White Dwarf - Fiend Folio II - The Complete Fiend Factory (v1.0)

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Level Scientist Antiscientist Experience


hit dice)
Illiterate Illiterate 0
Graduate l lliterate 7T
Technician Luddite 1,024
Programmer Astrologer 2,048
Researcher Administrator 4,096
Ph.D Pop Singer 8,192
Prof. of Biology Jehovah's Witness 16,384
Prof. of Mathematics Football Supporter 32,768
Prof. of Physics Sociologist 65,536
Polymath Vondani ken 131,072

Science changes swiftly: by the time a Polymath or

Vondaniken has acquired 262,144 EPs, he/she will be o u t o f
touch and must start again at 1st level. The other fate most
dreaded by Scientists is the bestowal of the Nobel Prize by a
capricious DM. Recipients of this honour collect 30,000 silver
pieces, but are instantly attacked by every other Scientist in
the game . . .
TREASURE CHEST is open for contributions relating t o D&D monsters,
additional rules, character classes, magic systems, objects, tricks and
tram etc.

New Monsters
New Magic Item For Use in Wilderness Campaigns
by Ian Livingstone
Needle of Incalculable Power
b y Julian Cable SPINESCALE
This needle looks like an ordinary sewing needle. I t i s
usually found in a velvet-lined wooden box. It possesses Number Appearing: 1-6
whatever power the finder suspects it of having, e.g. if a Armour Class: 7
player thinks i t is a needle of disintegration, then for him i t Movement: 12" i n water
will always be a disintegrator and nothing else. However, any 3" on land
:her player may have his own power for the needle H i t Dice: 2
icluding harmful powers, e.g. if a player believes the needle, % i n Lair: 20%
1 picking i t up, t o be poisonous, he would have t o make his Treasure: Nil
ving throw aaainst poison.
The neecIle cannol: have the same power for two or more
Each tirr is used, a character's own energy is
,.eatly usea and a deduction of 5 Prime Requisite points
from the character must be made. This loss of energy (PR
points) cannot be regained for a month.

wing set a precedent last issue with the introduction o f a

ther unusual character class, The Pervert, we give space
is time to yet another:

The Scientist
/ Dave Langford
The sage Figgis has anxiously observed a new class among
;: Scientists. The prime requisite for this strange breed
Scientific Approach, calculated by adding Intelligence
I Wisdom, dibiding by 2 and subtracting the square root of

e difference between the Dexerity and Charisma. Scientists,

seems, like t o do things in the most complicated way. Yet
ley insist upon precision, and to this end will fight only with
lged weapons (eg + I Scalpel, Cursed Steel Rule, Sarcasm).
ieir tatty lab-coats, thickly padded with notes on old envel-
Ies, count as AC8, but a critical hit upon the pocket calcu-
lator scores double damage. Their most-used power is
Scepticism, destructive of all illusion (and some realities!).
Hiqh level Scientists have even deadlier abilities. A Professor
of ~athematics,for example, can translate his foes into Spinescales are a frog mutation which were created
Hilbert space with but a gesture of the pencil . . . To balance unknowingly by the Master Alchemist Vollan. During his
the might of Science, the chaotic powers of Antiscience exist experiments to produce a new acid, certain untreated chen
in equal strength: wastes from his laboratory found their way into the draina
system with eventual contamination of nearby streams and Dune Stalkers can only be created by a Magic User reading
ponds. Fortunately, no other forms of life were affected from the appropriate scroll. They are related t o Invisible
besides the frogs. Stalkers insofar as they are faultless trackers and will always
Within a short period of time, the frogs mutated t o become complete their mission or be returned t o non-dimension in
3' in length and had a tough outer skin of leathery scales the attempt.
save for a small area around its underside. They grew razor- Attack is by sonic vibration which has a range o f 60',
sharp teeth and also developed two fangs on their palates but Dune Stalkers also have the ability t o give their victims
with which they could inject poison into their prey. From the 'Kiss of Death1. This is done by the Dune Stalker making
insects, they developed a taste for human flesh and would sit direct contact with its lips on human skin. The 'Kiss of
motionless in the shadows of shallow pools waiting t o tear Death' can only be counteracted by an 8th level Raise Dead
apart the legs of some foolish traveller who unwittingly spell.
stepped into the water. Dune Stalkers only suffer damage from magical weapons.
Spinescales will usually t r y t o avoid any fights on dry land
due t o their being so cumbersome out of the water,,and will THE NlNG
have their hit dice reduced t o 1 should such a confrontation
'ake place. Number Appearing: 1
The fangs on its palate will automatically inject poison Armour Class: 4
ach time the Spinescale bites its victim which will cause an Movement: 12"
dditional 1 8-sided die damage. H i t Dice: 5
Normal edged weapons, clubs, etc. will bounce off a % i n Lair: Nil
;pinescale's outer skin; i t s vulnerable spots being the eyes and Treasure: Nil
oft underbelly.

Number Appearing: 1
Armour Class: 3
Movement: 12"
H i t Dice: 6
% in Lair: Nil
Treasure: Nil

The Ning is a creature greatly feared by all character types.

They were created, like the Dune Stalker, by ex~ledEvil
Priests who would keep them in non-dimension inside a cork
flask. These flasks would then be sold t o neutral or chaotic
merchants who would then resell them t o the highest bidder
usually for a sum exceeding 2000GPs. The flask would ofter
be put in the treasure chest or room of its buyer In order t o ,
protect his wealth. Being gofg-plated, the flask would look
like just another piece of treasure, but when opened, it
would soon be discovered that it was anything but treasure.
The Ning would instantly mater~alisefrom the flask, and
set about killing all those within the room concerned ~na
most disconcerting way. It would immediately start t o
hypnotise everybody in the room who made eye-to-eye
contact with it - not unlikely in view of the surprise element.
A character can try t o make his saving throw against the
These vile creatures are usually conjured up by exiled hypnosis. Roll a 20-sided die. 1st t o 3rd level characters must
Evil Macic Users of 5th level or above who live alone in the roll 15 or above, 7th t o 10th level must roll 11 or above, and
desert wilderness, eager to seek revenge on any lawful above 10th level must roll 9 or above. Should any character
characters. Continued on page 20
Cor~tinuedfrom page 19

bec:ome hypnotised, he will start t o walk towards the Ning

wh o would crush him with his muscular lower pair of arms.
Thle use of weapons to the Ning's body are a waste of time -
his only vulnerable spot being the two tiny arms near the top
of his head. These are, in fact, antennae made t o look like
arms, and are always seen waving frantically around during
- .. These must be cut off in order t o disorientate the
2 fight.

Nirig and make i t lose all coordination - no small task in

vie1w of its 12' height.
A Ning can never be killed. Upon the severing of its
a~~on 'antenna'
d it will start t o dematerialise and return t o
its flask at which time i t is suggested the cork is replaced as
the regenerative powers of the Ning are rapid. Should the
Ning kill all those in the room, he will still return t o the flask,
mission accomplished, the cork t o be replaced by the Ning's
owner who would be wearing his protective 'Ning Ring'.


Number Appearing. 2-10

Armour Class: 8
Movement: 3"
H i t Dice: 2
% in Lair: 20%
Treasure: Nil

Blood Hawks resemble normal hawks in size only. Their

feathers, flesh-tearing beaks and razor sharp talons are of the
type more normally associated with eagles and the like.
They nest high up in trees and will swoop down swiftly
and silently t o attack their victims. Besides their interest in
flesh as a source of food, they will also pick at bodies in
search of gems which they use t o decorate their nests in
order t o attract the female species.

The Loremas
Part II

by Andy Holt

In my previous article, "What's wrong with D&D?", I

gave the reasoning behind my changes t o the D&D systems.
This time I will start explaining the mechanics of my system
Giant Caterpillars are t o be found in dense undergrowth describing the selection of personal characteristics and the
eat.ing huge amounts of foliage in preparation for their long magic system.
cac:oon stage. Being so concerned with eating they will usually
no1t attack unless attacked first. However, they are often Selection of Personal Characteristics
h ~ited
~ r as their skins are highly sought after, especially by This differs from the normal D&D selection, both in whit
I People, for the manufacture of ceremonial dancing characteristics are considered, and in how most of them are
generated. To keep the game 'fair', I wanted only small difff
itumes. Prices of up t o 200GPs per skin are often paid.
ences t o occur between the most important characteristics c
A Giant Caterpillar's defence is pretty weak except for i t s
different players' characters. To achieve this several of them
ndibles which can inject poison against which a character
are based on the sum of six average dice (2,3,3,4,4,5), and
s t make his usual saving throw.
others as a small random displacement from a fixed number
The main characteristics, with their meanings and method o
.OOD HAWK generation, are summarised in table I.
I f a player for his first character rolls below certain
Number Eippearing: 5 - 20 numbers on some characteristics he gets "grudge points" as
Armour C:lass: 6 shown on the table. Grudge points may be used for rerolls o
Movemen.t. 24" characteristics (1 roll per point - but all rerolls must be
Hit Dice: 1+1 committed before any are made), or t o "buy" special
K in Lair: 25% abilities - such as ambidexterity, or ability with missile
Treasure: Gems 1 - 10:10% per nest weapons. Other characteristics, when required, are determined
be forgotten) but in my experience tend to present complete
\ data and offer a very wide range.

' Monsters
It is of course very easy to 'design' a new monster. Take a
common earthworm, give it AC -6 and 15 8-sided hit dice, allow
it t o bite for 5-60 damage per round and confer on i t 90%
magic immunity and you have a beast which is likely t o survive
any encounter ( i t s Monstermark would be somewhere around

Mild and
50,000). But it's not very interesting, is it?I am exaggerating,
of course, but it's surprising how many new monsters fall into
the 'too fierce' category and can't be put into a normal dungeon
if anything approaching balance i s to be maintained. Similarly,
if a monster is too weak and can be killed without any
problems, it i s not respectable enough a challenge to include.

Malign by Don Turnbull

A weak monster can be strengthened by giving it limited spell
use, for example, and a strong monster can be weakened by
making it vulnerable, say, to four-letter words, but I prefer a
monster to be self-consistent and in some way vaguely credible
in the context of its surroundings. More, I prefer it t o have
interesting, even humorous or asinine qualities and to make me
wonder what the hell to do with it when I come across it.
Take for example the Glitch. This looks like a ball of fur
one inch in diameter so i s not likely to be noticed if a party

N ew D&D character classes have never excited me much has its mind on other things. I t has 1D8+4 and AC9; nor does
- it's difficult enough to remember the qualities of the it attack in any way, so is apparently harmless. However it i s
originals from the TSR rules, and in any case each new highly magical and moreover is fascinated by melee ( i t can't
character class seems merely t o reflect a player's attempt t o understand why those strange beasts are trying to bash each
devise an immortal character for himself, in addition t o making other but is nevertheless curious). What i t doesn't realise i s
the DM even more bewildered. 1 like, in theory, the idea of that i t has unique magical properties; while it is within 30' of a
researching new magical spells but since I can't remember the melee, all those taking part (including monsters) must save
properties of the majority of Greyhawk spells, that will have t o against magic each melee round or their blows will miss
wait. whatever the die roll, spells will fail t o function, magic devices
But give me a new and interesting monster and you have a and weapons become useless etc. This goes on until either the
captive audience. Despite the free-form nature of D&D, the melee moves away or the Glitch gets fed up and wanders off.
DM who restricts his monsters to those in the TSR rules and Truly a baffling business for the adventurers; even if they
supplements may eventually find that he has rather a dull eventually realise (a) that a Glitch i s present and (b) what effect
dungeon on his hands as players gain more familiarity with it is having, i t teleports off when anyone attacks it (and by that
monster characteristics and particularly their vulnerable points. time the luckless attacker will probably have turned his back
D&D should be an exciting and intriguing business - a on the monster in the original melee, which can now hit without
prolonged test of players' ingenuity as they tackle novel difficulty in the absence of the Glitch).
challenges, even on the first dungeon level. Killing Orcs and To me, this sort of new monster is delightful - certainly as
Goblins soon becomes dull - and, indeed, relatively unrewarding a DM and I like t o think as a player.
if they guard small treasures. Throwing fire-bombs, assuming
your DM allows them, at Mummies soon palls; turning away
Ghouls and even Vampires becomes meaningless after a while.
However, the game takes on a completely new level of interest Less weird, but still interesting,
as soon as you meet a fireproof Mummy or Ghouls who refuse is another larger ball of fur
to turn away.
called a Droll. This i s about
The elements of surprise and novelty are, I think, very
1' in diameter, has two
important in a successful game. I f your dungeon has the usual
eyestalks, two 'legs' and a
quota of empty rooms, make sure it has MERIT (Make Empty
single 'arm' all with claws.
Rooms Interesting Too)*by setting up an array of magical
I t has 6D8, AC9 and moves
effects, interesting traps, intriguing though valueless pieces of
80' per turn. In melee it
furniture, curious artifacts, new magical items or whatever
delivers three 1-4 claw
strikes your fancy and which will present something of a
attacks and one 1-8 bite on
challenge to intruders. Those rooms which are not empty
the same opponent each
should contain more than just the standard array of monsters. round. The Monstermark
Particularly, the monster list is limited for the 'simple' dungeon
is 60 - pretty high for a
levels -each DM should try to assemble a much more
ball of fur.
comprehensive library of interesting, yet low-level, beasts t o
test the players' ingenuity and imagination.
I have spent many happy hours scouring through D&D Smoke can hide some interesting new monsters. The Smoke
magazines in search of new monsters interesting enough t o use Creature is made of living smoke and usually gets itself up to
in my own dungeon. I have come across scores of 'impossible' look vaguely human. It has 2D8, AC7 and 'flies' at 180' per
monsters - impossible in the sense that they ar,e much too turn. It cannot be harmed by normal weapons, which go right
tough for most parts of a normal dungeon - but have also
through it without damage. In melee it wraps itself round its
recruited quite a collection of new worthwhile beasts. In
victim, smothering and suffocating for 1-6 damage per turn.
presenting a few of thesg to White Dwarf readers, I must from
Its Monstermark is 7.1 which makes i t an interesting low-level
the outset acknowledge that none are of my own devising. I
am particularly indebted to two US magazines which carry
The Smoke Demon is a small demon - probably more the
'creature features' - the excellent Dungeoneer by Paul Jaquays size of an Imp - which goes about in a cloud of black smoke
(available in the UK) and the equally excellent A.P.A. Alarums (muttering foul things under its breath, I like t o think). It has
& Excursions edited by Lee Gold, 2471 Oak Street, Santa
2D8, AC5 and moves a t 60' (or flying 120') per turn. It fights
Monica, California 90405, U.S.A. These are almost certainly with a normal sword and has Monstermark 7.7 - again an
not the only publications which provide a source of new interesting occupant of a smoke-filled area.
monsters (News From Bree and Owl & Weasel should not continued on page 16

Please mention WHITE D W A R F when replying to advertisements 15

MONSTERS MILD & MALIGN The Black Orc is just a powerful Orc of the appropriate
continued from page 15 colour. It has 2D8, AC6 and moves 90' per turn, attacking with
a 1-8 sword. I t has Monstermark 6.8 (c.f. Hobgoblin 4.8 and
One of my personal favourites is the Typo, I believe devised Orc 2.2).
by Lee Gold herself (how she finds time t o play D&D and I have found the TSR rules and supplements to be rather
thin on Undead and have found a good contribution from
design new monsters as well as dealing with A&E is quite
the magazines.
beyond me). This beast is invisible, though MUs can detect its
aura and will eventually gain experience in recognising its The Death Snake which
presence. It cannot be harmed in any way so HD, AC etc. are looks like a normal Giant
irrelevant. While i t is present, spells are afflicted with spelling Snake in mourning. I t has
errors, with interesting consequences. That Sleep spell, for 4D8+1 (one pip more than
example, could generate a flock of Sheep, or a fall of Sleet, the Giant Snake), AC7 and
or even make the monster move at unusually high Speed while moves 50' per turn. It can turned
' '
a Typo is around. 1,suppose one can have different levels of away as a Wraith. It has no poison
Typos, some which can only alter one letter per word, some but, like the Giant Snake, attacks in two
which can alter two and really powerful ones which can alter ways each round - a bite ( 1-6 plus drain
three. el) and a constriction (2-8 plus drain level).
Monsters are always interesting for the DM, and often
terrifying for the players, when they look familiar but turn out as that of the Giant Snake
t o be unusual. The Mind Drain looks just like a Shadow but because of the poorer armour,
has 6D8, AC5 and moves 100' per turn. I t attacks once every
round, doing 1-6 damage plus the drain of one intelligence
point. Anyone reduced by 3 intelligence points goes into a
coma; the points are restored in 2-8 rounds at which time the
coma comes to an end, but anyone reduced to zero intelligence P~J
by a Mind Drain himself becomes a Mind Drain. The and surprising beast t o meet all the same.
Monstermark is 40.5 - considerably higher than the Shadow's
As I said early on, there is nothing original i n this article,
but I hope I have brought t o readers' attention something new
The lbem looks like nothing on earth, but luckily The
as a result of my researches. There are of course many
Dungeoneer issue 3 contains an illustration. It i s rather like a
interesting monsters t o come, and next time I will
weird octopus with a conical central head and four 'quarters'
introduce t o you the Bogy, the Cyborg, the Cyclops,
each of which has an eye, a mouth and two tentacles. I t has
,the Cynopard, a whole sub-class of relatives of the
3D8-1, AC7 and moves 40' per turn. It can attack in all four
Beholder, the Gremlin, the Manta and more new
quarters at the same time, hitting with the tentacles for 1-6
friends of the DM.
damage each and, if both tentacles have hit, also biting for 1-4.
Monstermark 14.3 - the beast looks fiercer than that but has
been cursed with a low armour class and poor hit potential.
Black beasts are useful for dark rooms but up t o now we
only have the Black Pudding. ( I n case, black seems t o imply ,
fearsomeness, which is what we expect from a dungeon). My
The U.K. showrooms for Avalon Hill & Leisure Time Games
foray through the magazines produced three more interesting, Tele. No: 01-445 3044 Nrst. Tube E. Finchley (Nth. Line)
all low-level, beasts. The Black Leech is simply what i t says - I and 104 or 267 Bus to T/Ho Corner
guess the size of a Giant Leech. I t has 2,4 or 6D8 depending Open 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Mon - Sat
on strength. AC7 and moves at 140', 120' or 100' per turn,
depending inversely on strength. Each round this beast bites * * *
for 1-3, 1-4 or 1-6 damage; if the bite succeeds, it is locked BLACK MAGIC RITUAL KIT £9.95 P & P 90p
onto its victim and each round thereafter will automatically Not a game but a psychic research kit. A demonstration of the
del~ver1-4, 1-6 or 1-8 damage per ~ o u n duntil dislodged. Black Magic circle, complete with ritual board, circle definition
cards, psychic expression cards, a manual of interpretation ( t o
Removing the beast, even if i t is dead, carries an 80% chance explain the symbolisms used in this kit), and booklet describing
of scoring a further 1-3 damage on the victim, which could be the basic ritual procedures and incantations. Everything you need
nasty if you fell into a pool with a few dozen of them. The to know to perform your own Black Magic, Ideal for dungeon
Monstermarks are 2.6, 13 and 26 respectively. wirards who want realism.

* * *

The Black Monk is a monk WITCHCRAFT RITUAL KIT £9.95 P & P 90p
Another psythic research kit, this time dealing with the Old
dressed in a black robe and goes Religion of 'WICCA'. Complete with ritual board, Manual of
interpretation and Master Ritual booklet. This kit tells you all ,
you should know about the practice of Witchcraft and how to
use it, as it has been used for t h e betterment of mankind.
moving at 90' per turn.
I n melee it attacks * * *
with a mace, doing
1-6 damage . ", .*%
per round, .- -.
Three dice and a book of readings containing over 650 divinations.
but it also The dice are to be thrown and read before you start the day or
has limited -_ dungeon trip, or at anytime of indecision about a problem you
are facing (a situation which all dungeoneers meet).
magical ,
power and s
<: : * * *
can Hold
Person, cause
Continual Darkness and cause Fear. With a Monstermark
of 52.5 it i s a good enough reason for keeping out of
those dark areas.

16 Please mention WHITE DWARF when replying to advertisements

I The Bogy is an unusual humanoid
with the head, horns and
legs of a goat; it has four
arms, two of which hold
weapons. Perhaps it started off with
ambitions to be a Demon Ill but didn't
make the grade. It has 3D8+1, AC4
and moves \,A 90' per turn. In
' it strikes with


giving i t a Monster-

e continue this issue with the presentation of some of

the more interesting monsters which have appeared in
various D&D magazines, in particular The Dungeoneer Golems are rather too powerful for most adventurers if they
by Paul Jaquays and Alarums & Excursions edited by Lee are inclined to do battle, but a less fearsome version comes as
Gold. I must stress that none of the monsters are of my own the Cyborg, which is a man modified internally by machinery
devising although I have given them all a Monstermark. On (a sort of Steve Austin). To a l l intents and purposes the
with the show then. Cyborg i s a normal man who can be dressed as fighter, MU or
The Beholder is an interesting D&D beast, but so powerful whatever, but it has 8D8+1, AC2 and moves 240' per turn.
that few chardcters are likely to meet it, let alone engage melee The thing has 18'' strength which gives i t +4 hit probability
with it. Paul Jaquays in The Dungeoneer issue 3 introduces a and it is quite content to fight with bare hands doing 6-36
whole new sub-class of beasts which bear more than a passing
damage per hit. The Monstermark is 604.3 -so be warned
resemblance to the Beholder but which are low-level enough next time you meet some guileless bloke wandering round the
to be present anywhere in the dungeon. The Fuzzy and the dungeon and asking for your assistance.
Steely have spherical bodies 1-2' in diameter with a single The Cyclops of mythology is a Giant with a single central
central eye and three prehensile tentacles each. To deal with eye which hits with a large club. In D&D terms it has 12D8,
the Fuzzy first, it has 2D8 (minimum 4 hits - one for each AC3 and moves 120' per turn. Hitting at -2 probability (because
tentacle and minimum one for the body), AC7 and flies 30' per the single eye doesn't permit accurate perception of distance)
turn. The tentacles can stretch out as far as 10' to deliver a it hands out 5-60 points damage per round which gives it a
2-12 sting attack (no more than two of these per day) but at Monstermark of 936. According to its inventor, it normally
close quarters each tentacle can also attack either by grappling guards treasure type E plus 5,000 GP. -
the victim - once a hold has been established the tentacle
does 1-3 damage per round -or striking with a normal weapon, The Manta, when
usually a 1-4 dagger, hitting as a third level fighter with -1 hit a t rest, looks
probability. If a tentacle is hit it will regenerate in three melee like a mushroom.
rounds unless the beast is killed during that time. The sting Before they can
attack i s particutarly powerful - in addition to the 2-12 damage attack they must
it also causes paralysis for as many turns as the number of hit accelerate to their
points inflicted. The Fuzzy has Monstermark 29.4 - about maximum speed of
the same as an Ogre. 300' per turn, at
The Steely attacks in the same way but has 2D8 (minimum which speed they
7 hits, two per tentacle) and ACO. Since its body is armoured. take on a shape like a
It has Monstermark 68.8 which i s about the same as a Su Manta Ray with
Monster or a Wight. a t a i l which is
Other cousins of these two beasts, with different AC and their offensive
number of tentacles, can be developed to produce a whole weawon. Thev
sub-class of Beholder-types. If you want to increase the are 4 : 6 ~ 8and'
number of tentacles, bear in mind that a creature's brain- have ACO. The tail delivers
power needs to be pretty high to coordinate attacks from 1-8, 1-10 or 1-12 damage
even three tentacles so make corresponding adjustments to depending on the size and
the beast's attack mode probabilities. HD of the beast. The trick is
The Gremlin is humanoid - about 4' high, coloured ?d to catch these things before
green and looking rather like a wingless Imp with a trident in they speed up, but who, seeing
i t s hand. It has 3D8+1, AC8 and moves 60' per turn. In melee a mushroom in a dungeon, thinks
it attacks with its trident, doing a mere 1-4 damage, but the about hitting it?The Monstermarks
catch is that anything (normal or magical) used against a for the three sizes are 81, 123.8 and 175.5 which make
Gremlin has a 50% chance of malfunctioning - normal them beasts to be reckoned with (that Slow spell could
weapons may break or turn soft, missiles will rebound or turn come in very useful).
into harmless custard pies, magical weapons will mysteriously Carnivorous beasts are rare in the TSR yules, and along comes
become non-magical or even reverse their magical power. With an unusual beast called the Cynopard. It is a bluish-green
a Monstermark of 12.8 the Gremlin isn't difficult but it can be carnivore with yellow-flecked fur, six legs with sharp-clawed
an interesting beast t o fight, and attackers may find themselves feet, about 7%' long. It has 8D8, AC4 and moves 120' per
with some scrap metal on their hands after the battle. turn. Quite a versatile beast, it either wanders around on i t s
hind legs, in which case it delivers four claw attacks for 3-12 intelligence, wisdom and dexterity are allgreater than 13. It i s
damage each per round, or on all six legs in which case it bites capable of two or three modes of simultaneous attack but i s
for 4-40 damage. Assigning 50% probability to each mode of restricted to the use of only one weapon (so it could, for
attack, the Monstermark works out at 346.7 so it is as fearsome example, hit you with a sword in one hand, use a clerical staff
as an &dice Dragon. on you with another and utter a magic spell, all a t the same
While on carnivores, let us look a t the dreadful Banth time). An interesting variation which I have tried (but no
which i s 8-legged, 15' high at the shoulder and has a large head party has reached the beast yet, so I am uncertain of the
with many teeth. It has 12D8, AC3 and moves 150' per turn. outcome) is to have all the heads of differing alignments -
I t s bite delivers 5-50 damage per round and i t s Monstermark maybe this is merely a certain recipe for nervous breakdown
is 924. of the poor beast. Or perhaps one head could tell the truth all
The Kzin is another carnivore, half a ton in weight with the time, another part of the time and the third none of the
bright orange fur over exoskeletal ribs. It has 5D8, AC5 and time - you know the old puzzles. All sorts of things come to
moves 180' per turn. i f undamaged this beast is so dextrous the imagination in the context of the Threep which can there-
and swift in melee movement that it can hit for 2-9 damage fore become merely one member of an interesting new
and not suffer a return attack unless the attacker has a sub-class.
dexterity of at least 14. If damaged it will be prone to a return As I remarked earlier, I am constantly amazed at the
attack from any adventurer, but has time to deliver two claw productivity of Lee Gold, editor of Alarums & Excursions.
attacks, for 2-9 each, each round. From all but heavy weapons From her fluent pen comes another of my favourites - the
it takes -2 normal damage; it adds 8 to its saving roll against Goldeater.
Hold Monster or Charm Monster; it cannot be surprised; it This is a long, white, dismembered hand which flies around
screams when i t is attacking which has a 50% chance of at 180' per turn seeking GP to eat. It has palms which
stunning nearby first or second level characters for a melee absorb gold at the rate of 10-80 GP per urn and moves
round. I t s Monstermark i s 189 - a dangerous and exciting noiselessly. It has 2D8 and AC9 so can
beast to meet, but far from impossible to deal with.
The Sphex is a 'steal' from Science Fiction (I forget the
source). It was described as a cross between a spitting cobra When it has consumed 500GP it
and a wildcat painted tan and blue and in i t s D&D version has will reproduce by fission into
8-10D8, ACO and moves 120' per turn. It attacks with two 1-8 two Goldeaters. I t takes a
claws and a 2-12 bite - both bite and claws carry poison. In full turn to break into a
addition the bite carries a virus similar to rabies and requires sack, back-pack or
Cure Disease within 24 hours or death follows in 2-12 days. whatever. Next ti
The smell of sphex blood will attract other Sphexes which you wait anxious the door guarding the
trace tracks with high accuracy. Altogether a pretty fearsome treasure while members of your party
beast to meet, with Monstermark 1280, 1728 or 1920 depending
on HD. Even in i t s weaker form i t i s more powerful than most
Dragons. occasionally for what is happening behind you . .. . .
The lmps probably need no introduction from me. They
appeared in the Dungeoneer issue 3 as beasts which had some Once again, I must state that there is nothing original in this
of the qualities of Demons but were less powerful, and from article as all the monsters have originated elsewhere. Perhaps
what I hear have been welcomed by many DMs. They are small sometime in the future the editor will allow me to
Demons, found all over the place and constantly getting into present more products of my researches, but in the
a lot of trouble. They would be amusing if they weren't so interim I hope you get as much pleasure from using,
damned dangerous. They range from type A which has I D 8 or meeting, the Goldeater, the Glitch, the Gremlin,
and AC9 to type G with 7D8 and AC5. The lower level types the Imps and the other favourites as I have.
have two or three magical spells, while the more powerful can - - - - - - -- -- - -

gate in Demons and other lmps and have wider magical pwers. Editor's Note:
,4 very good sub-class of monsters which deserves to be very Next issue will see the start of a new, regular feature
popular, particularly to DMs who quail at the thought of putting entitled The Fiend Factory. This will be page or so of new
even a low level Demon in the depths. For comparison, the monsters submitted by White Dwarf readers and edited by
Monstermarks of the lmps (in order from type A to type G) Don Turnbull who will apply a Monstermark to each
are 2.7, 11.5, 25.2, 50.4, 112.5, 151.8and 330. Compare monster published. We will be particularly interested in
those to the Demons' Monstermarks in White Dwarf 2. monsters that have some unique quality or characteristic,
Another variant on the Demon is the Iron Demon with Each monster published will entitle the inventor to a free
6-8D8, AC2 and 90' per turn. Each round it attacks with two issue of the White Dwarf in which his monster appeared.
1-6 claws and either a 1-8 bite or a 2-12 breath weapon Please send your en tries, including a full description, to
(maximum three times per day). In addition to its normal "The Fiend Factory", c/o White Dwarf, 97 Uxbridge Road,
attack it attempts to strangle its victim with i t s tail. I t s London W12.
Monstermark varies frbm 162.8 to 214.5 depending on its hit
Mobil Diss were also introduced in Dungeoneer issue 3 and
deserve popularity, at least with DMs. They appear in groups
of one billion or more and are tiny insects - all stomach and
fangs, if the description is to be believed. The collective data
/Next issue:
for 1 billion of these things is 10D8, AC9 and 90' move per
turn. They are only affected by cold or heat and collectively Eddie Jones has informed us that he is unable to complete his
Colouring Conan's Thews series of articles at present due to SF
inflict 6-48 damage per round on anyone unfortunate enough paperback book publishers clamouring for his artwork. Therefore,
to be attacked by them. They swarm in a 3' square and only next issue will feature:
attack one victim a t a time, waiting until he is eaten up before
moving on to fresh pastures. With a Monstermark of 589 they * Traveller
are pretty fierce, and I wish I knew how to make that special * A Place in the Wilderness
chemical called Mobil Diss Salt the designer talks about. * The Fiend Factory
I have saved a couple of favourites until last. First, let us * Archive Figure Review
look a t the Threep. This is a humanoid with three heads, one * Treasure Chest
fighter, one clerical and one magic-user. It has AC3 and variable
* Open Box
hit dice and powers at the DM'S discretion, but i t s strength,
A regular feature introducing new and interesting monsters, with all sorts of fascinating qualities is likely to lead a solitary
edited by Don Turnbull. life in the nethermost depths so perhaps isn't worth making
too much of a fuss about. This is not to say that this feature
nventive monster designers among the readership permitting, will only include beasts which can realistically be found on
each issue of White Dwarf from now on will present a batch 'easy' floors (though I do say there is a dearth of interesting
of new monsters for thedelight of those DMs who seek more yet relatively weak monsters), but there are limits. If you have
variety in the inhabitants of their dungeons. Each monster so created a 40D8 beast with AC around -10, 95% magic resistance
presented will earn for i t s author the next issue of White Dwarf and four 4D12 attacks each round, it would have to be
free - it is hoped that this small award will encourage readers exceptionally interesting to qualify for inclusion in the Factory.
to submit monster designs since the feature cannot exist with- Thirdly, I have l i t t l e regard for monster designers who treat
out them; we are in your hands. Please send your entries to their creative work as though they were filling a hat-stand - a
The Fiend Factory, c/o White Dwarf. Remember - one free few miscellaneous hats hung on top (claws, bites, horns, tails
issue per monster published! and the like), arrays of coats and scarves hung from the pegs
Entries must, however, be complete - incomplete entries (dragon wings, gnat eyes, snake tails) and a few umbrellas of
will not be printed. With the best will in the world, we can't be mixed parenthood in the centre (magic resistance, spell use,
expected to invent a beast's AC, the damage i t does if it hits gaze which petrifies, breath which poisons). Anyone - but
etc. Designers must include necessary information otherwise anyone - can 'create' a new monster by rolling on random
their creations may never see the light of day. tables, and anyone can create the tables; but the result i s not
Since it looks as though you are stuck with me as assembler likely t o be interesting because it i s not likely t o be coherent.
of this column, at least until the White Dwarf management I believe a monster should be vaguely credible and moderately
slings me out in favour of someone more charitable and less self-consistent, and I like to see evidence of creative thought
patronising, i t might help prospective entrants if I were to on the designer's part. However I do not object to biological
indicate, briefly, the more important qualities I think a monster improbability per se - after all, the existence of magic is pretty
should have in ordertoqualify for publishing, since I have been improbable for a start, yet in the D&D universe we accept i t
asked to select for inclusion only those which I think would be without question.
interesting (though perhaps fatal) t o meet and which bring a Finally, a monster i s much more interesting i f i t has
breath of novelty. surprising, even asinine or humourous qualities. This can't be
First, a monster should either be killable or, of effectively expected of all monsters, but it is welcome when it appears.
immortal, should have a specific purpose other than slaughter- Now to the collection for this month.
ing player-characters. I enjoy the type of beast, like the
Tanstaafl (invented by Bill Taylor) which keeps magical items
reasonably scarce without endangering life (the Tanstaafl robs
player-characters of their powerful magical items, but normally
won't harm them). I enjoy the monster, like the Census-Taker by Trevor Graver
(invented by Cheryl Lloyd) which prevents powerful parties
from rampaging around the 'easy' levels picking up treasure 1-50
No. appearing:
without noticeable danger (the Census-Taker generally teleports Armour class:6
parties to a 'floor' appropriate to their strength). Both these Movement: 8"
creations are from Alarums & Excursions - Lee Gold's apa Hit Dice: 3D8+4
which is a constant source of new beasts. But the monster Treasure: type G
which normally aims at extracting blood from player-characters, Attack: 1-6 needles
whether purposefully or in defence of treasure or territory, (ID4 each)
should be mortal, and furthermore should be killable by some Alignment: LawfulIEvil
means reasonably likely to be discovered. The monster which Monstermark: 38.3 (level Ill
can't be hurt by weapons or magic and which flays a party in 12 levels).
at will until someone shouts 'Thursday' - it may be psycho-
logically interesting but is not, generally speaking, worthy of This beast looks rather like a spined Zombie but is not a
more than passing note. I do not however make it a requirement member of the Undead. I t originated as the result of a Raise
that a monster should be killable by any strength of party - a Dead spell imperfectly executed on a corpse in a shallow grave
weak party usually has the option of running away, so a on a bed of pine needles; these became imbedded in the flesh.
powerful beast can still qualify. Within a range of 20' it can fire 1D6 needles, for 1D4 damage
Secondly, it must be deployable. The ultra-powerful beast each, with the accuracy of a short-range arrow (12 or more to
hit AC2). It takes triple damage if hit by magical means and corridor a t the mercy of wandering monsters. The only known
attacks Elves on sight. way of fighting these creatures i s first t o smoke them out of
Comments: An unusual and interesting monster on the lines of their tunnels, blocking or covering all the other exits (which
a weak Manticore. I presume it is particularly magic-prone can only be detected by Elves.)
because the magic in i t s creation went wrong, while it attacks Comments: A nuisance-valuemonster which i s readily adaptable
Elves because they are wood-dwellers (or at least some of them to almost any dungeon design and provides an incentive for
are) and therefore associated with pine-needles. Should it parties t o keep together and act cooperatively.
really be called the Aspirin? I t is, after all, a pine-killer . . . . . .

by Ian Livingstone
by Ian Livingstone
No. appearing:
No. appearing: 1-6 Armour class:4
Armour class: 9 Movement: 6"
Movement: 1" (in water) Hit Dice: 4D8
Hit Dice: 1 hit point Treasure: type C
Treasure: nil Attack: 1 bite (ID61 and
Attack: 1 blood-suck 1 tail (ID41
plus special Choke Alignment: LawfulfEvil
Alignment: Neutral Monstermark: 28 (level Ill in
Monstermark: about 1.5 (level I 12 levels)
in 12 levels)
Bonesnappen are small descendents of carnivorous dinosaurs,
The Throat Leech i s always found in fresh water (streams, 5' in height but nevertheless fierce fighters. Their favourite
pools, fountains etc.) and is 1" in length, resembling an pastime i s to gnaw bones, which action sharpens up the many
incinspicuous twig floating on the water. When an adventurer teeth in their powerful jaws; they are particularly fond of
(or monster) drinks, the Leech will swim into his mouth and human bones, since the sharpening effect apart, a Bonesnapper's
fasten itself onto the soft flesh at the back of the throat, status is reflected in the number of human jawbones adorning
sucking blood a t 1-3 each melee round until i t becomes i t s lair. Should a party enter a dungeon cavern and discover
completely distended. Each melee round th&e i s a 50% chance human jawbones about the place, be sure a Bonesnapper i s not
that the Leech will cause the adventurer to choke, causing an far away. . . . .
additional 1 - 4 damage; the victim will die if he chokes for Comments: The possibilities of trade between Bonesnapper
three consecutive melee rounds. When filling water bottles and non-human player-characters are endless . . . . .
from a fresh-water source, there is a 10%chance that a Throat
Leech will be taken in.
The only way to kill a Throat Leech in a victim's throat is
for a fellow-adventurercarefully to place a heated wire or some
other thin metallic object into the bloated leech; the hot metal by Ian Livingstone
will burn the Leech and cause i t to burst. The chance of hitting
the leech rather than the victim's throat is 5% per dexterity No. appearing: 1
point of the 'doctor'. Armour class: 2
Comments: Yes, surely the innocent-looking waters of the Movement: 9"
dungeon must be fraught with hidden dangers! The exercise of Hit Dice: 3D8
sticking a heated dagger into a friend's throat is not one I Treasure: nil
would trust to many of my fellow-adventurers, but this is a Attack: 2 fists (ID4 each)
neat, and probably non-deadly, addition to the risks adventurers plus Heat Metal
run when they tend t o their needs. Alignment: Neutral
Monstermark: 93 (level V in
12 levels)

Fiends are descendents of the mutated offspring of a fallen

by Ian Livingstone angel and the evil god Pan who enslaved her. They wander alone
seeking vengeance on both good and evil alike, as they detest
No. appearing: 6-24 their own limbo existence. They attack characters on sight
Armour class: 8 using their large fists as cudgels. They also have the ability t o
Movement: 3" heat metal and will attempt to fry the first character they see
Hit Dice: 1D8 wearing plate armour. This is a contact attack and causes an
Treasure: additional 3D6 damage per round.
type C
Attack: 1 attack 1-3 However, as soon as it has killed one character, the Fiend
Alignment: LawfulIEvil feels great remorse and will offer the survivors its services and
Monstermark: 0.8 (level I in powers for a period of two days; this guilt can be attributed to
12 levels) the blood of i t s ancestral mother running through i t s veins.
After two days, the dominant evil part of the Fiend resumes
Mites are a mere 2' in height, humanoid with large heads and control and hence i t s departure from the party it i s aiding.
evil faces. They inhabit networks of narrow tunnels above and Comments: Not a bad reason for wearing chain mail (which
below main dungeon corridors and their scurrying feet and presumably produces a waffle effect on the character when the
high-pitched twittering voices can often be heard by roving Fiend attacks) rather than plate. The dubious pleasure of having
groups of adventurers. However they are rarely seen and will a Fiend join the party could be useful to players, but if the DM
never openly attack. They attempt to ensnare the lone keeps quiet about the length of time during which i t s assistance
adventurer or unwary straggler using trapdoors, nets, tripwires i s maintained, and if it attacks when that period i s over, it
and other such means, bundling him off before help arrives. presents a neat problem in management; perhaps i t s return to
Those captured by Mites are robbed, stripped, bound and i t s normal state could be variable, rather then fixed?
beaten and then, somewhat later, returned helpless to the main Continued on page 8
THE FIEND FACTORY of Nilbogism, together with some background 'informationJ:-
Continued from page 7 "This is a weaker mainfestation of Nilbogism -overly heavy
use of magic strains the fabric of the space-time continuum
and can occasionally lead to very strange effects which are
usually, thank goodness, very locally restricted. Thus the
Nilbog which i s a Goblin suffering from a peculiar spatio-
by Roger Musson temporal reversal, In i t s more extreme forms, Nilbogism
manifests itself in ways calculated t o baffle even the most
No. appearing: 1-2 imaginative adventurers; an example occurs in the following
Armour class: 5 scenario:-
Movement: 12" A party enters a room deep underground, seeing an open
Hit Dice: 5D8 chest and two dead Goblins. From the moment they enter
Treasure: nil until they leave, they have no effective control over their
Attack: Special actions and no volition on the course of events. They
Alignment: Neutral suddenly feel wounded: they rush over to the chest and put
Monstermark: None treasure into it, closing the lid. The dead Goblins rise up
onto the adventurers' sword-points, coming to life again. A
The Disenchanter resembles a spindly, dromedary-like fight ensues, with each blow struck restoring hit points to
animal with a long snout like a vacuum-cleaner; in colour it is both the Goblins and the party, until the party has lost i t s
a pale electric 'blue, slightly translucent - sometimes i t can be mysterious wounds and the Goblins appear to be up to full
seen to shimmer slightly. The creature has the power to detect strength. The adventurers then race out of the room and
magic on which it feeds, drawing i t s sustenance from the the door closes behind them . . . ."
powerful enchantments used to create magical objects. Should For sheer creativity, the Nilbog will take some beating.
the beast encounter a party, it will be able to detect the That completes the list for this time, but don't forget to
strongest magical item carried and will attempt to fasten its send your contributions. After all, we can't have the White
snout on the object in question. Once it scores a hit, it drains Dwarf editor dominating the column. Space restrictions may
all the magic out leaving the item unmarked but non-magical sometimes mean that your monster is held over for a few issues
(artifacts and very powerful items may get saving rolls at the - our apologies in advance if this happens - but we will keep
DM'S discretion). a 'reserve pool' and in time all worthwhile submissions
Even allowing for the high dexterity of the Disenchanter's will be published in these pages. I hope you enjoyed
prehensile snout, the ease with which any item can be attacked the first batch and can make good use of them.
will depend on i t s size, and the beast may decide to go for
something easy like a magical shield rather than try to get at 'a c2
Don Turnbull
a small but very potent item in a backpack.
Ironically, the Disenchanter can only be hit by magical
weapons; these will not be 'disenchanted' merely by hitting
the beast - only with its snout can i t 'de-gauss' magical items.
Comments: Now that one of these beasts has been encountered
in the Greenlands dungeon, by an annoyed and aggrieved party,
I can vouch for its effectiveness both as a device for keeping
magic reasonably low and a novel and interesting beast. I like
to think i t makes a vulgar slurping noise while in the process of
eating enchantment, with perhaps even a soft and reverent
belch if i t particularly appreciates the quality of the magic i t
has just devoured.

All statistics exactly as ordinary Goblins.

No Monstermark.

This creation looks exactly like an ordinary Goblin, but it

gains hit points when struck, the addition being equal to the
'damage' rolled. It can only lose hit points (and be killed1 by
such means as casting Cure Light Wounds on it, or by sitting
on its chest and force-feeding i t with healing potions.
Comments: A fiendish creation indeed! One of the most
interesting I have come across. It reminds me of the dancing
sword in the Greenlands dungeon which every three rounds,
leaves the hand of the wielder and remains poised horizontally
in mid-air while the unfortunate warrior i s caused to dance for
three rounds, after which it returns to his hand . . . . Why a
Goblin? As the designer remarks, "Why it is that Goblins are
particularly susceptible t o this strange disorder is one of the
great mysteries of the world". But a Troll with Nilbogism would
be a truly mighty opponent, and they are bad enough already.
Inventive readers will be able t o contrive other scenarios like
the one which follows: great fun for the DM and, until the
secret i s out, quite awe-inspiring to the players.
Roger obviously felt that more explanation was necessary
so sent us a scenario which explains in more detail the oddness
A regular feature introducing new and interesting monsters, (who was later to 'see the dark' and build the temple of the
edited by Don Turnbull . archdemon Kong) . The animation spell is 6th level (optionally
available as a 5th level anti-cleric spell) and produces one
nitial response to The Fiend Factory has been most worm per level of Wizard above 11th (so a 15th level Wizard
encouraging and my desk groans under piles of paper could create four worms) . Each worm requires the intact
describing monsters of all shapes and sizes. The task of vertebrae of a giant snake and a man-sized humanoid skull .
selecting the short-list to appear in this issue has not been easy, It is totally silent, immune to Sleep, Charm and mind-
and inevitably there will be many disappointed contributors reading spells, immune to poison and never checks morale . It
whose creations have been left out. To those, I would say achieves surprise on a roll of 1-3 on D6 and if it is not itself
'please keep trying'; to judge from the volume of paper, we are surprised it will execute the 'Dance of Death' - a hypnotic,
never going to be short of contributions, but I have been asked semi-magical swaying which rivets the attention and allows the
to apply quite a rigorous 'sieve' and if your monster is going to worm to advance and attack without opposition . Save against
get through it, it must have rather exceptional qualities . magic required ; failure means inability to act (treat as hypnosis) .
I would suggest it is important and helpful to 'play' a newly- The Necrophidius is created for one specific purpose and is
created monster before finalising its 'design' . If it turns out to therefore generally met as an assassin or guard - never as a
be rather dull in play it is probably not worth submitting, even wandering monster.
though it will remain a worthy occupant of your dungeon. Its bite causes paralisation unless the victim makes his saving
Every dungeon needs a range of 'run of the mill' monsters, and throw against magic (this is a magical effect, not a venom) . It
not all monsters can be 'interesting'. However the Factory is is treated as a Wight on the 'Clerics v Undead' matrix .
concentrating on the 'interesting' ones, so exclusion of yours Comments: this is a nasty and interesting piece of work which
doesn't necessarily mean it's lousy or incomplete . presumably looks like the skeleton of a Guardian Naga (snake
I have included one monster of my own design this month. body, human head) . The Dance of Death is a nice touch, as
It's nowhere near as good as many others I have seen, but it victims of snakes' hypnotic powers will attest ; when I use this
does behave in rather an asinine way and it is that particular beast, victims will get one saving roll against the Dance, and if
quality which endears this monster to me . For I regard D&D - they fail they will be riveted to the spot until such time as the
and indeed any game - not as an end in itself, but as a worm's gaze is distracted (e .g . by attack from another quarter) .
facilitator of enjoyment and companionship between friends There are certainly more ways of making Undead nasty than
of like disposition . If D&D ceases to fulfill such a function, I simply allowing them to drain levels, and this is a good one.
would abandon it ; but so long as there are new and interesting
ideas (which may be monsters, but may be other things) it will
serve the purpose which I regard as most important.
Descend, then, ye lucky few!

by Gary Ames

(or Death Worm) No. appearing: 1

by Simon Tilbrook Armour class : 4
Movement : 18"
No . appearing: 1 Hit Dice : 4138
Armour class : 2 Treasure : Nil
9 Attack : 1 ' ounce' (1138)
Movement :
Hit Dice : 2138 plus suffocation
Treasure : Nil Alignment: tral, or
Attack : 1 bite (1138 plus Neunon -aligned PW
paralisation) plus Monstermark: 27 (level III
special in 12 levels)
Alignment: Neutral
Monstermark : 33 .8 (=2%A) - Rovers (inspired by the amazing TV series The Prisoner) are
level III in 12 levels true wanderers, often used by high-level characters as guardians
of a set of passageways and/or hostages . They resemble 7' high
This fearsome addition to the ranks of the Undead was first balloons and travel by bouncing along. If they attack they will
created by that most imaginative of experimenters, Karalkan inflict 1 D8 damage and will try to suffocate their enemies who

must save against poison to remain unaffected . Once a 'save is successful when the Volt is attached - no die roll being
rolled there is no need to save again for three melee rounds, required for a hit. The tail attack is in the form of an electric
when the whole process starts again. If a victim is suffocated, a shock.
cumulative 1D4 damage per melee round is inflicted. Rovers Comment: similar in behaviour to a Stirge, which I have always
may also strike to subdue, depending on the instructions they regarded as a very useful low-level monster (in DM terms at
have been given. any rate) . Being electrical in nature, it should perhaps have
Blunt weapons do no damage on these monsters . They will some resistance against electrical attacks like lightning bolts,
only attack when they have been instructed to do so, or guard but since it is fairly small it is unlikely to be attacked by
when they have been ordered to guard . lightning anyway . It is presumably possible, when the Volt is
Comments : an amusing image comes to my mind when attached to a victim, for a mate of the victim to grasp the
considering how this beast could be employed, but I will wait Volt's tail (with heavily-gloved hand!) and prevent it from
until Greenlands adventurers. meet it . One good reason for attacking by these means, thus allowing someone else to hack
having a few spears handy in a dungeon 'set against bounce'. at it and reducing the amount of automatic damage the victim
takes before the beast dies . A useful and very deployable

by Neville White
No. appearing: as required by Guy Shearer
Armour class: 8
Movement : 3" No . appearing: 1D4
Hit Dice : 4D8 Armour class: 3
Treasure : Special Movement : 8"
Attack : One attack 2D4 Hit Dice : 4D8
plus paralysis Treasure : Nil
Alignment : Neutral or Attack : 1 touch (1-3
non-aligned plus special)
Monstermark: 18 (level II in PW Alignment: Lawful-evil
12 levels) . Monstermark : 28 .8 (level 111
in twelve levels) PW

This is a relative of the Gelatinous Cube, usually 10' x 10' x

5', and looks just like an ordinary stone wall . Its attack was a Though not of the Undead class, this beast looks like a
paralising effect like that of the Gelatinous Cube, and like the Mummy covered in glue . Its touch will stick to almost every-
Cube it can have treasure of varying types inside it . thing (except stone) and any weapon hitting it will do half
Comments: an intelligent monster should try to adapt itself to damage and stick. Similarly it will stick to anyone it success-
its environment, and looking like a wall is not a bad idea . fully hits . Objects (and people!) can only be unstuck by fire
There are other monsters which look like chests etc. which are or boiling water. It is immune to all first-level MU spells except
popular with me, and I well recall the look on the face of one Magic Missile which does 3D6 damage on it . It is just as
of my players when a door at which his character was listening vulnerable to fire as a Mummy.
suddenly collapsed on him form 1D12 damage, this monster Comment: I'm not quite clear on the Monstermark for this
having adapted itself to look like a door . Useful, and certainly one ; if a fighter hits it with his sword, then for a start he has
very 'deployable' . to realise he can't get his sword back, and then he has to find
another sword. So it is really more dangerous than the
Monstermark suggests . It's not often one finds boiling water
down a dungeon so anyone sticking to a Gluey will have to
risk his mates throwing burning oil onto him, or wait until the
by Jonathan Jones beast is killed and then suffer the indignity of being carted out
of the dungeon with a Gluey stuck to him - quite a sight,
No. appearing: 2D12 since the Gluey will have a collection of miscellaneous weapons
Armour class: 9, but treat as stuck to it . Once outside the dungeon, he may be safe but
AC3 to hit there is still the fire-or-boiling water problem to deal with . Yes,
because of its I think a lot of fun could be had with the Gluey, though
high dexterity players may not agree .
and probability

of dodging an
Movement : 6" ('flying')
Hit Dice : 2D8+1 by Christopher Kinnear
Treasure : Nil
Attack : 1 bite (1 D4) No . appearing : 1
and 1 tail (2D6) Armour class: 7
- see description Movement : 15"
Alignment : Neutral Hit Dice : 2D8+1
Monstermark: 57 .5 (level IV in Treasure : Nil
twelve levels) Attack : Nil
Alignment: Neutral
A Volt is a bundle of bristly hair with two bulbous eyes, Monstermark: None (since it
small horns and a 3' long tail . It floats as though on an air doesn't attack)
cushion . It first attacks by propelling itself towards its victim's
neck and bites for 1 D4 damage if successful . It then locks onto The Squonk appears as a 3' high vole-like creature covered
the neck and cannot be detached until it is dead, or it will in warts and blemishes. It always covers its face with its paws
detach itself it its victim dies . During the time is is attached, it and is usually crying to itself because it is so ugly . It is
will bite for 1D4 each round and also lash its victim with its
tail for 2D6 each round ; both attacks are ,automatically Continued on page 10
smoke it produces when burned is highly toxic - anyone
Continued from page 9 suffering its effects must save against poison or die . It attacks
with its fronds, and since it is usually quite large in extent (say
completely impervious to magic. It will shy away from contact 20' square or more) it can attack as many people simultaneously
and is able to hide and move fast . as can confront it . A frond hit drains 1-4 points of dexterity,
If cornered and attacked it will dissolve in tears and only and if a character suffers 4 dexterity points drain from a single
characters with very high charisma will be successful in hit he also has a nervous seizure - total collapse for 2 rhelee
befriending it . It will be very helpful, however, if befriended - rounds followed by a further 5 melee rounds during which he
it can scout ahead with great stealth and communicate its attacks at -2 hit probability due to numbness, A character
findings to its friend in squonk language or common . Squonk becomes incapacitated if his dexterity drops below 3 and dies
tears are highly prized by alchemists . Itwill neverassistinmelee if it drops to zero or below . Half the dexterity points lost are
nor associate with evil deeds . recovered at 1 point per day, but the remainder can only be
Comments : a curiosity which is more of a pet than a monster ; regained by the application of Cure Disease .
perhaps the female D&Ders would take more to this beast than Comments : as the designer points out, ingenious characters
the hard-headed males, but its usefulness is in no doubt - 100% will not burn this weed but kill it with weapons and gather the
magic resistance is very useful indeed for a scout . Strange but remains which can be used later to produce poison gas against
friendly animals can often be useful in dungeon adventures, other monsters . I would suggest that DIVIs using this weed
though I shudder at the memory of Bob Stuart's dog which, tabulate a matrix cross-referring size of weed portion with size
presumably for lack of lamp-posts in dungeons, made a of gas cloud produced .
dreadful mess of Greenlands until it was ejected by an angry
caretaker .

by Don Turnbull
by Ian Livingstone
No . appearing : 11312
Armour class : 3
No . appearing : 1-4
Movement : 12"
Armour class : 5
Hit Dice : 4138
Movement : 9"
Treasure : Type E sometimes,
Hit Dice : 4138
Treasure : Nil
but usually it has Vi?
lost it
Attack : 1 crush 1136 plus
Attack : One attack 1136
special Death Stare plus special
Monstermark : None Alignment : Evil/chaotic
Monstermark : meaningless
At birth, the Eye Killer is limbless and almost spherical,
tapered at one end ; later, it develops a bat's upper torso on a Something went dreadfully wrong in the creation of this
snake's body . Its stunted wings cannot support flight . It lives creature, which turns out to be a sort of totally incompetent
in dark places underground as it dislikes daylight and hates Wraith . It is indistinguishable from the normal Wraith, unless
bright, naked flame . It never blinks unless confronted with
you happen to see the back of its neck, on which is stamped in
light of equivalent intensity to that of three torches within a small print the word 'reject' in chaotic.
range of 1" - before such light it will try to flee but, if Like other Undead, it cannot be affected by Sleep, Charm
trapped, will not face the flames and can easily be killed . or mind-reading spells (it has no mind, like other Undead, and
Its more powerful attack is the dreaded Death Stare which there are other reasons too) . However unlike its brothers, it is
it uses on any torch-bearer with a 5" range : the Stare cannot completely impervious to magical weapons and silver weapons
be reflected and those hit by it must make a saving throw as and can only be hit by normal everyday steel . Again, unlike
against petrification ; failure means instant death .
other Undead, it cannot be turned or dispelled by any level of
It can also attack non-torch-bearing characters nearby by
Cleric - if anyone makes such an attempt, it will approach
crushing with its snake's coils .
him with curiosity .
Comments : A monstermark is useless as an approximate
Because of its low dexterity (some would say cack-handed-
measure in cases like this - if the saving roll is not made, death
ness) it attacks at -4 hit probability . If it ever does manage to
follows whatever the victim's level or number of hit points .
hit, it delivers 1136 damage but collapses dead and raises its
Some may regard this beast as a bit 'heavy', and my instinct
victim by one experience level (double EP) .
would be to place it on level VII or VIII of 12 levels .
Comments : not fair to comment on one's own creation, but
the idea was to create a completely incompetent Undead

by Simon Eaton
which actually raised its victim by a level rather than draining
him . In this, as in most other things, it gets it all wrong,
though I am sure it is trying hard, poor thing . Of course,
monsters are touchy about letting you see the backs of their
No. appearing : 1 necks, so this thing is totally indistinguishable from a normal
Armour class : 8 Wraith . Imagine the scene as the party meet a Withra and fight
Movement : i ll each other for the privilege of being hit by it, only to find it
Hit Dice 1-4138 was a Wraith after all . . . . Obviously, DIVIs must roll the'turning'
Treasure : None, or at attempt in the pretence that it could be turned, otherwise that
DM's discretion gives the game away . Perhaps a trio of Wraiths could be showing
Attack : Dexterity drain a Withra around, trying to tell him how to behave in normal
plus special - Wraith-like manner, when the party bumps into them? I hope
someone else has some fun with this one .
Monstermark : None TW

This is developing into an interesting, and I hope useful,

This weed is usually found amongst ruined masonry, across column - so keep those contributions coming in .
doors or even smothering a long-forgotten treasure chest . It is Remember, a free issue of White Dwarf for any
dry and extensive and therefore easily burned . However the accepted monster is waiting for its designer .

A regular feature introducing new and interesting monsters, of the victim ( 1D6 to determine) by one point, to a maximum
edited by Don Turnbull. of 18; i f i t hits the same individual again with its tongue and
affects the same characteristic, i t will reduce that characteristic
by 1D6. This procedure continues - first increase, then
continue t o be enormously impressed by the energies decrease. All characteristic alterations are normally permanent.
devoted by White Dwarf readers t o the Fiend Factory. I f any one i s reduced to zero, death immediately follows. I f
A t the time of writing this (just after White Dwarf 7 any one is reduced to 2 or 1, absolute paralysis sets in, though
appeared) I have nearly 150 monsters 'in stock' waiting to be the characteristic may of course be raised, and the paralysis
given the breath of life. A t 10 monsters per issue in the removed, by a magical device, a Wish etc.
Factory, it will be a long time before all these creations see the I t s name is made up of the first two letters of each
light of day even if contributions suddenly stopped dead. On a characteristic.
purely statistical basis, this means that your chances of getting Comments: this is another Shadow variant, rather like the Soul
that pet monster published in the Factory are rather small - Feed but more unpredictable in its effects. As i n the case of
but please don't be discouraged since there will always be the Withra, once a party recognises this beast for what i t is,
space for something really good. I have been asked not to l e t one can imagine them queuing up, stripping off armour etc. in
this column deteriorate into the mediocre and I firmly intend order to be hit - but they may have a surprise in store. 1.t is
to stick to that policy - so while the queue of new monsters i s not Undead, nor should i t be.
very long indeed, I am not yet overwhelmed with so many good
creations that I have to call a halt.
So keep them coming! Put on your thinking cap and
throw away those random monster generation tables - let's
have something really creative! Please note, too, that monsters by Ian Waugh (based on Clifford D. Simak's Halfling)
need not be 'dangerous' - see the introduction t o the first
Fiend Factory in White Dwarf 6 for examples of nondangerous No. appearing: ID12
'monsters' which are still very worthy of inclusion. Monsters Armour class: 9 (when in
which have no more than sheer nuisance value are just as material form)
welcome, and just as apt in a dungeon setting, as those whose -v,.. ,.,. '&.,
Movement: ASfast as necessary ,. ..*.:..,..
... ...* . ,.. *". ;k.:.:;
..; :$:.;L;2:<v.,?:$

main purpose is t o flay adventurers alive.

And so to our examples of ingenuity for this issue.
to keep up with
i t s 'host' , <<
,?:,:., ,:>?
..,., .: 5:3:p:,3.p:...
. - rr'-
,....:.,.. ..,: ?
, -. ., . <:.:>.....i..~.:+-
;:.;? .,... ., .. ?>
..... ,: . : ..- '.
..., .,
Hit Dice: 1D8 , . ...,:. *...
,.::... ,. :, ;
-$ , :; . ~:,
: :;>,
Treasure: Nil, or at DM'~ ' :k,,, .;:;,>;yg<:..$. . . : . '.!, ?Ae":.; :*'

When materialised
, ,..*:
,. : 3,:.
::..:.. .:,> p,i.).:, ,.
:, :,;: Pt?3,s. . :
~ ',

.;. ! ~>.h>
.;. .:;,,., *
;:, ;-*;< .,..?;;k.zq>4,
, e;;
by Eamon Bloomfield - as a man (may . .. .,*.; , ,
... ,.:;; : :$>.:
, , ;+, ; ,

have weapons from .' :., ..:I i-.:: '. %*,'

.:,f:\ '.
. ....- ,c'$ . .. .. \

No. appearing: 1D4 their dimension). '. .:.:a,..>. I ;* *$;

....:> .:,. t9;,5'.'
Armour class: 6 Alignment: Neutral ..,,.y.G3

Movement: 6" Monstermark: 4.8 (M=3A) -

Hit dice: 308 level I in 12 levels
Treasure: TY~e C
Attack: 2 claws ( I D 4 The Tween exists in a dimension akin to that inhabited by
each) and 1 tongue phase-dogs or a man wearing Armour of Etherealness. The
(1D4 plus special) Tween is a wraith-like being, being more like a smoky outline
Alignment: Chaotic and can generally only be seen by anyone in 'phase' with it.
Monstermark: 21.6 (level III though i t s outline can be detected if viewed through smoked
in twelve levels) glass.
After several hours with a host they gradually begin to
4n 8' t a l l vaguely humanoid creature with a frog-like head and assume the general shape and characteristics of that host, but
:overed in thick, close-cropped hair. I t has intelligence 1D4+4 remain basically squat. The Tween usually has a host, but you
and dexterity 1D6+10. This high dexterity allows the tongue may find one or two drifting around alone (if, for instance, a
hit at +3 hit probability. previous host has died).
On the first hit with i t s tongue, it increases one characteristic The Tween is able to see a few seconds into the future and
so is able to increase its host's luck by 50%. I t is also able to these, perhaps by using elastic limbs. No more than one of
move material things short distances, for example move a these per dungeon level please, or you'll drive your players
sword so that i t hits a foe instead of missing, or move a shield out of ttieir minds.
so as to parry a blow which otherwise would have hit the host. Roger - couldn't you have invented a simpler name???
This means that in any action involving a die-roll, the host <
two die-rolls instead of one, and selects the 'better'.
One Tween will stick to one being. They prefer intellig
beings, but this could mean an intelligent monster - they hdve
no particular allegiance to player-characters, human or by Callum Forbes (nitce to have a reader irI far-off N d)!
The catch is that the Tween, while having a beneficial No. appearing: 1'D l 0 i n du
- -- --P-s
1D20 in wilderness

effect on the actions of his host, has the opposite effect on

anyone within a 50' radius, friend and foe alike. They will find Armour class: 2
i t twice as hard to roll the required number on a die (so a Movement: 3"
being which requires, say, a 15 to hit will need to roll an 18). Hit dice: 508-7D8
No host will consciously be aware that he has been adopted TIreasure: 10% chance of
by a Tween unless i t is spotted by someone with the ability to 1D4 gems inside
do so. The host may very well get rather an unfortunate stomach
reputation among the rest of his party. The Tween can be ttack: 1 crush 1D8,
destroyed in the conventional manner if brought ID10 or ID12
into 'phase' by Phase Door, Pass-Wall etc., or by one with the depending on size
ability to become ethereal. They can also be destroyed by Alignment: Neutral
anything in their own dimension. Monstermark:
Comments: this could almost be a new character class, but I (level; VII, ~ l and
l l
am glad Ian has resisted what must have been a temptation. I X in twelve levels)
More of a 'nuisance-value' monster than anything else, and
widely deployable. For the effect on a nearby non-host, This monster is a living rock which i s perfectly camouflaged to
perhaps the DM should secretly roll a D6 - 1-3 means the appear like the normal rocks or wall near it. I t has crude
player's die roll is valid, 4-6 means i t fails; the DM would tell intelligence and attacks magic-users on sight (since i t evolved
the player that the attack or whatever had failed, but not of from an imperfect stone-flesh spell). I t i s immune to attack
course the reason nor would he reveal his own die-roll. This is from normal edged weapons, but magical edged weapons score
a simple monster to DM (these klutz-monsters aren't always damage equal to their bonus (so a +2 sword would cause 2
quite so easy to handle in the hurly-burly of melee) and should points of damage after a successful hit). The Rockbeast takes
be a welcome addition to many a dungeon, though a certain double damage from magical hammers, maces etc. and normal
amount of resulting paranoia on the part of some players damage from ordinary non-edged weapons.
should be expected. In melee the beast is capable of sudden bursts of speed -
i t s favourite tactic being to crush an opponent's legs rendering
him helpless.
gmments: an unusual, yet logical (?) beast which has a high
onstermark mainly because even .magical edged weapons
by Roger Mi ~hichare in most common use I suspect among parties likely

No. appearing: 1
, --. run into one) only deliver small amounts of damage. One to
brighten up the corridors of any dungeon, though a DM will
Armour class: 7 have to judge carefully how fast these things can go in melee
Movement: 1" and how long they can keep up their sudden bursts of speed.
Hit dice: 2D8 The only thing going against the beast i s its tortoise-like
Treasure: Nil normal pace.
Attack: Charm Monster
Advanced lllusi
(see below)
,w u .el v,r _ < "- ,
.A,;W by Albie Fiore

This is a little blob of yellow jelly which sticks to the ceiling No. appearing: 1
of its lair. Should a powerful monster venture in, i t will be Armour class: 2
charmed to remain in the lair and attack anyone who enters. Movement: 2"
However two illusions will be cast - one on the monster to Hit dice: 1D8
make it resemble a much weaker monster, and another to Treasure: Nil
create illusory treasure in the room. These illusions are Attack: Nil
automatically believed i f (a) the C.S. i s in the room, (b) the Alignment: Neutral1
C.S. is alive, and (c) the victim of the illusions i s in the room. Malicious
Victims lured into the room who perish are eaten by the Monstermark: None
monster and the C.S. then drains energy from the monster at
the same time to obtain its own sustenance. This i s a small armadillo-like creature that feeds exclusively on
Comments: another dreadful creation from Roger's fertile leaves and small insects. Its segmented armouring is starkly and
(some would say 'warped') mind. Where does he get them attractively patterned in shades of brown but i t s immediate
from? I remember him sitting down 'after a Greenlands peculiarity i s what appears to be a large ruby set in i t s head
adventure and producing a new monster out of a hat without just above the eyes. This gem i s a living part of the animal, and
any apparent thought. the Carbuncle (ALIVE!) is worth twice the normal value of
This i s a beauty. Some of the scenes are amusing to the gem as a pet to a Wizard or someone of equal stature who
visualise, such as an Owl Bear appearing as a Goblin - 'the can Charm Animals. I f the Carbuncle i s slain, or wills itself to
Goblin hugs Fred and Fred takes 15 points of damage: cheerio die (which it can do under duress since it has no fear or
Fred!' There are, of course, physical problems to be overcome conception of death) the gem deflates to a worthless soggy
- could a Goblin physically put its arms round a man, for red pulp.
instance? - but I'm sure an inventive DM could overcome The creature has powers of empathy and telepathy (both b
W 6" range) and slight powers of prophecy concerning the
immediate future (it can only communicate telepathically).
Empathy enables it t o understand the character of each person by Simon Muth
in a party and know what they know.
It is easily captured and puts up no resistance. It will nearly No. appearing: 1D8
always approach a party in a friendly manner and communicate Srmour class: 5
i t s value to them as i t desires to go along with them. Once this Movement: 14"
objective has been achieved i t will use its powers first to gain Hit dice: 2D8+2
the confidence of the party and then to try to cause disruption Treasure: Nil
and fights within the party by selective telepathy and false Attack: See below
prophecies, or i t may communicate secretly with nearby Alignment: Chaotic
monsters to enrage them into attacking the party. It is Monstermark: 16 (level ll in
fascinated by combat and particularly by death, and will do its twelve levels)
utmost. once with a party, to cause such events at maximum
frequency. At some opportune moment, having achieved i t s The Whirler looks like a miniature whirlwind and can be hit by
aim, it will slip quietly away. normal weapons. It has a deep hatred for human-kind. I f a
Comments: And Albie calls this thing neutral! In my book i t character is 'hit' by a Whirler, he must save as against Death
would be as chaotic as hell! Still, everyone has his own inter- Ray. I f he fails, he starts t o spin, having become 'enmeshed' in
pretation of alignments and what they mean. the Whirler; he takes 1-3 points of damage per round, caused
This is a monster which would take an awful lot of skill on by the force inflicted as a result of the spin, and has a 5%
the part of the DM - certainly it is not a monster whose cumulative chance per round of being torn apart. A spinning
reactions you should determine from random tables (if anyone victim will only stop when he or the Whirler is dead. Only one
still uses these things at all). I am intrigued by this beast and spinning character per Whirler.
would enjoy playing in Albie's dungeon a t the reteiving end.. . Comments: a sort of weak Air Elemental. The Monstermark
or would I? for this beast typifies the weakness of the Monstermark system
- surely this creature is tougher than second level? But how to
calculate i t s special power?
DMs could have some fun with this one - presumably, if
the Whirler is spinning with a character already 'in gear' so to
by Simon Eaton speak, his mates on the outside will have to hit i t without
clobbering him, and this could call for some fine judgement on
No. appearing: 1 the DM'S part. Characters with dexterity lower than 13 need
Armour class: 7 not apply . . . . . .
Movement: 6"
Hit dice: .: 2D8
Treasure: TypeB .
Attack: Strangulation
by Thomas Benson
(ID61 or by
weapon type
No. appearing: ID12
Alignment: Chaotic/Evil
Armour cla--. 8
Monstermark: 37.3 (level I 1I
in twelve levels) '' d Movement:
Hit dice: 6D8
Treasure: Nil
These foul creatures of the Undead class are found in stranded
Attack: 2 tentacles
funeral barges or in any other situation where a corpse has
ID10 each
failed to return to its 'Maker'. They look like Zombies but
Alignment: Neutral
rank as Wraiths on the cleric/undead table.
Monstermark: 118.8 (level
Although normal weapons appear to do damage when they
i n twelve le\
hit a Coffer Corpse, they have in fact no effect. Only magical
weapons harm these creatures and even they only do half Seven feet tall and four feet broad, these curious beasts are
normal damage. I f struck on the head by a normal weapon a covered with thick woolly red hair which moults profusely -
Coffer Corpse will fall to the ground, apparently finished. so piles of red hair on the floor can warn adventurers that
Next melee round it will rise up again, unharmed, and continue Turung might lurk nearby. They also use their hair as their
to fight and all non-player characters must save against Fear or bedding.
flee when this happens. They are semi-intelligent and have special magical powers.
Unless there is a weapon in the Corpse's treasure it will They can project a Web (as the second level spell) and use an
attack using its hands. A hit on a character indicates that the anti-Magic Shell (as the 6th level spell) once per day each.
Corpse has locked i t s hands round his throat and will do I D 6 However they are usually reluctant to fight and prefer t o pick
damage per round thereafter until the victim or the Corpse is up lone adventurers and slaughter them at leisure.
dead. It is recommended that DMs allow players whose Comments: pity the designer didn't include a full description.
characters are using non-magical weapons to roll their attacks I guess a humanoid with tentacles instead of arms, the tentacles
normally, simulating the apparent damage done by non- having the same physical description as those of the Displacer
magical weapons. Beast.
Comments: a nice addition to the Undead ranks which perhaps And so we close the Factory doors for this issue. Perhaps
do not receive as much attention as they should. As a diversion, this time there have'been too many monsters which are wildly
I am gettinga little worried about the extreme influence a high- nonstandard, i f I may use that expression at all accurately in
level cleric can have - surely he can't go on turning away this context. Next time perhaps a few more straightforward
Undead ad infinitum? Any DMs come up with good ideas in beasts - without which the dungeon could rapidly become a
this respect? nightmare - should be included.
Why are non-player characters only affected by 'Fear'? I This has been a difficult task again - selecting a few ,-

should have thought player-characters would have been just monsters from dozens which merit inclusion. I hope
as prone, if not more so. Perhaps this was an unintentional those whodon't see their names in lights this time will
slip on the designer's part - or perhaps he would explain? swallow their disappointment and press on regardless.
A regular feature introducing new and interesting monsters, score. Though most dungeons contain (I hope) an interesting
edited by Don Turnbull. number and variety of oddball monsters, there is a
predominance of more ordinary monsters, and if this were not
nd still the collection mounts! I really am greatly so the game would not, I think, be as enjoyable. However I have
impressed by the efforts of White Dwarf readers - inserted a few of the more unusual type to maintain variety.
the task of selecting the 'fortunate few' for each
issue gets more and more difficult.
A few readers have asked that I include mention of the
intelligence of each new monster - as one rightly says, many
DMs need this information so that they can come to conclusions by Cricky Hitchcock (Canada)
about how the monster would react in given situations. In most
cases, the designers haven't included intelligence in the No. appearing: 4D10
specifications (probably for the good reason that we didn't Armour class: 7
ask for it), so the listing I give below, which includes all the Movement: 6"
Fiend Factory products published so far, must be taken as my Hit Dice: 1D8-1
own estimation from the information I have. I f one or more of Treasure: type K
the designers disagrees sharply with'me, would he please write Attack: Small sword
t o me c/o White Dwarf and the correction will appear later. 1D4+1
In all cases I have used the classification system adopted by Alignment: ChaoticIEvil
TSR in the new Monster Manual. Intelligence: Average
White Dwarf 6 White Dwarf 7 White ~ w a 8k Monstermark: 1.3 (Level I
Needleman . . L o w Necrophidius . .
Tween . . . Very 12 levels).
Throat Leech . None . . . . . . . . Average Chaoticus
Mite . . . . . . Low .
Rover . . . . None Symbioticus. . Very These small creatures (3' tall) have bright blue skin with orange eyes.
Bonesnapper . None Living Wall . Animal Stinwicodech . None They are mediary between Goblins and Kobolds and generally attack
Fiend . . . . . Semi .
V o l t . . . . Animal Whirler. . . . . None the latter, though they 'will unite against their common foe - Hobbits.
Disenchanter Gluey . . . . . Semi Carbuncle . . . . Low Hobbits delight i n staging combats between groups of Svarts and
. . . . . . . . Average .
Squonk . . . . L o w Rockbeast . . Animal Kobolds.
Nilbog . . . . Average Eye Killer . . Animal Turung . . . . . Semi I n a group of 5 Svarts, there will be one carrying a net. I n a group of
Witherweed . . None 20 Svarts, one will be a strong leader-type, ranging from 3'6" t o 5' i n
Withra . . Negative(?) heightandfrom8 t o 11 h i t points. Leaders use a hand-axe, mace, battle-
In future I will give an intelligence rating for each monster, axe, morning star or flail with damage by weapon type. N o Svarts have
magic use.
preferably the one sent by the designer, but if not I will come Comments: taken from the Weirdstone of Brisingamon by Alan Garner,
to what I think i s a reasonable conclusion and leave it to the this is a useful addition t o the 'small monster' category which will add
designer to correct me if necessary. variety. Good straightforward stuff.
We are already in some trouble with duplicate names -
names for new monsters which either duplicate offerings from
other readers or duplicate names already invented for other
monsters in other magazines. In cases like these, i f I have a
monster I would like to print but think the confusion generated
by a duplicate name would cause difficulty, I write t o the
designer asking him to consider a change of name. So the fact No. appearing: 6D10
that someone else had designed a monster with the same name Armour class: 5
as yours doesn't disqualify your creation from appearing under Movement: 6"
an alter ego. It is useful, though, if designers think up orjginal Hit Dice: 1DB+1
names - this is particularly a problem when the source of the Treasure: type E
design i s a work of fiction where the name already exists (but Attack: two claws
once again I don't disqualify those monsters which are based ID10 each
on namesakes in works of fiction). Alignment: lawful
As promised, this time there are a few more 'straight' 'Intelligence: average
monsters in the collection. I don't want readers t o get the Monstermark: 13.4 ( Level II
impression that a dungeon must be populated exclusively with in 12 levels)
'oddball' monsters - indeed it is often the case 'that the This creature looks rather like a shabby ape and can talk. Being lawful
effectiveness of the oddball monster is in inverse proportion to in the extreme it will never attack unless it is attacked o r robbed, in
the frequency of its appearance, like the cymbals in an orchestra which case it will fight until avenged or the treasure recovered. When it
attacks it does so w i t h t w o l D l O claw attacks and because o f strength
and sharpness of claws gets +2 on all attacks.
Comments: nothing really t o add t o this excellent straightforward beast
which could be a useful non-player-character addition t o a party.
by Bob Scurfield

No. appearing:
Armour class: stalks AC6,
by Andrew Key base AC4
Y Movement: 3"
No. appearing: 1 Hit Dice: stalks 2D10 each,
Armour class: 5 base 2D6
Movement: 6" Treasure: Nil
Hit Dice: 5D8 Attack:
Treasure: Nil Alignment:
Attack: 2 tentacles @ non-aligned
1D4 on same Intelligence: semi
oDDonent Monstermark: 23.7 (level I l l in 12 levels)
Alignment: ~ e " t r a lor
= &=""a The Whipper is a plant and therefore susceptible t o 'control plants' etc.
Each plant has t w o stalks which when fully grown are about 15' long.
Intelligence: Animal These are connected t o a base which has small legs, giving the plant some
Monstermark: 28.8 (against, first level F M in AC2) ability t o move. It hates sunlight and lives on the remains of its animal
- level I l l in I 2 levels prey, so will be found mainly in ruins and largish caves underground.
I f the base is destroyed the plant dies but the t w o stalks go into a
The natural form of this beast is that of a grey-green lump with a short mad frenzy for one melee round during which they do double damage
single leg with a suction cup like a snail's and t w o 5' long tentacles. if they hit; after this they die. I f both the stalks are destroyed the plant
However, when engaged in combat the lmporph will gradually come t o will try t o 'run' away with only the base, which contains the brain,
resemble its oppenent, changing H D and AC values by 1 at the beginning remaining.
o f each melee round, at the same time altering its visual appearance, Comments: I suspect I am not the only D M t o have included a
until they are the same as those of the opponent. When HD, AC and carnivorous plant on these lines in his dungeon - Bob classifies and
hence appearance are the same, the monster instantly alters its movement characterises such a beast i n a way which will be generally welcomed, I
and attacks t o f i t its subject. Note, however, that i t does not gain any think. The Monstermark calculation assumes that the adventurers will
magical abilities or strength bonuses for example - although it could t r y t o h i t the brain - the final attack delivers an average of 22 hits
grow various appendages t o copy it's opponent's weapons these will which makes the Whipper quite a foe. A new calculation would be
never act as magical weapons and will always strike for I D 4 damage needed for the stalks, but the Whipper doesn't die if the stalks are
each tentacle. Its h i t points remain even when its H D changes. chopped off; however i t would be easy t o catch and kill without risk i f
When the battle is over or when the lmorph is down t o 8 hits or the stalks were removed. Actually it won't take you long t o find out
fewer, i t will revert t o its original form by the reverse process (change 1 that attacking the stalks is a more dangerous way o f tackling this beast.
in H D and A C each round). A very welcome addition t o the plant family. Incidentally, I would rule
I f faced with more than one attacker, roll a dice t o see which it that it attacks on the '2-3 h i t dice' line, so requires 15 t o h i t AC2.
copies. I f its original model dies during battle, or retreats from it, it
starts immediately t o alter t o imitate another antagonist.
Comments: if only the lmorph could isolate a weak member of a party
and kill him, great would be the confusion when it rejoined the party i n
his shape! A sort of Doppelganger power here which could very easily
be dangerous if its location were carefully planned. Of course, against
by Dave Waring
some opponents it would be better off i n its original form, but it is
presumably nonintelligent and isn't t o know that. The calculation of No. appearing: 3D6
the Monstermark is rather tedious (thanks t o the designer for sending i n Armour class: 7
a detailed calculation which is absolutely correct). Don't forget that, as
soon as the lmorph is exactly the shape o f the model, it switches t o the
Movement: 12" flying
Men Attacking table for its h i t probability until it starts t o change back, Hit Dice: 2D8,4D8 or 6
again. according to si
Treasure: Nil
Attack: 1D4, I D 6 or 1
according to size,
plus blood drain; u(* 4'3'3
By Roger Musson tail ID4 plus p o i s o s d k ~ ,
in each case ,&A 9-

No. appearing: 1 Alignment: neutral or non-aligned

Armour class: 0 Intelligence: None
Movement: as lightly- Monstermark: Almost meaningless, but I would suggest
armoured man levels 11, I I I and I V for the three sizes.
Hit dice: 3D8+1
Treasure: May (30%) carry This is a gigantic lungfish which secretes hydrogen, thus enabling it t o
fly. I t attacks normally with a bite for the damage given above; once it
1 0 - 6 0 GP hits, it becomes attached t o its victim and automatically drains points
Attack : 2 claws, I D 6 eac equal t o its own h i t dice each round thereafter.
Alignment: Neutral I f attacked from the rear, the lungfish can use its tail which has
Intelligence: Animal poisonous spines. When a Flying Fish is attacked for the first time by a
sharp-edged weapon (sword, arrow etc.) the DM notes the position of
Monstermark: 90 (level V in the nearest naked falme; he works out the distance i n yards between.
12 levels) the flame and the fish, subtracts this from 8, multiplies the result by
10, and this is the percentage chance of an explosion due t o leaking
A n emerald-hued shaggy humanoid with an obsession for staircases; it is hydrogen. (Thus a flame more than 8 yards away could not ignite the
never never found anywhere else. It walks u p and down a particular hydrogen, while one 3 yards away has a 50% chance of igniting it and
staircase ceaselessly and only attacks in self-defence or if someone tries one immediately next t o the Flying Fish has a 80% chance of igniting
t o barge past it. it). The explosion, if it takes place, is a 2D8 fireball with radius i n yards
Comments: this is, o f course, a wildly 'silly' creature, but interesting equal t o the h i t dice of the Flying Fish. The chance o f an explosion is
and amusing for all that. I should have thought it would attack with rolled each melee round, and goes u p by 5% each round.
great ferocity i f someone actually took it away from a staircase - more Ordinary fireballs will, of course, kill these creatures instantly.
advanced Stalkers would presumably have a powerful resistance t o any Comments: I can't really calculate the Monstermark for this beast
sort of magic which sought t o remove it from its normal habitat (e.g. because of unknown factors like the proximity o f torches.
Charm Monster i f this resulted i n thestalker being led away). A t least i t A delightful beast, though rather easy t o deal with once recognised
provides an answer t o the old qudstion "what's green and hairy and (arrows from 30 feet away, and it can't close the gap sufficiently
goes u p and down?" quickly t o cause trouble). Shades of the Hindenberg? b
+THE FIEND FACTORY spoken to. However if i t is given food or water it becomes totally loyal
t o i t s benefactor - its loyalty to i t s master dominating even over its lust
for treasure.
Within its body it stores large amounts of static electricity which it
can use to paralise opponents; each day it can give off 50 points of
damage in this way, after which time it recharges by sleeping for one,
by Nick Louth hour in whatever position it was in when the 50th point was used up.
Its favourite weapon i s its hair which can extend to 60' and act as a net
This is a whole family of creatures with characteristics as or rope which the Umpleby can control; the hair is very strong and can
only be cut by magical weapons, which strike it as against AC2. The
Umpleby has a great love of treasure and is able t o detect it up to 100'
away even through solid rock. In its lair i t keeps an enormous treasure
Colour H i t Dice Armour Attacks Gems value hoard, but i t will never reveal the location of its lair except under the
Class influence of Charm Monster. Even if threatened with death, the
Umpleby will retain i t s secret, though it will probably giggle at its foe.
Black 1D8+1 4 1 (as + I light ID100 Comments: first, let me say that I have calculated the Monstermark on
crossbow) the assumption that it attacks with all 50 points of damage on the first
Green 2D8+1 3 2 (as +2 light 2D100 , hit. This is unrealistic and probably not the way most DMs would play
this fascinating beast, but how else to do the calculation? The resulting
crossbow) Monstermark is too high - by instinct I would place i t on level V or
Red 3D8+1 2 3 (as +3 light 3D100 Level V I of twelve levels.
crossbow) This type of creature - the 'travelling companion' - i s becoming
Yellow 4D8+2 1 4 (as +4 light 4D100 rather more popular, and certainly makes a change from Little Old Men
and the LOLITS (little old lady in tennis shoes). Its alignment is rather
crossbow) curious and there will be more than one interpretation of what the
Silver 5D8+2 . O 5 (as +5 light 5D100 designer calls lawful/chaotic. I think he simply refers here to the
crossbow) differing behaviour of the beast depending on whether or not it is
offered refreshment.
Perhaps, on balance, this is rather too good a monster. The treasure
Spines have 60' range in i t s lair would be at the DM'S discretion, and that's probably not, in
normal circumstances, accessible (who would think of charming
Movement: 12" (18" something which appears harmless in the first place?); however i t s
flying) 'detect' power is very strong indeed and I wonder whether it should
have some disadvantageous feature? Say, at the point of finding the rich
Treasure: Nil (but see treasure ~t has detected and to which it has led its master, its greed
description) overcomes its loyalty and it cracks its master one? A bit brutal and
Attack: as above, spines unsubtle, of course, but no doubt DMs will be able t o think of more
doing 1D6 damag sophisticated reactions.
Red, Yellow and
Silver Urchins als
have 1D4 poison
on the spines.
Alignment: neutral or by Roger Musson
Intelligence: semi No. appearing: 5D10
Monstermark: Black 3.6 (Level I in 12 levels) Armour class: 0
Green 24.9 (Level I I I in 12 levels) Movement: 15" hopping
Red 139.6 (Level V I in 12 levels) Hit Dice: %D8 (or ID4
Yellow 404.4 (Level I X in 12 levels) if you like)
Silver 1000 (Level X I in 12 levels) Treasure: tY Pe A
Attack: I D 6 or I D 7
These creatures look like 3' diameter balls of various colours with (see below)
thousands of radiating spikes. The more hit dice they have, the more Alignment: Neutral or
spines they can fire in a single melee round. When killed and broken up,
they reveal gems at their centres. They hunt with clairvoyance. Chaotic/Evil
Intelligence: Semi
Comments: I wonder whether Nick realised just what a powerful
creature he was playing about with in the Silver Urchin. The five (obviously!)
-;a PU

attacks, with deadly accuracy over quite a distance, make it a Monstermark: 10.0, or 8.7 with sword, which means level I I
particularly fearsome beast which most adventurers would be glad to
avoid. In my view the gem content should be higher for the Red, in 12 levels
Yellow and Silver Urchins - 500GP i s not a great reward for tackling
something with a Monstermark in the four-figure range. , The Nasnas (sing & plur) resembles a human being divided in half
longitudinally. It has one leg, one arm, half a head, half a body and half
a hit die. However i t is amazingly dextrous, hence the high speed, high
AC and the fact that it hits as a 7-dice monster. It often fights with its
open hand, and if this is the case the damage is calculated by rolling
6D6, counting the number of 1s that appear, adding 1 and the total is
the amount of damage done. Watch the players' faces as you do this!
by Stephen Wood When you get tired of the joke, give it a short sword for 1-6 damage.
Comments: another delight from Roger's fluent pen. I toy with the
No. appearing: 1 thought of asking Roger how the race reproduced itself. ...
The 'damage joke' is an excellent one - rolling 6D6 for half a
Armour class: 4 monster will lead the victim to assume he is running into a potential 36
Movement: 9'' points damage! Shades of the Chaoticus Symbioticus, though this
Hit dice: 6D8 works the other way round.
Treasure: ' Special As I close the factory doors this time, I have the distinct
Attack: Special impression that the startdard of entries, quite high even at the
Alignment: Lawful/Chaotic start, is improving each time. I hope readers share this view.
Intelligence: Low One reader wrote to me with some additional monsters, saying
Monstermark: 450 (level I X in that he had already submitted some but, considering the
twelve levels).
quality of the ones which had been published, he wasn't
The Umpleby i s humanoid, about 8' t a l l and weighing about '400 Ibs, surprised to see them failing to appear. I'hope all those who
covered in straggly wild hair. I t i s of low intelligence though it can speak haven't yet seen their creations published will accept
and when matters concern treasure i t s mind is swift and calculating. I t the situation in the same phlegmatic way!
will only fight if provoked. Its apparent stupidity makes it gppear an
unhelpful companion, but even if totally ingored the Umpleby will tag Next time I have some curiosities for you, and I
onto a party, willing or not, and follow the party everywhere; however am bound to say I think it will be the best collection
in these circumstances it will offer no help and will ignore the party if yet. Here's looking forward to it!
A regular feature introducing new and interesting mQnsters,
edited by Don Turnbull.

promised you a goodly collection of curiosities this time by Tony Briskham

and I hope you agree with my view that the quality of this
collection is particularly high. Without further ado, let's No. appearing:
examine them. Armour class: basic 9, but $)$?
+4 to hit so --j
Hit Dice:
by Brian Hanstock
m Attack:
No. appearing:
Armour Class: Intelligence:
Movement: Monstermark:
Hit Dice:
Treasure: F o u n d jumping i n t o walls, stuffing red-hot coals i n t o its m o u t h or
clubbing itself w i t h a handy i r o n bar, this 3' high beastie can be
Attack: somewhat unnerving. It suffers f r o m extreme masochism and w i l l t h r o w
by weapon type itself o n t h e nearest weapon. It has been k n o w n t o gurgle w i t h pleasure
Alignment: when h i t b y any weapon, b o o t o r whatever. Unfortunately it can
Intelligence: regenerate u p t o 8 h i t points per melee round, even after it is killed, so
is entirely indestructible. It also tends t o reflect spells back o n the .
1 2 levels)
"fl i - sender (10% chance per spell level o f the spell actually affecting the
M i m b l e ) . Mlmbles w i l l always t r y t o locate and f o l l o w the greatest
source o f pain.
Comments: I a m a t a loss f o r words o n this one - it is one o f t h e f e w
This appears t o be a regular skeleton b u t i t has the ability t o teleport, monsters which has raised a l o u d laugh o n first reading its characteristics.
range 20'.
I n melee i t teleports o n a r o l l o f 5 or 6 o n D6.
25% of B l i n k Skeletons have a I - d i e magic missile.
Comments: another good upgrading o f t h e regular Skeleton. I assume
this turns o n the ClericIUndead table as a normal Skeleton, though
there is a case, given itsometimes has l ~ m i t e dmagical power. f o r making by Trevor Mendham
it slightly stronger -say like a Ghoul.

No. appearing: 1
Armour class: 8
Movement: 12"
Hit Dice: 1D8+1
by John Culver Treasure: see below
Attack: 1 bite ( I D 6 1
This monster looks exactly l i k e any other monster and hence all and two claws
characteristics are variable. However it acts exactly i n t h e reverse way -
so anyone w h o misses it actually hits, and anyone w h o hits i t actually ( I D 4 each)
misses. The monster attacks i n a similar way. High level characters w h o Alignment: variable, as
normally h i t easily w i l l tend t o miss this monster, and i f t h e monster is wizard
relatively weak ( l i k e an lnverse Orc. f o r instance) it w i l l h i t q u i t e Intelligence: animal
frequentlv. Damaqe is normal. b o t h aclainst the monster and inflicted
b y it, except that'bonuses' become minuses. Saves are handled i n the
inverse way as well. This creature is a Wizard's familiar i n t h e f o r m o f a small black cat,
Magic is also 'inversed'but i t is u p t o the D M exactly what the effect usually left t o guard the Wizard's chest o f assorted magical items. It
is. A fireball m i g h t cure the beast, a slow spell w o u l d speed it u p etc. sits o n the chest and o n l y attacks i f attempts are made t o get a t the
Remember i t gets a reversed saving roll. chest, o r ~f it itself is attacked. A l t h o u g h n o t very strong, i t has the
These monsters are o f t e n f o u n d w i t h normal monsters o f the same traditional nine lives o f a cat. Each t i m e i t is killed (so long as it has n o t
type, which confuses adventurers n o end. used u p all 9 lives) it is reborn stronger than it was before. F o r each life,
Comments: Something o f a nightmare f o r the DM, this one, particularly add 1D8 t o the h i t dice (re-rolling h i t points), add 1 p o i n t t o damage of
i f t h e Normal and lnverse varieties are involved i n the same melee. each attack, improve the A C b y 1 and add 2" t o the movement.
The Monstermark is rather meaningless since the party can break o f f it will have the movement and attacks appropriate t o its level.
combat at any time, the Familiar returning t o guard the chest. They are turned as ord- skeletons by Clerics, but subject t o the
Comments: I'll bet there are many others who, like me, are saying DM'S discretion the higher levels of Eastern Skeleton can attain higher
"Why didn't I think of the nine lives of a cat in D&D?" A n excellent 'undead lebels' on the clerictundead table.
and original idea. I sure agree with the comment about the Monstermark, Comments: I am still wonderingabout the name - w h y 'eastern?'There
but calculated i t all the same in the event of the adventurers going on t o have been a number of attempts t o 'upgrade' the lowly skeleton, or t o
kill the Familiar. It is interesting t o observe the progression: First life provide stronger versions of skeletons t o surprise a party expecting easy
5.2 (level I); Second life 22.3 (level Ill); Third life 69.0 (level I V ) ; pickings. This is one of the most logical attempts I have seen, though a
Fourth life 164.0 (level V I I ) ; F i f t h life 324.6 (level I X ) ; Sixth life 587.8 skeleton which could kill with a single blow might be ruled too powerful
(level X); Seventh life 1066.3 (level XI); Eighth life 1874.8 (level XI); b y DMs. Perhaps the stun/kill option should be allowed t o saving roll?
Ninth life an impressive 3672.5 (level X l l of course).
So no-one is likely t o get the Wizard's treasure.
One weakness, however, is the fact that the designer didn't give the
Familiar any innate magic resistance - a sleep spell would d o the trick
as i t stands. Obviously no Wizard would have overlooked such an
obvious point, so I suggest the magic resistance of the same level as that by David Taylor
of the Wizard, probably w i t h an additional bonus of 2 on saving rolls
due t o high dexterity. Apart from anything else, this increases the
Monstermark still further.
I add in asmall voice - d i d you realise exactly what a powerful beast No. appearing:
you were creating, Trevor? Armour class:
Hit Dice:
by Roger Musson and one bite (2-12)
Alignment: Lawful-Evil
No. appearing: 1D 6 ? ....
,. ,c.<,x:.. Intelligence: Average
Armour class: 3 -.'*;:':.3
. -. . ,3>. .I :.:....... - -
. ,:.: :;.
Monstermark: 286 (level I X in 1 2 levels)
Movement: 10" ... ......,..
.. . ... . . .-.. .:. . ..:,
>.!!?!;., The Warlock Cat isa demon-familiar invisible in light, visible i n darkness
Hit Dice: 4D8 ,... ,;;$:;f;;:i . . .:-...-..,,
. . . . .::. .;.. .. . ;.,
as a wraithlike outline with glowing crimson eyes. It has the form of a
100D20 . . .,,;,.r;q,? x....:..... . . . -'.: .
Treasure: . ' . ......... ::..:;p: 'v:.........
< :.;:.
': tiger-sized domestic cat.
gold pieces .. , .
, : .... *.: ...- ...: .
. ;
. .:' ; I t can only be harmed by magic weapons and magical damage bonuses
.:'..,. . ...
Attack: 1 touch
: ,? .+ ... :,.
....>...'.. :., . . ;. .....
......... ,.. d o not apply (so a +2 dagger would do 1D 4 damage, not 1D4+2).
. . . . . . . . . . . .. .:,..
h : i . I t will attach itself t o a character and serve him, fighting o f f other
(special) ,,:..... . ?;:.,I:
, :. . / ,
. . ...". . .:
y , . ,. . ..2
monsters, scouting for treasure or whatever. I t communicates by
neutral with evil , *, .. .....
': . . . . . . . . ..
Alignment: :;,; : :>..A ,. telepathy with its master only.
:.' 4,' . .' 2. "', ' ' '
tendencies . . . ,<'. . . . :.+;t :';:',. ,
There is a price. Every gaming day i t must devour one character; the
' ' '

Intelligence: average . . . ,,:;;: ;,; . “ . .* .:... master must himself choose the victim on pain of being devoured'
none ,,.,. .,+..<.>....
; -..<. ....<.,/;id:e7$......i?..>*.<......*.
>,. $...,;$;:;; .:,
... himself. Monsters will notsatisfy this demand, and the Cat is impervious
Monstermark: ,::.: %.<.y..r.. ,
t o magic of the Charm variety.
Comment: the sort of familiar most magic-users would be better o f f
The Sandman is exactly what its name suggests - a man made entirely without, particularly since the PH now includes the Find Familiar spell.
o f sand. Everyone coming within 20' must save against magic or go t o There should be some restriction on the 'master' i t will choose, i f i t has
sleep, irrespective of level. Those who manage t o stay awake must t r y a choice; i t would prefer evil, or at least neutral, alignments and would
t o save again each time the Sandman touches them. The Sandman presumably only latch onto a magic-user, not a cleric or even an assassin.
automatically attacks humans and never checks morale, b u t once i t has Perhaps i t should also have a higher magic resistance?
succeeded i n putting a victim t o sleep, i t never takes further action
against him, leaving him quietly dozing while i t goes o f f t o search for
someone else. I f the encounter takes place i n a lair, the Sandman will
eject the sleepers into the corridor first.
Sleepers will not awake for 3 0 minutes no matter what happens.
Thereafter there is a 10% chance per 1 0 minutes of a sleeper waking of by Roger Musson
his own accord, and 95% chance i f he is violently disturbed.
Comments: one of the more straightforward of the Musson creations, No. appearing: 1
but effective for all that. A 30-minute sleep gives a 50% chance of
wandering monsters during this time - with no chance of awakening Armour class: -8
t o defend. Again, the Sandman should I think have above-average Movement: 12" (18" flying)
magical resistance - i t is' vulnerable (just) t o a sleep spell itself, for Hit Dice: 1D 8
example. Wonder why the AC is so high? Treasure: Not a hope
Attack: None (theoretically
one hit @ 1D4)

bv Brian Taylor - Alignment:

Evil-chaotic (or so
i t says)
No. appearing 3D10
Armour class: 7 The Bragger looks just like an ordinary Imp. He wanders around the
Movement: , 12" dungeon looking for people t o talk to. He loves t o brag at great length
about h o w terribly E V I L he is, often with blood-curdling imitations of
Hit dice: 1D 4 his victims' screams (which may attract other monsters). Actually, he's
Treasure: Nil never been known t o kill anyone in his life and probably hasn't got the
Attack: ' 1 'open hand' nerve. I f attacked, he usually ignores i t and goes on jabbering - he is
for ID 4 75% magic resistant and therefore feels fairly safe, what with such a l o w
Alignment: Chaotic AC. Usually the only thing which will cause him t o separate from a
party is daylight, which he abhors. He delights especially in annoying
Intelligence: None low-level paladins.
Monstermark: About 1 (Level I Comments: a dungeonmaster's delight whose usefulness is in inverse
in twelve levels) proportion t o the frequency of its appearance. The first time i t is met,
the party will no doubt take ages, and have many trying experiences,
These skeletons are ~nd~st~nguishablefrom others, except that they carry before finding there's n o t much hope of getting rid of it, and the only
no weapons. They were In former l ~ f ethe members of an anclent order way for them t o handle the situation is t o leave the dungeon b y the
of Monks and have reta~nedImportant attr~butesof t h ~ scharacter class nearest exist and go in another way. Future meetings need not last long,
- they move at N o v ~ c espeed and s t r ~ k eas a Nov~ced o ~ n g1D 4 damage, but progressively the beast will become more annoying t o players and
but ~fthed~e-rollIS 25% or better than the requlred mlnlmum h ~chance t D M alike since i t will simply be a nuisance and add nothing t o the game.
the h ~ e~ther
t stuns for 3D6 melee rounds (01-75) or k ~ l l sthe vlctlm once its 'properties' are known (though there will be times when it is
o u t r ~ g h t(76-00) confused with an ordinary Imp, adding a new dimension of uncertainty).
For every ten skeletons present, there 1s a 10% cumulative chance I suggest one or t w o in every dungeon, b u t n o more -and certainly no
that one of them IS of a hlgher level of Monk, and, ~f one such IS present fewer! b

by Mervyn Lemon

No. appearing: 1D4

Armour class: 3
Movement: 6"
Hit Dice: 5D8+1
Treasure: type D
Attack: one touch I D 1 2
Alignment: chaotic
Intelliqence: semi
ons st err nark: no idea how to start the calculation, even!
I would put it on level I X of 12 levels,
purely from instinct.

The Dahdi is a mutant Mummy who was turned out of the pyramid
when i t tried to wear the trousers and control the purse-strings. I t
cannot be distinguished from a normal Mummy except that there i s a TREASURE CHEST is open for contributions relating to D&D
25% chance that the bandages on its face will have slipped allowing one additional rules, character classes, magic systems, objects. tricks and
black eye (a present from the Mummy who turned i t out) t o be seen. traps etc.
Some of i t s bandages may no longer be present and i t may present
rather a tatty appearance.
I t cannot be affected by charm, sleep or mindcontrollinglreading
spells, but unlike normal Undead i s impervious to magical and silver
weapons. Only normal weapons affect it. I f fire i s used, the flaming oil
Tricks & Traps
or fireball i s hurled back at the attacker with base score of 12 or better
to hit (fireball damage as spell; flaming oil etc. I D 8 first round, 2D8 Competition Result
second round, then fire goes out). Holy Water is repelled towards the
attackers and converted to acid (damage as fire). Any liquid containing The Tricks and Traps Competition announced last issue
alcohol, beer or wine etc., thrown at the Dahdi adds 1 to i t s Hit Dice brought in a large, albeit mixed, response. The standard was
each time. Only plain, non-holy water can injure or kill it (damage as generally high and often amusingly inventive. Many of the
fire). traps submitted by different readers overlapped those of other
Turning away by Clerics i s reversed from normal. 1st. 2nd and 3rd
level Clerics automatically turn a Dahdi away; a 4th level requires entrants, making it difficult to publish all the best ones
greater than 2 on 2D6, 5th level greater than 4,6th level greater than 6, without duplicating ideas: so we have selected a wide cross
7th level greater than 8, 8th level greater than 10, 9th level and above section. Our thanksgo to all the readers who submitted entries.
have no effect.
A bandage from a Dahdi, when used to bind wounds, heals l D l O Frozen Food!
points of damage in (20 minus constitution) turns. The DM should roll by David Bradbury
for the number of bandages the Dahdi still has intact when first
encountered. A bandage can only be used once. The healing properties
of the Dahdi last only 5 turns after the Dahdi has been killed. A stall in the dungeon, run by an almost invincible monster
Obviously the rot of the Mummy's touch does not apply t o the (e.g. a 20th level M.U.), sells food for extortionate prices. The
Dahdi. special offer is deep-frozen troll's flesh (the wizard will claim
Comments: this one made me carol loud and long with delight being in
the good old tradition of the Nilbog and my own Withra (in which I
it's beef). Once the meat has defrosted, i t starts to regenerate
obviously delight!). And if there are Mummies, there must of course be and eventually becomes a whole troll, hell-bent on revenge.
Daddies . . . . . . . . This could be unfortunate if the adventurers had left i t to
Mervyn included an account of a scenario indicating their use which thaw overnight!! !
is well worth passing on to you. "By use of legend and rumour, in my
case a tomb painting showing healers removing bandages from a
supposed Mummy and using them on a wounded man who miraculously
is repaired and dancing about in the next scene, my group of players The Inter-Dimensional Cloning and Teleport Chamber
knew something of i t s existence. However the first they encountered
was, naturally enough, attacked as a Mummy - with fire. They reaped by Stephen Hellman
their own reward - first degree burns.
A desperate 2nd level Cleric advanced to minister to the damaged
fighter and inadvertently said "Boo!" -the Dahdi ran away! The back- Anyone who enters this room will be immediately teleported
up members of the expedition, realising that this might be the healing to an inter-dimensional plane, where they are confronted by a
Mummy, gave chase. Through the door, round the next bend . . Ah! . figure exactly identical to themselves. This figure is a clone of
There he was .. . only he wasn't. I t was the scout for a group of the person who has been teleported and, being mindless, i t
Mummies sent out to ensure that the Dahdi didn't attempt to return to
the tomb! will immediately attack. Magic does not function in this
The resulting confusion would have gladdened your heart, I am sure. dimension so even magic-users and clerics will have to engage
Loud were the screams that the DM was changing the rules and being in physical combat to defend themselves.
unfair. An unfair DM? Never -what a suggestion!"
Yes, I would have howled with mirth with the best of them (as a
The clone is an abysmal fighter and will be unable to hit
DM, of course - as a player I would no doubt have complained like the player unless the player allows i t to do so. Conversely,
hell . . ) An excellent creation, Mewyn, and one which the Greenlands any blow aimed at the clone will automatically hit it. How-
adventurers will n'ot thank you for creating. I must leave the last word ever, such is the nature of the clone that any damage i t
on this subject to Mervyn again - ". . . one might consider the Behbi, receives i s doubled and rebounded back at its opponent,
son of Mummy and Dahdi . . . "

leaving the clone unharmed. Similarly any damage that the

So, still chortling about the Dahdi, Mimble and Sandman player receives i s doubled and rebounded back at the clone,
especially, we close the factory doors again, but I can promise leaving the player unharmed.
you more fun and more useful and interesting monsters next Thus the only way the player can harm or kill the clone i s
time. Though my own imagination is limited to allow i t to strike him. Once a hit has been made by either
and goes in fits and starts, it seems that the side, the player is teleported back t o the room. Although
collective imagination of White Dwarf readers unpleasant, this trap i s seldom deadly. Sadistic DM'S could,
is infinite -- we can run many more issues of once the players have tumbled how the clone operates, replace
the Factory yet before we get to the bottom of it with a doooelaanaer.
the barrel.
A regular feature introducing new and interesting monsters,
edited by Don Turnbull.

ou will be pleased to know that Ye Ed has asked me
by Roger Musson
to reduce the amount of trite prattle I insert at the
beginning and end of the Factory to leave more space
for new monsters. Mortified as I am, I have t o admit No. appearing: 1D4
Armour class: 2
that the purpose of the column is not t o bore the pants off
Movement: 8"
you with my comments, so I'll have to yield to force majeur.
Hit Dice: 5D8
Mumble mumble. . . .
Treasure: nil
Attack: one bite 1D l 0
plus chlorine
Alignment: Chaotic
Intelligence: non
ne Monstermark: 154.7 (level V l l
in 1 2 levels)
No. appearing: 2
Armour class: 5 The lron Pig was originally constructed as a trial experiment prior t o
Movement: 6"/18 an attempt at constructing an lron Golem. Since then, evil magic-usen
Hit Dice: 1D8+1 have come t o regard these hulky porcine creations as useful and less
expensive substitutes for the Golerns.
Treasure: type F Like the lron Golem, the lron Pig may only be h i t b y magical
Attack: (male only) weapons with a bonus o f +3 or better. Its normal attack is a I D 1 0 bite
bite for 1D4 b u t it may simultaneously breathe little puffs o f chlorine gas ( I D 6
Alignment: Neutral damage) for a maximum of 20 rounds per day. It will always breathe if
it has been damaged.
Intelligence: animal Comments: The Golems are too powerful for inclusion i n those parts o f
Monstermark: 2.2 (level I in dungeons likely t o be entered by low-level players, but the lron Pig is
12 levels) much more deployable. The designer gives it standard magical resistance,
unlike the Golems, but that's reasonable i f it is an 'economy version'.

Resembling giant bluebottles (up t o 2' long) with four limbs - miniature
human arms and legs - the Assassin Bug is rarely seen except during its
mating season (one day i n every t w o months) when a male and a female
may be encountered flying in search of a host for their offspring. The . .
natural host is human, but Bugs have been known t o lay their eggs in by Ian Livingstone
other humanoids.
The male will attack first, biting a victim for I D 4 damage; i f this VL
attack succeeds, the Bug's saliva will paralyse the affected area o f the No. appearing: 1 9
victim's body unless he makes his saving roll. The male will continue t o Armour class: 4
attack until killed. Movement: 12" (flying)
As soon as the male's attacks have achieved the desired paralysation,
the female will 'attack' the affected area; if successful, she implants her Hit Dice: 508
egg into the victim's body, then dies. Treasure: nil
The egg will hatch, producing 1--4 larvae, 13-24 hours after it is Attack: ten tentacles @ '
implanted. During this period, only a very powerful spell such as limited plus bite @ 1D6
wish (or surgery) will remove or kill the egg. When the larvae hatch,
each one will cause 1 pointof damage t o the host each turn (ten minutes).
plus paralysation
After t w o weeks, the larvae will leave the host body and metamorphose Alignment: Neutral evil
into fully grown Assassin Bugs. While they are in the host body, the Intelligence: average
l m a e can be killed by a number of spells: cure serious wounds will kill Monstermark: 641.2 (level X in
one larva per experience level of the caster above sixth; cure critical
12 levels)
wounds will kill all larvae; heal will kill all larvae and restore all but
5-8 of the victim's h i t points.
Assassin Bug eggs are regarded as great delicacies by Trolls, The appearance o f the Grell is fearsome - a body like a giant exposed
Troglodytes and Bugbears. brain 5' i n diameter and with a frontal beak, below which trail ten 6'
Comments: Considering the limited number o f larvae produced by each long tentacles. The beast flies by a levitation process, the tentacles
mating pair, and the likely mortality rate o f the larvae, it is a trifle controlling horizontal motion.
surprising the breed hassurvived. Presumably a freshly-killed body would Grells are very dangerous and cunning, often dropping o n victims
d o as a host? Though things would be pretty nasty after t w o weeks. .. from above. A l l ten tentacles can be brought t o bear on a single victim;
each' inflicts I D 4 damage and carries small spines which paralyse the Silver Swords are intelligent (10 o r higher, with an ego of 7 or higher)
victim unless he makes his saving roll. As soon as the prey has been but are nonaligned; Githyanki will go t o any lengths t o prevent them
paralysed, the Grell anchors two tentaclesonto the body, lashing it with from falling into human hands.
the other eight tentacles and also biting with its beak for 1D6 damage Outside their lair, they will never be encountered in parties larger
(none o f these attacks require a 'to hit' roll once the victim has been than 4; i n the lair however will be 21-30 Githyanki of all types.
grasped). A l l Githyanki, of whatever level, have psionic abilities i n the range
Any h i t on a tentacle will render it inoperative (though it regenerates 150-250 with all attack modes and all defence modes except J.
i n t w o days) but the damage is not subtracted from the Grell's h i t Comments: Another extremely welldeveloped 'tribal' beast and one
points - damage can only be caused b y hitting the body. ' which deserves t o feature i n many high-level modules. For an
Grells are immune t o Lightning but otherwise have standard magical explanation of the Silver Thread, read the clerical Astral Spell in the
resistance. PH - the Silver Sword is a very powerful astral weapon indeed. I am
Comments: This thing is even worse than the Carrion Crawler - with curious t o know whether the designer intended the Githyankis'
ten tentacles hitting, there's not much chance of avoiding paralysation; projection t o the material plane as using the Silver Thread - i f so it
lucky it only attacks on the '5 dice' line. I should have thought the explains more clearly why they are so anxious t o retain control o f the
sight of this beast would be likely t o induce fear in low-level characters Silver Swords, though it doesn't explain why they bring Silver Swords
as the Mummy. with them i n the first place. Could the designer elucidate please? As it ,
It's not often wr h w a such a powerful entrant in the Factory, but stands, most fighters would prefer the Dancing Sword t o the Silver
this one is mighty ~nteresting. . i n its way ( I would not like t o meet it). Sword.

by Ian Livingstone by Ian Livingstone

No. appearing: 2D6 No. appearing: 1D 4

Armour class: 3 Armour class: 7
Movement: 9" Movement: 6"
Hit Dice: 5D8 Hit Dice: 6D8
Treasure: type P Treasure: type Q
Attack: two talons, Attack: blood drain
I D 8 each Alignment: Neutral
Alignment: Neutral Intelligence: non
Intelligence: low Monstermark: 2 7 (level 111'
Monstermark: 4 5 (level I V 1 2 levels)
in 1 2 levels)
20' long, Giant Bloodworms are usually found i n the shallow pools o f
Large, powerful humanoids, Hook Horrors have vulture-like heads and a underground caverns. Their underbelly is dark slimy brown while their
hard plated exoskeleton which is mottled grey i n colour. Though their upper surface is mottled green - lying half in, half out o f a pool a Giant
vision is very poor (they inhabit deep underground caverns) their hearing Bloodworm is easily mistaken for a moss-covered rock. They attack
is extremely acute and there is only a 10% chance o f surprising them. when stepped upon.
Their arms end in sharp, hooked talons which they use in melee. When a Giant Bloodworm attacks, it will attempt t o fasten its large
They cannot speak b u t communicate by making clacking noises with suckered mouth onto a victim, and i f it succeeds it will, each subsequent
the exoskeleton - an eerie sound which can alarm the unwary as it round, drain blood from the victim, inflicting 1D8 points damage.
echoes round dungeon corridors. Giant Bloodworms are particularly vulnerable t o fire - they take
Commenn: Straightforward stuff, but an excellent and vivid image even double damage from normal fire attacks and save at -2 against magical
without the artist's work. Perhaps they should have vulnerability to, or fire.
at least fear of, light - so that a light spell would hold them off, for Comments: The Giant monsters aren't usually low-level, so this one is
instance? particularly welcome i n the third rank. Presumably i t also has
swimming ability (at the same 6" rate?) and could i f necessary retreat
into the water. I am a b i t surprised at the low armour class - a beast
which spends its time moving over rocks should have tougher skin;
perhaps this is a dexterity disadvantage?

by C. Stross
No. appearing: 1D4 ?:%
Armour class: variable \ by Cricky Hitchcock
Movement: variable
Hit Dice: variable (upper No. appearing: 4D10
limit of 11D8) Armour class: 8
Treasure: individuals type R, Movement: 12"
lair type A Hit Dice: 5D8
Attack: by weapon type Treasure: nil
Alignment: variable but never Attack: I 'dagger' ( I D 8 1 at
good and always evil +2 hit probability
Intelligence: average - genius - see below
Monstermark: variable Alignment: Chaotic good
Intelligence: very
Long ago the Mind Flayers enslaved a race of evil humans - the Monstermark: 24.8 (level I I I
.Githyanki -asslavesand food. Gradually the Githyanki grew in strength in 1 2 levels) and
and powers, finally throwing o f f their rulers' yoke and gaining their
autonomy. They dwell i n the Outer Planes but frequently project higher
themselves t o the material plane (an innate ability common t o all
members of the race) and from time t o time will set u p temporary These humans inhabit dungeons and deserts and wear special robes
refuges deep underground from which they mount raids on humans and known as 'stillsuits' which can re-cycle the body's water t o make it
Mind Flayers alike. They worship a Lich-Queen said t o have powers at drinkable. These stillsuits may be used b y other human characters in an
the 24th level of magic-use. emergency though there is a 10% cumulative chance per hour that the
Githyanki progress in experience as fighters, magic-users or fighters1 water so produced will be poisoned.
magic-users. They have never been known t o progress above 11t h level Similar t o humans i n most respects, the Desert Raiders can be
and rarely above 8th. Githyanki use armour and weapons as men do, recognised by the fact that their eyes are completely blue.
though the ornateness o f their design is often a distinguishing feature. They fight as 5th level fighters and use Crysknives - daggers made
Fighters and fighterlmagic-users o f 5th level and above usually carry from the teeth of Purple Worms; these weapons inflict I D 8 damage and
Dancing Swords o f at least +1 bonus. A Githyanki fighter of 7th level Desert Raiders attack at +2 h i t probability with them.
and above will usually carry a Silver Sword - a +3 broadsword with a Of every 5 Desert Raiders encountered, one will have clerical abilities
limited vorpal property (sever on a roll of 20) and which, i f used ranging from 4th t o 6 t h level; i n addition, one i n every five Desert
astrally, has a 20% chance per melee round o f cutting the Silver Thread. Raiders will be trained i n the 'weirding way' and may attack as a monk )
o f 4th-7th level. A band of m o r e than 2 0 Desert Raiders wtll be led b y
a 'bodyguard' which gets t w o attacks per round, each at +2 h ~ t
probability, w i t h open hand, doing I D 1 0 damage per attack.
Comments: A well-developed 'tribal' monster o n t h e lines o f the
excellent D r o w i n the TSR D modules. I hope t h e designer doesn't
m i n d me changing the name, f o r copyright reasons. It should be noted
t h a t the Desert Raider uses t h e same 'saving roll' table as a 5 t h level
cleric, and t h e ones trained i n the monk's abilities w i l l use the
appropriate monk's table.

by Bob Montgo~
by Lew Pulsipher
No. appearing: 1 iven a technology capable of producing steel swords,
Armour class: 5 plate mail, and large masonry castles, one can think
Movement: 1" of a great many items useful in dungeon adventures
Hit Dice: 4D8 but not listed on the D&D equipment tables. Even if
Treasure: J,K,L,M,N,Q,X the referee charges a stiff price - but none of these could cost
Attack: See below more than a suit of plate - they're worth it. Most should be
Alignment: Neutral - carried in a sack placed near the top of one's backpack, but
Intelligence: animal some would be better close to hand or on a mule.
Monstermark: 143 (level VII in First, if the referee permits it (he should not), buy weapons
12 levels) with a silver content for use against lycanthropes and undead.
More plausibly, the referee might allow silver coating on weapons
These predatory beasts are t h e subject o f m a n y ancient myths. They
(after all, one has silver coated arrow tips), but i t should wear
dwell above o r below ground i n any fissure - even volcanic ones as they off after a few blows are struck. Each character except Mu's
are immune t o f i r e - that they can secrete their long serpentine b o d y will probably have one long and one shorter weapon - sword
i n t o (like a h e r m i t crab). Vibrations through the earth warn t h e m o f and war hammer or hammer and morning star. In addition, or in
anyone's approach whereon they will rear o u t and attack. They are place of the second weapon, each character should have a non-
slow moving and seldom encountered away f r o m their hole which they
o n l y leave t o f i n d a larger one. ferrous weapon to use against rust monsters - even a dagger is
They have a single head a t o p 3 muscular intestinal tracts but appear worthwhile. Mu's and mules should carry one non-ferrous
t o have 3 heads and intertwined bodies, as described i n legends. This is weapon each. A bronze weapon hits at minus 1, though with
because they emanate a powerful spectral force. Because o f the legends, normal damage; however, 20% of the time a hit is scored vs. an
any communicative beings w i l l automatically believe it t o have 3 heads
and w i l l sustain damage f r o m each while any attacks o n i t have only opponent of armour class 4 or better, or with a shield, the
113 chance o f being directed against the t r u e monster. Each believed weapon breaks and no damage is inflicted. (For a blunt weapon
head attacks independently w i t h a 1-6 b i t e and collectively f o r a 1-4 10% is more plausible than 20.) (Note: The new-style rust
constrict plus I-4lmelee r o u n d thereafter u n t i l h i t w i t h 18+ causing it monster can corrode any metal, but only when it scores a hit,
t o release its grip. A n y prey slain w i l l immediately be drawn d o w n i n t o
the creature's lair t o be eaten. T h e heads shimmer as mirror image so not when the weapon hits the monster; a few wood and stone
t h a t if any damage is done all three appear the same - t h e images d o clubs and flint daggers might be worth carrying, just in case.)
n o t d ~ s p e-
l and the true creature remains indistinguishable. A two-handed sword should go on a mule - it's too
F o r every 1 0 adventurers, there is a 5% chance t h a t one w i l l have n o cumbersome for characters to carry about indoors, of course,
p r i o r knowledge o f t h e beast o r legends and m a y therefore save as f o r
t h e spell. I f he saves he may attack unerringly b u t has o n l y a 5% chance unless always carried in the hands. A few arrows should be
(+5% per charisma p o i n t above 12) o f convincing others t h a t t h e beast prepared for flame - rags attached ready for oil priming, and
has one head. I f the beast attacks h i m it does so w i t h one b i t e plus balance adjusted. All weapons should be blessed (remember
constriction. rakshasas) and for good measure cleansed or sprinkled
A n y treasure is f r o m victims and is a t the deepest part o f t h e lair.
Comments: A novel beast t h a t c o u l d be as d i f f i c u l t t o D M as it is t o occasionally with holy water, assuming the party can obtain it.
fight. It has virtually 1 2 h i t dice! Next we come to metal implements. A silver-coated steel
chain with connectors, about five feet long, and a silver-coated
Before closing the Factory doors on a goodly collection, there pair of manacles, should be carried on a mule. The silver is a
i s something I am allowed (!) to say. We (that is, Games precaution against lycanthropes in human form and will be a
Workshop, who have asked me to edit the project) intend to good joke on any thief who thinks he's stealing solid silver. A
produce and publish a volume of monsters, most of which have crowbar has obvious uses. Mountain climbers' piton rings can
been submitted for inclusion in the Factory, as the second save lives as anchor points for ropes, and can double as doorstops
volume of the Monster Manual; the publication will have when pounded into the floor. A small bell or horn, metal or
official TSR recognition and will be called the Fiend Folio (to otherwise, can be used for signals or to scare or confuse enemies
maintain some alliteration). Not all the monsters which have (remember Boromir in Moria). A metal 3-prong hook, preferably
appeared in the Factory will be included and of course the one that can be attached to chain or rope, or screwed into the
Folio will contain many more monsters than have appeared in butt of a spear, comes in handy. (Your referee might object to a
the Factory so far. Designers will be credited if their creations screw connection; in that case a hollow cylinder attachment
are to appear. There will have been modification/expansion of into which the spear butt is inserted, with a heavy pin or double
some of the entries, I hope designers don't mind my messing pin to pass through two holes in the cylinder and one through
about a little with their creations and will approve the changes the spear, will do the trick.) It's going too far to ask for a metal
as worthwhile. Some names, too, will be changed for various pole that extends like a radio aerial or naval telescope - it
reasons. would be too difficult to make one that could take any load.
I am writing to all designers regarding the Fiend Folio, but However, some 4-5 foot poles with connecting screw attach-
do not have the addresses of Mary Patterson, W. Maddox or ments or the pin-and-hole method used for the hook, can be'
Simon Tilbrook. Would they please write to me c/o White Dwarf. useful for a variety of searches.
This is an exciting project which will bring many A l i s t of the next group i s sufficient: flint and steel; pen, ink,
more new monsters to your notice than could the and paper; eye patch; blindfold; made-to-order gag; noseplugs;
Factory; we hope you will give it your full support. earplugs (lightning bolts underground are deafening); hollow
Publication date has not yet been fixed, but we wooden tube (good for breathing while under the surface of a
hope to aim for late 1979.
A regular feature introduc~ngnew and ~nterest~ng
edited by Don Turnbull.
ast time we announced the publication of the Fiend
Folio, and things are s t i l l going according to plan by Ronald Hall
(though I haven't yet heard from Mary Patterson, No. appearing:
William Maddox and Simon Tilbrook - would anyone Armour class: (6 on the ethereal
ws them please draw their attention to the request?).It plane)
may have occured to you that purchasing the Fiend Folio will Movement: 15" (18" on the
simply give you, in one volume, what the Factory has done in ethereal plane)
several issues. Well, let me reassure you. The Folio will contain Hit Dice: 5 D8
some monsters you have already seen in the Factory, but in an Treasure: various 'dispelled'
expanded format to line up with the Monster Manual, and these magical items,
entries will be very much in the minority - the vast majority mostly useless.
will be new creatures - over 150 of them! Of course it would be Attack: two claws 2-5 each
easy for me to fill the pages of the Factory, prior to publication plus special.
of the Folio, with 'Folio monsters', but I have manfully resisted ~ ~ Neutral
i ~ ~ ~ ~
this temptation and can say that all Factory entries from now Intelligence:lowaverage
on will not be appearing in the Folio (since we had to draw a ~ ~ 189 (level~ VII ~ ~ ~
deadline somewhere), though there may be the odd exception. in 12 levels).
from On have missed the
T h e Terithran i s a creature o f t h e ethereal plane. I n the material plane it
deadline and that will be the they are not in the has a faint, shadowy appearance (though n o t so f a i n t as a n o n c o r p o r e a l
Folio. It does mean that the Factory can s t i l l continue to
produce tb goods without compromising the Folio, or vice
versa. who knows - we may in time
volume. . .
another a
monster) w i t h a short ( 4 ' tall) h u m a n o i d body, long sinewy arms a n d a
large mis-shapen head. I n n o r m a l m lee ~tattacks w i t h t w o 2-5 claws, b u t
it w i l l t r y t o a v o ~ dthis t y p e o f f i g h t i g a s m u c h as possible, relying o n its
unique magical properties.

by Julian Lawrence
No. appearing: 3D6 magic resistant a n d has a n u m b e r o f magical powers.
Arrnour class: 4 While o n t h e material plane t h e Terithran's spell use is l i m i t e d t o six
Movement: 18" flying uses per day except f o r detect magic w h i c h can b e used any number of
Hit Dice: 6D8+3 times T h e powers it can use, detect magic apart, are:
Stunning blast: a charge o f ethereal waves w i t h the effect o f
Treasure: nil powc-r word stun o n all creatures w i t h ~ na 1 0 '
Attack: bite for 1D6, radius; saving r o l l versus magic negates t h e
tail for I D 4 plus effect.
special Drain Power: this spell removes all magical a b i l i t y f r o m a
maglc-user u n t i l a n appropriate regenerative
Alignment: Neutral evil t i m e has passed. Treat as though the magic-user
Intelligence: low h a d used u p all his spells. Save versus breath
Monstermark: 120 (level V I negates t h e effect.
in 12 levels). Cause Serious Wounds: as the Clerical spell, activated b y t o u c h (normal
attack required b u t n o saving roll).
T h e D o o m b a t is a species o f Undead B a t f o u n d i n dismal caverns where it Transportation. this permits the Terithran t o transport itself
seeks t o k i l l all living things. It attacks b y b i t i n g f o r I D 6 damage a n d a n d one other person ( t h e o f f e n d ~ n g mage)
lashing w i t h ~ t sbarbed tail f o r I D 4 d a m a g ~ ; the tail lash also has the back t o the ether. T h e vtctlm m u s t first be
effect o f a Ghoul's touch o n a victim. grasped (treat as a n o r m a l h i t w i t h t w o claws)
T h e D o o m b a t can be t u r n e d as a Wight o n the ClericIUndead table. It b u t there is n o saving r o l l
is dark grey i n c o l o u r a n d m a y n o t be easily seen i n conditions o f d i m W h ~ l eI n an encounter, therefore, the Terithran w i l l have as its p r i m e
light. o b l ~ c t i v ethe grasping o f t h e v l c t i m magic-user a n d his transportation
Comments: N o self-respecting Vampire w o u l d b e w i t h o u t a protective back t o the ether; t t w i l l thus retain one spell use f o r transportatlon
gang of these things! I assume t h e beast has the normal resistance o f (r,tthet w i t h a v i c t i m or, i f t t fails t o grasp a n d the melee is going against
Undead t o spells affecting the m i n d . T h e high h i t dice value IS rather it, alone In e x a p e ) . However it m a y have t o use o t h e r powers ( u p t o a
surprising a n d has a great deal t o d o w i t h t h high ~ Monsterlnark: I w o u l d m a x i m u m o f five, saving the s i x t h f o r transportation) t o defend Itself, t o
have t h o u g h t 2D8 more r e a l ~ s t t c- perhaps thts IS a particularly p o w e r f u l get t o ~ t intended
s v i c t i m a n d so f o r t h .
specimen? N o t e t h a t the t o u c h o f the Terithran does n o t automatically cause

serious wounds - it only does so if the beast has decided to use that spell M O L T E N IMPS
If the creature i s encountered on the ethereal plane i t s claws do 2-9 Hit Dice: 3D8
points of damage, and the stunning blast does 2-7D8 damage. Armour Class: 6
On the material plane the Terithran can only be hit by silver or Attack: two claws for 1 point of damage each plus
magical weapons. special.
Comments: This is one of those creatures which is simpler to run than its
description would have.us believe - the objectives of the beast are clear These lmps appear red-hot and constantly ooze molten lava. Anyone
enough and its behaviour should be simple to control 'on the spot'. touching them with bare flesh receives 1-8 damage.
However, I think we need a clearer indication of the amount of magic-use They can claw and use a breath weapon, the latter consisting of a
which would attract it in the first place - a single spell would not do the molten blob of lava, automatically hitting a single target within 10' for
trick, I wouldn't have thought, unless it was 8th or 9th level, and I would 1-6 points damage (no saving roll). If the encounter takes place in a
suggest DMs only activate the beast when prolonged use of magic has volcanic region where molten lava is available, these lmps can regenerate
taken place - say when 16 spell levels have been used in quick succession 2 hit points per round simply by keeping in contact with the lava
or something on those lines. DMs also need to work out what effect the (although this power ceases if they are killed).
creature has on artifacts. Once per hour they may attempt to gate in 1-2 lmps of the Flame
This i s a very original idea. It isn't a particularly vicious beast and it (equal probability each type) with a 25% chance of success. Their touch
will be rather rare, but it i s a natural enemy of magic-users and perhaps a automatically dissolves materials (as Green Slime) and they may
shapechange into a pool of lava.
better way of introducing some risk into magic-use than 'klutz factors'
Comments: A welcome addition to the ranks of a very useful class of
and other similar devices (which don't appear to be particularly satis-
monster. A DM will have t o give careful thought to interaction between
factory, if for no other reason than that there are so many different
the Imps if two or more different types appear in the same encounter (as
systems, none of which are included in the TSR rules). An excellent
a result of gating, for instance) - the STEAM and MOLTEN variety, for
contribution. instance, may not be entirely compatible.
I have not worked out all the Monstermarks, but would place all these
creatures in levels I-IV in 12 levels.

by M . Stollery
General characteristics:
by Neville White
No. appearing: 1D 8
Movement: 12" (24" flying). No. a ~ ~ e a r i n a : 1
Treasure: 2D6 PP each. 9,5 or 1 (see
Alignment: Chaotic evil or below)
lawful evil Movement: 12" (but see
Intelligence: standard below)
Hit Dice: 7D8+3
These additional members of the Imp class (see the Monster i i ~ a n u aand
l Treasure: nil
Dungeoneer) are either Chaotic Evil or Lawful Evil, depending on Attack: 1 bite 1 D 8 and
whether they serve Demons or Devils. They are all about 5' tall with 2 claws I D 6
functional wings and fangs. each
FIRE IMPS Alignment: Neutral evil
Hit Dice: 3D8+1 Intelligence: very high (15-18)
Armour class: 5 Monstermark: I would suggest
Attack: two claws 1-3 each plus special. an average value
These mischievous creatures attack with their claws and a breath weapon. of 4 9 0 (level X
The latter i s either a jet of flame 15' long and 1' in diameter (2-9 points in 1 2 levels).
of damage to a victim who fails his saving roll, damage halved if he does This foul creature of darkness is the essence of a Demon imprisoned in
save) or a flame 'blanket' 5' square directly in front of the Imp (4 points the form of a Shadow. As a result of this, it is more powerful in darkness
damage to all victims, no saving roll). Touching these lmps with bare and more vulnerable in conditions of bright light. Thus its characteristics
flesh will cause 1 point of damage. vary according to the ambient illumination:
They can heat metal and use magic missile (2 missiles) once per day In daylight or i t s equivalent the Demon is AC9 and sustains double
and have a 25% chance of gating in another Imp of the Flame (equal damage from all attacks.
probability each type) - one attempt per hour. In torchlight it is AC5 and suffers normal damage from attacks. It
They are red in colour and their bodies are surrounded with wisps of attacks at +1 hit probability in these conditions.
flame. In darkness or near-darkness it is ACl, attacks at +2 hit probability
SMOKE IMPS and suffers half damage from attacks.
The Shadow Demon is immune t o fire, cold and lightning but if a
Hit Dice: 3D8 light spell is cast at it, the Shadow Demon is affected as if by a fireball
Armour class: 4 (SO a light spell from a 5th level magic-user would do 5D6 damage on it,

Attack: two claws 1-2 each plus special. whatever the normal illumination conditions).
Its wings are too small t o give it full flying abilities, but in its initial
Like the Fire Imps, these creatures attack with their claws and a breath attack it can use the wings to boost a leap up t o 30' in length, following
weapon, the latter being the discharge of a sooty ball of smoke which which it will attack with four 1D6 claws (though not with i t s bite). One
does 1D4 damage to a victim (no saving roll - automatic hit on a single round in ten it can half-fly at 18" movement rate (it will usually use this
victim within 20') and blinds him for 1-2 melee rounds. maneouvre to try to escape if necessary).
They are black in colour and have smoke oozing from their bodies. Once per day the Shadow Demon can cast darkness 10'radius and can
They inhabit smoky areas and never emerge into bright light if possible. use fear over a 30' radius. Once per week it may execute a magic jar ,
The Smoke Imp can gate in 1-2 lmps of the Flame (equal probability attack on a victim, but if the victim saves the Shadow Demon is stunned
each type) - one attempt per hour which has a 20% chance of success. for 1-3 rounds.
Once per day they can use invisibility and dancing lights. Comments: This would be rated quite a weak Demon in comparison with
When a Smoke Imp dies, it coughs up 1 hit point of flame damage to some of the others, but it exhibits surprising and disturbing qualities all
everyone within 10' (no saving roll). the same. Not an easy creature t o run unless the DM insists on keeping
STEAM IMPS track of all sources of light (see Lew Pulsipher's excellent suggestions in
Hit Dice: 3D8+3 White Dwarf 12, page 11).
Armour class: 7 For a change, we will look a t some very high-level
Attack: two claws 1-4 each plus special. beasts next time - not because I think we are short
These lmps are grey in colour and constantly drip hot water, leaving a of them but because a designer's inventiveness should
trail of water behind them as they move. In addition to attacking with not be ignored just because he happens to produce a
their claws, the Steam lmps can direct a jet of scalding water at a single monster with limited deployability.
victim within 20' (1-3 points of damage - no saving roll - and a 50% - -.

chance of stunning the victim for one melee round). Touching a Steam
Imp with bare flesh delivers 1 hit point of damage and a 50% chance of
stunning for one round.
Once per day the Steam Imp can perform a rainstorm of boiling water
- treat as ice storm with 2-12 cfamage for all victims (no saving roll).
INext Issue:

Lair of the White Wyrm - a complete Runequest mini-scenario
White Dwarf Interview - Gary Gygax I

Expanding Universe - Part 11-
Once per hour they may contaminate water (as the first level Druid spell). * Fiend Factory - more monsters
Once per hour they may attempt to gate in 1-2 lmps of the Flame * Treasure Chest - special rooms
(equal probability each type) with a 30% chance of success.
Its usual mode of attack is with its tusks which are set about 6' apart
and with its trunk, with which it lifts its opponent (assuming it has
scored a hit) and either drops them off a handy precipice or throws them

to the ound with twice the force of a normal fall . Its initial charge
against group of adventurers delivers 4-40 points of damage (by
trampling its foes underfoot) to each victim who fails to 'save against his
It has one other deadly weapon - its breath . In place of an ordinary
tongue, the Gurgotch has a great trumpet-like funnel from which it
exhales a noxious gas which acts on the central nervous system of a
victim . All caught in the cloud must 'save against constitution' or lose all
conscious muscular control from the neck downwards (in effect, they are
paralysed) ; they also lose 4 points of dexterity and 2 points each of
strength and constitution . Those making their saving roll are not para-
lysed but still suffer the effects of the loss of characteristic points . In
either case the loss of characteristic points is permanent unless a bless and
cure disease are cast, in that order and one immediately after the other,
on the victim within a week (of course a paralysed victim will have had to
have the paralysis removed first) .
Comments: More suitable to a wilderness encounter than a dungeon,
though in a restricted space its charge will be elen more effective . A lot
of decisions for the DM to make here - how many in the group of
victims would be 'caught' in the charge? Can the tusks skewer two
different victims at the same time (after all, it's had plenty of practice)?
What range and area of effect has the breath weapon?
In case the concept of 'saving against a characteristic' is not familiar,
let me briefly explain (though I think many DMs use this in one form or
another) . Quite often there arise circumstances in which the character's
ability to avoid a certain action should be related to one of his character-
istics (for instance his ability to avoid a charge will be a function of his
dexterity, his chance of taking a sensible course of action in confusing
circumstances will be related to his intelligence, and so on). In such cases
DMs often resolve the problem by asking the character to roll under his
A regular feature introducing new and interesting monsters, characteristic score, his action succeeding if he does so and failing if he
edited by Don Turnbull . doesn't . Thus if a character with a dexterity of 15 stood a chance of
avoiding the charge of a Gurgotch, the DM might ask him to roll 3136
(2136 if he wants to make it easier - in this case certain - or 4136 if the
irst, a word of apology. When readers are sending DM thinks the chances are rather small) . If the character rolls 5+3+2=10
contributions for the Factory (of which we have he has 'saved' and has avoided the charge ; if he rolls a 17, he gets
received nearly 600!) they sometimes enclose a letter trampled . This is a useful way of testing any particular ability, and also
asking me a question or two about this or that . Mainly useful in dealing with non-player-characters if there is any doubt about
the actions they would take, the advice they would give and so forth .
the questions are about the Monster-mark system, but there are
other topics . Now I'm sorry, but I simply haven't the time to
answer all these individual queries, and since it wouldn't be fair
to answer some while ignoring others, I have had to make a
strict rule not to answer any. Which may seem rather heartless
until you consider the volume : What you could do, if you think
it worthwhile, into try to prevail on the editor to include, every by David Taylor
so often in White Dwarf, a 'question box' feature in which No . appearing: 1
questions of general interest could be answered, or at least a Armour class : variable
point of view put forward. Movement : variable
However, please don't let this put you off writing with your Hit Dice : variable
comments which don't require an individual reply. I welcome Treasure : nil
views on the column - critical or otherwise - and can assure Attack : variable
you that they aren't ignored . Of course, praise (which comes Alignment: Lawful evil
from time to time) is particularly welcome . . . Intelligence : very high
This time we have a collection of rather powerful beasts . In
The Mindweb is a group entity which grows by absorbing the minds of
all cases I have omitted to include a Monstermark, either characters or of monsters which have human intelligence or above . It
because it is incalculable or because it is very high (usually both). manifests itself as a motley group of men and creatures, their heads
Similarly you can regard all these creatures as occupying linked together by a shimmering, immaterial network of silvery lines of
relatively high ranks in the monster level tables . force. These lines can stretch as much as 100', so that all the component
units can move within that radius of the nucleus. The nucleus itself is a
shimmering force-sphere at the junction of all the strands of the web ; it
has 100 hit points, is treated as AC -2 and has 80% magical resistance,
being vulnerable only to blows from weapons with at least a +2 magical
The individual members of the Mindweb retain the abilities they
by Roger Musson possessed before absorption though their actions are totally under the
Mindweb's control . Large webs have been known to contain creatures of
No . appearing : 1-2 all types, from Gnomes to Storm Giants .
Armour class: 1 Characters encountering the Mindweb will be taken alive if possible
and their minds absorbed into the Web. To snsnare its victim, the
Movement : 12" Mindweb shoots out a silvery line of force at a single target within the
Hit Dice : 8138+3 100' range; this attack is rolled as if from a 10-dice monster, though if a
Treasure : F successful hit is scored the victim can escape being trapped if he rolls
Attack : 2 tusks (1-10 each), under his dexterity with 4136 . If a victim fails his saving roll, he is ran-
dered incapable of normal action for three melee rounds, at the end of
charge (4-40), trunk which his mind has been completely taken over by the Web and he will
(special) and breath then act on its behalf . During the interim period, the victim will stand
weapon (special). stock-still as if in a trance ; dispel magic cast upon him during this time
Alignment: Chaotic-evil has a 5% chance per level of the caster of releasing him,,in which case his
actions return to normal after a further two-round recovery period .
Intelligence : average Once a victim's mind has been absorbed by the Web, only a full wish
Magic resistance : 50% is certain to release him and a limited wish has a 50% chance (in either
case, roll also for System Shock) .
The Gurgotch, or Demon Elephant, is another of the infernal forces once Victims of the Web will use trickery and/or force to try to get their
conjured forth to do war against the forces of Good ; the remnants now comrades absorbed too. For instance they may, if their capture has not
wander the Earth, seeking the depths from which they originated . been seen by their comrades, pretend to rejoin them and lead them to
In form the beast resembles a large black elephant with big saucer-like treasure, instead leading them to where other units of the Web' can
glowing white eyes and a tail resembling a trident. ambush them and the Web itself can attack .

Comments : I have taken a few liberties with this creation since it If the saving roll is not made, only a full wish will reverse the' process,
appeared that some detail was incomplete (and readers may think it still and in the meantime the victim is vulnerable to melting, etc .
is). The group entity is a rare phenomenon in D&D, but this particular Comments : Superficially not particularly strong, but all these creatures
version is quite a popular fantasy concept and deserves a place, in my with instant stoning, paralysation etc. are dangerous - and watch where
view . DMs may wish to vary the characteristics of the nucleus to make you are putting your torches when a nearby mate has been iced! To
the Web more or less powerful, depending on circumstances . They . may determine whether a character meets the gaze of an Ice Maiden (or a
also wish to rule on the distance over which the lines of force connecting Medusa or anything on those lines, come to that), first determine the
the units to the nucleus can be seen . I presume, incidentally, that there is light conditions - how close would a character have to be to see the
no way in which these lines can be cut? eyes? When the potentially vulnerable . group has been identified thus
discount any character who had taken specific avoiding action (like
using a mirror); for the rest, have them make a saving roll to see whether

C "C they have - met the gaze (this is an instance in which a save against
intelligence could be useful) ; only if they fail that roll do they suffer the
effects . The system will vary from DM to DM, of course, and this isn't
in any way authoritative ; however, I have found that few DMs pay
by M.C . attention to the prevailing light conditions in these circumstances.
(no name and address given)

No . appearing: 1
Armour class: 0
Movement : 36"
Hit Dice : 8138
Treasure : nil No . appearing : 1
Attack : _special Armour class : -4/2/4
Alignment: Neutral Movement : 12"
Intelligence : non Hit Dice : 15138 4
Magic resistance : see below Treasure : in lair A,2B,Z .
Attack : special
Created by high-level Magicians, these creatures are composed entirely of
Alignment: Lawful evil
magical energy and are usually imprisoned in crystalline globes. The
original creator was wont to send a globe to each of his enemies, the Intelligence : high _-
globe being magically set to shatter on the touch of the individual enemy The Gazer, or Spherical Killer, is a strange relative of the Beholder . Only
concerned, thus releasing the creature imprisoned within . If a globe is 7 of these creatures are known for certain to exist. Like its cousin it is
discovered, therefore, it may have been 'targetted' on a particular victim most often found underground . It appears very much like the Beholder
(in which case only quite a heavy blow will shatter it) or may simply be with one significant difference - in the Eyes .
set to shatter on any touch. Once released the Cyclone will attack the There are 10 small eyes located around a reddish central eye in the
person shattering the globe either until its victim is dead (in which case' front, with a mouth set at about 40° from the vertical . The mouth is used
the Cyclone, its task complete, will be dispelled) or until the Cyclone primarily for feeding (though in extreme circumstances, when other
itself .is neutralised. measures are not available, the creature will use it to bite a victim for 2-5
The Cyclone'appears as a whirlwind of energy which shimmers and damage) and is surrounded by 4 small eyes used solely for vision . The 10
glitters, causing temporary blindness (for 1-3 turns) to all who look small eyes around the central eye are usually pointed at that central eye,
directly at it within a 20' radius (save as against magic to avoid the effect) . for this is the creature's main method of attack . The 10 independent eyes
It cannot be damaged by normal weapons. When a successful hit is scored project beams of light, once each melee round, at the central eye which
against the Cyclone, the damage inflicted is also inflicted on the striker, in turn focuses them and discharges the collected light in a single
of the blow, in the form of energy loss via the attacker's weapon. (Of powerful beam 5' in diameter over a range of 60'. A victim caught in the
course, damage from a +1 arrow, for instance, does not also harm the beam takes' damage equal to the number of hit points the Gazer has
attacker since there is no physical contact with the Cyclone .) remaining at that time . A saving roll is permitted; success halves the.
Once every three melee rounds the Cyclone emits a 6-dice lightning damage .
bolt ; otherwise it does the same damage as does an Air Elemental and The 10 eyes can project their beams individually at separate targets
sweeps away all creatures of under three hit dice . without using the central eye as a focusing device; in this case the
The Cycloneis impervious to most magical spells but can be damaged number of hit points delivered in damage is 10% of the beast's total per
by ice storm, disintegrate and dispel magic (which has a 5% chance per eye, the diameter of the beam is 6" and its range 20' .
level of the attacker of delivering 1-4 damage on the Cyclone and also The central eye performs one other function . If it has been used to
negating the lightning bolt if it was to be released that melee round) . A focus the beams of all 10 individual eyes, and if by this means a hit has
lightning bolt spell will restore the appropriate number of hit points to been scored on a victim, the central eye then acts as a Gem of Brightness
the Cyclone. for 1-4 melee rounds thereafter, the victim being subject to all the effects
Comments: An interesting variant on the Air Elemental . 1 wonder (though damage is halved if a saving roll is made against dragon breath) .
whether it should be able to sustain itself indefinitely or whether its The small eyes around the central eye are all AC -4 ; each contains 1 %
existence should be of a fixed duration? I am inclined to the latter, of the creature's total hits . The pulpy mouth is AC 4 and contains 50%
though DMs will make up their own minds. To be fair to players, a DM of the total hits . The central eye is also AC -4 and contains only 1% of
who scatters a few of these globes round his dungeon should also try to the total hits . The body is AC2 and contains the remaining hits points.
give players a -chance (by means of rumour or a hidden parchment, The scaly hide of the Gazer is dotted with minute eyes -about 1000
perhaps) to find out their function, other than by the hard way . of them - which are realistic enough to confuse unless studied from close,
quarters . If anyone tries to hit a 'fake eye', they have 1 hit point each but
are treated as AC -9 . The Gazer hide is therefore. highly prized if it can
be collected intact since it can be used as a Robe of Eyes by any
character class. The hide itself is a dirty blue-grey, the eyes coloured like
rubies . Each minor eye (not a 'false eye') is . worth 50-100 gp and the
by David Hicks central eye is worth 200-600 gp .
The Gazer can telekinese 8,000 gp weight . Its saliva is mildly
No . appearing : 1-4 poisonous - anyone who is bitten by a Gazer must make a saving roll
Armour class: -2 against poison or suffer mild itching which cuts their hit probability by
10% for one day .
Movement : 9"
Comments : Well, this is a brute and no mistake! A very well-constructed
Hit Dice : 4-6138 creature and the product of a highly fertile imagination - we will be
Treasure : A seeing more of Charles' creations.
Attack : by weapon type + Although Charles did not specifically mention these points, I would
suggest (a) invulnerability to normal weapons - at least a +2 weapon
required to hit; (b) high magic resistance - say .50% ; (c) perhaps some
Alignment: Lawful evil ,psionic ability . No - I'm not trying to make it even nastier just for the
Intelligence : very take of it, but these things appear to me to be consistent with the
beast's development.
Certainly the most powerful creature to have featured in the Factory
An Ice Maiden is about 6' tall and looks like a very pale nakec" human so far, but fearsomely logical and creating a very vivid (and nasty!) image.
female . Her 'hair' is composed entirely of icicles and her eyes ar3 a pene-
trating light blue, with no discernable iris or pupil. Her body appears to
shimmer in such a way that her exact position is uncertain; this By the time you read this, and major unexpected
uncertainty is reflected in her low AC. They speak their own language in hitches aside, the Folio will be well on the way to
addition to the common tongue . Ice Maidens are found only in the publication - we are aiming for November and see no
coldest climes, usually underground. They are completely impervious
reason at present why we should be delayed. Though I
to cold but fire-based attackes do double damage .
Any character within 30' of an Ice Maiden and who meets her gaze is say it myself, it is shaping up rather well ; I don't think
immediately turned to ice unless a saving roll is made (as against stoning) . . those who like the Factory will be disappointed .

1-8 damage on it, an Ice Storm does 2-20 damage and a bolt from a Wand
of Cold 4-40 damage .
Comments: Biologically rather improbably, I grant you, but an
interesting 'creature' all the same . Any magical spell which has a cooling
effect will harm- it and DMs will have to judge the damage of spells not
listed above. Other effective weapons against the Heat Monster seem to
me to include create water, chill metal (the reverse of the 2nd level Druid
spell), wall of ice, Otiluke's freezing sphere and perhaps affect normal

. h~ ~ `~; ~r ~,~~~,
by John and Deidre Evans.
All characteristics variable .
This beast comes in a variety of
forms, but each shares one charac-
teristic. This is its ability to change
form in sequence, through recog-
nisable shapes, in an order such
that each succeeding form is strong

where that preceding it had its
weakness. The creature is forced
to undergo a change of form when-
ever it is hit, a spell is successfully
cast on it, or it receives any other
'adverse action' unless that action kills it in the form it then possesses.
It has special magic resistance, saving against all magical attacks as a
5th level cleric and having a saving roll against any spell (whether a saving
A regular feature introducing new and interesting monsters, roll normally applies or not) . It can also regenerate entirely once per day,
edited by Don Turnbull . this being an instantaneous process (roll to determine how long since its
last regeneration when it is encountered) .
At each shape change the party in melee against the creature may be
here has been a fair amount of correspondence in surprised; on the first change, there is a 50% chance of surprise, in which
the Letters column about the Fiend Factory lately . case the creature gets a 'free hit' ; on the second change, reduce the
chance of surprise to 40% and on the third and subsequent changes
I hope the standard hasn't dropped, as is Michael reduce the chance of surprise to 25%.
Stoner's contention, but his admonition serves to Comments : plenty of scope for manoeuvre here in this creation . John
remind me that I should heed more closely the parameters I and Deirdre gave a sample creature in their submission, but on balance I
set up at the beginning. So I regard his comments as con- think I will omit this and leave things more open to an individual DM .
One or two general 'rules' may be in order : all the creatures generated
structive and will do my best . . . would have to be roughly the same size (no ducks changing into
David Bell asks which combat tables I now use to calculate elephants) and of the same general type (e .g . humanoid, quadruped etc) ;
Monstermarks . Well, I use the new ones, though I am bound to broad characteristics cannot change (e .g . if the creature is vulnerable to
say it doesn't appear to make any significant difference . Nor do attack by normal weapons in one form, it should be in another) though
details could alter (in one form the creature could have charm person
1 stoutly aver that my original calculations were free from ability, for instance, while in another it could have an innate affect
error - but checking them is another long and arduous process normal fires ability) ; magic resistance would vary little, if at all, between
and I had rather hoped others would point out errors when the forms.
discovered . I stress that these are my suggestions and hope that John and Deirdre
will approve.
As for the Spook, which is rapidly becoming a cause celebre,
I agree entirely with David Bell that a be-Spooked victim who
subsequently returns to normal does undergo a System Shock
and a roll should be made on the constitution-related table .
We have a mixed bag this issue and 1 hope you enjoy them .
by John T. Sapienza Jr .
No . appearing: 2134 ~'
Armour class : 4
Movement : 12"
Hit Dice : 4-6D8
by Brian Henstock Treasure : D
No . appearing: 1-4 Attack : Bite 1-6 plus
Armour class: 2 special breath
Movement : 8" weapon .
Hit Dice : 8138 or greater Alignment: Lawful evil
Treasure : nil Intelligence : average
Attack : 2-20 fireball, 4-40 Monstermark: 41, 51 .3 and
touch plus strength 61 .5 (all level
drain IV in 12 levels) .
Alignment: Neutral The Dragon Dog is intelligent enough to work in packs ; their great stealth
Intelligence : low allows them to surprise parties 75% of the time . Additionally, their keen
senses allow them to detect even invisible persons close by, and they are
These creatures are essentially metal spheres 4' in diameter with no often kept as watchdogs by Fire Giants or Red Dragons, to whom they
visible external organs . They move by a form of levitation at heights are intensely loyal.
between 2' and 6' above ground level . They constantly radiate intense The Dog's breath weapon produces a cone of fire 3" long and with a
heat. base of 1", doing 4134, 5134, or 6134 damage (according to hit dice) to
Touching a Heat Monster will deliver 4-40 points of damage and the victims who fail to save against Dragon Breath (half damage to those who
victim will also suffer a strength drain (treat as a Shadow's attack in this do save) . The breath weapon can be used a number of times per day
respect) . For every strength point so drained, the Heat Monster adds 1 D8 equal to the Dog's hit dice, but a period of 10 melee rounds must elapse
to its hit dice . between successive uses .
Every four melee rounds the Heat Monster can emit a fireball with a The Dragon Dog is immune to natural fire and to dragon (and their
burst radius of 5' and a range of 50'; the fireball delivers 2-20 points of own) breath weapons, and take half damage from magical fire . However
damage to a victim (halved if a saving roll is made as against the magical they take double damage from cold-based attacks.
spell) . The Dragon Dog is related to the Hell Hound and may occasionally be
The Heat Monster can only be harmed by cooling it down . Water does found in mixed packs with Hell Hounds .

Their hard, wiry red fur and their high dexterity account for their
high armour class. They have black paws, ears and faces.
Comments : There isn't a great deal of difference between this beast and
its Hell Hound cousin . However the breath weapon is more powerful and
has a longer range than that of the Hound (the latter factor isn't included
in the Monstermark calculations, of course, the Monstermark being rather
by William Maddox
a blunt tool in this and other respects) and the beast is rather more
sensitive .
No . Appearing: 1
Armour Class: 6
X ~ Movement :
Hit Dice : 1-4 hit points
1 1lUddYUn.C"
Treasure : 1-6 gold pieces
(per individual)
by Mike Ferguson
Attack: by weapon type
All characteristics - see below. Alignment: Neutral
Intelligence : Very
When first sighted, the Russian Monstermark: 1 .8 (level 1 in
Doll Monster will have the appear- 12 levels)
ance of a Stone Giant and all the
characteristics, hit probability and These weak and timid cousins of normal gnomes are completely
so on, of that creature . However immune to all forms of magic - even monsters summoned by magical
when it has taken 10 hit points, means will usually be unable to harm them. Magical weapons used
the skin will peel back, disinte- against them will be treated as non-magical for hit probability and
grating as it does so, to reveal a H ill damage purposes . Equally, beneficial magic, such as cure spells, will
Giant inside . This will fight as a have no effect on ,them.
standard Hill Giant until it has They will rarely fight unless attacked, but if forced to do so, they
taken a further 10 hits, where will use weapons and favour short swords for 1-6 hit points of
upon the skin peels back and an damage .
Unlike normal gnomes, pebble gnomes cannot become illusionists
on the following lines :
10 hit points later, a Bugbear; and have no clerics . Pebble gnome thieves cannot read scrolls.
Their mining abilities are the same as those of normal gnomes .
9 hit points later, a Gnoll ;
8 hit points later, a Hobgoblin ; Due to their small size, timidity and general dour view of the
7 hit points later, an Orc; world, pebble gnomes will not participate in adventures of any sort
and are not suitable for use as player characters .
6 hit points later, a Goblin ;
5 hit points later, a Kobold with 4 hit points . Comments: On the face of it, there seems to be no place for pebble
Here, one would think is the logical end to the sequence, but no! gnomes in D&D - they won't fight, have little treasure and won't go
Springing from the dying remains of the Kobold, like a bullet from a gun, on adventures . Yet it is only reasonable that, in the course of ad-
comes the Leprechaun which has been operating the whole Doll . It will venturing, player characters will come across 'monsters' which have
immediately turn invisible, grab the nearest item of value (preferably a no particular function from time to time .
magical one) and do its best to escape with it .
Needless to say, these creatures will only be found as wandering
We have now had ten issues-worth of the Fiend Factory and
monsters and will attack on sight.
Comments : I like to include an 'oddball' monster from time to time, and quite a number of new monsters have passed under our gaze .
this is a good laugh. Mike calculates the Monstermark as 219.3 which Which are the best? I should like to take an opinion poll on this ;
makes it pretty tough - level VIII in 12 levels, and a whole level higher who knows - I may be able to persuade the editor to present a
than the initial Stone Giant. Which only goes to show that, inside every
small prize to the person who has created the monster which, in
Giant, there's a Leprechaun trying to get out . . .
the opinion of the readership, has been the 'best' .
_,.. Goodness knows how you are going to evaluate 'best' in
these circumstances, but could I ask all readers to have a look
k, -.1 ,
at all the monsters which have appeared since issue 6 when the
4 4p-# ~ ~ZE~ Factory first opened its doors and send their votes for their
by Guy Shearer
Top Five Creatures to White Dwarf, 1 Dalling Road, London
No. Appearing: 1 - W6, by January 1st 1980 . We will announce the results of the
Armour Class: 0 poll in a subsequent issue.
Movement: 12"
Hit Dice :
Treasure :
Nil Next Issue :
Attack : 2 claws for 1-
6 damage each The Paths of the Lil - a complete Gamma World scenario
Chronicle Monsters - the Thomas Covenant trilogy applied to D&D
plus touch Expanding Universe - Part IV
(special) Fiend Factory - more monsters
Alignment: Neutral Treasure Chest - potions
Intelligence : Low
Monstermark: 359.3 (level I X

in 12 levels) .
The time freezer is a shaggy humanoid about 7' in height, of low
intelligence and unable to communicate verbally . It is light brown in

colour, though very few specimens have been encountered and it may
be that creatures of other colours exist . Time freezers are highly dex-
trous, which accounts for their very low armour class.
The time freezer is a shy creature and will only fight in self-
defence or if it is seriously threatened . It is a wanderer, having no

known lair, and feeds on fruit and vegetation .
It attacks with two claws, each of which inflicts 1-6 hit points of
damage . In addition, the touch of the time freezer places the victim
(no saving throw) into a state of temporal stasis for 1-10 full turns.
During this time the victim appears to be dead - no pulse or Make sure you keep the coffee stains off your White Dwarf collection
breathing, no mental activity . If raise dead or another similar spell is by protecting them in your own White Dwarf binder .
cast on the victim while he is in this cataleptic state, he will be per-
manently frozen in time. * Holds 12 issues
" 'Red Leather' finish
Comments: This is the first creature in the Fiend Factory, 1 think, " White Dwarf embossed in silver on spine
with temporal control, or a form of it . Since it has no treasure, it is
hardly worth attacking - but that assumes adventurers know what it is Send £2 .50+ 40p p&p to White Dwarf, 1 Dalling Road, London, W6.
when they meet it . Shrewdly placed by the GM, this monster could cause (US customers send $12.00 (airmail) or $8.00 [surface] )
parties no end of trouble.

No . Appearing 2-12
Armour Class: 0
Move : 10"
Hit Dice : 5
Treasure : Nil
Attack : 2-8/1-6
+ poison
Intelligence : Very
Alignment: Neutral
Monstermark : 382.3 (PevP IX
in 12 levels)
The creation of one of the most powerful Gods of Neutrality,
these creatures have the upper bodies of men with the two rear
legs and long poison tail of the giant scorpion . The sting attacks
for 1-6 damage plus a particularly virulent poison which kills
instantly if the victim fails his saving roll . The beast can strike
simultaneously with its bronze broadsword (2-8 damage) at one
opponent and with its tail at another.
The bronze broadsword is magical, aligned to Neutrality,
doing full damage to targets on the Ethereal and Astral, as well
A regular feature introducing new and interesting monsters, as the Material, Planes . If captured by a human or other
edited by Don Turnbull . intelligent being, The sword retains its powers but strikes at-3
hit probability . The man-scorpion's bronze scale armour and
his issue I have concentrated almost entirely on bronze shield are also magical but both become -2 cursed items
creatures which were originally considered very seri- if used by other species.
ously for inclusion in the Fiend Folio but which, for Each man-scorpion encountered has a 10% chance of knowing
one reason or another, did not eventually achieve in and being able to use, once per day, one magic-user spell of
clusion in that volume . In other words, the monsters this time the first or second level. Web is a particular favourite.
survived many tests on their way towards the Folio and only No encounter with a man-scorpion will be truly random as
just missed inclusion, so I hope you think the standard high . their creator or their other masters place them specifically to
Of course, there is a note of sadness here - for in the end I carry out certain tasks. So long as their mission is not threatened
suspect the creators of these creatures would have prefered them and they are granted reasonable courtesy and respect, they will
to have been in the Folio. I just hope there is some compensation help adventureres with advice and information, particularly those
for them in knowing that their 'miss' was very near indeed . of neutral alignment.
They 'can never be charmed, slept, bribed or coerced, and
fear will only affect them if they are outnumbered two to one
or more . They will take prisoners if necessary but will not kill
them unless ordered to do so by their masters.
Comments : Apart from centaurs, there appears to be a total
by J.D . Morris
lack of half man/half beast creatures. The man-scorpion is an
No . Appearing: 1-4 excellent monster to help fill the gap.
Armour Class: -1
Movement : 18"
Hit Dice : 2138+1
Treasure : Nil
Attack : 1-4
plus sharpness by Mark Barnes
Alignment: Neutral No . Appearing: 1-6
Intelligence : Non Armour Class: 5
Monstermark : 100 (level V Movement : 9"
in 12 levels) Hit Dice : 3138+2
This is less a monster, more a device of magical creation . It is a Treasure : Type C
disc created by the Tenser's Floating Disc spell on which have Attack : Two-handed
been cast animate objects, haste and permanency, the result is a attack for
rapidly-spinning disc which hits a creature in its path for 1-4 1-8 damage
damage plus a 'sharpness effect (treat as a Sword of Sharpness Alignment: Chaotic evil
for the latter purposes). Intelligence : Average
Being a narrow disc, it presents a very small target to anyone Monstermark: 35 .4 (level III
trying to hit it with missiles (except from vertically above or in 12 levels) / 'i111!"~
below) -treat as AC-10. Offspring of distasteful liaisons between male ogres and human
Use of a slow spell on the device negates the sharpness and females (which thankfully have produced young exclusively of
lowers the ACto4. However ahaste spell will cause the tenser beast the female gender) ogresses have been banished by mankind
to disintegrate into 2-8 splinters, each of which will do 1-3 and roam in vengeful groups determined on the destruction of
damage if it hits a victim within 30'. The splinters are thrown humans. They are feared and greatly loathed, by men and by
out in a uniform pattern of symmetry with the disc's original ogres alike.
position as centre . They are larger than men but slightly smaller than ogres, with
Comments: Though not, strictly speaking, a monster at all, this the same colouration as ogres except that their eyes are bright
is an intriguing creation which displays the ingenuity of the blue grid their hair a dull yellow . These despicable and aggressive
creator. (How many devices can readers concoct by using spells villains are more intelligent than ogres and have greatly advanced
rather than mechanics?) . the art of disguise in their efforts to infiltrate human society in
search of victims . Three artful items aid them in this pursuit - Comments: Though I still applaud the concept of this creature,
a mask of extremely beautiful features, a brilliant cloak which there are some inconsistencies. The creature can speak, yet has
has limited shape-change properties and a wig of flowing, no intelligence ; one must suppose some form of pre-programmed
shining human hair . An ogress which wears all three - mask, recording, which is perhaps a mite fanciful, even for D&D . Again,
cloak and wig, one of each of which each ogress obtains on to make the creature really difficult to pass, it should have true
reaching maturity - will appear as a beautiful human female 6 seeing rather than just detect invisibility. Its strength (witness its
tall . The ogress also has a particularly seductive voice, speaking power to smash through barriers of any material, given time) it
the common tongue as well as ogrish, and can sing most enormous, but it hits for only 1-20 damage ('only' says he) .
beguilingly . Even I was taken aback by the result of the Monstermark
Confronted by an ogress thus attired, a male human character calculation, but have checked it and find it correct (where have
will be deceived unless he makes his saving throw against magic I gone wrong?) The answer lies in the low armour class and the
at a penalty of -3 . If he fails to save, he will be charmed and will magical powers .
do whatever the ogress wills (this is usually to lead the victim to
the ogress lair - a cave deep in a nearby mountain - where he
will be tortured, roasted alive and consumed) .
The ogress has not learned the quality of patience and may
reveal its true self after charming a victim (5% cumulative chance by Brendon Bulger
per turn after the charm has taken effect) . Thus a victim has
some chance of attack or escape since the charm will cease as No . Appearing : 31312
soon as the ogress is revealed in its true nature . If necessary the Armour Class : 7
ogress will fight with bare hands, using a double-fisted attack for Movement : 12" (leap 30")
1-8 damage . Aware of its own lack of patience, the first in- Hit Dice : 3138+4
struction by an ogress to its charmed victim will usually be to Treasure : Variable
discard all his weapons . Attack : 2-8/2-8
Comments : There are those who would say that D&D doesn't + special or 1-20
need half-ogres (which is what, essentially, these are) but never- Alignment : Chaotic neutral
theless it is logical that some cross-breeding could have taken Intelligence : Non
place with ogres as with ores . The designer should, I think, Monstermark : 45 .4 (level IV
have made more clear whether the three items of disguise can be in 12 levels)
used by humans or other player-characters, and if so what effect A plant/human mutation, the plantman is generally human in
they have . Surely, too, the ogress would be able to use a weapon form and stands 10'-12' high . It has two sinuous arms like
in female form? One of the best methods of infiltration, after elephants' trunks, at the end of each of which is a mouth with
all, is to fight alongside a party and ingratiate with them until razor-sharp teeth . The creature is almost hairless and a ghastly
an .opportunity arises to snatch a victim . blue in colour ; a thick mass of jet black hair, each strand looking
Nevertheless, this could be a useful and deployable beast . like a fat worm and in constant writhing motion, tops the head .
There is a single, dead-white eye in the centre of the forehead
circled by a broad ring of white 'flesh' . The nose is a ragged,
inflamed hole in the centre of the face . The plantman moves on
flat, broad feet each 3' long and the creature has a thick tail 6'
by Andrew Hicks long which is used in attack as well as for balance .
The plantman's mode of attack varies according to the
No . Appearing : 1 circumstances . If there is sufficient space for it to do so, it will
Armour Class : -3 leap high in the air over its intended victim and lash downwards
Movement : 15" with its tail, such an attack being rolled as if for a monster with
Hit Dice : 4138+1 8 hit dice and delivering 1-20 damage if successful . Otherwise it
Treasure : See below will attack with the mouths on the ends of its arms, each doing
Attack : 1-20/1-20/ 2-8 damage (these attacks are resolved on the normal table) .
1-8 For each successful mouth attack there is a 75% chance that the
Alignment : Neutral mouth will attach to the victim's body, doing an additional 1-4
Intelligence : Non points of damage and sucking away body fluids (reduce con-
Monstermark : 1,938 (level stitution by 1 point for each successful attack of this type, the
XI in 12 levels) lost points being recovered at the rate of 1 point per hour) .
Plantmen are extremely simple creatures, having only the most
These creatures/machines are effectively specialised iron golems basic of nervous systems . They will usually be found grazing in
- man-sized and highly intricate . Only sixteen wreckers are valleys of woodlands, for they are basically vegetarian, eating
known to exist, being created specifically to guard the great by running their 'hands' over vegetation . They have a deep
magical artifacts of the world . If a party of adventurers respect for clerics and will only attack members of this class if
approach within 20' of a specified artifact, a wrecker will appear, highly provoked ; they are in great awe of druids and will never
automatically gated to the spot. It will warn the party (being attack members of the druid class . They are too stupid to be
able to speak all the tongues of men, elves and dwarves) to trained to obey even the simplest of commands .
retire and leave the artifact on pain of death, but if the party Comments : Those who are 'into' fantasy literature will have no
ignores the warning the wrecker will immediately attack the difficulty in recognising the Plantman ; it is not, after all, sus-
nearest party member, using two fists for 1-20 damage each and ceptible to any disguising . Note the special movement rate which
one bite for 1-8 damage . applies to the 'leap' attack .
A wrecker can only be hit by magical weapons with a bonus
of +2 or better . The wrecker cannot in any way be forced away During the period of Folio preparation, I rather slowed down on
from guarding the artifact, once it has appeared . It is immune to looking at new submissions for the Factory, but now that I have
all magical spells and, if trapped, can smash a 10' square hole a bit more time I can wade through the pile of new creatures
through any material 1" thick per melee round . It has the power which have appeared in the last few months and make more
of levitation to escape from a pit or similar trap . However it will selections for future issues of the Factory. I must say I am con-
never pursue a fleeing party unless they have managed to take tinually amazed at the number of contributions we obtain, and
the artifact . aspiring monster-hatchers are to be congratulated on their energy
After every other melee round (2nd, 4th,etc .), if a wrecker is and inventiveness .
still alive, it will gate another to the spot . Thus, after 8 melee In closing, might I remind readers once more to
rounds, unless one or more has been destroyed, all sixteen send in their votes for the Top Five Creatures to have
wreckers will be fighting in the defence of a single artifact . appeared in White Dwarf during the last ten issues.

beds beneath the skin . Unless remove curse or- neutralise poison
is administered within a day, the victim will become lawful evil
and aligned with the night riders - he will immediately set out to
track down the night riders and join them after the 24-hour
period has passed .
The night riders continually emanate a fear spell of 20'

radius - resolve as the 4th level magic-user spell .
If the night riders are in bright sunlight or its equivalent, they
will try to avoid melee and will prefer to track a party by smell
to an area where the lighting is more subdued. They have in-
fravision to range 90'. If they are drawn into melee in bright
light, they will attack at -2 hit probability (-1 if torchlight
within 10') .
Comments: An obvious derivation from you-know-who, and
this was the only reason for their exclusion from the Folio . The
effects of a dagger hit are intriguing - I can't really see how a
hit from a weapon could alter the victim's alignment; it would
have been more reasonable to state that the daggers are tipped

with some form of hallucinogen which (presumably temporarily,
and in this case permitting a saving throw) changed the victim's
attitude and caused his unnatural loyalty.

A regular feature introducing new and interesting monsters,

edited by Don Turnbull,

gain I am devoting the pages of this feature to 'near by Dave Tant

misses' - creatures which almost made the Fiend Folio
No . Appearing: 1
but which, for a variety of reasons, were excluded in
the final sifting. Armour Class: 3/7
Movement : 24" in sand
Hit Dice : 5138+10
Treasure : See below
Attack : Swallow
Alignment: Neutral
Intelligence : Animal
Monstermark: 85 (level V in 12 levels)
These are young worms with a diameter of 4' (all mouth at one
end) and about 25' long . Fully-grown spice worms can reach
by Chris Morris 200 yards in length (add 1 hit die for every 5' over 25') : They
only inhabit dry sandy areas, with a depth of sand just sufficient
No . Appearing: 1-9 (roll d10 and for them to submerge, and are repelled by water - emptying a
ignore a 0 result) water-skin onto the sand will hold them off in a sandy corridor,
Armour Class: 3 but in a larger area they will seek a way round.
Movement : 12" Spice worms are attracted by the vibrations of movement
Hit Dice : 4138 through the sand and will seek to swallow who/whatever is
Treasure : Nil moving . Standing still is only a defence so long as the worm is
Attack : By weapon type more than 10' away ; within that distance it can detect the
Alignment: Lawful evil heartbeats of its potential victim .
Intelligence : Very Any hit means that the worm has swallowed its victim whole.
Monstermark: 54 (level IV in 12 After two melee rounds the victim will suffocate, but until then
levels). he can attack the soft interior which is AC7. After two turns,
decomposition sets in and the victim cannot be revived. There
Black-cloaked and-hooded, these grey-skinned humanoids are may be items of value in the belly, if swallowed recently (armour
often accompanied in their quests for dominance by ores; trolls will be unusable after two hours but gems will retain their value
or men who fear the night riders more than they fear death for a day, halving in value each hour thereafter) .
itself . Night riders have sensitive eyes which automatically close The worm's real treasure lies in four small sacs near the tail .
in bright sunlight or its equivalent, though they are able to track One sac will have been destroyed by each attack near the worm's
by smell . They fear fire and will usually (80% chance) retreat tail on which a 20 was rolled, by a fireball or other powerful hit
before it . in that area . Regardless of the size of the worm, each sac contains
The night riders dwell in lairs deep in thick forests and will one draught of a Potion of Inescapable Location, enabling
tether their steeds (normally horses) some distance away. They the imbiber to proceed unerringly to any location or to any
have been observed underground in tunnel complexes but only object of person the location of which maybe unknown (duration
very rarely and it seems that they prefer to travel on foot when 2 hours) . However drinking a second potion the same day, a
adventuring underground. When encountered above ground, third in the same week, or a fourth ever renders the victim
however, they will always have horses with them or close at hand . blind, though with the permanent gift of clairvoyance .
In melee their usual weapon is a mace (with which they Comments: again, those who read fantasy literature will have no
obtain a +1 bonus on hit probability and damage, though the difficulty in recognising this creature, even without the obvious
weapons are not magical), but 20% of those encountered will hint in the name (though who inspired thek original worm??).
also have+1 magicdaggers (round fractions down) . These daggers Those who, on the other hand, are experienced,in Dave's dun-
are unusually small and needle-sharp - if a hit is scored with geon avoid narrow sandy corridors ' e=the plague. Once I
such a dagger (+1 on hit probability only), one hit point of witnessed the attempt of a dwarf in fL plate mail to 'chimney'
damage is scored, the"dagger breaks off in the wound and em- up the walls to escape a Spice Worm -ah, a truly horrible end.
by Ghee Bowman
by Nicholas Riggs
No . Appearing : 1-6
No. Appearing: 1-3 Armour Class: 6
Armour Class: 4 Movement : 6"
Movement : 6" Hit Dice : 4138+2
Hit Dice : 5138 Type A
Treasure : Nil Attack : Tail 2-12 plus
Attack : Two hands for poison ; bite 1-10
1-6 each plus Alignment: Neutral
heat metal power Intelligence : Non _ _
Alignment: Chaotic evil Monstermark: 62 .6 (level IV in ~ y `'
Intelligence : Non 12 levels)
Monstermark: 44 (level IV in 12 A small relative of the purple worm, its name exactly describes
levels) this creature . It has a powerful sting attack with its tail for
2-12 hit points of damage plus poison, but its bite is relatively
These powerful relatives of the normal skeleton, from which weak (1-10 hit points of damage) and it is too small to
they are indistinguishable, are treated as spectres insofar as swallow a victim larger than dwarf-sized . Its normal maximum
clerical attempts to turn them are concerned. length is about 20' .
They attack with their bony hands, each inflicting 1-6 hit Comments: For low-level adventures, this is a useful scaled-down
points of damage . version of its larger brother, but my own preference is for the
The heat skeleton has the power to heat metal, as the 2nd spice worm which has more interesting characteristics.
level druid spell, with effect as though the spell were cast by a
druid of the 3rd experience level, though no material or
verbal components are required . This power is permanent and
can be used as often as required .
The heat skeleton is invulnerable to cold . by Nigel Proudfoot
Comments : There are quite a number of skeleton variants about
and one or two more will be in the Fiend Folio, so it is under- No. Appearing: 1
standable that this one should be excluded . I'm not sure why itArmour Class: -1
should be significantly slower in movement than its normal Movement : 9"
brother, but presumably this was a device to compensate to Hit Dice : 1 D8+8
Treasure :
some extent for its greater powers . The invulnerability to cold is Special
Attack :
also curious but can be explained by the fact that the heat metal Special
power is a magical power and unrelated to normal habitat. Alignment: Neutral
Intelligence : Non
Monstermark: None
n~ '~`
The goom is a form of giant amoeba . Its behaviour is similar to
that of an ochre jelly and it is clearly a relative of that creature .
Its substance is a strongly adhesive ichor which bonds firmly
by Michael Roberts onto any material except stone. Any weapon touching it will
stick and can only be removed by the application of fire or
No . Appearing : 10-100 holy water . Similarly any character touching a goom will adhere
Armour Class: 3 and if he is not released within 2-5 melee rounds he will be,
Move : 8" - 12" (see below) absorbed by the ichor and will suffocate in a further 3 rounds,
Hit Dice : 1+3 being unable to take any action during tNs time .
Treasure : D Comments : This is very similar to the gluey, one of the earlier
Attack : 1-6/1-6 plus spear Factory monsters which has been further developed to appear in
(see below)
the Folio under another name . To release the bond, fire is an
Intelligence :, Low appropriate means but I wonder why holy water is suggested,
Alignment: Neutral since there is no indication that the creature is undead and/or
Monstermark : 19 .3 (level II in 12 levels) evil . Likewise, whereas the gluey has its own antidote, the goom
The bodach is a humanoid creature, about 4' in height and with has none, and that would no doubt make its life rather a series
a smooth bald head . Its gait is unusual to the extent that of inconveniences, to say the least; think of all the moss, sticks
movement uphill seems easier and quicker (12") than on the and what-not it would gather on its travels, as well as treasure
level or downhill (8") . The knee-joint appears capable of of a more useful nature .
reversal and the thin legs, ending in taloned feet, eat up the Hence my view that this creature is not so well-developed as
ground in pecking strides. the gluey, and hence its exclusion from the Folio.
The Bodach has pointed ears, almond-shaped eyes and a
hooked nose . They usually carry a shield (normal AC is 4) and Now that the New Year is with us, we have a large number of
a leaf-headed spear. Their bodies are covered in flat, densely- votes for the Top Five Creatures. However, as John Smart on
packed locks of hair . this issue's Letters page has suggested, we are extending the
When the spear (if carried) has been thrown the Bodach will deadline to include a vote for the Bottom Five Creatures. And
attack with its taloned feet, each of which can inflict 1-6 finally, our thanks to all those who have contributed .
damage .
The Bodach can achieve unusual accuracy with the spear and Errata Fiend Factory (WD16)
throws it with a +4 hit probability bonus. The Wrecker (addition) : wreckers can see Invisible persons/items
Comments: A vicious little beast whose speedy approach uphill and can detect the presence and nature of any magical item
to a party going downhill might catch a few adventures within 30'.
unawares. Man Scorpion (correction) : Alignment is lawful .
can be cut up and used as an extremely powerful aphrodisiac.
Mandrake root, as humans call it, will cure any impotency (in-
cluding t h a t which i s magically induced) and will cause in
females an extreme desire for sex. Due to these properties, a
three-pound bantling will sell for 1,000 to 3,000 g.p. Houris
especially prize mandrake root, and will either pay one-and-
a-half times normal value or, lacking the money, will use their
powers to steal the root.
The mandrake people, quite justifiably, view this practice
as genocide. Therefore, mandrakes are hostile to all humans
except Druids. Being carnivorous, mandrakes will occasionally
eat solitary humans who are caught in the forests. This, and the
occasional raids into villages for livestock, will cause self-
righteous humans (i.e., paladins), woodsmen, foresters, and
peasants to attack the mandrakes whenever within reason.
Druids and treants understand the mandrake people's plight
and are extremely sympathetic. Both will intervene, usually
peacefully, on the mandrakes' side in a conflict. Druids and
treants will either attack immediately or extract revenge later
when they witness or hear of a bantling being up-rooted.
Mandrakes revere the druids and if they encounter a druid they
will usually perform any one non-violent act of assistance they
can, within reason. (Mandrakes often have a stock of fresh
mistletoe, 1 to 4 days old, in their warrens as a gift).
The mandrake's favourite mode of attack is to overwhelm
A regular feature introducing new and interesting monsters,
their opponents with superior numbers. They will avoid en-
counteis'in which they are'outnumberedunless there is a bantling
edited by Albie Fiore. involved, in which case the mandrakes attack t o the death with
(+2) to hit and damage.
ecent Fiend Factories have featured monsters that Mandrakes attack with their fists or with stone cudgels
never quite made it to the Fiend Folio. Several of which hit as maces. However, if a Mandrake is hurt, he will
these monsters were inspired by well-known fantasy scream in such a way as to cause all unprotected ears within a
and SF books. This issue presents a selection entirely twenty-foot radius to save vs. magic or sustain 1D4-1 damage.
inspired by fantasy and SF novels, so as to provide a brief In extreme pain, such as death by a blade, or the unearthing of a
checklist for some interesting reading for those who haven't bantling, all creatures within twenty feet must save vs. magic or
already read the books concerned. die. Creatures with sensitive ears (elves, dogs, horses, etc.) save
at -2. Those with protected ears and those that successfully
save must still muffle the sound of the scream (by the blowing
of a low-toned horn, for example) or take ID10 damage. This
scream also runs the danger (20%chance) of attracting mandrakes
or wandering monsters.
by Glen Godard The Holy Symbol for mandrakes is the cross and they can
No. Appearing: See below be persuaded from attacking by gifts of small iron crosses. The
Armour Class: 5 only treasure a warren will have is a number of gem and
Movement: 12" jewelled crosses (treat as Type A gems and jewellery only).
Hit Dice: 1D8+1 Because of this worship of the cross, clerics and rangers will not
Ileasure: See below fight them unless forced to defend themselves or their charges
:tack: 2 fists (1-4 each), The final aspect of mandrakes is that their young (from
or Stone mace, birth to five years of age) females can "pass" as humans.
plus special Mandrakes, noting that life is easier for humans, will attempt
~ligtment: Unlawful neutral to trade human babies for their own. These are sometimes
Intelligence: Low viewed as faerie "changelings," which, depending on the area
Monstermark: 31.2 (Level III in culture, can be a sign of extreme good or extreme poor fortune.
1.2 levels) The female mandrake, to preserve her human form, must con-
sume an ounce of human blood daily until her twentieth year
A mandrake resembles an extremely thin humanoid with very in human life. The mandrake-vampires are able to draw the
large genitalia and bark-like skin the colour of a beech trunk. blood straight through the skin-pores, through processes as
Little of his skin actually shows through the great masses of innocent as breast-feeding or simple kisses. Done with care this
dark-green hair-like rootlets that cover his body. Red eyes glow will rarely (5% chance) affect the victim. (If it does, the result i s
from deep hollows above a hair-lip mouth with triangular teeth, blood poisoning.) Even after her twentieth year in human
similar to those of a shark. life, the changeling can be detected by her bones, which are
The mandrake people are creatures of the forest. Their tie porous and dark-brown rather than* solid and ivory-white.
with the woodlands is so great that a mandrake will go to great Comments: This monster is rare in that it would provide a
lengths to avoid destroying living plants. They use coal or dung conflict of alignments within a party (hence the Unlawful).
for their fires and stone or tin for their utensils. Their warrens Wise forest-types (elves, druids and rangers) would view them
are usually rocky catacombs with dead grass or straw as beds. with compassion and sympathy, and even if they don't aid them,
Mandrakes are generally nocturnal and have infravision to 60'. almost certainly wouldn't harm them. Other woodsmen, tor-
When encountered, they are (50%) in a hunting party (1 to 10 esters and peasants would view their presence as a battle for sur-
appearing), or (35%) in a warren (4 to 20 appearing), or in vival. Paladins, repelled by the fact that they eat humans, would
--bush (15%) (4 to 20 appearing), in qll cases the number hunt them down. Lawful good clerics would be caught in a dil-
learing depends on the size of the group. emma of concious - they are not evil, worship a god, but eat
The relationship between mandrakes and humans i s a people. A thief wouldn't give a toot, but would seek out the
gic one. Mandrake females give birth to a bantling, an acorn- root. A well drawn monster that virtually cries out for i t s own
? seed, which must gestate under mistletoe in an oak or ash scenario, it comes from Thomas Burnett Swann's story Manor of
e. If the bantling is discovered (their rootlets grow above Roses in The Dolphin and the Deep, which developed them from
~undand sprout purple bell-shaped flowers) prior to birth, it the mandrake of folklore.
hy Graham Staplehurst by Phil Masters
o. Appearing: 2-12
rmour Class: 3 No. Appearing: 1
ovement: 12" Armour Class: 4
Hit Dice: 3 to 6 Movement: 15"
Treasure: M, %xR Hit Dice: 7D6 + 1
Attack: ID10 bite plus Treasure Type: Nil - lair at
cold DM's discretion
lignment: Chaotic evil Attack: First spring 3D4,
itelligence: LOW then 1D8 + 1 bite
onscrmark: 3D348.4; 4D:63.6; 5D373.6; 6D399.5 Alignment: Chaotic evil
(3D&4D: Level IV; 5D&6D: LevelV in 12 levels) ~ntelli~ence: High
Monstermark: 62.2 (Level I V in '' 1 ""
rese creatures are distant relatives of the hell hound that 12 levels) XY ,n~~\~,t.c~~[,yffj
araud in the icy wastes. They may be found in the company
devil dogs and other creatures of the cold. Despite i t s visual similarity to the displacer beast, this species
The hound of Kerenos can breath a cone of cold %" /hit has i t s own individual powers. The couerl is a jet black feline
dic3 long and of similar base diameter doing damage of 1 hit with a mass of fairly weak but dextrous tentacles hanging from
i t s shoulders. It has the build of a lion, but i s nearer the size of
PClint per hit die of the hound unless a save versus dragon
breath is made, in which case the victim takes no damage but is a leopard.
)wed by 50% for one turn. This may be used 3 times per day. The couerl is ravenous, deadly and very cunning.
These beasts can withstand any degree of cold. The species prefers to run and spring into the attack,
tmments: A straight forward monster that is nevertheless a needing a 10 yard run-up but gaining +3 to hit by so doing. It
"0 eful addition to campaigns set in icy regions. It comes from nonetheless fights quite ably otherwise.
Ti;re Bull and the Spear by Michael Moorcock whose many The couerl can manipulate catches and controls with i t s

fa1itasy novels provide a rich s o G e of ideas. tentacles, and may even fight with any small devices it can get
hold of.
A d
v . . - -- I t s strangest power i s i t s absolute mastery of electrical and
other forces. Lightning is useless against it, it can analyse and
control any technological devices from up to 50' away, flaming
by Simon Tilbrook swords cannot flame within a 50' radius, magic missiles and
fireballs do not work against i t 50% of the time and the creature
No. Appearing: 1 has + I on i t s save against all other magical attacks.
Armour Class: 9(-4 for Dex) They feed by draining fresh corpses of a chemical crucial to
Movement: 1 5 life. This is done when the beast has 2 melee rounds in succession
Hit Dice: 3 or 4 with the body and no fighting; once the beast has fed, revivi-
easure: M,N&Q fication is impossible without a wish.
!tack: By weapon type Couerl are immortal, with regard to aging, and hate all other
ignment: Chaotic neutral intelligent life forms. They are very rare and are incapable of co-
Intelligence: Average (excep- operating with each other.
tionally cunning) Comments: The couerl, like the phung could cause considerable
onsterrnark: 30: 15.8; 4D:18 disquiet t o a party if i t s power over technological devices were
(Level II in 12 levels) carefully used - an unmanned portcullis rumbles down behind
- , I them etc. The beast was derived from A.E. Van Vogt's Black
The phung could, from a distance, be mistaken for a tall, gaunt Destroyer.
human, for individuals of the race dress in human garb. How-
ever, the head of a phung is that of a giant mantis, with the Incidentally the Monstermarks given are for AD&D. I hope in
mouth in constant motion. They are, by human standards, insane. the near future to be able to publish updated Monster Level
Phung have only ever been encountered individually, though Tables with Monstermark based on AO&D. In the meantime,
it is assumed that they have villages or strongholds in secret places here are the results of the Fiend Factory voting:
Each individual has a dexterity of 18 and functions as a thief or
monk of level 3 times the phung's hit dice.
1. Necrophidius (Simon Tilbrook, WD7) 1. Nas Nas (worst) (Roger Musson, WD9)
As far as is known, phung do not use magic; nor, although 2. Russian Doll Monster (Mike Ferguson, WD15) 2. Dahdi (Mewyn Lemon, WDlO)
adept, do they occupy themselves with the plebian skills of 3. Svart (Cricky Hitchcock. WD9) 3. Withra (Don Turnbull, WD7)
4. Needleman (Trevor Graver, WD6) 4. Stinwicodech (Eamon Bloomfield, WD6)
physical combat unless necessary. Nothing gives a phung greater 5. Hook Horror (Ian Livingstone, WD12) 5. Pebble Gnome (William Maddox, WD15)
pleasure than to terrify i t s prey. There are countless cases of 6. Githyanki (Charles Stross, WD12)
7. Imps (M. Stollery, WD13)
'fun-loving' phung passing over an easy kill in order to track 8. Volt (Jonathan Jones, WD7)
their victims for hours to wring every last drop of sweat from 9. Urchin (Nick Louth. WD9)
10. Dahdi (Mervyn Lemon, WD10)
them. Their tactics are subtle - they rely on the imagination
and fears of their victims, presenting them with 'unknowns' In the main, readers preferred logical, believable beasts with
and 'unseens'. They rarely close in for the kill, preferring to interesting abilities to the 'one-offs', although the Russian Doll
leave their prey in a state of abject terror. Monster proved to be a popular and amusing exception. Con-
Comments: Not every DM's monster, but a cert for those who gratulations to Simon Tilbrook and commiserations to Roger
enjoy an opportunity to terrify their adventurers, without Musson. Perhaps the oddest point about the poll is that the
actually killing them off. Incidentally, don't forget to roll for Dahdi came in both the Top Ten and Bottom Five, which
the morale of hirelings, especially i f they start disappearing one demonstrates the editor's dilemma when choosing entries!
by one. The phung is from City of the Chasch by Jack Vance. Finally, I think that Don Turnbull, who has now stepped down
Some of Vance's other books that you may find interesting from from the post of editing this section because of pressures of
a D&D standpoint are Showboat World, an enthralling though work, should be congratulated for the high standard he has
monsterless wilderness adventure, and The Dying Earth, the maintained in the Factory since i t s inception. I hope
book that was originally rumoured to be the inspirition of the I will be able to maintain that standard, but more on
D&D magic system. that next issue.
his friend in the back). A saving throw vs magic negates the
effect of the empipath's aura as regards the individual, but
it should be noted that the more emotional the individual is
to begin with, the greater the likelihood of him succumbing
to the effects. The empipath feeds by absorbing the violent
energies released by the affected individuals and those around
them as they try to cope with their toubles.
Empipaths are very difficult creatures to find as they can
hide in shadows and move silently as a 14th level thief.
Empipaths are small four legged creatures with large black
eyes and silver-grey fur. They have no t a i l and possess tiny
claws only on their front paws, they do not possess a mouth.
They speak and understand no languages and communicate
with each other by body movements and chemical secretions.
It should be noted that they are unable to use their emotion
boosting talents whilst under attack and/or being forced to
run or defend themselves.
Comments: A record low Monstermark, but despite that,
this small beast still has considerable potential. It could only
really be used in games where the players are genuinely role-
playing otherwise the DM would have some problems dis-
tinguishing between the players' and their characters' emotions.

. . .-z.. .

any readers have written requesting more low level by Simon Eaton *.-q, 3i . .
monsters, so this issue Fiend Factory features a sel- No. appearing: 3-18 . ,.,.., +-->,%..$
ection of minor monsters, most of which have inter- Armour class: 5
ing possibilities. The Monstermarks for each are cal- Movement: 21"
;.. :;j.< @%? .;: ,:; . ..
.:, ,:.;.,$,:7,s',~j~;~,
' .,
i.22 6:..T? ,', . ,,.:. 4! ..,:j;, ,, , ,,,
culated according to AD&D, but, for those readers still using the Hit Dice: 3D8+1 *:j ,<,';. ?.,!;<',.,,8!,,
,& r ,,,,, !,,+;.; ?.:Xk: <..\$.
; >*.?$,.; 4 ' .
I 1'

original system, the difference is rarely enough to cause any Treasure: Nil ..b :;a,* ., +j ..
,,, ~e~~$$~~;;~,~x+~~,;%:,~,~;Gi.-~
Attack: Special --- .~:y~.&;:~,.;;~.g:
change in the actual level of the monster. L . ~ ~ ~ ;,.,
~ ~
:.:,t . ,-.

Alignment: Neutral
,& ;q*;
:,;i;ft..:2.$;;.;.. ?<,.
A>;-.:+$: &

,,., .. ..--
Monstermark: 15-79 (level 11 in -,:!,:. n .\.:.- ~;.:;,:$~..~~;;*L.'.<~;.::,~~~~{.~:
..'--.. --.>,..$>,,.
. ..r<....-i
.,:L&j;,d,l:7;;-,;;e$:::, ~ .>>.,

12 levels q,..z~
:,.:-,, .,>f.:~..+~
!. ~ ., e*-*.+kiiry,
...~ ~ :a~ . ~ ,--..'
. ;i....- - .s ., !,.
.;: 27i

These are non-corporeal life forces burned into the sands of hot
by Andy Wouldham deserts. Normally they are completely harmless but sandstorms
No. appearing:: 1 (occasionally 2) stir them up and cause them to become active. When this
Armour class: 10 occurs they appear as a mass of sand grains co-ordinated into
Movement: 12" a humanoid form. They automatically cause mules to bolt.
Hit Dice: 1D8 Only silver or magic weapons affect them. Sleep spells only
Treasure: Silver only have a 30% chance of causing a stormbiter to calm down.
Attack: 2 claws (1/2 point Earth elementals can exert full control over stormbiters.
each) plus special There is a 10% chance per level that a druid can dispel
Alignment: Neutral a stormbiter.
Intelligence: Low
Monstermark: 36 (level 1 in
12 levels)

I f a stormbiter scores a hit, roll a D10to determine the result:
if the roll is 1-6 then that amount of damage is given; 7 or 8
then the victim is blinded by flying sand for 2 melee rounds;
9 or 10 then the victim has been stung by sand in weapon
This 1' tall creature lives in regions of mild climate, dwelling (1-4) or shield (5-6) hand. He must save vs dragon breath
largely underground and venturing out onto the surface only or else the object in indicated hand is torn from his grasp;
a t night, if a t all. They are suited to living in darkness and swept away and probably lost in the sands.
any strong light source can cause them to become confused Comments: A wilderness monster, but one that could be used
and helpless until they can escape it. underground in sand filled rooms or sealed in an urn to guard
They will not physically attack anything unless they are treasure.
cornered and all psionic defenses are exhausted or proven
useless, in which event they will lash out with their tiny front
claws. They have psionic ability of 101-200 and attackldefense
modes of A,D/F,G,H. It is thus not their combat ability which
is cause for concern, they are more feared for their unusual
feeding habits. by John Webster
On encountering living creatures which show emotional
feelings or responses the empipath begins to radiate an aura, Skeletal Zombie-Like
(radius 3") which can affect from 2-8 individuals. Those No. appearing: 2-20 2-16
persons unfortunate enough to be affected become uncontroll- Armour class: 6 7
ably emotional, the emotion in them which was most dominant Movement: 15" 7"
at the time of the encounter being boosted beyond all pro- Hit Dice: 2D8 3D8
portion. (E.g. Dregg the Dwarf and Edmund the Gnome are Attacks: 2 hooves (1-4 each) 2 hooves (1-6 each)
the best of friends, having come through some pretty tough and bite (1-2) and bite (1-3)
times together. Yet on that particular morning Dregg was Alignment: Neutral Neutral
feeling slightly annoyed a t Edmond, having lost to him a t cards Intelligence: Non- Non-
the previous night. Then suddenly Dregg becomes .incredibly Monstermark: 16.71 (level ll in 20.48 (level Ill in
violent and in a fit of uncontrolled hatred proceeds to stab 12 levels) 12 levels)
These animated corpses of horses can be used as steeds by They are fond of illusory tricks. A typical 'trick' would
skeletons or zombies (each of which ride only the appropriate be to make a cave littered with decaying offal appear as a
type). Mounted skeletons cannot carry more than 50 g.p. palace and banquet.
weight of equipment; mounted zombies no more than 75 g.p. Werefoxes are highly adept at pursuing their prey stealthily,
All special characteristics, attributes and defences of skeletons and can move silently and hide in shadows as a thief of level
and zombies apply to that particular type of undead horse. equal to their number of hit dice. When hunting, whether for
Normal horses are afraid of undead horses. A saving-throw treasure or food, they will attempt to work illusory magic
against fear must be made for them to attack either sort. Mules from a distance, singling out the weakest or most b'efuddled
are worse. When in sight or smell of undead horses they must member, and then attack, usually from behind. If there is no
save against fear or turn and run. If the holder has 14+ strength, chance of surprise, they will use human guise t o gain the party's
the mule's saving throw i s at +2. If there is no holder, i.e. a trust until an opportunity for a secret attack presents itself.
mule trained to follow or pushed along between the ranks, As with other lycanthropes, the werefox is immune t o all
the mule's saving throw is at -2. but maqical attacks and silver or maqical weapons.
Clerics turn the skeletal horse as a zombie and the zombie an; leg,ends tell ssei who were actually
horse as a ghoul. we Irefoxes.
Comments: Very staightforward creatures that have featured Comments: The first lycanthrope to appear In Fiend Factory,
regularly in fantasy but for which no statistics have appeared.
ancI an inter1ssting low level one,althoughI the 'old' and 'anci~
I would suggest, however, that the horses be turned as skeletons fox es woulcI be much tough1?r. Two different contribu,tors
and zombies to avoid confusion when they bear a rider. Incident-
ally, the Monster Manual does not state that the undead skeleton .. .
both submitted a werefox basied on thle Oriente11 Fox. Si nce
.. , ,.rr .,. .
botn were worthy of inclusion, ana oorn naa alTTerenr Tearures,
is a human one, so presumably it could be that of any creature,
I took the liberty of combining the two.
and all should have the same statistics.

No. appearing: I .appearin

Armour class: 6 nour class
Movement: 12" vement:
Hit Dice: 3D8
Treasure: None

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral1

Monstermark: Not applicable K
Intelligence: Exceptional (suggest level Il in I2 levels) F 2
Monstermark: 51.43 (level I V
in 12 levels) The darkhawk appears as a skeletal black falcon wlrn ~umin-
escent green eyes. It seldom alights to earth, perching only
The werefox i s one of the rarest f0rm.s of I~canthroPe. It 0, bare rock if it does, since should it touch any living thing
will inhabit virtually any type of terrain, though they t ~ ~ i c a li tl ~will turn instantly to dust (it is undead and accordingly
make their lair in hillsides or disused graveyards. There is a affected by spells). It can cast fear on individual creatures
50% chance of 1-4 young in the lair. from 20", darkness 15' radius, or create the illusion of a huge
They are generally sly and mischievous, but they especially flock of (100) black ravens. But i t s most potent weapon is the
hate and seek t o dupe or kill (alignment influencing) lawful beam of green light it can shoot from i t s eyes once every melee
priests, and to burn down temples. 'Old' and 'ancient' foxes round, from a distance of up t o 15". This has the following
are usually above such tricks. An 'old' fox is over 500 Years effects: clerics with wisdom 12 or over must save against par-
old and has 4D8 hit dice and armour class 5; an 'ancient' fox alysis or be sent into a coma for l-lOOdays;clerics with wisdom
is over a 1000 years old with sD8 and armour class 4. When under 12 must save against paralysis or die. If they make their
a werefox is encountered, roll a D12. 1 or 2 and it is an 'old' saving throw, they will suffer as above; phials of holy water will
fox; 3 and it is an 'ancient' fox. burst into hellish green flame, with damage similar to that of a
In i t s h ~ m a nshape, the werefox appears as a beautiful flask of oil; holy symbols must save against fireball or explode
woman; in i t s animal form as a bipedal fox or as a true fox. as one; and any item connected with religion or worship, altars,
Since the true fox form enablesthe creature run at 18"1
maces of disruption, clerical tomes, particularly important seg-
it will revert to this form to flee. ments of temples, etc., must save against crushing blow or
They have full control over their form and are not affected disintegrate.
by the state of the n~oon.Wolfsbane has effect On them Unusually for undead, the darkhawk prefers day to night. It
nor is it of use in attempting to Cure this form of l ~ c a n t h r o ~ ~ . no infravision, although it possesses incredibly acute eye-
ow ever, the sound of or presence of a hound will force them sight. It glides above the clouds by moonlight a t night. It
to assume their animal form, as the two species hate each other. normally exists as a servant of a demon, devil or lich, acting as
Reflections show their animal form and lawful good clerics an agent against some religion or a scout (it can be used as a
have a 10% cumulative chance per level of sensing a yellow aura 100%effective telepathiccrystal ball relay).
over the creature's head. 'Old' and 'ancient' foxes are immune Comments: A monster that can cause consternation from a
to all these methods of detection, but hounds will attack them distance; an obvious target for missile fire.~ l ~ thehauthor ~ ~ ~
on sight, though they remain in human form. states that the creature i s 'undead', he omits any effect a cleric
The werefox's main method of attack is not physical combat, may have on it. I would suggest it be inserted on the Clerics
since it is weak in this respect, but by magic. All werefox's a.UndeadTable between Ghouls and Shadows.
have spells and magic use as a 3rd level illusionist; 'old' foxes
have fifth level skill and 'ancient' foxes have 7th level skills. I have some plans for occasional Fiend Factory special features,
Any scrolls found in a werefox's hoard will contain only such one of which will be comingup next issue. In the meantime,
spells as are usable by illusionists. All werefoxes can detect if you have any views on what kind of thing you would
good while 'old' and 'ancient' foxes can continually use a like to see in.the Factory, or any other comments,
protection from good spell. In addition, an 'ancient' fox has send them in. And don't forget t o keep those monsters
a permanent charm person spell when in female form. rolling in.
deadly venom which will kill the victim outright, unless a save
A regular feature of new versus poison is made.
and interesting monsters It dwells in dark, deserted places where i t s chameleon-like
powers enable it to be virtually invisible 30% of the time.
edited by Albie Fiore. The beast has no eyes, but uses i t s incredibly developed
senses of smell and sound to home in on i t s prey. They can scent
prey accurately a t a range of 12" and echoes enable them to.
gain precise details of their surroundings. For this reason they
prefer to fight in total or near darkness.
The creeper lives off putrid carrion, or feeds off the blood
of live victims - a totally liquid diet. It hates all humans and
elves in particular, and, if they are offered as captives, it may be
bought off. I f a fight is going against it, it will release a stinking
cloud, to which it is immune, change colour, flee, and will not
re-engage for a t least two rounds. It can release the stinking
cloud only once per day.
In 8 segments, the creeper can mimic any voice it has heard,
in whatever language. A voice thus mimicked is never forgotten,
though the creeper will not understand the words. As a rule,
creepers are cowardly and will use their camouflage and mimicry
often to lure the unwary into range of their tentacles.
The creeper gets +I on all saving throws.
When a creeper is killed, it degenerates immediately into a
putrifying, bubbling pool of tendrils, blood and guts.

Beyond the thick growth of vegetation on the perimeter, the

his issue, we present a Fiend Factory special. The monsters thick withbreak
everglades weedinto
broken bylarge, shallow
myriad expanses
clusters of of water,
islets, all
have been selected and arranged in the format of a mini-wild- covered in thick vegetation. Anyone crossing these misty waters
erness scenario, designed for a party of 4th, 5th and 6th level is likely to be attacked by . .

ibabu is a small village on the edge of the mist-shrouded

everglades of Krish. The villagers, who survive by
selling snake and crocodile skins, will t e l l any visitors by Roger E. Moore
to their village of an abandoned temple deep in the
swamps. In the temple stands a great cauldron which spawns No. Appearing: 1 (10% of 1-41
creatures of evil. Local legends state that those who destroy the Armour Class: 6
cauldron will be rewarded with great wealth by the ghosts of Movement:
those who built the temple.
The everglades is a vast swampy area, dense with lichen Hit Dice:
covered trees with trailing fronds. A thick but patchy mist Treasure:
continually hangs in the air. The waters are shallow but occ- Attack:
asionally treacherous as they conceal areas of quickmire. Travel
can be by foot, horse or flat-bottomed boats hired from the Alignment:
villagers. Intelligence: Semi-
The perimeter of the swamps is especially thick with trees, Monstermark:
their roots making passage difficult and tortuous and their foliage 12 levels)
shading the area below in green gloom. In this shadowy world,
a voice can sometimes be heard, a voice that belongs to the . . . These creatures are the bane of lakeside fishermen, as they attack
boatmen, break lines and nets, and destroy fishing grounds. They
have been known to attack cattle and sheep that wade into the
water or approach too closely. They are not averse to adding a
few incautious humans to their diet. Those familiar with the
by John R. Gordon water leaper fear it greatly.
I f a water leaper senses a victim in i t s waters, it will close on
No. Appearing: 1-3 it immediately. The sight of this creature is rather disturbing in
Armour Class: 6 itself. It appears as a great legless frog with a long newt-like tail,
Movement: and two great membraned wings emerging from either side. The
whole creature ranges from 8' to 10' in length. I f the victim is
submerged or swimming, the water leaper will attack without
leaving the water. Potential victims sitting or standing in small
2-12 each and boats will be attacked as the monster leaps from the water and
bite, 1D8 + poison flies towards them with open mouth. As soon as the creature is
Alignment: Chaotic evil airborne, it will emit a terrifying shriek. All within 120' of it
Intelligence: High must save versus paralysis. Those who fail lose all armour class
Monstermark: 96.86 (level V adjustments for dexterity, and the monster gains +2 when
in 12 levels) attacking them. It then attacks with i t s single bite, splashing
r into the water with i t s victim in i t s mouth or to try again i f it
The creeper is a greenish grey creature, some 6'tall and covered missed.
n a growth of slimy tendrils. From i t s shoulders protrude two As the wings of the water leaper are not strong, it can only
entacles with a 10' range. I t has a horny, black-brownbeak with stay in the air for 2-5 rounds a t most. I t . i s not so fast that it
vhich it can bite and inject either of i t s two poisons. The first cannot be attacked as it makes i t s pass a t a victim by those
paralysesthe victim (until a cure disease spell can be cast on him) within 10' of the victim.
to preserve him for blood-sucking later. The second type is a Water leapers are not particularly intelligent and have no
languages other than their own.'They often keep treasure in a Water has the opposite effect, reducing the beast to i t s
rocky nest on the bottom, where they also lay their eggs. As runny slime consistency for 1-4 rounds from anything other
water leaper eggs are a delicacy, for humans as well as other than the rock-hard form.
fishes, they are quite valuable and much sought. Consequently, The slime beast has a saving roll against magically induced
few of the hundreds of eggs laid each year reach maturity. fire, cold or water. All other magic can affect the creature
Water leapers live for about 20 years. including the transmutation spells.
They are helpless to attack on land if they should happen
to fall, and have only a 20% chance per round of lifting off
again; otherwise they will expire in 3-5 hours of exposure and
dehydration. While s t i l l alive, they can wiggle towards water at a In some of the secluded backwater, the roots of the trees
1" movement rate. have been curiously shaped to form strange half-submerged
dwellings. These strange formations occur in close individual
groups for they are the communes of the . . .

Towards the centre of the everglades, the islands become closer

and closer until it is virtually one land mass with a close network
of sluggish waterways which are too narrow for boats. The land
is still thickly wooded and mist shrouded. In this area the earth
is particularly muddy with many patches of thick cloying mire. by Phil Masters
Often concealed in these patches is another strange creature of
the swamps.. . No. Appearing: 3D12
Armour Class: 9


by Dave Stapleton

No. Appearing: 1-2 Alignment: Chaotic evil

Intelligence: Low
Armour Class: See below
Monstermark: 1.8; Leader: 6.66;
Movement: 6" max.
Chieftain: 14
Hit Dice: 5D8
(levels 1; 11 & 111
Treasure: E
respectively in 12 levels)
Attack: By weapon type
Alignment: Neutral
Intelligence: Low These brutes tend to occupy semi-submerged cave complexes
Monstermark: Varies (probably in the fouler swamplands. They walk on two legs and can use
level V in 12 levels) tools and weapons in their long-fingered, webbed hands, but
generally seem more like frogs than men. They are bulging eyed
Slime beasts are habitually found in damp places, either above amphibians, with nostrils Set atop broad Snouts and green,
or below ground. They are natural predators that seek to waylay slimy skins. They worship a demonic frog-god and hate all
their prey by means of their low cunning and transmutation other intelligent races, save as food; despite their low intelli-
powers which enable them to assume many different forms. gence, they are cunning and cruel.
The slime beast's body appears as thick cloying mud, but Frog-folk will be armed as follows:
the beast can control the consistency of all or any part of i t s 2 spears 30%
body, degenerating a t will to anything from runny slime to rock scimitar 50%
hard, and all sorts of combinations in between. sling & dagger 20%
It usually lies in wait for i t s prey in slimy form, lying in Weapons are bronze and jagged-edged. Anyone wounded by
mud from which it is indistinguishable, or as part of a wall or frog-folk has a 5% chance of contracting some kind of disease.
rockface in which case it would assume a harder more rocklike Slings use stones rather than bullets.
shape and texture. Small frog-folk bands will have one additional leader-
When attacking, it will seek to do so with surprise by trans- type, with 8 full hit points, fighting with bronze morning-star
forming behind its victim. On attack, itwill usually have assumed as a 1+1 hit-dice monster, and armoured to AC 5.
a vaguely humanoid form of the consistency of thick mud with Bands of 21 or more will have a chieftain with 10 hit-
stunted limbs. It forms a rock-hard weapon from itself. The points. using a saw-edged bronze 2-handed sword as a 2-dice
weapon i s usually (75%) a sword, though sometimesaclub (15%) monster, and armoured to AC 4; he will have two l e a d e r - t ~ ~ e
or hammer (10%). Should rhe weapon break, or any part of the lieutenants.
beast be severed, it can reform to replace the missing piece and For each frog-folk in a group encountered, there is a
reabsorb the severed part on contact as long as the beast is a t cumulative 2% chance of a cleric-type in addition. Although
least 50% intact. chaotic evil, these clerics are treated as druids of level 1-4
Any transformation takes one round, duringwhich the beast for hit dice and spells; they are AC 7, use scimitars and rank
cannot attack. The creature's armour class depends on i t s form. below chieftains but above leaders in the frog-folk tribes.
Any rock-hard part i s -1, although if the beast's entire body In the depths of a frog-folk lair will be found (apart from
were of this consistency, it would be immobile. I t s usual thick the tribal treasure and masses of spawn) females equivalent
mud consistency is armour class 7, and the runny slime form is in numbers to the males. They are non-intelligent and should be
armour class 10. In the latter two forms the beast i s most mobile, treated as the smallest type of giant frog- The tribe also has
though it cannot attack in runny slime form. I t s speed and a 40% chance of possessing pets which its members can control;
armour class vary depending on i t s form between these extremes. 50% 1-4 giant frogs, 40% 1-3 giant toads. 10% 1-6 giant
Only magic weapons can harm the slime beast when it is in leeches.
mobile form as normal weapons merely slide through the slime. Frog-folk have standard magic resistance, but their slimy
In rock-hard form, it may be struck by normal weapons. skins give them the equivalent of 18 strength against any form
Fire and cold, of any kind, do no damage but automatically of entanglement, including web spells, and their hatred of
transform it completely into i t s rock-hard form during the fire gives them +3 on saving throws vs-charm- +
or cold and for 1-4 rounds after, depending on the severity of
the attack.
THE FIEND FACTORY Inside the Temple, the entrance hall leads to many small
chambers, but there is one set of double doors that leads t o
b Deep in the woods of this large central area, is the Temple of the central, domed hall. In the centre of the hall, spewing mist
Krish. What once must have been an impressive building, cover- and resting on a lofty pedestal with steps climbing up, sits
ed in richly detailed carvings is now a dark, foreboding place. the cauldron. Throughout the temple, dark forms move in
The carvings are mostly obscured by moss and creepers, and the shadows. These are the . . .
whole slabs of stone have crumbled from the walls. The-large
portals hang open, decayed and dank. In the creepers beside
the entrance, the observant will spot what appears to be a snake.
It is the last of the guardians placed by the wizards who dwelt
here long ago, a. . . by Tim Walters

No. Appearing: 3-6

Armour Class: Special - starts
at 4
by Michael Wilkinson Movement: Special - starts
at 12"
No. Appearing: 1-4 Hit Dice: Special - starts
Armour Class: 2 at number
Movement: 14" appearing -1
Hit Dice: 4D8+2 Treasure: Nil
Treasure: Always jewels, Attack: Two-handed sword
1000-4000 g.p. Intelligence: Non-
value (see below) Monstermark: Group of 3: 265;
Attack: Bite for 1D8+1, group of 4: 1105.5
1 sting (1D4+2 (levels V l l l and X I
+poison), plus respectively in
special 12 levels - larger
Alignment: Chaotic evil groups are way
Intelligence: Very up on level XII)
Monstermark: 123.85 (level VI
in 12 levels) The cauldron-born are zombie-like creatures the size of large
men. They use two-handed swords in combat. They have the
The melodemon resembles a snake, about ten feet long, with following special ability: when one of their group dies, his
a face like a cross between a human and an alligator, and a sting original hit points and hit dice are divided up among the re-
at the other end. It is only found in extreme conditions, such maining cauldron-born. Any points and dice gained from the
as flames or lava flows, glaciers, dense forest, desert, deep death of other cauldron-born would also be divided up. In
swamp etc., though it can survive in any conditions. Ancient addition to gaining hit dice, the armour class of all the remain-
priests used to rear them from the egg and keep them in pools ing cauldron-born drops by one when one of them dies, and
of burning oil to guard sacred places. their move increases by 3".
The melodemon's special attack is i t s singing voice. These creatures are created by a cauldron in the possession
It can sing 4 melodies: discord, charm, sleep, and terror. of some evil wizard or cleric, and lose one hit point for every
Characters save vs. spells for all these at -2 per melodemon hex greater than five that they are away from the cauldron.
present. I f a person saves vs. any song, he need never save They are resistant t o various forms of magic as though
against that song again as he is immune t o it (though he is still undead, but cannot be turned by clerics.
vulnerable to the spell of the same name). I f two or more
melodemons sing different songs at the same time there is Destroying the cauldron should naturally lead to the discovery
no effect on the would-be victims. of ample treasure to reward the adventurers.
The melodemon's treasure, which is often kept right in
the midst of the flames/ice/swamp, always has a special song I have not included any comments on the monsters, but it should
laid on it so that when it i s carried away, all the people within be noted that a group of cauldron-born are particularly heavy.
the immediate vicinity begin to feel drowsy (no save) and if I would be pleased to hear your comments on this
they are still with it after two hours they lay down to rest and issue's Fiend Factory: whether you prefer the monsters
do not wake up until the curse is removed, by a dispel evil in a mini-scenario or in the usual random mix, as well
and a dispel magic spell. as any other ideas you may have.
-- -


In this competition, what you
have t o do is provide statistics
for the monsters shown here.
They can be detailed individ-
ually or as a tribal group, but
each must be covered. The
best entry will receive a prize
of Una Woodruff's beautifully
illustrated book, lnventorum
Natura, kindly donated by
Phin Publishing Ltd., the dis-
tributors of the book. Entries
should be sent to Fiend Fact-
ory Competition, White Dwarf
Magazine, 1 Dalling Road,
Hammersmith, London W6
to arrive not later than
I 30th Seatember 1980. I
A regular feature introducing new and ng monsi
edited by Albie Fiore.

This issue, Fiend Factory presents a mini-wilderness scenario
suitable for a party of 5th, 6th and 7th level adventurers.

of weary peasants line the ferry landing. Most

have their meagre possessions packed on barrows or
In tattered back packs. They are fleeing the area after
a long and harrowing conflict with a group of,cyclops
that have been raiding the area. From the peasants the party
would hear the following stories:
The cyclops have continually raided the homesteads, killing
the men and capturing the women live for some unknown
The cyclops are believed to be camped in an old dwarf
mining settlement somewhere in One-Eye Canyon. None
know where the settlement was, but ruins can be seen from
the top of Burgmeier's Bluff; but the bluff and its pine The brothers of the pine are a foul form of undead created from
forest are evil places that the peasants have long shunned. bloodless bodies by pumping pine sap into their veins. They live
The old man of the mountain, a strange rock formation on in dim woodland and use their fiendish cunning to lure advent-
the bluff, i s a particularly evil spot. urers to their deaths so as to drain their blood and replace it
Somewhere over the bluff, there is an old mountain track with sap so increasing their brotherhood. This foul operation is
that i s believed to have been made by the dwarfs. carried out by the Jarl of the creatures who will have 6 hit dice
and powers as a 6th level druid. All of them possess 1 first level
One-Eye canyon had its name long before the cyclopscame.
druid spell (chosen at random) usable once per day. For every
Legends indicate that One-Eye was a magic user who dwelt
20 encountered there will be a leader who will have 4 hit dice
somewhere in the canyon.
and powers as a druid of level 4.
The last person to venture into the pine forests and the In battle these beings emit a shrieking wail which will cause
bluff was Prago, the local hero who was seeking the cyclops all N.P.C.'s etc., in ear shot to check morale at -20% or flee for
camp. He left some months ago and never returned. 1-8 turns. The creature's favourite weapons are jagged sabres
Long ago, Crazy Shem (a simpleton) had a lump of platinum and throwing darts.
ore, believed to be from the mines, but Shem died and never They are immune to non-magic weapons and cold, take
revealed where he had found it. half damage from lightning but double from fire. Only plant
From the ferry, the mouth of the canyon can be seen, but i t is a based spells affect them. They can be turned as shadows on the
narrow and rocky waterfall. The pine forest climbs gently up clerics vs undead table.
Burgmeier's Bluff, almost to the foot of rocky crag that rears
above the trees. The pine forest i s dark; the floor is a thick bed Where the forest ends, at the foot of the bluff, the vegetation i s
of old needles which dampens the sound of all movement. Even particularly thick and lush around a strange rock formation that
so the forest is unnaturally quiet, for the most populous inhab- looks like the head of an old man. There are many animals
itants are undead - (mostly wildcats and wolves) creeping in this thicket for the old
man of the mountains i s a. . .

TheBrothers of the Pine , Chthon

by Julian Lawrence by Colin Reynolds
No. Appearing: 10-200
Armour Class: 5 No. Appearing: 1
Movement: 12" Armour Class: 0
Hit Dice: 3D8 Movement: 0"
Treasure: Individuals 0, Hit Dice: 8 D8
C in lair Treasure: Id20 gems
Attack: By weapon type Attack: Nil
Alignment: Lawful evil/ Alignment: Lawful evil
Neutral evil Intelligence: High
Intelligence: Averagelvery Monstermark: Depends on animals
Monstermark: 31.5; Leader: 48; Jarl: 63 under control (suggest
(levels III;I V & V respectively in 12 levels) level VI i n 12 levels)
Chthon is a mineral intellect which has no regard at all for hit and damage) and attempt to slay the enslaver immediately,
animal life, and resents animal intelligence with paranoid by the most expedient means possible.
fervour. It can control non-intelligent to averagely-intelligent
animals that fail to save vs spells, as well as all plant life, tel- This is as far as Prago reached, he was heading for the ruins. In
epathically, but cannot force the controlled creature or plant a niche in the cave, alongside 2 gems, is another enslaver. The
to do anything it could not normally do. river in the canyon is easily crossed, either by stepping across
Up to twenty animals and/or plants can be controlled in this the rocks where there are narrows or by wading across the
way at any one time, and the Chthon uses these to protect slower reaches. The ruins are clearly visible in the west fork of
itself and attempt to wipe out intelligent life in its vicinity. the canyon. On very close inspection it can be ascertained that
Plants are encourated to grow in a thick defensive screen about they are not the work of dwarfs, for this was the home of One-
the Chthon for protection. Eye the evil magic-user who is now long dead. In the ruins,
however, live the only survivors from One-Eye's day, the elusive
Beyond this the rocks of the bluff rise up and are easily climb-
able. From the top i t can be seen that the canyon forks in two. Micemen
Ruins can be seen in the western fork, and below the bluff to by Stephen Norledge
the north a small track can be seen that runs in steps down the i
steep slopes into the canyon. A t the foot of the path, by the No. Appearing: 10-50
river bank is a cave, obviously inhabited as there are footprints Armour Class: 7
and the remains of a fire outside. In the cave is a fighting man Movement: 12"
covered in many scars and fresh cuts of which he is heedless for Hit Dice: 1D8-1
Prago(Lev: 5;Al: LG;5dlO;S: 16;1:6;W:17;C:14;D:12;Ch:12) Treasure: 0,p
is in the control of a. . . Attack: Javelin + dagger
Intelligence: Very
Enslaver Alignment: Lawful evil
by Roger E. Moore Monstermark: 0.24 (level 1 in
12 levels)
No. Appearing: 1-3 Only the older elves and halflin
Armour Class: 6 how a brownie settlement was invaded by a hoard of orcs lead
Movement: 3" by Maihatahn, an evil wizard of immense power. The brownies
Hit Dice: 2D8+4 were conquered and for the next 50 years they were forced into
Treasure Type: QX 5 slavery, or, if they refused, killed slowly! Then, Maihatahn real-
Attack: Special ized their potential as troops, so he started to cross-breed them
Alignment: Chaotic evil with some of his stronger orcs. The result was this stronger,
Intelligence: . Genius less magical brownie.
Monstermark: Inapplicable Maihatahn, of course, eventually died but the micemen, as
(suggest level III they became known, survived. They now live deep in thick
in 12 levels) forests, remote canyons and dark caverns. They shun bright
Enslavers,also known as Puppet Lords, are dangerous and highly lights, have infraviSi0n 90' and will never fight in direct sun-
feared monsters in some parts of the world. They appear quite light. They ,can tolerate overcast daylight. Their favourite
hamless, however. They are not unlike a large flattened ball of method of attack is t o silently surround their intended victim,
grey-coloured mercury, about 9" across, and move by rolling and then strike noisily from behind, in the hope of scaring and
slowly where"er they wish t o go. They may flatten themselves directing them into some kind of trap, where the micemen can
t o pass under doors or through cracks. They have a little- then kill their victims at their leisure.
understood sensory system that makes them very highly aware They can speak orcish, goblin, hobgoblin. and brownie.
of their physical surroundings within 30' of their position. They hate brownies, sprites, sylphs and nymphs.
These monsters conceal themselves in rocky areas, in small
niches where they collect gemstones. They are 90% likely not Some of One-Eye's treasure can still be found in the ruins along
to be detected by sight because of their ability to appear t o be with a small, wooden bronze box bearing the name "Aurelius".
part of a rock or large stone. I f a living.being should happen t o Inside the box are 4 canine teeth from the adult gold dragon
touch one of them, however, then a saving throw vs paralyzation whose name is on the box. The teeth can be used to create
must be made or the character will be completely dominated by Dragon Warriors
the will of the enslaver. It will then force the host to conceal
the enslaver upon his or her body, under clothing or other cover, by Tony Wilson
allowing the monster t o maintain continuous contact with the
host's body. This will be done out of sight of any other char- No. appearing: One per tooth
acter if at all possible. (normally 1-4)
Enslaver-dominated persons will not react t o pain or any Armour Class: See below
other physical stimulus; otherwise the person will continue t o Movement: 6"
act much as before. However, the enslaver will frequently use\ Hit Dice: 5D8+5
the opportunity to slay any good characters it can through the Treasure: Nil
host body's array of skills or weapons. Enslavers are careless of Attack: By weapon type
the condition of the host, and care little if the body is injured Alignment: Neutral
or destroyed; there are always other bodies available. Because ~ ~ ~ ~N l ~ l ~ i - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :
of their skill at hiding on the host lifeform, only thorough Monstermark: Variable
examination, possibly even enforced nudity, will reveal the para- (suggest level I X
site. The enslaver, of course, will do everything possible t o avoid in 12 levels)
detection and will kill those searching for it if possible.
Hosts who are released from the control of an enslaver must Dragon warriors are created by crushing the teeth of a dragon
make a system shock roll or die from acute neurological trauma. and saying i t s name aloud. (An identify spell cast on a tooth will
As a side note, will-force spell or psionic attacks, such as fear, determine the dragon's name if this is not already known.) One
scare, emotion, or charm, are completely ineffective against an warrior appears for each tooth.
enslaver or a person controlled by an enslaver. An enslaver may The warriors cannot speak but will obey the commands of
only attempt'to control one.person at a time. their creator unfailingly until they are either slain or dispelled.
Any person who survives domination by an enslaver that is Dragon warriors last for only as many turns as the dragon whose
physically removed from his or her body will go berserk (+2 to teeth they came from had hit points per die (1-8 turns). They)

b have a strength of 18 (plus 1 to hit, plus 2 on damage) and
normally use broad swords, attacking as 6th level fighters.
Naturally they are totally immune to attacks based on their by Albie Fiore
"parent" dragon's breath weapon(s) (i.e. a red dragon warrior
would be immune to all fire based attacks) as well as sleep,. No. Appearing:
charm and hold spells. The warriors are clad in exceptionally Armour Class:
complete scale armour, colour and armour class equating with Movement:
that of their "parent" dragon. Note that hit points lost by a Hit Dice: 6D8
dragon warrior cannot be restored by means of a spell or a Treasure:
potion. Furthermore the warriors possess infravision. D in lair
When killed or dispelled, at the conclusion of their "time", Attack: 2 claws. I D 6 each.
they and their armour and weapons ,"disintegrate" into dust. 1 bite, 2 ~ 6 plus
Note, only the dragons four canine teeth are suitable for turning
into warriors. Alignment:
hypnotic stare
Chaotic evil
- .k7~

The teeth can also be used for forming a trap, by firstsaying Monstermark: 240 (level V l l l
the dragon's name, and not crushing the tooth. The warrior will in 12 levels)
then appear and attack the first personlcreature to stand on,
break or otherwise harm the tooth.
Cyclops can be found in almost any terrain, including under-
The western fork of the canyon ends beyond the ruins, leaving ground complexes. They habitually dwell in caves. They are
the eastern fork as the only location for the dwarf mining camp.
frequently found in control of a group of orcs, gnolls, svarts,
Progress can be made easily along the canyon on either side of g o b 1 6 or hobgoblins that they dominate because of their
the river. Just around a bend in the canyon are mine shafts, two
ferocity and strength. They are innate foes of humankind and
on each bank, and beyond them buildings can be seen on a
continually raid villages for females and food.
rocky outcrop. In the mine entrances are squat dwarvish figures I f ten or more are encountered there is one who will be a
(one to each entrance). The guardians of the mines who patrol leader type (7 hit dice and attacking at +2 to hit and +3damage).
the entrances and the surrounding river banks A 2, The cyclops' single eye affects victims as hypnotic pattern
Grey Sqaargs and any failing to save will stand immobilisedfor 6 melee rounds:
the cyclops can only stare at one individual per melee round at
by Graham Head a maximum range of 6", and each victim can only be 'stared'
No. Appearing: 1 I f encountered in their lair, there will be an additional 20%
Armour Class: -2 young (3 hit dice, armour class 7, 3 attacks, 1-311-311-6, no
'Movement: 6" hypnotic stare).
*Hit Dice: 6 The cyclops' eye handicaps it in combat so that it strikes at
Treasure: None -1. It similarly hurls missiles a t -2 but it gains +2 on saves vs
Attack: Grapple illusory magic.
Alignment: Neutral Cyclops e a t human flesh, though they prefer halfling, as
Intelligence: Non- well as gnomes, dwarves and elves. They dislike man-orc which
Monstermark: Variable they leave for scavengers. They will always attempt t o capture
(suggest level any human females for purposes of reproduction (see below).
in 12 levels) Consequently in any lair, there will be 1-6 pregnant female
These very rare, squat humanoid automata were created long humans, and a 10% chance of live prisoners being kept for food.
ago by a race of evil dwarves. A few of the sqaarg are still around,, Cyclops speak their own language as well as that of orcs,
although the dwarves themselves died out long ago, taking the gnolls, swarts, goblins, hobgoblin and ogre.
secret of the creature's construction with them. The sqaarg do The cyclops is 9' tall. I t s skin i s a dull weathered tan, while
not mate, but, similar to golems, they live for ever (or until' i t s clumps of straggly hair are greenish black. It has powerful
killed!). arms, clawed hands and a large, wide maw with which it can
The sqaarg were intended as a purely defensive device for inflict horrendous bites. I t s eye is a clear sea-green.
the dwarves' cave complex, and as such will not initiate a battle Hybrids: There are no female cyclops - possibly due to genetic
unless somebody tries to go past them (they will of course deficiencies. They do, however, reproduce with human females
fight back if attacked.). The sqaarg always fights with a strength' which they have captured and will devour after childbirth. The
equal to the combined strength points of those fighting it children of this unholy union are cyclops (40%), human but
including those using missiles against it. Thus, the more advent- with a single eye (30%) and normal (?) human (30%). Of these
urers that i t is fighting, the stronger it becomes. The sqaarg will, the normal human i s devoured with the mother; the cyclops
not use weapons, but instead will try to grapple with its foes becomes one of the group; and the cyclopian human is cast out
in order t o incapacitate them. It will use i t s strength to kill to fend for himlherself. These hybrids are usually above average
only as a last resort if sorely pressed. strength and constitution although they suffer the same penalties
The sqaarg i s a 5' tall, hairless neuter huyanoid. I t s low in combat (except vs. dwarves and gnomes) as the cyclops.
AC i s explained by the fact that the dwarves made it out of They also receive the cyclops' bonus against visual illusory
solid stone! spells. These half-breeds are believed to have establisheda hidden
The monster can have a maximum strength of 40, and 6th kingdom somewhere on a high plateau. They are known as
level fighter. It has 30% magic resistance. If, during the fight, Amiraspians, High Plainsmen or Griffon .Riders, though little
the party withdraws to consider i t s position, the sqaarg will is known of them.
probably move off in the direction in which it was travelling In the buildings, apart from the female prisoners, can be found
when encountered. enough platinum ore to satisfy the adventurers. From the camp
Some sqaargs have a particular "beat" t o which they were another old path winds up steps to another crag where it stops,
assigned when created. I f the encounter occurs on the "beat", having crumbled away, but the crag can be easily traversed t o
the sqaarg will always move towards the intruders until they link up with the other path.
have been driven from that particular area.
Not much to comment on in what is really quite a
Beyond, is the dwarf mining camp, now crudely repaired and straightforward collection of monsters, though the Grey
inhabited by. . . Sqaarg could prove tricky to DM.

April comes but once a year, and when it does it usually brings some tomfoolery. To celebrate, Albie Fiore
selects some of the more eccentric morlsters t o have graced the White Dwarf letter-box.


by David Taylor by Andrew Key by Marcus Barbor
No. Appearing: 1-30 No. Appearing: 1-1 2 No. Appearing: 1
Armour Class: 7 Armour Class: 4 Armour Class: 8 (about that of a musty
Movement: 15" Movement: 12" sofa)
Hit Dice: 1d4 Hit Dice: 6d8 + 6 Movement: Special
Treasure: Nil Treasure: D Hit Dice: Not applicable
Attack: 1 butt for ld4,plus special Attack: 2 claws, ld4+4 each; Treasure: Nil - but may give gifts
Alignment: Neutral 1 bite, 2d6. or bribes
Intelligence: Animal Alignment: Chaotic evil Attack: Special
Intelligence: Low Alignment: Chaotic, unbelievably so
The bonacon is a member of the cattle Intelligence: High
family and looks somewhat like a Texas
Longhorn. I f attacked or frightened, it The todal is an agent of a devil sent to
defends itself by turning its tail toward punish evil doers for not doing as much
the foe and breaking wind with devastating evil as they should. It looks like a blob of
power. Anyone within a cone 2"x2"x6" glup; sounds like rabbits screaming; and
extending from i t s rear will be knocked smells of old unopened rooms. The other
flat and killed by the stink unless a save half is worse!
versus poison i s made. Even those making It is made of lip and feels as if it has
their saving roll will be knocked back one been dead at least a dozen days. It moves
move and rendered helpless for 1-10 around like monkeys and shadows. The
melee rounds by severe vomiting. The todal cannot be killed but itself kills by
bonacon can also attack by butting in the gleeping. It emanates an aura of cold and
usual way. even frightens octopi t o death.
Bonacons are a wilderness beast, and The todal never appears as a wanderer;
are usually encountered in small herds most frequently i t s arrival is presaged by
which are known as wind ensembles. an unusual event - reincarnation, a run
There also exists a very rare sub-species of 20's in combat, a tarot card, etc. All
known as the pegaso-bonacon. This has This creature is in reality a troll afflicted players must save as for death ray against
pegasus-like wings sprouting from i t s fore- with nilbogism (see the nilbog in White its aura of cold and as for wands against
quarters and uses its backward blasts of Dwarf 6). Like the nilbog, when struck it fear. Characters get +I for each point of
flatulence to make rocket-assisted take- gains hit points equal to the amount of wisdom over 10 in their save against fear.
offs. It has a move of 18" when flying. damage it would normally have sustained. Those with a wisdom of less than 6 who
However, in contrast to a troll's normal
regenerative ability, the llort has a degen-
erative ability which starts operating three
rounds after it was first hit. Through this
ability the Ilort loses 3 hit points per round
until it reaches zero and dies, though it
may then be brought back to life by hit-
ting it or pouring poison down i t s throat
(it will immediately start to degenerate
again unless burned or immersed in acid,
whereby it can retain its hit points until
hit by a normal weapon again).
The overall effect of this is t o make a
llort terrified of weapons until hit, after
which its life becomes a desperate race t o
get adventurers (or other creatures) to
continue to hit and, preferrably, burn it.
(It lacks the nerve to keep bashing i t s head
against a wall as it still feels pain.)
fail t o save against fear, must roll again to cannot do, and if they do something
save against dying of fright. Failure tosave against his will, he will usually threaten to
against either cold or fear causes paralysis lower their prime requisite by 4 or change
until the todal leaves and 1 point of con- their alignment.
stitution is lost permanently. His worst tendency is his insistence on
The todal is more concerned with rolling some magical dice twice for
chaotics though it may bribe cajole or wandering monsters each time a player as
threaten lawfuls and neutrals to change much as blows his nose. Other attack
alignment (no need to roll for death or forms include the dreaded reading o f the
insanity if they do). Chaotics must con- rules which must be treated as asleep spell.
vince it that they have been really evil and If physically attacked, he will consult
chaotic or be given a heavily chaoticgeas. his matrices and do his best to confuse his
Even those that do convince it and those attackers with irrelevancies, such as the
that change alignment may be given a gift fact that Newton's 3rd Law precludes the
which will have a high probability of use of a two-handed weapon within any
having an unpleasant side-effect. 10' radius.
Failure to perform any geas may cause Although he claims to know the whole
the return of the todal to exact retribution. lay-out of the dungeon, he is never willing
I t attacks by gleeping which is worse than to tell anyone anything and frequently
badgers. 1 - 4 hits are subtracted from the on the flab. I f they do, then the 35 goblins seems to get lost himself. (It is rumoured
victim's constitution and are permanent. will be crushed to death. that he probably knows nothing at all.)
It may be turned by clerics as if a The Tali Monster's opponents may Sleep, charm, cold, . . . well, in fact no
vampire; by fighters and thieves by a elect to attack the goblins. Once the 23 spell affects him unless you can persuade
blow with a lawful sword and by magic- goblins nearest the edge of the flab have him otherwise, and all weapons do only
users with spells though i t saves as a 12th been killed, the rolls of fat will subside half damage.
level cleric/MU. over the others, either crushing or suffo- He is susceptible to bribes of a t least
The todal is reluctant to attack lawful cating them. 500 gp - treat as a charm person spell with
or neutral characters since it will have to The Tali Monster can attack with either a bonus for higher prices.
withdraw immediately to purge itself of of i t s massive fists, or with i t s breath
the non-chaotic infection. weapon which stinks of garlic, whisky
The todal communicates telepathically and tobacco. The breath affects an area
so conversations cannot be overheard 1" wide, 1" high and 2" deep. Any char-
except by characters with that ability. acter failing to save will be nauseated for
2-5 melee rounds and fight at -3 to hit.
Since its treasure is hidden in the rolls
of fat, there is only a 30% chance of find-
TALI MONSTER ing anything unless the fat is peeled off.
by Craig Edwards The goblins can put down the creature
to enable them to attack, but only half
No. Appearing: 1 of them can get out to fight on the first
Armour Class: 0 melee round; another quarter arriving for
Movement: 2" the second melee round and the remainder
Hit Dice: 7d8 arriving for the third. Of course, this will
Treasure: Z leave the Tali Monster temporarily strand-
Attack: 1 every 2 melee rounds ed, though it may still fight.
for 2d8 plus special The creatures favourite food is boiled
Alignment: Lawful evil halfling, but it also eats elf meat because
Intelligence: Very of the status value this gives it in the eyes
of the goblins. Comments: The bonacon is quite straight-
There is only one Tali Monster. It is 15' forward, so to speak. I particularly like the
tall and weighs 3,600 pounds. I t s skin is collective noun for the herd. (Incidentally,
I thought it might be quite interesting to
yellowish, very greasy and covered in
warts and acne. It is extremely fat. Hidden DUNGEON MASTER think up collective nouns for some of the
in the rolls of fat is i t s treasure. Because it by Malory Nye official D&D monsters, for example a
is so fat, it cannot move without the aid club of ogres. Readers are invited t o send
of 35 goblins, which alwaysaccompany it. No. Appearing: 1 in their suggestions, the best of which will
These goblins carry the reams of flab Armour Class: 4 (Chainmail and Judges be published. Rewards will be as for
above their heads. Shield) monsters published in Fiend Factory i.e.
Following the Tali Monster is a horse Movement: 12" a free copy of White Dwarf magazine, or
and cart driven by a hobgoblin. In the cart Hit Dice: As many as he likes your subscription extended by one issue.
are 150 pit props. These are used to prop Treasure: Perhaps a 1st Edition Please send your suggestions by June 1st.)
up the fat when the goblins have to rest, Greyhawk? The Tali Monster would probably be the
which is every two hours. Attack: Special most amusing\to encounter. I can imagine
The Tali Monster has no spells, but is Alignment: Tends to chaotic evil adventurers springing out continually in
magical - hence i t s Armour Class. Intelligence: ? repeated attempts t o surprise the goblins.
When used t o attack the Tali Monster, I have deliberately omitted the Monster-
a blunt weapon has a 30% chance of The dungeon-master is a nasty-looking marks, and leave it to the individual DM'S
bouncing off the flab; a cutting weapon, humanoid with beady eyes and a pointy discretion whether and how to use this
20% chance of bouncing off; and a thrust- head who hates all forms of life - partic- month's selection.
ing weapon has a 25% chance of slipping ularly characters who rise in level. He has
harmlessly along the skin because of the particularly nasty tendencies. For those of you who enquired as to what

I f they are surprised, there is a 40%
chance that the goblins will lose their grip
There is a 30% chance that a dungeon-
master will follow a party around the
dungeon, telling them what they can and
the Monstermark is, the original has now
been republished in The Best o f White
Dwarf - Articles. w

Fiend Factory is a regular department featuring readers'morlsters, edited

bv Albie Fiore. This issue, a D&D mirli-scer~ariofor a 5-6th level party. . . INCUBUS

The Black Manse by Roger E. Moore

No. Appearing:
Armour Class:
Hit Dice:
Treasure: G,X
Attack: 2 claws for I d 4 each or
by weapon type
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Intelligence: Exceptional
Monstermark: 1094.85 (level XI in 12

Incubi are the male counterparts of the

succubi, and like the latter are solitary
demons. In i t s natural form, an incubus
appears to be a tall, handsome, male
In a small agricultural town set in rolling groups are very occas~onallyencountered. human, though with small horns and fangs,
country, the localsseem unusually depress- Their natural appearance is as an 18" and a large pair of reptilian, scaled wings
ed. The town was obviously once prosper- black skeleton with huge, gorgeous, butter- growing from i t s shoulders. The incubus
ous, but hard times seem t o have come, fly wings, but they can project a powerful has a powerful assortment of spells and
which is strange as the countryside is rich illusion a t will so as t o appear as any crea- abilities to assist it in causing havoc and
with crops. Around the town, adventurers ture of less than human size. If dispelled, grief wherever i t goes. It can cause darkness
may hear some of the following rumours: this illusion can be re-formed in one 10' radius. sha~echanue " .(only into a
round (treat all dream demon magic as humanoid 'form' of the same hkight and
The town was under the protection of a
seventh level power). Whatever their wight), hold person, clairvoyance, ESP,
kind and benevolent baron, but since his
appearance, however, they attack with go ethereal, and cause confusion at will,
adventurer son returned things have
the razor-sharp edges of their wings. one power per round. It may also attempt
changed. The son's dwanlen companions
to gate in one Type Ill demon (60%) or
now come and extort crippling taxes from
one Type IV demon (40%) with a 70%
the townsfolk and their punishment for
chance of successfully opening the gate,
any opposition is extremely severe.
but must reward the called demon in some
The son rode through the town on his way and is thus reluctant to do so. Once
route to the manse when he returned. He per day an incubus may alsocauseinsanity
is a handsome youth and was in the by touch (-4 saving throw vs. spell); the
company of 12 dwarfs. insanity produced i s 90% likely to be
The former mayor went to the baron% homicidal mania (see Dungeon Master's
manse, but returned a mindless fooi Guide for details).
Being a demon-type, incubi have other
Nothing has been seen of the baron or his powers held in common with all demon-
men since the son's return. kind. They have a magic resistance of 75%
Those who have braved approaching the and are immune to normal or silver
manse have been scared away by the weapons. Weapons of +I power or greater
sounds they have heard, which seemed to are needed to hit them. An incubus has
them like those of a madhouse. infravision to 120', a special form of
telepathy allowing communication with
The manse is sited about a mile and a half any intelligent being, and resistance to
from the town. Inside are the son and his Dream demons are generally only 15% various attacks - acid gives full damage;
friends who appear as dwarfs due to their magic resistant, but this is raised to 50% cold, electricity (lightning), fire (dragon,
illusory powers. They are in fact: against spells from illusionists, and they are magical), and gas (poisonous, etc.), half
immune to the followingspells:invisibility, damage; iron weapon, magic missile, and
phantasmal force, colourspray, hypnotism poison, full damage.
DREAM DEMONS (all forms), ESP (all forms), hallucinatory
by Phil Masters terrain and phantasmal killer.
The dream demon can use ventrilo-
No. Appearing: 1-12 quism and dancing lights at will; phant-
Armour Class: 2 asmal force and hypnotic pattern three
Movement: 8"/12" times per day (the pattern being projected
Hit Dice: 2d8+3 from its wing-colours); and the following
Treasure: - Nx3; 0x2 illusionist spells once per day each: gaze
Attack: Two wings for I d 4 each reflection, invisibility, minor creation and
Alignment: Chaotic evil maze. In addition, the dream demon may
Intelligence: Average make one attempt, with 50% probability
Monstermark: 93.33 (IewlVin 12 levels) of success, t o take control of any shadow
(see Monster Manual) encountered.
Dream demons are similar to quasits in
nature and strength. However, they spec-
ialise in the magic of illusionists (and are They are the servants of the soil who also
very occasionally granted t o high level i s not what he appears. Shapechanged to
chaotic evil illusionists as familiars). They look like.the original son who he hasslain,
are usually encountered singly, but small is the new lord of the manse - an. . .

The incubus i s also psionic, with a into the victim's body and attempt t o take invisible will reveal i t s presence as a fiery
psionic ability of 200, and attack modes over, the victim must now save versus red aura, otherwise it cannot be detected.
of C and E, and defence modes G and I. magic - success means that the brain (DM's could let elves, dogs, etc. have a
There is a 10% chance that a banshee sucker has gained complete control of the chance of noticing 'something' - Ed.) The
(see Monster Manual) will be found victims mind and all his powers for only spirit can enter and animate any of i t s
accompanying an incubus, otherwise the 1-4 turns; failure means that the brain petrified victims, one at a time. The
incubus will usually be alone. sucker has gained control for as long as it animated 'statue' then becomes an 8 hit-
desires. dice monster, moving a t 3" per turn and
The brain sucker can use i t s psionic attacking every other turn (always attack-
On arrival at the manse, the incubus, while powers within i t s host and to protect i t s ing last) for 3d6 points of damage. The
apparently greeting the baron, used his host. Once a week, the victim may try to 'statue' is invulnerable to normal weapons
cause insanity power. The baron is now free himself - he must roll Id10 in an but will take damage from magical weap-
suffering from homicidal mania and is attempt t o roll greater than the intelligence ons. If an attacker fails t o make the 'to hit'
locked in a cell in the lower level of the difference between himself and the sucker. roll, then his weapon will shatter - magic
manse. He s i t s quietly in his cell, but I f he succeeds, the brain sucker will mater- weapons are permitted a saving roll.
around him is bedlam. The other cells are ialise outside his body and fall to the floor, When in i t s own body, the guardian
occupied by his former men, 20 in all, who dead. It will then slowly dematerialise back regenerates at the rate of 1 hit point per
are all gibbering imbeciles, howling and into theEtherealPlane. I f the host i s killed, turn - even after death. The guardian's
screaming. Three are still under the control the brain sucker will rematerialise outside spirit may return to its mutilated body
of some strange creatures of the ether that the body, taking I d 8 damage in the (which is defenceless when 'vacant') and
the 'son' unleashed.among the prisoners. . . process. It will then usually wriggle off or i t will immediately begin to regenerate. I f
flee to the Etherial Plane to recuperate. the gemstone set in its forehead is removed
BRAIN SUCKERS The brain sucker may leave i t s host from the remains, it cannot regenerate.
by John R. Gordon whenever it wishes, causing I d 8 damage I t s magic resistance is permanently
when it does so and stunning the host for functioning and will affect all spells cast
No. Appearing: 1-3 10-30 segments, but usually waits until within 10' of the guardian's spirit (or
Armour Class: 5 it has reduced i t s host's intelligence to 4 approaching within 10' - e.g. lightning
Movement: 6" by feeding on it at the rate of 1 point of bolts). Spells such as wizard lock should
Hit Dice: Id8+1 intelligence per month. When the host's also be checked (once only) when the
Treasure: Nil intelligence is reduced to 4, the sucker guardian first approaches within 10'.
Attack: 2 per round, both special must leave the host who will be, by then, While in spirit 'form, the guardian is
Alignment: Chaotic evil a gibbering lunatic. The host may battle
Intelligence: Highly the brain sucker psionically and should he
Monstermark: Inapplicable (suggest level manage t o slay it, either psionically or on
III in 12 levels) freeing himself as described above, he will
regain 1-8 points of intelligence as long
The brain sucker resembles a large, slimy as this does not exceed his original score.
grey brain, always pulsing, which is attach- The brain sucker can travel to and from
ed t o a lash resembling a spinal cord en- the Ethereal Plane at will once per turn.
cased in slimy, red vertebrae. It moves by
writhing this lash and may move flat on
the ground or in an upright position. It is The only other occupant of the manse is
approximately 3' 6" long. in the baron's treasure vault. It was placed
It can be found either on the Prime to guard his goods and is a . . .
Material Plane or in the Ethereal Plane. It
lurks, waiting for i t s prey which must be GUARDIAN
of a t least animal intelligence, so that it by Simon Tilbrook
can feed on them. It has two attack
modes: a psionic attack (it has 160 psionic No. Appearing: 1
points, recoverable at the rate of 12 per Armour Class: 3
hour, and all attackfdefence modes); or a Movement: 6"/18" invulnerable to all physical attacks - even
sucker attack. When it uses i t s sucker Hit Dice: 6d8 magical weaponry.
attack, i f it rolls a hit, the victim must Treasure: None, other than what it Each guardian i s created with one
save versus his intelligence on 3d8. I f he i s guarding weakness usually linked to what it is
fails t o save, the brain sucker will fade Attack: 1 bite for 1-3 plus petri-' guarding to prevent betrayal. I f i t s weak-
fication ness is, say, silver (as in this mini-scenario),
Alignment: Neutral then the touch of silver (in any form)
Intelligence: Exceptional 'burns' the guardian's body for 1-3 hit
Monstermark: 379.68 (level V l l l in 12 points of damage per hit; the guardian
levels) cannot voluntarily touch or pass over
silver - not even in i t s spirit form; if an
The guardian is a modification of the animated statue is touched by silver, the
necrophidius (see Best of White Dwarf - guardian must immediately leave the
Articles) and is created in the same statue; it cannot enter a statue which is in
manner except that i t s creation requires contact with silver; i t s spirit can be pushed
the body of a giant snake, a man-sized back or held a t bay by silver; and if i t s
humanoid skull, a cockatrice feather and gemstone i s touched by silver, then i t s
a gem of at least 1,000 gp value. spirit is permanently banished to Limbo
The guardian is created specifically to and all petrified victims crumble to dust.
protect i t s creator's treasure, tomb etc. I t s
spirit can leave i t s body a t any time. It
can then move at 18" per turn and retains I t s weakness is silver and each of the
both i t s normal senses (sight, hearing, etc.) treasure casks that it guards is made of
and i t s magic resistance of 50%. Detect silver.

Fiend Factory is a regular department Shadow goblins are rare, three-foot tall mum of confusion to any intruders by
featuring readers' monsters, edited by impish creatures with small horns of vary- stealing, tripping, charming, misleading,
Albie Fiore who, this issue, presents some ing numbers on their heads, black skin and breaking or wounding. With prisoners, they
a reptilian countenance. It has been sug- show their chaotic nature and rarely kill;
gested that they are the result of crosses instead they usually strip, beat and eject
between drow and kobolds, though this is them blind-folded out of the complex.
only speculation. When a group i s encountered, there will
Their usual weapon is a scimitar, but be some higher level types accompanying
they often make use of slings, darts, nets them, in addition to the number rolled, as
and daggers when necessary. Many use indicated here:
shields in open confrontation.
They have very well developed sorcer- Number Higher Levels Accompanying:
ous powers, similar to illusionists. Their Appearing 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
power increases with their level: 4-8 1
9-13 2 1
Hide in Spells: 14-18 4 2 1
Lvl HitDice Dex Shads 1 2 3 4 5
First, the results of the mini-competition 1 %+I 14 30% 2 - - - -
that I announced in issue 24. This was for 2 1+2 15 45% 2 1 - - -
collective nouns for D&D monsters, the 3 2+3 16 60% 3 2 1 - -
best of which are presented here: 4 3+4 17 80% 3 2 2 - -
A confusion of umber hulks. .M& S Neary
Aduplicity of doppelgangers .Phil Masters The line separates the 'war-band' figures
A clot pf vampires. . . . . Colin Reynolds from the 'lair' figures. Thus a war-band of
Agarden of gnomes. . . . . . Chris Murfin 17 shadow goblins would be accompanied
Aquiver of manticora . . . . Chris Murfin SPELLS:
Level 1 Level 2 by 4 2nd level lieutenants, 2 3rd level
A heard of ear seekers . Steven Norledge commanders, and 1 4th level captain.
Audible glamer Blindness
A shock of volts . . . . . . . Peter Edwards
Change self Blur Shadow goblins have often been report-
A load of bull. . . . . . . . . Macer Gifford
Dancing lights Fog cloud ed to have used giant rats and spiders to
A fraction of halflings . . . Macer Gifford
Darkness Hypnotic pattern increase the effectiveness of their attacks,
A (re)assembly of trolls . . Roger Moore
An annoyance of kobolds (any number Detect illusion Improved and in these instances victims may be killed
Hypnotism phantasmal forces as food for their steedslguardians.
being annoying) . . . . . . Roger Moore
Phantasmal force Invisibility Dead shadow goblin lords, etc, are
And finally, my personal favourite: an Wall of fog Magic mouth buried in secret and trapped catacombs
overkill of arch-devils (presumably applic- Mirror image nearthe lairs,with much treasuresacrificed
able to any number greater than 1) from Misdirection to them.
Penny Hill. Congratulationsapd a free issue
of White Dwarf to all the above. And now a Level 3 Level 4
collection of creatures that come in groups: Continual darkness Confusion
Dispel illusion Emotion
Fear lmprovedinvisibility
SHADOW GOBLINS Hallucinatory terrain Minor creation
lnvisibilit y 10' radius Phantasmal killer by Roger E Moore
by Barney Sloane Non-detection Shadow monsters
Rope trick Web No. Appearing: 1-8
No. Appearing: 4 - 24 (10 - 100) Spectral forces Armour Class: 4
Armour Class: 7+ Suggestion Movement: 24" (water only)
Movement: 14" Hit Dice: 3d8
Hit Dice: I d 4 + 1 (and better) Level 5 Treasure: Individuals: 0;D in lair
Treasure: I, X - individuals: J, K Chaos Attack: 2d4 by touch + paralysis
Attack: By weapon type + spells Demi-shadow monsters Alignment: Neutral
Alignment: Chaotic evil Maze (!) (chaotic tendencies)
Intelligence: High to genius Projected image Intelligence: High
Monstermark: 2.43+ (level I in 12 levels) Shadow door Monstermark: 315 (level IX in 12 levels)
Summon shadow
Shadow magic Little i s known of the asrai, though many
sages experienced in the lore of water-folk
All shadow goblins have Igp quartzes believe thay may have once lived upon the
without which they cannot cast any spells. Elemental Plane of Water. They are trans-
he^ are also very accomplished miners, lucent water spirits, feminine in appear-
being able to disguise theirwork as natural ance, and quite beautiful to behold. They
80% of the time. They can disguise pits as average 4%' in height and are a deep green
sink-holes, make secret doors, and dig in colour, with light blue hair and pale
authentic looking chasms. A typical lair eyes. Asrai are rarely encountered by
will contain many such items, secret and humans, as they live in the great deeps of
one-way doors, dead ends and mazes of the ocean in cold and sunless coral citadels.
tunnels interconnected by many of their Even tritons, mermen and other sea-folk
own tiny passages (as well as 85% of the have little contact with them, though they
tribe!). respect their desire for solitude.
They possess 100' infravision, and are On moonless nights in cool weather,
resistant to all illusions cast by anyone asrai will sometimes come to the surface
their own level or lower. They sometimes of the sea and engage in play among the
work with jermlaine to cause the maxi- waves. They disappear long before dawn,

There' are three types of forest giant: the

rancorous and eschel (the female) are rare
while the sentinel is very rarely encounter-
ed. All have wood-brown skin, but range
in hair colour from sandy-brown to a
golden colour for the sentinel, black for
the rancorous and reddy-brown for the
All can use a large shield which would
increase their armour class by 1; but do
this rarely as their preferred weapon is a
large battle-axe. They can .attack by hurl-
ing rocks, for 2d8, or dead trees or branch-
es, for 2d12 - at -2 for Id12 in 'thick
forest. They are seldom (20%) encounter-
ed in their lair.
Forest giants have a strong affinity with
their surroundings and have certain spells
of which they can use up to a maximum
however, as direct sunlight will slay them of 4 per day: pass without trace;purify a kind of studded leather armour, and
immediately. It has happened that one of water; locate animals; animal friendship;.. sometimes use wickerwork shields. Typic-
the asrai will be caught by accident in a detect snares & pits; entangle; locate al weapons are:
fisherman's net, who will unwittingly keep plants; warp wood; plant growth; and tree.
the being prisoner until daylight. In these They can only be surprised on a 1 in 6. axe - 30% crossbow - 15%
circumstances, an asrai may bargain to be Rancorous occasionally (51%) use club - 20% spear - 15%
set free, offering her coral jewelry and wyverns as steeds. sword - 20%
aems as ransom. I f thisfails. shewill attack
i f at all possible. The touch of an asrai Leaders have 5 hit points, use two weapons
does 2d4 points of cold damage (no save) and attack as 1 - 1 hit dice monsters. When
to an opponent and will cause paralysis encountered, they will often (70%) be
unless a save vs paralysis i s made. Two such accompanied by their form of magic-user
attacks may be made per round. who can use: frost fingers, resist heat, dark-
Asrai are fairly knowledgeable about ness and chill metal (opposite of heat
the secret things the sea keeps hidden, such metal).
as ancient and rich ruins or wrecks; if They fight equally well in bright sun-
approached very carefully and without light or pitch dark. They favour caves and
threat, one might be willing to tell of such high places as bases, which will often (70%)
places. Communication is difficult with have either 2 - 8 giant lynxes or 1 - 4
asrai, though, as they tend to be flighty dire wolves as guards. These beasts are also
and have poor attention spans. Small used as steeds, but only on very rare
events distract them constantly, and they occasions.
also seem to have no normal time sense. To protect themselves against the in-
Everything i s either 'now' or it i s very tense cold of the regions they inhabit,
ancient and almost forgotten about. They winter kobolds have evolved a thin coat
cannot understand the concept of a future of hollow shafted hairs. As an added
time at all. Asrai speak their own language, benefit, the hairs can be fluffed out in
communicate with all water elementals, combat, presenting a I.arge attacking pro-
and a few know common, triton, merman, file consisting solely of inflated hairs. Thus
or other such language. opponents with an intelligence of 'low' or
Fire-based spells do only half damage
to asrai if they fail to save against them,
WINTER KOBOLDS under have t o strike a t an armou? class 2
higher than normal, eg, 5 instead of 7.
and no damage at all if they do save. All by Jonathan Hardwick Winter kobolds hate all other humanoid
other spells affect them normally. Only life, particularly elves and gnomes who
silvered or magical weapons can cause ' No. Appearing: 20 - 100 they will attack on sight. They speak their
them harm. Asrai avoid light of any sort, Armour Class: 7 (6) own, their alignment 'and often (80%)
though magical light causes them no harm Movement: 6" normal kobold tongues.
or damage, and will flee if acontinuallight Hit Dice: Id4+ 1 They live for up to 140 years.
is cast near or among them. Treasure: Individuals: K; P in lair
plus 15% chance of maps
or magic
Attack: 1 - 4 or by weapon type Comments: Tribal monsters are by their
Alignment: Neutral evil nature quite straight-forward, but they
FOREST GIANT Intelligence: Average
Monstermark: 2 (Level I in 12 levels)
.are very deployable since the numbers can
be adapted to accomodate parties of
by M Newton & D Healey adventurers of any ievel. I have selected
In the northern regions, homesteads are monsters to cover a variety of campaign
Sentinel Rancorous Eschel sometimes attacked in the dead of night, settings. Of the monsters described, the
No Appearing: 1-6 1-6 1-8
Armour Class: 4 4 5 their inhabitants killed and their treasure shadow goblins seem ideal for basing a low-
Movement: 15" 15" 15" stolen. The raiders are winter kobolds. level dungeon around, while the asrai are
Hit Dice: 7d8+7 7d8+1 6d8+5
Treasure: Individuals: Mx50; E in lair
They are more powerful than the normal suprisingly heavy for a three-dice monster,
Attack: -
3 18 -3 17 2-16 kobold and originate in the northern emerging with a monstermark that puts
Alignment: Neutral good Neutral evil Neutral wastes. They are not affected by any sort them on a par with vampires and liches;
Intelligence: Exceptional High Average
Monstermark: 269.5 264 159 of cold-basedspells and can move normally they are, however, susceptible to sleep
(Level V l l l in 12 levels) (Level VII) in all but the deepest snows. They favour and are not particularly hostile. W

Fiend Factory is a regular department featuring readers' morlsters, edited their camp, though sometimes (20%),they
by Albie Fiore. forage as a 100 yard wide column in a line
from the camp. When foraging, anything
First, the Fiend Factory Poll; as happened last time, several readers have also sent in will be attacked. In combat, a hit indicates
their votes for the worst five monsters to have appeared in White Dwarf so we are that the victim has been surrounded and
extending the deadline to enable others to vote. The Fiend Factory Poll is now for the will then take 1-6 hits per melee round
best five and worst five new monsters to have appeared in White Dwarf, either in Fiend until he leaves the foraging area. When the
Factory or elsewhere in the magazine (eg in a scenario). Please send your votes to: ants attack, they do so as an 8 hit-dice
Fiend Factory Poll, White Dwarf, 27-29 Sunbeam Road, Park Royal, London NWlO monster and the victim's armour is ignored.
to arrive not later than January 8th 1982. Attacks on the ants are always success-
This issue I have selected some creatures of differing types: a non-combative plant, ful but are delivered by area - eg if the
an 'atmosphere' monster, a special, a tribal monster and a legendary-type monster, but ants are crushed by a shield of area 1 sq.
they do have one thing in common -they all come. . . yard, then 1 sq. yard of ants has been kill-
ed. The army can take 8,000 such hits!
The army will cross small streams, large

OUT of the WOODS streams 95%, small rivers 80%, and large
(50 yards wide or more) rivers 70% of the
time. They will be washed some distance
downstream dependina on the flow.
The ants only forage when the queen is
laying eggs - the reason the camp is set up.
The queen will be concealed in an under-
ground nest at the centre of the foraging
area, or, if they have foraged in a column,
at the rear of the column. The nest must
be located as if a secret door. I f the queen
i s killed, the ants will mill in confusion for
2 turns before resuming their foraging.
I f not foraging, the antswill not attack.
If the queen isattacked, however, thev will
form a foraging area around the queen
and attack.
When they are foraging, beasts of an-
imal intelligence or less (horses, mules,
etc) will be difficult to control and will
be liable to bolt if given the opportunity.

by Simon Miller by Albie Fiore by C N Cartmell

These plants can be found wild in woods No. Appearing: 1 army No. Appearing: 1-4
and forests where thev act as the eyes and Armour Class: See below Armour Class: 2
ears of the woodland creatures, telepathing rdlovement: 6" Movement: 6"
news of any intruders. They can easily be Hit Dice: See below Hit Dice: 8d8
grown as pot plants and are often placed Treasure: Nil Treasure: B (under tree)
conveniently as a precaution against in- Attack: See below Attack: 2 hands for I d 8 + special
truders above or below ground. However, Alignment: Neutral Alignment: Evil (neutral)
they can only be without natural light for Intelligknce: Animal Intelligence: High
2 days at the most, after which they must Monstermark: 29,473 (level XI1 in 12 Monstermark: 1026 (level XI in I 2 levels)
be placed in daylight for a t least a week. levels)
They make excellent spies as any action The birch spirit is the soul of a murdered
or talking in their 'sight' or 'earshot' can These 1"-2" long ants are voracious forag- dryad. I t detests all humanoid life whom it
be reported telepathically to their owner. ers, marauding in vast armies of about 20 blames for i t s death. Each spirit is linked
A plant can be employed by anyone million. (One army is treated as a single to one particular birch tree from which it
with psionic power, or with one of the monster.) Fortunately, they are very rarely may never move more than 3". Since it is
various magical true seeing devices with encountered, and then only in tropical, and thus always in its lair, it cannot be turned
whom it will communicate in an easily near- and sub-tropical forests, savanna and by a cleric, but can be dispelled by one of
understood universal symbolic tongue. As scrublands. When encountered, there is a 12th level or higher. The spirit and itstree
payment, the plant must be fed a special 33% chance that they have camped and are are immune t o fire or cold based attacks
humus known only to alchemists other- foraging or a 67% chance that they are but take double damage from lightning.
wise a plant will accept service but will simply passing through in a 2' (orso) wide Appearing as a 15' tall, spectral, tree-
give false alarms or no warning when it column. In either case, their presence is pre- like humanoid with extremely long twig-
should. The plant knows noallegiance and ceded by encounters with various creatures like fingers, it attacks all non-magically
can be taken over by someone else. This i s escaping them. Wandering monsters are armoured targets as if they were AC10; can
why it i s also known as 'slaytooth', 'slipper- thus encountered a t +Ion the encounter only be hit by magic weapons; and has a
tongue' or 'the betraying plant'. roll for each % mile under 3 miles thatthe magic resistance of 10%. In combat, if the
When communicating, the leaves rustle ants are distant. Only small creatures will spirit scores 5 or more over what it needs
as though a gentle breeze were blowing be fleeing in panic, and only if the antsare to hit, it has clutched its victim's heart
through the plant. The communication is foraging. Man-sized and larger will simply with its spectral hands. The victim will
telepathic but only within a 30" radius be makingtheir way out of the army's path. then collapse for 1-4 rounds and for each
beyond which the plant's psi-waves cannot When th'e ants forage, they cover an round unconscious will age by 10% of his
travel, nor can they pass through lead. area of 8,000 sq. yards (150' radius) around initial age. Also, for each round unconsc-

and can climb any surface with.no chance A black unicorn will refuse to enter any
of slipping due to the natural suction pads dungeon containing humans orhumanoids.
on their palms and feet. A chameliad can Unicorns only attack if provoked, if
alter i t s colour to match i t s surroundings they believe their opponent(s) to be gen-
making it difficult to detect (85% 'hide' erally evil, or if their lair or place they
and move silentlv), enabling it to sur~rise guard is entered. When a black unicorn is
80% of the time, and giving i t s opponent about to fight, a wave of fear ripples out
in combat a penalty of -4 to hit. (11" radius). All characters must save vs
They live in groups of 10-100. I f 20 or spells or be affected as for the spell for 11
more are encountered,one will be a leader- melee rounds. Characters of 8th level or
type (5d8) who the others will consult higher save at +4.
before any group action. In any tribe, there Anyone hit by the unicorn's horn in
will also be 2-3 hunters, the only chamel- combat must save vs paralysation or be
iads to use a weapon - a wire garotte. The inflicted with aparalysis that will be fatal
camouflaged hunters sneakup from behind to characters of 7th level or less within
and attempt to garotte their victim,striking 1-4 turns, and to 8th or higher characters
at +4, but alerting the victim if they miss. in 6-24 turns. On the 1st melee round,
ious, the victim loses 1 hit point per hit die The hunters' main prey is the hated goblin. the unicorn charges into combat; it cannot
permanently. I f the damage accrued by Apart from goblins, chameliads interfere strike with its hooves and can only strike
this exceeds the victim's total, he will die little in the affairs of others, being content once with i t s horn but does so a t +4 and
and be unraisable by any means. I f the only to observe. If, however, one of the for double damage - the victim, if hit,
victim survives, he may regain the hit tribe is killed in malice, the rest of thetribe mlist save twice vs paralyzation.
points by use of full wishes at a rate of 1 form a death pact and will seek retribution Black unicorns are immune to poison,
wish per hit point per hit die (ie if the on the killer or perish in the attempt. can sense the approach of an enemy from
victim had lost 3 points per hit die, 3 40'; and surprise opponents 7 out of 8
wishes would be necessary). If the victim times. They are totally immune to all mag-
were wearing a Scarab o f Protection, it ic, having a continual 10' radiusanti-magic
would negate this attack a t the expense BLACK UNICORN shell, even when asleep. The shell will also
of one charge. by Alan and Anthony Howcroft protect any riders.
I f the spirit drops below 0 hit points, it
will flee into i t s tree where it will regener- No. Appearing: 1
ate at the rate of 1 hit point per turn. Armour Class: -2
During this time, it and i t s tree are defence- Movement: 40"
less. I f the tree i s destroyed, the spirit i s Hit Dice: l l d 8 + 11
killed forever. Treasure: U (~21,S,T
Attack: 2 hooves, I d 8 each; 2
strikes with horn. 2d8 per
strike + special
CHAMELIAD Alignment: Chaotic good
by R D Bowes Intelligence: High
Monstermark: 7051 (level XI1 in I 2 levels)
No. Appearing: 1-100
Armour Class: 4 These large, fierce creatures are jet-black
Movement: 15" except for their long, smooth, ivory-white
Hit Dice: 3d8 horn.They are highly agile, havea powerful
Treasure: D frame and present a truly fearsome and
Attack: Two I d 4 claws formidable sight.
Alignment: Neutral Dwelling in thickly forested mountain-
Intelligence: Very ous regions far from human habitation,
Monstermark: 53 (level I V in 12 levels) they are capable of covering even the most Three times per day, a black unicorn
treacherous terrain with incredible speed can dimension door to appear up t o 60"
Chameliad tribes dwell in forests in well- (25"). jumping distances up t o 3" forward, away from i t s former position. This ability
constructed, camouflaged tree-houses or 1%" vertically and negotiating exception- may also be used whilst i t carries riders.
subterranean caverns. The natural colour ally steep rock faces. They often guard They speak unicorn but can understand
of the tree-dwellersis green, while the cave- long abandoned, lost or legendary places. common, dryad, elvish and centaur.
dwellers are grey. They are extremely agile Although they shun human contact, law- The horn of the black unicorn, when
ful or chaotic good elves, half-elves and crushed and mixed with holy water is a
humans with a 17 or 18 charisma may soverign remedy for all diseases and a cure
charm and use them as steeds (female: 18 for poison. Female magic-users can also
chafisma - 85%; 17 - 50%; male: 18 use the horn as an ingredient for aphilter
charisma - 55%; 17 - 20%). Thev are un- of love with permanent effects. Just below
affected by charm spells - see below. The the horn, in the centre of the beast's fore-
charmed unicorn may only be ridden if head is a small blue gem which, if taken, can
both rider and unicorn believe the cause to be used as an anti-magicshell,activated by
be good. The charm i s dissolved once the concentrating for one segment. The shell
unicorn has been dismounted at the com- covers a 10' radius around the gem, lasts
pletion of the journey. For each successful for 1 round per experience level of the user
charm, the charmer gains +5% on any and can be used but once per day.
future attempt to charm that unicorn (95%
maximum). For each unsuccessful charm,
10% is deducted. I f any person makes a
successful charm, the unicorn will bear a Comments: A record high Monstermark
maximum of 3 nominated riders, unless for the driver ants, but they can be used
they are evil. against parties of any level. U
Fiend Factory is a regular department
featuring readers' monsters, edited by
Albie Fiore. This issue, a look at some. . .

This selection features monsters that are 1Ogp weight (Ilb) in flight withoutslowing, but who can use each such twice per day
all on the small side, though they are not and twice that amount at half speed. Their and the following, at 8th level power, once
necessarily low level. Incidentally, I have memories are quite good, though they each : dispel magic and magic missile.
decided to drop the Monstermark listing. might pretend otherwise. Nightlings speak only their own tongue,
There are two reasons for this. First, the but can communicate with jermlaine,
original article was in the now-out-of-print mites and snyads. They will attack any race
WD's 7-3 and, although reprinted in The save trolls, troglodytes and others of reptil-
Best of White Dwarf: Articles, many read- NIGHTLING ian descent, as they love to drink the warm,
ers were unaware of its meaning. Secondly, by Phil Masters fresh blood of men and their like.
the XP system in AD&D has since made Note: Unless aimed specifically a t one
the Monstermark virtually redundant. No. Appearing: 5 - 20 or the other, a blow aimed at a bat-and-
Armour Class: 4 rider is 50% likely to fall on the nightling
Movement: 5"/16" on bats and 50% on the mount. The weight of the
GREATER RAVEN Hit Dice: 1 - 3 hit points former prevents the latter from flying
by Roger E Moore Treasure: G + 50% chance of map skilfully enough t o achieve its usual avoid-
(60%) or scroll (40%) ance of missiles. A dismounted nightling
No. Appearing: 2 - 20 Attack: Darts for I p t + paralysis, is a very small target for spells that nor-
Armour Class: 7 spells mally do half damage if a save i s made,
Movement: 3-124" Alignment: Neutral evil and so will take no damage in such an
Hit Dice: Id8- I Intelligence: Average -very eventuality.
Treasure: K, L, M, Q in nest
Attack: 2 claws for 1 - 3, or peck This race has reptilian features, dark green
for I d 4 scaly skin,large luminouseyes, and webbed
Alignment: Neutral (some with good claws and are only 8-12" tall. They have a
or evil tendencies) limited chameleon property (as Hide in OOTHE
Intelligence: Very Shadows) that allows them to blend into by Bob Greenwade
backgrounds with 70% chance of success.
Though slightly larger than normal ravens, Nightlings are cave-dwellers who rarely No. Appearing: 20 - 80
greater ravens are only 5% likely to be dis- venture intotheopen and then only to raid Armour Class: 5
tinguished by a casual observer. They are on the darkest nights. They fight at -4 to Movement: 10"
very intelligent and can speak one or two hit in full daylight, but can tolerate lesser Hit Dice: 2d4
languages besides their own avian tongue. illumination and possess superior infra- Treasure: 1, N, Q
They fly so silently and can conceal them- vision. They generally ride giant bats of Attack: 4 pincersfor I d 6 each and
selves so well (even in flight) thatthey will the %-dice variety (see the Fiend Folio), bite for 2d4/
surprise opponents on a 1-5 on a d6; if which fight for them should their oppon- Alignment: Neutral
they do surprise someone, they will rarely ents succeed in forcing melee, but they Intelligence: Animal
attack, preferring to hide and listen in on prefer to attack from a distance. Each
any conversation out of curiosity. They nightling carries six or seven tiny, weighted, Qothe (pronounced Ko'thuh) are very rare
prefer to hide in shadowed places (90% stone darts which they can hurl from upto creatures, mostly found in swamps, jungles,
success) becoming virtually invisible. 2" range with full accuracy and from 2-4' and underground complexes, though there
These ravens are quite glib of tongue at -3; a hit does but 1 point of damage, have been reports of a desert species. They
and like to talk to anyone who will listen. but the darts are drugged; a victim must appear as nearly shapeless blobs of white,
Because of their habit of eavesdropping, save vs poison or be paralysed for 3-18 hairless protoplasm, with a round mouth,
they make good sources of information rounds (3-12 if constitution is 14+). In three beady eyes, and four red pincers at
about otherwise unknown occurrences, addition, each nightling can use the follow- one end, and waste-deposit and sexual
though they will always charge a gem or ing magical powers once per day, and one organs a t the other. They are rarely longer
gold piece for the data. They have often per round (when it i s not hurling a dart): than 1%' with pincers extended, their mass
been used to good advantage as spies or regenerate Ihp, detect magic (3" range), being about twice that of a human head.
messengers. Good aligned ravens prefer to pollute water (up to 1 gallon), darkness (3" Their normal mode of travel is by bounc-
work for humans or dwarfs, while the evil range, 10' radius), and audible glammer ing, necessitating their tough skin; they
ones have been seen with goblins, xvarts, (as an 8th level MU). can also crawl at a rate of 2".
orcs, hobgoblins and their ilk.Truly neutral Any nightling group will have an addi- Qothe are almost always met, whether
ravens enjoy associating with most humans tional leader with 4hp, riding a bat of the wandering or in their lair,asa whole group
and druids. A greater raven can carry up to I-die variety, who hasall the powers above of about 50 called a bannner. Smaller tags
(2-16) of qothe have been sighted though. Although each wyrmlet i s a separate being, MARA
A tag or banner seems t o have a collective they can combine to form powerful wyrm- by Simon Craddock
mind, but this has not been established. lings. Three types are definitely known:
All qothe (except the conjectured des- fighter - rare; magic-user - very rare; and
ert species) need a body of water from head - very rare. Rumours persist of cler- No. Appearing: 5 - 30
which they must drink their own volume ical wyrmlets, heads with psionic powers, Armour Class: Body 8; wings 10
of water each day to maintain their bounc- and other class types. Movement: 12"/18"
ing ability. They do not enter the water Each wyrmlet is 3' high and has a flat, Hit Dice: Id8 + 3
very far as they cannot swim. They usually circular body with a near featureless 'face' Treasure: J, K (M in lair)
feed on fish and crustaceans, but will a t t - on each side, two small boney arms and Attack: 2 claws for I d 4 each and
ack on sight anything that bleeds. They are two similar legs. The mouth i s simply a bite for I d 4 + poison
a favoured dish of lizardmen, some tribes hole over which is a small cartilage protru- Alignment: Neutral evil
even preferring qothe to human flesh. sion. Suckers round the edge of each face Intelligence: Low (high if magic-using)
A qothe body can be sold for 100gp to, enable them to attach to each other. It
an alchemist, as parts of it have value in takes only one melee round for each join to These 3'tall, winged humanoids, forgotten
the making of potions and other magical take place. Due to the low intelligence of for centuries after their downfall at the
materials - the powdered flesh is used in the fighters, the specialised 'head'wyrmlet hands of their sprite masters, inhabit caves
the making of magical leather armour, the (the only one with features on one of i t s deep beneath the earth. They have tough,
blood i s an important ingredient in most faces) i s requiredto organise the join. Once grey skin and small black wings. This col-
potions of extra-healing, and the eyes, combined, the head is no longer essential ouration gives them a 75% chance of sur-
beaten into a single entity and dehydrated, t o maintain coordination. They are usually prise in dim light but only 25% chance in
can be used in a potion o f treasure finding encountered as wyrmlings of 6-7 wyrmlets, daylight. They have developed standard
or as the material component for a wizard but sometimes with as many as 15. infravision (60') but in bright light they
eye spell. A wyrmling fights and saves as a mon- rely on their keen sense of smell. They
They have the innate (and unexplained) ster of hit dice equal to the number of its attack with their two claws and a poison-
ability to 'see' platinum and gems within wyrmlets and has a cumulative magic re- ous bite which causes nausea for 4-16
1,000' regardless of barriers of any sort. sistance of 5% per wyrmlet. A wyrmling of segments unless a save is made. The poison
They are attracted to these materials which 8 or more wyrmlets can vibrate i t s cartilage can be neutralised by cure light wounds,
are always found in a banner's treasure. so as to cause a very low frequency sound neutralise poison, slow poison and most
They also have 270° peripheral vision. wave. If a head section is controlling the other clerical cure spells. Due to the mara's
Some neutral magic-users have qothe as wyrmling, this sound can be focused on a small size, opponents hit at -3 with hand
familiars. These MUs gain not only the target. This acts as a disintegrate ray (2" held weapons and -5 with missile weapons
qothe's hit points, but also the tough skin range), but due to i t s unusual frequency, when a mara is in flight. When not flying,
(-2 to AC), peripheralvision, and gem-and- only metals are affected. The target must any to hit roll is at -1.
platinum seeing ability. They can also check all metal items against disintegrat- Each normal mara has a 5% chance of
jump five times their normal movement ion. As a full strength ray i s only produced using magic and casting heat metal, warp
rate when not in combat. by a 15 hit dice wyrmling, saves are made wood and summon insect once per day
at +I per hit dice below15 of the wyrmling. with 20% chance of success. To cast a
Magic-using wyrmlets can use 1 spell spell, a mara must first land.
level each turn for each MU wyrmlet in the All mara can spesk common as well as
WYRMLET wyrmling at twice that level of use. (Thus their own tongue which is a perverted form
by Peter Ryding 3 MU wyrmlets in a wyrmling could each of sprite.
cast one 6d6 fireball each turn.) Though Any hit that a mara receives has a 40%
No. Appearing: 1 - 10 wyrmlings the MU and head wyrmlets use no weap- chance of hitting a wing (if aiming at a
Armour Class: 017 ons, most, fighter wyrmlets use two. Some wing, -1 to hit but 60% chance of hitting
Movement: 6" + I" per wyrmlet (30%) use a shield and one weapon. a wing). If a wing i s hit, the mara is forced
Hit Dice: I d 8 per wyrmlet The hard, chitinous outer rim and the to land and fight on foot. A mara is also
Treasure: M and Q per wyrmlet, X head's face are ACO and totally'resistant forced to land if i t has taken 50%damage.
Attack: 112 per wyrmlet for to fire and cold. ,The soft faces are AC7 All mara have.50% magic resistance to
I d 6 + 1 per wyrmlet, plus and are susceptible to all attack forms. A sleep and charm spells.
disintegration ray favourite tactic of a long (lo+ hit dice) For each mara present there is a 5%
Alignment: Lawful evil wyrmling i s to encircle its vidim. cumulative chance that there will also be
Intelligence: Fighter - low; magic-user - a mara warrior with 11HP, AC7, that does
very; head - exceptional I d 6 damage with each claw.

Fiend Factory is a regular department Psitans communicate with each other ation, Suspend Animation, and Molecular
featuring readers'monsters, edited by by a natural telepathy and are known to Manipulation.
Albie Fiore. This month, a collection of speak the tongue of mind flayers and 30%
creatures with psionic powers. . . of them also speak the common tongue.
Due t o their frail, physically weak GIANT MOLE
by Roger E Moore

bodies and awkwardness, psitans engage
in any physical combat (a rare occurence)
as though 1st level magic users with a -2 No Appearing: 3 - 18
to hit. Damage done by a successful hit Armour Class: 7
will be 1-2 regardless of weapon type. Movement: 6" (3" burrowing)
H i t Dice: 3d8 + 1
Treasure: C, T, X
Attack: 2 claws for ld4+1 each,

by Phil Masters or psionics
Alignment: Neutral

Movement: 12-
Intelligence: Average
PsionicAbility: 70-100. Attackldefence
modes: B/F,G, special
Hit Dice: 3d8
Treasure: 0 Giant moles inhabit hills, plains and scrub
Attack: 1 bite for 1 - 3 country where they build their winding
Alignment: Chaotic evil tunnelled homes. They are man-sized, and
Intelligence: Exceptional have dark grey or black fur. With their
Psionic Ability: 120-1 50. Attackldefence barely visible eyes, giant moles cannot see
modes: A,C,D,E/F,G,H well at all beyond 30'in daylight, and have
no infravision. However, their senses of
No-one knows when or where, or whether hearing and touch are extraordinary, and
by accident or design, but somehow a mule their sense of smell so well developed, that
once mutated so as to breed true, gain a they cannot be surprised in underground
thicker hide and high intelligence, and, settings, and they incur no penalties to hit
worst of all, t o fight with psionic powers. in combat. Their long, sharp front claws
The result, the psi-mule, i s omnivorous, tear easily through even hard packed dirt,
needing all sorts of protein for i t s mutant but not solid rock. Giant moles live in
metabolism, but has a taste for human colonies in complex tunnel systems with
flesh; furthermore, i t enjoys killing. It can several entrances and secret exits. The tun-
bite opponents, but obviously finds a mind nels average 3' to 5'in diameter, with large
flayer-type Mind Blast more effective. chambers and rooms (10'-20' across).
PSITAN A psi-mule has a weak form of ESP These creatures are fairly amiable, and
by Andy Wouldham permanently in operation, which prevents are on especially good terms with gnomes.
it from being surprised. When first en- They are usually neutral t o all other beings,
No Appearing: 1 - 2 countered, i t produces a powerful sort of except ankhegs, whom the moles hate for
Armour Class: 1 0 psionic illusion which makes it appear t o the damage and destruction they do t o the
Movement: 3" be a normal, tame mule with saddle-bags mole colonies. Giant moles can detect
Hit Dice: 5 - 10d4 stuffed with jewellery, weapons, money magic by touch, and tend t o collect magic-
Treasure: 50 - 1OOgp and such treasure - thus putting victims al items in their burrows as souvenirs.
Attack: See below off their guard. It has a 60% chance, re- They all speak their own language and
Alignment: Chaotic evil-lawful good checked every 5 rounds, of completely alignment tongue, 60%aIso speak gnomish,
Intelligence: Genius t o supra-genius taking over any normal mule within 3"; 10% know the common language and 5%
Psionic Ability: 300-800. Attackldefence an Intellect Fortress within range halves know one other tongue of some sort.
modes: alllall this chance and a Tower of Iron Will Giant moles are psionic to a moderatk
negates it. extent, and each has a psionic ability of
Psitan can be found in most regions barring The psi-mule, in additon t o i t s attack/ 70-1 00. All are immune to Mind Thrust
the .most arctic and the most arid. They" defence modes, has the following disci- psionicattacks and each has 1-3 random1y
are usually encountered in subterranean plines at the 5th level of mastery: Animal determined Minor Devotions. A giant mole
settings as they are albino and dislike Telepathy, Body Equilibrium, Cell Adjust- colony is 75% likely to have 2-4 brain
prolonged exposure to sunlight. ment, Detect Magic, ESP, Molecular Agit- moles (MM) acting as unintelligentguards.
I t is believed that ~ s i t a nare the result
of radical genetic engineering carried out
by mind flayers on humans to create a
thrall race more susceptible t o psioniccon-
trol. However, the experiments went badly
wrong, creating a race of super-psionics
with a pathological hatred of mind flayers.
They are medium sized, physically weak
creatures (strength ranging from 3 - 81,
and, due t o their enormous craniums, they
are slow and awkward (dexterity not more
than 9). They are easily exhausted by any
physical exertion and must rest frequently.
Most of their labour and tasks are carried
out by their use of psionic disciplines, of
which each individual has a complete
command, their level of mastery ranging
between 9 and 14.

ZYTRA (Lord of the Mind Flayers) ion; Levitation; Detection of GoodIEvil or oeuvrability Class of C. They look like a
by Charles Stross Magic; Astral Projection; Aura Alteration; cross between an imp and a gargoyle.
Probability Travel; Mind Bar; Telepathy; Their colouring can range from blue to
No Appearing: Unique or Shape Alteration all at the Il t h level green, brown, black, or red, but blue and
Armour Class: -7 of mastery, one only in any one melee green are by far the most common.
Movement: 12" round, and at half cost. He also uses the The grimp delights in causing difficulty
Hit Dice: 130 hit points following magic: cast continual darkness, and distress. The sight of a completely
Treasure: Ax4,Hx2,U shadow monsters (illusionist), phantasmal helpless creature about to be torn limb
Attack: 4 tentacles (special), 2 killer, detect invisible, ESP, clairvoyance/ from limb is hysterically funny to them.
hands for 2d12 or by audience, cast IOd6 fireball, shape change, They typically render a party, or lone

Alignrn nt:
weapon type plus special
Chaotic evil
mass charm ( x I/day), telikinesis (16000gp adventurer, helpless, lure a powerful
weight), prismatic sphere (x3), permanent monster within sight of the victim and
(XI ), animate dead, Ivl 23 MUpower word then withdraw to watch the fun. They
Psionic Ability: 436; Attackldefence kill/unholy word (x2Iday), any syinbol usually accomplish this by having 10% of
modes: alllall (XI), mirror image (only in dire cases), and their number find a monster, while 90%
gate in 1-4 type 3-5 demons (75%success, engage the victim(s) in combat.
There can be no question that this is the 33% each type), and he fights with the In combat, they attack with either a
most subtle, deadly, evil and merciless of Rod of Zytra, a strange object related to claw/claw/bite/sting combination; the use
all the Demon Lords or princes, being the a Rod of Lordly Might, which, in addition of two weaponslsting; or a use of their
prince of the dread illithids. He appears as to using all the powers of such, can sprout special powers. The tail sting also injects
a mind flayer a t first glimpse, but the re- .,
tentacles as a %-sizedtentacle wall (50 HP) poison (save at +I, or take 2d8 damage).
semblance is only skin deep, for he is more once per day, acts as a Helm of Telepathy They can use two weapons (one in either
powerful than any illithid lord and will for psionic users, and has the effect on a hand) a t one time but these are scaled
tolerate no rivals from the common mob victim, if no other property is used at the down and do only half normal damage.
of ordinary mind flayers. The enmity same time, of a death spell, with the max- They prefer not to engage in melee unless
between him and the other lords is so imum hit dice killedlraised to 8 +4, and they greatly outnumber their opponents,
great that all shun him. has a +4 bonus to hit in all weapon modes. but prefer to use their special abilities.
He seems to attack in the normal mind I t drains one levellround if handled by any They permanently emanate a disruption
flayer manner of inserting tentacles into of unlike status using the wand without spell (1" range, 1 round duration), and an
the victim's brain, but that is oniy what Zytra's express and willingly given wish absorption spell (see below). They also
appears to happen, for in reality he is (given rarely and even then only grudgingly have a special form of disruption spell
launching a psionic attack on the unprot- and for a short time). It is used only in which causes things to break, fly off in the
ected brain of such power that the brain combat if Zytra uses no other attack wrong direction, dance about of their own
i s fried in a number of melee roundsequal method, in which case Zytra attacks as a accord, and generally go wrong (save vs
to the intelligence of the victim divided level 32 lord. magic negates) -castable once per day.
" by 4 (fractions rounded down). Only a They have no psionic attack and def-
psionic defence can withstand this, in ence modes, but do have the following
abilities a t the 3rd level of>masterv:Mole-
cular Agitation, Molecular ~anipulation,
Telekinesis (thrice per day each), and Mole-
cular Rearrangement (once per week).

DISRUPTION (EnchantmentICharm)
Usable by: illusionist Level: 3
Range: T" Duration: T turns
Area of effect: 3"x3" Components: V,S
Casting time: Trnds. Saving throw: neg.
This spell causes another caster's spells to
go wrong. When the spell is cast all spell-
using creatures within the area of effect
are required to save vs spellsorelse believe
that all their spells will not work. Thus,
although the victim has not been attacked
in any way, hislher spells have been dis-
rupted by the victim himlherself and will
not work.
which case the victim only suffers the GRlMP
equivalent of a maximum strength psionic by L Barton ABSORPTION (Abjuration)
attack upon a non-psionic, and it costs Usable by: cleric, MU Level: 5
Zytra only 5 points per melee round to No Appearing: 3 - 9 (2d4 + 1) Range: touch Duration: 6 turns
maintain one tentacle's attack, asopposed Armour Class: 4 Area of effect: Components: V,S,M
to the huge amounts expended in normal Movement: 6-11 2" 1 individual Casting time: 1 rnd.
psionic combat (which Zytra can use, but Hit Dice: 2d8 + 3 Saving throw: neg.
sharing the illithid's cowardly nature, Treasure: A The recipient can absorb spells which add
prefers not to). He has two other attacks Attack: 2 claws for I d 4 each, bite up to the total level of the caster. Thus all
by hand: Zytra has a strength equal to a for I d 6 (or by weapon saving throws against any sort of magic
storm giant's, and chokes and crushes two type), sting for I d 6 plus are a t +4 and whenever a spell is cast a t
of his victim's for 2d12 each round, poison, plus special. the recipient, then helshe may make a
cumulative, or uses weapons with +6 to hit Alignment: Neutral evil saving roll against spells. Thus if a 10th
and +8 on all damage. He can only be hit Intelligence: Average level MU casts this spell, then the recipient
by +3 or better weapons, and has a magic Psionic Ability: Special can absorb 10 1st level, or 5 2nd level,
resistance of 90%. or 3rd and one I s t , etc, up to 2 5th level
Zytra has the following psionicabilities: These rare, 2' tall creatures have large spells. The material component is a small
Body Equilibrium; Domination; Expans- wings which give them an Aerial Man- iron bar.

This issue, undead creatures form and the eyes de-glazed. When i t s consti- The Unborn are those souls that died a t
the backbone of Fiend Factory, a tution reaches 18, it is no longer 'undead', child-birth or when very young under evil
regular department featurir~g and can no longer drain constitution, circumstances, eg as victims of child
readers' monsters, edited by Albie instead i t must draw its weapon and attack sacrifices, pillaging, etc, and have thus be-
as a fighting man for normal damage. Any come unwilling servants of the dark.
Fiore. hits delivered to it in 'human' form are Such is their plight that they are wrack-
When Fiend Factory first started way back taken off its constitution. They revert to ed by continual pain that can only be re-
i n White Dwarf 6, we had no idea how 'undead' form when their constitution lieved by performing their bidden task,
long the feature could last. Would the flow drops below 18. When in 'undead' form, which is primarily to appear at times of
of monsters dry up? Well this issue sees hits delivered to a morbe are taken from great slaughter, or acts of great evil, as
the 200th new monster to have graced i t s hit point total. Thus they can only be omens of the coming triumph for destruct-
the pages of White Dwarf, and there are killed while in 'undead' form. ion. The number appearing depends on
still plenty of fresh ideas on file. So well Because of their twilight existence, the degree of evil - in the great Wars of
done to all readers who have submitted 'undead' morbes will generally attack on Chaos many scores were seen to appear,
monsters in the past. Keep up the good sight in an effort to gain precious constit- but this is rare.
work by sending more. As they say, the ution and become'human'. If encountered Once the battles have subsided, the
game is as unlimited as your imagination. in 'human' form, they will be less willing Unborn will appear and float over the
to attack, and will usually try to inveigle corpses, channeling the departing souls/life
their way into joining a group to gain forces to the Abyss. I t is this act that
surprise. alieviates their own torment. While per-
MORBE (or Semi-Dead) Any victim of a morbe whose constitut- forming this act, they appear as small, 1"
by Albie Fiore ion is drained, suffers the penalties laid diameter, black spheres, occasionally flick-
down for low constitution. Should their ering with grey high-lights. They will hover
No Appearing: 2-8 constitution drop below 3, then they will briefly over each corpse, touching it and
Armour Class: By armour type collapse in a sickly state. Unless a cure then moving on (this takes 3 segments).
Movement: 12" disease, bless (cast by a 3rd or higher level The body, once touched, becomes stiff, as
Hit Dice: 2d8 + 3 cleric), or similar healing magic is applied, if frozen, and is no longer resurrectable.
Treasure: K, M, X they will rise again in 1-4 rounds as a If this action i s hindered in any way,
Attack: Two claws, 1 bite, all morbe. A morbe in 'human' form can also they will manifest themselves in their true
speciallby weapon type be cured by similar means. A victim who form. This is that of a small, wraith-like 3
Alignment: Neutral has been drained of any constitution can year-old child, drenched with blood, with
Intelligence: Semillow regain the constituion a t the same rate as nails driven through each palm, and large
hit points are recuperated. morose eyes set in a tormented face. They
Morbes are peculiar in that they are While in 'undead' form, morbes can be will then attempt to punish the interlopers,
neither truly undead nor alive. Instead turned by clerics as ghouls but cannot be which they loathe doing, but being bound
they are trapped in a limbo existence. damned. Nor are they affected by holy by such spiritual misery, they have little
Some sages even believe that they are water. Mind-influencing spells can only choice. They can attack in three ways:
victims of a rare and incurable disease. affect them when in 'human' form. . firstly, they can hurl small shards of pure
They are usually encountered in their evil that appear as 3" black lightning bolts
'undead' form which is that of a zombie that do 2-4 points of damage (they can
clothed and armed as a fighting man. Their only hurl six before their power is used
flesh is grey and pocked with open sores THE UNBORN up, whereupon they must flee back to the
while their eyes are glassy and staring. In (or Manifestations of Evil) Abyss; hence each has the power t o drain
this state they do not use their weapon by David Howard six bodies or hurl six bolts or combination
but attack with two claws for I d 4 each of both); secondly, using all their power,
and a bite for I d 6 but any hhs scored No Appearing: Special or 2 - 6 they can enmesh a victim in shadow webs
drain constitution from the victim instead Armour Class: 0 that act as a web spell but cannot be burnt
of doing hit point damage. Each morbe Movement: 30" drift and the save is at -2. The victim also
has a constitution of 3d6 and any constit- Hit Dice: I d8 suffers I d 4 points of damage per round
ution points that it drains are added to i t s Treasure: Nil while enmeshed. The shadow webs can
own constitution. As a morbe's constitut- Attack: Special only be removed by a bless spell cast by a
ion nears 18, the sores begin to heal, the Alignme*: Non 3rd or higher level cleric. Finally, if 3 join
skin begins to become a pale flesh colour Intelligence: High power, they can open a chosen victim's

mind to the horrors of the Abyss and its Demon Prince of the Undead. They may Because of their semi-material form,
inhabitants. This will drive the victim be turned by clerics as ghasts. Holy water they take only half damage from fire. They
insane if the save vs death magic i s failed will do 2-5 points of damage per vial on are immune to mind-influencing spells.
(goods save at -3, and paladins at -4, both them, and only silvered or enchanted They are turned by clerics as spectres.
will be likely targets since they can be weapons will affect them. They are
detected). immune to charms, holds and death magic.
Occasionally, 2-6 will be sent to kill
by the lords of the Abyss, but this is rare GOLDFINGER
as it would free them for eternity from by I J Chomacki
their plight. WRAITH-WARRIOR
by Daniel Secker No Appearing: Not applicable
Armour Class: 7
No Appearing: 2-8 Movement: 6"
RUSALKA Armour Class: 3 Hit Dice: 2 or 3dS
by Roger E Moore Movement: 9" Treasure: See below
Hit Dice: 6d8+2 Attack: 2 hands for I d 6 electric
No Appearing: 1-2 Treasure: 0,T, U shock each
Armour Class: 5 Attack: Broadsword for 2d4 plus Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 12"/24" swimming special Intelligence: Non-
Hit Dice: 4dS Alignment: Neutral evil
Treasure: P, 0 x 5 Intelligence: Average These undead appear as dripping, disgust-
Attack: Hands for ld4, drowning, ingly decayed zombies. A close look, how-
or special This foul, wraith-like undead creature ever will reveal small, exposed gold plates
Alignment: . Chaotic evil appears as a semi-material fighting man on their fingertips. They are the creation
Intelligence: Average armed with a broadsword. of the combined efforts of a high level
They can be hit by normal weapons, magic user and an alchemist for they have
Rusalka are the undead spirits of chaotic but only take half damage from them. been created as walking batteries. Copper
evil female magic users who died by Silver or magic weapons do full damage. plates attached to their spines, combined
drowning. Given these conditions, they are The wraith warrior radiates weakness with their brine-soaked bodies enable them
naturally very rare. They initially appear in a 1" radius. Any within this area lose to deliver powerful electric shocks. It is
to be lightly clad women, not unlike two points of strength, which is regained important that they be kept in brine when
dryads, nymphs or normal women. They when they leave the area of effect or the not engaged in combat (eg, a brine-filled
are found in lonely places near a marsh, creature i s slain. Those within the area also stone coffin).
swamp, lake, or river where they wait for have only the equivalent of half their hit In combat they can strike twice, once
unwary passers-by. points (rounding fractions up). with each hand for a I d 6 electric shock
A rusalka will attack with i t s clawed All wraith-warriors are armed with a per hand - any metal armour does not
fingers for I d 4 points of damage, or by a broadsword. I f they hit, they do the count toward the defender's armour class.
more subtle method. If one can entice its normal 2d4 points of damage and inject a Hits delivered to a goldfinger with a
victim to kiss her, the victim must save vs cold venom into the bloodstream which conductive weapon have a 50% chance of
death ray a t -2 on the saving throw to be causes an additional I d 4 points of damage hitting an internal component, giving the
slain. Rusalka may also attempt to grapple (unless a saving throw i s made vs poison) wielder a I d 8 electric shock. A goldfinger
persons swimming in the shallow waters and causes such pain that the victim must has up to 20 charges it can deliver (a
where they lair; this requires a score of 2 fight a t -3 to hit. After 4 turns, the venom weapon conducted shock counts as two
above the base number the rusalka needs will have reached the brain and killed the charges). Once i t s charges are spent, the
to hit the victim. If grappled and the victim host unless a neutralise poison spell i s cast. golfinger attacks normally with two claws
cannot be freed in 1-4 rounds, the victim When a victim is killed, his flesh immed- per round for 1-3 each. If the creature i s
will drown. Magical spells or devices iately begins to rot and his body becomes freshly soaked in brine, it takes only half
permitting one to breath underwater will pale and faded, and his eyes become black damage from fire and holy water attacks.
prevent this from occuring. sockets except for glowing points of light. As with zombies, they always strike last
Animals fear these creatures and will The character will then rise again, now a in combat. Clerics turn them as shadows.
not approach within 30' of them. Viewed wraith-warrior. This transformation takes When destroyed, their gold finger-plates
at close quarters, the all-green eyes of the but one melee round. are worth 5gp total. Apart from this, the
rusalka may give it away, but by then the Wraith-warriors regenerate at the rate only treasure will be what the creatures
rusalka may be preparing to attack. of 1 hit point per round, but will die if were set to guard. They are only ever met
Rusalka are servants of Orcus, the reduced to -4 or more hit points. as gbards, not as wanderers.
Fiend Factory is a regular department ,its functional form. This energy is only
featuring readers' monsters, edited by maintained by placinga living humanoid in
Albie Fiore. This issue a mini-scenario for the cabinet every 7 days. The spidron'
low level and slightly higher parties. . . attacks by a touch which weakens the
nervous system of the victim. Those
touched take real damage, but when they
reach between 0 and -4 hit points they

Lord of
fall into a cataleptic state for 6 - 36turns,
awakening with but 1 hit point. The
spidron then seeks to drag its catatonic
victim off and place them in the cabinet,
where in 1 round all energy i s drained from
their body (which can only then be re-
turned to life byresurrection). Thespidron
can liquify at will, which it will do if
combat is going against it, leaving its robes
to collapse, and trickle away unnoticed
down a drain or crack to reform in its
While approaching the village of Kanuu a t SPIDRON cabinet. The spidron will usually keep
the head of a rocky, wooded pass. . . by John R Gordon spare robes near the cabinet as it cannot
. . . Low Level Parties encounter a group of hold its humanoid form without them for
ragged people in the woods. They tell of No Appearing: 1 long. Spells of a cold nature immobilise it
strange events in the village the last few Armour Class: 7 for the spell's duration if it makes i t s sav-
months. The lord decided to hold weekly Movement: 8"/%" (liquid, see below) ing throw, double that if it fails. Fire does
feasts in the village square. Since the first Hit Dice: 5d8 + 3 normal damage but the liquid is unaffected
feast, most of the villagers began to behave Treasure: See below by even magic weapons. I f it is killed, the
oddly, and some strangers, fighting men, Attack: 1 touch for 2d8 (special) humanoid spidron reverts instantly to a
seemed to be in charge. The group were Alignment: Neutral evil thin, green inactive liquid.
then driven out, and have since been living Intelligence: Genius A by-product of draining energy from
rough. They know a secret underground humanoids in the magic cabinet i s the drug
entrance to the lord's manor from a nearby spidrone (3 pinches per man-sizedcreature
The spidron is a very rare creature of great
cave, which they will reveal i f the party are malignance. Despite i t s high intelligence,
are prod'uced). This i s an odourless, blue-
willing t o investigate. i t s warped mind is infected with megalo- grey powder, harmless when inhaled or
. . .Higher Level Parties meet a caravan mania, greed and loathing for all humanoid dissolved, but a powerful drugging gas
coming from the village. The caravaneers when burnt (1 pinch covers a %"xl"xl"
life-forms (although it will readily co-oper-
are annoyed. Whilethey were camped near ate with them to achieve i t s aims). The area). Any creatures who inhale the drug
Kanuu, some of their guards entered the spidron itself is a shapeless, thin, green and fail to save versus poison become
village for supplies. they were invited to liquid which only maintains a partly zombie-like slaves, obedient to the Tele-
feast and apparently had such a good time humanoid form through the power of a pathic control of the spidron and to i t s
that most decided to stay on in the village. special magical cabinet, which eachspidron servants. These living zombies can perform
possesses. The spidron must return to, mindless tasks such as digging with super-
vision, but the spidron can only make 10
The village is quiet. People are mechanic- and enter, the cabinet every 3 days or
fight at any one time (attack as 2HD
ally doing mundane jobs overseen casually collapse into a powerless green liquid,able
monsters, striking last for I d 8 regardless
by armed men, though they are neither in only to trickle back to its cabinet at %"
of level and dexterity). Those drugged save
fear nor forced. Once a week, a grand feast per round, where it will slowly reform. I f
regularly as i f charmed, so the spidron is
the fragile cabinet i s destroyed, the spidron
i s held in the village square around an open
careful to regularly re-expose i t s slaves to
fire. All are invited. The village lord attends i s reduced to a powerless liquid for ever.
but does little. From the lord's village Thus the spidron will guard i t s cabinet the drug. The slaves are a useful store of
manor and from the local temple, passages with i t s life. There is a 15% chance that it reserve energy for the cabinet. The spidron
lead down t o the village's burial catacombs. will be in the cabinet when encountered. can see through i t s slaves' eyes. It is, of
The only (undrugged) villager who could The spidron wears a shapeless, one- course, unaffected by the drug. Note that
piece robe, reinforced by stiffened leather the drug is not an offensive weapon, but
tell of the passages is the village idiot.
which helps the spidron hold its humanoid merely a way of maintainingaslavelabour
DM'S Information form. A mask, often coming to a point, force to feed the spidron's lust for wealth
Kanuu is ruled secretly by aspidron dwell- covers the head completely, leaving only and power.
ing in the manor. Its cohorts, 2nd level eye-slits, behind which there is only dark- As well as the 'zombies', the spidron
fighting men, and the lord (drugged) put ness, for the spidron has no real eyes. will employ some undrugged humanoids to
spidrone on the fire a t each feast. The sec- Similarly, its voice is thin and disembodied direct the slaves, drug them, act as the
ret entrance the escaped villagers know as i t does not come from a real mouth. spidron's guard and its emissaries to nearby
leads to the catacombs. From the manor, Below the waist, it is rather shapeless intelligent or powerful creatures. Spidrons
apart from the passageway, there is an old (hence the long robe) and in fact oozes often inhabit fortified town houses or
drain (down which the spidron can go in along on a single foot, like a slug. I t s hands castles in or near towns, or in catacombs
liquid form) that leads to a cavern a t the alone are visible outside the robe, and beneath them. Towns provide good
far end of the catacombs which is the lair these are long,slimy, fibrousand withered. opportunities for gaining wealth and above
of dark bats. In the darkness there, the Each finger comes to a point, like a root, all, dominance so the spidron will usually
spidron has hidden its cabinet. Many of to which a small silvery ball i s attached by favour them above dungeons and wilder-
the bodies in the catacombs are picked a single fibrous strand. nesses. Those serving the spidron will be
clean and many with flesh left are covered The spidron i s immune to charm and of necessity evil, placing material gain
with small eggs as the place is ridden with suggestion spells and can use the psionic above the sufferings of those enslaved and
beggar-lice. Undead rats also scratch about, abilities ESP and Telepathy at will. finally destroyed by is.
activated by a scroll the spidron had when The cabinet of the spidron, made of
it first crept through the catacombs to the silver and glass (3'x3'~6'), may be worth l The spidron was inspired by recollect-
manor. Treasure is what the spidron has up to 10,000 gps as a collector's item. The ions of an interplanetary villain in the TV
looted from the village (DM'Sdiscretion). cabinet's magical energy gives the spidron series The Tomorrow People.)

BEGGAR-LOUSE their lair. After one year the effect is as

by Alan Heaven and friends the illusionist's darkness spell; and after
Normal Sand Marsh Giant two years, as a continual darkness spell.
No Appearing: . I 0 - 20 10 - 20 5 -12 2-5 They can see perfectly well in the dark and
Armour Class: 6 5 6 6 are 50% resistant to the darkness spells of
Movement: 4" 4" 4" 4" others. They hate light and fight at -1 to
Hit Dice: Ids- I Id8 I d 8 -1 3d8 hit in sunlight or itsequivalent,-2 in bright-
Treasure: Nil Nil Nil , Nil er light. They will attack torch and lan-
Attack: Two pincers for I d 4 each; 4 claws for I h p of As others but pin- tern bearers primarily - the beating of
damage each; acid spit for I d 4 plus special cers do Id6+7; their wings in combat has a 60% chance
claws, 2hp; acid of extinguishing a torch;20% for a lantern.
spit, I d 8 + special Dark bats can also cast a 5' radius darkness
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral spell once per day for a duration of 6 turns
Intelligence: Animal Animal Animal Animal generally to counter magical light or fight
in outside of the lair.
The beggar-louse resembles a wood-louse hatching, taking the form of Mania Each hit on a dark bat has a 50% chance
with i t s arched, chitinous back and two (DMG) with 2 in 6 occurences after 1 of hitting a wing, 50% of either. A blow
long antennae, but has two large, sharp day from hatching; 3 in 6 after 2 days; aimed specifically at a wing i s made at -1
front pincers and only 8 legs, the front etc, until the pain becomes continuous, t o hit. Each wing can take a third of the
razor-edged to help cut up flesh. when the unfortunate victim will die bat's total hit points before becoming use-
Colour varies according to environ- in 2-7 hours of the final day. less. When grounded, the bat is AC9 and
ment, but shades of red from scarlet to In any group of 20, there will be one attacks a t -2.
russet are most common. They are born female with 50% chance of two, and a t All missiles fired at a dark bat in flight
white and develop a pink hue as they get least 5 adult males (5% chance of 6"; 10% are made a t -2 to hit, -3 if aimed at a wing.
older. By maturity (body length 2-1, they chance of 4"; 20% chance, 4").
are bright red, becoming darker as they Sand beggar-1ouse:These areslightly tough- UNDEAD RATS
grow older and larger (6"). er and usually more brown than red. by P IVI Rhodes
Adult males have a gland in the mouth Marsh beggar-louse: Unlike the other types Skeletal rat Zombie rat
which secretes acid to aid the rapid break- it is not afraid of fire and takes only half No Appearing: 6 - 36 5 - 20
ing down of food. This can be used in damage from fire based attacks due t o Armour Class: 7 8
defence: a double spit taking one second extra moisture in the chitin. Movement: 12" 6"
can be made once every two rounds with Giant beggar-louse: These are 2' - 5' in Hit Dice: Id4 Id8
a range of 1%' per I"of body length. They length and lack the dexterity which the Treasure: Nil Nil
always aim for the eyes, making an effect- others use so well, meaning that i t s AC i s Attack: I d 4 bite I d 4 + 1 bite
ive reduction of a t least 2 in the taraet's based on its naturallv touaher chitin. It plus special
AC (ie. AC2 becomes AC4) unless-the attacks with acid spit i t +3 t o hit. Alignment: Chaotic neutral
shield i s held before the eyes, when the AC Intelligence: Non- Non-
is increased by 2. Theacid does I d 4 points DARK BAT
of damage causing blindness within I d 4 by christopher ~ i , . k All normal rats fear undead rats and must
turns lasting 1 day, if undiluted, with a save versus fear or flee. Consequently,
20% chance of permanency. I t s habit of No Appearing: 1 - 6 these small undead creatures are loathed
appearing to s i t down on its back four legs Armour Class: 3 by wererats. Both types have the charact-
and outstretch i t s pincers when threaten- Movement: %"/30" eristics of normal skeletons and zombies,
ed has earned it the name 'beggar'. Hit Dice: 2d8 immunity t o certain spells, etc.
Just as all types live by scavenging, and Treasure: 1, p Skeletal rats: Their special ability i s that
all except the giant beggar-louse leave the Attack: 1 bite for I d 8 anyone attacking them has a 15% chance
skeleton whole (dissolving clothing and Alignment: Neutral (evil tendencies) of contracting a disease. If disease is in-
armour when necessary), so all share sim- Intelligence: Low dicated and the victim fails t o save vs
ilar breeding habits. These take twoforms: poison, then a serious disease has been
1 : The female lays her eggs on a piece of The dark bat hasa 6'wing-span and prefers contracted; a successful save means that
carrion flesh in the lair, producing to live in remote, inaccessible places far the disease i s mild. They take only Ihp of
only 2 - 9 live from 100 eggs. from human habitation, always lairing in damage from edged weapons and are turn-
2: Eggs are laid in the untouched body of naturally dark places. When encountered ed as normal skeletons. An animate dead
a fresh corpse. The eggs hatch in 3 to 4 at night or underground, they are 50% spell will activate 1-8 giant rat skeletons.
days; if eaten by some largerscavenger, likely t o be in their lair (90% during the Zombie rats: These are turned as a normal
they hatch within 1 day and feed off zombie. They have 20% magic resistance
the host. Insanity will occur 1 day after fldaYkark bats slowly exude darkney in and all weapons do full damage to them.
. - . -. - - - - - -


Fiend Factory is a regular department featuririg readers'moristers, edited

by Albie Fiore. This issue, as Aesop said, 'only one, but a liorr!'

No Appearing: 1-12 (9-38 in lair1 each member will have its own lava pool. Their complex will have many passages
Armour Class: Varies The entire complex is controlled by the which are rough-hewn and travel directly
Movement: 9-15" eldest whether male or female, and these to the laval caverns, bending only toavoid
Hit Dice: 4d8+1 andup use their psionic powers to protect the intrusions of resistant rock. The passages
Treasure: See below; migrants 0,T.S community while the elder, middle aged, often contain narrow rock bridges across
Attack: 2 claws, bite and tail lash; and young do the fighting. They are chasms which the loculi can cross easily
or by weapon Npe, bite seclusive, and only journey from their due to their six-limbed nature.
and tail lash; or 2 rear homes in migrant groups when the As a community, they are lawful neutral
claws and tail lash. community has outgrown i t s present but individuals may differ by one point.
Damage varies. complex. In such cases the community is A typical groupcomprises 6 2 4 young;
Alignment: Lawful neutral halved - one half remains, the other leaves 2-10 middle-aged; and 1-4 ancients.
Intelligence: Average and above for new caverns. Migrant groups usually consist of 3-12
Psionic Ability: See below They are good delvers and have been young; 2-5 middle; and 1-2 ancients. If
known to attack dwarf mines and gnome only one ancient is indicated, it will be
stores. They are tolerant of humans and male. All other ancients and two thirds of
These rare creatures, known by mountaln half-orcs and may be friendly with elves the middle-aged will be females. Very
tribes as the 'tail-killers', are intelligent and halflings, selling them magic items rarely, there will be oneextremely ancient
1 reptilian creatures which dwell deep in which the loculi themselves are unable to female known as the Grand-Mother.

11 the earth, particularly in volcanic regions. use quite cheaply. However, they view all
They have a well-developed community who associate with dwarfs and gnomes as
structure, often a group holding will have evilly as they regard these two races
They are large creatures with good
hearing, their azure ears being centrally
placed. Their small red eyes provide them
I specially delved caverns for the youngand themselves. with no better than poor eyesight, but it
% Die Age Age Height (to Magic
Roll (years) Group Hit Dice shoulder) AC Move Intelligence Resistance Languages Sleeping
1-10 1-20 Y(1) ld8+2 0'6" 719 9" Low (7) Standard None 50%
11-25 21-50 Y (2) 2d8 1'6" 518 10" Average (8) Standard Loculi 62%
26-37 51-120 Y (3) 2d8+4 2' 6" 417 12" Average (9) Standard None 48%
38-50 121-185 Y(4) 3d8+3 3'6" 316 14" Average (10) 1% Common 34%
51-68 186-250 Y (5) 4d8+1 4'0" 316 15" Very (11) 2% Lizard Man 26%
69-77 251-321 M (6) 5d8+2 4'8" 315 15" Very (11) 7% Dwarf 19%
78-85 322-387 M (7) 6d8t3 5'4" 215 15" Very (12) 10% Gnome 27%
86-91 3 8 8 4 2 6 M (8) 7d8+4 6'0" 214 13" Highly (13) 15% Elf . 38%
92-96 427-510 A (9) 8d8+6 6'8" 214 11" Highly (13) 20% Halfling 45%
97-99 511-800+A(10) 9d8t8 7'4" 113 10" Highly (14) 25% Burrowers*' 50%
100 Unknown GM (11) 12d8+10 10' 0" 012 9" Exceptional (16) 50% All*'* 75%

Each loculi has a '/z psionicstrength point for each percentile point in the determination roll.
* * Burrowers are those that delve rock (eg umber hulks) not those that delve earth (eg badgers). Communication is by semi-
telepathic empathy of great range but no actual sounds would be heard.
"'This is by improved telepathic means and allows empathy for creatures without intelligence and suggestion with saving
throws at t 3 .
Armour Class is presented in the form head, tail and limbslunderside. Females have the AC of the age group below their own.
Languages are cumulative. The first indication shows rudimentary knowledge only. Ability increases with age.

i s rumoured that the greatest of the loculi peculiar skin pigmentation on their under- will only be held by those that can speak
no longer uses ordinary senses, but relies side which can convert the high temper- magic. Middle-aged and ancient loculi are
purely upon psionic means. The loculi atures of their homes into energy so that 50% likely to have 1-4 scrolls pertaining
themselves believe that she bathes in 'the they need neither food nor water. In their to magic usersand illusionists;ancients are
Great Fire at the Centre of the Earth', lair, they will often be found 'feeding on also 60% likely to have 2-5 potions.
and that she was the product of a conjunc- the heat', as it is known. They 'bathe' The main treasure i s usually kept in a
tion betweenan Elemental Princeof Earth suspended from in a net made by the lava bath and consists of gems found
and a Princess of Fire. female from the gland in her tail. When a during the excavation of new laval basins.
The underside ispinkin malesandsepia loculi has been 'feeding' for more than 6 Hence the amount is dependent on the
for females. Both sexes have dark brown turns, it i s able to act at double speed, as rock type of the complex. The treasure is
legs and tail while the upper hide is of if hasted, for 2 melee rounds. Loculi are usually: 1 (gems only); Q (x3); S (jewels
tough, light-brown scaleswhich grow from also impervious to heatattacks, 1 hit point only); and magic items not usable by the
head to tail. The scales are as effective as of damage being recovered for every 3 loculi or other community members (eg,
banded armour when made into cloaks that would normally have been caused. Girdle of Giant Strength; +2 Spear, etc)
and the hides are prized by dwarfs and The females' nets are also used to On average there are 1-3 such items
gnomes to make ceremonial robes. This defend the community, having the effect depending on the size of the community,
upper hide i s heavy and bulky, weighing of blocking Passageways and areasa treble number of invading adventurers killed,etc.
31bs for every hit dice of the animal. strength web, but without the adhesive or Migrant groups will have only I and G
Dwarflgnomes will pay 1000-4000gp for suffocation properties. and no non-usable magic items, which
a skin, depending on the size and quality. Middle-aged andancientssaveas double will have been left in the former complex.
They move on four taloned feet but level magic users against mental attacks Gems will be half normal value as they
also have a pair of arms terminating in (ie, those involving wisdom - see Player's will be uncut.
wicked claws which are supple enough to Handbook). Cold attacks inflict normal Loculi are often found with lava child-
grasp most weapons under 6' in length damage except when they strike the ren andlor xorn (FiendFolio).They freely
that have a long haft. (The chance of one vulnerable underside, in which case they feed xorn upon any metal or money found
using a weapon i s shown on the Damage do double damage and the creature hit including rock lodes. Loculi often dig
Determination Table.) They attack front- i s slowed. This will cause the loculi to flee mines from their complex to find metal
ally with their two front claws and a bite to the communal leader'scavern to recover ores to hire xorn. When under sustained
or by weapon type and a bite. Totherear, while the leader will attempt to baffleand or persistent attacks, the elder of the
they can deliver a raking attack with each lead the attackers astray. They are well complex will summon xorntoaidwith the
of their two rear feet. To do this they rear equipped to do this. For every percentile fight. When first attacked there will be
onto their arms and forelegs, thus preclud- point rolled for original age determination, only 1-2 xorn (10%)close by. Each loculi
ing a frontal attackthat round. In addition the loculi will have a '/2 psionic strength above age group 7 can summon 1 xorn per
to the front or rear attack they can also point. They are unable to attack psionic- day and loculi can pay well.Thereis a75%
lash with their tail which is long, boney ally but when attacked psionically are chance of anassociated lavachilddwelling,
and ends with a solid mass of bone in the considered to have a Thought Shield at having 1 lava child for every 2 loculi. H
male and a bone encased, web producing no strength point cost. Middle-aged fe-
gland in the female. The tail can be swung males verging on ancient (age group 8) ANCIENT PSIONIC ABILITY AND
in an arc of 10'-15' radius. (Damage from and all ancients have psionic abilities SPELL TABLE
the attacks varies and i s shown on the and spells determined from the Ancient (Abilities are performed at the levelof
Damage Determination Table.) Captured Psionic Ability Table. The Grand-Mother the creature's age group, females
individuals have frequently been known automatically has the maximum abilities perform at the level above their own.)
to kill themselves with their tail to avoid and spells.
the slow death from cold which they If any usable magic items are owned % Die No of No/level of Spells
particularly fear. by a community, they will be held by the Roll Abilities 1st 2nd3rd
Although they gratefully eat animal middle and ancients, and most certainly 1-15 1 312 1 0
flesh whenever they can, favouring dwarf used in combat, etc. Loculi cannot always 16-35 2 311 2 0
and gnome in particular, they have a speak magic, but usually (70%)can. Scrolls 36-70 3 412 2 0
71-85 3 5 / 2 2 1
(Females fight as though of the age group below their own and as a creature o f that 99-100 4 7 / 3 2 2
agegroup's h i t dice. They can only doamaximum of8pointsdamage with theirtail.)
Age Weapon % with % o fMagic Cell Adjustment: Detect GoodIEvil;
Group Claw Bite Damage Rake Tail Weapon Weapons Detect Magic; ESP; Body Control;Mass
1 %d6+1 ld4 Normal (N) ld6 l&+1 0 0 Domination; Telepathic Projection;
2 1d6 ld6 Normal (N) 2d4 ld6+2 2 0 Energy Control.
3 1dB 2d4 N+l 2d4+1 2d4+1 4 1
4 2d4 2d4+1 N+l ld10+1 ldlO+l 7 2 Spells:
5. 2d4+1 l d l O + l N+l 2d6 2d6 11 4 1st: hypnotism; dancing lights; phan-
6 ld10+1 2d6 N+2 2d&l 2d6+2 15 7 tasmal force; wall o f fog; darkness;blur;
7 2d6 3d4 N+2 2d6+2 2d6+3 20 10 light (30'r); colourspray;holdportal*;
8 3d4 3d4+1 N+3 2d6+1 5d4 29 15 message *.
9 3d4+1 3d6 N+4 2d6 6d4 44 20 2nd: blindnes (10' range); deafness
10 3d4+2 2d10 N+5 nla' 2D12+2 62 25 (1O'range);fog;cloud;hypnoticpattern;
11 6d4 3d12 N+6 n/a 5d6 95 50 misdirection; ventriloquism; improved
phantasmal force; paralyzation; fool's
yotes: gold *.
Back rake pecomes impossible due to the size of the more ancient loculi. 3rd: confusion; continual darkness;
Weapon Damage: Determine weapon type randomly from list in Player'sHandbook, continual light; hallucinatory terrain;
remembering restrictions due to claws. non-detection (doors, etc); spectral
% of Magic Weapons: This is the % of weapons that are magical (eg, at age group 7, force;suggestion;minorcreation;major
20% of loculi will use weapons, of this 20%. 10% are magical). Determine magical creation;holdpersonf.
character from lists in the Dungeon Masters Guide. magic user spell.


Fiend Factory is a regular department featurir~greaders' monsters, edited by A l b i e Fiore. his issue a...


by Barney Sloane
Weed-Delvers Octarni Ryll
No. Appearing: 1-3 (10-60) 1 per 5 weed-delvers 1 per 30 weed-delvers
Armour Class: 5 310 6
Movement: 1"119" 113" 113"
Hit Dice: 7d8 + 3 11d8 + 6 15d8 + 9
Treasure: R R As before + U
Attack: 1 bite for 3d4; 6 tentacles for Id l 0 1 bite for 4d4;
plus special each; bite for 4d6; plus special
plus special
Alignment: Chaotic neutral Chaotic neutral Chaotic neutral
Intelligence: Average - high Exceptional Genius

These creatures comprise the race of the Octarni: These are the fighting race who and this will generally be used to distort
Wet Ones, or weed-delvers, who ruled the enforce the weed-delvers allegiance t o the tales about itself and to make attackers
seas in eons past. All are scaled, slimy ryll. They have 8'bodiesand 15'tentacles. unsure. A ryll can also summon 1 octarni
cephalopods. Their eyes betray an unusual For every 5 weed-delvers, there will be 1 telepathically i f there is one within a mile.
intelligence and, as their tentacles attest, octarni. They have razor-sharp whip-like If it i s in trouble, i t w i l l attempt to bargain
they are manually very dextrous. They tentacles with which they can attack. If and negotiate by displaying wealth, magic
prefer the warm, hidden waters of coral they strike the victim's neck, the tentacle and lying all the more. Their slime has the
reefs, or dark recesses of sea caves and will cease flailing and strangle the victim same protective properties as the
underground lakes. They worship the god for 1-10 points of damage per round. In delvers'. Finally, i f the blood of a ryll
Pyaray, and for this the ryll get the name addition, i f the victim is seized by more reaches the slime bindings of the weed-
'whisperersl.Their social structure is ty- than 3 tentacles, it will be subject t o a delvers, then it will rot the slime possibly
rannical, with the strongest of the ryll horrendous bite that round as well. They causing a fall of rock or whatever else the
ruling over the weed-delvers by use of the can also charm any sea creature whose colony i s made of. There will be 1 ryll for
octarni backing. Their temples to Pyaray language they can speak. Their slime every 30 weed-delvers.
are formed in his image from hollow tubes protects them as i t does the weed-delvers,
of weeds and slime. This i s what the weed- but, as well as obscurement, they can use Languages: The languages spoken by the
delvers make and why they are the lower the followingspells: blur, feign death,rock weed-delver races are:
class. The actual colonies they live in are to mud, protection from fire, silence 15'
often made of boulders and weed meshed radius, and stinking cloud. Lizardman lxitxachitl Merman
together t o form walls, barricades and The body of the octarni is heavily Triton Deep one Aquatic elf
buildings. Human flesh is well-known and Sahuagin Kuo-Toa Vodyanoi
armoured: AC3 on tentacles, head and
a sought after delicacy, both for food and face, and ACO in all other locations. This Morkoth Locathah Eye of deep
as sacrifices t o Pyaray. Their colonies will limits them t o a 30' crawl. Weed-delvers can speak 5 such languages;
be guarded by charmed victims (qv) and octarni 8; and ryll can speak all of them.
3-12 giant octopi or 1-6 giant squids. Ryll: The 'Dwellers in the Dark' or According t o their chance of frequency,
'Whisperers', as they are called, are the there will be a normal number of slaves or
Weed-delvers: These creatures have 5' long most feared of the weed-delver races due guardians of these creatures present in a
bodies and six 10'tentacles. They are the TO their awesome powers. They are physic- weed-delver colony, eg an 11% - rare -
lowest social class of the race. In combat, ally the smallest of the races with a 5' chance for lizardmen slaves.
they seek t o enmesh their victim in a coc- shell, which i s luminous and looks like
cooning embrace. Once all six tentacles mother-of-pearl, and 5' tentacles. Their CRESTCAT
have made contact (1 per round), then eyes are large and slightly compound in by Graham Head
their gluing slime will be released, which appearance. They attack physically by use
has the same effect as a web spell but a of their great horny beak, but they are No Appearing: 2 -7
saving roll can only be attempted by those most feared because of their adept use of Armour Class: 1-4
with more than average Strength, Intellig- the magic arts. Once per day they can use Movement: 13" - 16"
ence and Dexterity. I f a creature escapes the following powers, one per round (if Hit Dice: 3d8 - 7d8
the 'webbing', then the weed-delver will they are attacked, they can continue to Treasure: None
attack to kill, biting with its horny beak use magic unless struck in the head): Attack: Two claws for I d 6 each
and then leeching blood at the rate of I d 8 plus bite for I d 1 0 (old
points .of damage per round. I f it loses Detect Law Message Stinking and ancient bite for 2d6)
more than 75% of its hit points, it will Detect Magic Dispel Magic Cloud plus special (see below)
attempt to escape by discharging ink and Resist Fire Warp Wood Transmute Alignment: Lawful neutral (with 5%
casting an obscurement spell to cover Rock to Mud Slow Metal to good and 5% evil)
both air and water attacks. Weed-delvers Emotion Tongues Wood Intelligence: Exceptional
are immune to any physical binding spells Confusion Sticks to Darkness
such as web or rope o f entanglement, as Suggestion Snakes IO'radius These extreme1y rare creatures resemble
their slime enables them t o escape. They Feign Death Monster Summoning I V large tigers in size and shape. Their colour-
have infravision up to 60' and can sense ing is a rather dull grey with the exception
invisible opponents 50% of the time. I f all These creatures will use these powers to of a bright purple crest around the neck.
their tentacles are free, they can propel try t o confuse, frighten and drive away However, when the 'crestcat 'triggers' i t s
themselvesat 90'per turn for up to 7 turns. attackers. They will lie terribly to 'build marvellous pelt, the fur becomes a near
They can charm any sea creature whose up an impression of even more power. The perfect camouflage device. Somewhat
language they can speak (see below). message spell can be used 8 times per day, similar t o theskin of a chameleon in effect,
the crestcat's fur i s capable of far finer Crestcats have an abiding hatred of only. Egg-wardens are psionic females
detail, and can react almost instantaneous- cowards and sneaks generally (this can be who fanatically defend the brood. They
ly t o changes in background (for example, thought to include back-stabbing thieves). attack with talons; have I d 8 hit dice;
as the crestcat moves past a door). psionic ability 161-180; combat modes D/
Crestcats are extremely fond of battle; The crestcat was inspired by James H FGH; and the disciplines Cell Adjustment,
it i s every crestcat's dream t o die in Schmitz 's novel Novice. Empathy, Hypnosis, Molecular Agitation,
combat against a worthy opponent while Body Control, Energy Control and Tele-
fighting for a great cause. This does not JAVUKCHARI kinesis, all as a cleric, at 6th level mastery.
mean to say that they will take stupid or by Phil Masters Javukchari have their own language.
foolhardy risks - they would still rather Their clerics also speak the common and
win a fight than lose one! However, when No Appearing: 3-1 2 lawful neutral lannuanes.
battlelust is upon them (5% chance per Armour Class: 6
melee round, cumulative) they will never Movement: 2-11 5" ANTMEN
retreat. Often, a crestcat will attach itself Hit Dice: Id8+ 1 by Huw Roberts
t o a particularly brave fighter as a Treasure: Individuals, nil; lair, E Soldiers Workers
companion-at-arms. Attack: 2 talons for 1-3 each; or No Appearing: 4 - 24 10 - 6 0
If a crestcat hits with both fore-paws in 2 daggers for I d 4 each Armour Class: 4 7
one melee round, it then also gets two rear Alignment: Lawful neutral Movement: 9"
claw attacks at ld6+1 each in addition. Intelligence: Average Hit Dice: 2d6 + 1 Id8
Treasure: 1-6sp 1-6sp
Attack: Pincer bite Pincer bite
for I d 8 plus for Id8; or
poison; or by Id6 claws
weapon type
Alignment: Lawful neutrallevil
Intelligence: Lowlsemi

Crestcats become much tougher and The javukchari, or vulture-men, are a bird-
more skilful as they age: race, perhaps distantly related to the
aarakokra, who occupy cave-eyries high
Agegroup Hit dice Move AC
on mountains in remote wilderness areas.
Kitten* Id8 6" 5
They are man-sized, with black plumage,
Cub* 2d8 10" 4 large featherless heads, and long, yellow-
AdolescentW* 3d8 13" 4 skinned legs culminating in flexible talons
Young Adult*** 4d8 14" 3 capable of wielding weapons. Antmen are found in large, underground
Adultt 5d8 15" 3 The javukchari have a ghoulish reputa- communities (1000-6000) often taking
Old 6d8 16" 2 tion among men, who see them as little over entire dungeon complexes. They are
Ancientt t 7d8 16" 1 better than their cousins, the vultures. In extremely lawful, with no recognition of
fact, the race is clerical by nature, with the individual: the whole community
* Only in lair. high wisdom (2d4 + 10 t o determine).
* * +20% on battle lust % roll. working for the perpetuation of the nest.
Their god, Uk-Thruz-Zu, is said by their They are highly efficient, thorough and
*** +lo% on battle lust %.roll. clerics t o have granted them the bodies of methodical. Their lack of imagination
t Most common type encountered. all dead as their right. They therefore claim sometimes makes their actions predictable.
t t -10% on battle lust % roll. that i t i s an honour t o be eaten after death Their appearance is humanoid with ant-
A see invisible spell would not see a by a javukchari. like heads and a heavy chitin skin. They
camouflaged crestcat since it can be seen Any combat in their lands has a 1 in 12 have pincer-like mandibles and two claws.
but it just happens t o look exactly like i t s chance per round of attracting 3-12 javuk- The soldiers usually wield a spear and
background. (In low-level campaigns, the chari who will not intervene butwil1,after- short sword but can attack with their
DM may deem i t visible for creatures with wards, demand the bodies of all those slain, claws if disarmed for I d 4 each. Their
infravision, but otherwise assume it is cold- and who will attack i f refused. bite does poison damage in addition to
blooded.) I t can be treated as a Robe of Outside the eyrie, javukchari groups are the normal I d 8 points of damage. The
Blending for sighting chances, with a 5% always accompanied by 1-3vultures (AC6, workers attack once with their claws for
chance of detection for each hit dice that attack with 1-3 beak and two talons for I d 6 and their non-poisonous bite does ld6.
the viewer has over the cat. There is a base 1-2 each; move l"115"; ld6+1 hit dice; Bands of worker antmen are often sent
20% chance of seeing an attacking cat, animal intelligence) and a 2nd level javuk- on hunting trips with a soldier escort.
again modified by the viewer's hit dice as chari cleric. In a lair, numbers are doubled, Food i s subdued (if this requires killing
above. So, for example, a 7th level MU has and additional types are: 3-8 vultures; then it is done) and then taken down t o
a 5% chance of seeing an old, camouflaged one 5th level cleric leader; his 4th level the queen ant (a massive but harmless glob
crestcat; 25% i f it i s fighting. Crestcats assistant; three 1st and three 2nd level of antness) and the eggs. Antmen have
become visible i f stunned or killed. cleric acolytes; 5-20 eggs (value 6-36gp little regard for their own lives and will
Crestcats cannot speak any languages, each); and 1-4 egg-wardens (see below). always attack any intruders, sacrificing
but can communicate amongst their own Javukchari clerics have full appropriate their lives, i f necessary, to save the nest.
kind, and with psionic creatures via tele- hit dice and spells, including bonuses for Antmen leave a scent on their trail
pathy over short distances. Crestcats lair in wisdom (ld6+12 to determine). For which i s recognisable t o experienced
any terrain, but prefer open grasslands. doctrinal reasons, they fight with talons trackers.

Fiend Factory is a regular department featurir~greaders' monsters, edited by Albie Fiore. In last issue, the poss-
i r ~the magical land of Faerie were discussed. Here are some of the ir~habitantso f Faerie.
ibilities of adver~turir~g


A New Monster Group for AD8D by ~ l a En Paull

they will respond in rhymes and riddles, graveyards, being fond of the companion-
so as to impart little information, while ship of the dead and undead for whom
No Appearing: 2 keeping their word, being truthful, and they have great respect. Regrettably, this
Armour Class: 10 leaving out nothing. If they can be suffic- respect is matched by their love of killing,
Movement: 12" iently bribed t o leave the mountains, they and their very effective claws make them
Hit Dice: 5 can be used as witnesses in courts. dangerous opponents. The bodies of those
Treasure: None Gwyllion have no voices, communicat- killed by bogles will be neatly laid out on
Attack: 2 claws for I d4 each ing entirely by means of telepathic words the ground above the bogles' lair the day
Alignment: Lawful neutral (not true telepathy). They dislikefighting, after the deaths occurred.
Intelligence: High though they are not above provoking Bogles immensely enjoy surprising un-
others, and will never fight unless in self suspecting victims, who will usually flee
Gwyllion are hermaphroditic human fig- defence. the encounter owing to the reputation of
ures, usually encountered only by travel- these creatures. Such surprise attacks are
lers through lonely mountains. Always made simpler by the bogles' appearance,
seen in pairs, they s i t among the rocks on which enables them to camouflage their
either side of a mountain path and silent- form amongst junk or woodpiles. This
ly watch passing travellers. BOGLES speciality also means that bogles them-
Those courteous enough to speak to selves cannot be surprised. When confront-
them may be well rewarded, though not No Appearing: 1-20 ed by those stronger than themselves,
in gold, for gwyllion deal in information:.. Armour Class: 3 bogles may try to tempt or bribe people
Answers to questions put to them will al- Movement: 6" to evil ways. All bogle individuals have the
ways be truthful, if known, but unlessthey Hit Dice: 2 ability to use a suggestion spell (as 3rd
are verv well paid with other information, Treasure: M; X. level MU spell) once per day.
Attack: 2 claws for Id8 each, plus
Alignment: Neutral evil
Intelligence: Average

Racially related to goblins, bogles are just

as evil natured, though for reasons best
known to themselves they prefer to harm
liars and murderers. They are as small of
stature as goblins, but have an unusually
distinctive appearance. They have very
pointed features, hooked noses and sharp
chins, while their bodies are thin, angular
and knobbly, giving them a very spiky
look. Their skin i s extremelv hard and i s
covered in studs, which accbunts for the
p low armour class.
Bogles inhabit undergroundcaverns and

REDCAPS 1 d l 0 damage on individuals within 2"who

fail their saving throw versus magic. The
No Appearing: 1 bean-nighe can wail twice per day.
Armour Class: 6 . As they are semi-corporeal, bean-nighe
Movement: 6" can be harmed only by silver or magical
Hit Dice: 5 weaponry. They are impervious to cold
Treasure: B and are unaffected by charm,sleep or hold
Attack: 1 by weapon type spells. The soul of a bean-nighe can be re-
Alignment: Chaotic evil leased from torment by means of an ex-
Intelligence : Average orcism spell.

Small giants or large ogres (12 feet tall),

redcaps inhabit old ruined towers and
castles in remote areas, particularly those
with a history of evil. Redcaps have a gob-
linish appearance, and may sometimes be
found leading their smaller brethren. Their
favourite weapons are pikes and halberds
of huge size.
These creatures are known as redcaps
because of their unsavoury habit of dying
their caps in human blood. Tales say that
unknown wizards used redcaps as guards No Appearing: 4-40
and strengthened them by making their Armour Class: Variable
hides impenetrable to normal weapons; Movement: 9"
thus magic or silver is required to affect Hit Dice: 2 to 4
these creatures. Treasure: Individuals M; E, S
Attack: 1, Variable damage
Alignment: Neutral evil
Intelligence: Average
Spriggans are an unusual form of goblin
No Appearing: 1 with a particular hatred for humankind.
Armour Class: 10 (as faerie), 8 (as stirge) They live in underground locations espec-
Hit Dice: 1 to 6 ially mines, as they enjoy digging.
Treasure: A When initially encountered, spriggans
Attack: by weapon type, or 1 bite are only two feet tall, but will immediate-
(as stirge) plus blood drain ly begin to grow in size, taking four melee
Alignment: Chaotic neutralorchaotic rounds t o grow t o their maximum size of
evil 10 feet. As they grow, their vulnerability
Intelligence: High to weapons increases, but their claws be-
come bigger and more effective (see table
Commonly found in Faerie, the vampiric below).
fay stirges (sometimes known as leanan-
sidhe), are of two varieties. Some inspire Size Armour Class Damage per attack
their lovers to become great poets, who 2' 5 Id4
live brilliant though short lives. Others are 4' 6 Id6
merely bl ood-suckingvampires, content to 6' 7 I d8
pursue their own self-centredand evil aims. 8' 8 Id10
BEAN-NIGHE Fay stirges are usually discovered in the 10' 9 Id12
form of houris of the faerie race (grey
No Appearing: 1 elves), possessing exceptional beauty and Spriggans take great delight in the fear
Armour Class: 6 allure. In faerie form they may use a sug- their special ability causes, and may delib-
Movement: 12" gestion spell (as 3rd level magic-user'sspell) erately slow down their advance to melee
Hit Dice: 2 and a charm spell (as 1st level magic-user's in order to heighten their menacing ap-
Treasure: X spell) once each per day. In addition they pearance. A b
Attack: 1 touch for l d 6 , plus may use houri spells, as a houri of the
special same number of hit dice. However, this
Alignment: Neutral evil monster is most feared because of i t s
Intelligence: Average ability to polymorph a t will into a stirge
of immense size (man-size), having hit
The bean-nighe (pronounced ben-neeya) points equal to those of the creature in
are said to haunt lonely streams in heath- faerie form. The stirge bites for 1-3 points
lands of hills. Legend has it that these spir- of damage, but a successful bite means
its are the tortured souls of women who that the creature has attached itself and
died in childbirth, and the appearance of thereafter will drain i t s victim's blood at a
a bean-nighe is an ill portent, as they are rate which inflicts 1-6 points of damage
usually seen washing the blood-stained per round until the victim dies. In stirge
garments of those about to die. Fortunate- form it can only be affected by magical
ly they appear only very rarely on the or silver weapons or by spells, though it
material plane. has a basic magic resistance of 25% and
The bean-nighecan defend herself using versus charm spells a magic resistance of
her chilling touch, but i f attacked she will 50%. They may be turned by clerics as
utter a banshee-likewail, which will inflict vampires.

DUERGAR The rare and cunning phooka of moor- (as 1st level illusionist's spell). In addition
land, mire or hill country i s a strange, per- black annis wields the Staff of Winter (see
No Appearing: 1-3 verse creature with the ability t o shape- below).
Armour Class: 10 change into a variety of forms. It i s nor- As black annis i s a spirit-being, she i s
Movement: 12" mally found in the form of a goat, a shaggy unharmed by normal weaponry, though
Hit Dice: I d4 per level pony or a giant eagle. Favouring solitary silver, magic or iron weapons inflict nor-
Treasure: F travellers or stragglers it becomes very mal damage. Furthermore, she i s immune
As Illusionist plus special friendly with i t s victim, encouraging him to sleep, fear and cold-based spells, but
Alignment: Chaotic evil or her to ride it, though it may also use fire will do an additional one point of
Intelligence: High and above i t s power t o enchant an unwilling victim damage per die.
into mounting (those who fail a save ver- The Staff of Winter resembles a long,
The duergar are a race akin t o the dwarves sus magic will mount, unless restrained; gnarled hawthorn staff, tipped at one end
though they are of a twisted and corrupt the phooka can carry two heavy people, with an unmeltable ice-crystal. This staff
nature. They aredark-skinned,dwarf-sized, chosen randomly i f more than two fail has a maximum of 25 charges and may be
misshapen of limb and they favour many- their saving throws). If ridden, the phooka recharged by black annis (only) at a rate
pocketed robes of sombre colour. Legends will go on a wild and terrifying gallop, of 5 charges per day.
say that the duergar are the descendants eventually dumping i t s rider(s) in mire or The following effects can be produced
of dwarves who dabbled too deeply in ditch and chuckling as it gallops away. by using the staff:
magic and evil crafts, and they now only In appearance i t is generally jet black I.A successful strike upon an opponent
rarely wander from their secret under- with blazing eyes. The phooka is also cap. uses 1 charge and inflicts 2-12 hit points
ground laboratories. There exists an an- able of changing into the following forms; of cold damage. Treat all targets as AClO
cient enmity between the duergar and true dog, cat and bul I. as the damage is transmitted through
dwarves. armour; dexterity advantages apply as
The duergar are powerful illusionists normal.
and may presumably progress toan unlim- 2. For the expenditure of 2 charges the
ited level of ability, though there are no staff's head can be struck upon the ground
confirmed reports of duergar higher than to create an area of magical sheet ice (2"
10th level. (NB Progression is as a charac- radius), which will have the same effect as
ter of illusionist class). Owing to mighty an Oil of Slipperiness poured on the floor.
enchantments early in their history, the All creatures within the area of effect, ex-
duergar are immortal (and thus unaffected cept the staff wielder, will take 1-6 hit
by ageing) and do not require sleep. In ad- points of damage when this ability i s used
dition to illusionist spells (as appropriate (half damage, if save versus staff is made).
to an illusionist of the same level),aduergar The sheet ice will remain for 1-4 turns, at
has a particularly powerful spectral force the end of which it will melt. The wielder
spell, which may be used once per day. will be unaffected so long as he or she re-
The area of effect and range are the same mains stationary.
as the 3rd level illusionist's spell, the 3. When the staff i s pointed at a desired
maximum duration is 1 round plus 2 per target area and a command word (DM'Sop-
level of the duergar, and the saving throw tion) i s uttered by the wielder, the staff's
i s made a t -4 owing to the spells magic will create a blinding snowstorm
potency. confined within a hemi-spherical area of
BLACK ANNlS 5" diameter and 1%" height. The centre
of the snowstorm can be up to 10" from
No Appearing: 1 the wielder, and i t lasts for 2-8 melee
Armour Class: 9 rounds. All creatures will suffer 1 hit point
Movement: 9" of cold damage for each round that they
Hit Dice: 3+3 remain within the area of effect. In ad-
Treasure: E dition, creatures in the snowstorm that
Attack: 2 claws for I d 4 each, plus fail a save versus staff will be blinded for
special 1-4 melee rounds after they come out of
Alignment: Neutral evil the area of effect (a save results in no ef-
Intelligence: Exceptional fect). Those on the edge of the area of
effect (within %"),who make their saving
Also known as the blue hag, black annis is throws, are assumed to have jumped clear
the personification of winter as a cannibal- and will suffer no adverse effects.
istic hag. A powerful minion of the God-
dess of Winter, she is blue-skinned and
wears black robes. Evil creatures of less
power will often worship her, and so she
will usually be found a t a temple lair in
the company of fanatical disciples. For
food she prefers human infants.
PHOOKA Black annis hates all goodness and will
attack any creature(s) of good alignment
No Appearing: 1 as long as the possibility of success appears
Armour Class: 7 favourable. Once per day she may use three
Movement: 15"/18" spells from the following selection: sleep
Hit Dice: 3 (as 1st level magic-user's spell); ice arrow
Treasure: None (as 1st level magic-user's magic missile
Attack: 1 or 2; damage 1-211-6, spell); ray of frost (as 2nd level magic-
plus special user's ray of enfeeblement spell); know
Alignment: Chaotic evil alignment (as 2nd level cleric's spel1);cause
Intelligence: Low fear (as Is t level cleric's spell); change self

Fiend Factory is a regular department featuring readers'monsters, edited byAlbie Fiore. This issue sees
the start of a new fourpart series featuring the Gods of a number of races taken from the Fiend Folio and
earlier Fiend Factorys.

Deitiesfor Non-Human Races: Part I
by Phil Masters

Deities & Demigods only covers format as is used in Deities &

the intelligent races of the Demigods, and should be self
Monster Manual and since it was explanatory for all DMs. Full
published, White Dwarf's Fiend details are only given for new AARAKOCRA
Factory and the appearance of divinities; in some cases, it is K'ooriall, 'Skylord' - Lesser God
the Fiend Folio (FF) have given sufficient t o note that races On the ground, K'ooriall appears as a
us a good number of new, worship some being elsewhere huge aarakocra male of commanding
useful, non-human species who described. The text of each aspect; in combat or flight, however, he
surely deserve some kind of description also covers the form shifts shape slightly to that of a giant
eagle. He fights with two talons and his
divine assistance. of each race's religious beak; his plumage and speed are both
All the races here referred to behaviour, and specifies the effective protections against his
are drawn from the FF, except highest level attained by the enemies' blows. Being a master of the
where reference is made to the shamans and witch-doctors of air, he is immune to lightning bolts and
the attacks of any creature of the
relevant copy of WD. The details each species. A Clerical Quick elemental plane of air, as well as to
of the divinities described below Reference Chart, similar to that poison, disease, petrifaction and
are given in exactly the same i n D&DG, is also included. polymorph attacks.

freedom. The race's shamans, who can

achieve seventh level clerical abilities,
preach individual strength and flock
unity. The aarakocra have no witch

BODACHS (See White Dwarf 77)

Dar-Marn-Camac, 'The Striding God' -
Lesser God
Armour Class: -4
Move: 40" (use standard species move
+50% when polymorphed)
Hit Points: 310
N o of Attacks: 712 rounds (or by shape)
Damage/Attack: 2 kicks for 5-20 each,
sDear for 3-30 (+9)
special Attacks: Confusion
S ~ e c i aDefences:
l Immunities
~ a ~Resistance:
i c 85%
Size: L (9')
Alignment: Neutral
Worshipper's Align: Neutral (Bodachs)
Symbol: Taloned Foot
Plane: Prime Material
Cleric/Druid: 8th level clericll4th level
Armour Class: -4 druid similarly enigmatic. Bodachs worship at
Move: 16"196" Fighter: 9th level ranger certain sacred rockoutcrops, apparently
Hit Points: 245 Magic User/lllusionist: Nil through very secret and mysterious
No of Attacks: 3 Thief/Assassin: Nil rituals. The race has no witch doctors.
Damage/Attack: 5-20/5-20/6z36 Monk/Bard: 5th level monk
Special Attacks: Nil Psionic Ability: II
Special Defences: Ior better weapon S:21(+4,+9) 1:21 W:24 D:22C:25 CH:14
to hit, never surprised, immunities.
Magic Resistance: 75% The Striding God resembles a giant (9') BULLYWUGS
Size: L (8') bodach, although he can polymorph at Ggorulluzg - Demigod
Alignment: Neutral Good will intothe form of a giant eagle, an axe Armour Class: -1
Worshipper's Align: Neutral Good beak, or a giant owl; he has superior Move: 20M1124"5"
Symbol: Eagle (120') infravision in each of theseforms. Hit Points: 207
Plane: Happy Hunting Grounds Bodach shamans say that he was the No of Attacks: 8 or 5
ClericlDrula: l a t h level In each. sole parent of the first bodach band, Damage/Attack: 6 tentacles for 5-8
Fighter: 12th level ranger which he led and taught and they add + 2 clawsfor7-12 each, or 5 battle
Magic User/lllusionist: 5th level MU that he saved his offspring from many axes for 1-8 (+9) each.
Thief/Assassin: Nil dangers, notably by single-handedly Special Attacks: Gaze causes fear, rock
Monk/Bard: 4th level bard hunting and slaying the Demonwolf to m u d and darkness powers
Psionic Ability: Ill which first brought death to the world. Special Defences:+l or silver weapons
S:18(30) (+1,+3) 1:24 W:22 D:20 C:21 (Dar-Marn-Camac is a faultless hunter to hit, 50% immuneto blunt weapons,
Ch:21 who never loses a trail, no matter what immune to cold, poison, level drain and
spells are cast to obscure it, and even if death magic.
K'ooriall is always accompanied by it crosses into other planes.) Magic Resistance: 40%
3-12 giant eagles, who serve him to the On the first occasion that any being Size: M
death; all eagles revere him and will attacks Dar-Marn-Camac by weapon, Alignment: Chaotic Evil
obey his requests, which will never be hand, spell or psionics, he, she or it must Worshipper's Align: Evil (bullywugs
such as to endanger them. K'ooriall can savevs spells at -2 or be affected as by a and degenerate humans)
summonan aerial servant atwiII,and an confusion spell. In melee, the god fights Symbol: Head of the god
invisible stalker or 12-dice air elemental with t w o kicks as a 16-dice monster, Plane: Negative Material
thrice per day. Once per day, he can while wielding his spear, Dawnshaft, as Cleric/Druid: 8th level clericl5th level
polymorph to the shape of an innocuous a 9th level ranger. This is a +4 weapon Fighter: 10th level fighter
falcon (which attacks as a bloodhawk). with the following powers, which work Magic User/lllusionist: Nil
This god has probably the best only for the god; Thief/Assassin: 8th level assassin
eyesight of any being in the universe, 1. It can be thrown up t o 8" with Monk/Bard: Nil
with infravision to 200' and normal short-range accuracy, and always Psionic Ability: Ill
vision extending deep into the returns to the caster's hand. S:21 (+4,+9) 1:20 W:19 D:17 C:24CH:-4
ultraviolet. He can see an effectively 2. It always hits any illusion it is used
unlimited distance through clear air or against, and automatically dispels such Bullywugs revere the chief amongst a
space (say 1,000 miles), and he has a on contact. number of monsters - the dreadful lurker
permanent trueseeingability to a range 3. It acts as a Wand o f Enemy in shadow, Ggorulluzg. This monstrosity
of five miles (making him immune to Detection at will. resembles a breedlng ot octupus and
visual illusions). He cannot be charmed 4. It does 3-30 points of damage, plus giantfrog; its body is much asthe latter,
by the gaze of any monster (such as a the god's strength bonus, on a hit. but its head is bulbous and misshapen,
vampire), and this eyesight and his This deity is utterly tireless and with a soft beak, t w o great staring eyes,
other superlative senses make K'ooriall immune to heat, light, cold, poison and and six trailing tentacles. Sophisticated
impossible to surprise. level draining; all bodachs see him as a bullywugs say that it bears an array of
Their god protects the aarakocra from commanding figure, but he can release great iron axes; oth.ers of the breed
the twin evils of tyranny and anarchy them from paralysing awe of his person claim that it strikes with its powerful
(being indifferent between law and at will. claws and tentacles - doctrinal dispute on
chaos), but his chief love is to see them Dar-Marn-Camac is a taciturn being, this point is long and bloody. In any event,
gain self-reliance- he will only generally incomprehensible in may ways to any its considerable strength makes Ggorul-
intervene against those who bring but bodachs; shamans of the race, who luzg a fearsome opponent. It can leap up
overwhelming force against aarakocra can advance as high as 5th level, are to 40', once per round, and may D

(see WDZO), despite the obvious

relationship between the t w o races, and
this is reflected in the attitudes of their
respective deities. Ggorulluzg will
annihilate frog-folk out of hand, and is
said by bullywug shamans to have
inflicted several humiliating defeats on
Swulljagoor, god of the frog-folk.

T'Ka-Boolk'na - Demigod
Armour Class: -6
Move: 20m/28"
Hit Points: 195
N o of Attacks: 2
DamaneIAttack: 6-3616-36
Specid Attacks: Surprise o n 1-5 on d6
Special Defences: Regeneration, $2 or
better weapon to hit
Magic Resistance: 40%
Size: L (20' diameter)
Alignment: Neutral
Worshipper's Align: Neutral (Crabmen)
Symbol: Crab
Plane: Elemental Plane of Water
Dstrike at +3 to hit when doing so, ClericlDruid: 7th level in each Crabmen shamans can only attain the
being effectively charging. Fighter: as 16 dice monster third level of clerical ability,and the race
In combat, blows directed at Ggorul- Magic Userllllusionist: Nil has no witch doctors. 'Religious'
luzg with non-edged weapons are 50% ThieflAssassin: Nil crabmen are no less likely than others to
likely to bounce harmlessly ott the sott MonkIBard: Nil go on killing forays, or to demand silver,
flesh that covers its skull, even if the Psionic Ability: VI for both such acts can provide sacrificial
weapons used are of the magical or S:23(+5,+11) 1:16W:19D:12C:23CH:6 victims or items. Silver is only sacrificed
silver variety needed to harm the god. It at rare, great ceremonies; food is more
is totally immune to cold, poison, death Such few crabmen as have attained the commonly offered. Holy places are
magicand level draining, but holy water sophistication of religion worship a obscure, convoluted sea caves, with
causes it pain and injury (1-3 points primitive deity called T'Ka-Boolk'na, bottomless pits down which offerings
from a splash, 3-9 from a full hit). In who takes the form of a gigantic crab are hurled after being weighted with
melee, it will fix its loathsome gaze o n a with a shell as hard as stone and great rocks.
single individual within 3" to its front, glowing eyes. Crabman shamans claim
who must first attempt to roll his or her that T'Ka created crabs and crabmen
wisdom or less on a d20; if he or she from sea-shore pebbles, and that he
fails, Ggorulluzg has willed its opponent expects his progeny to protect each
to meet its stare, and the victim must other and to work for him; in exchange, DESERT RAIDERS (see WDl2)
save vs spells or be paralysed with fear he may occasionally aid crabmen in Muadaar UI-Shaha, 'He of Distant
for 1-4 rounds; even if the save is made, times of great need, and the most Visions' - Lesser God
pure terror will induce one round of devout crabmen enter his entourage of Armour Class: -3
flight at maximum move, a penalty of -4 giant crabs when they die. This simple Move: 60" (24" under the sand)
to hit and -1 damage for 1-3 roundsafter cult regards all other races as virtually Hit Points: 265
that, and a +2 penalty on further saves irrelevant, save as a source of sacrifices No of Attacks: 512
against wisdom. If Ggorulluzg's gaze is
not met, lesser fear may still be caused;
save vs spells or suffer a -2 'to hit'
when T'Ka is hungry. Fortunately, that
hunger is usually assuaged by offerings
of fish and small qame.
DamageIAttack: 8-32 plus stunlkill
S ~ e c i aAttacks:
l Whirlwind, Insanity
special Defences: +3 or better weapon
penalty for 1-3 rounds. The god may use T'Ka has superior (120') infravision, to hit, immunities
this power on alternate rounds. and can look from the ethereal into Magic Resistance: 55%
Ggorulluzg also has the power to cast adjacent planes; thus he can use and Size: L (varies)
rock to mud or darkness, 15'radius extend the giant crab trick of lurking in Alignment: Chaotic Good
spells at 14th level power once per ambush and rushing out to surprise Worshipper's Align: Chaotic Good
round when not otherwise engaged. prey. In combat, the god can use his two Raiders) and travellers
This deity is said to be restrained from great pincers, but generally prefers to Symbol: Burning Sun over Dunes
acting personally on the Prime Material summon 5-30 giant crabs, as he can do Plane: Astral
Plane too often by the power of some twice per day. If hard pressed or faced Cleric/Druid: 15th level cleric
more powerful diety, who might even with many, weak opponents, T'Ka will Fighter: Nil
intervene in person were Ggorulluzg summonsa hordeof tiny crabs, equal t o Magic User/lllusionist: 23rd level
ever to be brought through a gate; thus druidic creeping doom spell; he cannot Thief/Assassin: Nil
Ggorulluzg's interventions usually take then repeat this summoning until a full MonkIBard: 12th level monk
the form of the sending of 1-2 giant hour has elapsed. The god can regener- Psionic Ability: IV
slugs or 3-6 giant leeches (50% chance ate up to four hit points per round, and S:20(+3,+8) 1:18 W:22D:23C:19CH:18
of either), which force it can summons severed eyes, limbs and pincers will
or send twice per day. Near dimensional wriggle back to the main body to rejoin The Desert Raiders have a highly
nexus points, however, the god itself is it. The only wounds that cannot so heal s ~ e c i f i cact with Muadaar UI-Shaha,
evidently able to materialise.
Bullywug shamans can attain 5th
level clerical abilities; their witch-doc-
are those caused by by acid, disintegrate
spells - which do the god 5-20 points of
damage - and level-draining or holy
the sender of mirages; they worship
him and no other. sacrifice the dried
bodies of their dead to him (by burial in
tors are limited to the second level of swords. Regeneration will continue the sands), guard his desert from
magic-use. It is said that degenerate until the god has been reduced to zero 'despoilment' (which can mean
humans have become clerics of as high hit points or below and has remained so irrigation or cultivation to the god), and
as sixth level in Ggorulluzg's foul damaged for three consecutive rounds, sometimes offer him sacrifices of gold,
service. although it cannot do anything but rare spices, or even water. In return he
Bullywugs hate and despise frog-folk regenerate when so badly hurt. guides their spirits through the astral

master of the 'weirding way', attacking

as a twelth level monk, but for double
damage. If many, weak enemies face
him, he will take the shape of a 35' high
whirlwind, 10' wide at the base and
broadening to 25'wide at the top, which
sweeps away and kills non-flying
creatures of four hit dice or less, and
buffets anything else in its path for 2-9
points of damage per round. In the
desert, the god can vanish beneath the
sands, only to erupt again and assail his
foesfrom behind.AIl such shifts of form
take the god 5 segments to accomplish.
Muadaar's mastery of the elements is
such that he takes only half damage
from heat, cold, and electricity; no acid
or poison can harm him, but unholy
water does him 1-8 points of damage on
a full hit, 1-3 with a splash.
Spice worms are Muadaar's crea-
tures, and he is unlikely to favour those
who harm them,although hewill accept
self-preservation as a partial excuse,
and will not punish those who had no
real choice. His clerics treat these
creatures with respect, but curiously
they very occasionally slay a spice
plane to Gladsheim, where glorious worm in the course of their complex, Phraarkilloorm, who seems t o embody
deserts await them, and refrains from secret rituals. Desert Raider clerics are the strength, violence, and malice of the
using theworst of his powers on them in usually limited to 6th level advance- race. It appears that dire corbies lack a
the desert. ment, but a few priestesses have been concept of 'mythology' or even 'history'
The'Raiders are fanatical worshippers known to rise as high as 12th level; such assuch,so that theirworship is purely a
and Muadaar is a stern, demanding, and female clerics tend t o remain in the matter of building confidence in their
irascible god. However, it is unlikely that security of the well-hidden 'Raider strengths, rather than invoking powers
ayy mortals could survive the desert as temples, for their tribes value them who might have created, shaped or
the 'Ra~dersdo without Muadaar's greatly. guided them.
favour, for he is master of all the tricks This god takesthe form of a hugedire
that the desert can play on men's minds. corby, with glowing eyes and terrible
Mirages are illusions sent out by strength; he has infravision (to 60'1, and
Muadaar as punishment for unbeliev- hecanfollowa trail of uptoweek in age
ers, or out of sheer caprice, and he has DIRE CORBIES without error - his magic resistance may
the power t o cause insanity in any Phraarkilloorm, The Most Dire - Demigod even overcome attempts to obscure
individual who is out in the desert, from Armour Class: 0 such a track by spells. When Phraarkil-
a range of 30"; save vs spells negates, Move: 30" Ioorm first comes within 100' of an
and the god cannot then use the same Hit Points: 185 intended victim, the latter must save vs
attack on the same individual for up to No of Attacks: 2 spells at -4 or be afflicted as by a cause
one day. However, Muadaar is not Damage/Attack: 8-1518-15 fear spell, such is the horror inspired b y
totally malicious; he simply expects Special Attacks: Fear the god's shrill hunting cry and deadly
mortals to show self-reliance and Special Defences:+l or better weapon malice. When his foe has been run
respect for the desert. He can remove to hit, immunities down, this deity attacks with his
the insanity he himself causes (by Magic Resistance: 75% rock-hard claws.
touch), and his other powers, useable at Size: L (10') Phraarkilloorm is always accom-
will, are to create or destroy water, Alignment: Neutral Evil panied by twenty devoted dire corby
locate Object, and cast divination, all as Worshipper's Align: Neutral Evil 'heroes' of great power; 18 hit points,
a twelth level cleric, to cast esp or Symbol: Claw attack as four-dice monsters, immune to
clairaudience as a twelth level MU, to Plane: Hades fear. It is said that the god himself most
summons an eight-dice earth or Cleric/Druid: 7th level cleric hates giant bats, going into a berserk
twelve-dice air elemental once per day Fighter: As 16+ hit dice monster rage when encountering such, moving
to serve himfully, andtoconjureaspice Magic User/lllusionist: 3rd level M U and attacking as if hastedand hitting for
worm (see WD17)from the desert thrice Thief/Assassin: 5th level assassin double damage.
per day. Monk/Bard: Nil The god is immune to petrifaction,
Muadaar is a formless spirit who Psionic Ability: V polymorph, disintegrations, fear,
travels the planes freely; he appears to S:19(+3,+7)1:19W:11 D:22C:19CH:12 insanity, confusion, suggestion and
have power over beings of elemental charm. He demands sacrifices every full
planes, and to have exceptional Some dire corby flocks base themselves moon, of mammal hearts; a dire corby
knowledge of the astral plane. He in cavern complexes at the centre of who offers him those of twenty giant
occasionallytakestheshapeofa 12'tall, which are 'temples'; the flock shamans, bats ofthe largest size is 15% likely to be
robed humanoid when speaking to his who can attain up to third level powers, granted +2 to hit next t ~ m e he or she
worshippers, but he prefers to fight as a maintain these disorganised, dingy enters melee. Dire corbies have no
whirling flurry of air and sand; he is a shrines. They worship a being named witch doctors.0

Delty Sphere of Anlrnal Clertcr R a~m ent Colovrs Holy Sacrifice Plsceof
Control M F NH Head Body Days Frequency Form Worship
Dar Marn Camac Bodachs Axe Beak X Bare Wolffur Green Brown Full Moon Halfyearly Huntlngprey wolves Hilltops
Ggorulluzg Bullywugs Swamps Leech X X Bare Human Sk~ns Black Mud Brown CrescentMoon
K oorlall Aarakocra Eagle X Bare Harness Gold Equinoxes Monthly
Quarterly Captfves
Sdks foodPlunder DeepMarshes
Mounta~n Peaks
MuadaarUl Shaha Deserts Travel DesertRalders SplceWarms X X X FullRobes Full Robes Gold&Blue Mid Summer FullMoon Monthly Bodies Gold Sp~ces CavernTemples
Phraarktlloorm D~reCorb~es "la X n/a nla DarkBrown nla Often Hearts Cave Laws
T KaBoolk na Crabmen Crab X na nla DarkRed Hlgh&LowT~des Varles Food Sea Caves

Fiend Factory is a regular department featuring readers'monsters, edited by Albie Fiore.

by Dan Lukacinsky

No Appearing: 20-200
Armour Class: (Base)5
Movement: 9"
Hit Dice: Id8
Treasure: E

Tribulations Attack:
By weapon type
Neutral evil

A Collection of Tribal Monsters for D&D

These 'Evil Halflings of the Underworld'

were once hairfeet, but took to living
WODENNIAN small bands of adventurers will wander underground and through the years
by Phil Masters in human areas. have gradually developed a pitch black
In any group, 10% will be warriors of skin. They hate all living things, espe-
No Appearing: 4-32 1st to 3rd level, and, in addition, for cially drowwho they will attackon sight.
Armour Class: 3 every 10 wodennians present, there is a They also hate half-elves, dwarves, orcs,
Movement: 18" 5% (cumulative)chance of 1-4specialists. half-orcs and gnomes. Goodwill exists
Hit Dice: 5d8+2 For each specialist, throw ld8: 1-3 = towards the goblin and kobold races.
Treasure: H; individuals L,M cleric; 4-6 = magic user; 7 = druid; 8 = Blacklings can move very quietly and
Attack: By weapon type plus illusionist. Such specialists are of level hide in shadows 100% of the time. They
tail for 2d8 1-6, and a party of 30 or more woden- speak blackling, halfling, orc, goblin,
Alignment: Chaotic good nians will have a cleric leader of 7th kobold, gnome, elven, dwarf, hobgob-
(plus a few neutrals) level; otherwise,the highest level warrior lin, drow and common.
Intelligence: Low-genius present commands. They wear their own specially wrought
If an entire roving tribe is encoun- chainmail which is usually +3or +4. It is
tered, there will be females and cubs thoughtto be of black mithril, a very rare
present equal to 100% and 50% of the substance worth 100 times the value of
males, only fighting in self-defence orto gold, but no one knows for sure as the
defend the young. Females have 2d8, blacklings will never sell their mail. No
tail lash for ld8, and bite for 1-3; the hurled weapon (arrows, spears, etc) or
young have 1d8 I,and tail lash for 1d4. edged weapon can pierce the mail, but
Wodennian warriors are the equiva- sometimes, if the hit is hard enough (2
lent of human fighters, and they and or more above that required to hit), the
specialists have three more hit dice than mail itself will actually be thrust into the
their human opposite numbers of the flesh of the wearer causing 1d4 points of
appropriate type (d10, d8, or d4), and damage.
strike blows as three levels higher. All Blacklings typically use short swords,
wodennians can use their tails against spears and short bows. They save ver-
opponents to the side or behind, but not sus spellslrods1staveslwands and
to their direct front. Wodennians can poison at 5 levels higher than normal.
direct tail and hand weapon attacks at They have superior infravision at 90'.
different opponents, and the latter do When in their lair, usually a large dark
damage by weapon type +I for strength. cavern, there is a 25% chance that there
Wodennians, sometimes known as Typical wodennian arms are as follows. will be 2-12 worgs. Also for every lair,
dhcocentaurs, have the bodies and All specialists: quarterstaff; warriors: there is one tribal chieftain of 3d8 hit dice,
muscular tails of large lizards, but the 50% halberd and 2 darts, 25% longbow AC: (Base)4, with a +2 spear and +4
front bears a humanoid torso. Their and mace, 25% sling and morningstar; chainmail, together with two 2nd level
arms are somewhat manlike, and their others: 25% quarterstaff and dagger, fighters with 2d8 hit dice, AC: (Base)4
heads would resemble those of a short 50% morningstar, 25% shortbow. Their with +I short swords.
snouted crocodile were it not for the weapons are suited to their size and are Blacklings are generally superior to
swelling braincase. Although carnivores, too heavy and unwieldy for humans of hairfeet being a trifletaller,3'/2', and a bit
they are basically a peacable race, and less than 18160 strength to wield. stronger. They have jet black skin and
their size and power prevents them from Wodennians speak their own lan- their eyes are generally red. Their hair is
being molested by most other creatures. guage, common and their alignment black or white, depending on age.
Mostly they wander steppe grasslands tongue. They are covered in glossy When not dressed for battle,they usu-
in nomadic tribes, but occasionally brown scales of remarkable strength. ally wear fine black silk garments. They

rarely visit the surface world because acid. These offspring have a high muta- tive and they are accompanied by a
the sunlight hurts their eyes, causing tion rate,and therefore 1O%of all wohks strong chieftain.
them to fight at -2.They have a lifespan encountered will have some physical When the temperature drops below
in excess of 900 years. mutation to the good or bad. Mutants freezing point, yelgs become 'slowed',
are leftto individual DM'S inventiveness, as for the slow spell, and will avoid con-
for example: extra limbs, horns, poison frontation except for self-preservation
glands, etc. The leader of a wohk tribe and to protect their treasures.
WOHK will lead by brawn only and therefore Although their scaly hides make them
by Anthony Bufton will probably have several mutations in AC4, when any weapon strikes a yelg,
its favour. Because death leads to an there isa 5%chancethat itwill strikethe
No Appearing: 50-240 increase in the populace, wohks know creature in its vulnerable eyes or
Armour Class: 8 no fear of being killed and are unrelent- stomach causing double damage.
Movement: 9" ing in combat, never checking morale Every yelg encountered is 1% likely to
Hit Dice: Id8+ 1 unless being attacked by fire or acid. be a were-yelg, able to assume human
Treasure: 50% chance 10-40 They communicate by a crude lan- form atwill-often leaving their people
opaque black gems guage of grunts and signs. to infiltrate human settlements to bring
Attack: 2 clawsfor 1-2 each; These uncommon creatures have pale about their eventual destruction.
or by weapon type grey, smooth skin. Their nails and teeth Although unaffected by wolvesbane, the
Alignment: Neutral evil are browniyellow. Their extreme stocki- phases of the moon etc, the touch of a
Intelligence: Low
h ness (average weight 120 pounds) is
emphasised by the absencs of a neck,
the head being part of the torso. The
light emitting from the single eye is yel-
holy symbol will cause the were-yelg to
assume its true form, as will its death.
The were-yelg suffers from all the yel-
gish weaknesses except the slowness in
lowlwhite and can thus easily be mista- cold conditions. Whereas yelgs are
ken for a lantern from a distance. Note totally carnivorous, were-yelgs, while in
that all parts of the description may be human form, will possess human eating
affected by physical mutation. habits. Were-yelgs, with their greater
intelligence, consider themselves vastly
superiorto yelgs and dislike their natural
form, preferring to appear human even
YELGS when living with their tribe. 15% of all
by Mark Monaghan were-yelgs have an additional power
that enables them to see through the
Yelg Were-Yelg eyes of any yelg within 100 miles and to
No Appearing: 50-200 See below control the yelg by some weird form of
Armour Class: 4 4 telepathy. The presence of a holy sym-
Movement: 15" 15" bol within 10 foot of the yelg or were-
Hit Dice: 2d8+2 3d8 yelg breaks this strange link.
Treasure: D D,M A yelg tribe tends to inhabit ruins,
Attack: 2 clawsfor I d 4 each, natural cave systems and the like. Each
These small (3'tall by 11h' broad), car- bitefor 1d4+1; tribe is normally leaderless and there-
nivorous humanoids live exclusively in or by weapon type fore there is little co-operation among
subterranean environments, seeing by Alignment: Chaotic evil Lawful evil tribr members except to take part in dis-
means of a light emanating from the Intelligence: Low Average to organised raids on human settlements.
single eye in a 6" wide by 100' long exceptional However, in some tribes, an especially
beam. Apart from touch, this is their only intelligent were-yelg will take a position
sense. Vision is adapted forthe darkness of leadership, often after returning from
and is much impaired by full daylight or life in a human settlement where they
equivalent, causing temporary blind- have acquired skills as an illusionist or
ness to wohk. The nature of this sight magic user. Although they remain static
means that non-reflectors are effectively in terms of hit points, fighting abilities,
invisible to wohks. This causes them to saving throws, etc, they otherwise may
be fascinated by opaque black items. rise to 12th level in either class. Such
Commonly, huge hoards of such items were-yelgs rule their tribe with an iron
are collected by them, for example: coal, fist and tolerate none of the usual yelgish
black cloth, black dragon scale, etc, and indiscipline. While under the rule of a
certain gems such as jet. were-yelg, yelgs will even mine and
The usual tactic for a moving party of build with surprising competence.
wohks is to rely solely on the leader's If 100 or more yelgs are encountered
light emission while all other individuals in their lair, there will be the following
are 'switched off', thus obscuring the additional creatures there: females
number in the group. A typical group is equal to 20% of the total number; yelgl-
armed as follows: 9% unarmed; 20% ings equal to 10% of the total number;
missiles (2); 50% rough club and mis- 8-160 eggs; and 1-20 prisoners, kept
sile; 20% rough club; and 1% miscel- either as slaves or food and 90% likely to
laneous scavenged weapon. The clubs These green-scaled humanoids are be human. Yelgish females, if forced to
are fashioned from scrap iron, wood, similarto orcs in termsof height, weight fight, do so as 1 hit dice monsters with
rock or any other hard substance to and facial features. They are creatures two 1-2 claws and a 1-3 bite. Yelglings
hand. Missiles vary from bottles to of an unholy nature and it is even possi- will not fight.
bricks to stones (even precious stones), ble that they are some form of lesser Yelgs have little love for other races
all being treated as sling stones for demon. Although unaffected by holy (humans, they loathe) but will tolerate
range, 'to hit' and damage due to water, they fight and save at -1 when kobolds (having a reptilian appearance
strength and throwing skill. they arewithin 1Ofoot of a holy symbol. and an evil nature in common), how-
Wohk tribal lairs are complexes of Their other weaknesses include a dis- ever, even these they will bully.
rough caverns or any other easily like of fresh and salt water which forces Yelgs, in addition to their own tongue,
defendable dungeon regions. Wohks are them to skirt lakes and rivers except are 50% likely to speak common. Were-
30% likely to beencountered in their lair. where there is a bridge, or it is shallow yelgs speak yelgish, common, and law-
Reproduction in their population is by enough (2 foot or less) for them to ford. ful evil and are capable of learning
spontaneous regeneration. When a Although they are poor mariners, there others. Yelgs have a human lifespan.0
wohk dies, 1-3 fully grown wohks will are instances where they have risked
sprout from its corpse in 5-10 days small seacraft; butthis is rare and would Yelgs are derived from Norman Power's
unless the body is burnt or immersed in only take place when there is no alterna- book The Forgotten Kingdom.
Outline for D M Fiend Factory is a regular department featuring readersr monsters
The party are headed towards Yelloton, a for D&D/AD&D edited by Albie Fiore. This issue...
remote settlement in the outlands. Once
a gold town, it turned to agriculture
when the gold ran out. Lately, some
trappers moved in and some fine quality
chamois leathers, deer antlers, etc have
been coming back down the trade routes:
but supplies have ceased recently.
Death in Green
A D&D/AD&D Mini-Scena i o for a medium high level
Rumours on the trail are that there is
trouble in Yelloton, but none know what
as links with the distant settlement are
party of 4-8 adventurers
tenuous. The group can just stumble on sized humanoids with leafy heads and isa 1O'long lashtipped with a poisonous
the place, be hired by merchants t o dis- bark-like skin. Their thornv claws do 1-2 sting. Attached to the bole are several
cover why trade has ceased or be 'visited' damage each and cause a poison ivy rash small sticks which rattle allowing the
by the Dame Verte when in the vicinity. if a save versus ~ o i s o n
at -2 is not made. plants to transmit rudimentary messages
She will try to persuade them to purge They are 85q0 undetectable while in to each other (eg, 'food', 'danger', etc).
'her'woods of the evil, even resorting to their poison ivy lairs and can affect this They can move slowly on their tough
'seducing' the leader if necessary. growth as an entangle once per day or fibrous roots but dislike moving across
plant growth (not as attack) at will. They stone or wooden surfaces.
The Situation are susceptible t o fire, saving at -2 and
West of Yelloton is an area of woodland taking +I point of damage per die
that had remained undisturbed until the inflicted. However, if they are burned,
trappers came. Their activities angered the smoke causes a burning, itching
the Vily who then nurtured evil plants to cough for a range of (15') for 2-5 rounds
wage a successful attack on the humans. and there is a 15% chance of poison ivy
Whether or not the players were enlisted infecting the lungs, causing them to fill
by the Dame Verte, shewill offer unseen with fluid which results in death in 1-7
help if possible and materialise to thank days unless cure disease is used.
them should they destroy the Vily who Once a week the ivyix can commun-
have taken over her patch. ally attack a psionically aware individual
with a Mind Thrust of 75 points. They are
As the players approach Yelloton, they immune to psionic attack.
will see that the settlement is curiously As they are plants, certain spells will
green. All the buildings are overgrown not affect them, eg charm person, etc.
with plants. Weeds fill the streets. The
surrounding fields arefull of cropsgone
to seed. Beyond the western fields, in the The buildings are derelict. In some of the
distance, are some thick woods nestling darker rooms and cellars will be found
at the foot of bare rocky hills. A stream If the lash or stem is 'killed', the bole
runs from the woods through the village. CRIMSON CARPET will flee. If the bole is killed, the plant dies.
The stream has been poisoned by the b y Mark Byng Acrophids feed on decaying flesh, pick-
Vily. The buildings are overgrown with This deep red moss, also known as the ing morsels off with their sting and drop-
poison ivy in which lurk the 'scarlet death plant', grows in patches ping them into the flowerto be digested.
from 5-20' square, in dark or under- They kill to keep up the supply, usually
IVYlX ground locations. A careful search will by lurking unseen (75% chance) in the
b y Dale Hueber nearly always find bones nearby. For undergrowth by paths or tracks, attack-
each round that any creature is exposed ing anything man-sized or smaller that
N o Appearing: 2-5 to the plant, there is a 1% cumulative comes into the range of the 10' sting.
Armour Class: 6 chance that the creature will suffer from Thesting hasa limited supply ofvenom.
Movement: 12" a hideous and deadly illusion, treat as a The first hit does an additional 2d8 poison
Hit Dice: 2d8 phantasmal killerwith disbelief attempt damage (if save fails); the second, l d 8 ;
Treasure: v allowed, except that the creature, once the third, ld4; and the fourth, 1-2 after
Attack: Two clawsfor 1-2 each touched must make a System Shocksave which the poison sac is empty. Ittakes 1
plus special -success means that thevictim has fallen week to be ready to fight again but the
Alignment: Neutral evil unconscious for 3 turns; failure means lash can still do I d 4 points of damage
Intelligence: Low that thevictim has died from heart failure. without the poison. The sting leaves an
The exposure range is 15'. Anyone ugly red weal on itsvictims. Ifthe lash is
These intelligent plant creatures inhabit eating the moss will certainly suffer the 'killed', it will regenerate in 1-6 months.
areas infested with poison ivy. lvyix hate delusion 5-20 rounds after eating. Acrophids occasionally wipe out
animal life, especially humanoids, and small hamlets if there are sufficient
seek to destroy small farms and com- numbers to do so. They reproduce both
munities. They are vine-thin, halfling- Among the overgrown crops lurk many vegetatively and by wind pollination,
although 90% of the seeds are sterile.
ACROPHIDS (Based o n the triffid from John Wyn-
b y John Gordon dham's Day of the Triffidsl

N o Appearing: 1-20
Armour Class: Stem: 6; Lash: 0; In the woods, some ivyix and acrophids
Bole: 3 will still be encountered. All routes into
Movement: 3" the lair of the vily, deep in the darkest
Hit Dice: 2d8 (Bole: ld8; Lash: recess of the woods, near a cascading
Ihp; Stem: remainder) waterfall, are protected. There are many
Treasure: None 'boulders' on and around all access
Attack: Lash for 1d4 plus poison points. These are really
Alignment: Neutral
Intelligence: Animal (approx) THE PUFFBALL PLANT ,
b y Mark Byng .
These man-sized, carnivorous plants Puffballs are spherical hollow fungi,
have small, tough boles topped b y long, usually found growing on recently dis-
swaying Stemswhich end in a sickly, pale turbed soil and easily mistaken for boul-
and fleshy flower. Concealed in the flower ders due to theircolouring. Each is from

6" to 2'in diameter and from 4-24will be each per day: blindness; light wounds; DAME VERTE
found growing in any one spot. 1 in 4 of serious wounds; disease; dumbness; by Ed Dovey
the puffballs will be 'ripe' - size giving no insanity. (Note: each type may only be
clue as to ripeness. If a ripe puffball is cast twice ie they can cause light wounds No Appearing: 1 or 1-3
disturbed, itwill burst, releasing a cloud twice or cure light wounds twice or do Armour Class: 7
of spores over a 15' radius. All creatures each once per day but not cause and Movement: 12"
in this area must save versus poison or cure light wounds twice each in a day. Hit Dice: 5d8
become slightly intoxicated (as DMG, Once per day, they can also raise dead Treasure: 1, s, v
pp82-83 for effects). Slightly intoxicated and use fingerof death (no save). All vily Attack: By weapon type
creatures become moderately intoxicated save as a 7th level cleric minimum. +
(usuallv 1 daaaer)
if they fail a save versus the effects of a Those living deep in forests gain 1 hit Alignment: ~eutrai
second puffball; moderately intoxicated die, and 1 level of magic user and 1 level Intelligence: Exceptional to
creatures become greatly intoxicated if of clerical ability for each 6" of height. Supra-genius
they fail against a third; any further inha- Thusa 6'vila has 12th level MU and cler- Psionic Ability 176; AttackIDefence
lation of spores will result in a comotose ical powers on top of her normal ones. Modes: A,CIF,G
slumber lasting 7-10 hours. Recovery Those with additional magic ability
time from intoxication is as DMG. They obtain icestorm as a 3rd level spell. They Dame vertes were a sisterhood of wise
can clrow in subterranean locations. may cause the loss of one eye rather elven women devoted to the care and
than blindness, and can also, once per protection of primeval woodland and
week, curse a human or demi-human to the study of the ethereal. Eons ago, they
VlLY die ravaged by fever in 3 days. The curse became ethereal in nature, now dwelling
by Dale Bartlett may be lifted at will by the vily or by almost exclusively on the Ethereal Plane.
remove curse followed by cure disease. Each cares for a forest on the Prime
No Appearing: 1-12 All have a limited shape-changeability, Material Plane where they can travel
Armour Class: 6 (0) preferring the form of a powerful white invisibly, being able to become ethereal
Movement: 12"/24" horse (equal to heavy warhorse), silver and invisible at will.
Hit Dice: 3d8or better wolf (as dire wolf but with a hoar fox's They can use both illusionist and magic
Treasure: A (4'-5'also have G; [ F f l frost breath weapon and immunity user spells at Il t h level of ability, have
5'/z1-6' also U) to cold), or falcon to most others. 50% magic resistance, and have excep-
Attack: By weapon type or bite They are immensely jealous of other tional intelligence and charisma (15-20)
for 2d4 plus two claws beautiful women. Any with 17+ charisma in both. Although strictly neutral, they
for 1-3each will be instantly attacked (20% chance will covertly aid those combatting evil
Alignment: Chaotic neutral per point below 17 of no attack). However, creatures invading or bringing harm to
Intelligence: Genius (15-18) they are often well disposed to brave and theirwoods. However, they may seekto
handsome men and will, occasionally, lead travellers astray, or to seduce male
even change into horses so that their characters (as 5th level houri ,WD13 or
favourite hero need not walk. Best o f WD: Articles 1 ) after which the
Anyone (male or female) aiding a vila character may be afflicted by love sick-
in extreme danger is likely to be made a ness (as 4th level houri spell). The
blood-sister (vileniki). Such people van- chance of this is 60°hfor a dameverte of
ish to some unknown place (possibly 20 charisma, 5OoAfor 19, etc. They will
another Plane, or deep in the vily's punish or humiliate overbearing parties
forest) for 3(50%), 7(25%), 13(20%),or or those full of their own importance.
21(5%) years and upon return will have If a group does clear a dame verte's
magic userlcleric powers of level equal to forest of some evil, on a positive reac-
the number of years they were away and tion (normal reaction throw +lo%), she
which may not be advanced unlessthey will appear in a shimmering green irrid-
were originally of either of those classes. escence preceeded by a strong breeze
Any preious classlpowers are retained. carrying the smell of freshly turned
These Dowers are obtained (at DM'Sdis- earth. She will greet them by name and
cretion) even if not normally obtainable thank them for their service. She will
by that alignment or race (so druids offer either to answer three questions,
could gain clerical abilities). Judging by or, if pressed for a reward, one of her
the arts taught to vileniki, vily may well magic items (including any malevolent
31-61in height.They like to live n e i t to ' attain 21st level in each. Only one such ones, the true nature of which she will
streams or in beautiful groves wherethey vila probably exists on this or any other reveal). If a reward is chosen, she will
are encountered 80% of thetime. Thetal- Plane, and would be of divine status. never aid any of that group again. She will
ler, more powerful ones dwell in dense The life of a vila is tied to her particular be greatly angered by any ingratitude.
forests often in a fabulous white fortress plant (fruit, nut, beech and firtrees being Adame verte's minor psionic devotions
or mountaintop watch-tower. The smaller, favoured) much as a dryad is tied to her are: Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions,
less powerful ones, inhabit scrubland or oak. A vila, however, can travel any dis- Invisibility and Animal Telepathy; and
woods. They have fair complexion, long, tance from hertree and need not visit it for her major science is Etherealness.0
curly brown hair hanging down to their years. If it is cut down or killed, she will
feet and invisible (but fully functional) die. but if killed in this wav. will invariablv
white feathered wings which can be be avenged by her sisteis (both vily a i d
seen by detect invisible or similar. They vileniki). Vila-trees are indistinguishable
are very beautiful, but have sharp claws from nqrmal ones.
and iron teeth with which they can Although chaotic and often violent,
attack, in desperate cases. They go to malicious and cruel, vily can be helpful if
great lengths to protect their charges - in a good mood. Strangely, they never
usually their woods and the animals break their word having once given it.
within it: even to doctoring streams with Their natural armour class is 6, but they
a poison affecting only humansand demi- wear shimmering white gowns which
humans and lethal in tiny quantities. convey ACO. The gowns, if taken, retain
They will also use long or short bows, this propertyfor 1 year, and may be used
according to their height,tofire poisoned by any of suitable height (attempts to cut
arrows (save at -2) to repel intruders them to size will ruin them completely).
but prefer to use their formidable magic Only high level vily are likely to be met
powers. Their bows are often magical. alone. Others are commonly found in
All vily can shout loudly, causing fearto threes and sometimes greater numbers.
all in hearing (normal save applies). They
can also cure or causethefollowing,twice
Fiend Factory is a regular department featuring readers'monsters and one third level spell at random from
for D&D andAD&D edited by Albie Fiore. This issue... the tribal book and with five hit points
and fifth level MU Dower. This chief will
have three leader type bodyguards.
A diabolo tribe has a 70% chance of
'familiars': 40% giant owls (1-3), 40%

MINI-MONSTERS iant weasels (1-4), or 20% wolverines

1-4).These will guard the lair.
As withdiabolos
their generally
close cousins,
inhabit dark
places in overgrown forests or under-

ground. They hate bright sunlight, but

Tinv Terrors to cause Trials and Tribulations have excellent night vision and 60' infra-
red vision. In hand-to-hand combat in
L briaht sunliaht.thevo~erateat -1 to hit.
They alsoshare 'the kobold hatred of
other life forms (especially brownies,
pixies, sprites and particularly gnomes
who they will attack on sight), and the
delight in torture.
In addition to their own tongue, align-
ment language and common, diabolos
also speak kobold, goblin, and orcish.
They are 75% likely to be able to speak
some others but this would vary from
individual to individual and would
depend on circumstances.

By Dan Lukacinsky
No Appearing: 1-3
Armour Class: 3
Movement: 14"
Hit Dice: I d8
Treasure: N
DIABOLO member can read this, being a naturally Attack: One bite for 1d4 or
By Phil Masters skilled magic-user, and any diabolo can by weapon type
memorise up to two spell-levels (ie two Alignment: Chaotic neutral
No Appearing: 4-80 first or one second level spell) for use in Intelligence: Very
Armour Class: 9 the normal way. In addition, all will be
Movement: 6" familiar with the full range of magical The trollkin is a very strange combina-
Hit Dice: I d4 devices possessed by the tribe. tion of a brownie and a troll. They prefer
Treasure: Individuals, L; F, W,Tx3 If a diabolo tribe is being randomly to live in small holes or mounds and are
in lair determined, roll Id20 for each member somewhat sloppy. They love hard drink
Attack: Knife for 1-2 points of and consult the following table for and all cheeses. They speak Common,
damage plus spells spell(s) memorised; Troll, Gnome, Halfling, Sprite, Pixie and
Alignment: Lawful evil Brownie.
Intelligence: Exceptional 1-3 two sleep If they carry a weapon itwill usually be
4,5 sleep plus charm a dagger or a small net, sometimes many
Diabolos are close relatives of kobolds 6 two charm will get together with a large net (10%
(with whom they very occasionally co- 7-9 web chance of being a NetofEntrapment) and
operate), and are much the same size 10 invisibility attempt to trap passing creatures, but
but have paler skins, larger horns, less 11 sleep plus magic missile their favourite weapons are daggers
strength and greater intelligence. 12 charm plus magicmissile (55% chance of being magical). They
Each diabolo tribe is well organised 13 sleep plus shocking grasp never carry anything but a dagger or net,
and possesses a spell-book with the full 14 charm plus shocking grasp at least none have been seen otherwise.
range of first and second level MU 15 friends plus magic missile They hate gnomes, halflings and
spells, plus 2-8 third level. Each tribe 16 sleepplus(l)* dwarfs, but their mortal enemies are
17 charm plus (I )*
18 magicmissileplus(l)*
19 ( l ) * p l u s ( l ) *
20 (2)t
* (1) indicatesany randomly deter-
' minedfirst level spell.
t (2) indicates any randomly deter-
mined second level spell.
All spells are cast as if by second
level MU'S.
For every ten diabolos encountered
there will be an additional leader type
with three hit points, able to memorise
an additional (random) first level spell,
operating as a third level MU and doing
I d 3 with his knife.
Each diabolo tribe has a large chief,
armed with a I d 6 quarterstaff, rolling
twice on the table above for spells
memorised and then adding one second
I 1
pixies who they will attack on sight. scheming to create hatred, upon which With their 4' (average) wing-span and
Trollkins have weak infravision at 20'. it can feed. The trist can charm up to 3 blood red eyes and beak, Krowks are ter-
They may become,invisible at will and creatures (who must save v magic if rible, black crow-like demons from the
have limited spell ability usually one 1st within 30' of it). If they fail, they will Planes ofHelland the Abyssthatfeed on
level magic-user spell determined at become fanatically loyal servants of the the pain and torment of the souls there.
random. Like trolls, they regenerate 3hp trist for as long as it lives, and will carry They are sometimes sent by the Lords
per round and may rebond severed it about with them so that it can carry out and Princes of Evil to aid their kind on the
limbs. Also once per day they may call its evil deeds. The trist communicates Prime Material Plane or as familiars to
lightning as the 3rd level druid spell. with anyone who comes within 6" of it. powerful magic-users and illusionists.
They are surprised only on a roll of 1 on Once 3 creatures have been charmed, Their coming is considered to be an
a d6. They make saving throws as a 5th the trist cannot control any more until 1 omen of the worst kind.
level fighter. or more of them have been killed. They have 20°/0 magic resistance and
Very rarely a trollkin may be of a (Note: it is unlikely that the players will have the following powers, one per
player-character class (4% chance). It find the trist just after "birth" and be round, at will: darkness 5' radius, fear
may progress up to 5th level as a thief, charmed by it. More likely they will find (as wand), detect invisible, detect illu-
up to 6th as a fighter or up to 8th as an it at the heart of some chaoticand seem- sion, and detect good. They can teleport
assassin. ingly senseless situation.) once per day and curse their victims
Trollkins vary in colour from grey- The trist then moves with its fanatical once per day with theirdemoniccawing.
black to sandy-brown. Their eyes are a servants, usuallvto a town, to stir u ~ a n d Their bitedrainsone point of strength in
hazel or light-green. Hair isdarkto light- generate hatred: It is in planning this that addition to the normal damage.
green. They are surprisingly strong - the trist needs considerable cunnina and They have an avaricious greed for
+I on any damage they inflict. They intelligence, as well as ruthlessnesg (it shiny objects and love the taste of
wearfinely crafted leather garments and will not hesitate to have one of its own bloody eyes.
boots. At 3'tall they are on good terms servants killed to acquire a more impor-
with most forest creatures. They have a tant one). Hate can be generated in so
life-span of 3000 years. many ways; setting different races off
against each other; encouraging
oppressive government andlor revolt; GROMIT
even throwing down money in the streets By John Smart
to generate greed and hatred orthe unfair
TRlST favouring of unpopular individuals. No Appearing: 1-20
by John R Gordon If the trist is found when its followers Armour Class: 5 minimum
are not at hand to defend it, it will try to Movement: 7"
No Appearing: 1 convincethe players it isa good or neutral Hit Dice: 3d8
Armour Class: 10 harmless keeper of information. Treasure: Nil
Movement: 0" but can be carried Note: should evil players attempt to Attack: Bite for 1-3,2 clawsfor
Hit Dice: 1 hit point enter the trist's employment, it will Id4each, 2 feet for 1-3
Treasure: Completely variable merely pay out uneven and unfair wages each,tail lash for 1-2
Attack: See below to the players, to generate hatred bet- and 4stingsfor Ihp each
Alignment: Chaoticevil ween them. (It feels no need for servants Alignment: Neutral
Intelligence: Very high other than its own charmedfanatics). Intelligence: Low
Thetrist is immuneto sleep, charm and
The trist is an asexual, truly malignant suggestion spells and has the psionic abil- Gromits are tough, round little creatures,
creature. It is born at any source of great itvof UnlimitedTele~athv. It is immuneto usually about 3'tall. They are quite dextr-
evil or hate (an evil temple, orthe site of psionic attacks except ~ / n Blast. d ous and agile due to their three legs (de-
a massacre, etc). A large (2'x21h1),clear xterity 12+ Id6) gaining dexterity
crystal egg appears, inside which the bonuses on their armour class. Due to
trist itself lives. The egg is fragile and will their small globular shape and their fhird
shatter at a blow, killing the delicate trist leg, they are rather difficult to outflank or
inside, which is suspended in ethereal KROWKS attack from the rear unless surrounded.
liquid. The trist appears as a neckless, by Dale Hueber Their bodies are dark brown, getting
shrivelled humanoid head, green, lighter at the appendages. Their antennae
wrinkled, slimy and continually moving No Appearing: 1-12 are almost black.
and twitching. Its eyes are cold, devoid Armour Class: 5 Thegromit attacks with its beak for 1-3,
of mercy or passion and itsthin mouth is Movement: 3"/18" its 2 clawsfor 1d4each. It can also usetwo
arrogant. The 'head' is surmounted by Hit Dice: 3d8+ 1 of itsthree feet per melee round doing 1-3
fibrous, rootlike, growths in constant Treasure: I each and a tail lash which hits for 1-2. In
motion, which give t'ce trist buoyancy. Attack: Two claws for 1-3 each addition it also-hasfour wire-like anten-
Then it waits to be Found, feeding on and one bite for 1d4+1 nae protruding from the top of its head1
the evil emanations at its birth-place. For plus special body, of which it will use I d 4 to attack
the trist feeds on hate and ceases to exist Alignment: Chaotic evil each melee round for a 'sting' of 1 hit
without it. Thus the trist is always Intelligence: Low butvery cunning point each.0
Fiend Factory is a regular depart- &s
His role-playing game, ~ o l e c h e ~ u e
ment edited by Albie Fiore. This Demos, set in a make-believe industrial
society, has gained an underground fol-
issue, a White Dwarf fiftieth lowing among the individualist dwarves
anniversary special - stats in of Greatway, and he is wont to boast of
RuneQuest and AD&D for our this success to all who will listen.
leading personalities. Readers
may be interested to know that a
Citadel boxed set of these figures
is available, to accompany this

White Dwarf
Personalities THE WHITE DWARF (RQ)
STR: 21 Right leg (01-04) 616
CON: 16 Left leg (05-08) 616
by Phil Masters and SIZ: 9 Abdomen (09-11) 616
Steve Gilham INT: 15 Chest (12) 617
Normal MMgoblin; Age: 15; AC6 (scruffy
POW: 15 Rightarm (13-15) 215
DEX: 12 Leftarm (16-18) 215 leathers, thick skins and hard head);
CHA: 13 Head (19-20) 416 HP7; Alignment: Lawful Evil (when
THE WHITE DWARF (AD&D) Move: 6 pushed); Attacks as 1-1 dice monster.
Str: 18/60(+2/+3); Int: 17; Wis: 14; Hit Points: 16 Str: 11; Int: 9; Wis: 6; Con: 15; Dex: 11;
Dex: 17; Con: 18; Cha: 16(17to Dwarves). Defence: 15% Cha: 4(10 to goblins).
Dwarf fighterlclericlthief, levels 91518; Spells: detect gold, detect gems, detect Equipment: Scruffy leathers, one weapon
Age: 295; AC-3; 57HP; Alignment: silver, bladesharp 4, protection 4, -either dagger, short sword, club or
Chaotic good. delayed ignite 3; one use Runemagic - spiked club (as morning star). Cash: 3cp.
Spells: Curse, commandx2, cure light summon small gnome (STR: 13, INT: 2, An unremarkable denizen of some
wounds, detect magic, augury, holdper- POW: 20,33HP). much-used underground area or
son, conceal alignment, speak with dead. Skills: Evaluate Treasure 50%, Armour- another, Gobbledigook can usually be
Equipment: +2 Chainmail, +2 Small ing 50%, Spot Traps 60%, Disarm Trap found in the company of others of his
Shield, +3Battle Axe, Dagger o f Return, 60%, Cast Dice 9O0/0, Wargame Tactics kind, although he has been known to
short sword, Ring of True Casting, 75%, Game Design 90%, Make 6pt Acid, consort with a potent sorcerer named
Philter o f Persuasiveness, dice with Speak and Write Mostali 85%. Wizilevard. For all his power, the latter
Treasure: Carries 200L in assorted coins seems to have miscast a find familiar
every possible number of sides, various spell on one occasion, as Gobbledigook
sacred books. Cash: 400-500gp. and gems. Could raise a ransom of
No-one iscertain where the White Dwarf 20,000L from his dedicated fans. (himself no sorcerer) has somehow
comesfrom, but he may be found almost Items: Axe contains a repairmatrix. Car- obtained a companion creature (see
anywhere, particularly in underground ries a set of dicethat are a Matrixfora fix below). This being provides Gobble-
mazes, barren wastelands, and bar- dice spell. At a cost of 1 POW, each die will digook with only one personal advan-
rooms just before fights break out. The roll the exact number desired on one roll. tage, and that when it is within 12" of
White Dwarf displays an even greater Example: The White Dwarf wants to him only (and not alwaysthen); the abil-
level of surly, suspicious parochialism roll less than 30 on his percentage dice. ity to cast ironic and despairing looks.
than the average member of his race, He could use his Cast Dice skill with 90%
and usually insists on conversing in his confidence, but instead he decides to GOBBLEDIGOOK (RQ)
native tongue whenever possible, use his magic dice. He uses 2 points of STR: 12 Right leg (01-04) 215
although he is known to be able to speak POW, and guarantees a 25. CON: 14 Leftleg (05-08) 215
the Common Tongue as well. He prefers Great Axe: (2d6+2+1 d4) SR7,85%, SIZ: 7 Abdomen (09-11) 415
to leave fighting to others although he is Parry 80%, Points 15. INT: 7 Chest (12) 416
a deadly fighter when necessary. Shortsword: (I d6+l +Id41 SR8,55%, POW: 14 Right arm (13-15) 214
There are many rumours about which Parry 40%, Points 20. DEX: 10 Leftarm (16-18) 214
god he serves. Suggestions have Crossbow: (2d4+2) SRM, 50%. CHA: 10 Head (19-20) 815
included some human deities, but the Small Shield: Parry 45%, Points 8. Move: 8
truth isthat he isone of thefewclericsof Hit Points: 13
Throrrigga, an extremely obscure dwar- The delayed ignite is a Mostali special Armour: 2pt skin, 2pt furs on torso, as
ven demigod of games and bad jokes. spell; each point delays ignition by 5 leather hauberk, 6pt skull.
The White Dwarf'sarmour, shield, and seconds. Otherwise, as ignite. Spells: lronhand 2 (for headbutt).
axe are all enchanted, and he always has The Cast Dice skill is used when the Skills: Hide 4O0/0, Move Quietly 35%,
a phial with a couple of doses of Philter White Dwarf plays games. The result of Ironic Looks 35%, Hobbit Cuisine 60%.
of Persuasiveness somewhere on his the skill roll is used to determine the die Godgift: 1 Point per round regeneration.
person; why hissupply never runsout is roll result; a successwith theskill means Heavy Mace: (ld8+2) 65% Parry 45%,
a complete mystery. Dagger of Return: that the desired roll was achieved, a crit- Points 20 (used 2-handed).
Only when it is thrown, it gives +I to hit ical means a very good roll, a fumble Headbutt: (I d6+2) 95%.
and damage, and flies back neatly to the means a disastrous roll, and so on. If he
caster's hand after it has hit or failed. In were a gambling type, the Dwarf could Gobbledigook is a goblin [see WD47l
addition, all ranges are doubledwith this use the skill to clean up very quickly. whom the gods gifted at birth with an
dagger. Ring o f True Casting: Anything History: The White Dwarf hails from exceptionally robust skull and theability
cast or thrown from the hand wearing it the Mostali nation of Greatway, to the to recover quickly from damage. The lat-
has a 25% chance of doing exactly what north of Dragon Pass. He follows the ter has proved more than a little useful,
is desired of it by the wearer, provided heretical belief, common in Greatway, as the gods have done this unfortunate
that this is within natural capabilities. of Individualism, which states that each being few favours'since. Gobbledigook
Thus, dice can be sixes, thrown weapons dwarf has individual worth, and a maker may be said to have a little more inclina-
can find any target within range, and so in hisor her own right, ratherthan being tion to Chaos than most of his kind. but
on. Even when the25% probability fails, a cog in the World Machine. The White he is not in any sense vicious; all he
the thrown object has its normal proba- Dwarf's own individualism has shown wantsfrom life is a good lunch (orthree)
bility of doing what is wanted. itself in the design of games of fantasy. and a little peace and quiet.D

GOBBLEDIGOOK'S FAMILIAR (AD&D) Equipment: Baseball bat (used as club), THRUD THE BARBARIAN (RQ)
Attacks as I-dice monster, AC6; HP4; cap, typewriter. Cash: None (if it's his STR: 20 Right leg (01-04) 1017
Alignment: Ironic Neutral; Move: 7". round), but lots of royalty cheques. CON: 18 Left leg (05-08) 1017
This small, furry, two-legged being, SIZ: 20 Abdomen (09-11) 1017
believed t o be the result of a fumbled IAN LIVINGSTONE (RQ) INT: 3 Chest (12) 1018
find familiar spell, associates with STR: 8 Right leg (01-04) 015 POW: 16 Rightarm (13-15) 1016
Gobbledigook for no apparent reason, CON: 13 Left leg (05-08) 015 DEX: 14 Leftarm (16-18) 1016
although the latter certainly does not SIZ: 9 Abdomen (09-11) 015 CHA: 18 Head (19-20) 1017
mistreat or dislike it. Its small size and INT: 9 Chest (12) 016 Armour: Thrud's loincloth provides a
dark colour give it the stealthlhiding POW: 5 Rightarm (13-15) 014 permanent shield 5. (Yes, we do know
abilitiesof a 5th level thief, and it has the DEX: 5 Leftarm (16-18) 014 that this is impossible, but how do you
ability tocast ironicand despairing looks CHA: nla Head (19-20) 715 think all these barbarian heroes survive
at will. If pressed, it could probably bite Move: 5 (20 towards bar, Puffin Books, when they refuse to wear armour?)
for 1-2 points of damage. etc). Note: Head hit location is treated as a
Hit Points: 13 limb fordamage purposes; it is notcon-
GOBBLEDIGOOK'S FAMILIAR (RQ) Defence: 60% (dueto innate evasiveness). sidered a vital hit location.
STR: 1 Body (01-20) 1/10 Armour: 6pt skull, 1pt baseball cap. Spells: None.
CON: 12 Spells: fix dice (see under the White Skills: Drink Liquour 120% (see below),
SIZ: 1 Dwarf). Move Quietly 95%, Hide in Shadow 907'0,
INT: 8 Skills: Drink Liquour 20% (see under Sense Observation 95% (see below).
POW: 16 Thrud the Barbarian), ReadIWrite Drink Liquour allows imbibing without
DEX: 20 Gibberish 85%, Game Design 15%, Cast intoxication; the roll must be made after
CHA: 5 Dice 10% (see under the White Dwarfl. every drink after the second. A critical
Move: 16 Chaotic Feature: Total immunity t o criti- roll allows the next drink to be taken
Hit Points: 10 cism, especially if constructive. without any Drink Liquour roll being
Armour: 1pt fur. Cash: Never admits to carrying any. required. Sense Observation skill allows
No viable attacks. Claims that his editorial staff would ran- the possessorto know when he or she is
Skills: Hide 85%, Move Quietly 90%, som him, but they'd more likely pay you underobservation; an impaling roll tells
Danger Sense 90%, Ironic Looks 75%. to keep him. which direction the watcher is in.
(Danger Sense works like the Sense Baseball Bat: ( l d 8 ) 55% Parry 75%. Great Axe (I-handed): (2d6+2+2d6)
Chaos skill. On an impaling roll, the skill Poison Pen: 50%, splashes victim with 150%. Parry 110%.
acts as detect danger, revealing the pos- Potency 5 Acid. Great Sword: (2d8+2d6) 160°h,
ition of the threat.) Parry 115%.
Bite: ( I d3+2d6) 250%.
This associate of Gobbledigook's (not a
bound spirit or anything so remarkable) THRUD THE BARBARIAN (AD&D) Thrud is indubitably a barbarian from
seems to be a member of some unknown 17th level fighter; Age: 31 ;AC2; HP123; some distant wasteland (probably made
(and unspectacular) subterranean Alignment: No-one asks (neutral?). such by himself); more than that is a
species. It is a carnivore - or at least a Str: 18/00(+31+6); Int: 3; Wis: 3; Dex: 17; matter for conjecture. Some have con-
scavenger- but not dangerous. Low Cha Con: 18; Cha: 6 (18 to giant slugs). jectured that he displays Chaosfeatures,
reflects lack of impressiveness- he may Equipment: Broadsword, Battle Axe, but even the most single-minded Storm
be cute but he's no leader of men. small helm, loincloth and probably Bull Rune Priests prefer to think that
300-400gp (but can't count). Chaos has more taste than that. It is
Very little is known aboutThrud the Bar- known that Thrud has been on Hero-
barian, chiefly because very few people quest, and thereby obtained the gift of
have ever been dumb enough to ask him Trollish Digestion, which means that he
personal questions (Iike'How are you?'). can eat o ~ d r i n kanything without com-
He is said t o be human, but this rumoul ing to harm.
was started by the Lord High Abuser of
the Orcish Foul Mouth tribe, so no-one
worries about it too much. In general, his
aptitudes and abilities are those of a
human being - albeit an odd one - but
he has a number of 'unique' attributes: a
very thick skin, improving his 'natural'
armour class by one; total immunity to
being hit over the head; lastly, although
histrue Wisdom is 3, it is treated as 18
when spells or powers are used to attack
his mind, due to targetting difficulties.


Authors' Note: We were quite prepared
to present background notes and details
on the character below, and our decision
not to do so had nothing to do with the
threat of legal action.
However, we believe that Mr Livingstone
has a family somewhere, and in any
case, we decided that we enjoyed living, Griselda and Wolfhead
preferably with a few royalty cheques ot These two are, of course, more fully
our own. We believe, therefore, that the dealt with in the RuneQuest scenario
statistics can be left to speak for pack The Big Rubble, and we have
themselves. attempted to convert their characteris-
Level 2 Human (?) Editor (a rare sub- tics from RuneQuest to AD&D as faith-
class of thief); AC8 (due to thick skin). fully as possible. As powerful RuneQuest
HP: lots; Alignment: Barwards. warrior-types tend to have use of a fair
Str: 8; Int: 6 (but very cunning); Wis: 6; amount of magic, whereas high level
Dex: 4 (20 with autographing pen); AD&D non-magic-users tend to carry far
Con: 13; Cha: nia. more magical equipment than their
RuneQuest counterparts, we have
thought it best to transfer many powers
from RQ spells to AD&D magic items.

1I t h level thief; Age: 24; ACl; HP60;
Alignment: Neutral.
Str: 12; Int: 18; Wis: 14; Dex: 19*;
Con: 16; Cha: 16.
(* Treat as in Deities & Demigods).
Eauioment: +3 Rina o f Protection, +2
shortsword, ~ e a t h &Armour, Elven
Boots (in pack), Boots o f Speed (worn), 2
doses Potion o f Extrahealing, 1 use Dust
of Sneezing and Choking, Wand o f
Magic Missiles, Wand o f Enemy Detec-
tion, 2 daggers, 2 darts. Carries 20-30gp
and has a cache of 200-300gp.
Afairly typical, if highly successful,
adventuress-thief, Griselda has both the
skill and the equipment to defeat oppo- Agaroth wears leather armour so UGBASH FACESPLITTER (AD&D)
nents of far greater apparent strength caked in unspeakable filth that it 9th level human fighter; Age: 35; AC4;
than herself. She is personally charming improves his Armour Class by one. HP70; Alignment: Lawful evil.
-deceptively so-and frequently deadly. (Anyone elsetrying to use it would have Str: 18/85(+/2+4); Int: 11; Wis: 12;
Although not a full member of any to save vs poison every round or pass Dex: 12; Con: 16; Cha: 14.
thieves' guild, she keeps on good enough out from the fumes. It's probably magi- Equipment: +2 Footman's Flail, + I 2-
terms with the local underground hier- cal, but who wants to know?) He also Handed Sword, +2 Scale Armour,
archy to avoid trouble from them when wears a ring he once stole from an old 3 doses Potion o f Human Control,
she operates on their 'patch'; in any man that allows any weapon he carries 3 doses Philter o f Persuasiveness, Ring
case, she rarely engages in run-of-the- to hit any creature that can only be o f Warmth, Periapt o f Wound Closure,
mill thieving. Her one odd feature is a affected by +3 weapons. Dagger. Cash: 50-300gp.
superhuman level of dexterity. Slavelord, master warrior, executioner,
AGAROTH THE UNWASHED (RO) a being so arrogant that he barely
WOLFHEAD (AD&D) STR: 20 Right leg (01-04) 316 admits to his own humanity, Ugbash,
9th level thief; Age: 34; AC3; HP38; CON: 18 Left leg (05-08) 316 known as Facesplitter... (Ugbash
Alignment: Neutral (slight Evil tendency); SIZ: 13 Abdomen (09-11) 516 Facesplitter terminates your ramblings,
Str: 16(-l/+l); Int: 12; Wis: 11; Dex: 15; INT: 4 Chest (12) 517 man-slave! See final notes.)
Con: 11; Cha: 11. POW: 10 Right arm (13-15) 315
Equipment: +4 Cloak o f Protection, DEX: 11 Leftarm (16-18) 315 UGBASH FACESPLITTER (RQ)
Leather Armour, +2 Thieves'Bow, Helm CHA: 6 Head (19-20) 315 STR: 19 Right leg (01-04) 516
o f Telepathy, 2 doses Potion o f Extra- Move: 8 CON: 16 Left leg (05-08) 516
Healing, 1 use Dust o f Sneezing and Hit Points: 17 SIZ: 16 Abdomen (09-11) 516
Choking, shortsword, 2 daggers, sling Armour: 3pt filth plus leather hauberk. INT: 11 Chest (12) 517
(concealed-for emergencies), quiver of Spells: Bladesharp 2, ironhand. POW: 15 Rightarm (13-15) 215
normal arrows. Carries about 15-25gp, Skills: Boasting 40%, Evaluate Treasure DEX: 12 Leftarm (16-18) 215
and has a cache of about 150-250gp. 15%, Mindless Cruelty 95%. CHA: 14 Head (20) 315
Wolfhead is another successful adven- Chaotic Feature: Unspeakable Filth. Move: 8
turer, and although a thief, he is Cleaver: (2d8+2d6) 85%, Parry 60°h, Hit Points: 17
regarded as a deadly and enthusiastic Points 20. Defence: 20%
combatant. He too is independent of the Medium Shield: Parry 40%, Points 12. Armour: Scale Armour with leather
local thieves' guild, but respected and sleeves and composite helm.
accepted by them so long as he avoids Agaroth is an ogre with the rare chaotic Spells: Healing, bladesharp 2, counter-
impinging on their regular business, feature Unspeakable Filth who has spent magic, befuddle, silence.
which he usually does. Hiseffectiveness his life in the dark service of various vile Skills: Boasting 80% (see Agaroth the
is enhanced by the Thieves'Bowhe car- ChaosCults, rising high in their employ. Unwashed), Bargaining 75%, Bind
ries - a +2 weapon that has been made Mindless Cruelty must always be Capt~ve90%. Discipline Slaves 90%,
so magically light and concealable that combined with some kind of personal Torture 85%. Successful torture use re-
it can be freely used by any thief who assault; if this is a melee attack, the quires a CON x5 roll from thev~ctim orthe
takes it as a weapon of proficiency. attack roll is at -5%. Successful use of the torturer's demands are met. An impale
skill is intensely gratifying to the user, roll makes it CON x3, a critical, CON XI.
and causes the victim to hate and fear Greatsword: (2d8+ Id6), 90%, Parry 75%.
the attacker. If a critical roll is acheived, Morningstar: (I d10+1 +I d6), loo%,
AGAROTH THE UNWASHED (AD&D) thevictim must roll POWx5asa percen- Parry 35%.
10th level half-orcfighter; Age: 37; AC6; tage or be demoralised. If a fumble is rol- Dagger: (1d4+2+ 1d6), 50%, Parry 50%.
HP90; Aligment: Neutral evil. led, the attacker will feel intensely frus- As the great slave-caravans wend their
Str: 18/80(+21+4); Int: 4; Wis: 6; Dex: 11; trated, and the victim will probably feel dread way into Morokanth lands, the
Con: 18; Cha: 6(ugly, but persuasive). extremely amused. alert (andwary)observer may often note
Equipment: Filthy Leather Armour, Unspeakable Filth isan unusual chao- at their head a gaunt figure, wielding
Blood-Caked Cleaver (treated as tic feature with various consequences. razor-keenweapons. This lord of cruelty,
Scimitar), Mis-shapen Shield, Ring o f The possessor perpetually exudes sub- this master of inhumanity, this ... (This is
Sure Cutting (see below). Cash: None stances with an indescribable stench, Ugbash Facesplitter, man-thing! Cease
(Agaroth doesn't buy- he takes.) causing his or her own sense of smell to your verbosity, whiner, and let your
Agaroth the Unwashed is nasty. We be completely destroyed and repelling betters speak. You'd think some of these
mean, really foul. Think of the nastiest anything short of a totally degenerate people had never heard of man manage-
person you know, double it, add bad broo. Anyone entering melee with the ment or modern business practice.
manners, and Agaroth is still much, being must roll his or her CON x5 as a Scum! I, Ugbash Facesplitter, labour
m u c h worse. If we told you the nicest percentage each round or be unable to long and hard for my meagre crust, and
thing Agaroth has done in the last year, make any attack roll due to gagging. all I get is this paltry rabble of so-called
you wouldn't want to eat for a week. Finally, The Filth acts as 3 point protec- 'writers' drivelling on, scrabbling around
Urrghh!! Just thinkingabout it makes us tion over the beinq's entire body. for something to moan about. Well, we
feel ill. Agaroth not only eats babies, he know who's on the rota to clean out the
doesn't wash his hands afterwards! venom kettles next week, don't we?)O

Fiend Factory is a regular depart-

ment for readers'monsters edited
by Albie Fiore. This issue, the
creatures of Julian May's Many
Coloured Land books for AD&D.

by Paul Harden

1 Julian May's striking and original series also possess a variety of the discipline TANU
I of novels, The Saga o f the Exiles, con- of Body Weaponrywhich, as well as pro-
cerns the fortunes of the humans of the viding the usual powers, causes a mon- N o Appearing: 2-40
future who, for various reasons of their strous illusion to form around the Fir- Armour Class: Variable
own, go into voluntary exile in Earth's vulag; each member of this race has a Movement: 9"
prehistory by way of a time-gate. On unique illusionary form-the more pow- Hit Dice: 3d8
arrival, however, they find prehistoric erful Firvulag assume such horrific Treasure: F
Europe dominated by two alien races, illusionary aspects that any creaturevie- Attack: by weapon type;
forcibly ejected from their o w n distant wing them must save vs wands or be psionics
planet. affected as by a Fear Wand. There is no Alignment: Neutral (evil tendencies)
m a x i m u m to the weapon equivalent Intelligence: High-genius
bestowed by Body Weaponry (ie, up to Psionic Ability: 130-240; AttackIDefence
longsword +4); armour class equivalent Modes: B, EIF, G, H
is calculated as for a thief. Firvulag do
not use conventional armour or All Tanu encountered on the Prime
weapons, though they do use handaxes Material Plane are descendants of a
and daggers as tools. defeated band of rebels banished from
Firvulag vary enormously in size (4'-9' Elysium by their neutral good kin via a
tall),and this is reflected i n theirvarying one-way gate. They take double damage
hit dice. To establish hit dice, level of from iron weapons; because iron is so
mastery of Body Weaponry, and Fear inimical to them, Tanu wear vitridur
ability, roll d l 0 : armour (-1 on armour class) and usevit-
ridur weapons (-1 to hit). Vitridur is a
Hit Mastery Fear kind of very tough glass.
Dice Level Ability The Tanu latent psionic powers are
1-4 2 3-4 no activated by gold torcs which all adults
5-7 3 5-7 yes; save at +3 wear. Tanu young, being torcless, have
8-10 4 8-10 yes; save at +I no psionic or spell-related powers. The
torcs also bestow a limited form of
If a 10 is rolled, there is a 1 in 6 chance regeneration (see section on torcs).
thatthe Firvulag in question will be 5 hit Psionic disciplines common t o all Tanu
dice, mastery level 11-12, with no mod- are: ESP (Tanu cannot 'mesh minds' to
ifier to fear saving throw. Like the Tanu, increase range), M i n d Bar (level of
Firvulag take double damage from iron mastery 2-8).
weapons. They do not use torcs, nor do There are four classes of Tanu, each
they take slaves. The non-illusionary possessing different spell-like powers.
No Appearing: 4-80 form of Firvulag is similar to that of Roll d4 for individual's class, or choose:
Armour Class: Varies; see below stocky and powerfully-built humans. 1. Coercers. The Coercer's powers are
Movement: 9" They speak common, alignment, and derived from sheer force of will exer-
Hit Dice: Varies; see below their o w n tongue, and live for about 250 cised t o dominate other creatures. All
Treasure: R, F (magic) years. coercers possess the psionic discipline
Attack: Varies; see below Domination, and psionic attack mode C
Alignment: Chaotic neutral (Ego Whip). To determine coercers'
Intelligence: Average-exceptional spell-like powers and the frequency with
Psionic Ability: 130-240, AttacklDefence which they can be used, roll d10:
Modes: B, D, EIF, I,J
1-2 Command twicelday
The ancestors of all Firvulag living on 3-5 Hold person twicelday
the Prime Material Plane were allies of 6-7 Fear oncelday
the Tanu rebels in Elysium, and were 8-10 Hold monster oncelday
exiled as they were. The alliance was
always uneasy, and the races separated 2. Redactors. Redactors can mentally
soon after their banishment. Since then, affect the attitude and well-being of
a bitter hatred has formed between the others. All redactors possessthe psionic
t w o races; the Firvulag detest the arro- discipline of Cell Adjustment (level of
gance of theTanu, whiletheTanu regard mastery 1-8, as cleric) and psionicattack
the Firvulag as backward (and barbar- mode A (Psionic Blast). For spell-like
ous) savages. The Tanu attitude may powers, roll d l 0 :
have arisen due to the Firvulag prefer-
ence for living in cavern and cave com- 1-2 Charm person twicelday
plexes, and their habitual rowdiness. 3-6 Suggestion twicelday
All Firvulag havethe psionic discipline 7-8 Charm monster oncelday
of M i n d Bar at mastery level 2-8. They 9-10 Restoration oncelfortnight

Redactors' Restoration abilitv is onlv bearing one torc- the lesser torc may
effective against mental illnesses. ' then be removed intact, and the wearer
3. Psychokinetics. Psychokinetics is not subject to the removal penalties
involves the mental manipulation of outlined below. In the case of torcs, dis-
matter. All psychokinetics possess a var- pel magic acts exactly like a knock spell.
iant of the psionic discipline of Tele- Gold and silver torcs allow telepathic
kinesis (level of mastery 3-101, whereby communication with all other torc-
200gp weight equivalent can be moved wearers within 9". Grey torc wearers can
per level of mastery. For spell-like only receive such communication, not
abilities roll d10: send it. Tanu (and only Tanu) can use
their gold torcs t o mentally project
1-2 Feather fall twicelday excruciating pain or ecstatic pleasure to
3-6 Shatter twicelday grey torc slaves as punishment and
7-9 Fly oncelday reward; thus the basic morale rating of
10 Earthquake* oncelmonth Tanu's slaves is as follows:
* 20% chance; otherwise as 7-9. Tanu within 9" - 90%
silver-torc loyal toTanu within 9" -60%
4. Creators. The powers of creators neither of above within 9" - 30%
are related to the mental evocation and Silvertorced lieutenants have a rating of
alteration of matter. All creators possess HOWLERS 80% at all times -the Tanu pick their
the psionic discipline of Shape Alteration underlings carefully and reward them
and psionic mode D (Idlnsinuation).For No Appearing: 3-60 we1I.
spell-like powers, roll d10: Armour Class: 7 Any character unfortunate enough to
Movement: 12" be in the presence of Tanu while wear-
1-4 Magic missile* oncelday Hit Dice: 1+1 ing a grey torccan be subjectto pain pro-
5-6 Improved phantasmal force Treasure: R jection, and in which case, will be incap-
oncelday Attack: 2 clawsfor 1d4each able of action for one round; a saving
7-8 Major creation oncelday Alignment: Chaotic evil throwvs magic must be attempted each
9-1 0 Demi-shadow monsters oncelweek Intelligence: Average (high) round thereafter, and until it is made
*at 5th level of magic use (three missiles) successfully the character cannot attack
Howlers are descendants of those of the theTanu ortheir slavesllieutenants. This
For all classes, the number rolled indi- original Firvulag rebels who knowingly restriction is negated if the character is
cates possession of all powers gained took to living in caverns rich in radio- physically attacked. A Tanu may only
withiower numbers; eg a coercer rolling active ore. This, over the centuries, project pain to one creature per turn.
a 4 will possess command as well as severely damaged the genetic makeup 1. Gold torcs. Any character with intel-
holdperson. Any Tanu rolling a 10 may of the unfortunate residents so that all ligence, wisdom or charisma scores
(15%) also possess powers of another are now terribly deformed. Understand- above 15 who places a gold torc around
class. Select the second class at random, ably, they resent this misfortune and hislher throat is, if not already psioni-
but use d6 to establish spell-like powers hate all physically 'normal' intelligent cally endowed, entitled to a second
from the second class. Coercers and creatures; Howlers are notorious for tor- throw to determine the presence or
redactors are so alien in approach that a turing and mutilating captives ... absence of psionic powers, but with a
combination of these is impossible. Although they have lost most of their 10% bonus to the dice.
Unless otherwise noted, spell-like pow- psionic-related abilities, Howlers are Gold torcs also bestow a limited form
ers operate at the equivalent of 12th able to assume an illusionary humanoid of regeneration: as soon as the wearer's
level of magic use with respect to dura- form to hide their deformity; thus they hit points fall below one, the torc will
tion, area of effect, etc. will often beencountered in the guiseof regenerate 1 hit point per turn until zero
Tanu are fond of creature comforts, normal Firvulag, 4'-5'tall. They can also is reached, and then afurther 1/2 hit point,
and will usually make their homes above assume the illusionary likeness of any at which point the wearer will be recep-
the ground; encounters outside Tanu humanoid they see between 2'-5' in tive to curative magic and normal re-
settlements will mostly be with small height with 90% accuracy, and will use gaining of hit points, though incapable
bands such as war-cum-slaving parties this power as a doppleganger does. of action other than telepathic com-
and renegades (who may not be evil). When slain, Howlers revert to their munication. On the restoration of the
Due to their ultra-sensitivity to the natural form, severely deformed and first full hit point abovezero, the extra 1/2
Prime Material Planes background radi- from 2'-3'tall. Howlers take double dam- hit point is lost. If the wearer's hit points
ation, the fertility of all Tanu has been age from iron weapons. They get their fall below -6, however, helshe is dead.
impaired; thus they take both male and name from the mournful wailing they Once closed around the neck, the magic
female slaves for breeding purposes, as send up at communal gatherings. How- of the torc meshes irrevocably with the
crossbreeding has proved significantly lers speak common, alignment, and a wearer's life-force, and removal of the
more fruitful than racial inbreeding (the dialect of Firvulag which is understand- torc will instantly kill the wearer.
offspring areTanu in all respects).Tanu, able to Firvulag speakers. They live for 2. Silver torcs. These are bestowed by
however, are far from averse to enslav- 100 years. the Tanu on all their non-Tanu lieuten-
ing creatures of demi-human race as ants (Tanu will only ever promote fight-
servitors of all kinds - labour, soldiery, The Torcs ers to lieutenancy); like gold torcs, silver
etc- even though they can only breed There are three kinds of torc: gold, torcs allow an extra dice roll for psionics
with humans. Thus a Tanu lair will silver, and grey (tin) in decreasing order endowment with a 10% bonus, but if
alwayscontain a number of slavesequal of power. Gold and silvertorcs are made successfuI the wearer can only ever have
to 200% of the number of Tanu; 1 in 20 (by the Tanu) in very limited numbers; oneminor disciplineand no major ones.
of these will be silver-torced lieutenants almostthe only way to obtain these is by Silver torcs have regenerative powers
(fightersof 2nd-5th level).All otherswill taking them from their wearers. Grey similartothose of gold torcs, exceptthat
be grey-torc slaves - 50% 0 level sol- torcs are far more common: most Tanu thewearerwill die if hit pointsfall below
diery, the rest labourers, houseservants, settlements will have a small cache of -3. If a silvertorc is removed, the wearer
etc. Any Tanu encountered outside their spares, and Tanu slavers will invariably will fall unconsciousfor6turnsand lose
lair will be accompanied by twice their carry 2-3 grey torcs each when engaged 1 point of intelligence.
number of 0 level soldiery; if this in slaving expeditions. 3. Grey torcs. Any character placing a
amounts to 10 or more, a silver-torced When closed around the throat, a grey torcaround hislher neck (or having
lieutenant is 75% likely to be present. magical 'lock'secures all types of torc; one forced on himlher) immediately
Tanu are 7' or more in height, resemb- thus they may only be removed intact by becomes the equivalent to 0 level,
ling slightly-built humans of regal mien. means of magic - knock, dispel magic, although hit points are retained; the
They speak common, alignment, and limited wish, or wish - or by decapita- casting of spells and all other level-
theirown language,though they usually tion. The 'lock'on grey and silver torcs is related abilities are lost. Removal of the
communicate telepathically. They live cancelled whenever a more powerful torcwill restore all former abilities, but 1
for about 300 years. torctype is closed around a neck already point of constitution will be lost.0


Fiend Factory is a regular department featuring~readers'monsters WHIPPERSNAPPER

for D&D/AD&D edited byAlbie Fiore. This issue a specialselection of by Phil Masters
low level creatures.
No Appearing: 5-40


Hit Dice:


Two lashesfor 1-4each,
bite for 2d6
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Intelligence: Semi-
Whippersnappers-are vicious, cunning
predatorsthat inhabit jungle areas. These
fast, agile and unpleasant creatures live
for about 30 years and stand #tall. They
resemble a cross between a deformed
goblin and a hairless gibbon, but fortwo
features: their large, long, powerful jaws
full of needle-sharp teeth; and their long
whip-like tentacles which they have in
place of arms. If necessary, they can
attack up to three opponents at once.
They make saving rolls as a 10th level
thief due to their agility.
These beasts will attack any humanoid
race on sight with the exception of goblins
and hobaoblins who nevertheless reaard
them wifh justifiable apprehension.-
The species cannot speak, though their
staccato screeches appear to represent
a limited form of communication.
A larger, tougher version is said to
infest TheAbyss, in partial servitude to
the demon prince Demogorgon.

by Ian Livingstone .their size, they will eat limbs whole, dis-
tending their jaws and gullet like a MARSH-WIGGLE
No Appearing: 1 snake. The digestion process takes two by Fred Lee Cain
Armour Class: 3 days during which time they are unable
Movement: 12"/24" to flyandcan fight only with their breath No Appearing: 1-4
Hit Dice: 4d8+4 weapon -acid, which it can spit in a 1/2" Armour Class: 7-8
Treasure: H wide jetto a range of 6" in a straight line Movement: 12"
Attack: Two clawsfor 1d4 each, for 2d8 damage. Hit Dice: 1-7d8
bite for 2d6, plus breath They cannot speak but are able to cast Treasure: J,K,L,M,N
weapon fearas a means of defence during the Attack: By weapon type
Alignment: Chaotic evil digestion period. Alignment: Lawful good
Intelligence: High Their fondness for treasure is the (neutral tendencies)
same as most dragons, but they will eat Intelligence: Average to very
The small (2') spider dragon is typically any gems that they find, believing them Psionic Ability: See below
found in dense undergrowth. They have to have great regenerative powers. A
a chameleon-like ability to blend in with spider dragon's stomach will always These rare humanoids aretall (6'6" aver-
their background. Thusthey will only be contain 1-6 gems. age) and extremely thin with an average
noticed 5% of the time from a distance off Comment: This creature is a little too lifespan of 80 years. They have gaunt,
more than 6' and only 20% when closer. heavy for 1st level characters. It should somewhat homely features; long pointed
They are never surprised. be encountered at the culmination of an nose and chin, large ears and long, lank,
Spider dragons are man-eaters and adventure or a situation where the group greenish-grey hair - like tiny flat reeds.
find human flesh a delicacy. Despite have a clear avenue of escape. Their large webbed feet are duck-like and

horny, while their skin is a muddy dun- does, otherwiggles consider it 'strange' though, is work. Each has some manual
colour. They dwell in fens or marshy and 'too full of high spirits'. skill (fishing, smithying, carpentry, etc),
areas abundant with rushes, cat-tails, When going on long quests,they gen- and total ignorance of other fields.
reeds and low stunted trees where their erally go as iliusionists (25%), fighters Guards are the combat specialists,
drab, homespun earth-colour garb (drab (20°h), or rangers (30%). Fighters, when trained monks of level 4-6 (d3+3) with
yellowlgreen in Spring) added to their armoured, tend to use leather, padded appropriate weaponry (usually a two-
natural appearance renders them almost or studded, or ringmail. They can reach handed axe and a crossbow).
invisible. They are still and silent (like 4th level, or 7th as rangers. In combat, Masters rule the others. Each usually
halflings, marsh-wiggles are effectively they rely mainly on sling, spear, (long) has chainmail, a small shield and light
invisible wherever there is vegetation bow, and trident; but 20% use mace or mace, fighting and saving as a 6th level
and surprise on a roll of 1-4 on a d6). flail and 30% a longsword (all with a cleric (despite their 3 hit dice), but their
Their habitual expression is one of round shield on occasion).As illusionists, powers lie in other areas. Each carries a
quietly resigned, fatalistic melancholy they may reach 6th level. Magic users and set of lightweight silvered iron manacles,
for few beings have a more dismal view thieves are very rare (rising only to 2nd non-magical and unremarkable, but for
of life. Marsh-wiggles tend (at least out- level). They are unheard of as assassins; a trailing iron chain. If any other being
wardly) to a dolefully forlorn pessimism and are only 5% likely to be a cleric (they otherthan a master iswearing these, and
-not with whining or complaint but with a can beshamansor druids upto 4th level). a master is holding the chain, the latter
dismally philosophical acceptance: 'It's Their natural resistance to poison and can induce intolerable levels of pain in the
no use worrying; nothing's going to turn magiccausesthem to save asthough four wearer, incapacitating them for as long
out right, anyway!'. (Some other races levels higher. They can also generate a as the master chooses and 1-3 rounds
find this mildly amusing.) Despite this, mental barrier to resist any attempted afterwards. A master can control two
wiggles are neither cowards nor quitters. psionic attack or domination. sets of manacles simultaneously (but no
In fact,this attitude may be more a prep- more). Masters are immune to all forms
aration in case anything does go wrong. of psionic attack, including disciplines,
They might not be as sincerely mournful and can deflect such, one at a time, back
as they let on forthey are not inclined to GREY DOMINATORS w o n the user. The areat Dower of these
despair, even when the going gets rough. by Phil Masters beings, however, reiuires longer. Using
This quietly fatalistic resolution and their manacles. thev can 'brainwash'
indomitability is coupled with a gentle any mortal being. ~ f t etwor days' work,
decency and accomodating nature. They No Appearing: See below the victim begins losing 1-2 points of
are neither inhospitable nor unconcerned Armour Class: Varies wisdom per day. Once it falls to 2 or less,
over injustice orthe hardships of others. Movement: 9" (Guards: as by the victim will automatically follow any
As generally 'good' people, they can be monk level) command from a master, even if charmed
charitable, courteous, obliging and brave. Hit Dice: Masters: 3d8; by another being. If the process is inter-
A solitary race, they dwell in wigwams Guards: as by monk rupted before this, the victim regains
of bark, rushes or tanned hides; either level; Servitors: Id10 wisdom at the rate of 1 point per week,
alone (50%)oras afamily unit-a married Treasure: B or on receiving a remove curse cast by
pair with 1-3 children. Sometimes, an Attack: By weapon type another. Those completely dominated
entire clan is scattered over a wide area. Alignment: Lawful evil can only be restored to normality by the
They are 80% likely to be encountered in Intelligence: Masters: High; casting of heal, remove curse and dispel
their settlement. Enjoying their privacy, Guards: Average; evil on successive rounds, or by some
they live quietly, fishing, fowl-netting, Servitors: Low form of wish.
hunting and a farming a little. Their crafts When grey dominators are encoun-
and skills are rusticand plain but of good Grey dominators are a race of evil men, tered, roll Id20 to discover the nature of
functional quality. In heavily 'settled' distinguished by the greyish tinge to their the party: 1-3 indicates 2-4 guards on a
areas, there is a 2% chance of a marsh- pallid skins. Their origins are mysterious: minor mission; 4-10, a roving band seek-
wiggle skilled in working copper, pewter, they allegedly dwell on an inhospitable ing expendable slaves, with 1-2 masters,
and iron, but usually they trade for metal arctic island, but it has never been found 3-6 guards, and 5-10 servitors in leather
goods with elves, and no grey dominator has ever revealed
gnomes or humans its location, if indeed it does exist. In fact,
as they can speak they are noted for their self-control and
elvish, gnomish and psychic resiliance: threats, magic, torture
the common tongue. or psionics cannot ellicit information
They also speak from them and prolonged attempts to
their own language, break this reserve triggers something in
halfling, their align- these beings that cause them to die.
ment tongue and What is known of them is what others
sometimes (5O0/0) have observed. Their philosophy seems
dwarven and (30%) to be one of strength and detachment,
orcish. with a beliefthatthey alone are fitto rule
Though keeping over men. Their strict, hierarchicalsociety
mostly to them- permits little superfluous communication
selves, on seasonal between the three classes. Only males
occasions (or in have ever been seen -their women are
cases of thought to be kept in serfdom, or even
emergency), clan likeanimals, in their homeland. Their goal
leaders will gather of conquest is restrained by their limited
for a 'thane-council' numbers. They have developed refined
in a large, wattled techniques of torture and mind control to armourwith clubs; 11-17, a strong party
hall inside one of overcome this. Their activities will never on some specific mission, with 2-4 mas-
the log-pallisade be perceptible as such -these devious ters, 75% chance of 1-4guards, and 25%
'refuges' dotted creatures take over communities by chance of 1-8 servitors equipped as
sparsely around dominating leaders and key figures, above; 18-19, a party travelling to or
isolated island- then manipulating others by fear. Such from some secret base with a 75% chance
bogs. techniques workequally as well on orcs, of 1-2 masters, 1-4 guards, and a 90%
Marsh-wiggles are
extremely reluctant
to leave their quiet,
goblins and the like, as they do on
humans; but the ultimate grey
dominator aim is to rule all races.
chance of 2-7 servitors, unarmoured but
with clubs and hand-axes: 20 indicates a
lair encounter (with treasure present) -
peaceful, uneventful There are three grey dominator classes: a well-hidden temporary base with 1-8
life to go adventur- Servitorsare the manual workers: tough masters, 2-7 guards, and 3-18 servitors,
ing. On the rare individuals with basic weapon training half in leather armour but all with clubs
occasion that one (as 1st level fighters). Their main function, and hand-axes.0
Fiend Factory is a regular department featuring readers'monsters for D&D/AD&D edited by Albie Fiore.
This issue a special low level mini-adventure:

In the desolate, rugged mountains sur-
encounter is with the wood skeleton.
If they are riding with Velwyn, they are
tures. Staves, clubs, and other wooden
weapons can do them no damage at all.
rounding Eagle Rock, a lawless frontier fair game for a group of nos orzergwind. Anyone using a wooden shield against
town,there is much mithril and silver. In It is up to the party to make dealsandlor them has their armour class reduced by
a remote ravine, a plantyn nos house- side with either group. If they can locate 2 (ie, AC2 becomes AC4).
hold set up camp near where they know and possibly initiate a raid on the red Fire is the wood skeletons main
there are rich silver deposits. At about gremkin lair, where there are nos and enemy. It does double damage to them
the sametime, a group of zwergind found zergwind captives, they could prove to and has a 10% chance of setting them
the silver. Afeud began between the two both groups that the current bloodletting afire. If this happens, the skeleton suf-
camps. The nos attempting to capture is the result of a sequence of misunder- fers 2 points of damage per round unless
zergwind as slaves and the zwergind try- standings. They may then be rewarded drenched by water.
ing to drive the nos away. Unknown to by both groups who might also reach an Wood skeletons are immune to charm,
both groups, there was a lair of red amicable agreement overthe silver mine. sleep, h o l d and cold-based spells, and
gremkin in the area. These preyed on Velwyn can attest that it was human any plant affecting spells. Warp wood
both groups who blamed each other for bandits who slew the zergwind group causes them to fight at -4 to hit. Holy
these deaths and disappearances. The who captured him. water does 1-4 damage, but reduces the
feud then became more bloody. Recently, The numbersof nos andzergwind war chance of their catching fire to 5%.
the zwergind captured the nos leader's parties should'be suited to the number
eldest son in the hopesof forcing a deal. and levels of the player-character group.
However, the zwergind holding the cap-
tive were ambushed and butchered by a
group of brigandswho tooktheir captive PLENTYN NOS
to sell on the local slave market. The by Anonymous
zwergind believe the nos are responsible
forthe death of their comrades and now No Appearing: 4-11 ; (10-120);
the two grdups are at total war. [ IooO+50d201
Armour Class: 7(5)
Adventure Outlines Movement: 12"
The players are in Eagle Rock, a young Hit Dice: 1(2)d8
boom-town full of prospectors and Treasure: See below
adventurers. A slave market is in full Attack: Two weapon attacksfor
swing in the square. During the auction 1d4 each plus special
one non-human slave catches their eye, Alignment: Lawful neutral
a grey skinned, gentle looking humanoid Intelligence: Average
with doleful blackeyes. It looks petrified.
(If the players do not even attempt to bid In their own tongue, plentyn nos means
for it, the DM should nevertheless Children of the Night (they call humans
ensure,thatthey end up buying it. Some plentyn dydd, Children of the Day), for
gesture they make is mistaken for a bid they are mostly active during the hours of
by the auctioneer?). The auctioneer will darkness. They have 90' infravision. They
tell them that these creatures are fabled do not hate light, but their sensitive eyes
for locating silver deposits. can be dazzled by a sudden bright light.
The creature is a nos. Its name is Velvvn The nos have white to arev. hairless
Malwes. It is the eldest son of the leader WOOD SKELETON skin; large soulful, black e7es:'and frilled,
of the nearest nos settlement. b y Wayne Burchell lacy ears, which are not particularly sen-
Howthe adventure develops depends sitive. Their hands have three fingers
on what the party does: N o Appearing: 1-10 and a thumb, all clawed, while their feet
If they are willing to set the creature free': Armour Class: 5 have three clawed toes and a hind claw.
it will try to persuade them to escort it Movement: 12" (15" in woods) Because of this, the nos are thought to
safely backto its home. They will bewell Hit Dice: 2d8 be descended from avians, but apart
rewarded by its clan (made 'honorary' Treasure: None from their claws, they have no
children of the night bythegiftof a silver Attack: Weapon for ld6+1 resemblance to birds at all.
bandolier each plussomesilver bullion). Alignment: Neutral They never wear clothing, but some-
If they try to make i t locate silver: it will Intelligence: Non times an armour of silver bars made into
lead them deep intothe networkof rocky a kilt andlor slung from bandoliers is
ravines towards its clan where the party Wood skeletons are the undead form of worn. Such armourlbandolier com-
may be ambushed and captured by its mandrake people (WD18)and usually prises 40-70gp worth of silver bullion.
kin for slaves. If the party are captured, roam heavily wooded areas. They look All nos are ambidextrous, and always
the adventure can continue with them like normal skeletons, but their bones carry a matched pair of silver hand-
leading a slave revoltlescape. are made of a thorny, ebon wood. weapons, usually a clubbing ratherthan
If they ride o f f with their slave i n a Wood skeletons are either armed with a bladed type with hammers preferred.
totally different direction: they will be clubs (90%) or quarter-staves (10%) but, They can attack once per round with
trailed by nos attempting to get Velwyn regardless of weapon, do 2-7 damage. both doing 1d4 damagewith each. They
backandby zergwind who will thinkthat They can be turned as zombies by a only use their claws for fighting when
they were responsible for the death of cleric but only if a wooden holy symbol the situation is desperate as they regard
their comrades. is used: if a silver or magical symbol is this as uncivilised. When they do, they
In the first two instances, the group used, then they are turned as shadows; can attackwith both hands in one round
should encounter red gremkin in the and if an iron symbol, then as wraiths. for 1-3 damage each, and with both feet
mountains. In the last instance, the DM Hand-axes, because they are designed for I d 4 damage each. However, if they
can have them encounter green gremkin to cutwood, magical and silver weapons are surrounded and outnumbered, they
in a wood. In any event, any random do double damage to these vile crea- are more likely to surrender and try to

ity to detect sloping passages;etc. Their There are three distinct types of grem-
small size causes ogres, trolls and giants kin, distinguished by their skin colour.
t o attack them at -4 to hit. They also Close relatives of the gremlin, these
have the dwarfs' hatred of goblins, orcs small (2'-4') creatures are leathery and
and hobgoblins who they attack at +I. imp-like. Only the black variety has
They save their most intense loathing wings. Gremkin will not serve as famil-
for koboldswhothey automatically attack iars, though occasionally one or more
on sightwith such fury thatthey do so at may be persuaded t o help a magic user,
+2 to hit. If in combat with kobolds for or whatever, for a short time, as long as
morethan 3 melee rounds,there is a 50% there is no alignment clash.
chance that each zwergind will berserk-
discard its shield, strike twice and fight to BLACK GREMKIN
the death, with a 10% chance of attacking These are the largest and strongest of
any other nearby creature once the last the three types. They are rarely encoun-
kobold is killed. Even if charmed, a zwer- tered anywhere outside of the Abyss,
gind-will attack kobolds 25% of the time where they roam by the hundreds.
and if it berserks there is a 10% chance Black gremkin have certaln powers of
of the charm being broken. illusion and once per day, they can cast
Forevery4Ozwergind, there will be one each of the following: darkness, blur,
2nd-4th level fighter. If 160 or more are hypnotism, and fear. Furthermore, one
encountered, there will be one.5th and in ten of these creatures is skilled in
The nosarecave-dwellers, most often one 3rd level fighter. If there are 200 or alchemy (as an alchemist in the DMG).
found in family 'households' of 10-120. more,therewill bean additional fighter1 Blackgremkin have large red eyes and
They are also members of clans number- cleric of 3rd-6thi4th-6th level. If more have infravision and ultravision up to 60'.
ing well overathousand -often travelling than 320,therewill beone7th andtwo 5th
vast distances when called to a clan level fighters, a 6th17th and two 4thi4th RED GREMKIN
centre. Each household has 4-40 adult level fighterlclerics. If encountered in Red gremkin are fierce predators and
maleswith one female for each. Halfthe their lair (5O0/o), there will also be 2d6 can be found almost anywhere, some-
pairs will have 1-3 children. Of the adults, 2nd-5th level fighters, 2d4 2nd-4th level times as far as a hundred miles from
there will be a leader (HD:2d8, AC:5), a fightericlerics and females and young their cave lairs. Red gremkin must eat
magic user (HD:ld4, AC:8) and a cleric approximately twice their body weight
(HD:ld6, AC:6). The spell users being a in food each day to survive, and thus
husbandlwife of no more than 5th level. they will attack almost anything that
Plentyn nos have a passion for silver crosses their path. It is rumoured that a
and where possiblewill use it (or mithril) red gremkin lair has wholecavernsfilled
in preferrence to other metals. There is with potential food in the form of live
(90%) likely to be a silverimithril mine prisoners.
within a mile of any nossettlement. Nos Though they are unable t o use magic,
children fetch a high price for their they have a powerful poisonous bite
uncanny ability to seek out these ores. (save versus poison at -2 or die) and
Slaves are needed to work the mines would make.excellent fighters save for
(orcs, half-orcs and dwarfs are prefer- the fact that they often begin t o consume
red) and a wandering party of nos is 50% victims half-way through a battle, and in
likely to be slaving. (They have also been some instances, before the victim is
known to buy slaves from human-run even dead.
slave markets.) Such parties number4-I I
and will carry hooked netswhich hold up GREEN GREMKIN
to 16 strength and snare as for no Green gremkin are usually found in
armour. Slaves are well treated, so long large forests and similar places. They
as they behave. In any settlement, there continually feud with such creatures as
will be 10-40slavescomprising45°/oorcs, equal to 50%and 25%ofthe adult males. leprechauns and pixies, whom they will
20% half-orcs, 20% dwarfs, 15% others. Zwergind have some of the dwarfs' attack on sight. Consequently, they are
innate magic resistance and save as often ruthlessly hunted down and
though 2 levels higher. slaughtered by elf war parties.
In addition to their own language, they They are by farthe most magical of the
speakdwarvish,gnomish, kobold,orcish, three types, and they use their abilities
ZWERGIND common and their alignment tongue. to great advantage in the forest glens.
by F J Dolan Due to their naturally tough skin, they They can do the following once per
areAC7,and any armour bonus is on top round: create mirror images of them-
N o Appearing: 40-400 of this; for example, a zwergind wearing selves, change self and magic mouth.
Armour Class: 7 chainmail is AC2. They typically use the Once per day, they can become invisible
Movement: 6" arms and armour common to dwarfs. for I d 4 turns and can polymorph se1f.O
Hit Dice: Id8
Treasure: K; F, Q, R in lair
Attack: I d 6 or by weapon type
Alignment: Neutral good
Intelligence: Average to very GREMKIN
by Trevor M French
Once rare, but now more common,
zwergind (or dwarf-children as they are Black Red Green
called by the elves) are the descendants N o Appearing: 2-5 2-12 2-12
of a cross-breeding between dwarfs and Armour Class: 4 5 5
kobolds by some evil force. They are short Movement: 6"/12" 6" 6"
(average 31hr) and stocky, with leathery, Hit Dice: 3d8+1 2d8 2d8
dark brown skin and reddish brown hair. Treasure: 0 None None
Theirfacesaredwarvish, except fortheir Attack: 2 claws 1 bite 2claws
protruding jaws, pointed ears and two for I d 6 for I d 4 for I d 4
small lumps on their foreheads, the ves- each plus each
tigal horns of their kobold ancestors. poison
They live for about 220 years. Alignment: Chaotic Lawful Neutral
They are dwarvish by nature, having evil evil evil
60' infravision, mining skills and the abil- Intelligence: Very Av. Av.

The Gods of the Shapelings

1 by Fred Lee Cain
The invisible people covered in last Cleric/Druid: 20th level cleric1
issue's Fiend Factory worship a vast Fiend Factory is a regular depart- 13th level druid.
pantheon of Neutral (or at times, Good- Fighter: 20th level
inclined) deities who are known as The ment for readers' monsters in Magic-User/lllusionist: 28th level
Procreators of Eternity! Only a few have Dungeons & Dragons, edited by magic-userl25th illusionist
the vaguest personification - presented Albie Fiore. This issue, the gods Thief/Assassin: Nil
below are some of them. of last issue's creatures. Monk/Bard: 17th level monW
12th level bard.
- Greater god (god of knowledge, with a I.ongstaff of dark wood entwined S: 23 (+5, +11); 1: 24; W: 24; D: 21;
science and craftwork) with a brazen serpent clutched in one C: 23; CH: 22.
Armour Class: -2 hand. (Treat as a Staff of Magi/Power).
Move: 14"/24" The Champion, Marshall of all the armed
Hit Points: 340 . hosts of the Procreators, is an armour-
No of Attacks: 1 clad figure armed with a +3 Vorpal
Special Attacks: Can bring forces of Sword; Wand of Fear/Fire and Illumina-
nature to bear (lightning, tornado etc). tion; Spell Projector (pistol; multiple
Also can raise wisdom and intelligence options of spells of: holdperson, flame
of a character temporarily. strike, explosive runes, lightning bolt
Special Defences: See above. Can tele- and cone of cold). Clad in blue-black +4
port from danger. plate armour with a silver Belt of Levita-
Magic Resistance: 80% tion, he is the ultimate, personification
Size: M (6') incarnate of the blindly obedient profes-
Alignment: Neutral sional soldier. His battles against such
Worshipper's Align: All alignments foes as Orcus, Tiamat, Belial and Nyar-
Symbol: The balance and chemical retort. lathotep have been epic encounters,
Plane: Limbo from which the Procreator and his num-
Cleric/Druid: 20th level clericl berless legions have always emerged
14th level druid. unvanquished.
Fighter: 5th level fighter.
Magic-Userllllusionist: 30th level each.
ThiefIAssassin: Nil
Monk/Bard: Nil
S: 20 (+3,+8); 1: 24; W: 24; D: 21; C: 21; -Greater God (arbitrator of Destiny,
CH: 20. First among the Procreators)
Armour Class: -1
The Prime Technician is a robed and Move: 2OU/36"
cowled figure clad in light-grey; embod- Hit Points: 400
iment of the blind and dedicated, dispas- No of Attacks: 2 (+spells)
sionate and amoral search for know- DamagdAttack: 10-100 (+16)
ledge. A true Neutral. THE CHAMPION Special Attacks: Gaze of eyes can pro-
The Technician is second in com- -Greater god (god of courage, battle, ject a temporal stasis spell or (against
mand of their conclave. Like his fellows and martial skill) any devils, demons etc of the nether
in 'appearance'; he is depicted as a Armour Class: -5 (plus +4 plate armour) planes) spiritwrack (no save). A touch
humanoid figure dressed in robes, Move: 20"/30"/20"/18" from either hand will act as a l~ghtning
gloves and vacant cowl, of dark blue, Hit Points: 380 bolt, cone of cold, or disintegrate spell.
No of Attacks: 2-3
Damage/Attack: By weapon type and
5-50 (+12)
Special Attacks: Gaze will act as a fear,
death, spiritwrack, dispel evil, flame strike
or disintegrate spell (eyes appear and
glow red when gaze is used as a weapon).
Touch of hand can act as a lightning bolt
and if The Champion strikeswith hisfists,
there is no Save against this (a Save may
be possible if the blow is a kick).
Special Defences: Can teleport, regener-
ation in 3 rounds of any damage. Also,
gaze has powers of know alignment, dis-
pel evil; and confusion (no Save on any
of these).
Magic Resistance: 80%
Size: M (7' tall)
Alignment: Lawful neutral
Worshipper's Align: Lawful neutral (can
be inclined toward Good or Evil; but
must be dedicated to 'martial virtues' of
'order' and 'honour').
Symbol: An empty, crested, blue-black
helmet with raised visor.
Plane: Limbo (The Halls of Eternity)

Special Defences: Teleport, regenera- boots and gauntlets; and a shadowy, great, majestic fanfare of trumpets and
tion in 3 roundsof any damage. Immune fur-lined cowl; with a silver, circlet-band drums (the Procreators herald only their
to any weapons less than +4. hovering motionless over her head as a arrival; never their victory). On such
Magic Resistance: 95% halo and sometimes, a brown cape that occasions, if battle is the order of the
Size: M (6') functions as a Robe of Blending. An day, they will fight relentlessly and with-
Alignment: Lawful neutral apotheosis of all that is loving and pro- out yielding or regard for odds; but
Worshipper's Align: Any alignment tective, she is one of the more actively sometimes, some of their 'help' may be
(though evil worshipper's are usually benevolent figures among the Proc- of 'questionable'value, as they will (10%
only Neutral evil). reatorsof Eternity; bestowing a particular of the time) not hesitate to employ
Symbol: A circle divided vertically into watchfulness over those in love or those weapons of highly destructive enchant-
two halves; half black, half white. especially dedicated to an ideal; or to mentthatwouldthreaten Good as well as
Plane: Limbo those who are lost, lonely, or bereaved. Evil. Such weapons usually result in a
Cleric/Druid: 29th level clericll4th level Though preferring to act unseen, she manifestation of power drawn from one
druid. will, iftaking an active role (in particular, of the Elemental Planes, creating some
Fighter: Il t h level fighter in defence of the young and/or inno- local form of natural upheaval or cata-
Maaic-User/lllusionist: 29th level MU/ cent);be able to provide one or more of clysm (such as a tidal wave, hurricane;
26tF level illusionist. the following spells: blessat +3; protec- earthquake, meteor strike etc). Since
Thief/Assassin: Nil tion from evil; create food and water; such tactics may obliterate any and all
Monk/Bard: Nil find the path or to answer 1-3 questions combatan .s for an area covering any-
Psionic Ability: II or grant 1-3 wishes. If involved in battle, where frori 50' square to 10 square
S: 23 (+5, +11); 1: 24; W: 25; D: 22; C: shewill strikewith a silverwand that can miles, sur~ivalmay depend on precau-
23; CH: 23. inflict 20-50 points damage on a hit, or tions and quick thinking. It's not certain
serve as a Rod of Thunderbolts. whether the Procreators don't realise
The High Overlord is an unseen figure, the magnitude of some of their attacks
apparently clad in armour beneath a or in a true Neutral point of view, see life
cowled and belted jumpsuit, with a and death as only twin parts of nature.
circlet-band of small, linked, square There seems to be some evidence
plates of gold encircling the brow of his that, at least sometimes, this neglect is
hood (like an Arab burnoose). His garb something of an oversight, as (45% of
is a neutral shade of russet-brown, worn the time), if an individual can catch the
over banded gauntlets and armour of sil- attention (in time) of a specific Procreator
vered steel. The High Overlord is recog- (or group) and throw themselves on its/
nised as chief administrator over the their mercy and beseech rescue, the Pro-
Procreators and is a figure of impartial creator(~) will provide some means of
authority, who makes decisions based protection or escape.
on pure necessity, unbiased by emotion, Very rarely (1%)a specific Procreator
hardship or gain. will elect to answer a prayer of a Neutrally
It is rumoured that on rare occasions, inclined character. The High Overlord is
the High Overlord will manifest himself something of an oracular figure and may
(secretly), in the guise of a tall smiling appear (usually enthroned) to bestow
handsome man of middle years, with information or advice (50% chance the
slender youthful frame and features, help of a Seer, Sage or Scribe is needed
silvery-grey hair; charming gracious to fully translate or interpret the infor-
and educated speech. He is always clad mation so it can be helpful [the Procrea-
in white apparel appropriate to the cul- tors will never give false or deliberately
ture and setting to intervene when Fate harmful advice]. The Prime Technician
requires it - always to restore the may provide information, technical
balance of order. General Notes advice and inspiration for a specific
The realm of the Procreators is a problem. The All-Loving can provide a
shadowy nether-domain, forming a wide range of aid if her help is specifi-
labyrinthine complex of palaces and cally requested. (The DM may wish to
laboratories, located between Limbo provide identities for other Procreators
THE ALL-LOVING and the Plane of Concordant Opposi- covering other fields, or clear sugges- .
- Greater goddess tion; ..neither overlv cheerful nor tions for others suggested by Players).
(goddess of benevolence) unpleasant. A placeof mystery and lore; Procreators will only respond person-
Armour Class: -2 waitina and makina: seekina and find- ally to one plea from a character (if at all),
Move: 20"/25"118"115" ing. se an^ beingsYdf ~ o o &d d Neutral and may demand a service in return; but
Hit Points: 360 alignment, it is quiet and shadowy - a they do not demand offerings or answer
No of Attacks: 2 peacetul and pleasant place of wonders for sacrifices (or even insist that one

I Damage/Attack: 20-50
S ~ e c i aAttacks:
~ b e c i aDefences:
See text
See text
unveiled; where dream-like waking
merges with happy but lifelike dreams.
For beings of Evil alignment, unbeing
requesting their aid be one of their wor-
shippers)! They cannot be summoned
or gated.
Magic Resistance: 76% alternates with a shadowy dream-life, Their mannerwhen perceived is lofty,
Size: M (51/z1) where nightmares threaten to become dispassionate and detached; with more
Alignment: Neutral good reality. of a emotionless zeal of self-absorbtion
Worshipper's Align: All alignments Visitors to their realm - mortal or for their own ends. Their eyes will some-
Symbol: Silver halo and wand otherwise - are received with gracious times be seen in the shadows of their
Plane: Limbo/Elysium indifference. Although not directly or helms or cowls; pale, glowing and (usu-
Cleric/Druid: 20th level cleric1 openly allied with any pantheon of ally) blank, their voices are purported to
16th level druid. Good, the Procreators are no friends to sound rather calm, sepulchral and sol-
Fighter: 15th level fighter Evil and have, on more than one occa- emn, but not really unpleasant or fright-
Magic-User/lllusionist: 23rd level sion, launched highly feared and suc- ening (or sad, angry, or hinting much of
magic-user/illusionist. cessful incursions into the realms of the any emotion).
Thief/Assassin: Nil Lords of Evil, for reasons known only to
Monk/Bard: Nil themselves. Final Note: Inspiration for Surrogate-
Psionic Ability: II Altbough they cannot be invoked, Forms comes from art and stories of
S: 19 (+3, +7); 1: 21; W: 23; D: 23; CH: 24. sometimes-during threats of great Evil Steve Ditko, The Iron Warrior; Jack Kirby
-they will respond to a plea for aid (3%), and from the Walt Disney movie Bed-
The All-Loving is a youthful (and appearing in great, armed hosts-often knobs and Broomsticks. The Procreators
shapely) feminine figure seen only in a in eagle or swallow-shaped, flying bird- of Eternity were taken from a two-part
close-fitting, yellow-and-dun-hued ships, or (if at sea) in hugefleetsof shark story in the B&W comic-magazine Weird
jumpsuit; with golden belt; fur-trimmed or crocodile-shaped war-vessels; to a Tales of the Macabre.0

ROK-OR Fiend Factory is a regular department featuring readers' monsters

by James Waterfield for D&D/AD&D, edited b y Albie Fiore. This issue, some creatures
No Appearing: 1-6 from the Planes.
Armourclass: -4 .
Movement: 9"
Hit Dice:

Special, see below
Two clawsfor Id12 each,
bite for 2d10
High Planes Drifters
Intelligence: Average-
The rok-or is a huge (12') beast with a thick
exo-skeleton of a stone-like carapace. taking no damage if it saves successfully. guards, a few of whom escaped to form
Edged weaponsdo no damage to the rok- small colonies in volcanic regions near '

or and have a 5O0I0chance of breaking active lava flows.

(-5%foreach +I oftheweapon) on strik- A typical magmite stands 2'tall and
ing the creature. Blunt weapons do full resembles a thick-limbed, four-legged
damage with no chance of breaking. spider with broad pad-like feet. It
, Slingsfones, giant boulders, etc hurled
at a rok-or are simply absorbed into the
appears to be made of molten rock that
glows bright orange-red with yellow and
creature if they strike. Slingstones give
the beast 1 extra hit point per stone, while
large boulders give it an additional 10 hit
points. If a rok-or is not killed in battle, it
can regenerate hit points by simply
retreating into the rock, regaining 10 hit
points for every turn spent in rock.
The treasure of a rok-or is found inside
the stomach where Id100 gems may be
found depending on the age (hit points)
of the beast.
Being creaturesfrom the ElementalPlane
ofEarth,they havethe abilityto move eas-
ily through solid rock. Normally, rok-or
live within mountains, surfacing on rare MAGMITE
occasions to feed. They crave gems and by Roger E Moore
can detect them from a distance of 60'.
They will attack anyonewith gems, eating No Appearing: 3-10
them whole to get at the precious stones. Armour Class: 3
Due to a rok-or's ability to merge with Movement: 9" white streaks and spots. There seems to
rock, it surprises anyone, except dwarves Hit Dice: 4d8+2 be no definite front or face to the creature,
and gnomes, on 1-4 on ld6. The claws of Treasure: P,R,Y (special) and it can set off walking in any direction
a rok-or are amazingly sharp and power- Attack: 4d4touch, plusspecial from a standing start. k s excellent heat-
ful: they can easily slash any non-magical Alignment: Neutral sensitive 'vision' (120' radius) is provided
metal armour to shreds, completely (lawful tendencies) by two six-inch antennae which project
destroying it. If the victim has a shield, Intelligence: Very up from the central body. Other than
there is a 50% chance that the shield will that, they appear to have no sense of
be destroyed instead of the armour. Magmites are very rarely encountered smell, hearing or taste but are known to
The stone-like armour of the rok-or creatures from the Elemental Plane of possess very good tactile senses.
gives it total immunity to any fire-based Fire, where they are usually found in An aura of intense heat surrounds the
attacks (eg fireballs). It can also resist elec- lava caves near pools of molten rock or magmite to a 5' radius; any creature
trical attacks to a certain degree, taking metal. Efreeti brought a few of them to within this aura attacks at -2 to hit due
half damage if failing its saving roll and the Prime Material Plane as treasure to the heat and will suffer Ipoint of heat
damage every other round unless they
have some magical resistance to heat.
There is no saving throw for the heat
damage from the aura.
Magmites are immune to most spells,
but a few affect them. Any heat or fire
based spells will restore any damage
suffered by the magmite on a 1 for 1
basis. Normal non-magical fires and
heat sources do not affect them. All cold
or frost based spells or attacks will slow
magmitesfor 1 round per hit dice damage
of the attack, though no actual damage
will be caused to them. Water, either
magically produced or natural, will not
affect a magmite at all but will be turned
immediately into a IO'diametercloud of
steam around the creature. This cloud
will last for 2-5 rounds and effectively
blinds the magmite and any others
within the cloud.
Magmites are unaffected by poison,
which their body heat destroys before it
can affect the creature. They are also
immune to all save magical weapons.
Anything that touches a magmite (ex-

cept living creatures or solid rock) must this area, they must save versus polson will render it uninhabitable to the mind
make a saving throw against magical or temporarily lose 1 point of strength. shadow which will re-emerge and in a
fire or melt and be destroyed; magical Any strength lost will return at the rate of flutter of darkness disappear back to its
items receive appropriate bonuses, and 1 point per turn, once the affected person plane of origin.
flametongue swords or weapons are has withdrawn from the chilled area. If a A mind shadow can also attempt to
immune from destruction. Frostbrand person's strength drops below 3, then gain possession of any living creature.
swords will do onlv 1 ~ o i nof t damage they will lose consciousness until their To do this it must first remain in contact

I per hit. Scrolls or spells that protectfrom

enchanted monsters or elementals will
keep magmites at bay.
strength has returned to 3.
Touching an ice mephit with bare
flesh causes 1 point of damage per
for 1 round (successfuI hit againstAC10)
and during thistime attempt to mentally
subdue the victim who cannot retaliate in
The treasure of these creatures will round of contact. Their claws do I d 4 any way during the round. The success of
often consist of several pools of molten damage plus 1 point of cold damage (2-5 this attempt depends on the 'possession
precious metals and a few fire-resistant total). They can also breathe forth a factor' of the individual mind shadow.
gemstones. Less often, this treaure is in cloud of frost (10' diameter), 3 times per This factor ranges from 11-30
a solid, though extremely hot, condition day which does I d 8 damage to those (ld20+10). The victim must total their
and is stored in rocky pits or tunnels within it unless a save versus breath intelligence and wisdom (or double their
within the colony's lair. weapon is made in which case half dam- intelligence if a monster) and then add
Magmites possess a limited form of age is taken. Once per day, an ice mephit the roll of ld6. If this total exceeds or
telepathythat allowsthem to communi- can also cast cool metal, and, once per equals the mind shadows 'possession
cate mentally with persons within 30' of hour, they can attempt to summon factor', they have successfully resisted
them and with other magmites. They another mephit with a 15% chance of the subdual attempt. The mind shadow
have no other psionic-type powers. success. There is an 80%chance that the will then disappearto its plane of origin.
mephit summonedwill be an ice If however, the victim is unsuccessful in
mephit; lo%, a steam mephit; and 10% this, the mind shadow will fade into their
a smoke mephit. body and take complete control. Acleric
There is an 80% chance that a fire or may attempt to turn a live possessed
lava mephit will attack an ice mephit on creature but does so as for turning a
sight and vice versa. ghast. If successfuI, the effect is as
described above.
The mind shadow can only possess a
live creature for 2-7 days due to the
energy required to keep the creature's
MIND SHADOW mind subdued. After this time limit, the
by A Jewson mind shadow must return to its home
No Appearing: 2-8
Armour Class: 3
Movement: 8" (flight)
Hit Dice: ld8+2
Treasure: Nil
Attack: Special
Alignment: Chaotic/lawful evil
Intelligence: Average to very

These weird creatures exist mainly on

the plane of their ruling demon or devil
whom they serve. They are often sent by
ICE MEPHIT their masters to the Prime MaterialPlane
by John S Davies where they appear as small, shadowy
bats. While in thisform,they can only be
No Appearing : 1 hit by +I or betterweapons and can only
Armour Class: 4 remain on the Prime Material Plane for
Movement: 12"/24" 10 rounds unless they manage to possess
Hit Dice: 3d8+ I some creature.
Treasure: Id l 0 platinum pieces Though they have no natural attacks, plane which it can do at will. A.mind
Attack: Two clawsfor I d 4 each, mind shadows have the abilityto possess shadow can never go from the posses-
plus special any living creature or any corpse (but sion of one live creature to the posses-
Alignment: Variable, usually evil, not undead ones!). sion of another live creature without
and mostly lawful evil For a mind shadowto take possession returning to its home plane fora rest. It
Intelligence: Average of a corpse, the corpse must have been can, however, possess a corpse after
dead for no longer than a week or be voluntarily leaving either a live creature
Ice mephitsare most commonly found on extremely well preserved. The mind or a corpse.
the frozen Eighth Piane o f Hell. Steam, shadow must then make contact with If a live possessed creature is killed
fire or lava mephits entering these fro- the corpse for one round after which the while still possessed, then it becomes a
zen planes are attacked on sight, while mind shadow will fade into the body. possessed corpse with attributes as
smoke mephits are barely tolerated. The corpse will then become animated described above.
Ice mephits are often used as messen- under the complete control of the mind Any possessed creature, alive or dead,
gers by creatures of the Lower Planes. shadow. The corpse will have twice its gains the mind shadow's magic resis-
Thus, when encountered on the Prime original number of hit dice regardlessof tance of 50% but does not become
Material Plane, they are usually on some any experience level (a corpse of a 12th immune to non-magical weapons
diabolical errand or mission. They share level fighter for example would only unless it was before possession. The
the other mephits' twisted sense of have twice the number of a 1st level exorcise spell will, if successful, com-
humour and love of the tasteless and vul- fighter, for example). Once the corpse is pletely destroy the mind shadow. Usu-
gar; delighting in tormenting helpless reduced to zero hit points, it will collapse ally, the threat of this spell will frighten
creatures. They also speak the common and the mind shadowwill then be forced off a mind shadow. Any possessedcrea-
mephit tongue as well as their alignment to vacate the body and resume its bat- ture, whether dead or alive, retains its
tongue. like form for a further 10 rounds after original Armour Class.
They are about 5'tall with wings and which it will disappear back to its plane While in possession of any body, the
fangs. They are translucent blue and of origin unless it gains possession of mind shadow cannot be harmed in any
radiatean intensechill in a 5' radius about another creature. Aclericcan turn a pos- way, other than a successfuI exorcise,
themselves. This chill does no damage, sessed.corpse as a shadow. Success- but can only be driven out and then
but for each round that anyone is within fully turning such a possessed corpse harmed.0

Fiend Factory is a regular department for readers'monsters for They can fire two darts per round. In
AD&D/D&D, edited by Albie Fiore. melee they attack with their hands
(though they rarely venture into melee)

by Graham Drysdale
MONSTERS doing 1-211-2 hit points of damage.
The brethren have no use for money
or valuables. Persons passing through
their territory must pay by other means
to gain access. This must either be some
Doubtless the books Lord Valentine's FOREST-BRETHREN service or something edible. Forest-
Castle and Majipoor Chronicles by No Appearing: 10-100 brethren speak only their own tongue.
Robert Silverberg are known to many, Armour Class: 8 They live for forty years or so.
Here is an adaption of the creatures and Movement: 12"
races detailed within them. Hit Dice: 1
Treasure: None
Attack: 1-211-2; see below. METAMORPH
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral N o Appearing: 3-18
SEA DRAGON Intelligence: Low Armour Class: 5
N o Appearing: 10-60 Movement: 12"
Armour Class: See below The forest-brethren are small ape-like Hit Dice: 2+ 1
Movement: 18" beings with pale, smooth, blue-grey skin Treasure: Individuals K, L, M, N, Q.
Hit Dice: See below and thin, wiry limbs. Their hairless heads Aand G in lair.
Treasure: Non are narrow and long with sloping, flat Attack: 1-8
Attack: See below foreheads, supported by fragile necks, Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Alignment: N long and thin. Their chests are shallow Intelligence: Exceptional
Intelligence: Animal to Low and bony, and their framework is slight
without any spare flesh. They are cun- Metamorphs are a race of shapeshifters,
The majipoorian sea dragon is a huge ning and instinctively clever, although beings able to transform the shape of
creature which can reach lengths of u p their intellectual rating is quite low, on a their body by exerting muscular pres-
to 300feet. The sea dragon is a mammal. parwith monkeys and apes. They live in sure on their mobile and non-fixed bone
Although its young develop in eggs, the dense forests and woodlands. structure. This enables them to mimic
eggs hatch inside the mother and the Forest-brethren hunt and move about other forms extremely accurately,
young are consequently born alive. enhanced further by the ability of their
Sea dragons appear much like stan- body cells to change in hue and texture.
dard dragons, having humps along their In their natural form metamorphs are
spines, long thick necks, heavy triangu- slim and angular in build. Their skin isan
lar heads, and small leathery wings, unhealthy pale greenish colour, and
which are used as fins and help them t o their faces show sharp cheekbones, lip-
swim. Dragons are hunted as all of their less mouths and barely existant noses.
body parts can be sold for various uses. Their eyes are without pupils and slant
Those parts especially valued are the inwards at an angle towards the centre
unhatched dragon eggs, useful for of their face. On the whole, they appear
medicinal means, and dragon milk, as frail, fragile and shy creatures, but
which is an expensive luxury. Dragon with some concealed latent power.
bones, which are as strong as steel, may Metamorphs shun other company
be used for building with. other than their own. Sometimes they
Due t o the varying size of dragons, will havecauseto penetrate human soc-
their hit points, armour class and attack iety where they are likely to pose as
strength will differ accordingly. The another race. When they travel in natural
table below shows such variations: form they are mostly treated with con-
tempt due to their uncanny nature.
LengthFt) 6-10 11-40 41-100 101-150 151-200 201-300301+ Metamorphs are not a warlike race
AC 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4
HD 2 5 8 11 15 22 26 in largegroups of 10-100. They make use and travel abroad only in small groups.
Attack 2-8 3-18 3-24 3-30 4-40 5-50 6-60 of a thick, red vine, known as Birdnet They rarely employ weapons and will
vine, which is so sticky that it will bond fight only as a last resort. They do, how-
Sea dragons only attack once per round with extreme strength to anything it ever, have strange psionic powers. Each
and have no lair but dwell in the open touches (including flesh). The vine may metamorph has a psionic strength of
sea, migrating to warmer climes. They only be burnt free. The forest-brethren 101-200 and 2-5 attack and defence
steer away from boats unless they are are immune to the glue-like quality of modes. Their disciplines are Clair-
attacked, which they may ram. A sqa the vine because their skin contains an voyance, Clairaudience and Telepathy.
dragon ramming does (HDI2) points of enzyme which neutralises it. Thus they They speak their own language, their
hull damage. Sea dragons communicate are quite able to work and weave the alignment language, and the common
ultrasonically (much like whales do). vine to produce effective nets or, if it is tongue. They live for hundreds of years.
strung between trees, blockades.
They worship huge, red barked trees,
known as Dwikkas. The tree trunks are
covered in deep, wide fissures, up to
about a foot in length. Though not par-
ticularly tall, the width of the trees is
immense, their great branches spread-
ing out for a few hundred feet or so.
From these branches sprout great leath-
ery black leaves that cast dark, forebod-
ing shadows. Also suspended from these
limbs are the great dwikka fruit, yellow-
ish and spherically shaped, about ten
feet in diameter. The Fruit of Life; with-
outthem no forest-brethren would exist.
Forest-brethren usually attack by
ambushing. They use bamboo blow-
pipes, the darts being coated with a toxic
poison which kills in ten seconds (save
or die, save results in 1-3hp of damage).

feet tall and have greenish tinted skin

that tends to fade with age. They have
tentacular limbs, rubbery but strong,
and large eyes of golden yellow. They
live mostly among humans; few tribes
of vroons exist. They rarely fight, being
fragile and somewhat easily harmed.
They do, however, have a natural under-
standingof sorcery (both magic-user
and illusionist), and about 75% of those
encountered will have some knowledge
of the subject, if only a smattering. 30%
of those spells known will be illusionist
and 70% will be magic-user. Those
vroons of 17 Intelligence or below are
limited to the 9th level of experience;
those few with an 18 Intelligence are
unlimited in their advancement. They
often serve as guides, advisers or pro-
tectors of the rich or majestic.
SKANDAR Vroons are cunning and mischevious, therewill always be afighter of level 1-4.
No Appearing: 2-20 but not malignantly so. They are Hjorts speak hjortish, common and
Armour Class: 5 interesting and pleasant to converse their alignment tongue.
Movement: 9" with, though any hostilities will frighten
Hit Dice: 4 them. They use their wavering tentacles
Treasure: Individuals K, L, M. tocastspells and those abovethird level
B i n lair. will have mastered the ability to remove GHAYROG
Attack: 2-812-812-812-8 fear and 'calm anger' with a mere touch No Appearing: 2-20
I Alianment: Neutral
~ n t e l l i ~ e n c e : Average
(no save). They make use of many ofthe
spells that charm and enchant. They love
water, are good swimmers and prefer
Armour Class:
Hit Dice:
I +I
Skandars come from the frigid north Treasure: Individuals J, K, L.
where their thick hide and coarse grey B in lair.
hair protectsthem from the harsh condi- Attack: 1-6
tions. They stand on average, about Alignment: Neutral
seven feet tall, being heavy jawed and Intelligence: High
having narrow, yellow eyes. They have
two extra arms, placed belowtheir outer Ghayrogs are reptilian, although warm
arms and more towards the centre of the blooded, with smooth, shiny scales
chest. These massive extremities enable covering their bodies. Their eyes are
them to attack four times per round, green and unblinking and their hair is a
each arm doing 2-8points of damage. mass of black curls, which weave and
Sometimes they bear weapons, like writhe monotonously of their own
swords, battle axes and heavy cross- accord. Their tongues are serpent like,
bows, and in this case their strength is forked and flickering. They sleep for only
considered to be 18100 for to-hit and one season each year, remaining awake
damage purposes. However, they can- for the rest of the time.
not use more than two weapons at a time. Ghayrogs usually live in small col-
Although slow and clumsy in their onies and 50% of these will be female
movement, Skandars have amazing with 2-12young each. They are egg
hand-eye co-ordination. Thus, when layers and will incubate their young for
using this ability, their dexterity is taken temperate, warm climates. 2 months before they hatch.
to be equal to an 18 score (+3with Vroons speak common, vroonish and Ghayrogs are a timid race, though
bows). For other considerations, their .their alignment tongue. They live for up intelligent, and live mostly where it is
dexterity gives no bonuses. to 180 years. warm and dam^. favourina sub-tro~ical
Skandars have a hot fiery tempera-
ment and are quick to anger, although
they make their living mostly through
regions. he^ wiil congregate quite hap-
pily with humans, despite their reptilian
appearance, but are peace loving and
trade and not warfare. They are consi- HJORT not particularly adept at fighting. They
dered tolerable by most humans and No Appearing: 2-20 speak the common and their alignment
demi-humans. They tend to keep them- Armour Class: 10 tongue, having no racial one of their
selves to themselves, sometimes seem- Movement: 9" own. They live for about 60 years.0
ing rather grumpy and sour t o other Hit Dice: 1
races, but are generally peaceful. Treasure: Individuals J, K, L.
Skandars speak the common tongue B in lair.
and alignment tongues only, having no Attack: 1-6or by weapon
racial language of their own. They live Alignment: Neutral
u p to about 90 years. Intelligence: Average

Hjorts are insipid creatures of medium

height.They arethick bodied with puffy,
VROON warty textured skin and bulging frog-like
No Appearing: 1-1 2 in rare tribes. eyes.Theirskin is an ashen-grey colour,
Armour Class: 10 often speckled with colours of either 5 --
Movement: 9" orange or green pigment. Other races
Hit Dice: 1-1 find them quite obnoxious.
Treasure: Individuals K, M. E in lair. Hjorts tolerate human company and
Attack: 1-3 may often be seen in market places,
Alignment: Chaotic Good trading their various goods. Most seem
Intelligence: Very to Genius to be merchants or traders, though any
I Vroons are tiny creatures, a little over 2
hjort wishing to adventure may rise to
4th level as a fighter. For any hjort tribe,

Fiend Factory is a regular department for new AD&D monsters, edited b y ~ l b i Fiore.
e Due to demand,
contributions can now be for any system you wish - send yours in no$!
concentrating on the nose, eyes, mouth
and ears. During this time thevictim can
make no attacks except upon the bug,
trying to fend it off, and all attacks
against the victim from other opponents
negate dexterity bonus and shield and
are made at +4 to hit.
The buzzbug will choose the most
active person for its victim and will stay
until killed or the victim dies when it will
move on to another victim.
Stinger Bug
A stinger is distinguished by its dark
blue colourand a small sting on its abdo-
men, it is 11/2" long. It feeds on flesh of
any sort. Stinger bugs are usually
located in temperate to warm conditions.
The stinger is a quiet flyer, surprising
victims 75% of the time. If successful it
alights, unfelt, on its chosen victim. The
next round itwill plunge itssting into the
flesh for 1-2 damage and thevictim must
save vs poison. If the saving throw is
made the stinger will be detected and
may be dealt with swiftly. If the throw
was unsuccessful the victim will fall
By Russell May unconscious in one round for 1-4 hours.
Armbane Buzzbug Stinger Milead Gnaw Giant The stinger will then burrow into the
Bug Bug Bug Mosquito body in 2-5 rounds and will leavea small
Frequency: Common Uncommon Uncommon Common Common Common 1" diameter hole in the flesh of the vic-
No Appearing: 1 11-6 1 I1-4 1 1-4 111-6 111-6 tim. Thereafter it will do 1 hit point of
Armour Class: 2 (5) 1 2 (5) 4 2(5) 2(5) damage per turn, working its way
Movement: 9" 9 9" 9 9" 9" around the body until the victim is dead
Hit Dice: '/2 '/4 '/2 lh '/2 lh (which occurs at 0 hit points as the
Treasure: Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil wounds are internal and can not be
Attack: Pincersfor Distract Sting for Mislead Eat cloth Blood drain found.) If the victim wakes during this
1-3+ I-2+poison for 1-2 and period he will be in immense pain and
disease & burrow disease will likely swiftly become unconscious
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral again. When the victim is dead the
Intelligence: Non Non Non Non Non Non stinger will lay its eggs which will hatch
Size: S(2") S(1") S ( I '/2") S (2") S (2") S (1%") into 1-10 stingers in 4 days.
Once in the body only a cure disease
Bugs are small flying insects. As such Armbane Bug or amputation will remove it, but if it has
they can be found almost anywhere, The armbane bug is 2" long and distin- burrowed into the neck or abdomen
being able to withstand a wide range of guishable by its black colouration and amputation is unadvised!
conditions. To an undiscerning eye they large pincers besides its mouth. It feeds
appear indistinguishable from each on living creatures and can be found in Milead Bug
other, all being small, possessing 6 legs any location where live creatures may This bug is 2" long distinguished by its
and having lace-likewings. However, on be encountered. black body with yellow stripes down its
closer inspection, various features dis- It bites with its pincersfor 1-3 damage. back. It feeds on plants and thus can be
tinguish each species as separate. They There is a 5% chance per wound of con- found anywhere that they are.
will mostly be found singly as they fly tracting a disease unless a saving throw The milead bug is nocturnal and the
about searching for prey, but occasion- vs poison is made. A cure disease will stripe on its back is luminous. This, com-
ally a group may be encountered if in a remove this if infected. Armbanes are bined with the fact that they fly in weav-
particularly favourable environment. quiet and surprise a party 75% of the ing patterns, often misleads adventurers
They do not discriminate between time. It attacks all as AClO if it surprises into believing that they are lanterns,
victims, preying upon any suitable and its presence will be felt once it has other creatures or even will o'the wisps.
targets present, though usually choos- attacked. It will attack once per round They do no physical harm but are good
ing the most noisome. until dead. at misleading and confusing adventurers,
All have effective 60' infravision. espec~allyin locations such as dungeons
1/2 HD = 1-4 points, 1/4 HD = 1-2 points. Buzzbug and swamps.
Magic resistance is standard for all and Distinguished by its dark red colour and
% in lair is always nil. The armour class the fact that it makes an audible buzzing Gnaw Bug
is for the bug in flight; the value in brac- sound when in flight, it is 1" long. A The gnaw bug is 2" long and distin-
kets isthe armour classwhen landed o n buzzbug feeds on sweat particles in the guished by its rusty brown colour with
a victim. Attacks on bugs on a air and will attack during periods of black head.The gnaw bug feeds on dead
victim are rolled as normal. All damage physical exertion, usually melee. It can plant and animal material and can be
done is halved since no one is going to befound nearly anywhere. Itsattack is in found in many places, and is often the
strike an insect with the full force of say the form of a buzz. bane of textile mills.
a mace. If the blow hits the bug takes the The method of feeding i t employs is to It always surprises and alights unfelt
damage - i f it missesthevictim taltes the hover about close to the victim's party on one victim on some part of equip-
damage. Bugs may be burnt off vvith a and selecting onevictim just after melee ment made of cloth or leather. It will
torch delivering 1-6 damage per has begun. The chosen victim will be gnaw away at belts, backpacks, straps
application to bug and victim. Th aware of its presence but all others w ~ l l etc making items seem to suddenly
movement rates are given above are be oblivio.usto it. It hoversabout making break, rip or tear, causing much incon-
flying rates, all bugs are manoeuvrability an extremely annoying buzzing sound, venience and annoyance. They do no
class A for aerial melee. and darts about the head of the victim damage to flesh.

Giant Mosquito Bug attacked with cold. ing an explosion inflicting 2d4 damage
Distinguished by a slim grey body with A favourite attack method is to drop within a 10' radius (save results in l/2
long proboscis. It feeds on the blood of from ceilings into hair. lgni beetles com- damage), except for the eggs. The oils
animals and is in the region of 11/2" long. municate with each other by a form of are readily soluble in water, even when
It makes a quiet buzz while flying and telepathy. flaming,and thus can be preventedfrom
surprises 50% of the time. If it surprises There is also a rare form of igni beetle exploding.
a victim it alights and has one attack which attacks using cold instead of fire.
before being noticed. If it does not
surprise it needs a hit to alight. Once
landed it sucks blood for 1-2 damage1 CARAXE
round until it or the victim dies. There IS FLAME BEETLES by Matthew Williams
a 5% chance per round (cumulative) of by F Blades
contracting a disease unless the victim No Appearing: 3-18
savesvs poison. This may be cured by a No Appearing: 2-8 Armour Class: 3
cure disease spell. Armour Class: 4 (3) Movement: 6"
Movement: 12" Hit Dice: +
2d8 3
Hit Dice: +
1 1 (2 +2) Treasure: Fin lair
IGNl BEETLE Treasure: none Attack: 1-411-412-8
Simon Craddock Attack: 2d4 (2d6) Alignment: Neutral
Defences: Special Intelligence: Animal
No Appearing: 4-16 Alignment: Neutral
Armour Class: 0 (3) Intelligence: Animal These small 2 feet long creatures look
Movement: 3" Size: (3 totally unaggressive as they scuttle
Hit Dice: 1d8+ 1 around dungeon corridors in search of
Treasure: none These giant hermaphrodite beetles are food, which to them is anything edible.
Attack: Special (see below) about 3' long and are covered by a dull However, they are covered in extremely
Alignment: Neutral redlbrown exoskeleton. They are hard skin, hence the low armour class,
Intelligence: Non scavengers and are quite common in and their teeth can bite through almost
Size: (S) most areas, although they are rare in anything. They will not attack adventurers
most larger settlements since they are unless they enterthe territory surround-
The igni beetle is three inches long and regarded as vermin. ing the lair, which will be very well hid-
one inch wide with a tough (ACO) jet The beetle's shell appears to be wet - den. When caraxi attack they leap u p at
blackshell. Underneath the shell are the this is due t o the continual secretion of their enemies biting and scratching, and
beetle% vital organs (AC3).The igni bee- oils from the oil sacs within the body. as they do this they squirt their enemy
tle is found in the lower regions of dun- These oils are a vital part of the beetle's with a special secretion (roll t o hit). This
geons, where the absence of light makes life cycle. They are highly volatile and smells terrible and cannot be washed
them undetectable, unless they are when the beetle comes into contact with off. The party will not be able to surprise
observed closely. It lives on burnt fire, the whole shell becomes covered anyone who can smell this and they will
material, moving towards any source of with flames. In this 'flamed' form the attract wandering monsters until it
beetle gains the bracketted characteristics wears off after 6 hours.
The heat given off by the flames
affects the eggs within the beetle's body
and they start to develop rapidly, hatch-
ing in 6 turns.
The beetle is attracted to flames and
will attack any creature holding a torch
or lantern to attain its flamed form. Once
this is achieved the beetle will try to find
food (including unconscious or dead
characters) for its carnivorous larvae.
The beetle will not lay the eggs until it
has found a food source, and so if after
an hour the eggs have not been laid,
they hatch inside the beetle which sub-
sequentl~ydies and is used as food by
the larvae. 2 to 8 young will survive and
mature within 6 to 8 hours. The larvae
have 1 to 3 hit points, AC9 and inflict 1
point of damage on open wounds.
w If the beetle is killed inflamed torm, all
heat (eg torches, warmth of bodies etc). the oil from the oil sacs is expelled caus- Caraxi were created many years ago
On reaching the heat source it clingsto i t by the evil magic-user Nashtaz, but his
causing 2 points of damage. On the next spells did not work properly so the
turn the igni beetle rubs its underbelly, caraxi turned out to be too small for his
creatina a small flame. which causes a liking. He threw them into the wild
further3 points of damage t o any crea- before he realised their true potential.
ture in contact with the flame (the beetle Their eggs, if ground upand mixed with
is resistant to fire), any flammable different types of acid, produce potions.
objects are also set alight, causing more The potions are randomly made, so roll
damage. The igni beetle eats the burnt on the following table to determine
material, gaining nourishment and one type:
extra hit point per segment up to its
maximum of five. To remove a beetle a 1 : Dragon control 4 : Animal control
character needs 13 strength and one 2 : Giant control 5 : Plant control
point of damage is caused t o the charac- 3 : Human control 6 : Undead control
ter due t o ripped flesh. lgni beetles take Roll for individual type controllable for
half damage from bladed weapons, nor- each potion. From 2-8 eggswill be found
mal damage from blunt weapons, w o in the lair.
points of damage per turn if sub
$ rsed
in liquid,except oil (they cannot tack if
under water) and double damade if
Because of this caraxi were hunted
down, and their numbers fell and they
n o w live underground.

Fiend Factory is a reguJar department for readers' D&D/AD&D monsters. This issue, some scenario
suggestions o n . . .

The White Hart
The party are hired by a merchant
requiring deer antlers and hides. Hetells
them of a large herd in the vicinity that
heads up into the mountainstowinter in
the sheltered grazing lands there. The
merchant keeps to himself thesmall fact
that the herd is led by an albino stag who
appears each winter to protect the herd
from predators and hunters.
by Edward J Priestiey
No Appearing: Unique
Armour Class: 7
Movement: 24"
Hit Dice: 7d8+7
Treasure: Nil
Attack: Antlers for 2d6 or two
forehoovesfor I d 4 each
Alignment: Neutral good
Intelligence: Average (normal)
This fabulous, unique creature is a fierce
white stag that is easily distinguishable
from any mere albino deer. It appears
onty when a herd of red deer, or one of
the herd, is endangered. The danger can
be from a being of any alignment which
does not naturally prey on deer and is
above animal inteltigence. Therefore the
summoning will usually be caused by
violence from humanoids.
Charging from the exact centre of the
herd, the white hart will immediately
head for the aswilant. It always uses its
antlersfor its first atttack and wiH usually
use them throughout, however after 3-6
rounds, if necessary, it may switch to its
sharp forehooves.
The likelihoodof the hart appearingdue
to an attackon any red deer is asfollows:

RedDeer in RedDeer

teleporffrcrm the P r i m Material Planeto

appear elsewhere, at a later date, fully
recovered. It will also teleportaway once
The mast unmistakable and distinctive SCENARIO 2
markofthe white hart is the plaited gold Clearing the Way
rope ringing its neck, bestowedbysilvanus The main mountain pass has become
the Celtic god of nature and said to be increasingly dangerous despite agree-
the centre of its powers. Anyone rnents with the local tribe of gwillion
attempting to grasp this rope is which have held good for years. Travellers
immediately c~nfusedfor14 melee who have got through believe that
rounds (as 7th level druid spell). During human females are at the greatest risk.
combat, therg is a 3% chance that the - Loc~tlofficials charge the party to find
rope will be struck accidentally by an theeause of the disruption.
attacker (5%if they specifically aim at it). The reason is that the gwillion have
Striking ~e rope will cause the attacker had their territories invaded by the


No Appearing: 3-12
Armour Class: 3
Movement: 15"
ZIROSOWNEE (Two-Headed Eagle)
by Anthony Howcroft
By weapon typelspell
Alignment: Neutral evil No Appearing: 1
Intelligence: Very

and two talonsfor Id8

the following spells (as a 6th level Cramesha live in tribes, usually in caves. only ever encountered individually.
illusionist) up to twice each per day: They are largely herbivorous and cultivate The zirosownee can only be surprised
dancing lights, darkness, wall of fog, various mushrooms. The tribal priest, when in its lair during daylight, dueto its
hypnotism, and misdirection. In any who is also the chief, has 2nd-4th level exceptional vision,and even then, only on
group, there will be a leader with full hit clerical abilities. He can brew a magical a 1 in 8. Darkness does not impair the
points who cast the above spells and drug from special mushrooms which sight of this ferocious nocturnal hunter.
hallucinatory terrain once per day and induces a trance lasting I d 6 turns and It prefers to dive to the attack (from
chaos once per week (all as a 10th level bestows the powers of clairaudience and 50', or higher, gains +4to hit and double
illusionist). All gwillion are immune to clairvoyance.However,for2d4turnsafter damage for talons only but precludes a
fear and scare spells. the trance the priest is slowed. beakattack),grasp its prey in itstalonsand
AsuccessfuI hit by weapons madefrom Every full moon,thetribemustsacrifice then climb several hundred feet to drop
cold iron will always score maximum a human female to their deity. There- thevictimto itsdeath onthe rocks below.
damage on a gwillion and silvered fore, raiding parties (of 2-8 males) Somehow a zirosowneecan control the
weapons do only half-damage at best. searching for a victim will often be weather within a 50 mile radius.of its lair.
Other non-magicalweapons have no effect encountered shortly before a full moon. It does this to great advantage, covering
but enchanted weaponswill harm them. At other times, they avoid contact with its tracks and confusing hunters with gales
They take only half-damage from cold- other races. They do not trade; hence their and storms. This power is strong enough
based or electrical attacks if they fail to primitive weapons and lack of money. to shatter all other weather control
save, a quarter damage if they do. A typical tribe is comprised equally of spells in the area. It can create a small
Gwillion often wait for passers-by on adult males,femalesand young. Females area of calm around itself yet maintain
mountain trails, allowing themselves to are as strong as males and fight in the bad weather in the surrounding area. In
be seen while they watch from their same way. The young have 1-2 hit dice combat, itwill summon a storm and direct
perches on high rocks or ledges. They and do not fight: it is against tribal cus- 1 lightning bolt at the victim every 10
enjoy misleading travellers and will tom to shed blood before coming of age. rounds. Because of this unusual power, it
attack when their prey appears lost and can fly in any weatherwithout restriction.
disorganized. Though immune to fear, They speak their own lang-uagebut
gwillion retreat immediately if con- can also communicate telepathically.
fronted with cold iron. The zirosownee is a favoured steed of
typeVI demons (lO%chance of any bird
encountered being ridden by one).

by Nick Payne
The relationships between the various
No Appearing: 20-120 (tribe) creatures is obviously up to the DM.
2-8 (raiding party) The zirosownee is stronger than normal
Armour Class: 8 predators. Its unique properties, in par-
Movement: 9" ticular, could be coveted by a warlord or
Hit Dice: 3d8+2 wizard. Alternatively, the party could be
Treasure: 5xQ in lair paid a small sum to kill the large eagle
Attack: By weapon types that is preying on the local herdsmen's
Alignment: Chaoticlneutral flocks and deer. The white hart could
Intelligence: Low-average even come to their aid in such a set up.
In a mini-campaign,the creatures could
These primitive, tribal humanoids be used as additional hazards on a wilder-
inhabit hilly or.mountainous regions. ness trek, or to construct a reason, such
They are 7'tall, strong, hairy and, most For random monsters use the following as those above, to entice the party on a
remarkably, havethree arms. The single table: foray into the bleak mountains.0
Fiend Factory is a regu-
lar department for read-
ers' monsters.

Many hundreds of years ago

the prosperous oasis city of
Trogaar controlled all trade
throughout the desert region.
Gradually the sands /

reclaimed its land, and th

people slowly abandoned theY';
city as more fell into disrepair.
The High Priest, Desv, died
with the city when its final
.defences were breached by
the elements and the increas-
ing numbers of desert
marauders. Desv had sDent
the last desperate months
creating a creature to protect
the holv laces from desecra-
tion, the 'sand golem. In these

times they numbered over
two hundred, only a handful
now remain to carry out their
final task; to kill all intruders.
Showing no fear, they
methodically carry out this
task until their foe or they are

SAND GOLEM will anywhere there is sand. The storm Desert orcs are mainly sand-brown in
by Ian Alvarri will not radiate any form of magic if colour retaining the pinkish snouts and
magic is detected for inside it. Also dark brown hair of their normal cousins.
No Appearing: 1 within the storm, the golem has a magic Desert orcs have well developed tusk-
Armour Class: 7 resistance of 20% and its foes are at -2 like lower canines and some are known
Movement: 8" to hit. Each person in the storm must to have a short horn based on their
Hit Dice: 50HP make a save vs magic or become con- foreheads.
Treasure: Nil fused from the swirling patterns of sand, Desert orc tribes appear to be just as
Attack: 2-20 plus special the effect lasting for 1-2 rounds. This hateful towards other tribes as they are
Intelligence: Low saving throw must be made at least once to the majority of human and demi-
Alignment: Lawful evil every three rounds while within the humankind. Desert orcs principally
storm. fight, however, not fortribal respect and
The sand golem stands over 9'tall and is Never having to eat or rest, a sand honour, nor for greed, but simply
heavily muscled in build with a strength golem can stalk its prey at a steady rate because they delight in seeing crea-
of 19with all bonuses. The golems range of 15 miles per day or until the prey tures, other than themselves, in great
in colour from a bright yellow to a light leaves the desert. The deep black orbs pain. Likethe majority of sadistic bullies,
brown. which are its eyes can cause fear unless however, desert orcs are great cowards
They are immuneto weapons under a a saving throw is made. A disintegration at heart.
magical + I in value. To disguise its or two dig spells cast upon the golem Desert orcs are often (60%) encoun-
approach, the sand golem will create a will destroy the sand golem. tered riding light war horses and for
sandstorm covering an area of three every 20 encountered there will be a
hundred square yards, centred upon the groupmaster of 14HP and 1-2 champions
golem. Anyone who is caughtwithin this of 13HP. If 80 or more desert orcs are met
storm will be blindedfrom it on a 1-5on The upper levels of the city have been there will be a sub-chief of 2+2HD,
a D6. Within this sandstorm the golem occupied by a large tribe of desert orcs, 2 groupmasters and 5-20 champions.
will surprise it's opponents 90% of the who have discovered a well still fed by a Sub-chiefsarearmourclass 2and do an
time. Agolem can create such a storm at stream,far belowthe surface of the city. additional 2HP of damage. The desert
Thev do not venture into the lower orc lair is above ground 95% of the time

Ireachesof the passageways beneath the

city, they fear the sand golems as much
as the sand s n i ~ e r swhich lurk near this.'
their only source of water. The desert
orcs use the city as a base for all their
and consists of a-wooden stockade
within which are D10+20 log huts. This
stockade will be defended bv3-12 watch
towersand 3 heavy and 2 light catapults
for every 30 warriors. There is a 30%
raiding activities. chance for any lair to have 1-2 ballistae.
If the lair is subterranean then there is a
DESERT ORC 65% chance of the tribe using 1-6 giant
by Duncan Gregory scorpions as guards.
The desert orc lair contains thefollow-
No Appearing: 20 - 200 ing figures in addition tothose previously
Armour Class: 4 mentioned: a chief (AC2, HD3,3-12
Movement: 9" (D10+2) damage), a group of 1-4 sub-
Hit Dice: 1+6 ' chiefs, and 5-30 champions selected as
Treasure: Individuals L, M; bodyguards. Females equal to 150% of
D, ( ~ 5 )S, in lair the number of males are present and
Attack: . 1-8,0r by weapon fight as goblins: young equal to 200-300%
Intelligence: Low-Average of males are also present but are non-
Alignment: Lawful evil combatant.

good night vision which enablesthem to place near oases and murky waterholes
see up to 60' or 90' on bright moonlit in sand-swept deserts. Snipers are a hid-
nights. den terror, waiting in their concealed
The cactus cat is small, being about homes beneath the sand.
the size of an ocelot but is covered in jet The sniper's 5 huge and heavy tentacles
black fur which consists of small, tightly lie just out of sight, covered with sand,
packed hairs. These are noticeably never hesitating to snatch at any form of
longer on the ears. life. Generally yellow-tan in colour, the
To aid survival in the arid wastes in 30 or40foot long tentaclesstretch outto
which they live during drought, they form the perimeter of the sniper's
drink the sap of cacti. They have territory. Unlike the hard, scale,
developed bony ridges on their forearms armoured tentacles, the sniper's short
tocutthrough thetough, leathery skin of cylindrical body is rather soft and leath-
all but the biggest cacti. Each cactus cat ery in texture. Being well-covered by
will have several cacti itwill visit. After it sand the body is almost never exposed.
hasdrunkfrom one plant itwill move on Two small clawed flippers allow the
to the next before returning to it in a few buras its hidden tortoise-like movement
days orweeks later. During thistimethe within the sand.
wound will have healed over; contact Exploding from beneath the sand, a
with the atmosphere sometimes causes single tentacle will seek to hit the victim
The real difference, however, between the sap to ferment near the wound. (unlessthe prey is not surprised the buras
the desert orc and his normal cousin is The next time the cat drinks from the will fight the first round at +4to hit).
realised in combat. Unlikethe normal qrc, plant it becomes mildly intoxicated and Then a second tentacle will burst forth.
the desert orc's first choice is not his in this wild condition these normally Each hit by a tentacle constrictsfor 2-7 of
weapon, but a magical ability to control timid creatures have been known to raid damage. There is a 25% chance that the
the sand around him. The desert orccan, desert encampments for food. They will creature struck by a tentacle will have its
with a swaying of his hands,causedustor' try to run off with whatever items they upper limbs pinned and held. To break
sand particles in a 20' radius to rise in a have managedtosteal instead offighting. free a tentacle must be severed or con-
swirling, hypnotic pattern. The effect of These animals are rarely encountered striction negated. The sniper is very
this phenomenon is the same as a and then usually only where cacti pre- strong; the chances of breaking free
confuse spell, lasting for 2-8 turns, with from its grip are the same as Bending
normal saving throws. Desert orcs can Bars.
control sand in this way twice every day, Once caught the sniper will drag the
each 'casting' taking 2 rounds to per- victim toward its mouth. Every round
form. The swirling dust disperses after the monsterwill drag the prey 10'closer;
1-3 rounds and only one saving throw is within four melee rounds the helpless
required during that time. A group of victim will be drawn under the sand, to
desert orcs typically armed as shown suffocate and finally meet the sniper's
below: craving mouth. The area around the
sniper's mouth and body is very
Scimitar and heavy crossbow 50% treacherous; the ground is soft and shift-
Scimitar and dagger 20% ing, which in itself will draw any unsus-
Scimitar and spear (2-6) 15% pecting creature to its death, like
Spear and heavy crossbow 10% quicksand (3-18 melee rounds).
Club and spear 5% Snipers are particularly vulnerable to
cold attacks (double damage), but they
Desert orc arms and armour is usually take half damage from fire. When hurt or
ill-kept; bloodstained, dirty and often if 2 or more tentacles are severed the
rusty. Likewise their horses have been buras will withdraw, blowing a cloud of
known to collapse in battle and often can fine sand into the air. It will attempt to
only just support the weight of their dig down burying itself in the sand. Any-
riders. they will be male and female and there one caught inside the 30' diameter by 8'
is a 70°hchance ofthem having 2-5cubs high cloud will lose his eyesight for 1-6
in their lair. turns (no save).
The buras has no treasure of its own,
The ecology of the area is in a very pre- but if found in its lair, lying just beneath
carious blance. The arrival of the desert the sand is the wealth of past adventur-
orcs some twenty years ago wiped out The most dangerous predator near the ers who were not so fortunate.
the small amount ~f wild animals in the c,ity is the sand sniper. Their ancient The city and its new inhabitants suffer
area with one exception, the cactus cat. name is buras and they prey almost the same problems of survival that
The fur of this creature is highly prized exclusively on de.sert orcs. The single others endured in the past, time has
by the orcs. It is common for their well which the orcs control is the life -
gone full circle.
champions to wear small caps made of blood of the whole area, and the buras
this as a sign of their speed and ability. will not stray far from its source. The
orcs will organise regular hunts to clear
CACTUS CAT the surroundings.
by Peter Fawcett
No Appearing: 1-2 by Kevin Readman
Armour Class: 5
Movement: 18" No Appearing: 1-6
Hit Dice: 2d8 Armour Class: 3
Treasure: Nil Movement: 4"
Attack: 1 bitefor I-3and Hit Dice: 3-5
2 clawsfor 1-4 Treasure : Clnil
Alignment: Neutral Attack: 2 tentacles, 2-71217
Intelligence: Animal Alignment: Neutral
Intelligence: Low
These creatures inhabit arid and semi-
desertregionswherethey liveon a diet of The sand sniper, or the buras, is only
small rodents and snakes. They are known to inhabit hot, arid regions; this
mainly nocturnal and have extremely beast is more numerous and commbn-


Fiend Factory is a regular depart- alignment tongue and the common

' ment featuring readers'monsters. tongue.

by Steven Prizeman
A new creature and an encounter
for the AD&D game from
J R R Tolkien's Silmarillion


No Appearing: 1- 8
Armour Class: 3
Movement: 10"
Hit Dice: 1-1 itself will be a fairlv non-descript corn-
Treasure: Individuals K, M; H,Q, plex of living rooms, store rooms,
R in lair kitchen and a communal room.
Attack: By weapon or 2-7 If the relations between the players
Alignment: Chaotic neutral and the noegyth nibin are cordial, they
Intelligence: Average to very will be quite-receptive to suggestions
such as assisting the players on their
The noegyth nibin, or petty-dwarfs, are quest, provided that sizeable amounts of
a dying race. Originally outcasts from treasure are promised. They will not
dwarfish cities these once normal countenance having to deal with their
dwarfs regressed and changed - both enemies.
physically and culturally. The noegyth nibin will always stick
When the elves first encountered this together; there are few of them left, and
strange new race they hunted and killed most will be related to each other. The
them until they learnt better. The petty- members of this community number
dwarfs care for no one but themselves nine souls.
.and have dealings with no others. They
gain the same attack and defence DRURM : male; age 305; S:17; 1:15;
bonuses as ordinary dwarfs when fight- W:16; D:16; C0N:lO; CH:12(14); CN;
ing orcs, trolls, etc, whom they hate, but Fighternhief; HTK38; ACI; 5thl6th level.
against elves, the race they hate the Personality: Proud, brave, determined.
most, they gain a bonus of +2 to hit. Physical Appearance : Wizened but
Although they will not attack elves on imposing.
sight, it requires only the slightest pro- Carries: Leather armour, shield, hand
vocation to cause conflict. axe, dagger with scabbard, 2 darts,
Petty-dwarfs are more dextrous and thieves' tools, 8gp, l0sp.
stealthy above ground than their under- Notes: +I +
to hit, 1 damage,
ground brethren and surprise enemies +I reactionlattackina adiustment.
one-third of the time. They are usually Drurm led hissmaigrdup offollowers
armed with short bows, axes and here many years ago. They have kept
spears. Having lost their mining skills, themselvesto themselves. and know little
petty-dwarfs cannot detect oldlnew, or nothing concerning the surroundings
dangerouslsafe stonework as true that could help the players. If the players
dwarfs do, but they retain infravision to talk to the noegyth nibin they will only
a distance of 60'. Similarly, their resis- learn of their origins. Drurm has the fol-
tance to magic and poison has decreased lowing thievish abilities:
to the extent that thev save aaainst such PP: 55%; OL: 52%; FIRT: 45%; MS:
attacks at only 2 levels high& than they 47%; HinS: 37%; HN: 20%; CW: 92%;
actually are. RL: 20%.
Noegyth nibin live in small family (Noegyth nibin thieves suffer a 10% pen-
groups or clans. Any given community alty on their ability to read languages.)
will never contain more than two-dozen
members. The leader of any such group RHlM: male,age 192; S:15; 1:13; W:15;
will be a fifth level fighter who will have D:10; CON:13; CH:1 l(13); CN; Fighter;
1-3 bodyguards of third or fourth level. HTK 21; AC2; 3rd level.
Noegyth nibin player characters may Personality: Loyal, arrogant,
become fighters, thieves or multi-classed foolhardy.
fighterlthievesand are unlimited in level Physical Appearance : Ordinary.
progression in any of these. They must, Carries: Studded leather armour,
however, subtract 1from their Constitu- shield, hammer, short bow, quiver of
tion and 2 from their Charisma (with 10 arrows, throwing dagger, 5gp, 9sp.
regard to other races). They may also Notes: Rhim is the eldest son of Drurm
add 1 to their Strength and Dexterity, and is the third in command in this par-
although they have a maximum Strength ticularclan. Hewill bevery suspicious of
of 18/50. Petty-dwarfs speak their own outsiders,fearing thatthey will take over
language, that of other dwarfs, their their territory.

9 arrows, 2 darts, thieves'tools, 4gp, 17sp.

Notes : +2 reactionlattacking adjust-
ment. PP:40%; OL:39%; F/RT:25%;
MS:26%; HinS:20°h; HN:10%; CW:86%;
Fjor is Drurm's second son. He is more

RORVEN : male, age 274; S:13; 1:13;

W:8; D:10; C 0 N : l l ; CH:15(17); LN;
Fighter; HTK36; ACI; 4th level.
Personality : Hasty, brave, honest.
Physical Appearance : Smart.
Carries: Chainmail armour, shield,
hammer, morning star, dagger and
scabbard, 7gp, 9sp.
Notes : Rorven is the brother of Drurm
and is second in command of this clan.
The other noegyth nibin have no spe-
cial skills otherthan those possessed by
all such creatures.
GROTEN : male, age 79; N; HTK3; AC3.
Personality: Introverted, calm, practical.
Physical Appearance : Good looking
(for a dwarf!)
Carries : Leather armour, spear, 5 darts,
hammer, 2gp, 8sp.
Notes: Groten is the son of Rorven. He
will have little t o do with strangers.

Notes : Traun is the brother of Vurn.

VURN : male, age 95; NE; HTK7; AC2.
Personality: Callous, vicious,
Physical Appearance : Ordinary.
Carries : Studded leather armour,
spear, hammer, Igp, 4sp.
Notes: Vurn is the brother of Traun. He
will be most hostile to strangers.

Carries : Dagger, spear, 5sp.

Notes : Gruthe is the husband of Yera.
YERA: female, age 89; CG; HTK3; AC3.
Personality: Honest, helpful,
Physical Appearance : Ordinary.
Carries : Dagger, 4sp.
Notes : Yera is the wife of Gruthe. She

The hoard of this clan consists of

1000 platinum pieces, 3000 gold pieces,
8000 silver pteces, and 15 pieces of
jewellery worth a total of 900gp. The
noegyth nibin will alwaysseekvengeance
on those who wrong them, unless this

1 Fiend Factory is a regular department for readers'monsters. This issue the environs o f . . .

THE SILENT HATER Monsters and a Short Scenario for AD&D

The adventure ideas in this Fiend Factory weapon once an hour. Following the lent of 18 strength; beings fighting it
would be ideally suited for operations attack with the ray o f enfeeblementthe need 17 strength to make any headway
based in a marsh-side village such as gachragar attacks with a savage bite against it (V4" move), 18 to achieve 1"
Blackmarsh (detailed in Dungeon from its many-toothed jaw. movement and exceptional strength to
Planner I1I. Gachragi are territorial animals and move at any significant rate -add 1" to
The outer reaches of any empire are defend their waters with ferocity. a I" base rate for every 10% points; giant
always the most dangerous places to Beyond the boundaries of its territory a (20+) strength allowsvirtually free move-
I be; a village on the banks of a river gachragar will withdraw if seriously ment, although damage is still taken.
which borders a vast uninhabited wounded, whereas in its domain the The strong toad is omnivorous,
; swampdoubly so. The balance between creature will fight to the death. aggressive, highly territorial, and natur-
man and nature continually hangs by a ally very bold.
1 thread, the slightest alteration to the
ecology of the area can mean disaster.
The village that the adventurers find STRONG TOAD
; themselves in is on the verge of such a by Phil Masters Sporadic hunts have forced these crea-
disaster. Notable extraordinary deni- tures further away from the settlement,
zens that are now under control are the No Appearing: 1 and recently, therefore, the village has
gachragi and the strong toad, both of ArmourClass: 0 become relatively prosperous. Green
which still present a slight danger to the Movement: 6" salamanders, the latest creatures to rise
fishermen. Hit Dice: I+I to dominance across the river, have not
Treasure: Nil as yet presented any problems for the
GACHRAGAR Attack: Gaze, special village.
by Anthony Howcroft Alignment: Neutral
Intelligence: Animal
No Appearing: 2-8
Armour Class: 5 The strong toad is a large toad which
Movement: 16" bears a tortoise-like shell of incredible
Hit Dice: 4+4 toughness. It radiates a strange, shim-
Treasure: J,K,L,M,N,Q,V mering glowthat makes it extremely dif-
Attack: 4-16 ficult to focus on its exact position, as
Alignment: Lawful evil well as negating faerie fire and darkness
spells; after each four rounds spent in
melee with the strong toad, opponents
will become dazzled and confused,
attacking at -2 to hit for 3-12turns sub-
sequently; this effect is cumulative. This
glow, combined with the toughness of
the creature's shell and its high level of
agility, give it +3 on all saves vs attacks
that cause physical damage or death. In
any case, the strong toad can regenerate
by Trevor M French
No Appearing: 2-20
Armour Class: 7
Movement: 9"/9"
Hit Dice: 3d8
Treasure: 0
Attack: 1 bite (1-6)
and 2 claws
(1-4,l-4) plus special
Alignment: Neutral evil
Intelligence: Average

Green salamanders are humanoid

pools. Mauve in colour, except for a tur- lizard-like creatures, whose slimy blue-
quoise fin on the rear of the head and black skin is covered in purple spots.
luminous red eyes, they present a They are amphibious and are usually
foreboding visage. Gachragi group found in swamps or large lakes.
together in small, supportive family In combat the green salamander will
groups. However, in times of hardship become enraged and secrete acid
they will have no scruples about devour- through its skin-pores. Its whole body
ing each-other. will be affected and thus anyone bitten
when in combat a gachragar will The strong toad's oddest power, how- or struck with its claws will also suffer 1-4
begin the fight by using itsgazeweapon, ever, is its ability to project a beam of additional points of damage and are
a ray o f enfeeblement, unless it has attractive or repelling force from its 50% likely to have the area affected
already exhausted this power (10% eyes. Mirror surfaces do not deflect this made useless in 1-4rounds; it w ~ llast l
chance). The ray has the effect of reduc- beam, which moves its target at a 5" until healed. Once a green salamander
ing the strength of the victim by 50% movement rate, and does 1-3points of has been killed the acid will remain on
with all consumate results, unless the damage per round to anything that the skin-surface for 1-4rounds after-
victim saves by rolling under its wisdom attempts resistance, or 1-6points per wards and can be extracted at a rate of
on a d20. The weakness lastsfor5 hours, round toanything that istrapped against two flasks per round.
but the gachragar can only usethis gaze a solid surface. The gaze has the equiva- Green salamanders are relatives of
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Fiend FactoIry is a bi-
monthly department
for readers ' n e w

I Vivimancers are created from high level

characters at thetime of their death by a
every fifty years of existence they
increase one level, to a maximum of fif-
and Roses (qv). The moon is of special
significance; Vivimancer abilities are
patron deity on the NG plane of Elysium. teen. After750 years, or if they are killed, tied in to its phase and the crescent
Their prime object is to aid goodly the spirit leaves the body and goes to the moon is their personal symbol.
characters in their struggle against evil. plane it would have when the original Most Vivimancers undertake their
They can operate on all planes except incarnation died. Each patron deity may work as discreetly as possible. Favoured
the Prime Material Plane, which is only have one Vivimancer at a time. characters (especially those worship-
forever barred to them. The nature of the In combat and for saving throws,Vivi- ping the patron deity) may receive a
Vivimancer ensures an inimical attitude mancers are equivalent to Clerics. They Rose. In the Elysium home of a Vivi-
to undead, devils and demons, but espe- are NG, have eleven hit dice, a natural mancer it is usual to find a well-stocked
cially Necromancers. Vivimancers are armour class of two (DEX can modify) Iibrary,forthey are hoarders of informa-
spiritual forms but retain physical and may only be hit by + I or better tion. These homes are typically large,
appearance, characteristic scores (of weapons. Additionally, they have a 50% temple-like structures, surrounded by
which INT must be 17+ and WIS 15+) magic resistance and a detect invisibility gardens full of the scent of roses. Within
and weapon proficiency from their origi- chance of 50% + I % per level. The only the boundaries of the garden, it will
nal incarnation, but start at first level. For magic items they may use are weapons always appear be summer, and the

therapeutic properties triple the usual Table 1: Number of Abilities per Level DM'S discretion.
rate of healing of characters staying Level Of Ability Level Return to Outer Plane. As for the
there. Vivimancer 1 2 3 4 above ability, except any outer plane can
1 1 - - - be the destination.
Abilities 2 2 - - - Teleport Other. As Teleport Self except
All Vivimancers have the following 3 3 - - - others may be teleported. One extra per-
innate abilities: 4 3 1 - - son can beteleportedfor each additional
1. Immunity to all the powers of 5 3 2 - - level of the Vivimancer above fourth.
undead creatures. 6 4 2 - -
2. Telepathic communication with the 7 4 2 1 - Level 3 Abilities
patron deity. 8 5 3 1 - Cure Insanity. The Vivimancer may
3. Automatic recognition of other 9 5 3 2 - cure any form of insanity, but cannot
Vivimancers. 10 5 3 2 1 alter personality traits (greed, ruthless-
4. Knowledge of a creature's or object's 11 6 4 2 1 ness, etc). Psionically induced insanity is
alignment unless masked by magic, 12 6 4 3 2 only cured temporarily.
etc. 13 6 5 4 2 Healing Touch. Touching the
5. Turn undead as thefollowing table: 14 7 6 4 3 wounded person restores all but I d 6 hit
Level of Equivalent 15 7 7 5 3 points in 3-6 rounds.
Vivimancer Clerical Level P o l v m o r ~ hOthers. As the 4th level
1-3 6 Level 1 Abilities MU spell. '
4-6 7 Charm Undead. Allows the Vivi- Raise Undead. Similar to the Clerical
7-9 8 mancer to charm undead (as charmper- spell; the recipient can have been dead
10-12 9-13 son)for2-12 turns (1-4turns if avampire for a number of days equal to twice the
13-15 14+ or ghost, 1-8 rounds if a lich). Vivimancer's level. 1-2 days complete
6. Morphetic Counsel. The ability to Communication. Enables the Vivi- rest are required of the raised person.
give a prophetic or advisory dream to mancer to speak and understand any Return to Astral Plane. One recipient
any character on the Prime Material language, no matter how obscure, for plus the Vivimancer can enter the Astral
Plane during the period of a crescent one turn per level. plane from any other at a selected point.
moon. The dream is typically accom- Cure Disease. The Vivimancer can Each level above seventh allows the Vivi-
panied by an overpowering fragrance of cure any form of disease, even leprosy. mancer to take one extra person.
roses. The patient can resume normal activities Return to Ethereal Plane. As above,
7 . Manufacture Rose. A Rose is a spe- after one hour's rest. except that the Ethereal plane can be
cial magical gem, roseate in shape and Curing Touch. By laying his hands on entered. The Ether Cyclone is always
about three centimetres in diameter. It the injured person, 3-12 points of dam- avoided by this method.
glows with a strong lightwhich varies in age can be cured by the Vivimancer.
colour according to the moon's phase- Mind Reading. Similar to ESP, but Level 4 Abilities
pinkatthe newmoon,through to yellow allows deeper, hidden thoughts to Deitic Word. On uttering this word, the
at the full moon. A Rose is usually become available to the Vivimancer. Vivimancer d a y cause one of four effects:

I implanted into the upper arm of the cho-

sen ~ e r s o so
n that the glow isfaintlyvis-
ible,'although especiany favoured
Communication must also be used to
understand unknown languages.
Psionics with mind bar can avoid this,
(a) Waves of pain, preventing thevictim
from performing anything arduous for
1-10 turns, or
characters may be allowed to wear a and the inherent alignment knowledge (b) Slow (as spell) for 1-8 turns, or
Rose on their forehead - this increases of the Vivimancer. (c) Paralysis for 1-4turns, or
CHA by 1d4 (to 18 maximum). A Vivi- Return to Adjacent Plane. Enablesone (dl Unconsciousness for 1-2 turns.
mancer may make one Rosefor every fifty person per level of the Vivimancer, plus There is no save against DeiticWord, and
years of his existence. There are six types: the Vivimancer, to travel instantane- it affects everyone within hearing range:
Rose of Reincarnation. Automatically ously to any adjacent plane bar the Ast- Vivimancers and deities are immune.
reincarnates its wearer three times ral, Ethereal and Prime Material planes. Reincarnate. As the spell of the same
before losing its magic. Once the initial The point of arrival can be chosen by the name, but the following table is used to
reincarnation has been made (as Vivimancer. determine the outcome (roll d100):
acquired ability), the subsequent ones Return to Elysium. Allows the Vivi-
will be exactly the same. mancer (onlv). . to return to anv, ~. o i non
t Gnome
Rose of Raising. Automatically raises Elysium. Dwarf
its owner up to threetimes before losing Teleport Self. The Vivimancer may Halfling
its magic. One point of CON is lost after t e l e ~ o rhimself.
t . oint
no error. to anv, ~ Raven
Owl (25% giant owl)
the first raising. on the plane he is currently on.
Rose of Plane Locking. The bearer can Eagle
resist any non-deitic plane shifting upto Level 2 At;ilties Human
five times. Voluntary plane travelling is Charm Dead. Enables dead spirits, Half elf
still permitted. animated bodies, etc, to be charmed as Elf
Rose of Healing. This will healits-pos- the charm person spell. From 1-10 such Centaur
sessorfive times, as desired, before los- dead can be charmed, although each is Horse
ing its potency. entitled to a save vs magic. Fox
Rose of Mind Reading. Duplicates the Cure Blindness. By touching the vic- Good Dragon (4HD)
Vivimancer ability of Mind Reading for tim's eyes, the Vivimancer can cure any Patron deity's animal
five one-hour periods, at the owner's blindness, however caused. (if none, roll again)
wish. Neutralise Poison. At a touch, the Vivi-
Rose of Restoration. Restores energy mancer can neutralise all forms of Resurrection.As the Clerical spell,
levels lost by its owner. The level returns poison or remove harmful or addictive except there is an additional 10%survival
1-4 hours later and protection is given drugs from a victim's system. chance. The subject can have been dead
for five such attacks. Polymorph Self. As the MU spell, for a number of years equal to the Vivi-
A Rose used to its full extent becomes except that the form is still spiritual and mancer's levelx20.
a gem of 4-7000gp value. the Vivimancer keeps special abilities. Return to Prime Material Plane.
Renewing Touch. Cures 4-24 points of Enables the Vivimancer to send one per-
Acquired Abilities damage when the Vivimancer lays his son per level to any desired place on the
The following abilities can be selected hands on the victim. Prime Material Plane, although the Vivi-
by a Vivimancer each time he attains a Return to Inner Plane. The Vivi- mancer may never himself venture onto
new level. Each one is usable once per mancer, plus one person per level, may this plane.
day and can be selected only once. They travel instantaneously to any of the
require the patron deity's holy symbol inner planes, except the Astral, Ethereal Note. The scent of roses typically accom-
and a crescent moon symbol on the Vivi- and Prime Material planes, from any panies the curative and healing powers
mancer's person in orderto be performed. other plane. The arr~valpoint is at the outlined above.

Fiend Factory is a bimonthly

department for readers' new
monsters. This i sue, for Golden
Heroes, creatur4of the night
who stand for light; creatures
that call themselves. . .

by Pete Haines and David Smith.
Presented here are the characters to be that sleeps within you.' and down the country. She was disap-
used in this year's official Golden Heroes The boy knew the truth in this, for he pointed, however, to find that most
competition at Games Day - potential could not deny the link he felt with his covens had no answer to her force bolts
entrants take note and study well. Each name nor the sorcerous knowledge he and mystic shield. She had become
one is based on one of the Citadel Gol- had suddenly gained. Dark passions quite blase by the time she encountered
den Heroes range of figures. rose in his mind - to which he almost the coven to Dis and for the first time,
surrendered, but he fought on until his she lost.
human side eventually gained sway. Her punishment was as simple as it
BALTHAZAEL (Joshua X) When he looked around his father had was grotesque. Calling on the power of
gone. Dis, the covenmaster mystically com-
EGO: 14 Move: 9m For ten more years he denied the bined Serina and her familiar into one
STR: 20 DC: 5 demonicsideof his nature,trying to live body, part cat, part woman. What else
DEX: 15 Dodge: 0 as a normal man. He had no official exis- might have happened is conjecture for
VIG: 16 tence and he couldn't bring himself to Balthazael burst in to confront the cult.
HTC: 63 Divider: 1 enter a holy place again. When he was In the fight that followed, Serina disco-
HTK: 55 Divider: 3 23 he heard rumours of a coven devoted vered she had lost her mental control of
to his father which he located and objects, but had gained the natural
Powers: Advantageous Background 5 fought. In the midst of battle Dis himself reflexes and abilities of a cat, only
(Training 4, Position o f Power - wor- tooka hand and Balthazaelwas forced to greatly enhanced. With her force bolts
shipped by a coven); Magic2 [23 points: draw on his magical powers. With the and shield she was suddenly a dynamic
Enhancement(CaI1ingforth the Hellgift), help of the coven's latest victim, he fighter.
Hypnosis (The Gaze of Blood), Conjuring defeated the covenmaster and banished Serina stayed with Balthazael, taking
(The Summoning), Divination]; Health Disfrom this plane. In doing so he learnt the name of Grimalkin and togetherthey
1(Regeneration ). that using his powers for good formed the Starlight Pact.
Notes: Divination is a spell allowing weakened the demonic side of his per- Grimalkin is still quite young: she is
limited prediction of'major events: it sonality. inexperienced, na'ive and idealistic. For
requires extensive preparation. Due to Balthazael is constantly troubled by the most part she is playful and vivacious,
his somewhat shaky position in the evil thoughts and knows that he must though she can become melancholy if
infernal hierarchy, only one Summon- never give way to them or he will be lost. she remembers her lost humanity.
ing is actually safe for Balthazael: a Hell- The remnants of the broken coven,
hound, 10 pts, hits 4d10, claws, fangs, despite his protests, have turned their
individual 10, DC6. worship to him. MOONBLADE (Vel'Rathis)
Figure: Balthazael is based on the -
strongman figure in the Heroesset. EGO: 11 Move: 6m
GRIMALKIN {Serina Hernshaw) STR: 12 DC: 6
Late one dark and stormy night, a DEX: 13 Dodge:. 1
woman, exhausted, heavy with child 9 Move: 6m VIG: 12
and obviously terrified, staggered into 9 DC: 6 HTC: 49 Divider: -
nunnery. She went into labour shortly 16 Dodge: 6 HTK: 47 Divider: -
after, but died in the rigours of
childbirth. The gentle nuns fought on t Divider: - Powers: Advantageous Background I
save the child and at the stroke of mid- Divider: - (Immortal); Weapon Skill I(sword);
night he struggled into the world. He Special Weapon; Spacial Projection;
was as black as sin, with hair like flame rowers: ~ g ~ l rz; r yMartial Arts 2; Health 2 (No need to Breathe, Regenera-
and eyes the colour of warm blood. (Oriental); Reactions; Personal Force tion); EnergyAttack3(ForceFan, 16 dice,
Any feelings of evil about him were Shield (9 hits); Energy Attack 1(Force area blasts (iv) and (v)).
soon forgotten as the boy seemed to be Bolts); Heightened Senses 2 (Radar, Notes: The Special Weapon may be
a strong, healthy, normal child. In time, Anim-1',or ,. used as a 2-H penetrative or concussive
even his unusual looks did not seem so Figure: Grinialkin is based on the cat- weapon. It parriesenergy as a shield and
strange. The nuns named him Joshua, girl f~gure in thle Golden Heroes blister adds 15 damage to parry values. Spacial
but some accident always prevented the pack5>. Projection is a special teleport power. It
registration of his birth. has a 10m maximum range and cannot
On the night of histhirteenth birthda)r, Ever Islnce she was a small girl Serina work through solid matter, but it costs
a man who he had neverseen, but somt2- knew she would be a witch. It came as no no HTC.
how knew, approached his bed. He wa s supri'se to her, therefore, when she Figure: Moonblade is based on the
black as deepest ebon and when he founc1 herself able to move things on ninja figure in the GH blister packs.
spoke, it was with the sweetn ess of mental command on reaching her mid- Shuriken were removed from the figure.
death. teens,.At once she went out and bought
'I am Dis,' he said. 'I am yo1Ir father, ,a herse!If a cat and she was delighted to In the daysof old, before the ice age, was
demon of the highest rank. Yc)U are find t hat she could read its simple another era. A time when the men of
Balthazael. You have followea rne

tnoughts. Leaving home as soon as she Albion struggled valiantly against the
human side of your heritage long could, she began a career as a white evils of the sorcerer-scientists from
enough. Now I shall awaken the demon witch, finding and breaking covens up ancient Mu.
Great among the heroesof Albion was cyborg figure in the Heroes set. tion: only Roley Day has criminal
Vel'Rathis, wielder of the Moonblade. contacts).
And great was the hatred of Mu for Neil Baldwin was a happily married man Figure: Paragon is based on the caped
Val'Rathis, though their rage was impo- with two children and a job at the local hero leaping into flight in the Heroesset.
tent for they had prophesied that chemical works. Everything changed,
Vel'Rathis would not die whilst Mu lived. however, on the day he fell into the vat Roley Day didn't think of himself as a
So they caught Vel'Rathis using of liquid oxygen. He died instantly, fro- down and out; he was just unlucky and
treacheryand made him immortal; thus zen solid. This unusual death made him had been all his life. Like everyone else
therewould be no limit on their darkcity. thetargetfor an unusual crime: his body he had bad dreams, but in his case they
They also imprisoned him within his was stolen whilst it was still frozen. came true. He took to drink and to this
sword, never to see release until the full Carla Lundquist was a cybernetics day he'sgrateful for it. It cost him his job,
moon's light struckthe blade. Then they genius - the field was her undying pas- his home and a large slice of self-
took the blade and hurled it into the sion. Her greatest problem, as always, respect, but at least when he slept he
deepest ocean. was lack of funding. Super-powered didn't have dreams.
Time passed and Mu and Albion met criminals, however, tend to be more free Living rough wasn't an ideal life but
their respective destinies. The sword with their moneythan medical organisa- Roley was past caring. At times he took
remained hidden until the day Baltha- tions and she decided to create a sample to thinking that life wasn't that kind. He
zael unearthed it beneath the full moon. product to demonstrate her skill. Her worried about the young and those
The enchantment broken, Vel'Rathis aim was to entice a master criminal, worse off than himself and decided it
stood sword in hand, confronted by a Warlord, into contracting her to build wasn't right. Someone ought to stand
demon. Despite Balthazael's protesta- him a unit of cyborgs. She needed a up for them.
tions, Vel'Rathis attacked, quickly gain- body, fresh and preferably dead. Her He was in a mission hall the day a
ing the upper hand. Standing victorious, agents brought her Neil Baldwin. minister said that the whole point about
blade poised over his opponent, he was Baldwin was perfect for the job. Work- faith wasthat it gave you something bet-
struck down from behind. ing through the night she completed her ter to look to, a paragon to model your-
When he awoke, two monsters stood work and then, thoroughly exhausted, self on. Roley asked what he meant by
over him; the demon and another, part went to bed. paragon. He was pleased with the ans-
woman, part cat. It took him several Neil Baldwin woke up. This came as a wer - it matched up with his idea. He
moments to realise that they wanted to surprise since his last thought had been mulled the idea over and that night he
help him. So it was that Moonblade that he was going to die. He felt terrible: forgot to get drunk and had a dream.
joined the Starlight Pact. he didn'tfeel any better knowing that he In his dream he saw what he meant.
The Moonblade is a strange and mag- was now linked to a highly complex All the details he hadn't thought about
ical weapon. A force field surrounds its biocomputer, the memory banks of were filled in and he was dressed like a
edge so it can never be damaged. Its which obligingly filled in all the missing hero. The hero explained that Roley
greatest power is to send forth waves of details. wasn't limited like other people- he
force at a flourish of the blade. Vel'Rathis Carla ~ u n d ~ u iawoke
st to have her could do things with his mind to change
is now a projection from the sword and hopes dashed by two disturbing facts: or even create things, the only limit was
cannot truly be separated from it. firstly, Warlord had been captured and his imagination. Roley laughed, but this
Vel'Rathis has no scruples about kil- secondly her newly created cyborg had Paragon kept coming back in his
ling an enemy. He is a man of honour gone, leaving holes blasted everywhere. dreams, speaking about the world and
who lives by his own code. Unfortu- What do you do if you are a corpse all that was wrong with it. Roley was
nately he does not understand the work- kept alive by machines, with no one you soon agreeing with him and wished
ings of the modern world. can turn to for help? If you then meet there was a real person like this. Paragon
demons and witches and they give you asked him to dream of himself as this
purpose, is there any reason why you person and, taken by Paragon's serious
EX-MAN (Neil Baldwin). should not join the Starlight Pact? tone, Roley agreed. Next morning he
woke up and found himself wearing a
EGO: 9 Move: 5m black jumpsuit and purple cloak- just
STR: 9(23) DC: 6 PARAGON (Roley Day) like the Paragon. He could fly, he was
DEX: 8 Dodge: 1 strong and maybe he could set an exam-
VIG: 12 EGO: 14 Move: 4ml20m ple. He concentrated and once more he
HTC: 41 Divider: - STR: 7 DC: 3 was Roley Day.
HTK: 42 Divider: - DEX: 7 Dodge: - His life changed; he didn't sleep any
VIG: 8 more and he daydreamed so many
Powers: Cybernetics 2 (Bionic right arm HTC: 32 Divider: 4 things. As Roley Day he shows people
- STR:23, Computer Brain); Stunner HTK: 34 Divider: 5 how to laugh at life and at themselves;
(Type 2 in left hand); EnergyAttack4 as Paragon he opposes those who abuse
(Atomic, 24 Dice, Reduced Dividers, Powers: Advantageous Background 1 life. In his latest daydream he met four
Quick Blast from right hand); Heightened (Contacts - Criminal); Intuition; Flight 2; very unusual people. In came as no sur-
Senses 1 (IR Vision); Health 2 (Immune Strength 2; Tough Skin 2; Health I(En- prise therefore when he met them that
to Toxins, Functions at low oxygen vironment Survival -Airless); night: he was surprised when the dawn
levels). Shapechange ( Freeform- only the Para- came and he was a member of the
Figure: Ex-man is based on the gon form has powers other than Intui- Starlight Pact.

Firstly, however, the various roles that

monsters are required for should be

JUST GOOD FIENDS examined.Thecompanion article in this

issue, Monsters Have Feelings Too Two,
illustrates h o w monsters can be used in
different ways to provide more variety;
ootential monster desianers are advised
i o note its sentiments. Bepending on the
What Makes an Interesting Monster, by Ian Marsh style of game you play, creatures may be
designed as 'ripping machines', sword-
fodder, distinct sentient races, 'harm-
Designing new monsters and creatures are considered when deciding the make- less' natural animals or curios; each of
for adventurers to encounter is a long- up of each Fiend Factory. these having their o w n good reasonsfor
established practice in the world of role- A brief look at the monsters that have existing in game terms. Not all of these
playing games. Many thousands of new appeared in the relevant games are desirable as far as Fiend Factory is
monsters have been created for these rulebooks and in the pages of White concerned, unless there is some unique
games, especially for AD&D, and yet Dwarfshould serve t o illustrate roughly quality that sets them apart from run of
relatively few of them see publication. what a good monster is. This isn'tto say, the mill creations. The most commonly
Fiend Factory has covered AD&D mon- of course, that all the monsters to have rejected monster from Fiend Factory is
sters since White Dwarf 6 a n d columns appeared in print are necessarilythe pin- one that pays scant attention t o the
such as RuneRites and Starbase feature nacle of monsterdom. The obligations of appearance and habits of the creature,
them from time to time for RuneQuest regular column sand thedemandsof the but instead details armour class, attacks,
and Traveller respectively. Yet very few readership and games players take their damage and special abilities: a creative
guidelines have been given by any of toll on the overall quality of new crea- GM should recognise the fact that there
these as to what makes a good monster tures, and can only result in the inclusion is more to a monster than its details in
that the magazine considers is worth the of less exceptional monsters from time terms of game mechanics. Such a crea-
attention of its readers? Given that Fiend to time. As a guide t o the sort and ture lacks much of the information re-
Factorv n o w includes submissions for amount of information required to detail quired to integrate it into the game and
all r o ~ e - ~ l asystems,
~ i n ~ it seems to be a a particular creature, references to seldom provides interesting reading.
good time to expound on the pointsthat established monsters are a great help. One surprising fault is the description
of a new creature- or rather the lack of
one. Those of you who can remember
the All the World's Monsters volumes
will beall too awareofthis lackand how
frustrating it is in play. Being abletovis-
ualise the fantastic creatures is part of
the atmosphere of rolegames. Random
creation tables are often the root cause
of this-either creating ludicrous looking
monsters or concentrating on the
mechanics. It is very rare for a monster
generated on these tables to fit in any-
thing likeas well asa creature especially
designed with a game world in mind.
Although fantastic, mythical creatures
are often a little strange themselves, it's
a good idea to try envisaging the crea-
ture and asking the vital question
'Would I laugh if I saw it?' If yes, then it's
back to the drawing board. A monster's
appearance should evoke emotions
such as fear, loathing, admiration or
sympathy. Oddballs tend to be designed
to fit in with the feel of a game-such as
the RuneQuest ducks -and limit the
amount of comic relief a new monster
can give: not all games have room for
New creatures should also be 'com-
plete' for the game they are designed
for. Although the idea behind a monster
is more important than its absolute
quantification in games mechanics, to
give a uniform interpretation of the crea-
ture, all its quirks should beexpressed in
the game's terminology. For example,
describing special powers in terms of
spells, psionics or whatever rather than
inventing a new system for them or not
describing them at all! Way back in
White Dwarf 6, Don Turnbull made the
point that 'a monster should either be
killable or, if effectively immortal,
should have a specific purpose other
than slaughtering player-characters'.
This is still true seven years later and
monster statistics should therefore be
reasonable, in line with those of their
Both appearance and statistics are
relatively minor concerns when it comes
to designing an interesting monster -

they are useful but not necessarily vital elves, dwarfs and orcs in Lord o f the stealing creature that acted altruistically
elements in committing a creature to Rings and which is easily extended to -yet who would ever believe in or trust
paper. Rather it is the raison d'etreof the other races in different settings. The set a good vampire?
monster and its unique qualities and up is familiar in other literary works -
peculiarities that are of most impor- Thomas Covenant, to name but one-as PSYCHIC VAMPIRE
tance. It is here that the creative abilities a common plot element, and creatures
of the games master come into play. By taken from literature of this nature NoAppearing: 1
giving an original rationale to a creature, always tend to work best together, Armour Class: 5
be it weak and timorous or strong and restricting their coverage to adaptions Movement: 12"
fearsome, it is possible to give a two- from the books. Whilst White Dwarf Hit Dice: 4
dimensional creature of paper a tangi- doescoversuch adaptions occasionally, Treasure: Nil
ble, three-dimensional existence. they are relatively simple constructs and Attack: By spells only
Background information on a creature provoke much argument as to the indi- Alignment: NG
is largely dependent on the setting of the vidual interpretation. Although, there- Intelligence: High
game the creature is intended for. fore, this area of development is not for-
Ravenous Bug-Blatter Beasts would be bidden to the budding monster Psychic vampires are peaceable crea-
unsuitable for inclusion in an Arthurian designer, something that is a little more tures that feed off the thought patterns
fantasy setting, yet would be more than original usually finds its way into Fiend of other beings. They are native to
at home in a Toon or a Paranoiaenviron- Factory. woodlands and are often friendly with
ment. How'straight'the setting is deter- Which brings me to the final elements other residentsof the forest, particularly
mines the effect a new creature would in monster creation - subject and origi- dryads. They appear as youths of inde-
have on it. Even if we only consider the nality. Most new monsters are of the terminate sex, although both sexes
range of fantasy role-playing games individual or small group kind once the exist. If itwere not fortheir more human
there are notable differences in style- tribal creatures have been set to one features they could easily be mistaken
ranging from the wacky, zany environ- side. Their mythical equivalents are the for elves. This point is heightened by
ment encouraged for Warhammer, beasts of legend and it is to creatures their dress, which is simple in design
through the polyglot settings of the such as the griffin, the pegasus and har- and of woodland hues.
AD&D universe, to the straight, society- pies that a monster designer should Their role in the forest is very much as
tied worlds of Bushido and Pendragon look. Each of these has a particular fea- a comforter to other woodland beasts.
and the almost straight RuneQuest ture that makes it special - the element Asa result, psychicvampires havea spe-
mythos. Anything that doesn'tfit in with that should, if possible be present in new cia1 affinity for these animals and can
the setting, through being inconsistent monsters. This element of originality is rely on them for protection and com-
with the other monsters and creatures, the one that is hardest to advise about panionship. Stray travellers forced to
will only destroy the illusion of the since, by definition, it is unique! (Any- spend a night alone in the forest are also
game's reality. Therefore, any new one who could invent 'Originality likely to encounter psychic vampires,
monster should be considered in light of Potions' would corner the market!) In although being asleep it is doubtful that
the effect it hason thegame world it isto most cases, the element is sparked off they will remember the experience.
be fitted into. by unusual influences as part of the crea- Adventurers usually provide an interest-
For some games this is easy to define tive capacity of the GM. Fantasy and sci- Ing, different source of experiences for
-these are the rolegames whose back- ence fiction novels are a rich source not the vampire. Victims who are widely
ground is already largely fixed: Call of only for the monsters the author has travelled or who have had interesting
Cthulhu, Middle-earth Role Playing and already thought of but for the subtle experiences in their past may well
even Toon. All these games have a influences they leave behind. These induce a psychicvampire to minglewith
unique character: Cthulhu creatures tend to resurface at a later date, with all human society and overcome its retiring
should instil terror and revulsion in trace of the original source of inspiration nature.
those encountering them, even if the forgotten. Avaried diet of fantasy and SF Its primary source of defence and
creatures are themselves weak; new is best since it will create a pleasing offence are its magical abilities- with
MERPcreatures should tie into the blend of diverseelements. Superstitions which the psychic vampire can ensnare
works of Tolkien without disrupting the and old beliefs can also provide ideas: or calm itsvictims. Twice per day it may
unique flavour of Middle-earth; whilst in players of AD&D will undoubtedly be use the abilities of remove fear, resist
stark contrast, Toon creatures are the acquainted with the guardian familiar in cold, invisibility, speakwithanimalsand
wild, unbelievable beasts which would the FiendFolio. This originally appeared cure light wounds. In woodlands, the
disrupt such a serious setting. Tied set- in Fiend Factory and was based on the psychic vampire moves as if using the
tings encourage 'thinking in tune with concept of a cat having nine lives-in the druidic spell pass without trace- it also
the environment'. Monsters and crea- context of AD&D adventures it was a has the abilities of a 4th level thief in
tures evolving in such an atmosphere good monster. otherterrain. Its special power is a power-
are much more believable, and much Essentially,therefore,thereareonly a ful charmspell which may be used twice
easier to envisage for both games mas- few pointsto bear in mind when design- per day, but acts as the druidic spell
ter and players due to the element of ing a new monster. Firstly it should charm person or mammal: it can also
common knowledge. Conversely, it belong to the game or game world it is provide a link between the vampire and
becomes much harder to think of new, designed for, being relatively believable thevictim enabling memoriesand emo-
suitable creatures! Polyglot systems (giventhatthegames havean imaginary tionsto be absorbed by the psychicvam-
would appear to have an advantage, setting). Secondly, the monster should pire. The victim also suffers a temporary
therefore, in that, 'anything goes1- show sign of creativity on the part of its memory loss for a period equal to 21-
straight or humorous, probable or designer, being more than something INT hours. Such contact also relievesthe
improbable. Yet it is this diversity of extra to kill or ensnare the characters. victim of any anxieties he/she may have
options which provides a stumbling Finally, thedesigner should considerthe been sufferingfrom-thevampireeffec-
blockfor creative new ideas. Many ofthe effects of humour and/or quirkiness on tively absorbs the problem.
monsters created for AD&D, for exam- game balance and atmosphere. Being a woodland creature, it also has
ple,arevery similar-thetribal monsters By way of example, I would like to re- some limited knowledge of herbalism,
are a good case in point, not being orcs present an AD&D monster from WD61 and it uses extracts of suitable herbs to
but being orcs (if you follow my logic). which appeared in a scenario of mine. relax and soothe its victims; the
Despite background, behavioural notes, Due to space requirements, the creature tinctures of these herbs are usually
intricate details of societies and habits, was poorly detailed and gave little burnt in the form of a candle. If it uses
such monsters are unsuccessful and impression as to its exact capabilities herbs and its charm ability, the saving
unnecessary because their role in the and powers. Bear with me! throw is made at -2.
world is already filled. The basis behind the psychic vampire . Given its rich source of material -
Theexception tothis is in the introduc- (WD61: woods vampire) was a need for !deas,adventuresand experiences-and
tion of several unique tribal monsters, an 'innocent' plot device that would its natural charm, a psychic vampire
all of whom are engaged in some great allow itself to be manipulated by others makes a good orator, forcing even the
counter-play. The most familiar exam- yet be perfectly capable of resisting if it most reluctant listener to stop and be
ple is the relationship between men, so chose. Thus was born this thought- entertained.

The next best defence is to be a long

Fiend Factory is a bimonthly colu~
n n for readers' new creatures and way away when the swarm arrives, not
monsters. as easy as it might seem in dense jungle.
If the party are within 200 yards of the
point wherethey were first located when
the hunters come for them, they will be

JUNGLE JUMBLE found automatically. If within 400 yards

the wasps have a 1 in 4 chance and
within 800 yards a 1 in 8 chance. Above
800 yards away, the party are safe unless
they have been moving towards the nest
(ie the direction in which the scouts go
Rain-forest monsters for AD&D, by Geoffrey Carr off).
An active wasp colony consists of
500-5000 workers, a similar number of
The tropical rain-forest is only rarely rate of 1-10 per round against each indi- larvae and a queen. Their life cycle is 4
used as a setting for adventuring in vidual until all the party are dead, or all weeks, and at the end of this time the
AD&D. This seems rather surprising the wasps have exhausted their poison. whole colony, having exhausted the
since, besides the tales of lost tribes, Shields and dexterity bonuses do not prey in onearea,fliesoffto another,sev-
secret cities and overgrown temples add to armour class, though magical era1 miles distant.
associated with such areas, the diversity armour bonuses do apply. Each wasp Other than the arrival of the scouts,
of life in the jungle allows the DM'S the only warning that a party is likely to
imagination to run riot. Monsters that receive are the skeletal remains of previ-
are not ecologically credible in more ous victims; a still visible victim usually
temperate climes seem entirely natural indicates that the colony has not yet
in the rain-forest. The uncanny sounds migrated. If adventurers are active in the
of unknown perils all around should also area, such past victims might have
be enough to scare the wits out of the worthwhiletreasure on them, assuming
average adventurer before he has gone that the party hang around to pick it up.
two miles!

ARMY WASPS No Appearing: 1 (20-50)
No Appearing: See below Armour Class: 8 (0)
Armour Class: See below Movement: 3"124"
Movement: 12" Hit Dice: 1
Hit Dice: 1HP Treasure: Nil
Treasure: Nil Attack: 1-4 plus special
Attack: 1 or 1-3 Intelligence: Animal
Intelligence: Animal Alignment: Neutral
Alignment: Neutral
attacking is assumed to use up its sting, Vampire bats are fairly common in the
Army wasps are a very dangerous men- whether or not it succeeds in beating its tropical rain-forest. They do nottravel as
ace indeed. The first sign of their pre- opponent's armour class, an unsuccess- groups, but where one is found, others
sence is usually the arrival of two or ful attack being absorbed in armour or will almost certainly appear along later.
three large and rather persistent wasps. clothing. Any character stung must save The bats attack at night, always choos-
These are colony scouts and will buzz against poison once, to see if the poison ing a sleeping victim. Any large mam-
about for a round or two without attack- is effective against him. If he saves, each mal will do; they have no particular pre-
ing, and then disappear. The scouts are wasp successfully attacking will cause ference for humans, so pack animals
out looking for prey-typically large ani- 1HPof damage; if hefails, 1-3HP.Awasp may suffer their attentions as well.
mals. The scouts will return to the main may sting only once, although it does The bat lands close to its victim and
colony and perform a dance indicating not die after doing so. crawls the last few feet up to it. It makes
the distance, direction, size and number Fighting the wasps, once the swarm a small bite, usually in a limb, and laps
of the prey, in the same manner as a has arrived, is virtually impossible with- up the blood as it flows out. Since the
honeybee would dance to show the out magical means. However, charac- bat's saliva contains an anaesthetic, a
location of a rich flower patch. Within ters with high dexterity may attempt to sleeping victim will not wake. The bat
swat wasps which land on them. If they will feed for between 1 and 4 rounds,
win initiative in a round, they may kill each round draining one hit point, and
one wasp per point of their dexterity then fly off. Victims are not normally
above 14 before it stings them. attacked by more than one bat per night,
When a creature has been killed, since they wish to conserve their food
wasps which have already used their supply.
stings will start to dismember it, cutting In the morning, thevictim will find that
away small pieces of flesh and carrying he has an itchy cut, but unless he has
them to the colony site where they are special knowledge, he will probably not
fed to the larvae. It will take about 12 realise from what. He will not notice the
daylight hours to strip a human carcass missing hit points unless they exceed
to the bone (the wasps do not fly at 25% of his full total. Each time a charac-
night), but it will be beyond the reach of ter is attacked by a bat, he must make a
a raise dead spell within one hour. saving throw vs poison to see if there is
The best defence against army wasps an allergic reaction to the bat saliva (the
is to kill the scouts (assuming that some- DM should do this if the victim is ignor-
one realises what they are). Certain ant of the attack). If there is, he loses a
magical attacks will be useful, but strik- constitution point (which he will notice)
ing weapons and missiles are com- and makes throws for subsequent
pletely useless until the wasps have set- nights at -1 (-2 after the second failure
5-20 rounds, depending on the distance tled. Characters may try to pluck scouts and loss of constitution etc). Untreated,
between the party and the colony, a out ot the air (throw DEX or under on a constitution points are recovered at the
hunting swarm will arrive. This will con- d20 to catch one) allowing the insect a rate of 1for each complete week that the
sist of d20+40 wasps for each large ani- 'free hit' before it is crushed. This does victim is free from the bats'attentions. If,
mal (human, demi-human, pack animal, not apply against swarms, when suffi- however, a neutralise poison spell is
etc) in the party. Waspswill attackatthe cient concentration is impossible. cast over the victim, they will be reco-
- - -p


vered at one per day until the bats attack dimension door once per day., and to irresistibly, although they will not be
again. become invisible likewise; thus it may able to understand quite why. Each
Finally, the bats can act as carriers of not be clear whether an empty cage, for character so drawn must then save vs
lycanthropy if this is endemic in the area. example, is really empty. Their beak intelligence (d20, throw INT or below to
In this case, from 0-5% of the bats will be attack, however, is only for 1-2 points of save) or eat one of the fruit. He or she will
carriers, and a victim will contract the find it the most delicious food they ever
disease as if bitten by a lycanthrope. If tasted, and will not require anything else
more than one form of lycanthropy is (even another fruit) to eat for the rest of
present in an area, and an unlucky victim the day. No apparent harm will occur at
is infected with two different sorts, he or the time, nor, if party members of only
she will become permanently insane at one sex have partaken, will further
the next full moon. effects be noticed. If characters of both
Vampire bats are purely nocturnal, sexes and compatible races have eaten
and difficult to detect due to their habit the fruit, however, they will begin to pair
of landing away from the victim and off in order of charisma,the most attrac-
creeping up on him. Someone on noc- tive man with the most attractive woman
turnal guard duty would have to make a and so on, unless established couples
'secret door' roll in order to notice the already exist, in which casethesewill be
arrival of a bat unless all his attention maintained.
was focused on his sleeping comrades, As the party camps down forthe night,
in which case he might miss the arrival each affected individual must save
of other threats. against wisdom. Characters saving suc-
Vampire bats arevery difficultto hit in cessfully will realise that they are acting
the air (ACO), but make easy targets on under the influence of the fruit and will
the- around
" - (AC8).Thev will not attemDt be able to restrain and control their Das-
to defend themselves,'but will fly off ' damage, and is used as a last resort. sions, having some idea of the consequ-
immediately if detected, leaving their They prefer to try to escape. ences if they don't. If only one member
assailantsonly one round in which to try The reason that anyone persecutes of a couple makes the saving throw, the
to kill them. They live in colonies and these beautiful creatures, is that they are otherwill grow more and more passion-
patrol a radius about 3 miles around a valuable. Live birds are esteemed as ate through the night, regardless of
colony, defending it against intruding status symbols by wealthy personages, rebuttal or explanation and, before the
bats. They will not attempt to follow a particularly magicians and illusionists. dawn, must make a final saving throw vs
party beyond this range. The young, if hand-reared, can become petrification or become Insane. On pas-
quite tame and will not attempt to sing this, they will recover their senses
escape from an attentive owner, and be completely normal.
although they have not been known to If both members of a pair fail to save
breed in captivity. Adult birds cannot be against wisdom, nature will take its
tamed, but their plumage is used to course. The couple will be locked
make intricate head dresses by rich together in ecstasy as the magic of the
women, and, in the hands of a skilled fruit takes control of both. Their bodies
magician, can form the basis of a Robe will begin to merge and lignify, and
of Scintillating Colours, though the roots will start to grow. They will never
feathers of at least 8 adults are required realise their fate, but the green shoots
for this. blossoming in the morning will one day
A quetzl nest, if it can be found, will form a ngw tree. ._.
contain 2-5 eggs (25%), nestlings (50%)
or fledglings (25%). Eggs cannot be
hatched artificially, though they might
have some value as curiosities. Nestlings
and fledglings may be hand-reared, their
principal food being the large, highly
coloured butterflies of the forest canopy.
Nestlings require at least 5 of these per
day, and fledglings, 10, otherwise they
wfll die. The balance of their diet may be
composed of ordinary meat. Young birds
QUETZL acquire their full plumage and magical
No Appearing: 1-2 powers at one year of age.
Armour Class: 3 Nestlings are valued at 500gp, well
Movement: 3"/12" grown fledglings at 750gp and the intact
Hit Dice: 2+2 (5HDvs magic) adult plumage at 1000gp.
Treasure: Nil
Attack: 1-2 plus special
Intelligence: Semi
Alignment: Neutral APHRODITE'S NEMESIS
No Appearing: 1 The effects of the fruit can be counter-
The quetzl is an enchanted bird which Armour Class: 3 acted asfollgws: after e a t i n e n d before
lives in the deepest parts of the rain- Movement: Nil transformation, the character can be
forest. Rarely seen by men, it isstill more Hit Dice: 5-10 rescued by cure disease, healor remove
rarely captured. Aflash of spectacularly Treasure: Nil curse. Once metamorphosis has begun,
beautiful irridescent colour is all that is Attack: Special only heal or turn wood will save the
usually visible as the bird travels Intelligence: Non unfortunate victim. Of course, a wish
through the canopy. Alignment: Neutral might work even after transmutation
Quetzls are poorfliers, but have certain was complete.
magical protections which make them Aphrodite's nemesis is a very attractive The fruit of the tree is much sought after
difficult to catch. Their plumage acts as tree. It stands some 15 feet high and as it can be used as the basis of love
the illusionist spell colourspray on any- bears globular silver and blue fruit of potions (Philtre of Love), one fruit per
one approaching within 20 feet if the bird exquisite beauty, from 2 to 8 being potion, within 10 days of being picked.
chooses to display its feathers to this mature at most times. The fruit secrete Alchemists will pay between 150 and
end, and there is a 10% chance that the substances which mimic human sex 200gp per ripe fruit, although some of
effect (unconsciousness, blindness, stun- pheromones, and adult humans of the more unscrupulous have been known
ning) will be permanent. They are able to either sex will be drawn to them almost to use them to create their own trees.

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