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Annotated Bibliography

1. Atieno, Evelyn. “A Number Of Police Have Been Arrested For Human

Trafficking - Could They Be A Part Of The Missing Girls In DC?” The

Huffington Post,, 26 Mar. 2017,

human-trafficking_us_58d5b210e4b06c3d3d3e6dd6. Police are making it easier

for sex traffickers to get into certain countries and they are protecting them from

other police that are not apart. In America police help in organized crime is now

being in the light. This is another reason why it is so hard to put sex traffickers in

jail for the crimes that they commit because the police are not working against

them but with them.

2. Costantini, Cristina. “Why Did These Sex Traffickers Only Get A Slap on the

Wrist?” ABC News, ABC News Network, 28 June 2013,

prison/story?id=19520482. In the US punishments for sex traffickers are usually

not harsh at all and that is why people continue to easily get into trafficking rings.

Barriers such as their victims being too afraid to testify, legislation sees

prostitution as a misdemeanor crime, and the short sentencing scares away many

victims because they will believe that the trafficker will only get a short sentence.

The government is set up in a way that most drug dealers will receive a longer

sentence than sex traffickers.

3. DeGarmo, Dr. John. “5 Ways You Can Help Stop Child Sex Trafficking.” The

Huffington Post,, 13 Jan. 2018,

_b_14079630.html. The author tells us that nearly 300,000 children are victims of

sex trafficking every year. Here we are given a list if ways that spot out if

someone is about to enter the trafficking ring and how we can report. The author

tells us that the number one thing to do is to report anything that we know or see a

suspicious to authorities. This can help a number of sex trafficking victims before

they are entered into the ring.

4. Jesionka, Natalie. “What's Being Done to Stop Human Trafficking?” Free

Career Advice, The Muse, 1 Feb. 2013,

done-to-stop-human-trafficking Different countries across the nation are

implementing a host of solutions in order to stop sex trafficking. A few countries

are adopting new laws and even are having acts added to their government to

stop trafficking of any kind. Some countries are even planning on teaming up with

each other to prevent traffickers from sneaking in victims from other countries.

5. Lillie, Michelle. “The Connection Between Sex Trafficking and Pornography •

Human Trafficking Search.” Human Trafficking Search, 22 Aug. 2017 Victims of

sex trafficking also fall subjects ton pornography. Traffickers will use

pornography as a method of brainwashing. They will exploit the victim and use

the pornographic videos against the victim and say things such as “ no one will

want you after they have seen this.” Pornography is also used as a teaching tool in
order to train their victims as to what they would like them to do . Many

victimizers will refer to the videos as “ educational guides.”

6. Mehlman-Orozco, Kimberly. “What Happens after a Human Trafficking Victim

Is 'Rescued'?” TheHill, 29 July 2016,


This article explains to us how many survivors of a sex trafficking ring

will return to their victimizer because of physical and emotional needs. Many of

the victims get accustomed to the fast way of living and decide to return to their

trafficker but not by force. At times they cant hold a steady job or their victimizer

were their significant others and they feel the need to return and put themselves in

the same situation.

7. “Methods of Human Trafficking: Modern Slavery Guidance.” High Speed

Training Hub, 31 May 2017,

human-trafficking/. Trafficked people are exploited sexually, placed in domestic

servitude, agricultural work, begging, manufacturing, construction, and organ

harvesting amongst a host of other exploitative purposes. Traffickers would use

methods of force, false advertisements, seduction and romance, and abduction in

order to capture their victims. Sometimes victims would even be sold by their

family into a sex trafficking ring as a source of income.

8. “The Victims.” National Human Trafficking Hotline, 7 Oct. 2014,

Sex trafficking is divided into three populations including children under the age

of 18 induced into commercial sex. Adults and children induced into commercial
sex through force, fraud , or coercion, and children and adults forced to do labor

through force, fraud, or coercion. Human trafficking victims come from all over

the world and have a variety of backgrounds to choose from. Most come from

broken backgrounds or are captured and brought illegally.

9. “Sex Trafficking.” Polaris, 26 Oct. 2017,

trafficking/sex-trafficking. The situations that sex trafficking victims face vary

dramatically. Many victims become romantically involved with someone who

then forces or manipulates them into prostitution. Others are lured in with false

promises of a job, such as modeling or dancing. Some are forced to sell sex by

their parents or other family members. They may be involved in a trafficking

situation for a few days or weeks, or may remain in the same trafficking situation

for years.

10. “Where Do Trafficked People Come from?” Purple Teardrop,

from/. In this article we learn the patterns of migration for sex trafficking. Most of

the people brought into the ring are from underdeveloped poor countries .

Thailand, China, Nigeria, Albania, and Bulgaria are some of the greatest sources

of trafficked persons and most destinations of labour for sex traffickers are Japan,

Israel, Belgium, and the United States.

11. “Facts on Human Trafficking and Sex Slavery | Soroptimist.” Soroptimist –

Women's Organization – Volunteer Organizations, Organized crime is responsible for the

spread of sex trafficking. Sex traffickers find each other in different countries and
work together to capture their victims. Even though prostitution is illegal almost

everywhere local law enforcements and police officers will work together with

sex traffickers to spread corruption.

12. 5. “Human Trafficking Research Questions.” Powered by Sites at Penn State -



1.) How are foreign countries fighting trafficking and what tactics have proven to be most

effective? What tactics in the United States have proven to be most successful?2.)How can the

United States help combat trafficking globally? In addition to fighting it on our home turf, what

will be the most effective way for us to help other countries end trafficking?3.) What else can be

done to expedite the eradication of human trafficking and how can everyday people play a part to

combat trafficking?

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