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Term Definition


imminent danger A situation that poses the strong possibility of risk to people nearby


abrasion A scrape; a damaged area of skin

wound Any damage to the surface of the skin

closed wound An injury beneath the surface of skin tissue, such as a bruise, with no
skin broken

open wound A cut, scrape, or other injury where the skin is broken

rabies A serious disease caused by a virus that is transmitted by rabid animals;

causes infection of the brain and nervous system

burn An injury caused by heat from fire, sunshine, radiation, or chemicals

first-degree burn A burn to the surface layer of the skin

second-degree burn A burn to more than one layer of skin; characterized by pain, blisters,
swelling, and discoloration

third-degree burn A very severe burn to more than one layer of skin with nerve damage


health check A routine daily health inspection of an individual child to check for
symptoms of injury or illness
screening A health inspection of a group of children to look for one specific

vitals Signs of good health --- pulse, blood pressure, etc.

emetic A substance that makes a person vomit

syrup of ipecac A type of emetic used under doctor’s advice for poisonings

Heimlich maneuver An abdominal thrust used to help a choking victim

poison control center A place where reliable information about poisons and treatments may
be obtained by telephone

General Terms

caustic Able to burn/damage the esophagus when going down or coming up

anaphylactic shock Shock that comes from a several allergic reaction, as to a sting

ingest To take into the body; to eat and swallow

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