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EDU 1803

Math and Science in Classroom

Periods Of Concept

Aisha Hashil Alkharoossi

Constructivism :

The process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, or explore

new skills and developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and
generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life.
Sensorimotor Period
It’s the first learn period in human life, it start from birth
to about age 2.

This period the children begin to learn about the world,

and use their senses ( touch, taste, sight, hearing, and
smell) to explore the world, also use the growing motor
to stand and eventually walk and learn basic skills and

In the end of this period the children should to developed:-

● Concept of object permanence.
● Ability of object recognition.
● Engage in representational.
It’s the second period in human life, it start from 2 years to
7 years.

In this period children start to develop more concepts and

use it to describe things, also use symbolic behavior in their
representational play, that mean use things to represent
other things.

The important characteristic of preoperational children is centration,

that mean they can centration the changes and the materials
arrangement, also they can hold the original picture of things in
their mind.
During this period children work with the precursors of conservation
such as counting, seriation, and classification.
Concrete operations
It’s approximately ages 7 years to 11 years.

In this period children becoming more and more skilled at retaining

the original picture in mind and making a mental reversal when
appearances are changed.

Between ages 5 to 7 a children processes at his or her own rate, in

this time some children are conservers and other not.
The ability to conserve number is a good hint and that mean they
ready to deal with abstract symbolic activities.
Formal Operations
This period start approximately ages 11 through adulthood.

During this period children can learn to use the scientific method
● Learn to solve problems in a logical.
● Understand abstract concept and to attack abstract
● Can imagine solutions before trying them out.

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