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The Simpson’s Video Worksheet

Please follow along with the movie and answer these questions as they present themselves.

1.) What were the working conditions like during Mr. Burns flashback of the industrial era?


2.) Why shouldn’t Mr. Burns treat the working man badly?


3.) What did Homer’s Union win during the strike of 1988?


4.) From your Union notes----What could the keg of beer be considered? A. Pinkerton or B. scab

5.) In your opinion, is Homer Simpson a good Negotiator? Yes No

6.) Why is Mr. Burns being so nice to Homer Simpson?


7.) When the strikers are all walking around in front of the power plant, what are they doing?

A. Scabbing B. Informational picketing C. having a lockout

8.) From your notes on Unions, what roll are the robots playing in Mr. Burns Factory?

A. Scabs B. Pinkertons C. Picketers

9.) In your own words, what does Lisa Simpson’s song mean?

“They have the Plant, but we have the Power” Please explain your answer.






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