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1. The hotel has got two restaurants.

There ________________ two restaurants in the hotel.

2. I bought this car six months ago.

I ________________this car for six months.

3. I've known Jill for ten years.

I first ________________Jill ten years ago.

4. They arrived 10 minutes ago.

They________________ here for 10 minutes.

5. He's been a member of the tennis club for two years.

He ________________ the tennis club two years ago.

6. Italy's been a Republic since 1946.

Italy________________ a Republic in 1946.

7. We spent two hours writing the letters.

It ________________us two hours to write the letters.

8. It took me three hours to repair the car.

I ________________ three hours repairing the car.

9. We left when it stopped raining.

We didn't leave ________________ it stopped raining.

10. We didn't spend much money.

We only spent ________________ money.

11. There were only a few people at the meeting.

There ________________people at the meeting.

12. "Why don't we go to the cinema?" said Jane.

Jane ________________to the cinema.

13. You should buy a new car.

You ________________ to buy a new car.

14. How much does a three-bedroomed house cost?

What is ________________ of a three-bedroomed house.

15. I sent him an email because I wanted to tell him about the party.
I sent him an email ________________ order to tell him about the party.

16. I've never read such a good book.

This is ________________book I've ever read.

17. I've never had such a good meal.

That was the best meal I've ________________had.
18. There are more people here than yesterday.
There weren't ________________ people here yesterday as there are today.

19. I like Mary better than Jane.

I don't like Jane ________________ as Mary.

20. My son doesn't read as much as my daughter.

My daughter reads ________________ my son.

21. I haven't read a good novel for a long time.

It's a long time ________________ I read a good novel.

22. Why don't you borrow a book from the library.

If I were you, I ________________ borrow a book from the library.

23. I think that history books are more interesting than novels.
I think that novels are not _________________ history books.

24. There aren't many history books in my local library.

My local library has only a ________________ history books.

25. My brother is too young to read computer books.

My brother isn't ________________ to read computer books.

26. The owner of the new restaurant is a very rich man.

The new restaurant ________________ to a very rich man.

27. The Bluebell was designed by a famous architect.

A famous architect ________________ The Bluebell.

28. The Bluebell is more comfortable than other restaurants in the area.
Other restaurants in the area are not so _____________The Bluebell.

29. Janet got a new MP4 player three weeks ago.

Janet _____________ her new MP4 player for three weeks.

30. Janet was given the new MP4 player by her uncle.
Janet's uncle _____________ her the new MP4.

31. Jason's new net book was cheaper than his old PC.
Jason's old PC was __________ than his new net book.

32. Harry hadn't finished listening to a song when the doorbell rang.
Harry _____________ still listening to a song when the doorbell rang.

33. Simon never goes anywhere without taking his mobile phone.
Simon takes his mobile phone _____________ he goes.

34. There are English and French dishes on The Bluebell’s menu.
The Bluebell ______________________ got English and French dishes on its
35. Meal prices at The Bluebell will change on 30 August.
Meal prices at The Bluebell will be the same _______________ 30 August.

36. The new sports centre has been open for a month.
The new sports centre _________________________ a month ago.

37. We spent an hour driving to the centre.

It took us an hour ___________________________to the centre.

38. The car park had three lifts.

There were three lifts ______________________________ the car park.

39. The centre was so big that we got lost in it.

We got lost in the centre _________________________ it was so big.

40. It was 5.30 pm when we left the centre.

We didn't leave the centre ___________________ 5.30

41. Our trip to the new sports centre was enjoyable.

We _____________________ our trip to the new sports centre

42. I was given a new digital camera for my birthday by my grandfather.

My grandfather ____________________ a new camera for my birthday.

43. So far, I haven’t taken many photos with my new camera.

So far, I I've only taken a ____________________ photos with my new camera.

44. My uncle asked me if I would show him my new laptop.

My uncle said, "Please, would ___________________________ your laptop?

45. He suggested trying a different operating system.

He said, "Why _______________________________ try a different operating

46. It would be good if I went on a computer course.

I really ought _________________________ on a computer course.

47. My father is finding out how much a four-week computer course costs.
My father is finding out the __________ a four-week computer course.

48. I haven't been to a concert for a long time.

It's a long time since ________________a concert

49. Why don't you learn a musical instrument?

If I were you, ________________learn a musical instrument.

50. If you don't practise the piano every day, you won't improve.
You won't improve unless __________________ the piano every day

51. There are only a few concerts this month.

There aren't very ________________ concerts this month.
52. This room is too small for us to play music in.
This room isn't ________________ for us to play music in.

53. I prefer playing the guitar to playing the piano.

I like playing the guitar ________________ playing the piano.

54. It took them a long time to decide which concert to go to

They spent a long time ___________ which concert to go to

55. Peter is taller than Jermaine.

Jermaine isn't ________________ Peter.

56. The concert is free.

You ________________ pay to get into the concert.

57. It is compulsory to carry an ID card.

You ________________ to carry an ID card.

58. Smoking is forbidden here.

You ________________ smoke here.

59. Would you like another drink?

Do you ________________ another drink?

60. Do you want to play cards?

________________ you like to play cards?

61. "I won't be late."

She said she ________________ be late.

62. "I can't swim."

She told me she ________________ swim.

63. "I've never been to London."

He said he ________________ never been to London.

64. "What's your name?"

He asked the girl what ________________was. "

65. "Stand up, please."

The teacher told the class ________________ up .

66. "Don't speak Italian."

The teacher told the class ________________ Italian.

67. "Where do you live?"

He asked the girl where ________________lived.

68. Someone showed me the letter.

I ________________ the letter.
69. This book was written by my aunt.
My aunt ________________ this book.

70. It was too hot to go for a walk.

It was __________________ we didn't go for a walk.

71. They spent so much money that they had to go to the bank.
They spent ________________ of money that they had to go to the bank.

72. He isn't old enough to drive a car.

He is ________________to drive a car.

73. I don't have enough money to go on holiday this year.

I ________________ to go on holiday this year.

74. A mechanic repaired my car last week.

I ________________ repaired last week.

75. If she doesn't invite me, I won't go to the party.

I won't go to the party ________________ she invites me.

76. Is that your book?

Does that book ________________ you?

77. Jim lent Pete some money.

Pete ________________some money from Jim.

78. Would you like me to help you?

________________ help you?

79. Carrie arrived at the airport two hours ago.

Carrie _________________ at the airport for two hours.

80. He had a really old computer before. He _______________ have a really old

81. Maria isn't as tall as her sister.

Maria is ___________ her sister.

82. One of my friends gave me this book.

A friend ____________ gave me this book.

83. Magazines are sold in that shop now.

That shop _____________ magazines now.

84. There is a big swimming pool at the sports centre. The sports centre
_____________ a big swimming pool.

85. It was such a good cake they bought another one.

The cake was _____________ they bought another one.
86. Her English won't improve if she doesn't practise.
Her English won't improve ________________ practises.

87. It was the first time Bob had been to the Science Museum.
Bob _______________ to the Science Museum before.

88. Beth suggested joining a dance class.

Beth said: "Why ______________ join a dance class?"

89. They like rock more than pop music. They ________________ to pop music.

90. You can't smoke in the library.

You are ______________ to smoke in the library.

91. Susan lent me her blue pullover.

I ____________Susan's blue pullover.

92. Jason is too careless to drive that car!

Jason isn't ________________ to drive that car!

93. Last year the King School had more than 500 students.
Last year there _______________ more than 500 students.

94. I asked at Reception about the price of a conversation course.

I asked at Reception :`How much ______________ a conversation course cost?´

95. The coursebook is included in the price of the course.

The price of the course _________________ the coursebook.

96. All the other schools in town are more expensive than the Kings School. The
King School is the ___________________ expensive of all schools in town.

97. Students are not allowed to attend classes if they have not paid the fee.
Students are not allowed to attend classes ________________ they have paid
the fee.

98. People say there is no other castle as interesting as this one in Europe.
People say that this is _____________________ castle in Europe.

99. The castle opened to the public last year.

The castle __________________ open to public since last year.

100. Students are allowed to visit the castle without paying anything.
Students _______________have to pay anything to visit the castle.

101. Visitors are always met at the door by the owner, Mr Brandon.
The owner, Mr Brandon, always _____________________ visitors at the door.

102. I asked Mr Brandon if he lived in the castle when he was a child.

I asked Mr Brandon : ' _____________ live in the castle when you were a child?'
103. My friend suggested we went to a music festival together.
My friend said: "Why _______________ we go to a music festival together?

104. I had never been to a music festival before.

It was the ________ that I had ever been to a music festival.

105. The tickets were cheaper than we expected.

The tickets weren't as _________________ we had expected.

106. My brother lent us a tent, as it was a two-day festival.

It was a two-day festival, so we ________ a tent from my brother.

107. The camping area was near to the main stage.

The camping area wasn't ______ the main stage.

108. We watched some bands in the rain but we didn't mind.

We didn't mind __________ some of the bands in the rain.

109. I can't wait to go to the festival again next year.

I'm looking _____________ going to the festival again next year.

110. Jackie's heavier than she was two years ago.

Jackie has put _________________ in the last two years.

111. Jason adds up figures well for someone his age.

Jason is _________________ up figures for someone his age.

112. Jane continued to work for the firm after the baby was born.
Jane went _________________ for the firm after the baby was born.

113. She had no intention of insulting you.

She didn't _________________ you.

114. I have no objection to Paul coming as well.

I don't _________________ comes as well.

115. Predicting the weather is sometimes difficult.

It can be hard _________________ the weather.

116. I haven't got enough money to buy a new car.

I can't _________________ a new car.

117. Do you want us to postpone the meeting?

Shall _________________ off the meeting?

118. Emma is excited about going to Greece on holiday.

Emma is looking _________________ to Greece on holiday.

119. It's getting easier for me to get up early.

I am getting _________________ up early.
120. I couldn't hear what he said because of the noise.
The noise _________________ from hearing what he said.

121. It is impossible to sit on the grass because it is too wet.

The grass isn't _________________ sit on.

122. I haven't got any cigarettes left.

I've run _________________ cigarettes.

123. Mandy's boss doesn't let her leave work early.

Mandy _________________ to leave work early.

124. I'm not sorry I chose nursing as a career.

I don't _________________ nursing as a career.

125. 'Do you know where Tony is?' I asked my brother.

I asked my brother if he knew ______________ .

126. My house is being painted at the moment.

I am _________________ painted at the moment.

127. Have you decided what you would like for dinner?
Have you made _________________ what you would like for dinner?

128. The plane left on time although the weather was bad.
The plane took _________________ although the weather was bad .

129. Some people have complained about the noise.

There _________________ complaints about the noise.

130. A holiday in Florida is cheaper than one in California.

A holiday in Florida is _________________ as one in California.

131. The last time I saw Alex was at Jade's party.

I haven't _________________ Jade's party.

132. My brother was always on time until he got friendly with Jack.
My brother never _________________ late until he got friendly with Jack.

133. The film was so boring that I fell asleep half way through it.
It was _________________ film that I fell asleep half way through it.

134. They've postponed the wedding until the spring.

The wedding _________________ off until the spring.

135. The concert was very popular so they're going to put on a repeat performance.
It was ___________ concert that they're going to put on a repeat performance.

136. The book was so interesting that I couldn't put it down.

It was _________________ book that i couldn't put it down.
137. Some older people are finding it difficult to adjust to digital technology.
Some older people can't _______________ to digital technology.

138. Someone has just informed me that you're looking for a new job.
I _________________ informed that you're looking for a new job.

139. The last time I saw my sister was three years ago.
It's been three years _________________ my sister.

140. In some jobs, men are paid more than women for the same work.
In some jobs women are not paid as _________________ for the same work.

141. None of my classmates enjoys mathematics as much as I do.

I enjoy mathematics ______________ any of my classmates.

142. I borrowed a very interesting computer game from my cousin.

My cousin ______________ a very interesting computer game.

143. The ticket for the circus performance was cheaper than I'd expected.
The ticket for the circus performance wasn't ________________ I'd expected.

144. I liked the clowns best, and my little sister did too.
I liked the clowns best, and _________did my little sister.

145. 'Who does this bag belong to?' my mother asked.

My mother asked,'________ is this bag?

146. We stayed until the circus closed.

We ______________ leave until the circus closed.

147. It doesn't matter to me if a film is dubbed or subtitled.

I don't ______ if a film is dubbed or subtitled.

148. The cinema isn't far from the centre.

The cinema is quite _________ the centre.

149. I finished this book in only three days.

It only __________ three days to finish this book.

150. He asked my brother where his bike was.

He asked my brother, 'Where ___________ ?'

151. He is often given bottles of wine as presents.

People often ___________ bottles of wine as present.

152. He succeeded in repairing the bike on his own.

He was able ___________ the bike on his own.

153. Peter and his friends went cycling every day.

Every day Peter went cycling and ____________ his friends.
154. The weather was better than they had expected.
The weather wasn't __________ they had expected.

155. I'm better at languages than any other subject.

Languages are my ____________ subject.

156. Fish is better for you than meat.

Meat isn't __________ for you as fish.

157. Snacks can be bought in the café.

You _____________ in the café.

158. He can cook really well.

He's really __________ cooking.

159. There are only a few good restaurants in this area.

There aren't very ________ good restaurants in this area.

160. I haven't been to a concert for a long time.

It's a long time since __________ a concert.

161. Why don't you learn to play a musical instrument?

If I were you, _______ learn to play a musical instrument.

162. If you don't play the piano every day, you won't improve.
You won't improve unless____________ the piano every day.

163. There are only a few concerts this month.

There aren't very _________ concerts this month.

164. This room is too small for us to play music in.

This room isn't __________ for us to play music in.
165. The Globe is more famous than most other theatres.
Most other theatres are not _______ The Globe.

166. Many of Shakespeare's plays are shown at The Globe Theatre.

The Globe Theatre _______________ many of Shakespeare’s plays.

167. The globe Theatre does not have a roof.

There ________________ roof on The Globe Theatre.

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