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The palace thief lesson #2

Intellectual, helping the country overall, respecting differences and not afraid to make tough
choices. Policies, appearance and their overall personality. Well some things they maybe
dishonest about, the public can’t handle or would heavily change their opinion of him.


1. Loath: ​reluctant; unwilling.

2. Scruples: a feeling of doubt or hesitation with regard to the morality or propriety of a
course of action.
3. Bucolic: relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country life.
4. Equine: relating to or affecting horses or other members of the horse family.
5. Tyrant: a cruel and oppressive ruler
6. Affront: an action or remark that causes outrage or offense.
7. Novice: a person new to or inexperienced in a field or situation.
8. Sidearm: a weapon worn at a person's side, such as a pistol or other small firearm
(or, formerly, a sword or bayonet).

1. Quite scared
2. First kind, offering a cigar giving an antique sidearm, though when he said he was
trying to mold his son he was quite bothered by this say “but you will not mold him. I
will mold him. You will merely teach him”
3. It makes him him work harder when his father is mention I’m assuming due to fear of
his father because he expects more from him and any failures he makes may reflect
poorly on him
4. Sympathy because he met Sedgwick's father and maybe understood better why
Sedgwick acted the way he did.

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