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Chapter 5.

Mine Hoists

l NTRODUCTION weight rope can be wound on a smaller diameter (Fig.

The mine hoisting equipment that is selected and 4). Consequently, it moves a lesser distance than the
main conveyance and rope adjustment problems are re-
installed at a mine is for the lifetime of the mine
and, therefore, it is extremely important that a proper
Double Drum Hoist: A double drum hoist in oper-
choice be made.
ation is shown in Fig. 5.
Several types of mine hoist designs, including
Double Drum Hoist With One Drum Clutched: As
double drum hoists, single drum hoists, friction hoists,
a service hoist with cage and counterweight, a double
and various special designs of these, are available to-
drum hoist with one drum clutched (Fig. 6) can serve
day. Each has advantages and disadvantages and they
should only be used in suitable applications. several levels efficiently. The advantage of having the
clutched drum is that it allows rapid adjustment of ropes
Drive systems for mine hoists must be evaluated
together with the mechanical systems for each hoist due to initial stretch. Some users may prefer the single
application. It does not make sense to properly select drum hoist with manual rope adjustment, while others
the hoist mechanical system and then choose a drive consider the added expense of the second drum and
system that turns out to be a bottleneck. clutch is justified to make rope adjustments quickly.
The value of this feature for a particular application
MINE HOIST TYPES should be discussed with the hoist manufacturer. As
There are two basic types of mine hoists available a production hoist with skips in balance for a multi-
in the world today: the drum hoist, on which the hoist level operation, the clutch can be adjusted for efficient
rope is actually stored during the hoisting cycle, and hoisting from any level.
the friction (Koepe) hoist, which merely passes the rope Double Drum Hoists with Both Drums Clutched:
over the wheel during the hoisting process. There are also double drum hoists that have both drums
clutched (Fig. 7). The main advantage claimed for this
Drum Hoists
type of hoist is that if something happens in one of
Single Drum Hoist: A single drum hoist (shown the two compartments, the hoist can operate in the
diagrammatically in Fig. 1 ) can be used as a service other compartment to raise and lower men and sup-
or production hoist with the cage or skip in balance plies. This feature is particularly favorable if there is
with a counterweight (Figs. 2 and 3 ) . It can efficiently only one shaft entrance to the mine.
service one or more levels, since the location of the Multiple Drum Hoist: The multiple drum hoist, a
counterweight at any time is not important. As a pro- South African innovation, is a type of drum hoist about
duction hoist with skips in balance, the single drum which everyone should be aware. Basically, it uses two
hoist is best used for single level hoisting. All rope hoist ropes per conveyance which at great depths per-
adjustments for proper spotting must be done manually mits use of smaller ropes and smaller drums. There
for the single drum hoist. This has to be done periodi- are none in use in the United States today. However,
cally to compensate for rope stretch. they should be considered in very deep mines.
A variation of the single drum hoist is the divided
drum hoist. If multilayer winding is necessary, the Friction (Koepe) Hoists
single drum hoist must have a divider to allow a sep- This hoist (Fig. 8 ) was introduced to the mining
arate compartment for each rope. If a counterweight world by Frederick Koepe in 1877. The basic prin-
is used with a divided drum application, the counter- ciple of the friction hoist is that the hoist rope passing

Fig. 1. Diagrammatic representa-

tion of a single-drum hoist.

production and the deeper the shafts, the greater is the

difference. For a shallow shaft and/or heavy un-
balanced loads, the drum hoist has the advantage, since
it is difficult to maintain the proper TI:T, tension ration
with a friction hoist.
Electrical Systems
In most cases, the horsepower requirements and,
therefore, the cost for the friction hoist electrical sys-
tems are less than for the drum hoist. This is particu-
larly true of deep shafts with high capacities.
Peak power requirements are less for a Koepe wheel,
due mainly to the balanced tail rope. Tail ropes can
also be used to considerably reduce the peak require-
ments on drum hoists, but because of the difference in
the rotating masses the Koepe wheel cannot be equalled.
The magnitude of this peak power advantage of the
Koepe hoist will depend on the local power supply and
power contract.
There has been much discussion in regard to the
size of ropes that should be used on these two types
of hoists. The majority favors a larger factor of safety
on the Koepe wheel, because the ends of the rope can-
not be reshackled periodically for inspection. Factors
of safety recommended by various countries, govern-
mental groups, and rope experts vary considerably for
both types of hoists. In general the required factor of
Fig. 10. Multirope Koepe wheel. safety is higher on a friction hoist.
A cost comparison would show that costs for the
APPLICATION AIDS REGARDING DRUM AND friction wheel ropes would be higher than the drum hoist
FRICTION HOIST DECISIONS and can be twice as high. This initial cost difference
Skip Selection is, however, a small percentage of the total hoist and
electric system cost. The shaft conditions and local
The use of bigger skips for any given tonnage re-
sults in lower rope speeds and indirectly lower energy
consumption per ton hoisted. Therefore, it usually is For a given depth and capacity
advantageous to hoist the largest skip load possible at there is an optimum load
the lowest possible rope speed. Optimum load for a
given depth and capacity is shown in Fig. 11.
The minimum required safety factor on the rope is
the limiting factor when hoisting large skip loads. Since
a conventional drum hoist has only one hoisting rope,
this rope must have a high enough breaking strength
to meet the safety-factor requirement. As a conse-
quence, this means a large rope for large skip loads and
more suspended rope weight to be hoisted. Because en-
ergy must be expended in raising this additional rope
weight, the energy consumption per ton of ore hoisted
is greater than with a friction hoist.
On an equal hourly tonnage capacity basis a multiple
rope friction hoist using several small diameter ropes
can hoist loads equal to or greater than those hoisted
by a drum hoist.
Hoist Mounting
Friction hoists can be either tower-mounted or
ground-mounted like a conventional drum hoist. In a
tower-mounted arrangement, it may be necessary to use
deflection sheaves to bring the ropes back to the skip
centers. With a ground-mounted arrangement, the head
sheaves are set up to coincide with the skip centers.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Mechanical Systems
In most cases, the mechanical system of a friction
hoist will cost less than the drum hoist. The larger the Fig. 11. Optimum load for a given depth and capacity.

restrictions would determine what effect this difference

would have on operating costs.
One point of great concern on multirope friction
hoists is the equalization of load between the ropes.
There have been lengthy investigations into this prob-
lem, resulting in the development of various types of
equalizers, some of which are quite complicated and
costly. There are many multirope systems working
quite satisfactorily, some with and some without
Under a given set of conditions, it is not too dif-
ficult to compare the mechanical and electrical systems
of a Koepe and a drum hoist. However, the comparison Locked C o Non-rolal~ngTali bull Lock Hall Lock
should not end there but should also include an eval- Ho1511ngRope Or Balance Rope Shall Gutae Rope Shall Guide Rope

uation of all aspects of the hoisting plans affected by

each system. After the user has reviewed the pros and Safety Factors KI Kz
cons of the two systems, he must apply his particular by Rope T Y D ~
set of values and then a decision can be made. Round strand 41.8 0.00084
General statements claiming that one system is bet- Flattened strand 46.0 0.00090
ter than the other for all conditions of depth, speed, and Locked coil 61.6 0.00122
load are impossible.
Koepe friction hoisting has definitely found a place Fig. 12. Various types of wire rope used in hoisting.
in the American mining industry and is particularly
suited for deep, high capacity shafts. For a given con-
dition, both the Koepe and drum system should receive construction will tend to cut up the friction material
due consideration until an objective choice can be made. at too fast a rate so that replacement becomes a regular
maintenance item.
TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS IN SELECTION Another consideration limiting the use of round
A HOISTING SYSTEM strand rope to drum hoists is that the additional sur-
Mine hoists are made up of three very sophisticated face area of wires in the flattened strand rope is im-
systems: mechanical, electrical, and shaft. Each is an portant in providing adequate frictional contact between
independent system designed to produce a given result. the rope wire and the friction material.
All three, however, interface at given points and all Flattened Strand Ropes: Flattened strand ropes, as
contribute to the one common goal-to bring rock the name implies, are stranded ropes with strands whose
from beneath the surface. individual wires give the strand a "flattened" look. Be-
Within each system are many components, each of cause a greater number of wires are exposed to external
which will be discussed in detail. It is because of the friction and movement, flattened strand ropes generally
interaction and interfacing of one system with one or show significantly less wear than the equivalent sized
two others that each system and its components must round strand rope.
be studied (including the effect one system and its Individual strands have triangular sections, which
components has on the others). accounts for the greater wear area per strand. Abrasion
Mine Hoist Ropes and Rope Safety Factors resistance in flattened strand ropes is excellent. Other
than construction and wire count per strand, flattened
The hoist rope is the most important component of strand ropes are similar in operating characteristics to
the mechanical system (Fig. 12). There are three basic round strand ropes.
types of hoisting ropes: round strand, flattened strand,
and locked coil, the difference being in their internal Hoist Drives
construction, weight per foot, and breaking strength A-C Drives: Conventional-The wound rotor motor
(Table 1) . Drum diameter to rope diameter ratio should with contactors is the old standby for manual hoists.
be 80: 1 or greater when using round strand or flattened Today there is little demand for this type of drive,
strand ropes. When using locked coil rope, 100: 1 Dld since it is basically a single-speed drive and cannot be
ratio should be used. automated very easily.
The safety factor is the single most important con- Cyclo-Convertor-It is basically a direct drive (a-c)
sideration when selecting a rope. Most states have slow speed motor. The speed is controlled by varying
some sort of minimum safety-factor requirement for the cycles of the a-c voltage; hence the term cyclo-
hoist ropes. This may be a requirement of either the convertor. This type of drive is not competitive in price
state industrial commission for elevator codes or a state unless the horsepower is up around 5.2 to 7.5 MW
department of mines, depending on who has jurisdiction (7,000 to 10,000 hp). This may prove to be the drive
over the equipment. When hoisting men, it is the risk for the large, high horsepower hoists that are expected
to human life that must take precedence (Table 2). to be seen in the future.
Round Strand Ropes: Round strand ropes are the Static A-C Drive-The static a-c drive is fairly new
most widely used and versatile hoist ropes. Addition- and limited to small horsepowers at this time. This
ally, they are the most economical. Round strand ropes drive system uses an a-c wound rotor motor with
should be considered only for drum hoists, as the rope silicone-controlled rectifiers (SCRs) to control the ef-

Table 1. General Wlre Rope Data*

Round Strand, Flattened Strand,
6 x 19 Class 6 x 27 Type H, Locked Coil,
Improved Plow Steel 6 x 30 Type G lmproved Plow Steel
Breaking Strength Breaking Strength
in Tons of 2000 Ib in Tons of 2000 Ib
Weight, Weight Weight, Strength
Diam, Lb per Lb per Lb per in Tons of
In. Ft Normal High-Strength Ft Normal High-Strength Ft 2000 Lb

% 0.95 23.8 26.2 1.O1 26.2 28.8 1.37 35.0

7/e 1.29 32.2 35.4 1.39 35.4 39.0 1.87 46.0
1 1.68 41.8 46.0 1.80 46.0 50.6 2.43 61.6
1r/, 2.13 52.6 57.9 2.28 57.9 63.7 3.30 76.1
1% 2.63 64.6 71.O 2.81 71.O 78.1 3.75 92.0
1% 3.18 77.7 85.4 3.40 85.5 94.0 4.78 115.0
1% 3.78 g.O 101 4.05 101.O 111.0 5.65 135.0
1% 4.44 107 118 4.75 118 130 6.88 155
1% 5.15 124 136 5.51 136 150 7.56 182
1'/e 5.91 141 155 6.33 176 191 9.00 212
2 6.72 160 176 7.20 215 9.77 240
2% 7.59 179 197 8.13 240
2% 8.51 200 220 9.10
'As there are many different rope grades, please consult the wire rope manufacturers for additional information.
Metric equivalents: in. x 25.4 = mm; Ib per ft x 14.5939 = N/m; st (2000 Ib) x 0.907 184 7 = t.

fective voltage to the motor. This provides an adjust- Hydraulic Drives: A hydraulic drive has an adjust-
able speed drive similar to a d-c drive. able speed, is compact, and costs only about 75% of the
D-C Drives: The d-c (direct current) drive com- price of a d-c drive. It does have the limitation that
prises the largest portion of drive systems used on mine the life of the hydraulic components is less than elec-
hoists today. A d-c drive provides an adjustable speed trical components and in general one is limited to 224
drive and permits controlling the hoist in a manual mode k W (300 hp) or less, although there are ways of pro-
or an automatic mode. viding higher horsepowers.
Motor Generator Set (MGfiThe use of a motor- There are various types of drive arrangements, ( 1)
generator set has been the normal procedure for con- low speed high torque motors direct coupled to the
verting a-c power to dc. It consists of an a-c motor hoist to eliminate gearing, (2) high speed motors con-
driving a d-c generator. The d-c generator supplies nected through a speed reducer, and (3) hydrostatic
power to the d-c motor used to drive the hoists. drives similar to the automatic transmission in your car.
Static Conversion-Static conversion consists of us- All of these rely on hydraulic pressure being supplied
ing SCRs to convert incoming a-c power into d-c power, by a pressure unit driven by a single-speed prime mover.
which in turn is used to drive the mine hoist motor. These hydraulic drives are used on small escape-
The use of SCRs eliminates the large rotating equip- type hoists and also on small service or slope hoists.
ment required in the case of the MG set conversion. They provide an adjustable speed drive at a relatively
While the SCR is the normal type of conversion method moderate price.
used on today's d-c driven mine hoist, one should still
consider the use of MG sets before deciding on the type Clutches
of unit to be used in a particular application. As the The clutch on a hoist is the device that actually.
chart in Table 3 indicates, there are advantages and dis- transfers the motor torque to the drum. Clutches in the
advantages to both types of conversion methods. past were usually "friction" units which relied on the

Standards tor Drum and F r i c t h Hoists

Table 2. Safety Factors for Drum Holstlng Ropes 10
(When Handllng Men)

Min. Factor of Min. actor of

Length of Rope Safety Safety When Rope g
In Shaft, Ft' New Rope Must be Discarded $ 7

500 or less 8 j 6
n t h American Koepe
500 to 1000 7 5
1000 to 2000 6
2000 to 3000 5 USA Drum. Step CUNe is
minimum allarance when men
3000 and over 4 3 arc beinghearted.

'Metric equivalent: ft x 0.3048 = m. o m m

l o Im zaa 2
m wm 3 m mo 4
m wm
~ c m hn,

Table 3. Comparison of Conversion Methods

MG Set Static
Advantages: Advantages
Cheaper in large ratings High efficiency, up to 98%
Contributes to power factor Very low idling losses
improvement-leading p.f. with No foundation or pit required
synchronous motor Minimum installation cost and time
Conventional maintenance techniques Cheaper in small ratings
Contributes no fault currents to a-c
power system

Disadvantages: Disadvantages:
No load loses Poor power factor at reduced speed
Heavier than static Efficiency and power factor reduced by
Special foundation and alignment allowances for voltage drop
required Power factor always lagging
Bearing and brush maintenance Harmonic current generation may inter-
required fere with mine communications

friction developed in the clutch spider (attached in Brake Control and Safety: There are various brake
some manner to the drum) to drive the hoist. Clutches control schemes using either air or hydraulic fluid as
operating on the friction principle had two very obvious the control medium.
disadvantages, the first being wear of the friction ma- One system uses a cylinder which raises or lowers
terial in normal operation, and the second being that a weight on the brake lever. Either oil or air can be
the maximum torque rating of the clutch was depen- used in the cylinder. Air is generally used in this sort of
dent on the coefficient of friction of the friction material. system when the brakes are only required to be "on" or
By and large, hoists are no longer designed using "off." It is applied on one side of the piston only.
friction as the driving agent. Today, the "positive en- Controlled braking (because of air compressibility)
gagement" tooth clutch is used. This clutch incorpo- requires air pressure on both sides of the piston or
rates an inner clutch ring which has teeth machined some sort of auxiliary hydraulic mechanism.
into its periphery parallel to the axis of the drum shaft. Available braking schemes are : ( 1 ) gravity primed,
The clutch ring is firmly bolted to the drum to insure gravity applied, pressure released; (2) pressure primed,
100% contact of the bolt between clutch ring and drum pressure applied, pressure released with gravity backup;
flange. and (3) spring applied, pressure released. These sys-
The clutch spider now has "arms" (2, 3, or 4) tems fulfill the necessary braking requirements and have
located perpendicular to the drum shaft axis. These been used on hoists.
arms have teeth machined into their faces which are Emergency Braking: Deceleration rates on the cage
parallel to the axis of the drum shaft. The clutch spider are different from those measured at the hoist drum.
is hydraulically shifted parallel to the axis of the drum The differences are due to the elastic nature of the wire
shaft to engage the matching teeth on the clutch ring. rope. The so-called yo-yo effect occurs when the mine
Since the clutch ring has teeth cut around its entire hoist is stopped and the cage yo-yos up and down
periphery, the spider can engage the clutch ring at any until it finally settles to a stop. The deceleration rates
point. on the cage can vary from being basically the same as
During the operation of clutching and unclutching, that measured at the drum to twice that measured at
the rope and the attached conveyance tend to make the the drum. Therefore, whenever one is measuring the
clutched drum rotate. If the clutch were totally dis- rate at the drum, it should be kept in mind that the
engaged from the clutched drum, rope and conveyance cage rate is not the same. One must use a decelerometer
would unwind from the clutched drum and end up on the conveyance to measure the deceleration rate in
at the shaft bottom. Hence, the hoist mechanical brake the conveyance itself. While in past designs various
always is electrically and mechanically set on the types of mine hoists emergency braking arrangements
clutched drum before the clutch spider can be moved have been tried, they were basically flow control de-
and the clutch disengaged. vices which were not sensitive to speed, shaft location,
For this reason, on a clutched double drum hoist, etc. The higher speed hoists in today's deep shafts
the brake should be sized to hold the full weight of basically employ a speed feedback signal fed into a
the hoist rope (full shaft depth) plus the loaded con- deceleration control device which in turn monitors the
veyance at the end of it. The clutch also is sized to speed of the hoist vs. the desired speed during the
the same requirement. emergency braking condition. The governor then either
Mine Hoist Brakes applies the brake as required or releases it as required
in order to meet a predetermined deceleration rate.
The hoist brakes are probably the most important
part of hoist design. The main types of brakes are the Drum Grooving
jaw, parallel motion, and disk types, and these all have There are four types of drum grooving-helical,
variations. It is important with any brake system that parallel, counterbalance, and antisynchronous (Fig. 13).
the braking surfaces apply a uniform pressure or mo- Helical Grooving: This type of grooving is a con-
tion to the brake ring. tinuous spiral, giving very smooth winding with a single
Drum Grooving
The vast majority of the larger mine hoists utilize a
single or double reduction set of gears designed specifi-
cally for each installation. The number of reductions is
based on the most economical motor drive package,
with double reduction gearing generally employed at ra-
tios higher than 12: 1. Further, most hoist drives have
open gear sets enclosed in gear guards.
The number of motors varies with the horsepower
Helical Grooving Counterblow Grooving
required. When the gear size for one motor becomes
excessive, two motors are used. At horsepowers higher
than 1.1 MW ( 1500), a dual motor drive should be con-
sidered. The main gear is then driven by two pinions.
More elaborate motor control must be used with dual
drives to insure equal load sharing between the two
The main, or "bull," gear is of the hub type with
Porollel Grooving both the rim and hub split for ease of assembly. The
(single crossover1
gear is keyed to the hoist drive shaft: Gear material is
Fig. 13. Different types of grooving. a good quality casting of medium carbon or chrome
nickel moly alloy cast steel with the physical properties
necessary to obtain proper horsepower rating.
layer of rope. It has also been used with multilayer Pinions are heat-treated alloy steel forgings with
windings. teeth normally cut integral with the shaft. In single re-
Parallel Grooving: This is made up of individual duction gear sets, the pinion is coupling-connected di-
grooves evenly spaced over the drum width. This type of rectly to the motor, while in double reduction gear sets,
grooving is used for single layer winding. It is never the high-speed gear is mounted directly on the low-speed
used for multilayer winding because the wire rope must pinion shaft. This gear then is driven by a high-speed
cross the crest of the groove to get from one groove to pinion coupling-connected to the motor.
the next. This type of grooving is no longer recom- Any gearing external to a commercial speed reducer
mended for new drums. is supported in pillow blocks of the self-aligning, oil-
Counterbalance (Lebus) Grooving: This is a com- lubricated spherical roller type.
bination of parallel and helical grooving. The counter- A herringbone tooth configuration generally is pre-
balance groove travels parallel for one-half turn of the ferred. Single helical gears have been used, however,
drum and then pitches over just one-half of the groove with appropriate bearings and supporting structure to
width. It continues parallel for the other half turn of absorb the thrust created by the single helical principle.
the drum and then pitches over the other half of the Both herringbone and single helical gears are far su-
groove width. In multilayer winding with this type of perior to the traditional spur gears. Some of the ad-
groove, the rope pitches over just half as much at the vantages of the helical gears over spur gears are: ( 1) an
crossover points as it does with multilayer winding on increase in physical contact length of approximately
helical and parallel grooves. 35% for gears of like proportions, ( 2 ) lower dynamic
Antisynchronous Grooving: There is another type of loading arising from the improved character of engage-
counterbalance grooving called antisynchronous cross- ment, and (3) an increase in strength arising from the
over grooving, where the crossover points are 2.6 and fact that a minimum of two teeth continuously share the
3.7 rad (150" and 210") apart rather than 3.1 rad load in helicals as contrasted to single-tooth loading in
(180°), or some other combination adding up to 360'. spurs. Because of these advantages, helical gears are
Antisynchronous grooving is used basically to keep the smoother running, quieter, and longer lasting.
wire rope from being set up in a harmonic condition. Regardless of the complexity of a hoist drive and of
Such a buildup of harmonics in the rope can occur due the number of rotating elements in any particular de-
to the crossover point location and a particular speed, sign, proper alignment of the elements is of great im-
load rope, rope size, and installation configuration. portance. Initial alignment should be performed by
Gearing qualified personnel with consultation from the gear
The transmission of mechanical power from motor manufacturers. The amount of backlash required for
to hoist drum is best accomplished through the use of a single mesh cannot be stated categorically, as this
a coupling-connected single or multiple step helical gear varies with the diametral pitch, center distance, and the
reduction. The design of a gear drive for any particular difference between the highest operating temperature at
installation is dependent upon these conditions: (1) size, the time of installation. Improper alignment or the ab-
type, speed, location, and number of motors; (2) size, sence of the correct amount of backlash will result in
type, speed, torque requirement, and location of hoist; an initial wear pattern which, unless corrected, even-
(3) type of operating cycle; and (4) any physical tually will lead to premature failure of the gear teeth.
restrictions. Horsepower ratings are calculated using recom-
Smaller hoists generally employ a parallel shaft mended standards established by the American Gear
speed reducer, coupling-connected to the motor and to Manufacturers' Association (AGMA) . Current stan-
the hoist drum shaft. The reducer contains high pre- dards for surface durability rating (resistance to pitting)
cision helical gearing and antifriction bearings totally is AGMA 321.05. Strength horsepower is currently
enclosed in a fabricated steel housing. rated as AGMA 321.05 with a modifying factor in-

cluded in the rating equation which should be used to on a minimum D l d ratio of 80: 1 for stranded type rope
determine gear sizes for reversing duty. and 100:l for locked coil rope, the drum diameter is
Finally, to complete the drive, the usual motor-to- obtained by multiplying the D / d ratio by the rope
pinion connection is a torsionally resilient coupling. This diameter.
coupling is favored because of its ability to increase the To select the required drum face width, the two fol-
torsional flexibility of the system, thereby minimizing lowing equations should be used.
the effect of transient loads. The coupling must permit Face width (in inches) for single drum hoist (bal-
limited end float and be capable of accepting both angu- anced hoisting, single layer winding),
lar and parallel misalignment. S X Depth
Bearings 7rD
+ 15s
Because of the number of moving parts in a mine where S is groove pitch normally taken at 1.05 X rope
hoisting system-i.e., hoist drum shaft, pinions, and diameter (d) and D is drum diameter.
head sheaves-proper bearing selection for these com- Face width (in inches) for double drum hoist (single
ponents becomes extremely critical. layer winding)
In the past, bearings for the hoist drum shaft, S X Depth
pinions, and head sheaves usually were babbitted sleeve
bearings. In principle, sleeve bearings are the perfect
type of bearing because the rotating member is sup- For each additional layer of rope, eliminate the dead
ported on an oil film, never allowing metal-to-metal con- turns ( 15s or 7 s ) and increase D by 1.7d.
tact. In practice, the results are somewhat less than
perfect. Lilly Controllers
The application of spherical roller bearings to mine Lilly controllers are used to detect overspeed and
hoisting systems was an innovation that, to some degree, overtravel on mine hoists. The overspeed detection is
revolutionized hoist and head sheave design. through the use of a set of flyball governors which moni-
Usual bearing ratings on mine hoists are in the range tor the speed of the hoist at any point in the cycle of the
of 300,000 hr B-10 life. In most cases, the high life hoist. The Lilly controllers have a cam on the side of
hour rating is due to shaft size, which is required to keep the unit which is geared such that the Lilly dial will
deflections to a minimum. move about 4.7 rad (270°), equivalent to full travel of
the conveyance in the shaft. Lilly controllers are avail-
Fleet Angle able in either the Simplex version, the Model D version
The limitation of the fleet angle to 0.026 rad (1.5") or the Model C version, which are in turn available
reflects rope wear and rope winding considerations. If with either a single governor or a dual governor. The
the fleet angle exceeds 0.026 rad (1.S0), there is a dual governor units provide speed protection down to
tendency for the rope to jump its groove or, at mini- about one-tenth of the top speed of the hoist.
mum, to abrade the rope in the next groove. For
maintaining fleet angles under 0.026 rad (1.5") the op- CAPITAL COSTS
timum position for the head sheave with respect to the Worksheets for evaluating drum or friction hoist size
hoist drum is directly on the centerline of the drum per- requirements are presented in Appendix 1. Estimated
pendicular to the longitudinal drum axis. This way, the costs for static d-c drive systems and mechanical com-
fleet angle between the rope and drum are equal in both ponents are also presented.
directions. In general, the head sheave will be mounted
to one side of the hoist drum centerline because one side SUMMARY
of the drum face will have stored on it all the dead and
cutting turns. In this case, when positioning the head As can be seen, there are many things to consider
sheave with respect to the hoist drum, divide the dis- when selecting a mine hoist for a specific application.
tance of the drum face over which "active" rope is If these items are not considered, it is very possible that
wound and position the head sheave on the centerline the hoist selected will not operate as expected.
of the middle of the active drum face. One other important thing to keep in mind when
The turnback angles must be checked to see that sizing a hoist is to be conservative in your selections. It
they do not go to less than 30' because the rope will have seems that many times after a hoist has been started up
a tendency to pile up on itself if the turnback angle is the user wants to obtain more tonnage from the same
too small. hoist. If one is conservative in sizing and designing the
hoist, then normally some additional tonnage can be ob-
Drum Diameter and Drum Face Width tained without major costly modifications to the equip-
Once the skip load and rope have been determined, ment. Being conservative costs more in the beginning,
it is an easy process to determine drum diameter. Based but can save money in the future.


Required Information: TPH =
Depth = Ft.
Procedure :
A) Rope Velocity at Depth
(Hoisting speeds chart)
B) Select the correct skip load versus velocity curve
and determine the rope size
Rope Size = Flattened Strand
C) Read skip load off of chart
Skip Wgt = .75 Skip Load =
D ) Drum Diameter = 80 X Rope Diameter =
Load (Lbs.) X Velocity (FPM)
E) H.P. = -
Rough H.P. = -


Hoist Rope Inches Hoist Mechanicals Ft. Dia. $-
Drum Diameter Feet Electrical Drive H.P. $-
Hoist H.P. Total Estimated Cost $
Type of Drum Hoist
Depth (Feet)
Maximum Load Lbs. Maximum CWT = ?hLoad Cage +
Cage Weight Lbs. Weight
Rope Weight Lbs. Maximum CWT = Lbs.
Maximum Suspended Load Lbs.
Breaking Strength (Tons)
Safety Factor Maximum Load 4
Maximum Suspended Load (Tons)
Rope Diameter Inches Rope Weight/Ft. = Lb/Ft.
Breaking Strength Tons
Rope Weight = (Depth 100 Feet) X (Rope Weight/Ft)
Rope Weight = Lbs.
Man Load Lbs.
Cage Weight Lbs.
Rope Weight Lbs.
Suspended Load _ _ _ Lbs.
Breaking Strength (Tons)
Safety Factor Man Load Safety Law at the Depth --L
Suspended Load (Tons)
If the safety factor of the man load does not meet the safety laws requirement, use
a rope which does and recalculate the maximum suspended load.
Normal Load +
Lbs. Normal CWT = !h load cage weight
Cage Weight Lbs.
Rope Weight - Lbs. Normal CWT = Lbs.
Normal Suspended Load Lbs.
Normal Load Speed Desired = FPM
Normal Suspended Load-Normal CWT
Rough H.P. Normal Load = (Rope Speed in FPM)
Rough H.P. Normal bad =
28,000 (Rough H.P. Normal Load)
Maximum Load Rope Speed =
Maximum Suspended Load-Maximum CWT
Maximum Load Rope Speed = FPM
Maximum Suspended Load-Maximum CWT (Normal Rope Speed)
Rough H.P. Required Maximum Load =

Rough H.P. Required Maximum Load = HP

D/ d = Drum Diameter/ Rope Diameter =
Rope Diameter (D/ d ) = Drum Diameter = -
Hoist Rope Inches Hoist Mechanicals Ft. Dia. $-
Drum Diameter Feet Electrical Drive H.P. $-
Hoist H.P. Total Estimated Cost $


SINE Z = -
Length of Slope Max. Slope Angle = (Z) C O S Z =-
(A) Maximum Load Including Cars Lbs.
(B) Rope Weight Lbs.
(C) Total Load Lbs.
( F ) (Sine Z) =( 1 1-( -
- Lbs.
(D) (Cos Z) (.02) = ( 1 ( ) (.02) = Lbs.
( E ) (Cos Z) (.lo) = ( 1 ( )(.lo) = Lbs.
Maximum Rope Pull at Bottom - Lbs.
Breaking Strength (Tons)
Safety Factor Maximum Load 5 4 4
Total Rope Pull at Bottom (Tons)
Rope Diameter Inches Rope Weight/Ft. = Lbs/Ft.
Breaking Strength-

Rope Weight = (Length of Slope) (Rope Weight/Ft.)

(D) Man Load Including Cars Lbs.
( E ) Rope Weight Lbs.
(F) Total Load Lbs.
( F ) (SineZ) 1 1-( -
- Lbs.
(D) (Cos Z) (.02) = ( 1 ( ) (.02) = Lbs.
( E ) (Cos Z) (.lo) = ( 1 ( ) (.lo) = Lbs.
Total Rope Pull at Bottom Man Load -
Breaking Strength (Tons)
Safety Factor 2 Safety Law at the Length --L
Suspended Load (Tons)
If the Safety Factor of the Man Load Does Not Meet the Safety Laws Requirement,
Use a Rope Which Does and Recalculate the Maximum Rope Pull
( G ) Normal Load Including Cars Lbs.
(H) Rope Weight Lbs.
(I) Total Load \ Lbs.
(I) (Sine Z) =( 1 1-( -
- Lbs.
(G) (Cos Z) (.02) = ( 1 ( ) (.02) = Lbs.
( H ) (CosZ) (.lo)=( 1 ( )(.lo) = Lbs.
Total Normal Rope Pull - Lbs.
Normal Load Speed Desired - FPM
(Normal Rope Pull)
Rough H.P. Normal Load = - X (Rope Speed in FPM)
Rough H.P. Normal Load =
28,000 (Rough H.P. Normal Load)
Maximum Load Rope Speed =
Maximum Rope Pull @ Bottom
Maximum Rope Speed = FPM
Rough H.P. Required Max. Load = ( PU1l)
) X (Normal Rope Speed)
Rough H.P. Required Maximum Load = H.P.
D/d = Drum Diameter/ Rope Diameter =
Rope Diameter ( D / d) = Drum Diameter =
Hoist Rope Inches Hoist Mechanicals Ft. Dia. $-
Drum Diameter Feet Electrical Drive H.P. $-
Hoist H.P. Total Estimated Cost $


Required Information: TPH =
Depth = Ft.
A) Rope Velocity @ Depth
(Hoisting Speed Charts)
B) Select the Correct TPH
Curve and Determine Skip Load =
C) Determine Skip Weight = -
- = 1.5 =
+ +
SL SW Rope Weight
T2 +
SW Rope Weight
1. Rope Safety Factor =
2. Rope Weight = (4) (#/Ft.) =
SW = Skip Weight = -- 0
SL = Skip Load = ___--
Rope Weight =
Total T1 = T2 =
(Breaking Strength)
D ) Tread Pressure = (4) = - --
E ) Tread Pressure =
T1 T2 -
4 X Rope Dia. X Wheel Dia.

Tread Pressure 6 300 PSI -

Wheel Diameter = 80 X Rope Dia. =
Load X FPM of Rope
F ) H.P. =
Rough H.P. = -


Hoist Rope Inches Hoist Mechanicals -Ft. Dia. $-
No. of Ropes 4 Electrical Drive H.P. $-
Hoist H.P. Total Estimated Cost $


Depth Feet
Maximum Load Lbs. Maximum CWT = '/z Load + Cage Weight
Cage Weight Lbs. MaximumCWT Lbs. (T2)
Rope Weight - Lbs.
Maximum Suspended Load Lbs. (TI)
Braking Strength (Tons)
Safety Factor Maximum Load 1 Chart Value 6 (4)
Maximum Suspended Load (Tons)
Safety Factor =
Rope Diameter Inches Rope Weight/Ft. = Lb/Ft.
Rope Type-Flattened Strand
Breaking Strength Tons
Rope Weight = (Depth 100 Ft.) (Rope Weight/Ft.) (4)
Rope Weight = Lbs.
Tread Pressure =
T1 T2 -
(80) (Rope Dia.) (4) (Rope Dia.)
Tread Pressure = PSI
The Tread Pressure must not exceed 300 PSI.
Normal Load CWT = '/z Normal Load Cage Weight
Normal Load CWT = Lbs.
Normal Load Desired Speed FPM
Normal Load (Rope Speed FPM)
Rough H.P. Normal Load = 2 (30,000)
Rough Normal Load H.P. =
(80) (rope diameter) -
Wheel Diameter = - Feet

30,000 (Rough H.P. Normal Load)

Maximum Load Speed = Maximum Load
Maximum Load Speed = _ _ FPM
Hoist Rope - Inches Hoist Mechanicals Ft. Dia. $-
Drum Diameter Feet Electrical Drive H.P. $-
Hoist H.P. Total Estimated Cost $


These design parameters are shown in Figs. 14-24
for depths varying from 305 to 914 m (1000to 3000 ft)
depth. The metric equivalents for the figures are:
st X 0.907 184 7 = t; fps X 0.3048 = m/s.












0 10 20 30 40 50 MI 70 80

Fig. 14. Depth, 305 m (1000ft). Fig. 15. Depth, 366 m (1200ft).

Fig. 18. Depth, 549 rn (1800 ft).
Fig. 16. Depth, 427 rn (1400 ft).


53 -




g a







10 1.5


5 1 .o


0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


Fig. 17. Depth, 488m (1600 ft). Fig. 19. Depth. 610 m (2000 ft).

- F.P.S.
Fig. 20. Depth, 671 rn (2200ft). Fig. 22. Depth, 792 rn (2600ft).


Fig. 21. Depth, 732 m (2400ft).


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70






-- 25




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 ao

Fig. 24. Depth, 914 rn (3000 ft).


These costs are given in Table 4 and Fig. 25.

Table 4. Statlc P C Drive System, Estimated Cost* (1980)

Single Motor Drive System Dual Motor Drive System
Horsepowert Gross Cost, $ Horsepowert Gross Cost, $

3500 621.000
4000 672.750
4500 730,250
5000 839,500
6000 943,000
7000 1,058,000
8000 1,178.750
9000 1,282,250
10,000 1,426,000
+ Costs shown are for d-c motor drives with motor speeds of 52.4 radls (500 rpm) and include
incoming switchgear, power supply, transformer, control. and motor. For the estimated cost of an
a-c drive system, multiply the d-c drive system's gross price times 0.9.
tMetric equivalent: hp X 0.746 = kw.

Fig. 25. Estimated cost vs. diam-

eter (mechanicals only). Metric
equivalent: ft X 0.3048 = m.
Single Drum or Friction Hoist


4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Drum or Wheel Diameter in Feet

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