Bulletin Supplement January 7 2018

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2018 Offering Envelopes

Now Available for Pick-up

Offering envelopes for 2018 are now available for pickup in the Narthex.
Offering envelopes assist the tellers to more accurately count and credit
the weekly offering. Each box of offering envelopes is clearly labeled
with a giving number and the giver's name is printed on a label on the
outside. Your giving number in 2018 is the same as your giving number January 7, 2018
in 2017. If you do not see your name, someone will be able to assist you
15 minutes before and 15 minutes after each service. If you have not
used offering envelopes in the past you are encouraged to give them a
try. Thank you for your financial support of the life and ministry of
Aldersgate Church!
Welcome to Aldersgate Church!
We’re glad you’ve found our church! We hope you’ll find us to be an
Human Relations Day encouraging, friendly group of people. While we don’t make any claims
is Sunday, January 14th to be perfect, at our church we come together to help make the kingdom
Turn on the news or drive around the outskirts of your town and you of God a reality on earth by loving God and loving our neighbor
will find what Jesus called “the least of these.” Those living in the
margins of society, struggling to survive. People like an immigrant
teenager in Texas’ poorest county, being recruited by a local gang, a
father struggling for sobriety in Little Rock, Arkansas, an Oklahoma
For Our Youngest Friends and Their Parents
woman recently released from incarceration looking for work. Over and A professionally staffed nursery is available for children birth through
over Jesus served people like this, embracing them. And that’s what we age three during all services and Sunday School on the lower level. An
want to model as the people of The United Methodist Church. To usher will be happy to direct you. Additionally, a Parent Room is
continue the ministry of Jesus, Human Relations Day was established as available in the Parlor adjacent to the Sanctuary, for viewing and
a Special Sunday that calls all United Methodist churches to participate hearing all services. Please ask an usher to show you the way. All
in helping all restrooms are equipped with changing tables.
God’s children
to realize their
potential. Your
donation Pastor Rob Vacation Schedule and Pastoral Care
support this life- My family and I will be on vacation from Monday, January 1st through
giving work! Saturday, January 13th. For urgent congregational care needs through
January 13th, please call Mrs. Pat Daniel at (434) 975-1363. She can help
to make the necessary arrangements. Thank you.
Join the Fellowship and Study of God's Word! Confirmation Classes will begin in 2018
New Class Begins January 16th! Make a reservation for the January 14th information luncheon
Paul's First Letters: A Study of Galatians and First Thessalonians (Reservations due by January 9th)
A NEW four-week Bible study begins on Tuesday, January 16th! Make a On January 14, 2018 at 12:15 PM, youth and there parents are invited to
New Year's Resolution to read God's Word and join the class. Our study attend an information luncheon regarding the confirmation program at
will cover what most scholars believe are not only the first writings of Aldersgate Church.
Paul but also the first writings of the New Testament. Pastor Rob
Robertson will facilitate the class. Confirmation at Aldersgate Church is a series of classes that help youth
We will meet from 10:00 to approximately 11:15am in the Choir Room, currently in the sixth grade or higher explore their faith and discern
BUT we are seeking to see who would be interested in a evening study. whether they are ready to make a profession of faith in Jesus Christ!
Use the Sunday Communication Card in your bulletin if you are During confirmation classes, confirmands learn about the meaning of
interested. Everyone is invited to attend whether this is your first study Christian faith, the history and teaching of the United Methodist Church,
or you have been part of numerous bible an explanation of the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion, and
studies! the membership vows of the church.
Four-Week Lesson Plan Please join us for this time of fellowship with your youth and others for
January 16th: Galatians 1:1-3:25 this informational meeting. Please contact Amy O’Brien at the church
January 23rd: Galatians 3:26-6:18 office (434.973.5806) no later than January 9 to reserve a seat.
January 30th:1 Thessalonians 1:1-3:13
February 6th: 1 Thessalonians 4:1-5:28
Summer 2018 Youth Group
Summer will be here before we know it so mark your calendars!
2018 YOUTH GROUP NEWS! On June 3rd at 5:00 PM, all Middle and High School youth who will be
Winter and Spring 2018 Youth Group Schedules are be available for pick participating in any of the Weekly Summer 2018 Youth Group Ministry
up in the Youth Room or the Narthex. activities will need to plan to attend this Mandatory Meeting and Dinner
Save the Dates for the Following in 2018: for parents and youth.
• Tubing at Wintergreen, January 21 ($20.00/person)
rd th th
• District Weekend Retreat, February 23 , 24 , 25
• Lock-In 2018, March 10 and 11
Check out the photos in the Reed Room!
We have enjoyed spending time with our family and friends during this
2018 Youth Group resumes TONIGHT! Advent season! There are photos from our Saturday Morning Pancakes
High School: 5:00 – 6:15 PM and Pajamas, Hanging of the Greens, Our Traditional Advent Brunch,
Dinner: 6:15 — 6:45 PM and Caroling at The Laurels.
Middle School: 6:45 — 8:00 PM
Church Magazine Deadline
Youth Ministry Contact information Articles for the Winter edition are due NO later than 9am, January 17th
Carolyn Robertson, Interim Children and Youth Ministry Coordinator so it can be distributed on January 28th. Email AmyOBrien@cvaumc.org

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