Benefits: Cristiana Popa

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Cristiana Popa


Attendance Allowance a state benefit paid to disabled people who need constant care at home. Pensie de invaliditate pentru pensionari

a limit to the total amount of money you can get from benefits.The Benefit Cap will
Benefit Cap Suma maxima care o poti lua ca si beneficii
only apply if you get Housing Benefit or Universal Credit

a weekly benefit for widows, widowers, or surviving civil partners whose spouse or
civil partner died before 6 April 2017. If your husband, wife or civil partner died on
Bereavement allowance Ajutor financiar acordat la decesul sotului/sotiei.
or after 6 April 2017, you may be eligible for Bereavement Support Payment.
(monthly payments)

Bereavement Payment a one-off payment ajutor social acordat la decesul sotului/sotiei.

a means-tested, non-contributory benefit in the United Kingdom payable to people Alocatie pentru ingrijitorii de persoane cu
Carer's allowance
who care for a disabled person for at least 35 hours a week dizabilitati

Child Benefit regular payment by the state to the parents of a child up to a certain age. Alocatia de crestere a copilului

The Child Tax credit is a credit given to taxpayers for each dependent child who is
Child tax Credit reduceri de taxe pentru cei ce au copii
under the age of 17 at the end of the tax year.

Choice-based lettings are the way most local councils and housing associations now let
their properties. Although there are differences between areas, the common feature is Criterii cadru pentru stabilirea ordinii de
that once you have registered that you are looking for housing, you have to bid for prioritate în solutionarea cererilor de locuinte si
Choice based Lettings
properties that become available - rather than waiting to be offered one, as in the în repartizarea locuintelor destinate închirierii
past. Based on your circumstances you will be awarded a 'priority rating', and this will bazata pe punctaj de prioritate
determine who gets a property if several people bid for it.
Cristiana Popa

You can claim Constant Attendance Allowance if you get Industrial Injuries
Pensie de invaliditate pentru bolnavii cu un grad
Constant Attendance Allowance Disablement Benefit or a War Disablement Pension and you need daily care and
de invaliditate mediu sau ridicat
attention because of a disability.

Contribution based Employment you must have paid enough national insurance contributions over a certain period
Alocatie de boala pe baza de contributii
and Support Allowance of time.

Council Housing houses owned by a local council and rented out to tenants. Locuinte municipale

Council Tax is a tax on domestic property collected by your local council. The council
Council Tax Bill use it to pay for local services such as schools, rubbish collection, roads and street factura pentru taxele municipale
Employment and Support
the benefit which has replaced incapacity benefit. Alocatie de boala
Allowance (ESA)

part of the Social Entitlement Chamber, one of 7 chambers of the

First-Tier Tribunal (Social
First-tier Tribunal which settles legal disputes and is structured around Tribunal Superior (Camera pentru litigii sociale)
Entitlement Chamber)
particular areas of law.
A Funeral Payment is to help with funeral costs that you are
Funeral Payments responsible for if you're on a low income and need help to pay for a compensatii pentru costurile de inmormantare
funeral you're arranging.
If you're on a low income, you may be entitled to help from your
Housing and Council tax Benefit Indeminzatie pentru chirie si taxele municipale
council towards paying your council tax.
a means tested social security benefit in the United Kingdom that is
Housing Benefit compensatie la plata chiriei
intended to help meet housing costs for rented accommodation.
A state benefit paid to people who are unable to work for a period of
Incapacity benefit more than twenty-eight consecutive weeks because of illness or indemnizatia pentru incapacitate de munca
Cristiana Popa

Income Related Employment and money for people who have limited capability for work because of
Alocatie de boala pe baza de venituri
Support Allowance their sickness or disability but do not get Statutory Sick Pay.

a means-tested benefit which means entitlement is based on your

Compensatii financiare pentru persoanele cu
Income Support income and savings and other capital, which will be looked at to see if
venit mic
they are low enough for you to qualify.
You may get income-based JSA if the following apply:

 you work less than 16 hours per week on average

 your partner (if you have one) works less than 24 hours per week
Income-based Jobseeker's on average
Alocatia de somaj in functie de venituri
Allowance  you and your partner have £16,000 or less in savings between you

If you’ve never been in work you can only claim income-based JSA.

for people who are disabled because of an accident at work, or who

Industrial injuries Disablement Alocatia pentru pierderea capacitatii de munca
have certain diseases caused by their work (but not if this is self-
Benefit ca urmare a accidentelor la locul de munca

asking the DWP (Department for Work and Pensions) or HMRC to look at the
Mandatory reconsideration reanalizare obligatorie
decision about your benefit claim again.

a weekly payment for some women who are pregnant or have

Maternity Allowance Alocatia de maternitate
recently given birth.
a period of absence from work granted to a mother before and after
Maternity leave concediu de maternitate
the birth of her child.
Cristiana Popa

Payments made by employees and employers into the United

National Insurance Contributions Fondul Asigurarilor Nationale
Kingdom's National Insurance (NI).
is a benefit for people who are on a low income and have reached a
Pension Credits compensatii pentru pensionari
certain age.
Daily Living difficulties part Pensie de invaliditate cu componenta
Personal Independence Payment componenta activitatilor de zi cu zi si
Mobility part componenta de mobilitate
Set-aside canceled anulat

Social Security and Child Support part of the Social Entitlement Chamber, one of 7 chambers of the First-tier Tribunal Tribunalul pentru Securitate Sociala si Protectia
Tribunal which settles legal disputes and is structured around particular areas of law. Copilului

a regular income paid by the UK Government to people who have

State Pension pensie de Stat
reached State Pension age
Statement of reasons a declaration of matter of facts motivare

Formular eliberat de angajator, care confirma ca

A form for employers to fill in and give to employees who aren't
Statutory Maternity pay form accesta nu-i asigura angajatei Alocatia de
entitled to Statutory Maternity Pay. maternitate (Maternity Allowance)
a benefit paid to a person in employment, earning more than the
lower earnings limit (currently 拢 112 per week or more), who falls ill
Statutory Sick Pay Indemnizatie de boala
(whether due to physical or mental disablement) for a period of four
days or more. The employer is responsible for paying SSP
dizabilitatea impiedica serios capacitatea de
ESA - Support Group where you don’t have interviews
munca a individului

You could get a one-off payment of £500 to help towards the costs of
Sure Start Maternity Grant Alocatia unica la nasterea copilului
having a child.
Universal Credit payment to help with your living costs sistem de plata care ajuta cu cheltuielile de trai
Cristiana Popa

is a payment made to people who have been injured or disabled as a Alocatie pentru pierderea capacitatii de munca in
War Disablement Pension
result of any service in Her Majesty's Armed Forces urma razboiului

Ajutor Social acordat la decesul membrului

Widowed Parent's Allowance if you’re bringing up children
familiei - parinte vaduv cu copil in ingrijire
is an educational strategy that provides students with real-life work
program neplatit de formare profsionala la locul
Work based learning programme experiences where they can apply academic and technical skills and
de munca
develop their employability.
dizabilitatea impiedica partial capacitatea de
ESA - Work related activity Group where you’ll have regular interviews with an adviser

You could get Working Tax Credit if either of the following apply:

 you’re aged from 16 to 24 and have a child or a qualifying disability

 you’re 25 or over, with or without children

You must: Compensatii financiare pentru persoanele care

Working tax Credit
lucreaza dar au venit mic
 work a certain number of hours a week
 get paid for the work you do (or expect to)
 have an income below a certain level

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