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Abby Fiessinger

APA Citation:
Edutopia [@edutopia]. (2018, January 24). Schools need to do their part to curb bullying—
encouraging students to step in and help their peers can be part of the solution.
bullying?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=socialflow. [Tweet]. Retrieved from on January 24, 2018.

Twitter Review:
@edutopia tweets an article discussing the impact that technology can have on the bullying of
students. The full article is on the Edutopia website. They listed many different actions that
teachers and students can take to help the people being bullied to see that they are not alone.
The word they used repeatedly is to teach the bystanders to become an “ally.” As a teacher,
sometimes just being an ear to listen or shoulder to lean on can make all the difference in the
world. Most of the bullying happens in places that are hard to monitor. This makes the use of
technology in younger generations much more detrimental in this action. It is easy for students
to get behind a computer screen and say things that they would never say if there was a
teacher present. It is understood that teachers cannot monitor every student every minute of
every day on the internet. It is just important that we understand it is our job to give students
tools and strategies to reduce and eventually stop the bullying among their peers.
Abby Fiessinger

APA Citation:
EdSurge [@EdSurge]. (2018, January 24). Beautifully illustrated and backed by research? Math
games have grown by leaps in the past six years.
gn=buffer. [Tweet]. Retrieved from on January 24, 2018.

Twitter Review:
@EdSurge tweeted a tweet on how games are being used at a teaching center to help the
students learn the information in a different way. The full article is posted on the EdSurge
website. The games were used to help students of all ages learn the information in a non-
tradional way. They had games for math, science, English, and engineering. As someone
interested in teaching math, I was greatly intrigued by this tweet. I am always taking a mental
note of the ways that a teacher is able to engage their students in a different way. By using
these games, the students are able to use something that is familiar to them such as video
games to learn the information they would otherwise learn from listening to a teacher lecture.
Abby Fiessinger

APA Citation:
Edutopia [@edutopia]. (2018, January 29). Kickoff the week with this fun list of Super Bowl
lesson plans and resources for the classroom. Score!.
bowl-lesson-plans-matthew-davis?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=socialflow. [Tweet].
Retrieved from on January 31, 2018.

Twitter Review:
@edutopia tweets an article with different links and ideas for various Super Bowl related lesson
plans and activities. The full article and list of links are on the Edutopia website. They have
listed many ways of taking the students’ increased interests in football at the time of year and
using it to the advantage of the classroom. If a teacher does not embrace this huge celebration,
then the students could simply be distracted and unfocused on learning. Teachers cannot
expect students to go from talking about sports at home and watching it in their free time to
not being able to talk to their friends about it. By using the game to the teacher’s advantage,
the students’ interest in learning will hopefully increase because it is related to something that
they are interested in.
Abby Fiessinger

APA Citation:
EdSurge [@EdSurge]. (2018, January 31). “Replacing educators with algorithms or devices will
never result in extraordinary learning and teaching.”
n=buffer. [Tweet]. Retrieved from on January 31,2018.

Twitter Review:
@EdSurge tweets an article about how some teachers are skeptical about integrating
technology in their class because they fear it might replace them. The full article is available on
the EdSurge website. The article has three main points of why teachers are important in the
classroom and how they can use the technology to better their classroom. The article does a
great job of identifying the issues teachers might have with technology, then going into more
depth about why it is a problem, and finally explaining an extensive solution on how teachers
can solve the problem. This allows teachers to be reassured about the problem. Hopefully the
teachers will then have a more open-mind about the changes in technology and feel more
comfortable with using it in their classroom. I will definitely use this information to better
prepare myself for a technology based classroom.
Abby Fiessinger

APA Citation:
Edutopia [@edutopia]. (2018, February 7). After launching project-based learning, it’s time to
move into day-to-day planning. #PBL.
implementation?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=socialflow. [Tweet]. Retrieved from on February 7, 2018.

Twitter Review:
@edutopia tweets an article with different tools and helpful hints on what to do to avoid
project-based learning from becoming a disaster. The full article is on the Edutopia website.
One of the most helpful hints, in my opinion, is that the teacher must be flexible with their time
line. This would still stand if the project was online or with technology. The technology could
freeze of not work on a day and that would put the whole project behind. It is important for the
teacher to stay calm and keep the students on task. Another helpful hint is to focus on the goal
of the project rather than the specifics of the activity. These tools can help the project go over
much smoother and allow the students to maximize their learning experience.
Abby Fiessinger

APA Citation:
EdTech K-12 Magazine [@EdTech_K12]. (2018, February 7). Embracing #edtech in #K12 can
encourage creativity & boost art creation.
force? Retrieved from on
February 7, 2018.

Twitter Review:
@EdTech_K12 tweets an article discussing the different ways that technology can be useful in
enhancing creativity in classrooms. The full article is on the EdTech Magazine website. The
article discusses how it is great that classes that require more creativity are taking a hold of the
movement to increase use of technology in classrooms. This is allowing students to in vision
something and see it brought to life on a computer screen. Programs such as Adobe Illustrator
and MakerBot 3D printers are leading the way in the movement. It is also interesting to see,
because these same programs can be used in the math world to help graph and visual different
surfaces in classes such as geometry. The technology is doing its job to allow students’ creativity
to have no limit and to allow the students to reach as high as they can.
Abby Fiessinger

APA Citation:
EdTech K-12 Magazine [@EdTech_K12]. (2018, February 13). @Google worked with #K12
educators to create new #medialiteracy tools for #Chromebooks.
literacy? [Tweet]. Retrieved from
on February 14, 2018.

Twitter Review:
@EdTech_K12 tweets an article with different ways a teacher or parent can use Chromebooks
and the tools that come along with it to help understand the media. The full article can be
found on the EdTech Magazine website. The main goal of this action is to help students learn to
sift through the news that is worth reading about and disregarding the news that is not true.
One of the projects used is called Be Internet Alert. This is to help students “gain confidence
that they won’t fall for fake or misleading news.” One of the apps that is useful with the
Chromebook is the Scrible. This is where students can write on the passages and get their
thoughts directly on the article with the help of the app. This is making it easier and more
accessible for students to learn the dangers of misleading news on the internet.
Abby Fiessinger

APA Citation:
Abigail Fiessinger [@fiessinger26]. (2018, February 14). Benefit your classroom with these
#helpfulhints about technology. Will you make the switch to a technology-based class?. [Tweet].
Retrieved from on February 14, 2018.

Twitter Review:
@fiessinger26 tweeted an article with 10 different reasons why technology in the classroom
does more good than bad. The full article can be found on The teacher is
allowed to be more creative in the classroom and base the learning on what the students need
to learn. Technology in the classroom allows the teacher and students to have a wealth of
knowledge at their fingertips. Another reason is that students are more engaged because they
can relate to the way they are researching and finding information. I hope to use this
information to make sure that I get the best use out of my technology and that my students get
the best experience possible.
Abby Fiessinger

APA Citation:
EdTech K-12 Magazine [@EdTech_K12]. (2018, February 28). #K12 schools can engage young
women in #STEM with things like #PBL and #Minecraft.
stem? [Tweet]. Retrieved from
on February 28, 2018.

Twitter Review:
@EdTech_K12 tweets an article with three different ways a teacher can help the young women
in their classroom get involved with STEM learning. The full article can be found on the EdTech
Magazine website. One way a teacher can do this is to use real world problem solving in their
classroom. This will add creativity that the majority of women enjoy using along with the
problem solving. A second way a teacher can encourage interest in STEM is to show the young
women that there are many successful women in the STEM world. This can help them create a
positive role model that they can strive to be like one day.
Abby Fiessinger

APA Citation:
Abigail Fiessinger. [@fiessinger26]. (2018, February 28). Check out these educational math
games to help your student learn. But most importantly they are going to have a blast doing it.
#coolmathgames. [Tweet]. Retrieved from on Febraury 28, 2018.

Twitter Review:
@fiessinger26 tweets a link to a math game website that can be very beneficial to a classroom.
The website can help students learn vital problem-solving skills to use in their lives. I can
remember using the website during middle school in my math classes and wanting to play more
when I got home. This gives the students an outlet for their need to play games, but they are
also learning in the process. This can also encourage more students that math is not all that
bad. If they are playing math games and having fun doing it, then they are much more likely to
have an open mind towards their math class.
Abby Fiessinger

APA Citation:
Abigail Fiessinger. [@fiessinger26]. (2018, March 14). 10 tools to make math cool #mathinedtech. [Tweet]. Retrieved from on March 14, 2018.

Twitter Review:
@fiessinger26 tweets a link to 10 math resources that teachers can use to better their math
classroom. One of the resources that is on the website is a program that can draw 3D shapes to
help students visualize the shapes they need to draw. This can be so helpful to students
because it is critical to understand the shape in question when solving a problem. Another
resource listed gives students examples of when they would use a certain topic in the real
world. This can be helpful to teachers because many students do not understand when they will
actually use math in their everyday lives. This could make the students more willing to learn the
Abby Fiessinger

APA Citation:
Abigail Fiessinger. [@fiessinger26]. (2018, March 14). Learn your multiplication tables by 3’s
with this helpful song: [Tweet]. Retrieved
from http// on March 14, 2018.

Twitter Review:
@fiessinger26 tweets a link to a math song that will be helpful for students to learn their
multiplication tables by 3. The full song can be found on There are also
songs to help students learn the other numbers and their corresponding multiplication tables.
Songs are a very beneficial for students to learn information they are struggling to learn. This
song takes a very popular song which is: Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars and Mark Ronson, and
enters the information the students need to learn. This allows the students to hear the popular
song and think of the information they are trying to remember. I know that this technique was
very helpful for me as a student and I hope to use this tool as a teacher to help my students
understand and remember information they are having trouble learning.
Abby Fiessinger

APA Citation:
Abigail Fiessinger. [@fiessinger26]. (2018, March 21). Students love memes. So, why not use
them in your classroom. Here are some ways to help. [Tweet]. Retrieved from on March 21, 2018.

Twitter Review:
@fiessinger26 tweets a link to 5 different ways that teachers can use memes in their classroom
to help engage their students. A meme, according to the article, is “often represented by an
image with a brief bold caption overlaid and shared on social media to capture attention or
elicit a quick laugh.” This can be a great tool for teacher to use to engage their students,
because it is in a language they understand and can relate too. With this connection, the
students are more likely to go into the lesson with a better attitude because they are looking
forward to the creative outlet. The meme might just be a way to enforce a rule or to break the
ice about an difficult chapter. However, giving the students a good laugh will definitely make
the lesson or rule more interesting.
Abby Fiessinger

APA Citation:
Abigail Fiessinger. [@fiessinger26]. (2018, March 21). In-the-box teaching is boring. Use
and their out-of-the-box teaching methods to keep your students’ attention. [Tweet]. Retrieved
from on March 21, 2018.

Twitter Review:
@fiessinger26 tweets a link to an article that has different ways to make your teaching methods
not so ordinary. Now do not get me wrong, some lessons most certainly have to be taught with
traditional methods in order for the lesson to be understood. However, every chance a teacher
gets to bring creativity into their lesson they should. I love the idea of using an artistic
component when talking about different shapes. Traditionally, students that do not find math
enjoyable are quite good at art or at least like it a little better. This allows these students the
creative outlet they need to engage in the classroom. I also love the idea to make math a game.
People love the compete and to win. This allows them to do this in the classroom. One of the
middle school classes had a lot of competition and the information and class was some of my
favorite to this day.
Abby Fiessinger

APA Citation:
Abigail Fiessinger. [@fiessinger26]. (2018, March 28). Join the conversation. Get in on the talk
of how to make middle schoolers enjoy math.
fun.53177/ #makemathfun. [Tweet]. Retrieved from on March 29, 2018.

Twitter Review:
@fiessinger26 tweets a link to a forum where past and present teachers are discussing the
different tools that they used to help their middle school math class gain interest in the math
topics they are covering. There was also many helpful ways to teach math to help the students
learn in the most effective ways. One of the ideas that I found very interesting was a step-by-
step process of how to teach the students. A few of the steps are: teach it three times, give
them more problems and have students answer for a bonus point, give them similar
homework, the next day in class do a warm up problem, and give similar questions on the test. I
love this was of teaching because it gives the students many opportunities to realize that they
do not understand and might need extra help. However, it also lets them continue to do the
problem until they can figure out how to do it in a way they understand. I enjoyed this
discussion and will definitely save it for future reference.
Abby Fiessinger

APA Citation:
Abigail Fiessinger. [@fiessinger26]. (2018, March 28). Students love technology. Why not use
that to your advantage? Use to help.
#edtech4good. [Tweet]. Retrieved from on March 29, 2018.

Twitter Review:
@fiessinger26 tweets a link to 6 ways technology can be integrated into the classroom.
Technology is a huge part of this generation of students’ lives and I feel that it is very important
to feel that the teachers of today are willing to teach the way that they want to learn. I believe
that this way is with technology. One of the resources that I found interesting was Book
Creator. This is a program that allows teacher to create their own book or even the students as
part of a project. This is a great creative tool that allows students to have a creative outlet. As a
teacher, I love the idea of using creativity to help students learn the information they need to
know. I look forward to researching and finding different ways to encourage students.
Abby Fiessinger

APA Citation:
Abigail Fiessinger. [@fiessinger26]. (2018, April 5). Don’t let your students be bored. Make your
powerpoint presentations interesting with these helpful hints:
ways-make-powerpoint-presentation-awesome/ #edtech. [Tweet]. Retrieved from on April 5, 2018.

Twitter Review:
@fiessinger26 tweets a link to 10 easy ways to make any PowerPoint presentation awesome. A
normal Powerpoint can be boring for the students, because the teacher will read directly from
the students. This causes the students to zone out and know retain the information that the
teacher is taking time to teach. One of the ways that this link suggests the teacher can make
their presentation more interesting is to use more images and less text. With images, the
students are able to make a visual connection with the information they are learning. This
creates not only a auditory connection from hearing the information from the teacher, but a
visual connection as well from the image. A second helpful tip is to reveal on bullet at a time.
When the teacher reveals multiple bullets, the students will read ahead and then when they
have read the information they will no longer listen. By revealing one bullet at a time, the
teacher has a better chance of retaining the students’ attention longer.
Abby Fiessinger

APA Citation:
Abigail Fiessinger. [@fiessinger26]. (2018, April 5). Interaction is key in the classroom. Spice up
your presentations with interactive quizzes. Here is a how to video. [Tweet]. Retrieved from on April 5, 2018.

Twitter Review:
@fiessinger26 tweets a video of a step by step video of how to make an interactive quiz on
Powerpoint. With an interactive quiz, the students attention is gained for multiple reasons. The
first reason is that they are required to pay attention to know the answers to the questions.
Without the knowledge the teacher is teaching, they will not be able to know the answers to
the question. The second reason they will pay attention is if the teacher makes a game out of it.
Students love competition and by giving them the opportunity to compete with one another
the students are more likely to pay attention and retain the knowledge they are learning. By
using interactive quizzes in a normal Powerpoint, there is a more likely chance the teacher can
gain the students’ attention and retain it for longer. The students are given a purpose and
something to do when they have questions to answer. Rather than having to listen to the
teacher talk to long periods of time.
Abby Fiessinger

APA Citation:
Abigail Fiessinger. [@fiessinger26]. (2018, April 11). Getting the students out of the classroom
can spark interest in learning topics. Here are some ideas of different math related field trips
other teachers have tried:
trips.43705/. Retrieved from on April 11, 2018.

Twitter Review:
@fiessinger26 tweets a link to a conversation between current and past teachers that have
taken their students on math related field trips to spark their interest. Some of the ideas
seemed a little chaotic and others were really great ideas. One of the ideas that I really like was
taking your students to the store and having them buy food for their family for a week. The
family has a income and other payments that they need to make. This allows students to create
a budget and see what it is like to have to pay bills and make ends meet with a fixed income. I
believe that some math courses stray away from real life examples and focus too much on the
content that is tested. One of the goals I have for my classroom is to teach students things that
they will actually use in the real world along with teaching the content that is needed for state
Abby Fiessinger

APA Citation:
Abigail Fiessinger. [@fiessinger26]. (2018, April 11). Some topics in math can be difficult to
cover because students do not seem interested. Here are some easy games or activities to keep
their interest:
interest/. [Tweet]. Retrieved from on April 11, 2018.

Twitter Review:
@fiessinger26 tweets a link to different math games that can be played to spark young
students interest in topic that can otherwise be boring to learn. These games are very easy to
play and require little to no resources. Something that I really like about these specific games is
that most of them can be played at home with the family. This can encourage students to use
the knowledge that they are learning inside school and bring it home to have their families
participate in the learning as well. This can create parental involvement in the actual content
knowledge rather than just focusing on things like the student’s behavior. One of the games
that I like was have the students calculate the average MPH of a trip based on how many miles
the trip lasted and the time it took the car to get to the location. This activity can be done in a
stimulus or in a real life car.

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