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Monica Riojas


Making Content Comprehensible:

Lesson Preparation – What techniques can be incorporated into lessons so students can
understand the text?

1. Graphic organizers
2. Outlines
3. Highlighted text
4. Marginal notes
5. Tape text
6. Adapted text.
7. Jigsaw text reading
8. Leveled study guides.

Building Background- What techniques can be used to make sure students understand

1. Contextualizing key vocabulary.

2. Vocabulary self-selection
3. Personal dictionaries
4. Content word wall
5. Concept definition map
6. Cloze sentences
7. Word sorts
8. Word generation
9. Visual vocabulary
10. Vocabulary through songs.

Comprehensible Input- What techniques can be used to make sure verbal communication is

1. Adapt content to ELL’s proficiency level.

2. Highlight key vocabulary by pre-teaching key words.
3. Ensure multiple exposures to new terminology.
4. Use scaffolding techniques routinely.
5. Model techniques for students several times.
6. Use gestures when presenting lessons.
7. Employ hands on activities at least once during a lesson.
8. Use demonstrations of techniques.
9. Use activities that apply to new content and language knowledge.
10. Sentence strips.

Strategies- What strategies can be used to help students retain new information?

1. Mnemonics
2. I wonder
3. GIST summarizing strategy
4. Word splash
5. Illustrate new learning on a poster including details and captions.
6. Create a poem, chant, song, or play demonstrating new learning.
7. Graffiti write.
8. Scaffolding techniques
9. Questioning techniques
10. Procedural scaffolding

Interaction – What various types of interactions assist in learning new content?

1. Information gap activities

2. Jigsaw
3. Numbered heads together
4. Four corners
5. Roundtable
6. Three step interview
7. Writing headlines
8. Send a problem
9. Wait time
10. Clarify key concepts

Practice and Application- What are some techniques that allow students to practice and apply
new concepts?

1. Writing in a diary format through a character.

2. Making and playing a game for content review.
3. Creating a semantic map.
4. Writing test questions to ask another student.
5. Teaching concepts to another student.
6. Making and using graphic organizers.
7. Solving problems in cooperative groups.
8. Engaging in discussion circles.
9. Partnering students in a project before independent work.
10. Reporting out information orally and in writing.
Lesson Delivery- What are 4 aspects that need to be planned out to assure that lesson
delivery is comprehensible?

1. Content objectives.
2. Language objectives.
3. Students engaged
4. Pacing

Review and Assessment- What review and assessment strategies assure that learning has
taken place?

1. Informal summarizing review

2. Periodic review
3. Structured review
4. Link review to content objectives.
5. Final review
6. Teacher observations, informal conversations with students.
7. Application to real life.
8. Multidimensional
9. Multiple indicators to show competency of content objectives.
10. Group responses: Agree/Disagree

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