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Physical Disability and Sensory Impairment Partnership Board

Tuesday 5th December 2017 2.00pm – 4.00pm

March Community Centre

Station Road, March PE15 8LE

PDSI pre meeting will start at 1.15pm with the main meeting starting at 2pm
Refreshments will be available from 1.45pm. Meeting will begin at 2.00pm prompt.

Item Length Lead

1 Welcome, Apologies and Introductions 5 minutes Mick Scadden

2.00 – 2.05 & Graham

2 Minutes of the last meeting (07.09.17) and 5 minutes Graham Lewis

matters arising 2.05 – 2.10

3 Updates from board members 5 minutes All

2.10 – 2.15

4 Feedback from other meetings 10 minutes Mick Scadden

 Cross Board Event 2.15 – 2.25 & Graham
 Wheelchair User Forum Lewis
 Outreach events

5 Updates from the PD & SI teams 5 minutes Lee McManus

2.25 – 2.30

6 Housing Adaptions Pathway 30 minutes Trish Reed

2.30 – 3.00
Break 10 minutes All
3.00 – 3.10

Fen House, Fen Road, Cambridge, CB4 1UN

Tel: 0300 111 2301
Registered Charity No. 1132290 Company limited by guarantee No 06861653
7 Cambridgeshire wide Disabled Facilities 30 minutes Helen Reed
Grant Policy 3.10 – 3.40

8 Adult Social Care Forum – items for the 10 minutes Mick Scadden
ASCF and from the ASCF 3.40 – 3.50 and Graham

9 Action Log 5 minutes Mick Scadden

3.50 – 3.55 and Graham

10 Any other business 5 minutes All

3.55 – 4.00

Dates of future meetings 2018

Venue TBC
1.15pm – 4.00pm Thursday 22nd February

Items for forthcoming meetings

1 Principal Social Worker and Head of Adult Safeguarding – Helen

Duncan – February 2018 (10 minutes)

Fen House, Fen Road, Cambridge, CB4 1UN

Tel: 0300 111 2301
Registered Charity No. 1132290 Company limited by guarantee No 06861653

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