Science 3

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Dakota State University

College of Education

Name: ​Rachel Slaven

Grade Level: ​4
School: ​Oldham-Ramona Elementary
Date: ​4/25/2018
Time: ​2:00pm-3:00pm

Reflection from prior lesson:

In the previous lessons we talked about weather and climate. We focused on the
difference between the two, and we also looked at different climates and what the
temperature/weather is like there. We also talked about the animals that live in the
different climates.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:

4-ESS2-2 ​Analyze and interpret data from maps to describe patterns of Earth’s
4-ESS2-1​ Make observations and/or measurements to provide evidence of the effects
of weathering or the rate of erosion by water, ice, wind, or vegetation.

Lesson Objectives:
1. Students will understand the water cycle.
2. Students will describe the different stages within the water cycle.
3. Students will identify where each stage of the cycle falls in a concept map.
4. Students will identify three climate zones.
5. Students will describe how latitude and altitude affect climate.
6. Students will understand that climate changes over time.

Materials Needed: ​.Promethean board, game buzzers, study guides, pencils.

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics: ​There are 9 students in this class. At

2:00 they will just have gotten back inside from recess, so it may take them a few
minutes to get focused again!
A. The Lesson
1. Introduction (5 minutes)
● getting attention-​ ​I will welcome the students back to class, and ask them to
get their pencils out, so we can start working on science.
● relating to past experience and/or knowledge-​ ​I will ask the students to
talk about all of the different things that we have talked about so far in this
chapter. I am looking for them to mention different things about the
atmosphere, water cycle, weather, and climate.
● creating a need to know-​ ​Today we are going to review everything we have
learned so far in this chapter!
● sharing objective, in general terms-​ ​Our goal today is going to be to review
all of the information that will be on your test.
2. Content Delivery (40 minutes)
● Review-​ ​We will start by further reviewing all of the concpets that the students
can come up with on their own. I will use the promethean board to write down
everything they can think of. Then we will make talk about those individual things.
● Study Guide- ​I will pass out the study guide to the students. I will explain that
they need to know everything that is on there for the test. I will give them 5-10
minutes to look over it.
● Review Game-​ ​I will split the students randomly into teams. Each team will get a
buzzer and the students will each take turns trying to answer questions. this is
presented to students as a game, but it is a great way for them to review the
information before a test.
3. Closure (5 minutes)
I will ask the students if there is anything they do not understand. I will go over anything
they don’t. Then the students will spend the rest of the classtime working with a partner
to continue studying for the test.

B. Assessments Used
For this lesson I will use formative and informal assessment. Throughout the entire
lesson I will be listening to the student answers to questions. This will help me
determine how well the class knows the material, and which students are struggling with
some of the concepts.

C. Differentiated Instruction
With this being such a small class, there isn’t a need for a lot of differentiation. There
are a few students who are more advanced and finish tasks more quickly. However, in
this lesson, everyone should pretty much be on the same page.

D. Resources
1. Houghton Mifflin 4th grade science curriculum

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