the invigilator (except in cases where the practical application unit (GC3) has been completed prior to receipt of this
confirmation) to confirm that you have read the regulations overleaf and that you agree to abide by them.

You are registered for the following:

GC2 Friday 20 April 2018 14:05 - 16:05

Controlling workplace hazards
Candidate's signature ..............................................................................................

GC3 please see 1 above 0:00 - 0:00

Health and safety practical application
Candidate's signature ..............................................................................................

You should receive notification of your result/s by

Tuesday 3 July 2018

* Please ensure that your name is shown correctly (see overleaf).

Examination regulations for the NEBOSH International General Certificate in
Occupational Health and Safety

Candidates are required to observe the following regulations:

1. Please arrive at the examination room at least ten minutes before 8. You will not be allowed to leave the examination room until the expiry
the start of each unit examination. Only in very exceptional of one hour from the official start time and will not normally be allowed
circumstances will you be allowed to enter the examination room to return. If you leave early, please do so quietly and hand in both your
after the examination has started. You must bring this Examination examination question paper and script to the invigilator. You will not be
Entry Confirmation with you. permitted to leave the examination in the last half hour of the examination
in order to avoid disturbance to other candidates.
2. The confirmation must be displayed on the desk throughout the
examination. You are required to sign this confirmation in the 9. When the invigilator announces that the examination is over, you
presence of the invigilator before each unit examination. You may must stop writing immediately. Your script and question paper must be
be asked for photographic evidence of identity (eg. driving licence, handed to the invigilator at the end of the examination. You must
national identity card, passport or similar). Pens, pencils and a ruler remain seated until all scripts have been collected.
may be brought into the examination room in a clear plastic bag.
Requests for special consideration
3. Personalised answer books will be provided for the written Any candidate who feels they may be disadvantaged in the examination
papers. Your name, or any other identification apart from your due to an illness, family bereavement, distraction or for any other reason
student number, must not appear anywhere on the answer book. which applied at the time of the examination must report this to the
You must check that the student number on your Examination Entry invigilator at the time of the examination. You must also request that
Confirmation is identical to the student number on your answer book. formal, written confirmation be sent by the invigilator to NEBOSH,
Please notify the invigilator immediately if it is not. corroborated by the invigilator and with medical evidence where
4. You must not use any notes or books during the examination. All
such material brought into the examination room must be handed to The NEBOSH Results Panel will give special consideration to all such
the invigilator before the examination begins. Infringement of this representations before the examination results are declared. Requests
regulation may result in disqualification. for special consideration are not admissible after results have been
issued other than in wholly exceptional circumstances.
5. Please write clearly and legibly. The Examiners cannot award
marks if they cannot read your writing. You must write in black or NB Please note that special consideration cannot be given for factors
blue ink or ballpoint pen. You must not use correcting fluids, pens that have affected examination preparation eg illness during the course
or tape or highlighter pens. or revision time.

6. Please start each question on a new page and ensure that the Results
question number is written clearly in the box provided at the top of Results will be made available to your Course Provider. Results will be
each page. All work, including rough work, should be done within available by the notification date shown overleaf.
the answer book/s.
Student name
7. Strict silence must be maintained during the examination, and Your name (as shown overleaf) will appear on your unit certificates and
you must not communicate with, or try to copy from, others. final qualification parchment, (names exceeding 60 characters may
Infringement of this regulation will result in disqualification. Mobile appear over two or more lines). If your name is shown incorrectly you
telephones, MP3 players, pagers, equipment producing audible must immediately advise us in writing enclosing a copy of supporting
signals and other products with text or internet facilities must be photographic identification eg current passport, driving licence or
switched off and placed beyond reach. Calculators can be used in national identity card. NEBOSH will make every effort to accommodate
the examination and can be either battery or solar powered. your request but please note that due to regulatory requirements this
Calculators must not: may not always be possible. NEBOSH reserves the right to charge
candidates for re-issuing certification.
· be designed or adapted to offer language translation;

· be designed or adapted to offer communication with

other machines or the internet;

· be borrowed from another candidate;

· have retrievable information stored in them.

This confirmation must not be marked in any way before or during the examination,
except for your signature as required at regulation 2 above.

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