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Licence By Post “The rales dis book can ach : fingers. Not suitable for smal * aldren, Care when handling 3 ISSUE 141 o nce By Post © copyngnt AUTHORITY It is IMPORTANT to note that the information in this book is for study /training purposes only. When carrying out a procedure/work on aircraft/aircraft equipment you MUST always refer to the relevant aircraft maintenance manual or equipment manufacturer's handbook. You should also follow the requirements of your national regulatory authority (the CAA in the UK) and laid down company policy as regards local procedures, recording, report writing, documentation ete For health and safety in the workplace you should follow the regulations guidelines as specified by the equipment manufacturer, your company, national safety authorities and national governments: HOW TO TACKLE THIS BOOK The same applies to this book as applies to book 1. This means that it is written to the B2 level, and BI people should check the syllabus to see what subjects should be learnt and to what depth. None of the contents applies to the A Line Mechanic. You may need to read some sections of the book more than once to get a thorough understanding of the subject, and for Full Student students you can always contact your tutor if still in doubt, CONTENTS Page Open loop systems 1 Closed loop systems 1 Performance of servomechanisms 5 Improvement of transient response 11 Servomechanisms components 20 Synchronous transmitters 26 Synchros 34 Inductance transmitters 51 Capacitance transmitters 55 SERVOMECHANISM PRINCIPLES Open Loop Control System Suppose that we wish to control the position of a radar scanner. Suppose also that we have a motor capable of driving the scanner and some means of controlling the motor. Such an arrangement is illustrated in figure 1 Fig. 1 OPEN LOOP CONTROL SYSTEM The control element controls the magnitude and direction of the input to a power amplifier, whose output drives the motor at the desired speed in the required direction. The motor, in turn, moves the load in accordance with the input demand ‘The control element could be calibrated with a scale indicating the required position of the load. Then when we set the control dial for the required position, we hope that the load (possibly unseen) is doing what we are telling it to do. In practice, however, the accuracy of control is limited because there are several factors, other than the input, that affect the output (eg variations in the output load, in the amplifier characteristics or in the motor circuit). We have no means of controlling these variations in the open loop system and, because of the resulting inaccuracy; open loop systems are hardly ever used. Closed Loop Control System If we observe what the load is doing and make appropriate corrections at the input, the system is no longer open loop; it is now, in effect, a closed loop system, the human operator completing the loop between output and input. He/she compares the desired effect with the actual effect and adjusts the system so as to reduce the error between them. He/she is thus, in this connection, an ‘error detector, and the amount of error which the person observes determines how adjustments are made to the input to produce the desired results However, to measure the error and take the necessary correcting action, we have ‘built in’ the human operator as an essential element, A more effective and efficient control can be obtained by replacing the human operator with an automatic control system. The response of the automatic system is generally quicker and more accurate than that of a human operator, and the automatic arrangement is not subject to fatigue. In addition, of course, the automatic system gives a saving in manpower. The essential features of the closed loop system are as follows: - The feedback of information concerning the behaviour of the load. - The comparison of this information with the behaviour demanded by the input. - The production of an error signal proportional to the difference between the desired behaviour and the actual behaviour. - The amplification of the error signal to control the power into a servomotor. - The movement of the load by the servomotor in such a direction as to reduce the error signal to zero, at which point the output is the same as that demanded by the input The block schematic diagram of a basic closed loop control system is illustrated below. In this arrangement: - 6,is the input demand, which in this case is in the form of a shaft angle - 8, is the output shaft angle of the load. - The control element converts the demand 8, into some form suitable for operation of the error detector, eg produces a voltage proportional to @,. - The feedback element does the same for the output angle produces a voltage proportional to 6. Pretec] (22% fbipat Element fT Fig. 2 CLOSED LOOP CONTROL SYSTEM The error detector has two inputs applied to it, one due to 6, and the other due to 6, it produces an error signal e proportional to the difference between the two inputs, ie (6, - 8.) The error signal operates the amplifier which, in turn, causes the motor to rotate until 8, equals 8, (output equals demand); at this point the error signal is zero and the drive from the motor ceases, the output load having taken up the position demanded by the input, Practical Closed Loop Control System The input demand 6, sets the angle of the transmitter (CX) rotor. The resulting alternating field in the control transformer stator induces @ voltage in the transformer rotor and this voltage is fed as an error or misalignment signal to the amplifier. The amplifier output is used to drive an ac servomotor that turns the output shaft and also the rotor of the control transformer through output angle 0, mf r=, o FS me fe ot Fig. 3 PRACTICAL CLOSED LOOP SYSTEM When the output shaft is turned into alignment with the setting of the input shaft (@, = 6) the transformer rotor is at right angles to the transmitter rotor and its own stator field. In this position there is no error signal induced in the transformer rotor, there is no input to the amplifier or servomotor, and the motor stops, The output has now taken up the position demanded by the input. Servomechanisms To be classed as a servomechanism, an automatic control system must have la) Error actuation fbi Power amplif ation (c) Closed loop control. (4) Continuous operation, or ‘follow-up’ properties, ie if the load is disturbed from the demanded position, it always tends to return toit The system is said to be error-actuated because it is the error between the output demanded by the input and the actual output which starts the action, The final net input to the amplifier is the error signal and not the input demand. We must have torque amplification to be able to drive heavy loads. The servo therefore contains an amplifier that supplies the necessary driving power to the servomotor; the motor provides the required torque. The servo also has a closed loop system; Error detector - amplifier - motor and load - error detector... Finally, continuous operation is assured in a servomechanism becauise any variation in the output from that demanded by the input automatically produces a difference between output and input, and hence an error signal. The error signal again starts the correcting action A servomechanism has many applications, covering a wide range of power requirements. Types of Servo There are two main classes of servomechanism - remote position control (rpc) servos and speed control servos. (a) RPC servos. These are used to control the angular or linear position of a load. (b) Speed Control Servos. These are used to control the speed of a load. In this case, the speed of the driving motor is made proportional to the input demand usually a voltage) Inputs Two types of input to a servo are 1, STEPINPUT - created when the input shaft is suddenly rotated from one angular position to another. shat Angle IRadians} ee Time Fig. 4 STEP INPUT Rads/See Shaft Ange |Radians) Time Fig. 5 RAMP INPUT 2. RAMP INPUT created when the input shaft is rotated at a constant angular velocity. PERFORMANCE OF SERVOMECHANISMS Response ‘The response of a servo is the pattern of behaviour of the load when a change is made to the input condition. It has so far been assumed that if the input moves to 6, the load will simply follow, its response being a reproduction of the input movement. ‘The paragraphs that follow will show that matters are not as simple as this. Fig. 6 SIMPLE SERVOMECHANISM Step Input - No Friction For this discussion we will assume that the input and output were aligned at @,, until the input suddenly change to 6. An error signal proportional to @, - 8, appears at the amplifier input and the motor is energised to null the error One important point must now be emphasised. The torque delivered by the motor to the load is directly proportional to the error; it acts only on the inertia of the load, which therefore accelerates at a rate proportional to the error. As the error reduces so the acceleration reduces, until it reaches zero with zero error. But this is not a satisfactory state of affairs, for the load acceleration is in one sense only and that to increase its velocity. Saying that the acceleration is zero at zero error simply means that the load has reached a steady speed when we require it to be stationary. Further, since there is nothing to stop it, it keeps moving past the required position ‘The error signal produced, and, therefore, the torque applied to the load, now reverses in sense to slow down the load. Since, however, the components operate symmetrically about the null, the pattern of deceleration is a mirror image of the original acceleration ‘The load stops when it has overshot by the initial error, and from there the performance is repeated. The resulting load oscillation about the demanded position is illustrated graphically in figure 7 Shast Angle (Radianst Time = Fig. 7 RESPONSE TO A STEP INPUT - NO FRICTION Ramp Input - No Friction ‘The description of the response can be followed in the diagram. In the early states of the ramp, while the error signal is small, the load accelerates slowly and lags behind the input. 6- eo ‘The error signal grows as the lag increases, building up the acceleration. Eventually the load speed equals the input speed but since a substantial position error exists it continues to accelerate. When its speed exceeds that of the input the position error starts to decrease; the acceleration reduces and the load reaches a constant speed at zero position error with no error signal. The load speed, however, exceeds the input speed and an overshoot results, That the outcome is a continuous oscillation can be easily imagined from this point. Shaft Angle (Radians) output ° Time Fig. 8 RESPONSE TO A RAMP INPUT - NO FRICTION Effect of Restraints ‘The oscillatory responses are obviously not desirable, and luckily, restraints on the load have a stabilising effect. Various inherent factors are to oppose the load movement; they include static friction, kinetic friction, eddy currents, air resistance, viscous lubricants and many others. Lumping them all together for the moment the general effect is to reduce the amplitude of each successive swing until gradually the output becomes steady. The oscillations are known as transients and they are effective during the transient response period, or settling time. Once the output has settled it has reached the steady state. While restraints are beneficial in stabilising, or damping, the response, they do have certain detrimental effects. One of these is that power is wasted; another is the introduction of error in the steady state. Steady State Errors Examination of the various restraints present would show that their effect is in part due to a small constant magnitude force known as coulomb friction and in part to viscous friction that increases with speed Coulomb friction is that part of the frictional force that is independent of speed, eg a shoe on a brake drum. The resistance due to coulomb friction tends to degrade the sensitivity of a servo, for a torque that overcomes it must be generated before any movement of the load takes place. To provide this torque the load error must reach some finite size, and any errors less than this will not be corrected. Figure 9 shows the effect of coulomb friction on the response to a step input. The load comes to rest somewhere within a band of error, known as ~ the dead space, the width of which depends on the amount of coulomb friction. For most modern servos the coulomb friction is very small, and its effect is often neglected. oN 7 Dead space Position 9 —. Time —— __......... Coulomb friction Fig. 9 RESPONSE WITH COULOMB FRICTION TO A STEP INPUT vj Viscous friction does not produce a dead space in the step input case since it has no value when the speed is zero. It does however produce a similar effect when the ramp input is considered. In the steady state the load is moving with constant speed; it is therefore being resisted by viscous friction. An error signal must be produced to overcome this therefore an error must exist. The response is illustrated in figure 10 and the error necessary to overcome the friction is known as velocity lag. peed as the input shaft but lags The output shaft rotates at the same is velocity lag behind it by some constant angle This positional ¢ Coulomb friction may be considered small compared with viscous friction during a ramp input, but, of course, it also contributes to this error. However, the greater part is due to viscous friction, and since this increases with speed the error is generally reckoned to vary directly with speed. Position 9 Time —~ = -Viscous friction Fig. 10 RESPONSE WITH VISCOUS FRICTION TO A RAMP INPUT Response of a RPC Servo to a Step Input (Negligible Coulomb Friction) Figure 11 shows a basic rpc servo system. Let us assume that the output shaft is driving a load, and that it has taken up a position which agrees with that demanded by the input shaft (8, = 6) ‘The error signal is therefore zero, and the servo is stationary in a steady state condition. tnt emand Detector Fig. 11 BASIC RPC SERVO + RESPONSE TIME, INPUT DEMAND 3 AND OUTPUT a 1 1 H ' f ' 1 ' 1 N ‘Sudden change in input cemand 0 Fig. 12 RESPONSE CURVE Now suppose that the input shaft is suddenly turned through a certain angle in order to bring the load into a new position, ie an input known as a'step input' is applied. The sequence of events is illustrated in figure 12 (a) The input demand 8, is suddenly change to a new value at point a. The output shaft cannot immediately follow this change in demand because of the inertia of the load. Therefore there is now a difference between 0,and 8, and an error signal is produced. (b) The error signal, after amplification, causes the motor to accelerate in an attempt to bring the output shaft to the new demanded position. Because of the inertia of the load this takes time; there is ther-fore a time lag which the output angle @, is changing in response to the change in demand (b in figure (b) above). (c) As the motor turns the load, the output angle 0, approaches the demand 6,. The error signal, which is proportional to (8, - @) therefore decreases but the driving force remains until ®,equals @, at point c; this is the required load position. {d) By the time @,has reached the demanded position, the load has acquired considerable momentum and consequently overshoots (point d) (e) The error signal now increases in the opposite direction ((®. greater than 6) and the motor applies a reverse torque which eventually stops the load and brings it back to the required position at point e. () Once again, however, the momentum of the load carries it past the required position and another overshoot occurs at f. ° ‘The load may thus oscillate about its final required position many times before it comes to rest; a servomechanism that does this is said to be ‘hunting’ IMPROVEMENT OF TRANSIENT RESPONSE For many applications the simple servo using its inherent friction for damping is perfectly adequate. This is usually the case for small position servos, but when large loads are involved the transient response is unsatisfactory. ‘Time and energy is wasted during this period, and bearing wear is increased. It is evidently desirable to reduce the number of oscillations, and also the response time. Two methods commonly employed are described, Viscous Damping This method is simply a controlled increase of the inherent viscous damping to achieve the required response. One device in use is the eddy current damper as shown in figure 13. \servomotor Oo Feedback Fig. 13 EDDY CURRENT DAMPER This simple device consists of a thin disc of metal with high electrical conductivity (usually aluminium), which is attached to the output shaft. It spins between the poles of electromagnets mounted round its periphery Eddy currents are induced of magnitude proportional to the field strength and to the disc velocity. These eddy currents set up magnetic fields that act against the inducing fields and forces opposing the disc rotation are created These forces are closely proportional to the disc velocity, and therefore provide parallels to the inherent viscous forces. Adjusting the current flow to the electromagnets can control them. Varying degrees of damping can be applied. The next diagram shows some of the stages, coulomb friction being ignored for simplicity. Using only inherent friction under damping is achieved. Too much extra viscous friction will produce a very sluggish response and the system is over damped. The degree of damping which just prevents any overshoot is known as critical damping. Slightly less damping than this, to allow one small overshoot, is optimum damping which gives the smallest settling time. Most designs are aimed at this condition, e Tome Fig. 14 DEGREES OF DAMPING - STEP INPUT The effect on the transients for a ramp input can be similarly adjusted to reduce optimum damping, A snag arises, however, for any increase in viscous friction also increases the velocity lag. ‘Thus to remove the transient oscillations completely a considerable velocity lag must be expected. Figure 15 illustrates the response for two degrees of damping for a ramp input. Velocity Feedback Damping This form of damping is similar to viscous friction damping in one respect; the compensation produced is proportional to the velocity, or rate of movement, of the output shaft. Velocity feedback damping has the advantage, however, that it consumes very little power Lucier DAMPING sen < Heavy DAMPING TNE Fig. 15 DEGREES OF DAMPING - RAMP INPUT In an rpc servo we are required to move the load from one position to another as quickly as possible without causing instability (ie hunting) or wasting power. We have already seen that a step input applied to a servo causes the servomotor to apply a torque, which accelerates the load. As the load gathers speed and approaches the desired position we require some arrangement that will ‘anticipate’ that the load is going to overshoot and so reverse the motor torque before the desired position is reached. If the arrangement is adjusted correctly the result is that the load comes to rest just as it reaches the required position; overshooting and hunting are therefore prevented. For a servomechanism, this arrangement is achieved by attaching a tacho-generator to the output shaft. A tacho-generator is a small ac or de generator that produces a voltage proportional to the angular velocity of the output shaft. ‘A suitable fraction of this voltage is fed back to the input of the amplifier in opposition to the error signal (negative feedback) to provide the necessary compensation; this is known as velocity feedback damping, because the voltage fed back is proportional to the velocity of the output shaft. ‘The aim with velocity feedback is to reduce the net input to the amplifier to zero and then to reverse it before the output shaft reaches its required position. If the amount of feedback is correctly adjusted - and this can be done fairly easily by means of a potentiometer - the forward momentum of the load, acting against the reversed torque, causes the load to come to rest just as it reaches the required position A. SERVO SCHEMATIC demanded position sept TO cemand °, une ° —— 18,0) output “hal % ——+> enor TH Sena! 180) | > feedback vol oe iy change in 6, B. RESPONSE CURVES Fig. 16 VELOCITY FEEDBACK DAMPING ‘The action is illustrated by the graph (figure 16) Initially, when the step input is applied, the output shaft does not move and the full amplified error is applied to the motor (no velocity feedback since the load is at rest). ‘The motor accelerates the load and as the input and output shafts come into alignment, the error fall: load is now moving rapidly, a large velocity feedback voltage is applied in opposition to the error voltage. t the same time, because the ‘The net input to the amplifier therefore drops rapidly and then increases in the opposite direction as the velocity feedback voltage becomes larger than the error signal. A decelerating torque is thus applied to the load before it reaches the demanded position. As the motor slows down, the velo feedback voltage falls; so also does the error signal because the output and input shafts are coming more into ~ When the required position is reached, the motor stops; velocity feedback is then zero and so also is the error signal, the input and output shafts being aligned. So transient response can be improved in two ways, by applying extra viscous friction or by velocity feedback. Both increase velocity lag in response to ramp inputs, but of the two, velocity feedback is preferred since power is not wasted. Just a re-cap on velocity lag on a servomechanism with a ramp input and velocity feedback damping. ‘The feedback voltage from the tacho-generator to the amplifier is in opposition to the error signal. Ina servo that is being driven at a constant speed there must always be an error signal to keep the load moving, however this error signal will have to be larger than required as it has to be greater than the velocity feedback voltage. Therefore, velocity lag is greater than required, ie greater positional error between input and output shafts. We shall now look at common methods to reduce velocity lag in step input and ramp input systems. Transient Velocity Feedback ‘This type of damping is often referred to as ‘acceleration feedback damping’ and is used in an angular velocity system to reduce velocity lag. As you can see inserteu between the tacho-generator and the amplifier p is a differentiating network. aerenuntr 5M. Servomotor iecaeaael Cn 7G Tacho-generator — Mechanical Drive Vevey — Ferabecs| 6, Postion Feedback eo Error Voltage E = (ee) Fig. 17 TRANSIENT VELOCITY FEEDBACK Ina speed control servo, the velocity feedback provides damping when transient speed changes occur, however when the speed is constant no damping is required, however the signal is still being fed to the amplifier and causing excessive velocity lag, The transient velocity feedback system is designed therefore to provide damping during changes in speed, but when the speed is constant, provide no damping and therefore reduce velocity lag to a minimum. When the speed of the output shaft is constant, the tacho-generator voltage is constant, after the initial charging current the voltage across R falls to zero, no output from the network, no damping to the system, velocity lag reduced When the speed changes, ie damping required, the capacitor charges or discharges through R to give an output to the amplifier to provide the necessary damping. The tacho-generator output is therefore differentiated by CR giving damping only when the load speed is changing. Phase Advance Damping Stabilisation of a servomechanism to obtain a good transient response in rpe system and a good steady state response in a velocity system, reducing velocity lag can also be achieved by inserting a suitable network in the input to the amplifier. Atypical arrangement using a correction network, known as a phase- advance network is shown in figure 18. mood spt demand roe sina oor sa Fig. 18 PHASE ADVANCE CORRECTION NETWORK In an rpe system when a step input is applied, there is a large error signal, the current through R and the charging current through C are in the same direction. The input to the amplifier is therefore Ir + Ic (modified error signal), this causes the servomotor to accelerate rapidly. As the error signal decreases, C commences to discharge through R, the total current therefore into the servo amplifier is then Ik = Ic. By suitable choices of C and R, ie controlling the time constant of the network, it can be arranged that the signal itself becomes zero, before the error signal is zero, providing a retarding torque before the load reaches the required position, overshooting is prevented and stability during the transient period improved. Velocity feedback damping is omitted, the network is doing the same job but is not introducing velocity lag. For a velocity control system (ramp input), the network provides damping on the initial switch ‘on’ and for any speed change as described for the step input system. However, at steady state the error is very small indeed and velocity lag is greatly reduced. So this system by removing velocity feedback damping has reduced velocity lag, the correction network providing the necessary damping. Other types of correct network are used, depending upon the response required. Some rpc servos require only a rapid response velocity lag being unimportant; in other rpc servos, velocity lag must be taken into consideration. In systems required to rotate at a constant angular velocity, velocity lag must be reduced to a minimum. Different combinations of C and R in the network may be used to produce the desired response Error Rate Damping ‘Another method used to reduce velocity lag in am angular velocity control system is error rate damping. One possible arrangement is shown in figure 19. One tacho-generator is mounted on the output shaft and produces a voltage proportional to the speed of the shalt. A second tacho- generator is mounted on the input shaft produces a voltage proportional to the input speed. There are therefore three input signals to the amplifier. The combined input is a voltage proportional to the error plus a voltage proportional to the input speed minus a voltage proportional to the output speed If you remember in a velocity feedback system in the steady state ie input and output shafts rotating at the same speed, the velocity lag was mainly caused by the signal from the output tacho-generator: ° Veloaty Velocity Feedforward Feedbeck ror Voage =) =e) SM geyonate Mechanical Drive Fig. 19 ERROR RATE DAMPING In this system the input tacho-generator is cancelling this signal in the steady state, so velocity lag is reduced to a minimum. The position error reducing any velocity lag that does exist. In principle, this arrangement seems fine but it is very difficult to get two tacho-generators to give exactly the same output, especially with time. However a simplification of this arrangement is possible. The two tacho-generators are producing voltage outputs proportional to input minus output speed, or proportional to the speed of the error signal. The velocity of this error is equal to rate of change of error with respect to time. This can be achieved by using a differentiator, ie differentiating the error with respect to time. Dillerenuator Fig. 20 ERROR RATE DAMPING WITH DIFFERENTIATOR ‘Therefore by combining the derivative of the error signal and combining it with the actual error, the net input to the amplifier is a voltage proportional to the error plus a voltage proportional to speed limput minus output). So therefore in the steady state the system has very low velocity lag. In the transient state the differentiator will provide the necessary damping signals. At start up rate of change of error signal is high and the input to the amplifier will be high to accelerate the load. As the input and output Shaft speeds come into line the output of the differentiator opposes the position error signal to provide a retarding torque before the load reaches the required speed. At steady state the differentiator output is zero, position error signal reduces velocity lag. Integral Control ‘The methods so far described reduce velocity lag, but have no effect on lag and dead space caused by inherent friction. A common method of dealing with these residual steady state errors is known as Integral Control. ‘SM = Servonotor D = Diflerentiator 1+ Integrator Fig. 21 INTEGRAL CONTROL ‘The differentiator D (figure 21) acts as previously described for error are damping, The integrator is connected as shown, ie integrating the error signal and feeding into the amplifier. An integrator is a device that takes on input signal and slowly builds up that input signal on its output When the servo system reaches its steady state with a small residual error, the integrator output will have built up to provide an additional signal to drive the load to the alignment position. Adjustment of the integrator output can be made to ensure that when the error signal is zero its output is just sufficient to counter inherent friction Summary Most servos in aircraft systems are damped by inherent friction, extra viscous friction or velocity feedback. However in some application, improved sensitivity and reduction of velocity lag are required. The diagram below shows a comparison of damping methods. iwwerewremicros || af os CONSDERABLE HUNTING . aps swe ae |S ep | ee PRACTICALLY ZERO Smenc oreo 2 vercir 70 Mana re | we [Sa Fig. 22 COMPARISON OF DAMPING METHODS SERVOMECHANISM COMPONENTS Servomechanisrs may be ac or de operated DC Servo Components ‘The positional feedback signal would be from a potentiometer in most cases. The error detector would be potentiometer circuits or electronic circuits producing an error signal proportional to the difference between input and output shaft rotations. The servo amplifiers must produce sufficient power to drive the servomotor; this power requirement will depend on the system. The power amplifiers used in conjunction with voltage amplifiers (to provide gain) will thus vary in power output. DC servomotors must be capable of being reversed and the torque developed must be proportional to the error signal input. As torque is proportional to the product of the armature current and the field current, the armature current is kept constant, and the torque can be controlled by varying the field current (error signal) 20 by ae So separate supplies are used, the armature current being fed from a constant current source and the field being fed from the servo amplifier. The diagram shows a de-operated servomotor. Attached to the motor is a servo amplifier, feedback is provided by a potentiometer, the wiper of which is driven by the motor. Fig. 23 DC OPERATED SERVOMOTOR ‘The de tacho-generator mounted on the output shaft of the servomechanism. It is small, separately excited dc generator. It will therefore produce a de voltage that is directly proportional to the speed at which it is driven and whose polarity depends upon the direction of rotation: AC Servo Components The positional feedback signal may be from potentiometers, synchros, LVDT's, RVDT's. The servo amplifier is a conventional transistorised amplifier with voltage and power amplifiers. AC servomotors capable of producing moderately high torque are usually induction motors. Induction motors run at a constant speed (related to the frequency of the ac supply), but their torque and their direction of rotation can be controlled fairly easily by the amplified error signal, without the use of complex circuitry. Two-phase and three-phase induction motors are in common use in ac servo systems; the two-phase type is more usual. The two-phase induction motor (figure 24) requires two ac supply voltages 90° out of phase with each other. One phase is fed to the control system and then through the servo amplifier to one stator winding of the motor; this supply is controlled by the error signal. The other phase, known as the ‘reference phase’, is fed directly to the other phase winding of the motor When the reference phase to one stator winding and the error- controlled phase to the other winding are both present, a rotating ay magnetic field is produced; the squirrel-cage rotor follows this field and so rotates. ‘The direction of rotation depends upon the sense of the error signal, ie on the direction of misalignment between input and output shafts of the servo. As the misalignment signal passes through the zero error signal position, the phase of the error-controlled voltage reverses and this reverses the direction of rotation of the motor. When the error is zero, the error-controlled phase voltage is zero also and no rotating magnetic field is produced; the motor thus stops. The torque developed by the motor depends upon the magnitude of the error signal; the greater the error, the larger is the torque. | nerenence hase SUPALY a 8 ERROR CONTROLLED PHASE SUPPLY Fig. 24 TWO-PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR ~ Hysteresis motors may also be used as ac servomotors. A typical arrangement is shown in figure 25. A two-phase supply is required, the reference phase voltage being applied to phase windings AAi, and the error-controlled voltage to BB;. At one instant, A will act as a N- pole and A, as a S-pole; B and B, will be neutral. The rotor - a cobalt steel ring - will therefore have a S-pole induced at X and a N-pole at Y. A quarter of a cycle later, B will act as a N-pole and By as a S-pole, A and A; will be neutral. However, the rotor, which is made of a large hysteresis loop material, will have retained its S-pole at X and its N-pole at Y. So point X on the rotor is attracted to he B stator winding and Y is attracted to B Since a torque is being exerted on the rotor it will turn to follow the rotating magnetic field and will continue to do so until the error signal falls to zero. The direction of rotation depends upon the phase of the error-controlled voltage relative to the reference voltage and this, in turn, depends upon the sense of the error. The torque developed depends upon the magnitude of the error. ERROR CONTROLLED FIG. 25 HYSTERESIS SERVOMOTOR Servomotor Construction ‘The diagram shows a two-phase induction motor, the two phase winding accommodated in slots in the stator. The rotor is of the squirrel cage construction generally with aluminium conductors. The stator and rotor slots are skewed, this prevents the reluctance of the rotor to move away from one of a number of positions where the slots in the rotor and stator are aligned and so ensures smooth torque output. ‘The ac tacho-generator is used to provide velocity feedback damping in ac servo systems, is mounted on the output shaft so that it rotates at the same speed as the load. ‘The ac tacho-generator is usually a drag-cup generator that produces an alternating voltage of the same frequency as the ac supply. However, the amplitude of the voltage depends upon the speed of rotation; and the phase of the voltage leads or lags the ac supply depending upon the direction of rotation. The drag-cup generator has a two-coil stator whose axes are at right angles, as in a two-phase induction motor. The rotor, however, is a copper or brass cup with a stationary iron cylinder fitted inside it to complete the magnetic path for the stator. CIRCLIP (to hold bearing) / uses 6 WA ROTOR SHAFT See sean / HOUSING _LEADS REAR CAP ROTOR CIRCLIP STATOR /, TERMINAL CAP STATOR WINDING e / TERMINAL MOULDING Of Ley oe BEARING kp L WASHER f FIG. 26 SERVOMOTOR CONSTRUCTION 2 & OUTER OUTPUT SHAFT DRAG INNER REFERENCE STATOR WINDING cuP STATOR WINDING Fig. 27 AC TACHOGENERATOR DETAILS / AC is applied to only one stator coil - the primary coil. As the output shaft drives the rotor, voltages are induced in it by interaction with the field produced by the current in the primary stator. At any instant, maximum voltage is induced in that part of the cup passing through the primary axis. Maximum circulating (eddy) currents are therefore in this axis, and these currents produce a secondary magnetic field that is at right angles to the axis of the primary field, ‘This secondary field alternates at the frequency of the supply current but its magnitude depends upon the amplitude of the circulating eddy currents induced in the rotor by the primary field; this, in turn, depends upon the speed or rotation ‘The secondary stator winding of the tacho-generator is at right angles to the primary axis and so has a voltage induced in it by the secondary field only. This is the output voltage whose amplitude is proportional to the speed of rotation and whose phase relative to the reference ac supply depends upon the direction of rotation. A typical ac tacho-generator provides a velocity feedback voltage of 0.5V per 1,000 rpm of the rotor. REFERENCE FU winoIne [PRIMARY] [| oureut DRAG CUP STATIONARY WINDING 7 (SECONDARY) R Lox ROTOR SPEED g Orer DRAG CUP ROTATING Fig. 28 DRAG CUP ROTATION SYNCHRONOUS TRANSMITTERS The Desynn System The Desynn is a de system of transmission that indicates continuous variation of shaft position. It is a relatively simple system, which because it produces a low torque, is useful only for remote indication of angular position; as such it is ideal where a simple pointer and scale indicator is adequate As in all electrical remote indication systems, the input shaft is connected to a transmitter element that is connected to the receiver unit by wires. The receiver unit drives the output shaft that operates the remote indicator. In the Desynn system (figure 29), the transmitter is a circular potentiometer which has three fixed tapings (a, b and c) spaced 120° apart, connected to the receiver unit. A rotating spring loaded mechanism (to take up backlash/) mounted on the input shaft carried two sliding contacts or wipers that are arranged exactly opposite one another. The wipers are fed, via slip rings and brushes, from the positive and negative terminals of a de supply. INDICATOR: MAGNETISED ROTOR TRANSMITTER INDICATOR TOROIDAL |" resistor | TRANSMITTER Fig. 29 THE DESYNN SYSTEM ‘The receiver has three coils (a, b and c) with axes 120° apart (connected in star). Within them is a permanent magnet rotor which is capable of rotation through 360° and which carries a pointer over a calibrated scale. The three air-cored coils in the receiver are connected to the tapping points a, b and c on the transmitter by the three lines shown in figure 29 weak circular magnet which plays no part in the normal operation of the indicator, will return the points to an "OFF SCALE" position if the power supply fails or is switched ‘OFF’ (See figure 31) When a de supply is connected to the transmitter wipers, the voltages at the tapping points a, b and c in the transmitter cause currents to flow through the three stator coils in the receiver, a resultant magnetic field is produced and the rotor magnet aligns itself with this field. For example, with the input shaft in the position shown at a in figure 32 point a is at 24V with respect to supply negative, while b and care both +8V. With a positive by the same amount to both b and ¢, current flows from a through coil ain the receiver; it then divides equally and half the total current goes through coil b and half through coil ¢ back to the transmitter, The magnetic fields fa, fy and fe associated with these currents and also the resultant magnetic field are shown by vectors and the rotor magnet aligns itself with this field. If the input shaft is rotated 120° clockwise, as at b in figure 32 the voltage distribution is such that the total current flows through coil b, it then divides equally through a and c and flows back to the transmitter. The vectors show that the resultant magnetic field has also rotated 120° clockwise from its initial position and the rotor magnet aligns along itself this new axis. ‘The magnitude and polarity of the voltage at each tapping point on the transmitter therefore vary according to the position of the wipers. ‘Thus, if the input shaft is rotated, the variation of voltage at a, b and c produces changes in the currents flowing in the stator coils, and a magnetic field rotating in sympathy with the input shaft is produced. ‘The rotor magnet remains aligned with this field at all times and so rotates in synchronism with the input shaft. A pointer, moving over a calibrated scale, is attached to the rotor so that a remote indication of the position of the input shaft is immediately available. A typical example of the use of the Desynn is remote indication of wing flap angle, the flap shaft acting as the ‘input’ shaft. TOROIDAL RESISTOR RESISTOR TAPPING WIPER ARM OPERATING LEVER CASE CRANK PIN ~ WIPER ARM CRANK ARM ORIVE SPINDLE SECTOR RETURN SPRING PINION )stavareorever FIG. 30 POSITION INDICATOR TRANSMITTER Tighe stagor oven es enopuste / PONTER: FIG. 31 INDICATOR - EXPLODED VIEW The Desynn is said to be self-synchronous because the output shaft i synchronism, with the input continuously moves in symp: Any change in the position of the input shaft results in an immediate and corresponding change in the position of the output shaft; this synchronous movement is inherent in the system, ie it is self synchronous. ‘The Desynn also gives a continuous indication of change of position through 360°. It is, however, only a low power device, the current being limited by the resistance of the transmitter potentiometer. The desynn is therefore only suitable for operating indicating pointers and similar light loads. © resivane field 120° choke Fig. 32. DESYNN SYSTEM - THEORY Figures 33 and 34 show a Desynn system used to indicate flap position on a small passenger carrying jet aircraft. Note the linkage between the flap and the transmitter and the available adjustments. Typical Desynn Faults The table below shows some of the possible faults and subsequent actions { SYMPTOM CAUSE | REMEDY | Pointer ‘OFF SCALB’ | Power supply failure/ | Check OFF appropriate Pointer displaced 180°. | Power supply reversed. Rotation correct reversed. | | Pointer rotation 2 connections crossed. | Pointer displaced 120° | 3 connections crossed. | or 240° clockwise. Rotation correct. Pointer displaced and | Open circuit or short | moves in 180° steps. | circuit. fuse, Switch ‘On’ Check transmitter for correct wiring. Check wiring connections between transmitter and indicator. Check wiring connections between transmitter and indicator. Carry out insulation resistance check and continuity checks. INDICATOR petan BB ~- ocane west vine voces teva eran. 8-6 eeenmen cra ACA ee secre Traouen st Fig. 34 TYPICAL TRANSMITTER SET-UP " } ingot MOVEMENT DECREASED LEVER LENGTH Fig. 35 PRINCIPLE OF LEVER LENGTH ADJUSTMENT 31 Maintenance Checks on Adjustment of Transmitter On the desynn system there will usually be two forms of adjustment, one adjusts lever length and the other lever angle. It may be useful now to discuss these two adjustments in a bit more detail. (Refer to figure 35) Lever length on the transmitter is the distance between the lever pivot point X and the connection to the link at Y; this arm is adjustable as shown in detail A-A figure 34. It should be noted that making the extension arm longer would increase lever length and decrease indicator pointer movement. Making the extension arm smaller will decrease lever length and increase indicator pointer movement. The basic adjustment then of this type of system is to set the flap to various positions and checking pointer indication and adjusting the lever length as required ensuring correct pointer indication at all flap positions It should be noted that adjusting lever length generally only counteracts a regularly increasing or decreasing error, eg for each 1 unit movement it only moves 0.8. In other systems, adjustment of lever angle may be possible. This is the angle between the adjustable link arm and the extension arm in figure 34. (Note. It cannot be adjusted on this system) N, as TF 1 ss con wove 2) Fig. 36 PRINCIPLE OF LEVER ANGLE ADJUSTMENT Unlike lever length adjustment, lever angle adjustment is not a constant value, ie for each adjustment the pointer deflection becomes progressively greater for each indication position. Therefore on systems with both types of adjustments, it will be necessary to adjust each in turn to obtain the desired pointer indications. SYNCHROS oO In many cases on modern aircraft it is necessary to transmit information from a remote point and transfer this data to control box or instrument. A typical data transmission system used to do this uses ‘synchros’. There are four basic types are: 1} Torque synchros 2) Control synchros 3) Differential synchros 4) Resolver synchros Torque Synchros The basic construction of this type of synchro is shown in figure 37 ‘The stator is star connected with the windings 120° apart, the rotor has a single winding which is fed with single-phase ac via slip rings. ROTOR ROTOR SHAFT srarorveaps COMERENOCAP SHELL ito stator wendings) ‘\ BEARING sup RINGS! f aoTor Leaos— ROTOR COLS BEARING LEADS TO SUP STATOR COILS UPPER END CAP RINGS Fig. 37 TYPICAL SYNCHRO DETAILS ‘The torque synchro circuit is shown in figure 38. It consists of a TORQUE (T) TRANSMITTER (X) and a TORQUE (T) RECEIVER (R) The TX and TR are similar but the TR has some form of damper mechanism to prevent oscillation. The TR can be used as a TX but e TX cannot be used as a TR as it has no damping. Note the circuit symbol in figure 39 8. R, Fig. 39 CIRCUIT SYMBOL Operation of Torque Synchro System In this system ac is fed to both synchro rotors, assuming the rotors are in identical position then the ac applied to the rotor is acting like the primary of a transformer and emt's will be induced into the stator windings. These emf's will depend on rotor position. If the rotors are in identical position then the emfs in the TX and TR stator windings are identical and no current flows between the two- synchro stators. This is known as the ‘NULL’ position. Ja) SYMMETRICAL CONNECTIONS . ROTORS MOVE THROUGH SAME ANGLE > ft) ROTOR CONNECTIONS REVERSED OUTPUT ROTOR LEADS BY 180" le) "CYUC SHIFT OF STATOR CONNECTIONS .OUTHUT ROTOR LEADS BY 240" Saal aS DIRECTION OF KOTATION _ Fig. 40 EFFECT OF VARIOUS INTERCONNECTIONS IN THE TORQUE SYNCHRO SYSTEM ‘The TX is usually mechanically coupled to an input shaft and the rotor of the TR is coupled to a pointer of an instrument. A typical application on older aircraft would be flap position indication The TX being in the flap transmitter near the flap and the TR being in the flap indicator on the flight deck. Ifthe flap is now moved (TX input shaft moves, say 20°) then the emf's in the TX stator will change due to change of rotor position. These emfs are no longer equal to the TR stator voltages, therefore current must flow between the two stators. This causes a resultant magnetic field in the TX and TR stator’s. The TX rotor cannot move as it is mechanically coupled to the flap. ‘The TR rotor is free to move and lines up with this resultant field {which is 20° from the NULL position). As the rotor lines up with this, field, the two rotors are again in the same position, the emf's induced in the stators are the same, no current flows and the flap position indicator now shows the new flap position. ‘The effect of interchanging the rotor and stator connections are shown in Figure 40, particularly notice that reversal of rotor connections (P) produces an output that is 180° out from the input rotation and changing over any two stator connections gives reversed direction of rotation of TR It should be noted that the output of the TR produces a very low torque, enough only to drive a light pointer mechanism. CONTROL SYNCHROS The control synchro system provides an error voltage signal in the receiving element. This error signal is an indication of the displacement of the two rotor windings relative to each other. The control synchro system comprises two synchros the control (C) transmitter (X) and the control (C) transformer (T). The control transmitter (CX) is similar in construction to the TX except the windings are of high impedance. ‘The control transformer (CT) also has windings of high impedance; the rotor winding is wound on a laminated cylindrical former and distributed in slots that are skewed to prevent lock-on’ effect. The control synchro can be used to indicate control surface position with the CT in the indicator, or used in a servo system to provide a signal to a control surface servomoter. Fig. 41 CONTROL SYNCHRO One of the two important things to note is that the ac supply is fed only to the CX rotor and the discriminator amplifier, and the other is that in the NULL (no error signal) position the rotors are at 90° to one another, In the null position the ac voltage applied to the CX rotor acts like the primary of a transformer and voltages are induced in the CX stator windings. These voltages will be different, and this difference in potential will drive a current through the CT stator windings. v Verteag LAA ovrrut VOLTAGE V Fig. 42 CONTROL SYNCHRO ~ APPLIED & OUTPUT VOLTAGE ae ‘These currents produce magnetic fields around each coil; the fields combine to form one resultant field. In this null position this resultant field cuts the CT rotor at 90° so no emf is induced into the CT rotor winding. If the CX rotor input shaft is moved the voltages in the CT rotor will change, due to change of rotor position. These new voltages will Change the currents flowing through the CT stator windings and therefore the position of the resultant magnetic field. Whatever angle the CX rotor had been turned, the resultant magnetic field across the CT will also have moved that amount. As this resultant field is no longer at 90° in the rotor but at an angle to it, then an emf is induced in the rotor winding. ‘This induced emf is fed to the discriminator amplifier where its phase relationship is compared with that of the supply to provide the correct error voltage and phase relationship to the two phase induction control phase and drive the motor in the correct sense. ‘The motor drives through a gearbox to the indicator (in this example) and also to the rotor of the CT. When the motor has driven the CT rotor until it is 90° to the new field, no voltage will be induced, motor stops, and indicator shows the moveent of the CX input shaft. The two-synchro rotors are once again in the NULL pesition ie 90° to one another. ‘Again in this system if two of the stator windings between the CX and CT are swapped then for a clockwise input to the CX rotor the output signal to indicator will be anti-clockwise, ie the indicator will show reverse indication. What would be the effect of swapping the rotor leads Ri and Rz on the a) CX rotor? b) CT rotor? DIFFERENTIAL SYNCHROS ‘These are used as an additional synchro (TDX or CDX) inserted between a TX and TR in a torque differential system and between a CX and CT in a control differential system. They give an output proportional to the sum or difference of two inputs. The torque differential transmitter (TDX) is similar in construction to the control differential transmitter (CDX). The rotors have three windings instead of the usual single winding, spaced 120° wound on a slotted core connected in the star ao configuration. One end of each winding is connected to a slip ring on the rotor shaft. ‘The stator windings are the normal star connected windings at 120° to one another. The next diagrams show the basic construction with electrical and schematic diagrams. The CDX has higher impedance windings than the TDX. COMMON CONNECTION Fig. 43 ROTOR DETAILS STATOR s1 3 Ri ROTOR 2 Fig. 44 STATOR/ROTOR COILS & SYMBOL TORQUE DIFFERENTAIL SYNCHO SYSTEM With reference to figure 45 note the input shaft 1 is attached to the TX rotor and input shaft 2 is connected to the rotor of the TDX. The TR rotor is connected to a pointer, giving the sum of difference between the input shaft angles 1 and 2. Power supply is connected to the TX and TR rotor. If input shaft 1 is rotated, say 15° clockwise and input shaft 2 is kept still, the voltage changes in TX stator windings to cause current to flow in the TDX stator 40 vguree | Fig. 45 TORQUE DIFFERENTIAL SYNCHRO SYSTEM ‘ This produces a field which cuts the TDX rotor and this induced emf drives currents through the TR stator windings, producing a field Which has moved 15° clockwise and the rotor, free to move, will line up with this field, indicating the movement of input shaft 1, So in this condition the TDX is acting as a transformer. ‘Assume input shaft 1 is kept still and input shaft 2 is rotated 15° clockwise. Moving the TDC rotor clockwise is equivalent to moving the field 15° anti-clockwise. The induced emf in rotor produces voltages that drive currents through the TR stator that causes the field produced to rotate 15° anti-clockwise and the TR rotor will line up with this, indicating the movement of input shaft 2. If now input shaft 1 in rotated 45° clockwise and input shaft 2 is rotated 15° clockwise then the output will be the difference between the two inputs ie 30° clockwise output of TR. a) Fig. 46 SYMMETRICAL CONNECTION If the stator windings between TX and TDX are crossed (S1-Ss, Ss-Si) and TDX to TR (R1-Ss, Rs-S:) are crossed then 45° clockwise rotation of the TX rotor and 15° clockwise rotation of the TDX rotor will give the sum of the two inputs. Ssecvocnwise IsecLockmrse conclocwise Fig. 47 TWO INPUT & OUTPUT LEADS INTERCHANGED Crossing over (Si-S3, Ss-S:) between TX and TDX produces an output that is the reverse of the sum of the two inputs, see next diagram. ne og Fig. 48 TWO INPUT LEADS INTERCHANGED Just crossing over (Ri-Ss, Rs-S:) between TDX and TR produces the reverse difference between the two inputs. ‘SScuocKmse, secLocemise, aor anricocxwise| Fig. 49 TWO OUTPUT LEADS INTERCHANGED CONTROL DIFFERENTIAL SYNCHRO SYSTEM ‘As can be seen this is very similar to the torque differential system with the CDX between the CX and CT. AC supply being fed to the CX only, the output being an error signal proportional to the sum or difference of the two shaft rotations. ‘The operation is similar to that of the torque synchro system. Ang ot field propanol © Fig. 50 CONTROL DIFFERENTIAL SYNCHRO SYSTEM Frequency and Supply Voltages ‘The supply frequency will be 400Hz and input voltages are 115 volts or 26 volts giving induced line voltages of 90 volts and 11.8v respectively and control transformer maximum outputs of 57.3v and 22.5v respectively ‘The following table gives a list of the possible faults and subsequent actions SYMPTOM No Movement of receiver CAUSE Power failure/OFF ml REMEDY Check appropriate | Fuse. Switch ‘ON’ cca Receiver displaced 180° from | transmitter Rotation correct | Reverse rotation of receiver | One pair of Rotor Connections reversed Connections | between stators reversed Check rotors for Correct Wiring Correct Wiring | Receiver displaced | 120° or 240° clockwise from transmitter. | Rotation correct | Receiver displaced | 0°, 60°, 120°, 180°, | 240°, 300° and | moves in 180° steps 3 Connections between stators crossed Short circuit between 2 stator lines Check stators for Correct Wiring | Carry out insulation resistance check between stator lines Receiver oscillates, between 2 points approximately 75° | apart RESOLVER SYNCHROS Open circuit on one stator line Carry out continuity check | on stator lines Check stators for | ES An alternating voltage can be represented by a phasor length r and the angle it makes with the x-axis. This is called the POLAR co-ordinates Lo. Fig. 51 PHASOR ea) We can split this phasor into its wo component parts as shown in 2 figure Yo) x Fig. 52 COMPONENTS OF PHASOR Where x = r cos © and y =r sin © ‘These are called the CARTESIAN co-ordinates of the phasor. A resolver synchro can convert from polar to Cartesian ie feed in an ac voltage and rotate the shaft/a_and it will give two outputs r sin © and reos 6. It can also convert Cartesian to polar ie feed in a sine and cosine voltage and it resolves them into a voltage and shaft rotation. ‘The resolver synchro as shown in next diagram, has two windings on the stator at 90° to one another and two windings on the rotor at 90° to one another. We shall now look at the resolver synchro operation in both modes. Fig. 53 RESOLVER SYNCHRO - TWO STATOR & TWO ROTOR WINDINGS Polar to Cartesian In this mode the rotor winding RsRs is shorted and we feed our alternating voltage r onto RiRz. With the system stationary, S:S2 winding is directly opposite so maximum voltage is induced into it, while stator winding S38 is at right angles to this supply and no voltage is induced If the rotor is now moved angle 6 then the voltage in S:S2 will fall and that in SsS- will begin to rise and at 90° rotation the emf induced into a $i$> will be zero and that induced into S2S¢ will be maximum. If this rotation continued than a $)S2 = r cos 6 (cosine waveform) and $28. = r sin 6 (sine waveform) will be formed. Es ux 3 sesuprty RB PH kcose fe @ 1 wm Rene me] es & oO Fig. 54 INPUT SIGNAL a sis | \ Sf S38 / \ 7 R cos ® from $1 $2 R sin ® from S3 S4 Fig. 55 COS & SIN OUTPUT SIGNALS So by rotating the rotor an angle © we have split the input voltage into its two Cartesian components. Cartesian to Polar Note here the cosine voltage (r cos 6) is applied to the stator winding $152 while the sine voltage (r sin 6) is applied to the stator winding Sas. These two voltages produce fields in the stator that combine to form one field that cuts the rotor windings RiRz and RsRs. The emf induced into RiR2 is fed to an amplifier. ‘The amplifier output is fed to a servomotor that is mechanically coupled to a load and the rotor of the synchro. So the rotor and load ¢ turned, when the rotor winding R:R2 is at 90° to the stator field nere is no emf induced into R;R2 and the servomotor stops. cos = 8 sh ist tee fe, Veersind Ais Ve} Fig. 56 CARTESIAN TO POLAR SYSTEM The rotor winding RRs at this time is aligned with the stator field and the voltage induced will be the resultant of the input voltages Vxand Wy. Vy A, ¢—— voltage induced into RRs Ve Vee (Vere Fig. 57 PHASOR DIAGRAM ‘The voltage output and the angle the rotor has turned through represents the polar co-ordinates. The resolver synchros are used in aircraft instruments and navigation systems. SLAB SYNCHROS ‘These are synchros consisting of wound stators and rotors; typical uses are in gyroscopic instruments where the rotor is connected to one component and the stator on another. For example to measure roll movement in a vertical gyroscope, where the stator is mounted on the case and the rotor on the outer gimbal, so any roll movement moves case relative to outer gimbal. STATOR Fig. 58 TYPICAL SLAB SYNCHRO THE SYNCHROTEL This can be used as a low torque control transformer or transmitter The next diagram shows the quite unusual construction. The stationary rotor coil fits into the highly permeable case over the central core. The conventional three-phase stator also fits over the core. The rotor is an aluminium hollow cylinder with an oblique section that rotates in the air gap between the stator and the coil. The rotor shaft is supported in jewelled bearings. STATIONARY HIGH PERMEABILITY 32 STATOR ROTORCOIL CASE ALUMINIUM \ : ROTOR ROTOR 3@ SIGNAL SIGNALLINES CORE LINES. TO AMPLIFIER Fig. 59 SYNCHROTEL - EXPLODED VIEW Because of the low torque required to operate the synchrotel they are ideal for connection to capsule operated devices eg Pitot-static capsules. When used as a control transformer it will be connected to a control transmitter as shown in figure 61 STATIONARY ALUMINIUM SA ROTOR pat FIXED CYLINDRICAL CORE 3.0 STATOR WINDINGS, Fig. 60 SYNCHROTEL CUT-AWAY SYNCHRO TRANSMITTER (ee ‘SYNCHROTEL CAPSULE o si, L___| 2OMOTOK | [MECHANICAL jsgo> commen 3 OQ) fom Fig. 61 SYNCHROTEL PRINCIPLE The transmitter (CX) is typically fed with a 26v 400Hz supply, the induced voltages in its stator are connected to the synchrotel stator and the current flow through the windings produces a magnetic field that cuts the rotor. The rotor position having been determined by the capsule movement As the rotor is around the core then a component of the flux cutting the rotor will flow along the core and cut the rotor winding. The output from this winding is fed to the servo-amplifier where it feeds the control winding of a 2-phase servomotor that drives the indicator and also the CX rotor.

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