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UDL Lesson Plan

Lesson Description: In this lesson students will be able to identify facts and opinions,
they will use visual and video prompts to support their skills. They will extend upon their
identification skills by creating their own facts and opinions about a topic familiar to
them, which are animals. They will use the online components to help motivate and
enlighten their writing.

Title: Fact and Opinion Detectives

Subject: ELA
Grade level: 1st
Time Frame: 45 minutes

NYS Common Core Learning Standards:
Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or name the book they are
writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide some
sense of closure.

Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of
information in a text.

Lesson Objective(s):
1. Students will be able to use the appropriate vocabulary when identifying facts and
2. Students will be able to create facts and opinions of a given picture of an object.
3. Students will be able to participate in group activities while working on identifying
whether a statement or picture is a fact or an opinion.

Lesson Assessment:
1. Formal: TedEd
2. Informal: Fact/Opinion Sorting Game
3. Informal: Online Exit Slip
Lesson Description of the Day:
1. Discover the differences between facts and opinions. Students will work in groups
to be able to identify facts and opinions. Students will be able to sort each phrase
into the proper fact or opinion boxes.

Goals (tied to the lesson objective):

Broad Goals for All Students: Students will explain the difference between fact and
opinion by using the appropriate defining features/vocabulary. Students will differentiate
given fact statements from opinion statements on monkeys.
Goal Extensions for Advanced Learning: A few students who need advanced learning
will be able to use the facts and opinions they sorted to create a summary paragraph
giving their own opinion on monkeys.
Adapted Goals for Students Needing More Challenge: Some students needing more of
a challenge will create 2 fact statements and 2 opinion statements based on the monkey
facts and opinions previously sorted.
Adapted Goals for Students Needing More Support: Some students needing more
support will be provided with visuals and defining descriptive words that guide them into
deciding if the statement is a fact or opinion about monkeys.
Modified Goals for Students Needing Greater Support: (Learning Disabilities) A few
students for greater support will sort 2 statements with visual and defining descriptive
words into sorting boxes with examples already inside to refer back to that help students
to gain understanding of facts and opinions.

Anticipatory Set: We I will begin today’s lesson by activating prior knowledge and have
students say what they think about the school. The teacher asks the students “Do you like
the school? What do they not like? The teacher will then explain that is an opinion! The
teacher would then ask what are some things they know are true about the school. Who is
our mascot? What is our name? These are facts!
a. UDL connections/Multiple Means of representation and engagement occur
during this discussion because the students think critically about a
question helps students connect their prior knowledge and ideas to content
students may be familiar with.

Introduction (Introduce and Model Knowledge):

2. The teacher will begin the lesson by having the students sit at the rug and
grabbing student’s attention, by asking if they want to be detectives

Teacher: Does 1st grade what to be fact and opinion detectives today?
Teacher: Can anyone tell me what a fact is?
Teacher: Can anyone tell me what an opinion is?

3. The teacher will give the students mini magnify glasses. She will have some facts
printed and placed around textbook and opinions placed on desks and at the rug.
The students will then be “Detectives” and find the facts and opinions.
To prompt students while they are looking around the teacher will provide some phrases
and hints.

Teacher: We know facts are true. Where do we find things that are true?
Teacher: We know opinions are how we feel? Where do we talk about how we feel?

4. Next, the teacher will explain to the students that today they are going to be
detectives that can chose if something is fact or opinion.
Provide Guided Practice:
1. Next, the teacher will play the video on the TedEd website. The teacher will
pause the video after the fact section is complete. She will ask the students to look
around the room and point out where the facts were placed. The students will
read out two facts they found in the room.
2. The teacher will then continue the video, and stop again after the opinion section
is complete. She will ask the students to point out where the opinions are and
read 2 opinions out-loud.

a. UDL connections/Multiple Means of representation and engagement occur

at this part of the lesson, especially for students who are visual/auditory
learners. The video is a technological device being used to engage students
in discussion based on the given topic and relate it back to references
around the room.

3. The teacher will then have a brief discussion of each key part of facts or opinions.

Teacher: Facts are a statement that is true. You can find a fact in a textbook. It is
something that can be proven.
Teacher: A fact about me is that I have black hair; this is a fact because I can
prove I have black hair by showing it to you.

Teacher: Opinions are a personal feeling or belief. You can find opinions in a
diary. It is what a person thinks.
Teacher: An opinion about me is that I think my hair is pretty. I cannot prove that
because it is what I think in my head. *signals to head*

Teacher will highlight signal words thought-out the examples and explanation.

4. The students will see a chart paper with 5 pictures of objects in the middle. As a
class the students created one fact and one opinion for each picture. For example:
A picture of Olaf is in the middle, the left side said I think Olaf is so sweet! On the
right side, it says Olaf is made of snow. The teacher will highlight signal words
like think or feel.

UDL extensions/Multiple means of UDL: Visual-Spatial learners will benefit

from this activity because of the use of the smartboard to display videos and
examples of facts and opinions. Kinesthetic learners will benefit because they
will be able to carry out the activity by physically looking for facts and
opinions around the room. Multiple means of UDL is through
representation, engagement, action and expression because students students
verbalize their understanding of fact and opinion, they see visualize examples
on the smartboard using TedED, they physically look for facts and opinions
around the room.
Provide Independent Practice:
1. Next, the teacher will explain to students that they will work in groups help sort
opinions or facts. The students will be placed in 4 groups with 4 kids in each.
Groups will be based off of ability.
2. Two groups will be given a bunch of cards with phrases. Students will work
together to place the cards in the correct fact or opinion box. The groups will
create their own fact and opinions and place it in the box. Each table will have 1
laptop for students to look over the glogster website as reference if confused.

Teacher: Reads the directions: You will be given cards at your tables. Each card can be
a fact or an opinion. While at your table you have to work together to identify if the card
is a fact or an opinion and then put it in the right box.

Teacher: For example: The monkey has brown fur. This is a fact so I place it in the fact
box. *Visually shows student to place the card in the fact box*

Teacher: If you are confused raise your hand to ask a question.

Teacher: You can also watch the video on Glogster and look at the chart paper for help!

a. UDL connections/Multiple Means of engagement and expression are used

here as students are cooperatively learning, using multiple resources that
appeal to visual, verbal intrapersonal, and interpersonal.

3. While the other group will each be given the laptops that will be already signed
on to TedEd website. They will navigate on the website and independently
complete each part.

Teacher: Read the directions: This group will work on the website alone! You will
watch the video with your headphones and then answer the questions.

Teacher: If you have any questions raise your quiet hand but remember when we
are at the computers we are quiet and focused. *Models Quiet Hand*

4. As they work on the activity the teacher will monitor the website on her end to see
which student needs more practice. Students needing more practice will be able to
use the PBS kids Arthur Fact and Opinion Game.
5. Students will be given 15 minutes to complete and then switch, which allows both
groups a chance to work with both manipulatives.
6. The teacher will remind the students to stay on task and provide a sticker to each
team as she monitors. This reinforces good behavior and keeps the students on
7. The teacher will remind the student to watch the video, and look at the chart paper
to help if they are confused on fact and opinion.
UDL extensions/ Multiple means of UDL: Visual-spatial learners benefit
from the activity because they observe their group members sort the phrases.
Interpersonal learners benefit because they interact with their group
members and bodily-kinesthetic learners benefit because they work with
manipulatives by sorting the cards. Visual learns also benefit from using the
computer and chart paper as examples to refer back to. Multiple means of
engagement as well as action and expression are included because students
are engaging in multiple activities. They are independently navigating on the
website to support their understanding of the topic. They are interested
performing a hands on activity with manipulatives improving sustained
effort and interest. They are even communicating with group members and
working as a team.

Wrap up/Closure:
1. The teacher will ask the students to go back to their seats. The students will then
come together as a whole to create a padlet. Students will verbally explain what
they learned today as the teacher types it into the padlet that is projected on the
smart board for the students to see.

Teacher: Gives directions: I am going to ask each group what they learned today
about fact and opinion and then write what they say on the smartboard.
Teacher: What did we learn today about fact and opinion?
Students: In their own words will explain what they know now about fact and

UDL extensions/Multiple means of UDL: Visual-spatial learners benefit from this

activity because they will be reviewing the work on the smartboard. Auditory
learners benefit because students are explaining what they learned in simpler terms.
Multiple means of action, expression and engagement is part of the closing of the
lesson because students can self correct and better understand the material after
hearing from their peers. Students use the smartboard to increate their
understanding of the material by it being displayed on padlet.

Instructional Strategies:

• Verbal Prompting: This auditory cue is used throughout the lesson to activate
background knowledge on fact and opinion. This cue can also be used for
behavior management for any student who becomes frustrated with the work. The
teacher can respond to the student “I am proud of you for just trying! Lets try our
best! I am always here to help you! Raise your hand if you need me.”

• Reward System: This motivational strategy helps to prompt students to do the

right thing. As students work on task they get a sticker. After a certain amount of
stickers the students get a prize. They only way to get a sticker is by doing the
right thing which increases the chances of a productive classroom.

• Visual Cueing: This took conveys a message to students by using gestures, body
movements, eye contact, or nonverbal communication. When students call out,
the teacher uses the signal of putting a quiet hand up to model how to ask for help.
This helps students visually see what is expected of them in the classroom.
Students can also use visual cues to communicate with the teacher, a hand up
shows the teacher he or she needs help. They can do thumbs up or down if they
understand the material.

• Highlighting: Highlighting or underlining a text could include highlighting key

words/phrases or key points that the students should know, The teacher highlights
key words within the statements to identify if it is a fact or opinion. This shows
students what they should look for in their own work.

• Learning in Groups: Students are able to work together on the task. This allows
for students to learn from each other. Sometimes it is easier for students to learn
from another because students use similar vocabulary. Students are able to learn
how to work as a team.

• Scaffolded Instruction: Students are receiving challenging material but are able
to complete when provided with the material to help support them. Some
examples are for the students who struggle reading. They are provided with cards
that not only have statements but also visuals to help them read the statement. The
students are also placed in collaborative groups with videos to help assist any
confusion or difficulties.
Assessment (tie to different goals)
Goal Instructional Activity Assessment: Minimum
1. Broad Goals for All Students will be able to
Students: Students identify and sort different Students must be able to
will explain the phrases into a fact or opinion sort 6 phrases about
difference between box. monkeys into the correct
fact and opinion by fact or opinion box.
using the appropriate
Students will
differentiate given
fact statements from
opinion statements on
2. Goal Extensions for Students will be able to Students must have at least
Advanced Learning: create a short summary 4 sentences giving an
A few students who need giving their opinion of accurate opinion of
advanced learning will be monkeys using the fact and monkeys using at least 2
able to use the facts and opinions they sorted to help different signal words.
opinions they sorted to create prompt their writing. They can use TedEd and
a summary paragraph giving Glogster as a reference.
their own opinion on
3. Adapted Goals for Students will be able create Students must have 1 fact
Students Needing More their own fact and 2 opinion and 2 opinions about
Challenge: Some statements on monkeys. They monkeys. They will use
students needing more of will use previous statements signal words like “I think,
a challenge will create 1 as examples. or I feel”. They will use
fact statement and 2 glogster as a reference.
opinion statements based
on the monkey facts and
opinions previously
4. Adapted Goals for Students will be given visual Students must correctly
Students Needing More phrases to help guide them sort 4 fact and opinion
Support: Some students into deciding if it is a fact or phrases into the correct
needing more support opinion. The pictures will box. Students can
will be provided with help students better collaborate together to
visuals and defining understand the phrases and brainstorm and figure out
descriptive words that prompt them to correctly the phrases and use the
guide them into deciding sort the phrases. visuals as a prompt.
if the statement is a fact
or opinion about
5 . Modified Goals for Students will sort at least two Students will be able to
Students Needing fact and opinion statements correctly sort at least 2
Greater Support: into sorting boxing. The facts and opinion
(Learning Disabilities) A boxes will have examples statements. Students with
few students for greater inside to refer back to and learning disabilities might
support will sort 2 help guide the students. experience potential
statements with visual barriers while working with
and defining descriptive fact and opinions the
words into sorting boxes visuals will help provide
with examples already guidance. The pbskids and
inside to refer back to glogster will provide
that help students to gain speech to text and
understanding of facts animations that allows
and opinions. students to get greater
support and bring more
exploration of the skill.

Ø Chart Paper
Ø Author Fact or Opinion Game
Ø Fact or Opinion Detectives
Ø Smart Board
Ø Fact Or Opinion Online Exit Slip
Ø Fact/Opinion Phrases/Picture Phrases
Ø Stickers
Ø Fact or Opinion Box
Ø Markers, crayons, pencils
Ø Textbooks
Ø Storybooks
Ø Fact or Opinion Glogster

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