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1803 Vocabulary Terms 

Name : Aisha Hashil AlKaroossi. 
ID : H00357902. 

  Term   Definition  

1  2D shape   A shape that only has two dimensions (such as width and height) and no 
thickness. Like, squares, circles, and triangles. 

2  3D shape   The shapes are solid, not flat, thay have corners, edges, and faces.   

3  accommodation  involves changing existing mental structures to explain new experience 

4  assimilation  involves interpreting new experiences in terms of existing mental structure 

without changing them  

5  cardinality  a set that is either finite or has the same cardinality as the set of positive 
integers is called countable  

6  centration  the tendency to focus on only one aspect of an object or problem at a time 
while neglecting the other aspecting  

7  Classification  making groupings and sorting real objects 

(Science process 

8  Cognitive  A learning or meaning making theory that offers an explanation of the nurture 
constructivism  of knowledge or how human beings learn. 

9  communicating  describing phenomena, giving out and receiving information, creating graphs, 
(Science process  maps 

10  concept  The basic unit of thinking.  

11  conclusion  summarize and explain what happened in your experiment, and it should be 
(Scientific  answer the question posed in step one, and based solely on your results. 

12  Concrete  the stage of cognitive development in which a child is capable of performing a 
operational  variety of mental operations and thoughts using concrete concepts, and its 
stage   between 7-11 years. 

13  controlling  Controlled variables refer to variables or contributing factors that are fixed 
variables   or eliminated in order to clearly identify the relationship between an 
independent variable​ and a d​ ependent variabl​e 

14  data  Information, A collection of facts, such as numbers, words, measurements, 

observations or even just descriptions of things. 

15  disequilibrium  refer to our inability to fit new information into our schema 

16  equilibrium  A condition in which all acting influences are canceled by others, resulting in 
a stable or balanced system. 

17  estimation  -To find a value that is close enough to the right answer, usually with some 
thought or calculation involved. 
-the process of finding an estimate, or approximate, which is a value that is 

18  Formal  The stage of ability to think abstractly To create ideas and to test ideas and 
Operations  make alternative ideas and to evaluate their success 

19  hypothesis  falsifiable supposition made on the basis of limited information, as a starting 
(Scientific  point for further investigation.  
20  hypothesizing  "if, then" statements about the relationship between two variables.  

21  inferring  making conclusions, generalizations 

process skill) 

22  inquiry-based  It is a learning method depends on enquiry and exploration, that mean 
learning (IBL)   thinking to make meaning. 

23  learning cycle  It is a number of stages that people followed to learn from experience. 

24  logical  is a way to group information in a logical manner. 


25  measuring  It is finding a number that shows the size or amount of something. 
26  measuring  quantifying observations using numbers, counting, time, distance, volume, 
(science  size, temperature 
process skill) 

27  more  Anyone who has a better understanding or a higher ability level that the 
knowledgeable  learner. 

28  observing  using the five senses to gather information 

process skill) 

29  one to one 

The recognition that one group has as many members as another 

30  perceptual  The ability to see a small amount of object and know how many there are 
subitizing  without counting.  

31  predicting  guessing, deciding in advance what we think will happen 

process skill) 

32  pre-operational  Children learn to use language and are able to represent, symbolize, and 
stage  think about things in their environment. 

33  process skill  using the senses to gather information about an object or event. 

34  rational 
Attaching a number name to each object counted 

35  reversibility  the test to complete definition 

36  rote counting  Reciting the names of the numerals in order from memory 

37  scaffolding  role of teachers and others in supporting the learners development and 
providing support structures to get to that next stage or level” 

38  scientific  series of step to collect information or solve problem 

39  Sensory motor  infants try to make sense of their world through their sensory perception and 
stage  motor activities  

40  seriation  a relative dating technique based on the chronological ordering of a group of 
artifact or assemblages, where the most similar are placed adjacent to each 
other in the series 
41  social  the importance of culture and context and understanding what occurs in 
constructivism  society and constructing knowledge based on this understanding 

42  Sorting  the process of sequencing and arranging a list of data items 

43  spatial  An application that makes use of spatial knowledge, awareness, or 
awareness  presentation in order to achieve its goals. 

44  Standards for  varieties of expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to 
School  develop in their students 

45  student-  Is a question provides opportunities for learners to undertake research, solve 
directed inquiry  problems, communicate ideas, and manage their workload and learning in a 
personalized, authentic, meaningful context 

46  teachable  something or particularly responsive to being taught or made aware of 
moment  something 

47  teacher-  Is a question help teachers know the students understanding rate and of the 
directed inquiry  students getting the key idea of the lesson or not. 

48  testable  The question that can be answered through scientific investigation. 

49  volume  Math : Volume is the measure of the amount of space inside of a solid figure, 
like a cube, ball 
Science: Volume is the quantity of three-dimensional space occupied by a 
liquid​, ​solid​, or ​gas​.  

50  zone of  The area of learning that a more knowledgeable. 


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