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Older People’s Partnership Board

June 5 2017

Orchard Park Community Centre, Central Avenue, Orchard Park CB4 2EZ


DB David Bache Independent Member
AB Ashling Bannon Carers Hubs Manager, Carers Trust
SC Sally Cleghorn Development Officer, CAIL
LF Lucy Forrest Team Manager, Cambridgeshire County Council
GL Graham Lewis Development Officer, CAIL
RM Ruth McCallum CEO (to June 2017), Care Network
PM Paul McCloskey Independent Member
LO Lynne O’Brien Service Development Manager, Cambridgeshire
County Council
RO Richard O’Driscoll Head of Service Development, Cambridgeshire
County Council
BP Barry Payne Independent Member
TR Trish Reed Interim Service Development Manager,
Cambridgeshire County Council
FS Frances Swann Housing Manager, Cambridge City Council
BW Brian Walker Chair, Independent Member
SW Susie Willis CEO (July 2017 onwards), Care Network
BY Beverley Young Age UK

Fen House, Fen Road, Cambridge, CB4 1UN

Tel: 0300 111 2301
Registered Charity No. 1132290 Company limited by guarantee No 06861653
1. Welcome, introductions, apologies
Apologies: Anna Bailey, Charlotte Black, Lynne Byrne, Jenny Egbe, Kate Hales,
Diarmid MacKenzie, Cath Mitchell and Margaret Moffatt.

2. Older People’s Team update

Richard O’Driscoll attended on behalf of Charlotte Black.

a) Home Care contract

The Council is making significant changes to the tender; a single contract for
cradle to grave services, also working with the CCG. The model of service
delivery is also changing – moving to an outcome based focus being on what
people can do, not what they can’t.

£30million contract. The contracts will be awarded for 10 years to ensure

stability and to support organisations in adopting the new model.

A Quality Panel is to be established which will meet on a regular basis to

review standards and issues.

DB How many service providers will there be? More or less than before?
RD More. A new system of dynamic commissioning means that every 3 months
the list will be reopened so that new companies can tender.
BW if a PA who is village based goes on holiday/sick, what will happen?
RD Business continuity will be built in to contracts. Will also connect with the
Neighbourhood Cares initiative in villages to address this.
DB What will the minimum duration of visits be? Currently a 15 minute call can
become a 5 minute call due to traffic, delays etc?
RD New system of electronic call monitoring is being implemented which will help
to address this.

b) Care Home provision

There are approximately 3,000 residential/nursing care beds in the county.
Currently 95% of these are in use. This creates a problem for people when it
comes to choice. 450 extra beds are needed now; hopefully will be in place
by 2020. The Council is exploring ways to work with care home companies,
such as releasing land, long term contracts to develop homes in nursing care.
Also working with the CCG in respect of need identification.

DB Does the number of beds include extra care?

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RD No it doesn’t. There are plans to increase the number of sheltered housing

c) Re-enablement
County Council is investing in a home based service to encourage
independence. It is an intensive short term project. 50% of participants
become fully independent within short term, 10% have greater independence
than before participating. The council is working with the CCG sustainability
and transformation unit to increase their re-enablement intermediate care
team. An extra 80 workers to be recruited between CCG and CCC this year.

BP Does this include Doddington Community Hospital?

RD Doddington has 8 single bed flats and 1 twin bed flat. It will re-open this year.
It closed as was managed by CCG, has been taken over by CCC.

d) Changes in the County Council

The new elected Mayor is responsible for coordinating and creating closer
working between the local authorities.

Adult Social Care at the County Council is currently undergoing a restructure.

3. Prevention Pathway housing work

TR explained that she has a background in housing at district council level and now
works with the County Council on the disabled facilities grants via the Better Care
The current process had been reviewed from first referral through to completion. It
can be as long as 6 months.
TR explained that new services are needed
HOOP – Housing Options for Older People – is a service which allows people to
consider what type of home would best suit them. It is a simple question leaflet with
9 questions. This will be trialled in South Cambs. It is a free service. People can be
referred to the Adult Early Help Team. They will work with the South Cambs Visiting
Service to explore options and also look at the barriers that people have to moving.
A team of volunteers ‘Silverlink’, people who have already moved, will go to groups
to talk about their experiences and how they tackled barriers.
The desired outcome is that older people are living independently for much longer in
a more suitable home.
BW How accurate is the 8 weeks waiting time for OT assessment as shown in the

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TR This was an average. It depends on which team, their staffing etc.
BW And time for works to be completed?
TR Again this is an average, depends on the nature of the works.
PM Does this include disabled people?
TR Yes, work with the sensory team etc.
BY How available is suitable alternative accommodation?
TR That is the challenge! We are working with Homelink to identify adapted
RD A number of new developments are happening. This type of information will
provide feedback to work with the district councils and advise developers
about community needs
FS These systems need to be used very early on. Attended a visit this morning
with an Occupational Therapist and it was clear support had been needed by
the person for some time.

4. Assistive Technology
LF came to the OPPB last year and so provided an update.
a) LF explained that since then they have invested in a home assessment
system which can monitor people’s rooms so that they gain a better
understanding of what is happening for the person. This enables the targeting
of resources and guides more appropriate conversations.

35 kits can be deployed across the county. These are only motion sensors,
not cameras. Person can have full access to the data. An example would be
that the sensor would show if someone goes upstairs to bed or sleeps in their
lounge; how often do the go to the bathroom or kitchen.

b) Carers UK has an app called ‘JOINTLY’ which the Council is buying a licence
for so that people can use it. The Council are increasing their use of
technology to enable independence.

The app enables information and communications to be shared to all those

involved in the support of a person, ensuring that they all have the information
they need to carry out the tasks.
SC Has there been any feedback from people who have used the monitoring

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LF People find it really helpful; it provides reassurance to families as well as
leading to conversations about care needs. Technology can be part of
assessment and support.
FS Could it replace Lifeline?
LF Yes, if no activity for a period of time it can message carers e.g. if no one has
been to the kitchen for a period of time.
PM In relation to the app, are there concerns about data theft?
LF It has been in use for a while and run by Carers UK. Any glitches will have
been resolved.
BY Who can use it? Is it for families or professionals?
LF Anybody that is in the person’s circle of support.


5. Independent Members Feedback

Planning of housing, care and support for older people in the future
At the last OPPB, Tracy Cassidy of SCDC had worked on the Northstowe
development. The Councils have now commissioned research by Sheffield Hallam
University to explore needs further.

It was noted that transport is a key issue for people.

Action: People to be part of a focus group, subject to SC speaking with Alena

Taylor, CEO of CAIL.

PM People need to start planning for their older age sooner rather than later.

TR Aiming to get information from across South Cambs so that as many people
as possible can have their say.

PM The parish magazines are very helpful.

6. Membership Applications
BW explained that the Board had received a number of requests to join the Board.
Request from Fiona Davies, new Head of Mental Health Cambridgeshire County
Council and Peterborough City Council. RD suggested that as the Board was

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already well supported and attended by the County Council (Charlotte Black and
Lynne O’Brien) that perhaps it would be better for Fiona to work through them.
The representatives of 3 service provider organisations on the Board were in the
process of standing down from their roles. The Board agreed to invite their
successors to join:
Amanda Morgan Cambridgeshire Hearing Help
Flora Raffai CamSight
Susie Willis Care Network Cambridgeshire
FS of Cambridge City Council advised that she was also moving on and it was
agreed to invite her successor to join the Board.
Laura Wilderspin Cambridge City Council
There had also been expressions of interest from potential Independent Members.
Unfortunately, one of the interested parties is currently unwell.
It was agreed to invite David Bache to join the Board.
DB asked where the OPPB reports to. GL was able to explain that the OPPB has
Terms of Reference and as such doesn’t report anywhere. However, it has
representation through CAIL and the Chair of the OPPB at the Adult Social Care
Forum – a group that brings together all the engagement services funded by Adult
Social Care (CAIL, Sun Network, Voiceability) and other appropriate services such
as Healthwatch and We Are Purple (the Direct Payment Support Service) along with
the County Council Service Development Managers. The ASCF is chaired by a
member of the Senior Management of Adult Social Care and as such has direct
access to them so that issues and concerns can be monitored and speedily be

Action: The Board agreed that they would like the draft minutes of the ASCF to be
circulated to them when they are published.
Action: SC will write to all the new members to advise that they have been

7. Adult Social Care Forum (feedback from, items for)

OPPB did not take any items to the ASCF.
CAIL raised that a Social Worker had phoned CAIL to find out what happens in
relation to Direct Payments when the PA is on holiday. How is Holiday Pay and care
provided? It was explained that this cost is covered in the Direct Payment package.
SC brought the following points from the ASCF.

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 Village Benefits Service has changed its name to Welfare Benefits Team
 The Adult Social Care ‘Working Together’ document has been reviewed. The
County Council is taking this through a process so that it will apply to all
engagement work carried out by all departments of the County Council.
 Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough merged on 1st April 2017.
They are now undergoing a restructuring process.
Items for the ASCF:
Housing options for people who are not yet ‘older’. Earlier planning for the future
needs to be raised with people.

8. Action Log

SC to review Action Log and remove completed/discontinued items.

Name badges: so that Independent Members can be identified when at events on

behalf of the Board.

Northstowe: Invite a speaker, FS to send SC appropriate contact details.

NHS Commissioning: Links to website were circulated

CCG: It was proposed to ask Cath Mitchell to invite a non-executive director to join
the Board in a similar capacity to the County Councillors.

Aol server: SC reported that CAIL’s service provider is working on this problem. RM
explained that Care Network had had this problem but it had been resolved when
they transferred their servers to ‘the cloud’.

9. AOB and Agenda ideas


RM is leaving Care Network Cambridgeshire and expressed her thanks to the Board.
BW thanked RM for her time and contribution to the Board.

Next meeting: September 11, 2:00pm – 4:00pm, Ely Cathedral Community

Centre, Palace Green, Ely CB7 4EW

Please note that there will be a pre-meeting for independent members

starting at 1:15pm

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