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Table of Contents
1. PROGRAM OVERVIEW & RESPONSIBILITIES .............................................................................................. 2
2. INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATION PROGRAM .................................................................................................. 3
3. CCSI MEMBERSHIP AND INSTRUCTOR KIT FULFILLMENT PROGRAMS ................................................. 4
4. ONGOING CCSI QUALITY ASSURANCE ....................................................................................................... 6
5. CCSI RECERTIFICATION & DISQUALIFICATION .......................................................................................... 8
6. CCSI PROGRAM SUPPORT ............................................................................................................................ 9

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CCSI Program Overview
1. Program Overview & Responsibilities

A Certified Cisco System Instructor (CCSI) certification is for individuals who want to teach authorized Cisco
Certified courses. The CCSI program is designed to ensure instructors have the right skills, experience and
technical proficiency necessary to provide the best possible learning experience to Cisco’s customers.

How to Become a CCSI

To become a Certified Cisco Systems Instructor (CCSI), you must first be sponsored or employed by an
authorized Cisco Learning Partner. Only CCSIs who are sponsored may deliver Cisco Authorized Training.
Once you become sponsored by a Learning Partner, they will guide you through the instructor certification
process, which includes but is not limited to the following:

• You select a Baseline technology (i.e., Routing & Switching)

• You take the course(s) (i.e., ICND1 and ICND2).
• You hold a CCNA Certification or higher (i.e., CCNA 640-802).
• Your sponsoring learning partner enrolls you in a two-day Instructor Certification Program (ICP)
event, which will assess your presentation skills and technical/lab skills.
• Following the ICP event the ICP Proctor sends all candidate results to the Cisco Instructor
Certification and Development Team for validation.
• Upon validation, Cisco sends a Welcome CCSI email to the candidate and their associated Learning
Partner containing their official CCSI number.
• You must also purchase the CCSI Membership and accept the CCSI Agreement.

CCSI Program Benefits

In addition to being recognized in the industry as an expert technical training professional, the instructor
receives many benefits from the CCSI program in the form of a support infrastructure and knowledge base.
These program benefits include:

Ability to deliver Cisco Authorized courses

Access to private instructor community forum
Access to labs for instructor preparation
Access to all Cisco course content through the instructor membership

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Invitations to participate in course alphas or train-the-trainer events prior to their release
Access to all prerecorded train-the-trainer events
Support from Cisco Subject Matter Experts
Access to the CCSI Forum

Cisco’s Responsibilities to Instructors

Cisco recognizes the value of our CCSIs who are helping us build the Cisco brand and enable talent. Cisco is
committed to helping support the instructors through a number of initiatives:

Ensure that only highly qualified and skilled instructors represent Cisco
Provide access to Cisco labs on a first-come, first-served basis so that the instructor can prepare and
practice technology concepts and courseware labs
Provide access to all Cisco course content through the instructor kit membership
Constantly provide information about upcoming changes in course content and any newsworthy
Offer train-the-trainer sessions when appropriate
When applicable, invite current CCSIs to participate in course alpha events
Access to a private instructor forum community to share expertise, exchange ideas, access
information and resources, gain support, and receive important announcements
Monitor the performance of the instructors through the student evaluation forms monthly
Award instructors for high customer satisfaction ratings

Instructor Responsibilities to Cisco

A CCSI is subject to continual requirements to fulfill the obligations of the CCSI credential. Cisco expects the
following ongoing tasks to be performed:

Maintain a current understanding of Cisco’s product offerings

Conduct training engagements in the highest-quality and professional manner
Maintain active Cisco Certifications at all times
Meet the course teaching requirements prior to delivering training
Only teach classes for an authorized Cisco Learning Partner
Prepare and set up classes for a successful delivery
Comply with Cisco nondisclosure agreements (NDAs)
Deliver a minimum of four (4) authorized courses per year
Use Metrics That Matter (MTM) evaluations for every class delivery
Purchase the annual Instructor Kit Membership
Encourage students to achieve Cisco Certifications

2. Instructor Certification Program


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The Cisco Instructor Certification Program (ICP) is intended for candidates who want to become a Certified
Cisco Systems Instructor (CCSI). A CCSI status ensures that the individual is certified to deliver authorized
Cisco training courses. The ICP Event examines the candidate’s capabilities and skills for interactive and
engaging classroom teaching in a technical environment with hands-on technical laboratory exercises. CCSI
candidates must achieve passing scores in both these assessments to achieve a CCSI Certification.

The Instructor Certification Program (ICP) is run in partnership between Learning@Cisco and the sponsoring
Education Service Distributor (ESD) and the Specialized Direct Learning Partner (DLP). The ICP program
offers potential candidates the opportunity to certify as a Certified Cisco Systems Instructor (CCSI). This
partnership empowers the ESD and DLP to schedule and deliver ICP events on demand and in accordance
with their own schedules and native language. Contact your sponsoring ESD or DLP for details and cost.

After enrollment, the sponsored Learning Partner (LP) will provide preparation information and an agenda for
the event. All ICP events must be done in person with a certified ICP proctor. Following the ICP event, the ICP
proctor sends all the candidate results to the Cisco Instructor Certification and Development (ICAD) Team for

ICP Event
CCSI candidate attends the two-day in person ICP event where they are evaluated on their presentation and
technical skills. The duration may vary depending on the program selected with the ESD or DLP. Virtual ICP
events are not authorized. The ICP event is based on the ICND1 and ICND2 v2.0 course content aligning to
the CCNA certification.

Day 1: Evaluated module presentations and ICP event results feedback

For the Presentation day, candidates should be prepared to teach any chapter from the ICND1 or
ICND2 course in front of a panel of experts. Candidates will be asked to deliver two presentations,
which will be recorded and submitted to the ICAD team. One presentation can be chosen by the
candidate, the other will be selected by the ICP proctor. Candidates also have the choice of delivering
one presentation in a language of their choice by previous arrangement with Cisco Systems.
Candidates will be assessed on presentation skills, ability to manage a classroom environment, and
technical knowledge.
Day 2: Full day hands-on lab exam
The virtual exam is an eight-hour hands-on exam that is based on the ICND1 and ICND2 v2.0 content.
The intent of this lab is to assess the potential CCSI candidate’s knowledge on CCNA 2.0 content and
the ability to troubleshoot various CCNA-level network problems.

Notification of ICP Results and Awarding of CCSI Status

Upon completion of the ICP event, the proctor submits candidate results to The ICAD team will review the results. Upon validation, Cisco will send a Welcome
CCSI email to the candidate and their associated Learning Partner. The email will contain their official CCSI
number. The new CCSI is now eligible to purchase the Instructor Kit membership and sign Click-to-Accept
(CTA) agreement to become an active Cisco instructor

3. CCSI Membership and Instructor Kit Fulfillment

The Cisco Certified Systems Instructor (CCSI) Membership and Instructor Kit Fulfillment Programs allow
memberships to be purchased from the Cisco Learning Network Store. CCSI Membership allows instructors to
download any required instructor kits.

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Learning Partner Admins can purchase instructor kits memberships for their instructors and Instructor
Certification Program (ICP) candidates. If approved by their sponsoring Learning Partner (LP), instructors will
also be able to purchase their own membership.
Cisco Authorized Instructor Kits include the Instructor Guide (IG), Student Guide (SG), Lab Guide (LG),
Course Administration Guide (CAG), and supporting documents (if applicable) to deliver the course. Once a
membership is purchased, all included instructor kits will be available for download at any time for the duration
of the membership.
• Base membership includes access to instructor kits for all Associate-level courses.
• Premium membership includes access to all instructor kits for all Associate, Professional, and
Specialization courses.

CCSI Agreement:
AGREEMENT is mandatory in order to achieve or maintain your CCSI status. You can acknowledge and
accept the CCSI agreement during the purchasing process of the annual CCSI instructor kit membership.
Once the membership is purchased, you have 14 days to agree to the terms of the CCSI agreement. The
agreement shall become effective on the date it is accepted by You via “click-to-accept”. Your access to IK
membership will be revoked and CCSI status will be inactivated if you fail to accept the agreement within 14
days of purchase. You can access a copy of the CCSI Agreement on the CCSI Community Forum.

Train the Trainer

Cisco will provide train-the-trainer sessions that are led by Subject Matter Experts to help instructors
adequately prepare for teaching a course. These events are sometimes held in person or conducted
virtually. Announcements of any new train-the-trainer event will be made through multiple means of
communication such as the GLPO Newsletter, email distribution and in the “What’s New” section on
the CCSI Forum. Access to past train-the-trainer recordings for many of the courses is available on the
CCSI Forum.

Teaching Requirements
Once certified as a Cisco Certified Systems Instructor (CCSI), the instructor is able to deliver Cisco
authorized curriculum in public or privately held classes, which are offered only by Cisco Authorized
Learning Partners. A CCSI shall deliver classes in a professional manner as a representative of Cisco.
Each course delivered must be evaluated through the MTM evaluation system. Failure to do so will
result in the class being disqualified. Under no circumstance is a CCSI allowed to deliver course
content that was not developed by Cisco, including the delivery of “grey market” content.

Before the CCSI can deliver Cisco authorized courses, the CCSI must meet the course teaching requirements
and pass the associated certification exam. Major updates to any Cisco authorized courseware may require
recertification. Cisco will communicate the method of recertification to all instructors through multiple
means of communication. The recertification process may include train-the-trainer sessions, exam
certification, classroom audits, and so on.

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For CCIE certified individuals, your CCIE certification may meets the exam requirement for some Associate
and Professional level certification courses that align with your CCIE track (i.e. R&S, Voice, etc.) The CAG
Course Administration Guide will indicate if a CCIE certification satisfies the course teaching requirements.
The instructor is still required to attend the course, taught by a certified instructor, that he/she wants to be
certified to teach and complete all labs. This policy does not apply if the instructor has only passed the CCIE
written exam.

The instructor teaching requirements can be located in the Course Administration Guide (CAG). The CAG
contains valuable information about how to set up and deliver this course effectively. The CSSI should read
the CAG completely in preparation for delivering this course the first time and should consult it frequently when
delivering all future classes. The CAG is part of the course Instructor Kit (IK) that is available within the CCSI
IK Membership. The course teaching requirements also can be located on the CCSI Forum under the Course
Menu options.

CCSI Minimum Teaching Requirements

Cisco expects instructors to teach on a regular basis in order to maintain a high level of quality and
experience. In order to maintain the Cisco Certified Systems Instructor (CCSI) certification, an
instructor must teach a minimum number of courses within a 12 month period starting from the day the
instructor signed the CTA Agreement. Failure to comply with this policy will result in termination of the
CCSI Agreement. Details of the minimum delivery requirements are as follows:
• A CCSI must deliver a minimum of four (4) classes
• A CCSI who primarily delivers training or resides in a developing country, must deliver a
minimum of two (2) classes per year. The detail of whether a country is classified as developed
or developing is available on the CCSI Forum.
• A CCSI who develops course content for Cisco must deliver a minimum of two (2) courses in a
twelve (12)-month period starting from the day the instructor signed the CTA Agreement.
o To qualify for the reduced minimum teaching requirement, the CCSI must provide
details of the Cisco content development project and a Cisco contact name for
verification. This request must be submitted to the email alias
prior to the start of development.

4. Ongoing CCSI Quality Assurance

To ensure ongoing Cisco Certified Systems Instructor (CCSI) quality, Cisco will monitor the
instructor performance monthly. Qualified proctors from Cisco will occasionally attend portions of
classes taught by certified instructors. Cisco proctors will evaluate the instructor's performance
based on the same evaluation forms used in the Instructor Certification Program (ICP) event.
Student evaluations collected from the Metrics That Matter (MTM) for the courses taught by the
CCSI will be reviewed by Cisco Instructor Certification and Development (ICAD) team on a monthly
basis. CCSIs must maintain a minimum overall student evaluation score of 4.33. CCSIs whose
instructor score falls below average and have received a minimum of 25 student evaluations for all
courses delivered or for a particular course will be subject to adhere to a corrective action plan or
possible termination of their CCSI certification.
Learning Partner admins should monitor the instructor performance regularly and set up MTM alerts
within the Metrics that Matter (MTM) tool. If a low score is identified, the CCSI and the Learning
Partner will receive an email notification. Cisco may request the instructor to cease all course

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deliveries for that particular course or all courses until the performance issues are addressed. The
CCSI will be required to successfully complete a corrective action plan. Failure to meet the
conditions of the corrective action plan may lead to the termination of the CCSI status and all access
to Cisco course content revoked. The corrective action plan may require the following action to be
taken at Cisco’s discretion.
CCSI course delivery with a low instructor satisfaction score:
• CCSI must immediately stop delivering training for courses that fall below the
• The CCSI must sit the course taught by a Certified CCSI and complete all labs.
• The CCSI must conduct a co-teach and be audited by a Certified CCSI
• CCSI must provide notification to the with completion of
the corrective action plan and the course audit results for course reinstatement.
CCSI whose overall instructor satisfaction scores are below standard:
• The CCSI status will be terminated until the instructor completes an ICP event for re-

Instructor Performance Class Evaluations

As part of the ongoing measurement of class content and instructor quality, each student in a Cisco
authorized class must complete the (MTM) class evaluation form for every Cisco Standard Course
or Cisco Derived Course delivery. The instructor’s performance will be measured on the following

1. The instructor demonstrated a sound understanding of this material.

2. The instructor provided timely and concise answers to questions.
3. The instructor promoted class participation and interactive learning.
4. The instructor was effective and enhanced my learning experience.

Instructors are considered to be in “good standing” as long as their scores average above 4.3 for all Instructor
Categories. Instructors that trend below that average will be placed on probationary status and will need to
work with their Learning Partner (LP) and Cisco for corrective action.

Maintaining Your CCSI Status

In order to maintain your Cisco Certified Systems Instructor (CCSI) status and be authorized to teach Cisco
courses, the CCSI must:
• Maintain active Cisco Certifications at all times. (that is, have a CCNA certification or higher)
• Purchase the IK Membership annually and sign the CTA agreement
• Meet the minimum number of four (4) course teaching requirements per year
• Use MTM evaluations for every class delivery
• Comply with the CCSI Agreement
• Keep the instructor profile records current

To teach Cisco courses, the CCSI must:

• Be an active CCSI in good standing
• Meet all course delivery requirements as described in the Course Administration Guide (CAG)

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• Maintain an average MTM score of 4.33

Cisco will validate and ensure that the instructor has met all program requirements. Failure to comply with
these requirements will result in termination of the CCSI certification and access to the IK Membership will be

5. CCSI Recertification & Disqualification

CCSI Recertification for Terminated Instructors
Cisco expects instructors to teach on a regular basis in order to maintain a high level of quality and
experience. An instructor status is based upon their annual CCSI IK membership subscription and adherence
to the CCSI program polices. An instructor whose status is inactive or terminated will no longer be considered
a Cisco Certified Systems Instructor (CCSI) and cannot deliver any Cisco training. Access to their IK
Membership and all other CCSI related resources will be revoked. Only active CCSIs are eligible to teach
authorized Cisco courses. An instructor that wants to reactivate their status as a CCSI must comply with and
meet the following requirements of the recertification guidelines:

• If the CCSI is inactive for less than one year from the membership expiration date and has a CCNA
Certification or higher, the Learning Partner Admin needs to reinstate the CCSI in the Learning Partner
Management System (LPMS). The CCSI does not need to attend the Cisco Instructor Certification
Program (ICP) event again. Once reinstated in the system, the CCSI will need to purchase the
instructor membership and sign the CTA agreement to become active again.
• If the CCSI has been inactive for more than one year and the CCSI has a CCNA Certification or
higher, the Learning Partner Admin needs to reinstate the CCSI in the LPMS. The admin needs to
enroll the CCSI in an ICP event to attend the presentation portion only. After the instructor
successfully attends and passes the ICP presentation, the approved ICP proctor should send a CCSI
reinstatement email to the Cisco Instructor Certification and Development (ICAD) team for validation.
Once approved by the ICAD team, the instructor will be eligible to purchase the CCSI instructor
membership kit (Premium or Base) and sign the CTA agreement. If the CCSI does not have an active
Cisco Certification (CCNA or higher), the CCSI must attend the full ICP event, both the presentation
and lab portions of the exam.
• If the CCSI has been inactive for more than two years from the date of the expired membership, the
CCSI must attend an ICP event, both presentation and lab portion of the exam.

As per the Certified Cisco Systems Instructor and Instructor Candidate Agreement, You or
Cisco may terminate your agreement without cause by giving a thirty (30) days prior written
notice to the other party.

A Cisco Certified Systems Instructor (CCSI) may be disqualified and terminated from the Cisco Certified
Instructor Program at Cisco’s discretion if any of the following occurs but not limited to:

• Not adhering to the conditions outlined in the Certified Cisco Systems Instructor Agreement
• Delivering a course not sanctioned by Cisco Systems, or through a training partner that is
not an authorized Cisco Learning Partner
• Disclosure of Cisco certification exam content to Cisco students, Cisco affiliates, or

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unaffiliated third parties
• Disseminating any Cisco certification exam preparation for Cisco learning content (self-study, training
publications, and so on) that is not endorsed by Cisco
• Delivering Cisco training without meeting the course teaching requirements as outlined in the Course
Administration Guide (CAG)
• Not meeting the annual minimum teaching delivery requirements
• Not meeting the minimum customer satisfaction rating of 4.33
• Delivering Cisco training as an unauthorized CCSI who is in a terminated or inactive status
• Delivering training without having purchased the annual instructor kit membership or having a signed
the Certified Cisco Systems Instructor Agreement
• Sharing of Cisco intellectual property to any customer, partner, or third party in print or electronic
form without Cisco’s prior written consent. Under no circumstances shall this material be stored on a
public or shared file server.

Changes and Updates

The Cisco Certified Systems Instructor (CCSI) is responsible for making sure that all program requirements
are met and that the CCSI stays informed of any changes. Cisco will provide notification of any changes to
program requirements and policies by posting them on the CCSI Forum instructor community, or by email. If
you have comments about this documentation, submit your feedback to

6. CCSI Program Support

Links/URLs Details
Cisco Learning Store Policies https://learningnetworkstore.cisc Helps you solve common issues
and FAQs immediately
Instructor Kit Purchase https://learningnetworkstore.cisc IK Membership description and
Information ordering process
Instructor Kit Membership— https://learningnetworkstore.cisc Instructor Kit download instructions
Getting Started and FAQs and FAQs
Cisco Learning Network Social networking community that
m/index.jspa offers you discussion forums,
blogs, and a vast array of
resources and tools for learning
and education
Certification Tracking System Allows you to view your
urango/do/login?ownername=cis certifications, test history,
co&channel=cisco&basechannel recertification status, and the date
=integral7 your certification certificate was
mailed; and allows you access to
the certification logos and to
subscribe to receive notifications
from Cisco
Chat with Support. https://learningnetworkstore.cisc Chat with support regarding CLN store-related basic issues and
Click the “Chat with Support” getting help with the IK
in the navigation bar Membership access. This Chat

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Support service is available only
for products purchased on the
Cisco Learning Network Store.
CCSI Forum This private forum is exclusively for
m/community/learning_center/te CCSIs to: share expertise,
am_wikis/ccsi-forum exchange ideas, access
information and resources, gain
support, and receive important
CCSI Resources See additional process
m/docs/DOC-9797 documentation and program
support under the CCSI Resources
page within the CCSI Forum.
My Cisco Workspace Create a support case in my
/web/workspace workspace.
Learning Partner Program Information about the Cisco
ng/wwlpc/clp_associate.html#~r Learning Partner program
Cisco Learning Locator Use the Cisco Learning Locator to
rningLocator/ find authorized Cisco training
WWLPO Newsletter Subscription for WWLPO
wlpc/wwlpc_forms/WWLPC- newsletter to get updates

Here is a list of important resources that can be used for any questions related to the following:

Email alias to be used Issues CCSI support alias for all miscellaneous questions
regarding instructor status, course content, teaching
requirements, TTT activities or to escalate an issue CCSI program requirements inquiries or out of
compliance support needs For any questions related to Virtual Lab Support CLL Scheduling issues TIS Support Alias for CLL Lab Issues Medius Instructor Kit Support Alias for help

troubleshooting access to content or installation
problems. New request for the CCSI Forum & Cisco Lounge ICP results submitted for Cisco review

July 2016 ver 1.0 Page 10 CCSI membership inquiries purchased on the CLN


CAG: Course Administration Guide

CCSI: Cisco Certified System Instructor
CLL: Cisco Learning Locator
CLN: Cisco Learning Network
CLSP-: Cisco Learning Specialized Partner
CTA-: Click to Accept
ESD: Education Service Distributor
ICP: Instructor Certification Program
ICAD: Cisco Instructor Certification and Development
IK: Instructor Kit
LP: Learning Partner
LPMS: Learning Partner Management System
WWLPO-: World Wide Learning Partner Organization
Cisco Learning Partner (“CLP”)-: means any Party (other than Cisco) to a then-current, valid CLP
Agreement. The CLP must meet the criteria established by Cisco for the Program, and remain in good
standing for the term of the Agreement. A CLP is authorized by Cisco to offer official technical, product, and/or
solutions training using CCSIs, depending on Program Requirements, in the Authorized Area.

Instructor Status Definitions

A CCSI is only authorized to teach Cisco training when they are in an “Active” or “Transition” status.
CCSIs will only have access to Cisco courses through the IK Membership when in an “Active” or
“Transition” status. Access will be revoked when the CCSIs status moves to any other instructor

NEW: CCSI candidate is enrolled for an ICP event but has not yet attended and passed. Instructor can order
only the ICP “preparation” membership (ICND1 and 2 IKs for four-month access). The Learning Partner
Admin will work with an ESD or a Direct Learning Partner to enroll the CCSI in an ICP event. In this status,
the CCSI is eligible to purchase the Instructor ICP Prep kit available on the CLN Store. The CCSI candidate is
not authorized to teach until they have passed the ICP event and have purchased the annual Base or
Premium Instructor Membership and has signed the CTA Agreement.

ICP_PASS: Instructor passed the ICP event and is qualified to purchase a Base or Premium membership.
Instructor and Learning Partner are sent an email notification reminding them they must purchase membership
within 60 days of passing the ICP event and are not authorized to teach until a membership is purchased and
the CCSI accepts the (CTA) agreement (on membership receipt there is a link to the CTA). Note: If
membership is not purchased and accepted within days, the CCSI goes in an inactive status. See INACTIVE
status details.

ACTIVE: Instructor passed the ICP event, membership was purchased, and the CCSI has accepted the
(CTA) the CCSI agreement. The CCSI is authorized to teach.

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PCTA: Instructor membership has been purchased but the instructor has not accepted the (CTA) the CCSI
agreement (on membership receipt there is a link to the CTA). Instructor has 14 days after membership
purchase to accept the CCSI agreement before the CCSI status goes to XCTA status. The instructor is not
authorized to teach until the CCSI agreement is accepted. Once the instructor accepts the CCSI agreement,
their status will change to ACTIVE.

XCTA: The membership has expired/not renewed, or the CCSI agreement was not accepted within the
required 14 days. The instructor is not authorized to teach, but if they purchase a membership and accept the
CCSI agreement they will return to ACTIVE status. The CCSI status will move to “Terminated” if a membership
is not purchased within 365 days of the membership expiry date.

TRANSITION: The CCSI has been dissociated from a Cisco Learning Partner (CLP). The CCSI will remain in
a TRANSITION status for 120 days and is authorized to teach. Once the CCSI selects a new CLP then the
administrator of the new CLP will need to re-instate the CCSI in the Learning Partner Management System
(LPMS).A CCSI with an active membership does not need to purchase another membership until the
subscription end date. If the CCSI does not associate to another CLP within 120 days, their status will
automatically change to Terminated and their access to the IK Membership will be revoked.

TERMINATED: The CCSI status will change to Terminated if the IK Membership has expired and was not
renewed, or if the membership was not purchased after the Instructor Certification Program (ICP) pass, or if
the CCSI has no active Cisco Certifications or active courses on their instructor profile.

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