OPPB Minutes 17 11 13

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Older People’s Partnership Board

November 13 2017

Orchard Park, Cambridge CB4 2EZ


LA Laura Adcock Housing Services Manager, Cambridge City
DB David Bache Independent Member
AB Anna Bailey Councillor, Adults Committee
AshB Ashling Bannon Carers Hubs Manager, Carers Trust Cambs
CB Charlotte Black Director Adults and Safeguarding, CCC
SC Sally Cleghorn Development Officer, CAIL
JC Justin Craig Preventing Poverty in Older People Project Officer,
Cambridge City
FD Fiona Davis Head of Mental Health Services CCP
JE Jenny Egbe Independent Member
RJ Rita Jones Services Manager, Alzheimer’s Society
DM Diarmid MacKenzie Independent Member
PM Paul McCloskey Independent Member
AM Amanda Morgan CEO, Cambridgeshire Hearing Help
JN Jean Newman Independent Member
LO Lynne O’Brien Commissioner, People and Communities CCC
BP Barry Payne Independent Member
SJ-R Sabi Johnson-Ratcliffe Project Support Officer
FR Flora Raffai CEO, Cam Sight
BW Brian Walker Independent Member

Fen House, Fen Road, Cambridge, CB4 1UN

Tel: 0300 111 2301 Email:admin@cambridgeshirealliance.org.uk
Registered Charity No. 1132290 Company limited by guarantee No 06861653
1. Welcome, introductions, apologies
Apologies: Margaret Moffat, Susie Willis, Deborah Cohen, Lynne Byrne, Cath

Justin Craig, Preventing Poverty in Older People project officer, Cambridge City
spoke briefly about his project.
 For 65+, will visit people to check finances, access to benefits, available
energy deals
 Housing needs
 Digital inclusion
 Reaching out to the Asian community
 Can refer people to the Sensory Services
 Hopes to work with the Credit Union

2. Older People’s Team update

Charlotte Black
Key developments
 Home Care contract started last week. Commissioned jointly with NHS.
Providers have been increased from 38 to 74.
 Centralised Brokerage Team is responsible for sourcing
 CB thanked the Board for its input
 Reablement provides up to 6 weeks free support to become independent at
 Actively advertising for enablers using video promotion
 Enhanced Response Service includes support after a fall, catheter care,
reassurance. Staff help to avoid hospital admission. Links to Assistive
 Delayed transfers of care. The Better Care Fund provided additional funding.
Performance is improving and the OP Team is working really closely with the
NHS. Neighbourhood Care Teams are contributing to this.
 Avoid hospital admission
 Area review by CQC – how issues are approached, will need to brief OPPB.
Helen Gregg is coordinating this.

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 Neighbourhood Cares project is starting to take on people coming out of
hospital. It is aiming for a more consistent response
 Housing (Lynne O’Brien) HOOP scheme (Housing Options for Older People)
has been trialled in South Cambs to encourage older people to consider their
housing options before reaching a crisis. Care Network recruits people who
have used the system to guide others through the process.

Actions: Sally and LO to liaise on briefing on CQC review

3. Independent Members’ Feedback

David Bache: Does Cambridgeshire do anything similar to the Campaign to End

Loneliness in Peterborough?

Answer: Karen Berkley at Peterborough coordinates with Cambridgeshire.

David Bache: Would like local and uniform provision of Reablement, Home Care
and Rehousing (same person).

Answer: It requires multidisciplinary staff and is multi-‘roled’. Neighbourhood

Cares is aiming for this.

Diarmid McKenzie: Good news. JET team showed initiative and saved an
individual. CB agreed the evidence is showing good results.

Barry Payne: Transport in Chatteris is inadequate. 4 buses there and back are
being done away with.

Jenny Egbe: Barry’s comment links in with Social Isolation.

Anna Bailey: 2 types of buses: commercial and non-commercial (more rural

areas). Funding pot for subsidising was split into two. Bus passes cost £6 million.

Subsidised routes are a tiny part of the budget (£1.5 million pounds).

She would prefer £7.5m in one pot to allow for more creative solutions but
councils have a statutory duty to separate pots of money.

However the new Mayor is committed to reviewing all bus services and bus
franchising is on the table.

East Cambridgeshire has tried a more localised response to avoid empty buses.

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She suggested people should petition local councillors.

Long-term bus fundraising. Stagecoach costs £25 per passenger journey.

Taxpayer cannot fund this. 45,000 users without service. Devolution permits

Paul McCloskey: is the funding paid regardless of usage?

Answer: No, it is paid per journey.

4. Terms of Reference for approval

Accepted by all.

5. Family Carer Hubs and Shared Homes Projects, Ashling Bannon

 Building community based small group care for 75+
 Carers in Cambridgeshire over 80 not necessarily identified until they have to
go into hospital
 Innovation Fund is the same as Assistive Care Links
 Family Carer Hubs include a range of professionals, provides short breaks
 Shelford Dementia Group developed in conjunction with CPFT as a
specialised service.

Brian Walker: Resistance to doing independent activities. Carers who don’t identify
as carers. Hubs: Togetherness but a break as well. Proximity but individuality.

Anna Bailey: Ely Hub, same people who always attend. How is it assessed? The
Innovation Fund £1 million per annum. How is it evaluated? Is it sustainable?

Ashling Bannon: Delivery of Health and Wellbeing programme.

 The core business continues.

 Shared Homes Scheme: Evidenced as self-sustaining, opportunities for
scalability, impact on admissions, entrance into social care, split cost of
session between four people.
 Affordability means people may use this to avoid reaching crisis point.
How do we work with Parish Councils? Look at costing model for this.
Reduce hospital admission. Reduce isolation and loneliness.

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Example of Outreach: Ramsey example of community partners, local
charities have been contacted in order to identify the support needed.
Community-based memory clinics: different models of community
provision, which are appointment-based.

Fiona Davies to Ashling Bannon: Sustainability: Dementia Strategy tries to

identifying opportunity for efficiency.
Ashling Bannon: Dementia resource area
Paul McCloskey: Tactical opportunity. Community Innovation Fund should be used.
Action: SC to circulate Ashling’s presentation.

6. Dementia Strategy Fiona Davies

 Wants to know strengths and weaknesses within the area.
 Dementia is “Everybody’s business” – multi-focal plan
 Pathway Workshop on the 28th of November - Dementia Pathway
Strengths and Weaknesses.
 Two main areas: (a) Support for Carers and (b) awareness. The
Sustainability and Transformation plan (STP) identified Dementia as one
quarter of the main interest.
 Working closely with CCC (Tonia Keats) on Older People’s Mental Health.
To ensure Commissioners are commissioning well and improving
 A task and finish group including Fiona Davis, Ashling Bannon and Rita
Jones is working on resource use across the whole of Peterborough and
Cambridgeshire and on how to sustain initiatives.
 24/7 support for carers and individuals with Dementia where they’ll be
received in an appropriate way.

FD invited comment

JN – more people need to know about the ‘What If’ plans.

JE – what happens when the carer becomes ill?

AshB – how does it link with Falls Prevention Strategy?

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AB – now have teams that can go in. This underlines the benefit of Neighbourhood

PM – carers need training.

RJ – Alzheimer’s Society works specifically with carers on strategies

AM – Cambridgeshire Hearing Help has done some recent research on dementia

and hearing loss. Asks to be included in the consultation.

FD – glad to hear the Older People’s Partnership Board reinforce the point that early
intervention makes the difference. Asks how the Board would like to engage. She is
happy to return to update the Board and asks for names of those interested.

Action: OPPB members to inform FD if they are interested in joining Dementia

Strategy consultation.

7. Adult Social Care Forum (feedback from/items for)

Action: SC to circulate minutes from ASCF.
Due to time constraints Items 7 and 8 will be covered at meeting on 5 March.
8. Action Log
See note above.
9. AOB and Agenda ideas
 AM of Cambridgeshire Hearing Help is willing to give a presentation. She
has a powerful report on Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
 PM/ JN Good transport is vital for older people and affects the sense of
isolation. Wants Cambridgeshire to find innovative ways of improving
transport options
 AB reported that the Neighbourhood Cares pilot is well underway. Soham
has taken on 12 new cases, St Ives 24. The timeline is very short and she
is pushing to understand care packages. The scheme is less bureaucratic,
more frontline. Testing how many staff are needed per 10,000 head of
 JE Healthwatch’s report on care homes.

Next meeting: Monday March 5, 10:30am – 12:30pm, St Ives Corn Exchange,

Market Hill, St Ives PE27 5AG. Please note that there will be a pre-meeting for
independent members starting at 10:00am

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